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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7185481 No.7185481 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: your irrational hatred of people pronouncing the names of specific foodstuffs inaccurately

>people calling fried rice 'fly ly' which, whilst being racist, isn't even an accurate Chinese speaker pronunciation because they pronounce it 'fri rye', if anything .

>> No.7185489

War-chester-shire sauce

>> No.7185601


>> No.7185611

Mar-ska-pone. I hate each and every person that does this.

>> No.7185622
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Nothing bothers me more than over-emphasis of foreign, ethnic, etc. ingredients.

>> No.7185632

She can over-emphasize my foreign and ethnic cock into her mouth.

>> No.7185633

Don't care, still want to fuck her mouth.

>> No.7185640

When people call me an, "autist".
That's not even a word. Get it right, i'm autistic not an, "autist"

>> No.7185681

>Oh it's soooooo authentic *proceeds to eat boiled pig dicks*
>Pffffft, you think they actually eat the breasts from chickens in Thailand? I'll have it on good authority that they only eat cartelidge, marrow, blood, feet, and organs. If your Tom Kha Gai has sliced chicken in it, it's inauthentic SHIT and you are SHIT for not liking the garbage parts of an animal, you PLEB

>> No.7185699

>the guy that feels the need to be the authority on what is/isn't "authentic"

Who gives a fuck if it's authentic? Eat it if it's good, not if it satisfies whatever "Eat Pray Love" fantasy you have.

>Pffffft, you actually think they eat burritos in Mexico?
>Pffffft, you actually think they eat pasta in Italy?
>Pffffft, you actually think they eat sushi in Japan?
>Pffffft, you actually think they eat fish and chips in England?
>Pffffft, you actually think they eat poutine in Canada?
>Pffffft, you actually think they eat Somalian cum in Sweden?

>> No.7185749

Whats with the modern trend of changing english pronunciations to be in line with that of native languages?

Not specifically with food, just in general

>> No.7185759

It isn't a food, but I hate it when people don't pronounce "Padilla" correctly.

>> No.7185764


>> No.7185769

I was at teppanyaki and the Asia chef asked me if I wanted fly ly and I said yes and he threw a whole bowl of rice at me, without the bowl. He said "Haha, FLY ry!" and everyone laughed at me.

It ruined my shirt and hurt my feelings.

>> No.7185773


Well even then, "autistic" is insulting. It should be "a person with autism."

>> No.7185774

I hate it when people pronounce spotted dick incorrectly.

>> No.7185784

wait, how did rice ruin your shirt?

>> No.7185940

Sweden BTFO

>> No.7185956
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>I love fresh MOTT-ADELL'
>RIGOT' is pretty good too
>put some sundried tomatoes on your BROSKETT'

>> No.7185960

>Chi pol tee

Calm down and have some gabagool

>> No.7185965

>Chi pol tee
I always see people complaining about this, but I have never actually heard someone say it like that, and I live in white person land

>> No.7185972


>> No.7185978
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>mfw my sister pronounces Merlot like it's spelt
>mfw my sister doesn't catch my hint when I pronounce it differently

>> No.7185982
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"I love drinking expresso"

>> No.7185986

Someone on NPR the other day said "Chi pol tee" at least 5 times exactly like that.

>> No.7185989

We need to stop with this pronouncing words as though we speak french. If the word has entered common english usage, use fucking english pronunciation

>> No.7185992

no one says that

>> No.7186000

Modern English borrows a lot from French because colonists made an attempt to dissociate themselves from Britain.

>> No.7186001

americans who call a serving of fries from a fast food establishment, "a fry"

>> No.7186006

How do you want your crepe?

>> No.7186010


I do that sometimes but only because "order of fries" means I have to say more.

>> No.7186014

>justifying not doing any research on the shit you're eating
>implying wine names aren't listed with French pronunciation in the dictionary

>> No.7186075


Uh.. No. Modern English borrows from French because of the fucking Norman occupation following the invasion in 1066. They kicked England's ass and installed French as the language of the court/aristocracy, eventually transforming Anglo-Saxon into Middle English, which then eventually become modern English. That's why you can read Canterbury Tales untranslated but you can't read Beowulf untranslated.

