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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, CookingwithOma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7182310 No.7182310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My GOD is this woman comfy as fuck. Instantly my new vote for Queen of /ck/.

Oma (Grandma in German) is cooking up a Christmas storm. Loads of videos, but this one is by far the best because she's making my all my favourite childhood sweets!

Gentlemen and ladies... come watch this little hausfrau cook some delicious Christmas goodies!


>> No.7182317

Looking at old people just reminds me of death.

>> No.7182318
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What a sweet lady

>> No.7182320

She's so old half of her skin would flake off into every dish she makes.
Would not date/eat/10

>> No.7182326


Why don't your Grandmother's care about you? Are you such an incredible embarrassment than even your Grandmother's see you beyond reprieve?

That sucks.

Merry Christmas faggots.

>> No.7182337

It is what it is.
I only said I wouldn't date her, I didn't say I wouldn't fuck/rim her for hours.

>> No.7182345

And what the fuck does that have to do with her videos? She's cooking, not starring in a porno.

>> No.7182348

>Oma (Grandma in German)

Also Dutch

>> No.7182349

And I suppose you think Nigella is "cooking" too?

>> No.7182417

My Oma died a few years ago.

Thanks for reminding me, faggot.

>> No.7182470
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>when she starts talking about her rolling pin
What is this sensation in my chest?

>> No.7182487


Is affection genuinely that alien of an emotion to you that you can no longer recognise it?

>> No.7182495
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based oma

>> No.7182507
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How big she smiles when she's talking about her Husband.

>> No.7182518

Everyone in this thread is being so rude because they don't want to get attached in the inevitability of such a sweet woman's loss.

I think that was wonderful.

>> No.7182726

Is there any way to get OMA hooked up with BASED Tom?

I mean Tom needs someone to help him not burn his grilled cheese since his wife isn't around anymore ;-;


>> No.7182855

grandmas are so fucking overrated

>> No.7182869


careful, your edges aren't child safe.

>> No.7182873

Please guys don't ruin this like /lit/ did to that cute youtuber chick

>> No.7182878

I wish my granny was still alive

>> No.7182880

>that Chef John music

>> No.7182891

>tear drops on the dough as she talked about Opa
>Oma, why is the pastry salty this year?

>> No.7182892

>you are now aware that the majority of historical Yuropoor immigrants to the US are of German descent

bet you didn't know that, did you?


>sudameris bout to overtake that tho
>blacks still fucked, I feel bad for them

>> No.7182902



>> No.7182906

I wish my granny was a tranny.

>> No.7182911


>> No.7182914

> walk into granmas kitchen
> touch a spatula
she doesnt like anyone in her kitchen. Apparently people would misplace things and she will look for hours.

>> No.7182940
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WTF is going on with the milk?

>> No.7182988

ok I'm laughing pretty hard here. Wtf. Is it a decorated spoon or something? 2 fucking spooky 4 me

>> No.7183009

Witch confirmed.

>> No.7183018

I can see her being a dominatrix for the Nazi party in her youth.

>> No.7183023

Someone's gramma just died lol

>> No.7183026


>> No.7183175

For the love of God, somebody post it.

>> No.7183176
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>> No.7183240
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>> No.7183245


some people do like to cook

>> No.7183260


>> No.7183366
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, Epiphany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183368

fuck off retard

>> No.7183410


>being this mad about magic

>> No.7183415

Fucking Nazi

>> No.7183425
File: 65 KB, 330x190, 1432839626059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made the crescent cookies
>they're delicious
Thank you based hausfrau

>> No.7183432

what the fuck is maggi

>> No.7183460

My oma died ten years ago and she was nothing like this oma, but now I miss her.

>> No.7183468

Did you miss the aroma of her rancid shit filled bloomers?

>> No.7183569

Is that chef john's music?

>> No.7183652

No it's the intro to Red Letter Media's Half In The Bag.

>> No.7183712

I wish my Oma was like her and not a raging old bitter bitch that sits around watching judge Judy all day.

>> No.7183859
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Chanukah is over Schlomo.

>> No.7184017


It's incredibly delusional and naive to believe all old women are sweet people.

>> No.7184104
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Women become tame and docile after menopause.

>> No.7184251

There are plenty who don't. I know some pretty drunk old people.

