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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 480x360, Pajeet_chow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7173606 No.7173606 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to eat Indian street food with at least a minimum of hygiene? Like, if I go to india, can I try street food in a restaurant or something?

I've eaten in greasy spoons around the country, and in all kinds of messed up places, even in mexico, and South America, but pajeets -no matter how delicious their food looks- can't keep clean worth shit.

>> No.7173649 [DELETED] 

You may as well take a stroll down a designated street and start picking up your side dishes on your way to E. coli and hepatitis vendors.

>> No.7173651

For every bite of food you take, just take 500mg of amoxicillin.

>> No.7173692

neo-pol needs to fuck off

>> No.7173700 [DELETED] 


> doesn't poo in the loo

>> No.7173714

No. I've been to India (Jhansi, Utturpradesh, Agra, and New Delhi) and the first thing our local guide told me was to never ever try the street food. He literally said "if you eat any of the street food and the tap on your backside turns on, I cannot turn it off for you." Our guide only took us to places he knew wouldn't fuck up foreigners.

Some other guy I knew had the misfortune of drinking contaminated bottled water, and he uncontrollably shat himself on the bus. We had to stop by the roadside so he could empty his bowls.

Also malaria tablets for days.

>> No.7173717 [DELETED] 

Poo in loo

>> No.7173734

You can get Indian street foods in restaurants in Australia, so I'd guess there are places in India too, but I've never been.

Take hydrochloric acid supplements. A good supply of stomach acids are your first defence against unwanted bacteria.

>> No.7175160 [DELETED] 

ask if they poo in loo

>> No.7175322
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>> No.7175325 [DELETED] 


>> No.7175392

No, you can barely even eat non street food. I've eaten street food all over Asia (even in the US I eat at food carts all the time) and I never get sick, but in India I've gotten sick multiple times. I've seen foreigners get sick in every city (Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, Agra, Goa) and from restaurants and hotels too. The only place I'd recommend going is Goa, but even then I'd tell people to go to Indonesia, Thailand, etc. instead.

>> No.7175416

Please post this in every street food thread you find.

>> No.7175420

The term "delhi belly" exists for a reason. India is a filthy country.

>> No.7175423

You can do it, but just from personal experience of the 3 times I went to India the first two I got sick as a dog trying to be adventurous and doing what the natives did. Third time I ate strictly at the hotel and did just fine.

>> No.7175461

What about Thailand or Vietnam?

>> No.7175464

Thailand and Vietnam are both great for street food. I prefered Vietnam over Thailand. Theres more life to HCMC then there is to Bangkok.

>> No.7175581

You either:

1. Cook them at home (pav bhaji is relatively easy. phuchka/pani-puri is a meme you buy at a sweets shop)
2. Go to an actual restaurant. (many good restaurants serve all kinds of food, including street food).

> Like, if I go to india, can I try street food in a restaurant or something?

Definitely. While I can't speak for every city, if you go to Kolkata, there's lots of restaurants where you can eat street food cooked in a hygenic manner.

That is the name of a state, Agra and Jhansi are in it. You unfortunately had a terrible guide. He didn't take you to a decent restaurant. Especially in Delhi of all places.

Having said all that, you also chose some of the worst places in the country to visit. India's best places are actually the ones least visited. Go to places in Sikkim (Gangtok is the capital), visit Bikaner, Jodhpur, Ajmer, Jaipur and Mysore to name a few.

The study was terrible and the article about it was even worse. Indian street food cooked in the streets does not contain high doses of fecal matter, but it does contain all sorts of germs and other contaminants (mostly due to the use of poor quality water). So yes I would not recommend eating it.

>> No.7175644

Lol Jaipur is literally a fucking dump.

One thing you also have to think about is how bad the smog/smoke is in parts of India.

Both amazing.

>> No.7175972

I wasn't talking about the main city, but the outskirts. Lots of nice forts and stuff around.