>> No.7186081

Is this picture supposed to fill me with terror

>> No.7186086

Fried rice is fried in oil

>> No.7186101

It fills me with terror anyway, what the fuck is with that mouth. It is hideous.

>> No.7186119

Okay but how do you say "pierogie", /ck/?

>> No.7186128

Star Anise

"An-ee-ce" as in "My sister gave birth to my -niece-"
"An-is" as in "-is- this the correct way to say Anise?"

This is driving me mad, someone tell me the correct way to say this.

>> No.7186133

eat a fucking dick

>> No.7186134


>> No.7186135

is the correct pronunciation.

>> No.7186152


How about when?

>war-chester-shy-er sauce

>> No.7186157


>> No.7186162

>"a person with autism."
*sigh* The term you are looking for is Misunderstood Genius!

>> No.7186169

white people pronouncing turmeric tumeric

>> No.7186170

>misunderstood genius

Actually the term is Everybody posting on /ck/ on a Saturday night.

>> No.7186174

Infinite keks

>> No.7186181
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>> No.7186302

You don't know enough low class people

>> No.7186545

Yes! Moo-zarrell', with rolled r's and shit. Jesus cries

>> No.7186549

>fly ly
who the fuck says this?

>> No.7186550

I'd say a-niece.

>> No.7186551

It irritates me when people pronounce "vegan" as "a fussy piece of shit."

>> No.7186554

Yeah! Only Indians are allowed to pronounce it that way.

>> No.7186557

nobody, not once in the history of the universe

>> No.7186563

I've seen lots of people do it. They put on a phony Chinese accent and think they're funny saying stupid shit like that. "You li fly ly? You li?"

I once sat with a guy who was doing it in a restaurant. I'm certain they would have been spitting in our food back in the kitchen.

>> No.7186659


>> No.7186664

Nigger, I'm Chinese American and call it flied lice all the time. People need to grow a thicker skin, chinks call white people gwailo which literally means ghost face.

>> No.7186670

You mean 'erbs?

>> No.7186671

Cockmongler had kids? Weird.

>> No.7186673

>chinks call white people gwailo which literally means ghost face

Good for them. How do chinese who speak English as a secondary language actually pronounce 'fried rice', though?

>> No.7186680

She's an italiana fertile lady with child-bearing hips and a rich producer dad - why wouldn't she have had kids?

>> No.7186682

Son, I don't know what you're on about, but cockmongler is not that woman

>> No.7186687

ok. That doesn't mean phony accents are funny. They aren't. It's a boring attempt at humour for people who lack wit.

>> No.7186689

Stop using /b/ memes. You're a grown adult.

>> No.7186694

Maybe outwardly. Not mentally. I wouldn't be here at all if I were.

>> No.7186746

It's funny because we literally call African Americans haakgwai which means "black ghosts"

>> No.7186766

lol, that's kinda funny.
We call them niggers where I'm from.

worce ster sher

>> No.7186767

Combo of PC culture, liberalism, self-hate

>> No.7186770

Borrowing words is fine unless we already have an equivalent like umami or queso

>> No.7186772

Star anise is not the same thing as anis(eed)

>> No.7186928

A variety of herbs
Welsh Rarebit
General Tso

>> No.7186932

Flyovers, and asian-americans trying way too hard to fit in by showing their white masters that it's ok to be racist

Anyway, the only time I've noticed a systemic problem is on NPR where everything is pronounced with an American accent except Hispanic things that get a ridiculous exaggerated Spanish accent.

>> No.7186945


Except we don't. Did you make that up or is that Swahili or some shit?

>> No.7186979

>people calling croissants "kross-aunts"
>people not being able/bothered to say pan au chocolat and instead saying chocolate crossaints

Annoys me real good

>> No.7186984

>We say"herbs", because there's a fucking 'h' in it.


>> No.7186988


You mean Freedom Rolls?

>> No.7187088

Holy fuck yes General Tso
>General Toe
>General Sow

>> No.7187227

She has too many teeth.

>> No.7187233

It's because the 's' is silent

>> No.7187238

I say General Tsha-bam! I always yell it out.

>> No.7187241

She's good at eating corn on the cob.

