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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 188 KB, 302x371, noodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7176449 No.7176449 [Reply] [Original]

Bought some dirt-cheap noodles at the store.
They're allegedly meat-flavored.
What can I do to spice them up.

>> No.7176454

Add seasoning.

>> No.7176460
File: 741 KB, 1000x2900, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7176479

Things I do:
toss some frozen broccoli in while it boils
crack an egg into it during the last minute or so
drain and dump a small can of chicken in after its done
put some baby spinach in the bowl, which I then pour the broth and noodles over which will wilt the spinach

Its not gourmet or anything but it'll make an actual meal out of your ramen

>> No.7176492

Season, drop an egg in at the tail end of boiling. Adds protein.

>> No.7176739
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>> No.7176744

add the spice of life

>> No.7176746

Diced mushrooms, onions, garlic salt, Tumeric, COCONUT oil.

>> No.7176780

Buy them some sexy lingerie/toys.

>> No.7176825

>using all that good shit on cheap ass noodles

>> No.7176897

Take out the flavour packets from all five of them and dump them into a single serve of the noodles.

Post results.

>> No.7177916

black pepper, garlic powder, chili flakes

>> No.7177918

>drain and dump a small can of chicken in after its done
>can of chicken

That's kind of like canned bread in that I'm surprised it actually exists The difference is that I've actually heard of canned bread before.

Ramen is noodle soup. This is how to make a decent soup that has the ramen noodles in it.

>> No.7177929

Melt 200 g butter on a low-medium heat
Add flour slowly whilst stirring until the mixture no longer stirs as a liquid.
Begin slowly adding milk (buttermilk for extra flavour) and stirring quickly for 15 minutes.
Once the mixture reaches desired consistency (it thins to a more liquid-sauce state as you add milk and heat, but always reduces a bit more upon standing before serving), add salt and pepper to taste, tsp garlic powder or half tsp chilli flakes.

If you dig meat add a little stock, like a pork or chicken stock cube or 2 level tsp of vegetable stock powder

Season to taste and serve with your shitty noodles.

Or next time just be a man and boil some diced potatoes (with the skin on), mash them with basil and double cream, and use the sick ass gravy-sauce-besch stuff you just learned to make and put it all over the mashed potato.

>> No.7177930

more like
>using tumeric with subtle flavours like garlic salt and mushrooms
Steam 1lb of half-n-half pork until around 50 internal temperature, let it rest
take it out, save the water underneath
slice and stir fry pork with <insert any combination of black pepper, onions of various colours/flavours, shrimps if you're a sick fuck who gives zero shit about culinary discipline> and a shitload of soy sauce (or just some soy paste if you can find it)
boil the broth again with any frozen vegetable you want, add whatever you have in the pan in there alongside the noodles

>> No.7177932

why dont I just eat a stick of butter you fat fuck

>> No.7177939

Oriental flavor gets me every single time.

>> No.7177948

>he prefers carbs over fat


Other than potatoes and pasta when I'm going to be using a lot of calories intensively, I eat fat all the time, from animal and vegetable sources.

Don't eat bread or rice or noodles except as a treat or if you're doing physical things.

>> No.7177949

I find it impossible to believe you have never heard of canned meats.

>> No.7177959
File: 62 KB, 640x640, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_275748011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this in my cooking.

Ask me anything.

>> No.7177965


>> No.7177967

>the only alternative to fat is carbs
kill yourself
how about instead of using butter, milk and cream like how fuckwit hack confectioners abuse caramel, you just use actual meat
a pound of meat contains less fat than a stick of butter, more flavour than a stick of butter, less carbs than starch-based foods, and meat can easily carry various dishes with the blood content alone.
maybe if you didnt have to grease up your fatfuck lips for your boyfriend's dick you'd explore actual foods

>> No.7177979

Friend I think you are overestimating how much butter is in 200g butter for five goddamn packets of noodles.

Portions would be 40g apiece.

>> No.7177986

>a beschamel, one of the pillars of cuisine, is just like "a fuckwit hack confectioner"


>> No.7177995

You can make gravy with "just meat", now?

>> No.7177996 [DELETED] 

Tell me right now. No fluff. A or B.
A - Would you prefer someone to put a layer of cumstain on top of your noodles and call it an enhancement when it's really more of an alfredo SAUCE - keeping in mind that alfredo sauce is easily the worst pasta sauce simply because you wouldn't want to eat alfredo sauce two days in a row, ever (unless you're fat as FUCK)
Or would you B - prefer an actual broth, without that quarter-inch layer of grease on top, a dish that you can eat over and over again without wanting to eventually kill yourself

>> No.7178000

You heard me.
Also, not an actual pillar of cuisine. Plenty of cultures get by without worshipping milk products or eggs.
You can yield a fairly strong brown broth with just vegetable oil (just enough so the pan doesn't run dry), black pepper, pork and soy sauce. The consistency will be thin compared to others, yes, but the taste is there.

>> No.7178006

>brown broth
Fuck you and fuck your broth. Broth is not, and will never, ever be gravy.

>> No.7178009


>> No.7179668

Canned tuna, chicken, spam, and the ground beef in a chilli can, sure, but canned chicken all on it's own without the rest of the space filled with chicken soup? Not so much.

>> No.7179738

use stock or broth instead of water thinken with a cornstarch slurry

>> No.7179790

Miso paste, tofu, and fake crab/ other surimi.