>> No.7184315


what does being drunk have to do with being mean? most drunk people are nice/funny.

maybe not the pathetic butthurt basement dwelling alcoholics of /ck/ but this oma has her shit together, look at her kitchen appliances alone

>> No.7184318


I didn't mean to insult all drunks, I should've said "mean drunks". They are mean drunks. Then you have the stereotypical mean bigoted grandmothers out there. Hell, there are plenty that can't cook to save their lives. I think if someone is seeing all old women as sweet grandmothers, they still have a childish perspective on aging.

>> No.7184446
File: 288 KB, 700x511, 18664338886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Stopped reading.

>> No.7184450

Well aren't you an edgy tyke. The point is that a woman who screams about how terrible she thinks black people are isn't a sweet grandmother who bakes cookies for her grandchildren. Anyways, >>>/b/ is looking for you.

>> No.7184490
File: 22 KB, 220x314, 220px-PoorWhiteTrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being white is so tough, we have to work while all other races get handouts
This is what Trump voters actually believe

>> No.7184500

>Well aren't you an edgy tyke
>old women aren't grandmothers they're bigoted monsters!
>calling anyone edgy

>> No.7184510

I've seen some old, racist grandmothers who are sweet to their grandchildren. You must not understand the social constructs that lead to racism in society. Not every racist is an asshole to every single person in their lives.

>> No.7184511

>has never met a cranky racist old person
What fantasy land do you live in?

>> No.7184515


My point is that not all grandmothers are the same. If you actually got confused by that, you must be retarded.

>> No.7184541

wow what a bunch of sad cunts ITT

>> No.7184546
File: 143 KB, 501x585, 1425596842375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trying this hard to turn a thread about a German grandmother into a poltical circle jerk.

>> No.7184547


>One person makes a big fuss about me saying not all grandmothers are the same
>Suddenly my fault

>> No.7184548
File: 889 KB, 984x1390, 288576636637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bring bigoted against bigots
>somehow it's different

Your intolerance of other people's lifestyle choices is bigoted.

>> No.7184550
File: 62 KB, 468x425, 1397064663934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you keep responding to me, I'm not the person you've been wasting your sjw logic on.

>> No.7184555


Most are. You must be a gigantic piece of shit if your own Grandmother is mean to you.

>> No.7184568


Those cresent cookies look nice. Now I want some. Off to the bakery /ck/, I'll cya later.

>> No.7184572


Not all grandmothers are sweet and not all racist grandmothers are terrible to their grandchildren. That's the point.


>responds to me
>"stop responding to me with things relevant to my post"

>You must be a gigantic piece of shit if your own Grandmother is mean to you.

Do you believe parents who abuse their children do so because their children are terrible?

What's going on in this thread? Where did /pol/ come from? This is a cooking board.

>> No.7184583


You brought it up out of your own misery and misery loves company. You will be spending Christmas alone hence the butthurt ITT. It's just you shitposting and talking to yourself which is fine, I don't expect better than that from any board on 4chan really.

Your Nan being mean or "waycisss" isn't the same thing as being abusive, physically or mentally. How polarized of a person are you that you construe insults as abuse?

>> No.7184590

>You brought it up out of your own misery and misery loves company. You will be spending Christmas alone hence the butthurt ITT. It's just you shitposting and talking to yourself which is fine, I don't expect better than that from any board on 4chan really.
>Your Nan being mean or "waycisss" isn't the same thing as being abusive, physically or mentally. How polarized of a person are you that you construe insults as abuse?

My grandmother is a sweetheart. I brought up the simple fact that not all grandmothers are the same and this is how you respond to it. Did that shatter your worldview?

>> No.7184593

Where the fuck did he say he was spending Christmas alone? Projecting much? All I see is you getting triggered by words that /pol/ taught you are a sign of the war on all single bitter lonely underemployed blue collar white men, and turning this thread into a soapbox to rant about why you're not a winner.

>> No.7184596


Not at all. If your blood relatives are mean to you it's foe a reason. Racism is a social construct that doesn't exist. Being judgemental is human nature. There is no difference. Everyone had their own preference and is entitled to it, if your grandmother decided to maintain her cultural heritage and reject others from intruding upon it it isn't racism, it's pride.

