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File: 51 KB, 720x960, img_101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7179240 No.7179240 [Reply] [Original]

>cmd+f "Beer"
>0 results

What beer are you drinking?

Im currently drinking Beavertown Black Betty


Doesnt even make sense to me. Either they made an average IPA and wanted something gimmicky to help it sell, or they made a dark beer and decided to put IPA on the front since that meme still isnt dead.

Either way they convinced me to buy it.

>> No.7179251
File: 28 KB, 800x599, guinness-nitro-ipa-cans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried pic related. Pretty good but I wouldn't buy it again. Too thick and creamy

>> No.7179256

Never seen this in the UK, and Google doesnt yield and places where I can buy it either. Shame because I quite enjoy what Guinness are doing lately.

>> No.7179375

Finally got Two Hearted IPA from Bell's in my distro'. It's breddy good, very very well balanced, nice malt flavor, not a hop bomb like most IPAss's.

>> No.7179747
File: 93 KB, 750x1000, Founders-Dark-Penance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off
>ipa meme
Kill yourself

Anyway, Black IPAs, or IBA (India Black Ale) or whatever you want to call it is exactly what it seems, basically a hop forward stout/porter. It isn't a gimmick or a meme or a marketing scheme, it is a legitimate, though often not very good style of beer.

Some breweries tried to push the style at one point but it didn't work and never became a fad. A decent amount of breweries still make them but normally as a seasonal or special release, rarely year round.

Pic related is an example from a widely available, well known, respected brewery.

>> No.7179765
File: 73 KB, 485x777, Atwater-Vanilla-Java-Porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla Java Porter from Atwater Brewery.

It's actually pretty decent. I grabbed a 6 pack at the store yesterday to give it a try. Wasn't expecting a lot from a brewery in Detroit, but I'd get it again.

>> No.7179777

That's because it's an APA and not an IPA

>> No.7179784

>go to wild wolf brewery and buy "dry stout"
>only 4 abv, seems like a good idea
>drink it
>bitter and happy, doesn't taste like any stout ever
>find out it has an IBU of 40


>> No.7179798

>A meme is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture"

Thats not my definition, but it seems the recent IPA trend fits that description doesnt it?

>> No.7179805
File: 106 KB, 345x412, chewbacca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7179920

Says India Pale Ale on the back label

>> No.7179925

Great input. Glad to have you on board.

>> No.7179934

>american style ipa
aka an APA

>> No.7179966

Rude awakening OP, all black IPAs are disappointing. They combine the best characteristics of each and result in a muddy mess that emphasizes none of the strengths of the components. The only one ghats worth a shit is blackout by 21st amendment and even that one is "good" at best.

The closest thing I can think of to what you want when you grab black IPA is velvet merlin from Firestone walker. And now that I think of it, they have a few offerings that are dark and hoppy, like Wookey Jack.

>> No.7179972

Just got back from a trip to Portland Maine. Half case of Epiphany, and a variety of Italian and Belgian sours while I was there

That's just not true, black IPAs consistanly bring a fun and unique spin to IPAs. I'm sorry your flyover state doesn't have any good ones

>> No.7179989

APA stands for American Pale Ale. That is an American Style IPA.

>> No.7179995
File: 82 KB, 594x595, 1447216795716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying flyoverland doesn't make the best beer in the world.

>> No.7179999


I live in portland Oregon ffam, and I don't think any of the black IPAs or CDAs are worth a shit. It's lIke mixing ketchup and mustard to me, the sum is less than the whole of its parts. The beer game is on point here and this style STILL disappoints. If you have any suggestions about what to try I'd love to hear them but as of now I regard black IPAs about as high as suicide.

>> No.7180018

OP here. Have to say in this instance I agree with you.

I dont typically like IPA (although I actually bought this beer a few months ago and since then Ive had some that I enjoyed). I normally go for porters/dark beers such as trappists. At the time I thought this would be a good cross over between the two styles.

In the end, I didnt get the rich and bitter coffee or chocolate flavours you might get from a porter. The beer had a good tropical fruit and citrus smell that just wasnt there when I tasted it.

It wasnt a bad beer, but it wasnt anywhere close to what I would expect for the price I paid.

>> No.7180185

Drinking some Modern Times Mega Fortunate Islands. Sweet baby Jesus, this does not drink like a double IPA. It's bretty gud though, I'll definitely get it again. Also got some Death by Coconut for the Mrs.

Firestone Walker makes a great black IPA called Wookey Jack, highly recommend. Doesn't muddle the flavors at all. Also Velvet Merlin is an oatmeal stout iirc.

>> No.7180294

If you want to give black ipas another shot, try out hoppy feet 2.0 from clown shoes

>> No.7180375
File: 42 KB, 300x450, 1432252750193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a pack of this because I've always loved ginger beer, and I know alcoholic ginger beers exist so I wanted to give it a try.

The ginger beer taste is definitely there at the start of a sip but it's washed over by a murky plain watery flavor, like mold sitting in a cup of tea. It has a spicy kick and lingering tingle, but overall it tastes just like a shitty watered down ginger beer. Would likely never buy again.

>> No.7180379

Blue Moon Gingerbread Ale.

>> No.7180387
File: 3.86 MB, 5312x2988, 20151217_231054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if serious, but you're a faggot either way. But you already know that.

>> No.7180389
File: 72 KB, 500x332, tumblr_m6vi04usNp1raguq4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing crazy tonight. Almost bought Abrasive, but decided against it. Not my pic

>> No.7180395

Out and fucking proud, you dick measuring closetcase.

>> No.7180401
File: 273 KB, 1600x1195, Iron Horse Quilter's Irish Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best beers in existence.

>> No.7180402

Pic related because it's the only good beer my work has and I can't afford craft on a grocer's salary.

>> No.7180403

What is there to be proud of

>> No.7180407
File: 961 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a retard I forget the photo while my gf chews my phone

>> No.7180410

>Black IPA or CDA
technically their official industry name is American Black Ale, not Black IPA, not Cascadian Dark Ale

And there are a few great ones. Especially in your area. Deschutes Hop in the Dark is fantastic. Stone Sublimely Self Righteous is really good, as is Laughing Dog's Dogzilla.

>> No.7180415

Blue moon is the exact same price as half the local beer in my area.

>> No.7180434
File: 3.90 MB, 5312x2988, 20151217_234203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good beer was probably a dollar more. You're a faggot too, and I don't mean gay.

