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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7181757 No.7181757 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good pranks involving food?

Preferably nothing lethal.

>> No.7181763

Hardboil an egg and return it to the carton with the raw eggs. When somebody tries to crack it, they will be very surprised!

>> No.7181766

Read the reviews for these.


>> No.7181767

Bake a pie but instead of filling put blackbirds in it!

>> No.7181773

Pour Pepsi into a bottle of Coke

>> No.7181778

Sugar in the salt container, salt in the sugar container.

>> No.7181789
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Now THIS is what I'm talkin about

Positively DIABOLIC

>> No.7181793

You could get a hot sauce like Dave's Insanity Sauce and use it as a filling for something.

>> No.7181800
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>> No.7181801

except it's exactly the same.Pepsi and coke are actually the same company but labelled two different companies to provide the illusion of competition and variety. It's a conspiracy.

>> No.7181807

why not pour it in a more innocent-looking bottle? Tabasco, Frank's, sriracha or whatever looks like Dave's?

>> No.7181810
File: 62 KB, 320x240, tinfoilhatguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man knows

>> No.7181822

Hide meat in vegetarian food without getting caught

Easy mode: chicken stock

Hard: rare fillet steak

>> No.7181844

while someone is waiting for their order at starbucks, stab them in the chest several times.

>> No.7181851

>Grab a tub of butter from a friends fridge (slightly used to be more convincing)
>Take spoon and dig deep hole in butter
>Take steaming shit in butter hole
>Cover back up with dug out butter
>Smooth over to conceal evidence
>(cum also works too but leaves discoloration as it dries into the butter

>> No.7181856

somebody did this to me. it was hilarious

>> No.7181857

Not really

>> No.7181860

He said nothing lethal.

>> No.7181878

Get some ground meat and leave it lying out until it's good and rotten. Make sure it's exposed to flies during this period.

Now get an egg, make a tiny hole in the bottom, and suck out the insides. Inject the meat into the shell through the hole (this can be a bit tricky), and seal the hole with a shell of meat. Leave it for a few days.

Now put it into an egg cup and serve it as a boiled egg. When they crack it open, they're met with a foul odour and a network of wriggling maggots. Hilarious.

Lost two girlfriends this way. It was worth it.

>> No.7181882

I meant seal the hole with a drop of candlewax. No idea why I wrote "shell of meat." Early onset senility or something, I guess.

>> No.7183413

Wash off the labels of every tin

Diabolic level: mix it with canned dogfood

>> No.7184449


>> No.7184788

make brownies with chocolate laxative

>> No.7184971

Make a spongecake from actual sponges

>> No.7184979

Its also effective to do this with pudding

>I know where you got that joke faggot

>> No.7184987

Because when a person opens an unlabeled can, he immediately stuffs the contents in his mouth without looking inside.

>> No.7184993

Give out Koolaid packets for halloween.

Use a razorblade to make tiny slits in the packages

when the kid dumps his candy out on the carpet, he'll get koolaid powder all in it and his parents will beat him :^)

>> No.7185009 [DELETED] 

>I know where you got this joke from faggot
Matt plz go

>> No.7185010

Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears?

>> No.7185021

Just like Democrats and Republicans, the illusion of choice keeps us docile.

>> No.7185036

Better to put razor blades in the candy, then when he gets home and dies the parents can beat his corpse

>> No.7185045
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>and his parents will beat him

>> No.7185061

Freeze mentos
Break up with hammer
Stick in ice machine
When someone goes to get ice for their soda