Thee smog is bad in Delhi, Mumbai, parts of Chennai, parts of Kolkata and around any other cities and towns with factories (Agra and Kanpur are two). It isn't bad in any of the places I recommended.

>> No.7176066

Street food is generally a gamble (NYC hot dogs are more often than not kept below a safe temperature, for example, but that's a bit of a stretch from the sheer volume of Indian street food that contains literal shit.

>> No.7176073


Just don't. You will get sick most of the time. Street food in total is just a dirty business but you're doing it in poopoo town.

>> No.7176082

Create an Indian food stand out of a clean toilet

It will blow their fucking minds, might even start a riot

>> No.7176083 [DELETED] 


>> No.7176084

It doesn't really compare, you'll get a stomach ache from eating that hotdog in New York. In India you'll be sitting in the fetal position on the toilet for days and won't have a solid shit for weeks.

If you go to India you'll want to bring a bunch of pepto pills, imodium, etc. if you want to be able to go without shitting for 30 minutes.

>> No.7176092

Dude, there are Indian people that have lived so long stateside that they too get sick from the food in India. You have no chance.

>> No.7176098

they don't call it Vindaloo for nothing.

>> No.7176140

You only yolo once so why not try it and if you get sick, just ride the brown dragon.

>> No.7176143

>you only you only live once once
You got me

>> No.7176144 [DELETED] 


>> No.7176148 [DELETED] 


>> No.7176157 [DELETED] 

We have space program u mutherfuking bitch

superpower by 2020

>> No.7176181 [DELETED] 


>> No.7176189

hand the cook a pair of latex gloves to use while cooking.

wont remove risk, but will reduce it.

>> No.7176201

India is literally worse than most African countries when it comes to basics like sanitation. Eat anything at your own risk.

Honestly, I don't know how people still fall for this trap. You're talking about a culture of people that bathe and drink in the same water they shit in or dump dead bodies in.

>> No.7176214 [DELETED] 



>> No.7176222

Of course it compares. New York street food has definitely been known to give people the shits.

>> No.7176237

you dont understand.

india is literally covered in human shit.

>> No.7176360

Indian here
There are 3 primary reasons that our foods cause digestive problems and not one of them is related to poor hygiene. Indians have very good hygiene. Don't believe the memes, most streets have public hand basics and even the fucking monkeys are given regular bubble baths by local entrepreneurs to prevent disease spreading

1. Indians are very hard working and during business hours we often don't have time to go from work, get food, wait 1 hour then shit, so we need food that is laxative and can be consumed and removed from the body within the confines of a single 30 minute lunch break, so the food is designed this way
2. Yes, Indians have issues with street monkeys. So we design food which is laxative as they will not eat it. Monkeys do not like faeces which is why they throw them to get rid of them so it causes them to leave, this is also why our food is brightly coloured
3. We designed our food this way during British colonisation so that the British overseers would leave to shit more often and railway workers could quickly seduce and have sex with the female British workers, this is why Indian men are so confident approaching white women today on facebook/twitter etc

None of these are because of poor hygiene, quite the opposite in fact

>> No.7176384
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>Indians have very good hygiene

>> No.7176402

>we need food that is laxative and can be consumed and removed from the body within the confines of a single 30 minute lunch break

it takes 6+hours to digest a meal.


>> No.7176408

>Indians have very good hygiene

>> No.7176410 [DELETED] 


>> No.7176413

>half live in high-rise
>half live in slums

fucking shitnigger privileged bitch.

its more like 1% live in high-rises, 99% live in slums.

every single indian in the west is either the descendant of a white collar criminal, or one themselves.

>> No.7176422


>> No.7176425

Nice damage control Rajeet

>> No.7176434
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>anyone wanting to fuck Indian men

>> No.7176444
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This entire post

>> No.7176445

Kinda my point, street food is never glamorous from a hygiene perspective, but India is far worse.

Not to nearly the same extent across average experiences.