Significant difference. Completely off topic of the thread, glad you could find a soapbox to cry in yet another thread about oppressed and marginalized peoples.

Protip: the elderly are oppressed and marginalized people.

>> No.7184599


No one brought up race but you, champ.

Why doesn't your Grandmother bake you delicious Christmas cookies?

>> No.7184607

>grandmothers can't be abusive

This is literally the most retarded thing I've heard today, and considering the amount of time I spend on 4chan that is quite surprising. "My grandmother is a sweetheart" is the only thing he ever said about his grandmother. Projecting much? Yep, you even used the word "soapbox" that someone else threw at you. Pseudo-intellectual extraordinare.

>> No.7184610

Nope, wrong guy.

My Grandmother doesn't bake anymore because she's 100 years old and is weak and has terrible eyesight.

Why are you getting so defensive about your paranoid racist persecution complex?

>> No.7184613


Racism doesn't exist, stop shitposting, it's pathetic.

>> No.7184614


>Being judgemental is human nature.

That doesn't justify blind judgements. All judgement is not the same.

>> No.7184615


If your blood relatives are mean to you, it's your fault. You're an adult, you should spend less time shitposting and more time rebuilding the bridges you burn.

>> No.7184617

I'm sorry the beaners/niggers/wops/whatever took your jerrb. Really, I am. But you should have thought about that when you dropped out of school.

>> No.7184618


Yes it is.

Your refusal to accept the opinions of others is also bigoted which makes you a hypocrite. I'd rather talk about cookies and the OP video though.

>> No.7184620


Wow, for the third time: I'm not talking about my grandmother. Just because I don't have a bias against all elderly people, and understand the simple fact that not all of them are good people, doesn't mean I'm projecting anything against you. In fact, you've said more about this hypothetical mean grandmother than I've said about my own. That anon is right, I've literally only given one sentence about my own grandmother.

>> No.7184623


Has nothing to do with this thread. Laziest troll I've ever seen on this board. Why do you pretend to adhere to political correctness but use triggerwords and buzz based in "ignorance" and "racism"?

Which side of the fence do you truly sit on?

>> No.7184627
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Why are you talking for all Grandmother's across the planet?

Are you yourself an elderly woman?

>> No.7184631

Paranoid unemployed loser, please take your agenda back to /b/ or wherever you came from, this is the food board. If you want to participate, I'm sure there is a food pantry near you, but you'd have to interact with minorities.

>> No.7184633
File: 472 KB, 500x281, moon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I accept the opinions of others, it doesn't mean I agree with it and it doesn't mean people can't be objectively wrong about judgements. This is how ignorant you are, I can literally use the words you said to justify calling a straight man a "homo". Your argument could justify literally anything the PC people you cry about has ever said. They attack straight white men? It's okay, it's judgement, and you're bigoted for not accepting it.

>> No.7184638


>go back to a board you've never been to
>ur wayciss
>I keep talking about race bc the OP video has a German person in it
>I can't stop shitposting

^that's you.


>> No.7184640

>talking for all Grandmother's

No, it's a simple fact that not all grandmothers have the same personality traits. Saying otherwise would be speaking for all grandmothers (no apostrophe).


It's so cute how much this guy projects onto other people. Everything you said could be more accurately apply to you.

>> No.7184648

>someone mentions a racist old person
>completely wrecks an entire thread just to push a quixotic notion about "racism isn't real"
Just go away

>> No.7184650
File: 69 KB, 450x450, IMG_20151214_224817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't care what other people say or do though.

Are you that pathetic that you need other people's vindication to feel justified in life?

That's horrible. Grow a backbone please and while we're at it we can talk about food and cooking.

>> No.7184656


I never brought up race...so...there's that.


Racism isn't real.

>> No.7184662


Most (if not all) women DO have the same traits, across species even...which is to nurture and protect their offspring, and their offspring as well. I don't feel bad about you being of poor stock. My family loves me, it's not the same for everyone I suppose. Can't shit where you eat...it's Christmas so it's the best time to try to make anmends.

>> No.7184663

>I don't care what other people say or do though.

>Are you that pathetic that you need other people's vindication to feel justified in life?