>> No.7187242

She triggers me

>> No.7187243

Languages aren't races. Races are races.

>> No.7187245
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>> No.7187585

>Pronouncing "sah-ke" as "sayk" (Sake)
>Pronouncing "chi-pot-lay" as "chee-pottle"
>Saying "Erbs" instead of "Herbs"
>Saying "Croissant" as "Cwossoin' " like a fucking frog
>Saying "Escargot" instead of "Snails"



I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about and I could understand my cousin who huffed petrol.

>> No.7187595

>Pffffft, you actually think they eat Somalian cum in Sweden?

Well, actually in Sweden they kinda... Do.

I'll give your hypothetical snarky dude that one.

>> No.7187817

>pan au chocolate
That's literally just "Bread and chocolate" in French, dipshit. I'll call it breaddy chocolate if I fucking want, I'm not going to arbitrarily use French if it has no additional meaning other than that it makes your cuck cage wet.

>> No.7187830

We do actually eat poutine in Canada

>> No.7189269

You will have to say more anyways cuz there's usually small medium and large.

>not saying (size) fry when ordering

>> No.7189288

>demands sake and chipoltle is pronounced correctly as the language it comes from demands
>has an autism fit when people pronounce croissant as the french do
If you're going to have aspergers at least have consistent aspergers.

>> No.7189603


Fair enough, but the French can eat a dick.

>> No.7189621

Brits pronounce the H in Herbs.
Nobody else gives a shit.

Escargot - Snails
Beef - Cows

Croissant is French.. soo.. maybe learn how to say it?

>> No.7190002

Chipotle vs Chipolte grinds my gears.
like niece

>> No.7190755

My mother is a stereotypical tiny old chinese lady (you know that comic with them at various ages) and she thinks fly lice is the absolute pinnacle of comedy. I think she picked it up from a Leslie Nielsen film.

>> No.7190941

Why do Americans have such a problem with the word "Liqueur"?

I can still remember that Magic Bullet informercial with a woman who kept saying Le-coor with a noticeable pause in the middle

>> No.7190950

Liquor? I don't even like 'er!

>> No.7190989

Ameriblobs are just awful when they try and pronounce the names of foods, in any language.

>> No.7190995

No, everyone pronounces herb as herb, it's kind of how the word works.

>> No.7191020

You just made me sit here saying it over and over like I'm trying to summon a fucking booze wizard, but Liqueur does have a slight glottal stop that Liquor doesn't to me.

>> No.7191153

Why can't Americans say oregano properly or basil

Or 'erbs for that matter.

>> No.7191165

I live in Oregon and the amount of people who can pronounce my states name whom don't live in, but near it, is genuinely astounding.
I am fucking triggered by that shit its not hard. It's like fuckin' a do these same people have an issue saying Louisiana? Fuck.

>> No.7191170

Inauthentic food is problematic.

>> No.7191187
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>> No.7191211
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>not pronouncing it as chipottle

>> No.7191213

when i hear cam-o-mile, i want to shit a pure log of rage out of my forehead.

>> No.7191220

I have a mile long sheet of camouflage cloth specifically for when people ask for this at my house.

>> No.7191312

French fag here
Do what you want to do, Anglo, we don't give a fuck. At least not anyone who matters would.

>> No.7191314

Top jej svens btfo

>> No.7191321

They also eat pasta in italy and sushi in japan, you dumb fuck

Oh shut the fuck up. Go lose another war.

>> No.7191365

Have fun with President Trump ;)

>> No.7191368

Top fucking kek

>> No.7191665

Well I've got a bud from Worcester mass so is it
>wister sure sauce

>> No.7192145

It's actually "chocolate bread" in a more practical sense.

>> No.7192160


>"two countries separated by a common language, I think that's an Oscar Wilde line"
>audience breaks into laughter

what the fuck how low is the bar for humor in England

>> No.7192182

yet the dozens of french words that uses the same silent H are fine. ugh

>> No.7192187
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>authentic french bakery near me
>they have croissants and pain au chocolate
>still ask for a chocolate croissant because it's literally a croissant with chocolate in it and it's way easier to say
get fucked frogs

>> No.7192224

My brother was a dishwasher at a chinese restaurant senpai. The ancient guy who looked like a turtle called it fly ly apparently.

