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7185250 No.7185250 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw vegans think they are not hurting any animals
>no idea how many insects, snakes, mice, birds, etc. got ground up in the combine that harvests their precious vegetables
>source I work at a frozen vegetable factory

>> No.7185268
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>vegans try to convince everyone to stop eating animal products and just eat vegetables
>they completely ignore cultured meat and are holding back the progress of science and technology
>they would probably be happy with the total population of humanity going down instead of finding ways to support more life

>> No.7185330

When I point this out to vegans they seriously tried to quantify it like, it would take a thousand mice lives to compare to one cow, or a million insects to equal one bird, I don' t even know. They're amoral dickholes, I'd never trust a vegan.

>> No.7185338

its about reducing it as much as you can. this argument is dumb anyway since animals eat harvest and are slaughtered.

I really wish meat eaters would fuck off against vegans just because they make them ashamed to eat meat.

>> No.7185340

Well they aren't intentionally harming animals for their food. And a lot of vegans I know grow their own stuff. I don't know why you care about another person's eating habits so much

>> No.7185348

what do animals eat before they are slaughtered?

>> No.7185569

Its about mitigating harm desu

>> No.7185697
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>vegans want people to stop eating meat
>there are millions of cows, chickens and pigs out there that can only survive from predation and starvation because of their usefulness to farmers

>they haven't worked out that if people stopped eating meat that there would be millions of animals made redundant and not worth housing and feeding
>they haven't worked out that this means that the predator population would skyrocket from the abundance of food
>they don't realise that this would mean that as the ex-farm animal pop gets gobbled up the predator population will also start dying from competition and starvation so even more suffering

>they don't realise that most breeds of cows are incredibly unsuited to life in the wild due to selective breeding and will become easy pray and will die younger and die more harshly than their domesticated counter-parts


>> No.7185709


gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7185728

You wouldn't just stop meat production the very next day; it would be more gradual reduction in order not fuck up literally everything. Also we wouldn't just release them into the wild that would actually be just throwing money away. With arguements like those it's no wonder vegans think they're hot shit

>> No.7185739

bolshoi decoy my boy

>> No.7185741

this tbhfam

people literally act like there aren't shittons of farms dedicated just to making animal feed

>> No.7185768

then the next irrational carnist argument is "an animal died once and pollution exists, so no effort is meaningful, we should have children fight to the death in soccer stadiums and the survivors tied up and mass-raped by baboons pumped full of combat drugs for our entertainment because there is no such thing as right and wrong"

>> No.7185803

I was working under the assumption that a vegan is out of their mind and says shit like that and wants it outlawed entirely like 70-80% of vegans I ever spoken to are after.

>it would be more gradual reduction in order not fuck up literally everything.
How would you go about this gradual reduction, you can't really stop them from breeding and you can't release them out to the wild, at best you could kill the offspring but as long as they are being treated as they are now good luck reducing that with animal friendly methods.

>Also we wouldn't just release them into the wild that would actually be just throwing money away
Again, assuming that there is rotting meat on the shelfs because no one is buying then a smart (not retarded) business man would the seek to reduce any unnessary production by reducing the amount of farms around the country.

Who is going to feed and house unneeded, unprofitable livestock? Also, what with the increased demand for fruit and veg, what do you think is going to happen when a big farmer sees that he a good amount his land used for unprofitable meat production? He has to keep his profits up by making more room for crop and animals get push out and who is going to look after them?

Unless you really think that it would be possible to house all these animals that can't be sold (assuming that vegans goal is to one day stop all meat consumption and no black markets exist) then they be push out into the wild in decent chunks to fuck up populations

>> No.7185809

literally no vegan has ever even hinted at suggesting such a thing

>> No.7185814

I would. Too many fuckin' people.

>> No.7185821

This point gets more and more retarded every time I see it.

If we stopped meat production those animals wouldn't exist.

>> No.7185827


The argument I use are the example of some of the really extreme vegans I know, specifically gluten-free raw vegans. Almost everyone I meet is less extreme than them so I ask, "So why don't you a gluten-free raw vegan? Why makes your position so special that you can draw the line right where you are?"

>> No.7185838

man, that question is hella dumb, homie
I hope you don't legit say that to people

>> No.7185855

Have you ever being around a vegan irl? hell go check out their forums on peta or whatever.

Even if they are slightly more sane then that, a lot of them want laws put in place like sin taxes or for more room on farms per animal, either way this would hurt sales and is just >>7185697
lite where there is not enough resources to meat the condition demains so either its like prison populations where it can't really be helped and things just stay the same and they are "trying their darnest" to fix things and nothing changes or they have to get rid of excess animals fast.

I was going to mention that but it is unlikely that they would go extinct so I left it off, but are you really okay with them go extinct rather than be eaten? I doubt that most vegans want the animals their trying to save to go extinct.