>> No.7176464

>never glamorous
>hygiene perspective

wtf does hygiene have to do with glamour

>> No.7176470


I assume you're ESL, champ.

Point being that it's not like street food conditions are anything worth admiring on a documentary. It's going to be dirtier than restaurant fare at best, let alone at worst.

But it's not India level bad where the average street food is literally full of shit.

>> No.7176478

you are a fucking retard who uses the wrong words in the wrong context.

>street food is never glamorous from a hygiene perspective
is a fucking retarded thing to say.

>> No.7176484

>synonyms: beautiful, attractive, lovely

If most people put a bit of thought into the conditions under which street food is served at all, they would not consider it "attractive"

You are also getting autistically attached to the most literal and obvious definition of the word without considering that a given word can have a variety of meanings and connotations.

>> No.7176490

cunts like you don't understand that the point of language is to communicate accurately.

>>street food is never glamorous from a hygiene perspective
this is something only an uneducated idiot would say. it makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

do you even fucking know what a synonym is?
USE A DICTIONARY TO DEFINE WORDS, fucking moron. there is only one word for every one thing. the words are NOT interchangeable. they MEAN DIFFERENT THINGS.

>> No.7176495

>Can't even quote properly and uses double brackets


Also going to assume that you're a butthurt wagon wheel who is trying to distract from the fact that Indian street food is full of feces, and that while imperfect NY street food is leagues better from a health perspective.

>> No.7176497

>the argument you two retards are having

both of you sound like an indian shit into your skull

>> No.7176506

>>>street food is never glamorous from a hygiene perspective

is the most retarded shit i've read on /ck/ this entire year.

are you a cocksucker of somekind?
the stereotype of them having a predilection for exactly this kind of rape of language.

>> No.7176512


A EFL speaker would have probably used tendency or penchant, Rajeep

>> No.7176521

do you even know what predilection means?
it is the perfect word for this context.

im from finland.
english is my 3rd language, out of 5.

are you a cocksucker?

>> No.7176528

>What is water treatment

>> No.7176529

>He's from Finland
>He's calling me a cocksucker

Also, no, I was saying that your vocabulary screams that you are either speaking English as a second language (which if you are actually from Finland, you likely are) or that you are a butthurt as shit faggot who dug out the thesaurus to use the biggest word he could find without actually considering what people would colloquially use.

Either way, your autism is distracting from the central point of the thread, as is my milder autism in regard to replying to you. I'm out of this thread now, hopefully the thread can recover from this idiotic derail you started.

>> No.7176532
File: 391 KB, 1033x1026, hah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indians have very good hygiene
Didn't read past that.

>> No.7176534

This guy is not an Indian.

>> No.7176543

>your autism is distracting from the central point of the thread

thats funny.
considering that
>>>>street food is never glamorous from a hygiene perspective
is a massively autistic thing to say.

not to mention indicates you are a cocksucker of somekind. as does the fact that though i have asked you twice if you are a cocksucker, you have failed to answer both times.

a non-cocksucker would simply have replied "no, i do not suck cocks".

fuck off back to wherever you came from.
you've been identified as the bitch you are.

>> No.7176554

>> 7176543
fuck off faggerstrom

>> No.7176556


>> No.7176573

If all the food is toxic there then should I even trust foods made from India then?
How do Indian people even survive eating their own food, are they all constantly sick?

>> No.7176597

I've eaten a tonne of questionable food. Would I be able to survive street food?
Let me list
>largely expired dairy
>Prosciutto left in the front seat of my car overnight
>some cooked chicken breast in rice left for a day and night in car, just reheated
>Expired ground beef
>Name a food, I've eaten it expired and didnt feel bad afterwards

>> No.7176612



>> No.7176620


<Insert "Poo Loo" joke here>

>> No.7176625

>I've eaten it expired and didnt feel bad afterwards
you should probably keep doing this
you'll only grow stronger

>> No.7176641

He made sense.