>> No.7192292

Hummus. properly pronounced hoh-mohs, not huh-muhs.

>> No.7192321


>> No.7192332

>Live in New York
>Everyone pronounces "gyro" as "jy-roh"
>Have been with people who ask for "year-oh" and get corrected: "you mean a jy-roh"
>Go to Washington DC
>Ask for a jy-roh
>"You mean year-oh"
My dad is Greek and his yaya called it a jyroh. Can't win.

>> No.7192389


>> No.7192504

In England it's called "pub"

>> No.7192574

Seems to only happen with Latinate languages. Few go out of their way to try (and fail) to properly pronounce 'sachertorte,' 'gulyás' or, unless they're weebs, 'teriyaki.'

But if it's Spanish, Italian or French as well as the occasional Portuguese or Romanian thing here or there, English speakers will go out of their way to call attention to themselves to pronounce them. Drives me up a fucking wall.
I'd rather you pronounce it as a speaker of your language would than affect this worldwise persona and ultimately make a fool of yourself to anyone who actually speaks that language.

I just about had a stroke watching a recent-ish episode of Masterchef Junior with Cuntina Blowsme pronouncing 'fillet mignon,' rather than in the typical American manner, with an affected faux-French accent, ultimately failing to hit the mark. I wanted to stab that pretentious bitch in the vocal cords. French is already an ugly-as-fuck language and doesn't need some twat from Virginia mangling it even further. She needs to get smacked upside the head.

>> No.7193359

Ghost face sounds rad m8.
Call me that all you like.

>> No.7193543

hummus is not fucking pronounced homos you fucking faggot

hoo as in hoover
mas as in christmas

>> No.7193562

Pii-rak-ka, you silly.

>> No.7193582

lol good one lad

>> No.7193585

>Let me carr-melize these onions to go with my steak

Its fucking caramel.

>> No.7195052

Oh a guy row! Yeah i say all three either in quick succession or in a rotation.

>> No.7195056

Those are just different regional pronunciations and are equally correct.

>> No.7195134

Im american and I say;
liquor is lik-er
Liqueur is li-coor

>> No.7195334


H'uubs m8?

>> No.7195349
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>not "chip-a-top-lay"
Die slow.

>> No.7195350

You have to laugh at that or people might think you don't understand who Oscar Wilde is.

>> No.7195386

In my city we have a street called Grelot, pronounced "GREE-lot"

>> No.7195413

I have a friend who was in culinary school, and he'd occasionally mention "gar-muh-jay" when talking about it. Took me a while to realize he was trying to say garde manger. People's mouths get all fucky when trying to pronounce French words

>> No.7195417
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>> No.7195427


Jog on

>> No.7195428

From a frenchfag, I've never heard an american pronounce croissant correctly, especially not thoses who try and accentuate like retards.
Just say crescent, you're embarassing yourselves.

>> No.7195436

Give an maerican a dick to eat and he will microwave it with some shitty sauce based a mexican spice so he doesn't have to feel the taste.
Give a french a dick to eat, and he'll make ravigote sauce.

>> No.7195442

The french haven't earned the respect to have their faggy words pronounced in their accents.

>> No.7195444


>> No.7195447

It is call expresso at Mcdonalds
I dont even no what the other one is

>> No.7195449

that's exactly why I suggested using the english word

>> No.7195453

Well they mccunts

Chorizo sausage

>> No.7195455

So, you're saying that Americans will try to finish the experience as fast as possible in a manner that doesn't make them vomit, but a Frenchman will actively enjoy eating that dick?

Yeah, sounds about right.

>> No.7195456

Read the post, retard.

>> No.7195460

It's pronounced, "read," you mentally melted moron.

>> No.7195477

>Americans pronouncing gouda as 'gooh-da'
Makes me fucking mad

>> No.7195480


>> No.7195487

Wait how are you supposed to say it? I have literally never heard it said any other way.

>> No.7195494


>> No.7195495

"I like my steak "well done""
That's not how you pronounce rare

>> No.7195506

>over your head

fucking child

>> No.7195509


>> No.7195515

Oh really? Fair enough I just assumed it was some weird ass pronunciation since everyone seems to say it wrong. I will probably continue to call it goo-da however. I am not going to be one of "those cunts" that always corrects everyone.