>> No.7185884


If someone wants to get snotty about being vegan/gluten-free/raw and starts telling me how I should not just be one but I should serve that to all customers to educate them I'll ask them that instead of telling them to fuck off.

>> No.7185894

I would rather a group of animals go extinct if the only way they could survive is in the context of factory farming.
Granted, that's a bullshit dichotomy because these animals had ecological niches before humans farmed them, they just wouldn't exist with the fuckhuge populations they have now.

>> No.7185896

where the fuck do you people live? tumblr?

nobody has ever said any of those things to you irl

>> No.7185936


Are you kidding it happens at least twice a week. Customers come in looking for their special kind of food and get passive aggressive pissed off when I have to tell them we have vegetarian options but no vegan, gluten-free options and if they want raw, they are limited to salad.

>> No.7185946


Once when I told someone that I would use clean, contamination free cutting boards, tools and knives to prepare their vegetarian sandwich they snidely told that at home they don't use kitchen knives, flatware, and silverware that have ever touched meat.

>> No.7185953
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>we have no gluten free options
>there's a salad though

>> No.7185963


Prepped salads with croutons on top. I could of course make them a fresh salad without them but they were specifically asking about our bread and baked goods.

>> No.7185968

Very college general biology of you, but alas you’re right. Simply letting animals go isn’t going to happen though. They have been breed for specific traits that would not be beneficial in their natural environment most likely. The natural population already in existents would have to suffice as the example of the specific animal.

>> No.7185969
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>tfw vegans think they're on higher moral ground than everyone else for being vegan while pouring tubs of honey all over their food
>tfw bees are much more important to the sustainability of the ecosystem than any other animal
>tfw they don't realize that

>> No.7185976

Knowing that people are reactionary, I never mention any of my dietary preferences. If I don't want meat, and the soup is made with chicken stock, I eat it; if I don't want wheat, but the fries were made in the same vat as mozzarella sticks, I eat them; if my baked beans have a few bits of bacon fat, I eat them too.

Having zero tolerance just causes people to become irate.

>> No.7185981


Just out of curiosity, why is a natural, wild existence considered humane? Its almost universally accepted that factory farming is inhumane but that does not mean a wild existence is free of suffering, free of man-made cruelty maybe.

>> No.7185996

pretty sure most vegans realize that honey isn't vegan

>> No.7186002


I wish it were that easy. Instead I choose not to cater to the vocal but tiny 1% of vegans in society because it doesn't make financial sense. I have no problem changing over if it becomes viable and lucrative, as it stands there isn't enough demand or enough money to warrant the change.

>> No.7186004


>> No.7186005

Humane? That’s a human idea. Nature is not humane in any sense of the word except for general freedom of action. I did not study enough environmental philosophy in college to answer that question with a better answer. But seeing a [insert animal] run freely in an ideal national park postcard makes some people at peace as it is natural, possibly subsiding some feeling deep guilt, thus they think its best and must be “humane”.

>> No.7186054

Most vegans don't eat honey. The worst ones are the ones who claim that honey harvesting causes bees suffering and insist people avoid buying honey. I don't mind a vegan, but inciting boycotts against apiaries is actively harmful.

>> No.7186070

You should try looking at how jews organize their kitchens, it makes vegans seem laid back
If the wrong utensils touch you are literally expected to burn the place down. I wish I was making this up.
This is who we fight wars for

>> No.7186071

People who feel easily claustrophobic, squeamish, and restricted can empathize with the factory farm situation and project their own feelings on the animals. They find nature beautiful and freeing, so the animals must find nature beautiful and freeing.

It's hard to say exactly how right they are with it. Cows react to pain, perhaps tight situations give their muscles cramps analogous to the ones we get. Caged animals get notoriously tetchy and physically seek freedom. I'm sure that when given selections animals will prefer certain better-quality foods. We can assume motivations for these actions based on our own lived experience as animals, but there's a wide margin of error in anthropomorphizing (people are very bad at recognizing when dogs show signs of discomfort that don't 1:1 match human discomfort responses, chimpanzees smiling is a sign of aggression, etc.)

Then assuming cows and chickens care about things like natural beauty is another thing entirely. Natural beauty is a bit of a human invention, the wilderness was seen as more terrifying and stark than it was calming and beautiful way back when.

>> No.7187882

>They completely ignore cultured meat and are holding back the progress
Cultured meat is not being held back by anything but technical and economical limitations.
>>they would probably be happy with the total population of humanity going down instead of finding ways to support more life
Uhh, why wouldn't you be happy about this? It's pretty fucking irresponsible to be pushing for expansionism when it only leads to the constant and impending crisis when progress will eventually stall and we will be forced into a Malthusian catastrophe. Honestly we should be creating policies that emphasize a downward trend in the population to at least a 4th of what it is now, so everyone can live in luxury rather than constantly creating more people who will never live in anything resembling first world comfort, at least not without calamitous impacts on the environment .