>> No.7180464
File: 70 KB, 1029x687, ghost2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had pic related the other day, and it deserves the praise it gets. I'm not even an ipa/super hoppy beer guy, but ghost in the machine is superb. Everywhere is sold out of it now and i'll have to wait until next year to get more. It helps that i live 15 miles from the brewery though.

>> No.7180485

You're thinking of ghost in the shell

>> No.7180486

The liquor store is also out of my way home if that makes you niggers happy

>> No.7180489

No it doesnt. You should've just gotten PBR for cheaper.

>> No.7180516

Waaah, the store was out of the way and the good beer was too expensive! Shut your hole!

>> No.7180578

Blue moon honestly isn't even bad though.
and I consider myself a beer snob

Blue moon is like a 7/10. Totally drinkable

You want to know a bad beer? I recently tried Budweiser for the first time(yes I know, I kinda tried to avoid it for as long as possible)

Now THAT...was pretty fucking gross.
That was a legitimately bad beer
Blue moon? Tastes like fucking mana compared to typical light lager pisswater

>> No.7180905

You thought it was bad because you went into it thinking it was going to be bad. I know this because that's what I used to do with macros. Now I almost always have one of the big three in my fridge as a standby for when I just want something simple and easy.

>> No.7180912
File: 63 KB, 960x480, sweetjosie_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Beer coming through.

>> No.7180921


>> No.7180954
File: 250 KB, 1155x767, corsendonk_pater_dubbel_ale_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Corsendonk made Belgium a relevant country.

>> No.7181307


Not sure who told you that buts wrong dude, Cascadian dark ale is a legitimate style of dark beer with a ton of hops in it, i.e. a black IPA. I don't really see the point of correcting me on incorrect technicalities desu

Also thanks to whoever did correct me about velvet merlin, because that one is indeed an oatmeal stout.

>> No.7181365

No dude, it really is bad though.
It's super bitter(because it has no other flavors only a slight amount of hops).
Doesn't taste like anything. Literally piss water.

Light lagers really do suck I'm not saying that just because it's Budweiser. I gave it a fair chance, had like 1/3 of a pitcher.

>> No.7181377

>doesn't taste like anything
Idk if we had the same beer man. Bud just tastes like a sweeter than normal adjunct to me since they use rice. It's not bad at all and I could easily down 4 or 8 in a sitting

>> No.7181391
File: 154 KB, 328x500, Pale-ale-new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking a couple of pic related tonight. Yes, Spelt is very much a maymay food and I'm not the world's biggest fan of IPA's, but I have to admit that this one tasted pretty good.

Because of the spelt grains, it tastes more like a Belgian Saison than an IPA.

>> No.7181556

Must've messed up taste buds

>> No.7181588
File: 123 KB, 600x620, Blood Orange Gose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this right now (not my picture). This is super refreshing after the morning run. Sour, sweet, slightly salty and super crushable. Criminally underrated and I wish they did more flavors.

>Sublimely Self Righteous
It's discontinued though. Don't remind me, it still makes me sad. It was one of my favorite Stone beers.

This. I'm pretty sure I've seen most Sierra Nevada stuff for the price of Blue Moon. Heck, Stone's coffee milk stout was cheaper than Blue Moon too.

>> No.7181615
File: 80 KB, 570x508, Shiner-Cheer-24oz-570x508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its not that crafty or special, but I am enjoying the Shiner Cheer seasonal beer. Its got a peach start and a Pecan finish. Anybody else try it?

My roommate and i are trying to get rid of some vodka and want to make some Moscow Mules. What is a good ginger beer and will I have to go on a quest to find it? The only one our regular supermarket carries is Cock n' Bull which is 2spicy4me.

>> No.7181645

i've never tried any craft beers. where do i start?
normally drink stuff like PBR and mexican beer.
i've tried a few ales but they've tasted like shit to me

>> No.7181669

It is though. It has literally zero other flavor. So the bitterness shows up more.
It's not like a Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA bitter. That beer is resoundingly more bitter, but it has actual flavors that go along with it too. Unlike Pissweiser

>> No.7181855

Holy fuck I'm so pissed right now. Nobody should be mentioning anything about Moscow fucking Mules in a beer thread goddamn yous! And fucking peach pecan holiday Shiner? Are you kidding me? Texas makes shit beer goddamn you!

>> No.7182176

Is there a major difference between natural light and bud light?

>> No.7182181

That's actually one of my favorite Shiner seasonals.

>> No.7182185

Not really, they both taste like bland beer flavored water.

>> No.7182269

Actually according to the Brewer's association, you are both wrong. The Official style name by the Brewer's Association is "American Style India Black Ale", Though most places call it American Black Ale (ratebeer, beeradvocate, total wine, beer journal). Even though most producers still market them as Black IPAs and a few as CDAs.

>> No.7182279
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1936, WP_20151218_18_12_44_Raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bretty gud saison

>> No.7182282
File: 58 KB, 600x563, 1440528652567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically likes IPA

>> No.7182298
File: 39 KB, 360x640, 20151205_145214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bourbon County Barleywine 2015, this is nice.

>> No.7182504

Currently drinking - nothing.

Later tonight/tomorrow/most of Sunday - Fin du Monde, Maudite, and some fucked up mixed drinks that will make me wish I was never born.

>> No.7182568

Currently drinking - Not Your Father's Root Beer

Fuck you I like the taste. It's better than I thought it would be, since i expected heavy carbonation.

Also, throw some beers at me if you please. I want enough names to last me a decade of trying beers so i can better figure out what I like. Currently, I know I like milk stouts, regular stouts, and pear cider. I've had a few IPA's, mainly Stone, and while they're good theyre not quite for me.

>> No.7182681

spent over £90 on beer just for myself today lads fuck why must i have such expensive and good tastes

>> No.7182874

New Glarus had an awesome black IPA, but I don't think they made it his year.

It was the first Black IPA I tried, so I thought the style was going to be good, but then every other one I tried didn't live up to it

>> No.7182881

What did you buy?

>> No.7183094

list plz, pics preferred

>> No.7183101
File: 60 KB, 1260x840, becks_craft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to try ale and lager later

>> No.7183114

Wow, what a massive fucking faggot

>> No.7183115

I'm positive those are going to be terrible.

>> No.7184424

I liked Brewdog's Libertiene Black Ale. The stout aspect took the edge off the bitterness in a nice way. And yeah fyi they also made the beer very bitter for it to need the balance.