>> No.7195544

Not food, but pronouncing niche "nitch" is absolutely the worst thing.

>> No.7195585

I mispronounce words on purpose all the time. I enjoy seeing you ass burger defectives popping blood vessels. One of these days I'll see someone like you stroke out.

>> No.7195591

It's only racist if it's against blacks or muslims. Everyone else is fine. I'm not kidding this is how people think in 2015 going onto 2016 and I have no idea why. Also, you have autism, OP. No one cares how people pronounce shit.

>> No.7195655

I don't get upset, i just think less of you as a person from then on

>> No.7195661

>thinks those same people give a rat's ass about his opinion

>> No.7195673

I don't tell them

>> No.7195957

crunh-sunh hunh hunh hunh hunh

>> No.7196605


>> No.7196614

holy fucking shit her face

>> No.7197479

>prosciutto - pro-ZHOOT
How is that close to the right pronunciation?
>chipotle - chi-PAH-tul
Faggots that think they're funny.
>quesadilla - kwas-uh-DIL-uh
Also faggots that think they're funny.
>herb - erb
Don't really mind this, but I want to choke them when I pronounce the h nd they try to "correct" me.
>thyme - time
Time to shut the fuck up.

>> No.7197541

I once had a serve who pronounced Gorgonzola strange:
I say Gorgun zola

She said Gore Gone zuh luh

>> No.7197546


a mouth isn't supposed to work like that

>> No.7197553

The proper Dutch pronunciation is actually something like "how-dah," but few people in the Anglosphere will know what you're talking about if you pronounce it that way. I prefer to think of the pronounced G more as an English translation than a mispronunciation.

>> No.7198235

Is it crescent shaped? If it isn't then it's not a croissant.

>> No.7199935

My dad, in front of the workers at greasy Asian-American fast food shops.

Their patience is astounding.

>> No.7199974

I had a Dutch boss who called it "kow-da" with a sharp emphasis on the k-sound.

>> No.7199988

yeah, its silly to say words that have been pronounced a way in english for many generations should now suddenly be pronounced in a way it is in another language regardless of the origin of the word or food

>> No.7200025

Being a foreigner, this is damn impossible to get right. Each time someone says Worcestershire it sounds differently.

>> No.7200055

Pick one you like and run with it. No one really cares and everyone knows what you're talking about.

>> No.7200061

lel, have you heard an englishman try to pronounce foreign words? those fuckers butcher their own language for christ sake. at least americans have a somewhat neutral accent.

>> No.7200070

Indeed it's very funny to see muricans trying to pronounce Italian and French words 'correctly' -- Portuguese sounds non sense. The division of the syllables are very unexpected, off the mark, and then they overcorrect it by emphasizing the accent. Usually it's easier to understand if it's said like it common English.

>> No.7200550

You talkin' 'bout Whus-dis-here sauce?

>> No.7200574
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>> No.7200578

It's pronounced "Flied Lice".


>> No.7200607
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>Did a project on how spicy food is becoming more common

>A big part of it is in the insane rise of sriracha

>Professor stops me in the middle of my presentation to tell me its pronounced sir-ak-ah


Damn middle aged white man thinks he knows it all

>> No.7200623

oh, earlier tonight.

>creme brulee
>cream broolee

no, its crem broolay, fffff.

>> No.7200631

I think you ment

>> No.7200635

I live in a town called worcester.

I assume it's pronounced wuh-stur-sure sauce but i dont give a fuck i got work to do pronounce how u want

>> No.7200644

This annoys me.

>> No.7200669

>Be Vietnamese
>Some hipster asshat tried to convince me on how to pronounce pho as "faux."

I don't usually give a shit, but the dude was so convinced I don't know how to say the words of the food I grew up eating my entire life.

>> No.7200705

thyme is pronounced "time" though dude.

>> No.7201115

My Russian friend once pronounced that to me, and I promise you will never get the correct Russian pronunciation right. Just do it in English

>> No.7202197

My family and I always heard chinese people say "Fried Rice", "fri rye" so now we always call it that. haha

>> No.7202288

same here!