Well that's good that you're so nihlistic and edgy. Pic related. Considering we're on the topic of family members, though, there is room for abuse. A grandchild doesn't have much of a say if he's living with his grandmother and she's an abusive cunt of a woman. It's not my fault if I don't look the other way based on her age.

Why are you so defensive about this? Do you literally believe all grandmothers are the same? Answer these two questions, shed some light onto how someone could possibly think this way.

>I never brought up race...so...there's that.

I never said you did. Maybe if this board had post IDs....

>> No.7184665

German here and I have to laugh at the people jumping to conclusions just because OP mentioned Oma means grandmother in German. It's hilarious because she most probably isn't German at all. Her accent doesn't fit, you fucking retards. Maybe she's Dutch or whatever but not German.

>What? Me racist? As if I should give a fuck..

>> No.7184674
File: 251 KB, 1190x906, least_intelligent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never brought up race...so...there's that.
>Racism isn't real.

Troll confirmed. Can we go back to talking about food now?

For the fourth time, my grandmother was a nice woman. In no way does me stating the simple fact that "not all grandmothers are the same" counts as projection.

>They're all women
>Thus they're all the same

Fuck I'm being trolled so hard, right?

>> No.7184682


Nearly all women are the same it's biological. It's not often that children wind up living with their grandparents...you're getting oddly specific.

Are your parents dead/useless and you got stuck being raised by your aging gradmother who resented you robbing her of her golden years, so she abused you?

I don't understand the precision focus of your insults. It's like you're yelling at yourself in a mirror but 4chan is the conduit.

>> No.7184686


Most if not all women are basically the same, yes.

>> No.7184694

>Nearly all women are the same it's biological. It's not often that children wind up living with their grandparents...you're getting oddly specific.

I'm giving examples of when grandmothers are not sweet and kind. They exist. When you reach the real world, which you will someday, you will probably get to know more old people besides your relatives. Such as in my case.

>Women are all women
>Thus old women are all sweethearts

If this is the logic you're going with....

>> No.7184702

This started with: >>7184017
>It's incredibly delusional and naive to believe all old women are sweet people.
And you've yet to given anything that proves this wrong.

>> No.7184710

/pol/, and /b/, I made a new thread for you, please go and stay there

>> No.7184733


Nearly all elderly women are the same. Yes.

>> No.7184735


The bullshit started here :


>> No.7184745

You niggers need to work some food related or retail jobs. Then you will know about old people.

>> No.7184747
File: 177 KB, 1674x509, Screen Shot 2015-12-19 at 3.21.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nearly all elderly women are the same.

The same how?


Seriously people shouldn't get mad when someone points out basic facts. Of course not all elderly women are the same, they're not robots. I can't believe this pissed someone off.

>> No.7184749


>> No.7184755


>people doing what they like is annoying
>trying to force them to do what I like isn't annoying

That's why you'll always remain someone's subordinate...the golden rule of business= the customer is always right.

>> No.7184761


Maybe you should stop greentexting, because you're at this point where literally nothing you're quoting has anything to do with what was said. Complaining about crotchety old customers gets you thinking this guy is against "people doing what they like", and then you try to bring up this point that "the customer is always right"? I don't get you.

>> No.7184764


You're the same as every other biological woman. Nothing special.

>> No.7184774


Why can't you let people do as they so desire? You're trying to impose your rules and desires on them. Not everyone will bend/break to your demands...not everyone is your mommy.

>> No.7184781

Uh g7y... I only said you would know about types of old people.

That's it. I made no comment on my own observations or my opinions, just that you deal with a lot of older people in retail or food.

Also, I said you are a nigger, you nigger.

>> No.7184791

>Disagreeing with you is imposing rules

No wonder you thought the way you did when someone dared to challenge "the customer is always right".

>> No.7184794


All elderly men and women are the same unless you give them a reason to dislike you. Thay goes for people in general. The entire world isn't against you. Paranoid.


The customer IS always right. If you don't think so you'll never be able to open/maintain a business.

>> No.7184814


>The customer IS always right. If you don't think so you'll never be able to open/maintain a business.

Treating all customers as if they're right is completely different than actually believing all customers are right.

Furthermore, there is a problem if you truly believe that all elderly people are infallible and wise and that all negative treatment is the fault of the person receiving it.