>> No.7184941

honestly, ratebeer and all those website are ok, just always assume that the most hopped shit is the most liked.

try and import belgian stuff, dubbels/trippels and stuff, try sours, try good lagers, old Rasputin and some of other founders stuff.

just keep trying other stuff.

>> No.7185034

Pipeworks makes a good one. When chilled it tastes like a stout but as it warms it tastes more like an ipa. It's also canned. Forget what it's called but it has a sexy aliem on the can.

>> No.7185057

>muh computer iz master race

you pathetic loser

>> No.7185097
File: 141 KB, 1091x1840, ba-darkness-bottle-dipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to try this stuff on tap yesterday. Phenomenal, but at the same time I kind of prefer regular Darkness.

>> No.7185131
File: 484 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat--3530207011564439657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wonder what beer to get
>find this thread
>see Founders
>they have Founders breakfast ale on draft
This is damn good, you made my night anon

>> No.7185186

Good choice brah. I love that this stuff is everywhere during the winter.

>> No.7185198

What does barrel aged stout taste like?

>> No.7185346

Depends on the stout and barrel

>> No.7185366

I picked up some Sierra Neveda Celebration ale and some Founders Dirty Bastard. Should be a fun weekend.

>> No.7185376

IPA fucking sucks

>> No.7185645

You fucking suck.

>> No.7185692
File: 2.20 MB, 1024x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having one of these on a zebra coaster.

might open this barley wine I bought a few weeks ago next. forgot what it is...

>> No.7185703

the finest baiter and baitettes ive ever seen

>> No.7185735
File: 259 KB, 1200x1600, Pompeii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this curently

>> No.7185760

Just curious. Do you guys have a reliable review site you go by besides yourselves?

>> No.7185783

BA is fine, Untappd shows the user average too and thats usually ok
You are never going to get 4chan to agree on a specific one, each one will make at least some people mad especially because they all favor various styles (typically because they are better, but this will reliably make people mad)

>> No.7185949

I'm assuming BA stands for Beer Advocate

>> No.7185952


>> No.7186131

>basically a hop forward stout/porter.
wouldn't that be a russian imperial stout?

>> No.7186148

Imperial stouts are just stronger stouts, more malt and more roasty. They are variably hopped, though the hop character is always overshadowed by the roasty character

Black IPAs more or less have the malt bill of a porter with the hops of an IPA

>> No.7186318
File: 20 KB, 240x240, 80Shilling-1200x1200_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, Beau's Farm Table Series 80 Shilling.
They call it a Scottish-Style Ale.
Quite nice, Beau's earthy brand of malts really comes through.
Got some Rhyme and Reason by Collective Arts, and I also have one more Beau's.

>> No.7186357
File: 2.39 MB, 4128x2322, 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just popped a Lolita. It's a little medicinal this fresh. Definitely cellaring a few.

>> No.7186491

>It's discontinued though. Don't remind me, it still makes me sad. It was one of my favorite Stone beers.
Stone pisses me off. Well it isn't Stone's fault because they follow the market and the trendy california beer drinkers are all on the IPA trend...but Stone literally only makes 2 non IPA beers year round (The belgian smoked porter and the Pale Ale). Compare that with FIVE IPAs (IPA, ruination IPA, Go To IPA, Delicious IPA, and Cali-Belgique IPA) At least most of their seasonals aren't IPAs.

>> No.7186821

Isn't their imperial year round now?

>> No.7186827

Bullshit, the post.

>> No.7186834
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1440, 1450595392337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted this in the other alc thread but this seems to be the right one
not my picture but this

>> No.7186843
File: 124 KB, 410x410, Sierra-Nevada-Pale-Ale-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this stuff any good? i often hear that its a really great "standard" beer.

>> No.7186877

no, it's not. get some dogfish head 60 minute for a "standard" good beer.

>> No.7186916
File: 51 KB, 772x1024, brasserie-lefebvre-barbar-blond-33cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a few of these over the past few days. Very tasty.

>> No.7186947

It's okay.

>> No.7186952

>"Liefmans Goudenband"
>0 results

Plebs ITT desu

>> No.7186975
File: 190 KB, 406x600, vitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried this? Amazing.

>> No.7187050

what about it do you find inaccurate? Sounds completely correct to me

>> No.7187109

It's not an IPA

>> No.7187119

what? Two Hearted is definitely an IPA, probably the best widely available one at that

>> No.7187124

yes it is m8

>> No.7187133

If it's brewed outside of the UK it isn't IPA.
This is a fact and cannot be disputed.

>> No.7187178

Is this an actual stance that anyone adheres too, or are you just saying random things?

>> No.7187246

Is german chocolate cake only made in germany? The only thing that rule applies to is scotch, honestly

>> No.7187321

english IPAs aren't even that good because english people are so bad at growing tasty hop varieties

>> No.7187365

It also applies to a lot of other liquors like cognac and Tennessee whiskey I might be mistaken on this as well but doesn't it also apply to champagne?
Like only the real stuff can be made in the a certain region of France

>> No.7187411

>bramling cross
>not tasty

They're not going to be the go-to hop for muh IPAs because they aren't very citrus fruity, but to claim that English hop varieties aren't tasty is just plain retarded.

>> No.7187436
File: 387 KB, 562x1000, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here.

I do love imperial stouts and Rivertown handled the chili infusion perfectly. It warms the body and doesn't try and beat the fuck out of you with obnoxious heat.

>> No.7187587

well they aren't bad by any means but compared to stuff like Citra and Mosaic they are pretty mediocre

>> No.7187601

>a certain region of France.
That would be the Champagne region then......

>> No.7187620

It applies to a few things, but almost all of them are bullshit, and no one has even attempted to apply this to IPA. It really has no place in beer where styles are defined by the beer's characteristic and the skill of the brewer
These place name designations are specifically for unskilled producers that need the protection of their location because they cannot compete otherwise

>> No.7187629

Some assholes try to do this with lambic saying it must be done in Belgium, which is ridiculous when a lot of the best lambics are america, its kind of a grey area right now so a lot of them have to call their beers which are clearly lambic 'lambic style' or something like that

>> No.7188404

It's allright. It was one of my 'standard beers' in college when I wanted to drink something with more taste than high life. It was semi-reliably on sale/a good deal where I was.

