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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 500x333, what-are-the-best-secret-menu-items-93280120-apr-2-2013-1-600x400-500x333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7183184 No.7183184 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone ITB regularly order "secret menu" items?

>> No.7183197

No, I'm not purposefully socially outlandish.

>> No.7183198

No, because no fast food place actually has a "secret menu" and the employees hate people who try to order dumb bullshit.

>> No.7183203

>no fast food place actually has a "secret menu"

a lot of them do. it's an industry-wide meme.

>> No.7183262

I don't eat the same trash as these FUCKING PLEBS, I prefer to eat secret trash. Fucking sheeple.

>> No.7183335

In-n-out has a bunch of off menu items
>inb4 in-n-out

>> No.7183338


Except it's all listed on their website.

>> No.7183348

er mah gerd! jamba juice!

>> No.7183381


>> No.7183391

At in-n-out I get a 4x4 with whole grilled onion with no sauce a well done fry and a Neapolitan shake. I feel like shit every time and I'm full for 2 days after but I still get it every few months after a concert when I'm drunk as fuck.

>> No.7183543

No, because you normally look like a dumbass when you ask for the secret burger with a side of incognito sauce and the cashier looks you dead in the eye and asks what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.7183983

Do you search for the website of your favorite fast food place before you go?

>> No.7183988

I get mcdoubles with mac sauce often. Not sure if it is a secret item though

>> No.7184009

No, but I had a friend who almost jizzed his pants when he discovered the secret menu at Torchy's locations in Austin. Whenever he got into a conversation with anyone about tacos or sometimes just about food in general, he always went out of his way to mention the fact that he always ordered from the "secret" menu whenever he went there, like it was some kind of big deal.

>> No.7184035

You only get one?

>> No.7184036

Protip: order a Whopper Happy Meal at Five Guys.

>> No.7184037

who cares what a fast food worker thinks?

>> No.7184041

No one who matters.

>> No.7184053


>> No.7184087

It's not really a secret if you post it, is it asswipe?

>> No.7184088

Yeah, and you know what? They're retarded. If they don't know how to sub out shit especially considering how most places are today, then they should fuck off.

Too bad I'm cutting out fastfood out of my diet, but the one secret "hack" I can still order is LIGHT ICE at mcdonalds.

Their fuckin' dollar tea went up 30 cents, but I also noticed before that if you didn't get light ice, it was literally 70% ice and 30% drink. I feel like the ratio is still undershot, but it made you feel like it was more because the ice would melt.

But no, light ice with most drinks. It's not a bad decision at all.

>> No.7184106

i make the manager shit on my Mcfuckmahnuggah

>> No.7184109

No, I personally don't like to piss off the people that make my food because I prefer it without semen.

But go ahead OP, I'm sure my 5 years of restaurant work means I know nothing at all. You'll be fine.

>> No.7184113

>Getting so pissed over having to do your job you commit a felony to take revenge

I hope the $15 minimum wage passes so management is motivated to replace your worthless ass with a machine sooner rather than later.

>> No.7184126

Actually I'm a well paid journalist now but keep projecting your upset entitled customer shit, by all means.

>> No.7184128

machines won't be replacing human robots slapping together garbage burgers anytime soon. labor is <20% of the marginal cost of fast food

>> No.7184132

>not knowing the substitution lingo
>suddenly they don't get pissed at you because they know exactly what the fuck you want to order

>> No.7184133

>entitled customer shit
>expecting food to be free of semen and other unordered bodily secretions

I used to work as a bank teller, I didn't pocket some of the money being deposited because they forgot to iron the bills.

>> No.7184145

All it means are items not advertised anywhere being still sellable.

At my McCafe we sell our coffee flavourings for $16 which is actually a bargin if you like making milkshakes at home lol

>> No.7184169
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>not worthless

>> No.7184179

I used to order at Five Guys their grilled cheese with a patty on it. Not on the menu and that is usually reserved for employees. I used to also work there though.

>> No.7184180

Why would they make something they don't sell? Surely, that's just poor business.