>> No.7184819


I used the words "most" and "almost all" there are exceptions but generally speaking moat elderly people are wonderful...also grateful for people that understand their bodies have aged and things take longer to do than...let's say...the actions of an 18yo.

The customer is always right. End of story. If you don't believe this mantra you're not experienced enough in life yet.

>> No.7184823

When have I said anything about people being against me or what the fuck? What hole are you pulling this from?

The only opinion or statement I have made is that you are a nigger, you fucking nigger.

>> No.7184840

>The customer is always right. End of story. If you don't believe this mantra you're not experienced enough in life yet.

If you believe this, YOU'RE not experienced enough in life yet. Smart businesses can apply this mantra to their stores, but they're not obligated to believe in it. When you get your first job in customer service, you know right away that there are plenty of customers who are not in the right. There are plenty of customers who are generally abusive to employees and other customers and feel completely entitled to everything in the store. Customers are not right when they make demands that go against store policy, including outdated coupons.

It's a mantra, not a code to take literally and delude yourself into believing it's correct. This delusion is telltale from how you attacked my age over it.

Here's a good article I read about this very topic a few months ago:


Applying this to your store and believing in it are two completely different things. Unless you can elaborate a little more without resorting to name calling, you're a minority in this opinion.

>> No.7184844

So wrong it hurts

>> No.7184849


Maybe it's the way you speak to people that has you alone on Christmas. Who knows. Keyboard cowboys are always impressive, defending the white race from behind a screen while never leaving the basement to do anything about it.

I have 5 blonde haired blue eyed children, why don't you have even one? Do women find you absolutely repulsive and deem you as an impractical mating partner?

All of that must be hard to shoulder, especially around this time of year.

>> No.7184851
File: 37 KB, 124x142, Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 7.33.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The customer is always right. End of story. If you don't believe this mantra you're not experienced enough in life yet.

This is absolutely fucking wrong and you know it. Deep down inside you know it. When you have a customer drive others out or ask for nonexistent discounts, you come back here.

>> No.7184852

>Keyboard cowboys are always impressive, defending the white race from behind a screen while never leaving the basement to do anything about it.

Can we bring "keyboard warrior" back as an insult? I like to be able to accuse people of hiding behind a keyboard when I'm doing the same.

>> No.7184854


Commercials and adverts work understanding that basically all normal people are the same and subject to the same influences. Keeping customers happy (the majority of them) will ensure repeat business and cash flow to said business owner.

>> No.7184858


Most people are generally the same. That's why medicine works too.

>> No.7184859


Yes. Sure.

>> No.7184864

You're right to some extent, but it's more of a generalization rather than something to take literally. Also advertisements tend to have a target audience, because not even all normal people are the same.

My point is "generally". You or whoever the other anon is is trying to claim that "customer is always right" is something to take literally without exceptions, and that's what's wrong.

>> No.7184870

did she used to be a nazi?

also the song reminds me of chef jon

>> No.7184873

What is this abomination?

>> No.7184876

The only customers who actually believe that the customer is always right are always the customers who are wrong.

They're always the ones who act like anyone in any form of customer service position is an indentured servant and expect you to bend over backwards to kiss their ass and treat them like royalty while they treat you like a piece of shit.

>> No.7184883

>The customer is always right. End of story. If you don't believe this mantra you're not experienced enough in life yet.

Could you use a tripcode so I can read more bluntly arrogant statements like this? Maybe "Walmart Manager" or something, since you sound like one.

>> No.7184887

A couple of years ago my company analyzed some data and found that like 20 contracts (always the lowest paying ones) were responsible for like 40% of the bullshit service calls and the majority of the complaints that management had to deal with, but some incredibly tiny fraction of revenue.

Management concluded that they were probably bad for our business whether they were customers or not, since they were an incredibly bitchy group. So better just not to have them as customers. So we announced a very specifically targeted price hike the next year to get them off our backs. Those contracts, as expected, cancelled their relationship with us and went to a competitor. Pretty much a win for everyone, except the competitor who didn't know what they were signing up.

tl;dr most customers are right, but with most customer complaints the customer is wrong

>> No.7184897

Well also managers. The managers who browse 4chan tend to be based, but this guy is probably a stereotypical Walmart manager. Might be a bias, but I've worked in Walmart when I was much younger.