I've since moved on and don't really have a go-to right now. I just peruse the isle and buy what sounds nice anymore.

>> No.7188519

sorry lads been at work

x24 Einstok dopplebock with discount from work, 6.9% and its so naughty

that and a few tinnies from brewdog and them prototypes

>> No.7188527

lad its proper naff tho swear down

>> No.7188560


You must really like it then. I dont think I'd ever buy a 24 pack. I rarely buy the same beer more than once, just because every time I go back to the shop, there's something new to try. Although I do drink a fair bit of trappist beer, and normally pick up Westmalle Dubbel because its probably one of the best beers I've had under £2 a bottle (maybe one of the best regardless of price)

Brewdog annoy me, simply because of the stupid hipster shit they write on their labels.

>> No.7188610
File: 135 KB, 600x600, Rodenbach-Caractere-Rouge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, I'm getting a Christmas gift for someone, she likes sour beers. I got her pic related, did I done good? I want to get her beer glasses and maybe another beer or two, any suggestions?

>> No.7188699

lad swear down get your lips on one or two if you can its a christmas special but its actually sound as a pound, Im more so buying it so I know i can always have some when i want but yeah I know the feeling but i get the idea there is so much to try cant find them all so i best get the ones i like defo

and fair on the brewdog i work for a brewery and the beers they do are nice but just boring compared to how experimental and nice the stuff brewdog do innit

>> No.7188702

but yeah westmalle dubbel is proper naughty, had it on draught and its sound

>> No.7188709
File: 62 KB, 600x600, da burrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quebec has a very nice beer scene. If you ever get the chance, French Canadian beer is, in general, very good. There's no budweiser here -- everything (macro included) is local.

Trou de Diable is probably my favorite brewery here, besides maybe Dieu du Ciel. La Pitoune is a very tasty pilsener with a slightly thicker body than normal, and some pleasant nectar-y sweetness. Great with fried cheese and montreal charcuterie.

>> No.7188712

For whom do you work?

Ive only had Westmalle in bottle, but at £1.80 from Waitrose, cant go wrong. Also got some Chimay Blue, Siren Shattered Dream and Beavertown Smog Rocket knocking around right now that I havent got round to drinking.

>> No.7188714

You did well.
Not sure where you're located, so it's tough to give recommendations on what to cop.
Almanac, Prarie, Crooked Stave, Evil Twin, Grimm, Avery are just a few breweries that make pretty solid sours off the top of my head.

>> No.7188718

doxxable sry lad but its proper small likely wouldnt have heard of it unless you live in my ends of the midlands

and i have it, kwak and la chouffe in amsterdam and it was fucking mint

and mate fucking smog rocket is one of my fucking ALL time greats its so good canned is literally the way forward i've got a sinkinig the bismarck waiting for christmas day 2bh aswell as a few more belgians and brewdogs

>> No.7188754

I lived in Birmingham for a few years, but its a proper shit hole.

Kwak is really good. I had a 6 pack, insha'Allah I still have one left, but im not sure. I love those malty Belgian styles. Oh and I have some Funnel Blower. Its a vanilla porter from Lidl. Apparently its good for the price, not tried it yet though.

>> No.7188759

Central Florida, not much for breweries here, they're all on the coast. I'm going back home early to swfl for the holiday and there's a bottle shop in my hometown, I'll look there. thx.

>> No.7188766

yeah not round my ends then lad you wont know it its erate tho and yeah kwak is sick as we sell bare of it in my pub, cookie beer by breweri eccoussines is also naughty reckon you would like that and la chouffe or mc chouffe but yeah lad malty dark beer is better than any other. 2bh you can get proper nice weisbeer from aldi and sainsburies for like1.50 a go which is mint still tho 660ml punka ipa for 2.50 is sound as 4 for a tenner bosh

>> No.7188786
File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this with dinner tonight. Very citrus and fruit forward, does not taste like 8% at all. Very good. Would get again.

>> No.7189681

Weihenstephaner hasn't released one bad beer. Infact they all are fantastic.

I'm from SD and I got this. It was amazing

>> No.7189782

Yeah caractere rouge is the best belgian sour you can find on the shelf

>> No.7189784

>becks craft
Lmao. I lived in bremen and becks was cheaper than water. The labels look like condom wrappers too

>> No.7189787

Toppling goliath is the best brewery in the world hands down

>> No.7189790

>I'm retarded

>> No.7189792

English ipas are terrible. So are the rest if their beers

>> No.7189918

Don't be an idiot

>> No.7190127

Quebec has some amazing breweries. Trou du Diable's Dulcis Succubus (wild yeast saison aged in botrytized wine casks) was insanely good. Dieu du Ciel is great, and Unibroue is stellar as well, especially 17.

>> No.7190135

>English IPA
IPA then.......
>saged due to hipsters who think beer is a fashion accessory.

>> No.7190576
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 12331628_1636085633308959_611069788_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had overlooked this fairly small brewery called Panimo Hiisi. They're a hidden gem, really liking the beers they have. The artwork based on Finnish folklore is also a nice touch.


>> No.7190591
File: 120 KB, 463x569, MM-Beer-Fullers-London-Porter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, I think Fuller's London Porter is the best beer out there.

>> No.7190598
File: 1.04 MB, 2664x2000, P1230729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys reckon my expired in 2011 can of malt is genuinely fucked, or worth trying to brew?

>> No.7190602

>IPA then....


Does it ruin your autism schedule so much that they're can be different kinds of IPAs?

>> No.7190607

Of not being an obnoxious homo

>> No.7190642


>> No.7190757

It's canned. It's probably just fine

>> No.7190802
File: 56 KB, 720x960, FunnelBlower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking some Funnel Blower tonight.mMaybe its because Ive been drinking a lot of beers in the 7%-9% range that these weaker beers have lost their appeal, because its not really doing much for me.

Its feels very thin. Its quite easy to see through the beer, probably the lightest porter Ive had. Flavour is pleasant enough, but its not a deep flavour. Over very quickly.

Benefit is that its cheap from Lidl. Probably wouldnt bother again though.

>> No.7190817

Yeah a lot of the lower abv stouts and porters feel very thin to me now as well.

>> No.7190851
File: 237 KB, 2048x1152, 12398770_10153358226313131_637595268_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sending out some goodies to my cousin

>> No.7190866
File: 849 KB, 1520x2048, IMG_20151221_174118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the cringy shit BrewDog does, they can occasionally still make great beer. This was definitely one if the best stouts I've had in a while, like a coffee chocolate milkshake, so creamy. Couldn't tell it was 8%.