>> No.7184202
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Nah, man. Its really embarrassing if you try and they don't know what you mean

>Went to McDonalds last week
>Wanted to try a McGangBang
>for some reason I assumed that everyone working at McDonalds would be trained in this
>Go to the counter
>Pretty attractive young girl behind there
>Confidentally approach and say ''Hi young lady, I'd like a McGangBang please!''
>She just stares at me
>"What did you say sir?"
>realise she doesnt know the mcgangbang, annoyed and upset but also becoming very anxious
>try to play it off as a joke
>"A...A -McGang-Bang hehe.... the best part is you are invited my mayo mcchicken''
>she doesn't seem to hear or intentionally chooses to ignore me
>''So you want a McChicken?''
>realise I have no chance at ordering what I want
>try one more time to make her laugh
>"yes and a plain mcflurry or the mcgangbang aftermath as I call it"
>she just looks at me and says 'ok one mcflurry and one mcchicken'
>gets my food, gives it to me
>I end up eating it in my car then masturbating while watching her through the window

It simply isn't worth it for items that are so unhealthy

>> No.7184203

It was a joke meant to imply that you'll get shitty service and shitty food. If you actually think anyone is going to spit or cum in your food then you need to sit alone in a room for a while and re-evaluate your worldview.

>> No.7184206

I'm sorry, what soulless profession do you reluctantly drag yourself to each week that isn't soul crushing and pointless?

>> No.7184207

Did you really think that wouldn't come across as sexual harassment?

>> No.7184216

I thought it was the official menu item

>> No.7184222

Do you not? We have the resources and it doesn't take much time, why not research the places you plan on going to?

>> No.7184245

Something that doesn't make me act like an entitled fag. Yes, the notion that the more you make someone "labor" has a higher risk of them begrudging you. But guess what, I don't know what kind of paranoid society you personally live in where someone is going to fuck with your food because you asked for a piece of extra cheese or wanted to swap out a patty.

Normal human beings don't get upset at this. The ones like my grandmother who don't know what they're saying, are. Which is where it's true. My grandmother doesn't fucking know how to talk to agents on the phone, and constantly fucks up her phone plan because she doesn't know what data, internet, gigabytes, anything is. When you're not fucking retarded and know what you're asking for, the agents don't get pissed off at you and don't "accidentally" add on an extra bill.

>> No.7184272

It's cute that you think that the majority of people don't act like complete assholes to people in the hospitality industry.

>> No.7184275

You really think a massive publicity focused fast food chain would name an official menu item after a gangbang? Dude.

>> No.7184283

Uh, yeah because I worked in a restaurant and yes. People who sent food back often got a sour eye. People who asked for a simple sub weren't fucked with. People who wanted to order the full rack of ribs but sub out their collard greens with a portabello mushroom on top and then wanted half a flank of chicken parm in lieu of half of their ribs were.

You are a fucking complete muppet, get out of here.

>> No.7184306

>get out of here

You're such a child that you don't even realise we're both arguing the same point.

>> No.7184310

No, my point is not to irrationally fear that if you're going to request for a sub, do it right. You painted it in a very black light of "yeah if you ask for ANYTHING you'll get dicked with, I'm fuckin' frank west, I've covered wars you know"

>> No.7184319 [DELETED] 

You will be killed by 5 goons

>> No.7184346

You do realise you're twisting my words to fit your own view of the argument right? I never said anything like that.

>> No.7184351

>No, I personally don't like to piss off the people that make my food because I prefer it without semen
>Actually I'm a well paid journalist now but keep projecting your upset entitled customer shit, by all means.
>oh just kidding I was joking just to convey a point even though I was a total asshole about it and I'm condescending to others who disagree

>> No.7184354

hence the quotation

>> No.7184373

Firstly, not everything anyone says has to be literal. Secondly, I was replying to him/you saying I was stuck in a 'worthless' minimum wage job.

Thirdly, you're the one that's being super hostile and abusive, but sure I'm the asshole. Enjoy your day, maybe consider working on your issues.

>> No.7184387

Yeah man, I'm not a megalomaniac so have fun with that

>> No.7184399

Have fun with what? I was defending my side in an argument, you chose to get nasty. That tells me you're not a very nice person but I could be wrong. Are you having a bad day?

>> No.7184408

You do realize that chiding someone is the same thing as an ad hominem, right? Calling people cute, and saying you're not stuck in a dead end ass job. That's self inflation of your ego. And you're still doing it, so I know there's something wrong with you or you're from new york.

>> No.7184412

Should have said patronizing, excuse me.