>> No.7179811
File: 127 KB, 331x189, cannedchicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canned tuna, chicken, spam, and the ground beef in a chilli can, sure, but canned chicken all on it's own

you've heard of canned chicken but not canned chicken? Aight weirdo

>> No.7179823
File: 499 KB, 270x270, eating chips joker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canned chicken only when it's part of a can of chicken noodle soup.

I'm running on less than an hour of sleep, and I've been doing things for almost 14 hours so far. Give me a break.

>> No.7179829

have you not heard of other canned meats as well? Chipped beef, potted meat?

>> No.7180304

why do you hate yourself?

>> No.7180315
File: 1.96 MB, 289x163, making pizza rolls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only spam (which, if you trust the label, is apparently a kind of beef) and various kinds of fish.

Any terrestrial meat I've seen in cans has always been mixed in with something else like chili, soup, or some kind of cracker spread.

Well... now that I think of it, I'm getting the odd image of a can of flaked ham, so I /might/ have come across it before. I'm still not getting anything for beef or chicken.

That said, I need to catch some shuteye. I'll leave my tab open.

>> No.7180323

Tinned chicken is an American thing.

>> No.7180325

Not that guy, but I have never seen cannes meats.(other than luncheon meats)

>> No.7180336

spam is pork. spam = spiced ham.

>> No.7180502
File: 261 KB, 1829x504, Costco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lived off of like $3-10 CAD a day. (once a week i would get takeout value meal.)
>still managed to buy noodles that cost $.80-.90 cents.

Cheap as fuck noodles are never worth it, the noodles will have a shit texture and the flavoring is gonna be basic bitch garbage. your probable gonna get sick and shit your brains out too (my room-mates did but they were buying dollarama brand noodles ((das right man dollar store brand instant noodles @ $.40)) )

an egg or two dropped in at the right time along with some garlic+oninon powder will really help enhance the meal.

>>7176460 infographic is pretty accurate for things to put in it to up the quality. Ichicban beef & shrimp flavour/ Nissin Chicken flavour are nice brands of noodles. mama noodles can be pretty decent as well.

Good luck senpai.

>> No.7180518
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, tom waits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7180524

>in enough quantities, the ingredients are toxic!
what a stupid fucking picture, this is exactly how anti vaccine people talk.

>> No.7180560

I'm pretty sure not all instant noodle brands are the same.

I pick up some cheap noodles from the asian supermarket whenever I'm downtown and I know they only have like half that much sodium.

>> No.7180562

We have it in Australia but I've never tried it. Apparently it's not as bad as one may imagine.

>> No.7180563

Honestly doing this just reminds me how cheap and shit the noodles are.

Just boil up dat water and add the seasoning packet

>> No.7180799



kek. It's just a matter of time before they claim that oxygen must be poisonous since it rusts iron.

>> No.7180930


>> No.7180938

minced meat goes fucking great with ramen

>> No.7180949


Wait until they find out about di-hydrogen monoxide. That shit is deadly as fuck.

>> No.7182047

>acute toxic effects include nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, delirium, or a sense of suffocation
>not death
This is an incredibly weak toxin, and the effects from the capsaicin in the spice packet will probably be more severe.
0/5 would not poison again.

Out of interest, I checked the nutritional information on a packet of MAMA-brand noodles I had in the cupboard. This baby is made of like 70% wheat flour, and contains 1754 kJ (419 kcal) of energy in one packet. I'm not sure what you could even make noodles out of to get zero nutrition. Plastic?
My noodles contain even more sodium than Mercola's, though. If I'm reading these numbers right, we're talking a whopping 5.4 grams of salt.
I don't get why they're even bothering with the lies. Surely, it should be possible to make instant ramen sound unappetizing without depicting MSG as a deadly neurotoxin.

>> No.7182079

>I don't know what I'm talking about so here's a hyperbole in which my answer is the only rational one :^)
Kill yourself.

>> No.7182088

I don't understand why people try to "improve" instant noodles

If you're gonna go to all the trouble of adding quality vegetables and meats, why not just use good noodles and broth instead of instant shit

>> No.7182090

>does not contain any nutrition
>contains sodium

Also, this is more than likely referring to the spice packet that is included, which no one in their right mind uses for the actual noodles, at least not the whole packet. Shit does help with seasoning other food though.

>> No.7182107


For me, at, least, it's a matter of the time involved. It takes literally seconds to grab some veggies, meat, or an egg out of the fridge and add to the soup.

On the other hand cooking better noodles takes a long time waiting for the big pot of water to come to a boil.

>> No.7182214
File: 2.79 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20151218_174835641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was wrong about the spam. It's just a spam-like container that apparently comes from Brazil.

>> No.7182636
File: 193 KB, 1280x960, 1425752749818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're meat flavored

>> No.7182650

>Exposure to 1g of TBHQ can cause nausea and vomiting
Exposure to 1g of caffeine will cause death.


This kind of hyperbolic pseudo-scientific bullshit is worse than the straight up anti-science twats. At least that bunch are too stupid & ignorant to understand what they're doing.

>> No.7182666

Statistics tell the story that the narrator wants.

>> No.7182688

why do people bother spending $3 on extra ingredients for their 20 cent noodles instead of just buying the $2 noodles that taste good on their own?

>> No.7183200

Unless the audience actually understand how to read statistics, or is aware of the information that's being omitted.

>> No.7183201

because $2 noodles are still just carbs that STILL require other ingredients to be a meal