>> No.7190915

Tbf, beer is really cheap in Germany. Although Beck's is still pretty shit.

>> No.7190932

Boston lager.(or Elliot Ness if you're able to get it) To me, it is the vanilla of the beer flavors/types

>> No.7190934

Elliot Ness is a huge step above Boston lager, but yeah both are entry level beers

>> No.7190985

If you like Mexican beer you should try other Vienna lagers. Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada both make them and would be a good place to start.

>> No.7191023
File: 193 KB, 420x420, Never again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killed a growler of this. It's fucking garbage, was a chore to finish.

>> No.7191027

where you get this from lad im creaming just having a look like

>> No.7191040

my nigga.

>> No.7191973


>> No.7192209

Or cognac

>> No.7192218
File: 1.60 MB, 1680x1050, SHB_Brunnen_1680x1050[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you drink anything other than the purest of beer fresh from the god country, you should fucking kill yourself.

Beers from Belgium are also acceptable.

>> No.7192630

I think Czech beer is better than german beer

>> No.7192828

I'll cream u m8

>> No.7192831

>black ipa
>never became a fad

>> No.7192832

>yet another mediocre german pilsner

oh boy :)
I love that meme :)

>> No.7192849

tbqh I agree with the appellation for lambics as they do have a genuine terroir

>> No.7193654
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Guinness West Indies Porter tonight.

This is kind of a go-to for me now. Its cheap (£1.50 each, or 4 for £5) but has some decent flavour and available in most supermarkets and even a lot of smaller stores.

>> No.7193712
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Brings back the old days . . . good stuff!

>> No.7193738

That's not true

At all

>> No.7193961

Apa and American ipa are different styles

>> No.7194144
File: 192 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a local place today. Packinghouse Brewing down the street from my work in Riverside, CA. This is their Phoenix Down, nice citrusy IPA. 8/10, would probably get again. I like their milk stout too. Prefer a pint glass t b h f a m.

>> No.7194164

Well its true, as they are spontaneously fermented by wild yeasts and bacteria, these vary geographically, so the wild yeast and bacteria in another region/country will be vastly different to the ones found around Lembeek/Payottenland. They even vary from brew house to brew house. So yeah, whilst its effectively the same beer its not a 'Lambic' because it won't be fermented the same as the original from Lembeek

>> No.7194182

come on then you little slut so long as you bring some beer

>> No.7194186

Nothing makes me want something less than seeing beers who deliberately tries to be edgy. "Oh yeah let's call the beer something aggressive like Death!, or let's put a three eyed bovine on the label to make people buy it!" Every single aggressive edgelord beer I've tried tasted just as weak and insecure as the design attempted to prove it wasn't. It's like they know they brew weak ass beer so they throw a sticker of a goat snorting coke to divert the consumer's attention. American beers are especially guilty of doing this.

>> No.7194260

There's a spoopy skeleton on Victory at Sea, Calm Before the Storm, and on the Commodore from Ballast Point and all of those are great beers. Hell, DEATH By Coconut is one of the best sweet porters in existence.

git rekt :^)

>> No.7194276

Oh my gosh!!!

People use marketing techniques to sell their product!!!

Who would've thought!!!

>> No.7194278
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In this case the bovine thing just goes with the comical art style. They had pretty plain labels until they went with ones that have characters inspired by/from Kalevala.

In general though, I agree. Not only does the label enhance the visual experience, but tells something about the brewery.

>> No.7194286

Speaking of can/bottle design, I really like the semi-minimalist thing Modern Times has going on. Really pretty bottles.

>> No.7194332

Red Flamish Ale, Rodenbach Grand Cru.

God bless Belgium

>> No.7194341

>three eyed bovine
so edgy, this #triggers me too

>> No.7194362

Based Rasputin... Narwhal... Wake Up Dead on nitro is awesome also...

>> No.7194363

Lucky bastard...

>> No.7194375

Chimay Blue... Wished I'd never tried it... Most beers pale after tasting that...

>> No.7194384

You'll know when you open it.. I wouldn't worry... I'd relax and have a homebrew... Based Charlie...

>> No.7194391

Its really really good. As much as Americans bang on about how they now make the best beer in the world, Ive never had anything that comes close to the Belgian Trappist beers.

Have you tried Westvleteren 12? Its next level.

>> No.7194478

It's on my list... Any others to add??

>> No.7194482
File: 6 KB, 93x208, steelreserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a sweet tooth when it comes to alcohol. When I just want a casual drink, I'll drink shit like Smirnoffs and Not Your Father's.

When I want to get buzzed as quickly as possible, I drink pic related.

>> No.7194486

>Pineapple Steel Reserve

Jesus christ

>> No.7194487


The Trappist beers Ive tried are

>Chimay Red, Blue
>Rochefort 6, 8, 10
>Westvleteren 12
>Westmalle Dubbel

All great beers. The Rochefort 10 is expensive, and probably not worth the extra over the Dubbel, but not so expensive that it isnt worth trying. I also really like Kwak which is widely available I believe although its not a trappist beer.

>> No.7194488

i usualy drink one beer a night. the past two nights I drank a shitload of beers, including high ABV beers and got really drunk.

do you think i should give my body a few days to cool off, or does it not really matter, and can i go back to just having a beer tonight?

>> No.7194725

You're fine with a single beer dude.

>> No.7194781


>> No.7194782

It's recommended that you have at least two consecutive nights with no drinking per week, in addition to not exceeding two drinks per day.

That said, we're talking habits over a lifetime. If you got fucked up last night, by all means get shitfaced again tonight. Why limit it to one? It's christmastime. Just don't make a habit out of it.

>> No.7194895
File: 119 KB, 609x900, Westmalle_Tripel_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Westmalle Tripel

>> No.7194901

I've been trying basic shit trying to get a taste for beer(Yuengling and college stuff).

No luck, just tastes bitter to me. Am I destined to be a baby forever? Should I keep trying beers until I like one?

>> No.7194925

>so the wild yeast and bacteria in another region/country will be vastly different to the ones found around Lembeek/Payottenland
They really are not. There is much more small scale variation than there is long distance variation. You can have breweries a couple miles apart with quite different native flora, and breweries in different continents with extremely similar ones.