>> No.7176649


No, you wouldnt survive indian street food. What you did was the equivalent of getting a cold several times in a row, to "strengthen your immune system." Eating street food would be like a shock of leukemia, ebola, and super aids to your bowels.

You just can't prepare for that. Why do you think DESIGNATED is a meme on /pol/?

>> No.7176652

>How do Indian people even survive eating their own food

in some ways, the human body is just a an extension built around our digestive system.
and to be more specific, around the bacteria living in our digestive system.

basically the entire human organism is just a cover for gut bacteria to ensure its survival and a more ready and steady source of food.

indians in particular, due to their low food hygiene, have extremely potent gut bacteria.

>> No.7176659

It was fucking contrived and like something written by a cocksucker in Cosmopolitan.

>> No.7176661

Besides the feces thing, I wonder what makes it so. I imagine a sewage worker could be inhaling the same amount of fecal matter in a day and survive that.

>> No.7176662

Well, first off, bear in mind that UNICEF made a fucking youtube video telling wagon wheels to stop shitting in the street because it was a hygiene issue. They're dying, there are just a lot of them.

But secondarily, when your hygiene is that bad when it comes to feces, having a dash more in your street food is not as major of a concern like it is for a first worlder.

For a lesser phenomenon, look at how easily the average tourist gets sick from tap water in many countries compared to a native.

>> No.7176666

Try taking it to /lit/ and see what they think, because "glamourous" is definitely a way to describe eating street food when on a travel. But is unglamorous when you equate the hygiene involved.

>> No.7176667

inhaling and ingesting are two completely different things when it comes to their susceptibility to different kinds of microbe colonization/infection.

furthermore, though sewage smells bad, inhaling the gasses that come off it is NOTHING compared to swallowing even a tea-spoon of the stuff.

>> No.7176668
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That's an /int/ meme senpai

>> No.7176670

He didn't describe eating it, fucking moron.

He described the hygiene involved.

There is no glamour involved with ANY hygiene.

Are you also somekind of fucking cocksucker?

>> No.7176685
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He said
>"Streetfood is not glamorous.."
And then we looked at streetfood. And it's hygeine, when we adjust our perspective on it. It's kind of like learning to read facial expressions - English is just as complex.
You've been thinking about sucking cocks for almost an hour too, sheesh.

>> No.7176786


>> No.7176795

Just don't eat it. Cousin went there to visit family and she got typhoid from the food.

>> No.7176980

India please! It's nearly 2016.

>> No.7177100

Actual Indian here, from the "2% that makes up the middle/rich class".

1. Street food = no unless it is from any place described below.
2. If you go to any decent-looking restaurant you are probably going to be fine. This is certainly true for the big cities. Avoid restaurants in places with terrible surroundings (exceptions - restaurants in brand name hotels like Hyatt, Marriot and ITC, where you're going to run a $100 bill in a meal for 4; but the food is worth it).
3. If a proper meal at the restaurant you're going for 4 costs $20 or more, you're probably going to be fine. Check with an actual decently educated person in that city though to be sure. For cheaper places it varies on a case by case basis and from city to city.

>literally full of shit

This is incorrect. Indian street food isn't literally full of shit. However, it does have a plethora of germs and toxins (heavy metals, soil) from the poor quality water that most street food vendors use, apart from their questionable, if not outright disgusting hygeine practices.

>> No.7177109

If you live in a house that receives water from the city's municipal corporation, that water is going to be mostly clean, but you'll probably need a $20 filter to get rid of iron (in some places arsenic as well). It won't be like Canada where tap water = drinking water without filtering, but the water from the city's pipes is perfectly fine for bathing.

If you live in an illegally built place without a connection to the city's water supply, you'll need to spend hundreds on an industrial filter, assuming you are able to get water at all.

>> No.7177120

Yeah, I know I went to some of the worst places in India, but I had no say in it. I had some nice food in a hotel, but OP asked about street food. Also Agra was pretty cool, got to see the Taj Mahal. It was a bit ironic and sad that the security guards there treated the locals with contempt but were nice to us simply because we were foreigners.

