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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 1238x652, vegemite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7175195 No.7175195 [Reply] [Original]

What is it that most countries have against Vegemite?
There's always some dumb Vegemite bashing contest, especially with garbage sites like Buzzfeed, where somehow a spoonful of Vegemite is supposed to taste bad and be hard to swallow and all agreeing that it tastes bad.
But like, Vegemite is probably the best breakfast spread there is that isn't just literally sugar that happens to taste like a fruit or maybe nutella...

>> No.7175198
File: 43 KB, 500x500, Sanitarium-Marmite-Yeast-Spread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175201

It's a meme.

>> No.7175205

marmite is better tbqhwymlac

>> No.7175211

GOAT spread. A lot of people like it thin, but I prefer it thick. Don't like the pandering to Americans like Hugh Jackman on Jimmy Kimmel. Better than Marmite, Marmite is a bit sweeter which I despise.

>> No.7175224


Are you trying to tempt me, because I come from the land of plenty?

>> No.7175234
File: 24 KB, 240x160, marmite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taste like nutella

That isn't a good thing. Also, marmite is better.

>> No.7175235

>That isn't a good thing.
But reading comprehension is.

>> No.7175287

what is that even used for?

>> No.7175335

>what is that even used for?

The traditional use is to spread it thinly on toast and eat it. You can also use it as a seasoning in soups or with meats.

>> No.7175340

Who the fuck just eats a spoon if Vegemite?

>> No.7175350

>dont like the pandering on Jimmy Kimmel.

Normie detected. Im an American and I dont watch Jimmy Kimmel or any of that shit.
>paying attention to what faggots on TV say
>having cable
>paying for commercials
>being ass slammed about what a faggot says on TV so much you bitch about it on an oriential kiddie porn image board
>eating a literal waste product

>> No.7175357

This board is normie af m8. Stop being such a bitter cunt and behave yourself.

>> No.7175358

Cheese and Vegemite on a cracker is a God tier snack.

>> No.7175368

yeah ok. never really understood why people would put stuff like that or jam or peanutbutter on toast.
i'd much rather just have cheese & ham/salami or something

>> No.7175377

Vegemite would go well with cheese, ham and salami on toast.

>> No.7175381

Vegemite or Marmite definitely goes well with cheese on toast, as long as you use a decent cheddar type cheese.

>> No.7175385

My grandparents made me eat a spoon a day. I never liked that shit. Fuck Vegemite and Marmite.

>> No.7175496

have you lost wieght?
did you die your hair?

also, i use vegemite in my bolognese sauce. gives it kind of meaty punch.

>> No.7176040

I've gained weight and my hair is the same colour?

>> No.7176051
File: 113 KB, 763x652, 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an open-minded clapistani, please try explaining what vegemite/marmite tastes like relative to other foods.

>> No.7176052

vegemite and marmite taste like rotten garbage.
I've tried to enjoy both, but have never come to like either.

>> No.7176090

dehydrated bitter stout beer

>> No.7176094
File: 177 KB, 600x589, Patum Peperium The Gentleman's Relish.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT savoury spread coming through

>> No.7176095
File: 53 KB, 540x540, bovril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i use vegemite in my bolognese sauce. gives it kind of meaty punch.

>> No.7176124
File: 2.37 MB, 1347x1194, 1419546334145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7176184
File: 202 KB, 1453x1087, Skärmklipp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you've never had fish roe spread.

>> No.7176590

Vegimite is GOAT if you put some in your gravy

>> No.7176671


I have. Gentleman's relish is anchovy and I prefer the taste to roe, although I have both in the fridge.

>> No.7176725

>it isn't just literally sugar
>it's just literally salt instead

>> No.7176818

It also has thaimin

>> No.7176837

Marmite tastes like play-doh, why do you eat that shit it's like bitters added to seawater but thick.

>> No.7177192

We all know that marmite is yuck, but we're talking about vegemite

>> No.7177210

I think I would like vegemite. I imagine it sort of tasting like that better than bullion stuff and you spread it on a sandwich. I may be completely wrong though.

>> No.7177254

I imagine vegemite tastes like those fruit leathers that the rich kids always had in thier lunches in elementary school. Really want to try it, especially because of that rocket power episode where They all go to Australia and Tito has hos dock hard about vegemite and that kiwi bird thing always steals it... Man im hammered, ICEHOUSE RULEZ!!

>> No.7177267
File: 821 KB, 1000x700, Gold-Bullion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7177805

>tfw currently eating vegemite off a spoon

Whats your problem?

>> No.7177808

I'm an amerilard and I like vegemite

>> No.7177831
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, Are you Serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you give a shit if people like that shit? To each their own. If some faggot is going to take the time to make a video hating on it, fucking let em! Them not liking it does not somehow diminish the flavor of the food you, so fuck them and enjoy your spread like all the other faggots enjoy theirs.
You are a just being a faggot at this point that needs everyone to like what they like. People have different tastes, and to some people Durian tastes good while others think it tastes like shit. My point it is that you need to quit being a faggot and just enjoy the shit you enjoy.

>> No.7177892

Amercan here. What does this stuff taste like?