If you have a wild fermented beer that is done in the style of traditional lambic, and tastes like it belongs in the style, there is no reason a brewers should be expected to refrain from calling it so

>> No.7194933

yeah, go for some pale ales, and try a stout. Cheap beer isn't that good mostly just tasting of carbonated water, so it won't necessarily give you much of an idea of whether you like beer

>> No.7195010

>dogmemehead beer

Yeah no. They make mediocre ass overpriced beer.

>> No.7195072

They make pretty good beer. I think it's safe to say that now.

>> No.7195144

Indian Brown and Worldwide Stout are like the only good beers they make.

>> No.7195433

Wheats are pretty good babbys first beers

>> No.7195462

60 minute, 90 minute, apricot ipa, midas touch, raison d'etre, 120 minute, honestly I've never had a disappointing beer from them

>> No.7196328

I keep looking out for it. But its not in any of the shops I go to - mainly because I only really go to a few different supermarkets and not a specialist beer shop.

Is it good?

>> No.7196351

How do you tell if a beer is good or not? I've only been drinking beer for about 8 months, and mostly only the beer from the brewpub I work at. In the past month I've been getting these "Make your own 6 packs" from a local grocery store that has a decent selection.

There are obviously some I don't like, some I enjoyed, and then ones I'm indifferent to, but I'm not a big fan of heavily hopped beers and I know there are certain flavors that I'm more of a fan of than others. I'm not sure what I don't like because it's a "bad" beer or what I don't like just because it doesn't fit my taste

>> No.7196352

I fell for the Highland Cold Mountain meme. Pretty mediocre compared to their other offerings and waaaay overpriced. Not sure what all the fuss is about.

>> No.7196362

cringey thread

>> No.7196368
File: 1.19 MB, 2448x3264, my beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm brewing my own beer for the first time ever.

Three days in and it looks like this.

Is it normal I got so much yeast?

>> No.7196385
File: 7 KB, 160x160, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself baka

I'm about to pour a Ranger IPA by New Belgium. It's pretty decent, not exactly my favorite but it gets the job done and it was on sale. Overall, pretty pleased.

>> No.7196476

I'm no expert, but I have been homebrewing for the better part of the last 5 years. That looks absolutely horrid, I'm not sure what the fuck is going on there but in my experience there shouldn't be more than 4 inches of yeast in the bottom of the carboy.

>> No.7196486

Did you just get baking yeast from the store?
Tell us what's in the flask.

>> No.7196532
File: 102 KB, 455x700, bomontifiltresiz-1big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomonti. It goes well with döner kebab.

>> No.7196558

I got the yeast in a beer making kit.

not sure why 50% is all yeast

>> No.7196651
File: 25 KB, 608x1080, Old Oriole Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bodymore, murdaland, we out here

>> No.7196709

Damn right, best IPA I've had.

>> No.7196869
File: 1020 KB, 2821x2281, Toppling Goliath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from the store with this

>> No.7196900

Holy fuck they're canning the stuff now?

>> No.7196903

I'm just some random guy that stumbled through /ck/ but I saw this thread and it made me realize I'm almost 21 and know nothing about beer.

What is an IPA? A "microbrew"? What is the difference between, say, Bud Light and Dogfish Head?

>> No.7196908

Drink them and find out. Or google.

>> No.7196916

I mean on the backend. And it is more fun conversing with people.

>> No.7196918

I always wanted to ask.
I am 182 cm and 71 kg, pretty fit since I swim for as long as I can remember.

The thing is I love beer but I get drunk (head spinning) from just 2-3 5% beers.

Is it gemetics?

I also like gin&tonic and that also applies in even worse matter.

>> No.7196920

Yeah, I think this might be the first batch in cans, but I think they have a new line operational that is cans, so expect to see their other 4/6 pack stuff in cans soon too

>> No.7196934

Microbrews, probably better called craft beer, as not all of them are very micro anymore, are beers made with taste as the first consideration, to contrast them with macro brews like Bud Light, and most non-belgian european beer which is designed to cost as little as possible to brew

A similar scheme would be comparing artisan cheese to Kraft Singles. Bud Light does not taste objectively bad by any means, it just doesn't taste like much at all and gets by on marketing and price (not that craft beer is particularly expensive, a lot of it is just a little more expensive)

>> No.7196969

>which is designed to cost as little as possible to brew

Lager is more expensive to brew than pretty much any other style due to the need for longer ripening and cooling. This is very much common knowledge for anyone interested in beer, you colossal idiot.

>> No.7196990

Higher startup costs sure, but thats not what I was talking about

The per batch costs for something like bud light on scale is incredibly cheap. These beers are brewed to be as dilute as possible to diminish all raw material costs, they are also often fermented at higher gravity and then diluted before bottling to decrease the costs even further

When you use the most basic malts, and as with most macros replace as much as you can with corn or rice, and barely use any hops, and use cheap undesirable strains, its not gonna cost much to source that stuff. In a lot of craft beer, the hops in one beer alone cost more than an entire beer costs a macro to produce

>> No.7196994

>The low ABV isn't to cut corners and keep costs down, its supposed to taste like plain carbonated water, I swear, its the way germans do it so its the way it is supposed to be done

>> No.7197017

>triple the amount of hops
>triple the price

Suure, great value for money there

>> No.7197026

Where the fuck do you live that craft beer costs 3 times as much as shit beer?

Also, its way more than 3 times the hops, most lagers have just trace amounts, way less than any actual beer should. An artifact of leaner times

>> No.7197034

Where do you live where craft beer doesnt cost 3 times as much as shit beer?

>> No.7197040

>constantly equating all lager with shit beer

just go and fuck yourself you pompous ass """craft""" beer jerk

>> No.7197044


Most craft beer is in the $7-9 6 pack range. Not sure exactly what a 6 pack of Bud Light goes for but surely its more than $2.33

>> No.7197046

I clearly said "most" lagers

There are definitely some good lagers, but I think its pretty obvious I was not talking about them, and they make up a tiny percentage of the lager market, and a lot of good smaller breweries don't make any lagers until they are more established and can afford the startup costs

>> No.7197048
File: 98 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite macro?
Bonus points for good lagers
Pic related probably just because I haven't tried a lot of lagers, I'm more a fan of pale ales but a nice lager is great in the summer

>> No.7197050

High Life

>> No.7197055

really? I heard it was bud-tier

>> No.7197061

well it is, but amongst Bud Tier beers its the best

>> No.7197066

not all macros are bud tier though, Sam Adams makes a lot of decent brews

>> No.7197070

Sam Adams isn't really a macro, its kind of its own thing half way between macros and craft beer

>> No.7197072

alright, change it to your favorite beer that's available in most areas where beer is popular

>> No.7197073

Bells is pretty much everywhere right? I'd say Two Hearted

>> No.7197075

Coors light

>> No.7197088
File: 59 KB, 800x600, coors-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coors heavy>coors light

>you fucking pleb

>> No.7197096

Is there any beer where thee "light" version is better?

inb4 some europeans come and say more alcohol and flavor isn't good, beer needs to be subtle to be good

>> No.7197145

In the UK beer is sold in different quanitities than America.