>> No.7177121

Same here, but I still wouldn't risk Indian street food. They shit in the streets bro

>> No.7177139

That shit never makes it to the street food though. Which doesn't change the fact that the street food is highly unhygenic when cooked on the streets.

That sucks. The next time you plan to come to India (if you do, that is), try to ask real people (reddit will give you some decent answers hopefully) and don't rely on travel guides for anything other than basic information. The Taj Mahal is so overrated, I've been there once and thought it was meh. Agra Fort was much better. But I'd still prefer remote places in Rajasthan any day over any place in UP.

>> No.7177180

Shitting... Mmm..

>> No.7177221

Or better yet, the next time you plan on going to India just do yourself a favor and go somewhere else instead. Somewhere where you won't risk being stuck in the bathroom for half your trip.

>> No.7177231

Oh, I'm so sorry my cuisine has so much fibre that your tiny rectums can't handle it.

>> No.7177252




>> No.7178340

>can I try street food in a restaurant or something?

steet food is prepared in front of you, so it's actually safer than restaurant food

>> No.7178353

>in India
I've got bad news for you

>> No.7178366

No tourist is going to be living in a shanty so you don't have bad news for him

>> No.7178635

No tourist should be in India period. I'd rather go to kuwait

>> No.7178637

It's shame you haven't got a passport then, isn't it?

>> No.7178650

I dont? That's weird. I had one yesterday.

>> No.7178658

Good thing your government confiscated it, because retards like you should not be allowed outside of their countries.

>> No.7178767

Wow. You got me. Haven't heard an insult that good since 2nd grade

>> No.7178867

I went to Pakistan for a holiday for 2 months and eat a tonne of street food and only got sick once. Considering how big India is I'm guessing that the small amount of occurrences of bad hygiene just get inflated. My advice for you is whenever you see a street food stall, just watch them make the food for a few minutes. You can usually tell by that if its safe to eat.

>> No.7178890

You're guessing wrong

>> No.7178894

p00 in l00

>> No.7178936

how in hell doesn't ebola spread like wildfire in countries like that

>> No.7178949

Why is this so popular with Indians? Is it just an Indian thing? Is this popular in Bangladesh/Afghanistan/Pakistan?

>> No.7178950 [DELETED] 


Indians don't use toilet paper, they wipe their ass with their hand

They do this EVERY FUCKING TIME they take a shit, no matter how much they wash their hands it will NEVER. EVER. get all of it off

so don't eat in India, better yet don't fucking go to India

>> No.7178956

>Non passport owning, flyover state detected.

>> No.7178968

Have you ever been to india you dumbshit, they have a custom where's it's rude to touch anything during a meal with you left hand because of the asswiping practices

Also MUH FLYOVERS, really?, I'll go make a screencap of my PP just for you faggot

>> No.7178991

>I don't want to go a particular country
>"hurr, you're a retard who shouldn't be allowed to travel."
Quality comeback, guy.

>> No.7178995

Nice damage control Raj

>> No.7179001

I have been to India.
You are still a flyover faggot.
These are the facts of the matter and cannot be contested.

>> No.7179061 [DELETED] 

You clearly haven't heard of this wonderful invention called soap. Let me in on a secret that your brain was never able to figure out itself. People wash their hands with soap after they clean themselves. Ergo, their hands are sanitory.

If your girlfriend gives you a blowjob, don't ever kiss her. If she licks your ass, even worse. Oh, and you probably don't have a girlfriend given how tiny and retarded your down's syndrome affected brain is, so why not eat at all since your right hand is all dirty from the semen that creatures like you should never release into the wild.

>> No.7179079
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India is literally everything revolting, be it public defecation, corpses lying in streets and floating in rivers, cows and dogs shitting in public wells, people are literally of shit color, they are racist as shit, touch foods and appliances with their shit wiping hand... and the list fucking goes on.