>Customer is always right
>When you grow up you'll realize that

Pretty much ingrained into every depressed employee at that store.

>> No.7184903


>some extent





This response goes to all 3 of you. When in business making money is about making the majority happy, not the minority. You'll end up chasing tail and jumping like a puppy chasing down the stragglers and people that project misery out of the circumstances of their own shitty lives.

Generally...all people are the same, that's why medicine, psychiatry, adverts and food affect people in the same way.

People are people. We're basically all the same.

>> No.7184908


Yes, everyone from Germany is a Nazi. Go to Argentina where all the actual escaped Nazis went and complain at their grandchildren...hundreds of thousands of them exist.

>> No.7184918


Walmart doesn't exist in my country.

Ensuring a clients happiness guarantees repeat business. Sometimes even friendships form.

>> No.7184922

>This response goes to all 3 of you.

Disregarded. You should focus on the two posts you blatantly ignored and dismissed. One of them based on the word "generally"? Or was it the phrase "some extent"? I could understand his post. Could you not? Also I personally think my idea of you putting on a tripcode would be lovely. I love you.

>> No.7184930

>This response goes to all 3 of you. When in business making money is about making the majority happy, not the minority. You'll end up chasing tail and jumping like a puppy chasing down the stragglers and people that project misery out of the circumstances of their own shitty lives.

That's literally the point people are making here.

WHAT THE FUCK? Did you seriously just take "customer is always right" literally, flip flop, then quote a bunch of people and repeat their points to them?


No one is disagreeing with that. If your country's national language isn't English, I may forgive you a bit. The point is not to focus on the minority of customers who are pissy and are wrong. "The customer is always right" should read "most customers are right and have good intentions".

>> No.7184931

>everyone from Germany is a nazi

Well that goes without saying.

>> No.7184932


>you should do what I think you should do

Nah. Statement stands take it or leave it, or have an autistic meltdown over it...not my life to live.

>> No.7184933

>Ensuring a clients happiness guarantees repeat business.
Not when you run the business into the ground trying to please a few loudmouthed idiots who will never be happy with anything.

It's clear you don't own any businesses.

>> No.7184936


Well, this was a nice chat, you both concluded that none of us gives a fuck about what the other one is saying.

And with the cost of shitting all over a thread with semantics.

>> No.7184938


>I may forgive you

I don't need your pardons or approval to justify what I said.

People are generally all the same across the planet.

>> No.7184943


Hence why I said: make the majority happt, fuck the minority.

Minority= birthdefects of society= not even worth engaging.

>> No.7184947

>It's clear you don't own any businesses.

No, but he probably owns a lot of shit he wouldn't normally own had he not been loud at the grocery store.


That's the entire point. You're literally disagreeing with people who share the same views as you, because of your inability to grasp the English language.

>> No.7184950


Oma hausfrau baking lady would probably disapprove of the bantz ITT. TRUE.

>> No.7184965


>arguing with people that are agreeing with you.

I know, isn't it fun?

To add: no one is agreeing there's always a "but" injected into their (your) statements which is refuting what I said...further engaging me in this discussion.

Generally speaking everyone is the same, even old people.


I own a liquor store which is basically turn-key. All I have to do is ensure my clients have what they want, conversation and manners have little to do with thus business. They're always right..so I stock what they want.

>> No.7184988
File: 14 KB, 204x300, A_Colorful_Cartoon_Man_In_a_Plane_Flying_Around_the_World_Royalty_Free_Clipart_Picture_100707-145944-096053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7184994


This clipart is very offensive, please remove.

>> No.7185085


Wordart, faggot...

>> No.7185089

How is Oma pronounced? O-ma or Ohm-a

>> No.7185103

....that isn't wordart.

>You guys will disagree about anything.

>> No.7185117

i didn't know i could speak german so good

>> No.7185136


First pronunciation.

>> No.7185138

>No words
>Clipart in the filename
Calls it clipart

>> No.7185143
File: 15 KB, 229x220, images-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people actually responded.

>> No.7185144

Thanks man.

>> No.7185148

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.7185149


As long as you admit it.

>> No.7185279

She fries food in her house. So....

Oh my housefry

>> No.7185466