Macro beers and ciders are sold in 4/6/8/12/16/20/24 typically. And normally in cans of 440ml. Bottled beer, which includes English Ale and craft beers are normally sold individually, with some kind of promotion on when buying 3/4 bottles. These bottles normally come in 330ml for craft and 500ml for English Ale.

This time of year there are always a lot of offers on beer. But i I was to buy macro beer, I could get that for about £0.50 per 440ml if I was to buy in a 12 pack or bigger. Craft/Ale offers right now are 4 for £5/£6 depending on what you buy. And thats just the more common craft beers. If I went to a beer shop, it would cost £2-£3 per 330ml bottle.

>> No.7197188

>English Ale
Is that what you guys refer to as "bitter"?
Also I'm assuming that's the most common style for macros, basically the equivalent of lagers in the US

>> No.7197229

There are 3 general package/price tiers for craft beer
6 packs (of 12oz/355mL bottles) for $7-10
4 packs of more specialty and limited stuff for $9-12 (this is my favorite model for excellent tier beer)
22oz (650mL) bottles with wildly varying prices, this is especially common with west coast brewers though not uncommon anywhere

as for cheap beer, in college I usually bought 30 packs of 12oz cans for ~$15. Some super shitty stuff was down to $10 30 packs but that was usually terrible and even underaged college kids avoided them for the most part

>> No.7197286

Yes. But its most commonly known as Real Ale.

The Real Ale breweries are probably somewhere in between craft and macro producers. Typically each brewery used to be quite small and supply the local area. Cask beer is more volatile than barreled lager, so it doesnt travel so well. Most real ale producers also put out seasonal specials, I think 1 per month is quite common. Real ale tends to be weaker abv, but thats due to the pub tradition in England I believe. People go to the pub and drink pints whilst they socialise, but they dont want to be wasted.

The quality and flavour of real ale is also probably somewhere between macro and craft. They arent carbonated which I think leads to Americans not liking them. Although they arent very strong, I think they have much more flavour than a typical lager.

Increasingly some of the real ale breweries are growing in size. Depending on what type of pub you talk about (free house/leased/managed), there is variations in the type of beer available to them. Some are able to get beer from across the country, whilst some are not.

>> No.7197568
File: 1.29 MB, 686x3099, Screen Shot 2015-12-23 at 23.06.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they have on tap.
What do I order?

>> No.7197584

Those are all on tap?

I'd go Two Hearted of the one's I have tried (though I usually like trying things I have never tried)

>> No.7197593

skip the meme shit and get an anchor porter or sierra nevada porter

>> No.7197628

>skip the meme shit
thats such a vague thing to say as people on this site have described just about everything as meme at some point

>> No.7197656


>> No.7197663

Fuller's ESB or Two Hearted

>> No.7197670

Are you saying Miller Light is better than High Life? Seriously?

>> No.7197676

Absolutely. I was comparing more to genuine draft, but yeah it's still better than high life

>> No.7197687

I'd say High Life is the best beer with Miller/Coors/Yuengling/Bud in the name, which really isn't saying much

>> No.7197688

I prefer lite. High life tastes like corn. Lite at least somewhat resembles a pilsner

>> No.7197697

Lone Star

>> No.7197945

You like the taste of garbage I guess. I envy you.

>> No.7197961

Firstly of you're even going to throw a hop-forwars style into your mix 6, you need to check the date on it. You want it 90 days old minimum. Within 30 days is ideal, but unrealistic. All the nuances die quickly in IPAs especially. Anything that isn't really hoppy can sit for awhile, especially higher ABV brews. Especially if they aren't sitting at 80 degrees in direct sunlight.

>> No.7197965

Sure bud. Your taste is just too superior for me.

>> No.7197984
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1444434373282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between drinking beer in a glass and out of a bottle?

I drink my wheat beer out of the bottle (Erdinger, Paulander).

The only "different" beers that I've tasted are Erdinger (dunkel, pikantus, weissber) Paulander (Dunkel) and Honey Dew Golden Ale. What else do you recommend? So far I've liked sweet shit like the Erdinger Dunkel or the Honey Dew.

>> No.7198170

Those are shit, like everything Becks's makes.
Try Maisel&Friends Pale Ale or their "Stefan's Indian Ale" instead those are avaiable pretty much everywhere as well.

>> No.7198207

oxygen changes the flavor of things https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox

a lot of taste is really you smelling things, put it in a glass increases how much you smell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olfactory_system

>> No.7198508

I just can't get into bourbon aged beers. All I taste most of the time is whiskey with a hint of beer. The way some faggots jizz over BBA stuff makes me wonder why they don't just save a lot of trouble and drink whiskey instead.

>> No.7198520

>Saison Dupont
>Samuel Smith stuff
>McEwans Scots Ale
>Anchor Porter
>Presidente (Great Pilsner)

>> No.7198619
File: 83 KB, 601x1600, Milk-Stout-Nitro-Bottle-300-dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad for a bottled nitro, probably really good on draft. Very malty, dark, and bittersweet.

>> No.7198853

>tfw strayan
fosters mate

>> No.7199024

what this guy said
also IMO drinking a beer from a glass makes it more of an occasion, I prefer it that way especially with nicer stuff like a Russian Imperial

>> No.7199035
File: 616 KB, 1080x1920, yellow3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Christmas beer!

>> No.7199253

Old Rasputin. Ignore all plebs suggesting anything else. Great Divide Yeti is also acceptable.

>> No.7199260

I just picked up Brooklyn Black Ops for tomorrow, any opinions?

Also grabbed some Allagash Black, haven't tried it yet.

Finishing some Evil Twin Soft DK and Old Rasputin first. Anyone have any other stout/porter recommendations, barring obvious ones like Founders Breakfast?