>> No.7179499

Try harder.

>> No.7179509

so the lesson is never travel

>> No.7179534

poo in the loo

>> No.7179540
File: 16 KB, 460x345, Chris Rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>India is literally worse than most African countries

Chris Rock on India at 26:03


My Grandfather was in the Navy back in the 40's - 50's, and I asked him if he'd ever been to India, and he said the following:

"Ever been to India?"

- "Yea....dirty fuckin' place."

My Grandfather NEVER cussed.

>> No.7179542


>> No.7179548

I value Chris Rock's grandfather's commentary so highly.

>> No.7179579

On January 1st, 2030. India will have harvested enough shit to fuel a single rocket. The rocket will reach the moon and will turn the lunar fields into designated shitting moon. The astronauts would get out of their shitcraft and release their bowels where no Indian has released before. One of these men, Pajeet Singh. Is a national hero to Indians all around. As their wagon wheel flag is planted into the surface.

Pajeet my son, I'm so proud

>> No.7179641

No, you should travel, just anywhere but India.

>> No.7179659


>> No.7179666

No, the lessen is to only travel to places that have mastered the technology of the toilet.

>> No.7179697

>monkeys are given regular bubble baths by local entrepreneurs


>> No.7179709
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>> No.7179736

If any of this is true and not troll, India will never ever be a world power in anything

>> No.7179750

Christ. These people are so fucking disgusting. Do they also bathe in those waters? Imagine the smell.
>We sometimes use the public toilet
What the fuck

>> No.7179758 [DELETED] 

lol i bet u cant even poo in loo

>> No.7179762
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>wagon wheels

>> No.7179776
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What the fuck did I just read

>> No.7179789

I just don't know what to say

>> No.7179932
File: 200 KB, 850x1024, Meanwhile walking in India.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"....go to India, and get off the plane, and go to baggage claim, and in baggage claim was a big pile of s-h-i-t....and I didn't see an animal anywhere, and that was probably the most pleasant smell in my 6 days there."


>> No.7179978

Hey Samir, nice bait. I'll be enjoying my toilet over here in the USA.

>> No.7180005


>> No.7180015


>> No.7180023

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.7180028
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>> No.7180036

No, they don't worship them...

>> No.7180042

It isn't true.

>> No.7180047

i can't stop laughing. pajeet, you're a funny guy.

>> No.7180079
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>> No.7180086
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>> No.7180182


>> No.7180195
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>> No.7180253



>> No.7180259

> Stop by the roadside so he could empty his bowls
> Roadside

So he became a local

>> No.7180370
File: 95 KB, 960x889, 1450043007541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fucking baffling that one of the most populous countries in the world has access to youtube, yet shitting in a toilet is like rocket surgery

>> No.7180377

I can only imagine how bad that entire country smells.

>> No.7180382

Squatting is way better for you. I'd totally do it if I hadn't gotten used to sitting also what am I supposed to do with my pants when I'm shitting? Anyways I usually lean as far forward on the toilet as possible and it kinda replicates the effect. The shit just glides right out, I wonder how good it would be if I could actually use a squat.

>> No.7180388

Racist prick. Christ Rock needs to check his privilege.

>> No.7180411


>> No.7180435

I spent only a short amount of time in India, but I was there for a pretty fancy conference. Lots of politicians and other high-up people there. We went to nothing but nice restaurants. Still the whole group from my country got diarrhea.
I managed to peek into the kitchen at one of these restaurants, and I saw people literally preparing food on the floor, holding vegetables in place with their feet.
I don't think hygiene as a concept has spread to India, I think they maybe focus on having things ritually clean and don't really care if they're actually clean.

>> No.7180459

my god that's disgusting

>> No.7181346

That's true, they're to afraid of toilet witches to get close enough for worship.

>> No.7181368

He's lying. That couldn't have happened, especially if politicians were present.

