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7185157 No.7185157 [Reply] [Original]

What Pizza Hut-like pizza recipes do you recommend?
Also, what's the best kind of vegetarian pizza out there?

General advice for cooking pizza is welcome.

>> No.7185158


Abondon thread

>> No.7185164


Kill yourself desu

>> No.7185179

Red and processed meats cause cancer. The evidence up to date of it being carcinogenic is about as strong as of smoking causing cancer.

World Health Organization declaration on the topic:

>> No.7185215
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>Red and processed meats cause cancer.
How about you eat unprocessed non red meat you fucking retard?

>> No.7185223

It tastes shitty, dumbfuck. Ever considered that one might not like the taste?

>> No.7185230

>Also, what's the best kind of vegetarian pizza out there
banana peppers and onions I guess, but there is absolutely no reason not to also include pepperoni and/or sausage

>> No.7185240

>However, if the reported associations were proven to be causal, the Global Burden of Disease Project has estimated that diets high in red meat could be responsible for 50 000 cancer deaths per year worldwide.
Considering smoking causes almost half a million deaths in the US alone, that isn't really so bad. The main problem with red meat is that most of it is cheap, shitty trashmeat from CAFOs fed to people who are too stupid to feed themselves without microwave hamburgers.

>> No.7185244

can't tell if faggot or cuck

>> No.7185251

>The evidence up to date of it being carcinogenic is about as strong as of smoking causing cancer.
i eat red meat at most once per week, and usually go weeks without it. i have as much chance of getting cancer as someone who smokes 3 packs a day?

>Red meat was classified as Group 2A, probably carcinogenic to humans
>In the case of red meat, the classification is based on limited evidence
>limited evidence
people who eat a lot of meat usually also eat a lot of white bread and no vegetables

>> No.7185253

>people who eat a lot of meat usually also eat a lot of white bread and no vegetables
also a lot of salt and sugar

>> No.7185258

>The evidence up to date of it being carcinogenic is about as strong as of smoking causing cancer.
No, this is an extremely misleading thing to say

The evidence for red meat causing cancer is not strong enough to form a causal relationship. This is very much not the case with cigarettes

Meanwhile, there is a causal relationship with some processed meats, but it is a very small increase in likelihood of one specific form of cancer when very large amounts are consumed regularly. It is very misleading to compare this to cigarettes where every time you smoke you are increasing your odds of getting all sorts of cancers, smoking regularly increases your cancer of getting cancer well over 400% while consuming far more processed meat than most people do increases your odds of getting one specific type of rare cancer by about 9% i think it was

>> No.7185261
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Whatever you say you limp wristed cock sucking degenerate.

>> No.7185272

Try mushroom and pineapple. That's what I always get.

>> No.7185316

>cherry picking

Quit cherry picking. Processed meat's cancer causing properties have been well established. It's more than a correlation link as well - causality has been proven too. Read the fucking article.

>but there is absolutely no reason not to also include pepperoni and/or sausage

There is. Like not wanting to get cancer.

>> No.7185323
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>Read the fucking article.
i fucking read the fucking articles and it fucking says that fucking salted or fermented meat is the same fucking thing as fucking meat smoked and cured with nitrates when they're two entirely different fucking things


>> No.7185334

Youre a fucking faggot

>> No.7185351

You must have a very low IQ. Have fun having cancer. You're no better than those who denied that smoking caused cancer. The link has been well established now, and it's causal, with experiments backing the claims up in the case of processed meats, and strong observational data suggesting that even non-processed red meats cause cancer.

>> No.7185359

What else is there? Chicken is disgusting and bland.

>> No.7185363

Black olives and cheese is all I get on my pizza.

>> No.7185364

>if you don't agree with me and point out problems with the study you're stupid!
>ad hominem
okay ingrid