>> No.7184419

Yeah, sorry for not being perfect. Jesus. I'm being genuine... Why do you have to be such an ass? I figured you maybe needed to talk about why you're so pissed but maybe you're just naturally this much of a cunt. Fuck.

>> No.7184427

>i'm a passive aggressive asshole
>but I'm a good guy for wanting to be genuine
Man, you must be the worst friend ever. I don't know what to say past this except I'm glad I don't know you.

>> No.7184433

I work at a fast food place. We do have a secret menu. Regular customers never order off of it, the only people who do are the guys who deliver the food.

>> No.7184434
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never order standard menu items from McDonald's or In n Out, which are the only fast food places I go to. I don't ask for anything outlandish, just stuff like extra pickles, grilled onions, well-done fries etc. McDonald's has a lot of tasty possibilities
>filet o fish with some lemon wedges on the side
>any burger with Mac sauce
>extra sauce in general
>50/50 sweet/regular iced tea with optional lemon
>egg whites or round eggs instead of inferior scrambled or folded eggs
the list goes on. There are actually secret menu items, like the double filet o fish, the sausage egg and cheese biscuit, and the double hamburger. They aren't on the menu, but they're in the POS system. We even have special double filet o fish boxes. I don't know if hot tea is on the menu, but we have that, too.

The sausage egg and cheese biscuit combo is glitched btw. The combo is only about 40 cents more.

>> No.7184437

Do you ever fucking stop? I seriously dropped it to see if there was a reason you were so upset and you can't do anything but bash me for whatever reason. Look, clearly you hate me because reasons so I won't offer to talk if you need it but you should deal with whatever is making you so mean.

Have a nice day.

>> No.7184474

I remember right before I quit working at five guys one of those stupid click bait viral links started popping up telling people about our secret menu. And instead of having the patty melt, which would have made sense, it had this remarkably retarded sandwich where you put a standard cheeseburger between two grilled cheese...

I thought this was the dumbest thing I have ever seen until I had to make it. Some pieces of redneck trash somehow got their dial up to work well enough to read this and decided to come up from the sticks and order them. I still laugh about how they pissed away 20 bucks for these sandwiches apiece and when you looked at them out in the dining room you could visibly see how disgusted they were

>> No.7184481

You should have jizzed in it to punish them.

>> No.7184535

Why is one McRib special and the other one not?

>> No.7184707

people who enjoy not having their food spit on

>> No.7184942

Torchy's is fucking dope. Trashy trailer park is not worth the hype though. Shrimp is where it's at

>> No.7184961

when i worked at in n out we use to always spit in someones food if they ordered off the secret menu. it fucks up our routine.

>> No.7184964

New York magazine called it a playful, but mysterious little dish

>> No.7184980

In McDonald's I always order a Big Mac with no Mac.

'Hold the Mac', I fuckin' say.

>> No.7185127

>At my McCafe

>> No.7186074

jimmy john's has the dubbuhgutbutsuh. it's the gargantuan (every meat on our menu) with double meat. we sell it to fat people who know about it or teach it to fat people who want a garg double meat. it's $16.45. i've sold 3 of these things in almost 2 years, always to lardasses. it splits the bread no matter what so it has to be the sloppiest, most unhealthy meal of your life.

>> No.7186221

>(every meat on our menu)

Had to go look this up, because I thought that meant the tuna as well. Was about to wince at the thought of mixing any fish salad with cold cuts. Nevermind. Forgot a lot of people don't consider non-land animals "meat."

>> No.7186235

Am I the only one in here wondering what 'ITB' stands for? In The Business?

>> No.7186281
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Wasn't sure either. I thought maybe it was "in this board," but that phrasing would be awkward. I'm just as confused as these medical professionals

>> No.7186570

sounds a lot like intubated.

also, google. i'm horrifically intoxicated and you're asking me to identify bread??

come on man

>> No.7186630

Nice to reinforce stereotypes that the "well paid journalist" is a whiny man child

>unsurprised if he works at buzz feed or other click bait sites

>> No.7186704

No because the halfwits at McDonald's can barely understand "no pickle" let alone "mcgangbang twist and shout mcflurry" or some bullshit made up for a buzzfeed article

>> No.7186721

No because as a normal, healthy person my fast food excursions are limited to "goddammit, I'm going to be out later than I thought so I better get something to hold me over until I get home" and since they have a menu right there in the restaurant, there's no reason to look up an online menu and hunt for slightly different arrangements of the same garbage I try to avoid eating more than once per year.