>> No.7202302

Well that's 6 months of chemotherapy wasted. Wish you'd have said earlier.

>> No.7202482

Not as funny as the Chinese lady I used to work with who always pronounced chicken "chikan". And when you're a massive weeb who knows what that word means in Moonspeak, well...

>> No.7202545

>not telling him to shut the fuck up

Why are you even alive?

>> No.7202560

>a project on how spicy food is becoming more common
Wait, this is actually at a university? Jesus christ Clapistan

>> No.7202820

I call it wushter-sheer sauce

>> No.7202845
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>OP is a ching chong faggot that has been triggered
Dude who gives a shit if it's meant to be a joke? Also, they are making fun of Japanese people not Chinese you fucking Lo Mein eating faggot. Japanese don't have an L sound so R is read as a mix of RL

>> No.7203068
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congrats kiddo you're a master weeb for reading genki book 1 XD

>> No.7203073

>not calling it nasi

>> No.7203177


>> No.7203434

Fucking this. Don't use that word if you're gonna say nitch.

>> No.7203904

it's not a K sound but I guess it'd sound pretty similar. in dutch the g is kinda pronounced like ch I guess

>> No.7203913

> say gyro "jyro"
> some faggot say it's pronounced yeero
> start talking greek cuz family is greek
> they look at me blankly
> call them a Malaka
> ask them why they are telling me how to talk in a language I know we'll while they know only one fucking word

>> No.7203968

its usually to differentiate from a hero. ive ordered a "chicken year-o" and got a chicken sub/hero.

>> No.7204755

Don't the "ph" in Pho make a different sound that isn't an "f" sound? "Ph" making an "f" sound is in Greek words, so it wouldn't make sense in Vietnamese.

Am I wrong?

>> No.7205004

Already let's settle this once in for all
Cu/ck/s, is it

>> No.7205074

There's a coffee shop in town, and their signs actually say "expresso."

>> No.7205152

>Work at Indian restaurant
>Consistently get cunts replacing a's with i's, or visa versa at the end of words
>"Can I get the banjari kebab and kathi tikka?"
>It's banjara and tikka you fucking illiterate cunt
>It's literally right there on the menu in front of you

I want them all to die.

>> No.7205157

That awkward moment when you write "tikki" wrong when you're meant to be correcting the pronunciation because you're so consumed by rage at the thought of these people.

>> No.7205179

Its silly to pronounce things incorrectly or to make up weird fake names for things that do not already have an English word.

Is raw fish on rice better than sushi in your view?

>> No.7205188

what do you call mexicans senpai?

>> No.7205232

>Being racist
>Actively encouraging white people to disrespect you directly to your face
Absolutely disgusting

And then you complain why people only take racism against blacks and hispanics seriously. Because blacks and hispanics don't put up with that shit.

>> No.7205251


>> No.7205255

Thin skinned sjw detected

>> No.7205256

but it is orig-un you fucking liberal hippy

>> No.7205274


>> No.7205275

Holy fuck this
>Do you have chicken marsala?
>Sorry, the Italian restaurant is next door

>What's a vegetable samoa?
>Ma'am we don't sell girl scout cookies

>Naan pronounced like "nanny"
My boss and I made fun of these people together

>> No.7205282

I grew up in an Italian neighborhood in brooklyn at a time when you could walk down the street for a week and not hear English. This is the the way i learned how to say it as a kid.

I never heard "mohtz-uh-rella" until I went to high school outside the neighborhood. I try to say it now to fit in with people but I can't.

>> No.7205311

Murrkans are picky eaters because they don't want food like they make it in Anhui. Chinks are picky eaters because they don't want food like they make it in Ohio. Somehow this is evidence of Midwestern universities' massive systemic oppression of people not Midwesterners of Central European descent.

I say everyone should shut the fuck up and stop being picky eaters.

Also, ALL cuisine is cultural appropriation. That's how cooking spread. Outside of perhaps some very few unreached tribes in the dark corners of the earth, pretty much every single thing you do in the kitchen originated somewhere else, from someone else.

>> No.7205368

And then we'll mix in some Kim. Chi.