>> No.7199273

Speedway Stout, any form of Yeti from great divide. Kinda depends on your area brah

>> No.7199307

I wanna now mix some negra modelo with coffee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PtOd4grymE&feature=youtu.be

>> No.7199571

Kronenburg 1664 with lunch.

Then either Hobgoblin or Kozel with dinner

>> No.7199949
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Pic related

>> No.7199965
File: 364 KB, 1050x1400, almanac-farmers-reserve-pluot-set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this

>> No.7200100
File: 126 KB, 322x371, duchessedebourgogne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duchesse De Bourgogne, dark sour...yummy

>> No.7200360
File: 37 KB, 585x914, SpencerTrappistBrewery_092215-9437_2up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got my hands on a bottle of Spencer Trappist Holiday Ale tonight
oh god, this is amazing
I love Massachusetts sometimes, even if the weather is totally fucked at the moment

>> No.7201091

Man I'd love to try their beer. Have you had anything else by them?

>> No.7201144
File: 167 KB, 1080x1080, AB16[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting up brewdog abstrakt 16 lads
10.6% and its a properly naughty tipple for after crimmy dinner but before crimmy desert oh yes this is the dream lads x

>> No.7201166

Maybe I have shit taste but I love Heineken. Treated myself for Christmas.
I'm afraid of wasting money on something I won't like so I stick with my safe options.

>> No.7201167

Kilkenny for entry-level lack of hop bitterness.

Inb4 evil guinness corporation aids danger hell plague etc

>> No.7201187

If you ever have some extra money just splurge on some better end german stuff. They're all pretty accessible to anyone and everyone. Maybe an ale or two just to try out. If not then yeah keep drinking what you know you like

>> No.7201243
File: 431 KB, 1728x972, mountainlivin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice enough pale ale.

>> No.7201250

>Real ale is a natural product brewed using traditional ingredients and left to mature in the cask (container) from which it is served in the pub through a process called secondary fermentation.

>> No.7201253

I run a real ale pub desu if any yanks have questions and that

>> No.7201299

Where's it to?

>> No.7201302

do you mean where is it? midlands lad

>> No.7201364
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Quite malty for an ipa, might have been out of date i guess.

>> No.7201640

can you get any good american stuff?

>> No.7201667

cool label. i hear they make decent sours. would love to try one
this is like every shit american craft beer in one list
oh fugg :DDDDD my favorite brewery. someone pls trade me a king sue

>> No.7201688

>someone pls trade me a king sue
They just released some at the brewery the other day, but I haven't justified making the drive from Milwaukee yet, definitely want to one of these days

>> No.7201716
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Had to smush the corkj into the bottle, seems like they glued the cork in place!

Still very nice barrel aged stout. some very balanced tones of whiskey in it!

>> No.7201920
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Heil Hitler!

>> No.7201958

>i want something simple and easy
What is this, literature or something?
And just like with literature, just because you want something "easy" and simple, doesnt mean you gotta go read harry potter like a little fucking faggot. Drink some Sam Adams.

>> No.7201971

It's bland as fuck f a m
Anybody I know that's into craft beer started because of American style pale ales

>> No.7201975

no such thing lad ;)))))))
we had a bit of rogue once but it moved like shite, we get through 9s and 9s of ale a week and belgians do decent but middle england doesnt want what aint from round ere

>> No.7201978

I mean like is much good american stuff even available to you from wholesalers? Or are your options pretty limited?

>> No.7201989

yeah desu we can get whatever we want pretty much i mean the lists go on and on but obviously a majority of these yank caramel frappaccino stouts with vanilla extract arent often desired so we can get stuff like sierra nevada and anchor and rogue and most of the big boys like

>> No.7201994
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Coffee stout is delicious though

Try to get this stuff, its pretty widely available in america, and I am pretty sure I saw some founders when I was in england a few months ago

>> No.7201997

i love stout mate, coffee stout, chocolate stout, milk stout, oatmeal stout and everything but i only like it when it tastes like actual beer not a lot of these beers designed to not taste like beer at all

>> No.7202003

>a lot of these beers designed to not taste like beer at all
I don't find that to be true at all. I can think of a small handful, but its hardly a common thing

>> No.7202009

fair does desu guessing you are a yank just im just a small town geezer, I know bitter and a bit of american beer but mostly online beer memes. from my knowledge you lads seem to be obsessed with making your beer not like beer which is the opposite of how we keep ours for the most part.

>> No.7202016

>from my knowledge you lads seem to be obsessed with making your beer not like beer
I feel like thats mostly a /ck/ meme. Sure some places make some weird shit, but there are over 4000 craft breweries in america now, most making between 10-20 different beers in a year, including a lot of one off brews where they try different stuff, but very few of them have a significant amount of their volume coming from these beers

>> No.7202021

not really, its generally commonly agreed the yanks dont know how to make good beer. Im sure you do but no one thinks you do lad

desu i dont really care about american beer, its built for american pallets which are overly sweet usually, and there is just so much i mean i scarcely care about all the fucking beer over here so as soon as shit like the labelling irks me or seems boring i just drop it desu

>> No.7202028
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Enjoying a homemade Moscow mule currently, about to enjoy pic related later.

>> No.7202064

I would kill to live 4 hours from TG. it's the best in the world hands down

>> No.7202102
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Negra Modelo

Ive got 5 bottles to go

>> No.7202113
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Just turned 21 and this was the first beer i've ever bought.

How'd i do /ck/?

>> No.7202128

pour sucks for an ale

>> No.7202261

I'm french and while i enjoy Belgian stuff i also happen to like some american or english beers.

>> No.7202285

can you find many American beers in france?

>> No.7202310

Not easily,thats the point.

I'm so used to the belgian/french format that sometimes i'd like to get my hands on more of those weird american beers and stouts/porters/ipa in general.

>> No.7202432

I agree. What the others said is right, the beer inside is still good, but does that somehow stops the label from being ugly? I think its just because people who brew tend to be nerdy guys, so sometimes their nerdiness shows in their brewery name, beer labels, beer names, etc. It's annoying, and i hope it can change soon, somehow. Idk

>> No.7202577

Only the Holiday Ale, but I've heard the normal Trappist Ale is top-notch as well
It's not nearly as strong, though

>> No.7203398

Budweiser doesn't taste bad and Harry Potter is a well written series

>> No.7203699
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