>> No.7186851

don't tell anyone about this /ck/


>> No.7186860

>literally a burger flipper
>calls people redneck trash

>> No.7186892

Wow, I feel bad for you, you depressed mentally unstable little man. Thanks for the lulz though

>> No.7187057

Secret menu to me is "no pickles" to get freshly made burgers. They still manage to fuck it up half of the time.

>> No.7187066


Yes, I like seeing whats new and having a plan of what to get so I don't sit in line humming like an idiot.

>> No.7187071 [DELETED] 


Normal, healthy person isn't exactly what I'd attribute to a 4chan shitposter who's mad at people for using the internet to get information.

>> No.7187168

I can only speak for the unnamed fast food chain where I work, but asking for no pickles, extra sauce etc., doesn't get you fresh food. Almost everything is made to order. The patties for the sandwiches are made in batches, and they're kept in warming trays. You can always ask for your burger to be cooked fresh, but your ass is going to wait. It doesn't make half a shit's worth of difference, anyway.
Asking for fries with no salt gives you fresh fries. This is true. If you actually like salt, then just ask for "fresh fries". Don't ask me for salt for your fucking no salt fries.

>> No.7187187

There's so many things that can interfere with being able to hear the order
>shitty headset
>coworkers/customers talking to you
>background noise (I always hear semi trucks or motorcycles)
>being too far away from the speaker
>driving a diesel or other loud car

One of my big pet peeve is when I ask people one small detail about their order, like "sorry, what flavor was the iced coffee?" and they repeat their entire order all pissed off and shit. I have 2 other people talking to me. I could do without the attitude.

>> No.7187492

>having a plan
It is fast food. Are you that much of an autist that you need to research a menu to be able to order food in a public setting?

>> No.7187750

A Big Mac with no Mac is the best

>> No.7187944

i work at mcdonalds, i really dont mind what people order as long as they arent dickheads

>> No.7188738

So you ordered a cheeseburger?

>> No.7188748

at torchy's yes

>> No.7188937

>eating fast food

Keep saying that to yourself you fucking fat fuck.
Just drink bleach.

>> No.7188943
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>> No.7188966

at Sonic I order Dr Pepper with cherry flavoring in it its kind of a secret.

>> No.7189156

F a g

>> No.7189253
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>using meme correctly

Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart anon, I'm serious.

>> No.7189329

kiss him you faggot

>> No.7189408

>eating more than one fry
amerifats, everyone

>> No.7189529
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>undertale shitposter
>cares about how the word meme is used
why am i not surprised

>> No.7189548

I think I accidentally got that dumb ass two burger pattys side to side on a roll thing at burger king made into a real menu item after I ordered a big king from there at like 1 am and got that abomination instead

>> No.7189558


>theres a super secret menu!!
>its just ordering extra things on your burger

>> No.7189587

I like the white gummy at jamba juice.

>> No.7190645
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Tell me, which one out of the two is not relevant to the conversation and is just insulting another anon and is a pure shitpost

>> No.7190795

Both are shitposts since both are irrelevant to the thread or even the board.

BTW this post and your post are also shitposts :^)

>> No.7190824

Yeah, like during a lunch rush my employer sells enough food to keep the staff hired all day.

>> No.7190834
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>well paid
Well memed

>> No.7190840
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Holy shit my sides

>> No.7190845

I know not to take it literally when you said you were well paid.
You seriously are an autismo for believing that asking for a sub = getting dicked with.

>> No.7190860

>being this massively anally fissured.
My god your such a little bitch.
How short are you?

>> No.7190870

Stay butt blasted

>> No.7191055

>implying /ck/ is not a shitpost

>> No.7191063

Everyone who orders off the "secret menu" is like this >>7184202

>> No.7191650


>in this board
>this board
no thanks

>> No.7191668

is mc donalds honey a secret menu item?

>> No.7191676
File: 961 B, 149x132, Flowey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hungry one day
>go down to the Krusty Krab
>ask for a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe, 4x4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, made to cry, burnt and left to swim
>mfw free meal because the guy forgot the pickles

>> No.7191806