>> No.7181370

Come to England OP, barrow market in london has some indian street food

>> No.7181371

Get a squatty potty

>> No.7181372

Maybe the politicians were just in the same area/in india period rather than the same restaurants

>> No.7181374

I don't think you understand how dirty India is

>> No.7181390

Trust me DONT eat street food ever in India. They shit on the ground and ocean. Doubt they even wash their filthy hands in their whole lifetime.
You've been WARNED.

>> No.7181398

Huh, that's funny. I lived there for a few years. The dirty areas are blown out of proportion. It's like saying Times Square is all of New York City.

If you want clean restaurants and clean food, you can definitely get them. But be prepared to pay for it - even most middle class Indians can't afford that. Or rather they can, but they're not going to spend that much (and would not be able to every week). Inside houses are really clean though - I had a maid and it only cost $100 a month.

>> No.7181626

No you retard. It was an inauguration, which almost always has a religious overtone in India.

>> No.7181629

>inaugurating your toilet by worshipping it like a god instead of just shitting in it

>> No.7181641

Except there is no worship going on.

>> No.7181647

>eating food that was prepared in hygienic conditions is unaffordable

What a fucking shithole. Quite literally.

>> No.7181661

Just because they aren't Christian doesn't mean they can't worship, you bigot.

>> No.7181719

It will be affordable for you. Not for someone making $400 a month.

>> No.7181722

Except you can eat at home for a fraction of the cost, wiseass.

What if I told you that I'm a Hindu?

>> No.7181728

>your home was "cleaned" by a maid who uses her left hand to wipe shit off her asshole

It literally makes no difference how you turn it.


>> No.7181797
File: 121 KB, 485x723, tmp_821-sajeetpoo-769232981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious you're indian, dinesh.
You wouldn't be so upset otherwise.

>> No.7181804


Yeah it's the fiber that causes it. Not the human feces.

>> No.7181824


There is so much fecal matter in Indian cities, from various sources. That it dries up and becomes dust on the wind. Everything is covered in fecal dust. Unless it is inside a modern building that is regularly cleaned to western standards.

>> No.7181830
File: 278 KB, 420x410, 1446528411920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus that thought is just too fucking funny for being so fucked up.

LITERALLY everything is shit.

>> No.7181837

I would be worried about what they are using as fuel for their cooking fires too. Indians are known to pick up dried cow patties and burn them to cook.

>> No.7181873

What caused a billion people to spring up around a giant fucking swamp?

It's like an entire culture formed and evolved around shit and waste.

They are the Poo People

>> No.7181874

>We had to stop by the roadside so he could empty his bowls.
>indians so shitty they literally make foreigners not poo in the loo

>> No.7181879
File: 27 KB, 300x294, 1348430689124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skin color poo
>poo in food
>poo on houses
>poo in rivers
>worshipping cow dung
>poo on hands

>> No.7181920
File: 228 KB, 2000x1356, tmp_5502-1441119274018-769232981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7182745

They literally have a city names Poo.

>> No.7182802

boo in loo?

>> No.7182815

The flag, the wheel is literally a wagon wheel.

>> No.7182816

Indian here and I never eat indian street food when I visit, if I do its under rare circumstances and only if im with my cousins. You can always buy some cookies or something if you need to satisfy a hunger until you can eat something that will fill you up.

Never ever and I mean EVEEEEEEERRRRRR even go near pani puri that shit will give you the shits the fastest.

I dont even trust the bottled water much, I just stick with mango juice, pepsi, sprite. Im not a tea/coffee drinker but im served it a few times but honestly it tastes strange since most people use buffalo milk and it just tastes odd.

>> No.7182846

>Boss goes to India once a year to check on company's team of cheap indian programmers in shitelpi, india
>Everytime has shit problems despite trying his best to avoid things and only eat at the fancy tourist place
>First year he went, he ate at a normal looking but non-tourist restaurant
This year he says he'll pack a suitcase full of protein and granola bars.