>> No.7177911

Australian here:

You're meant to put it on buttered toast and if it's your first time... It is meant to be a light spread. After a week or so of eating it like that you can add a little more.


It's just a bitter-salty-yeasty flavour.

>> No.7178712

It doesn't taste anything like playdoh...

>> No.7180269

whuteva. do you have an air conditioner that works? can i come over to your house and rub vegemite all over your body?
20 bmi, toned and hot!

yea nah. thanx for the suggestion tho. but eating that is unaustralian and i like my b-vitamins.

>> No.7180321

Nope. 37 degrees in the house and just have a pedestal fan.

>> No.7180358

ayy it's you.

never tried vegemite before. what does it taste like?

>> No.7180361

>You're meant to put it on buttered toast
Stop being a pussy.

>> No.7180363

>Australians openly admit the best thing about their country is an overly-salty byproduct of beer

No wonder this country is such a shithole full of idiots

>> No.7180364

too salty tbqhfamima

>> No.7180378

The best thing about our country is marsupials. The second best thing about our country is most of the birds are good fighters. The third best thing is lemon myrtle.

>> No.7180408
File: 64 KB, 1772x294, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guaranteed (You)'s
who said it's the best thing australia has to offer? you're a fucken drongo, m8. get a dog up ya.

me too! we have so much in common. wanna make out?

>> No.7180413

That looks really good

>> No.7180416

I'm not a fan of vegemite, but I hate those videos when they eat like a whole mouthful of something that's supposed to be used in small amounts and then come to the conclusion that it's gross and people who like it must be crazy.

>> No.7180583

Vegemite and avo on toast is god tier.

>> No.7180640

Tastes like soy sauce in paste form. American here, had a student ambassadorship in Australia and got a taste for Vegemite, I love salty foods and think it's delicious. Marmite's good too, but can't find it in local grocery stores any more, gotta get them both online

>> No.7180748


>not spreading gold bullion on your toast in the morning

Poorfag detected

>> No.7181350


>> No.7183107


>> No.7183342

Why is Australia's music industry so shitty that this is our only classic?

>> No.7183347

Closest thing is Bovril. For a while Bovril used yeast extract (same as Vegemite) as a beef replacement in order to cut costs.

>> No.7183362
File: 1.68 MB, 1238x652, teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which are your front two teeth? Green or Red?

>> No.7183370

I'm cringing at your attempts to be ironic. It's obvious you're lonely.

>> No.7183428

>eating vegemite by the spoonful
That's just stupid.

Thinly spread on toast, over a bit of melted butter if you really can't handle it

>> No.7183435

Huh? Have a look into AC/DC, The Easybeats, Nick Cave, The Radiators, and Midnight Oil for starters.

Just don't eat it if you can't really handle it. I don't see the point of thinly spread Vegemite, especially if you're having butter compete with the flavour.

>> No.7183516

That sounds good I fucking love soy sauce

>> No.7183548

yet, oddly enough, i'm not the one camwhoring for attention.

>> No.7184751

like soy sauce with spam accept very intense and salty.

>> No.7184818

I agree its very like soy sauce but with a yeasty flavour. Its actualy the bigle the builds up at the bottom of flasks after making beer.

>> No.7185545

kek all over again
Didn't she also post a pic of her nipple?

>> No.7185554
File: 22 KB, 460x460, 184938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is the best "breakfast" spread. Yes, this one specifically - Kraft light. Natural peanut butter tastes too peanutty. Also, I find Kraft light pb to taste better a few days after opening.

>> No.7185561

I think three teeth are visible

>> No.7185587

Don't you have a bull to prep, truls?

>> No.7185591

what the FUck is thaimin?

Do you mean thiamine? Like the amino acid? Are you a Philosophy Major?

>> No.7185598

In the UK it's spelt 'thiamin'

This is for you


>> No.7185602

doesn't matter, that poster wrote "thaiamin" also nobody writes amine as amin. This is organic 101

>> No.7185607

Because of course, a typo is much less likely than your elaborate conspiracy in which liberal social justice warriors are intentionally spelling it 'thaiamin'

Take your pills, amerilard. We don't want to read about another stress-related workplace shooting.

>> No.7185878
File: 24 KB, 450x300, pfi_14561_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the way, you aussie fucking plebs.

>> No.7186022

So it has been decided, Vegemite is the best breakfast spread. What is the best breakfast drink?

>> No.7186055


>> No.7188207

Vodka coffee

>> No.7188347


>> No.7189865
File: 614 KB, 1920x1519, colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that fucking off brand marmite?
Real Marmite is wayyy better... Vegemite is for poor people and colonials.

>> No.7190529


>> No.7191120

If Vegemite tastes like Marmite, as I suspect it does, then it tastes great and it's just Americans being retards.

>> No.7191129
File: 496 KB, 360x298, jamesmayeggs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will someone send me Bovril

>> No.7191137

>off brand marmite

It's New Zealand Marmite. It's legit (the history of Marmite/Marmite/Vegemite is odd and complex)

>> No.7191143

What are you supposed to do with Bovril? Do you spread it on toast? I have had people tell me you are supposed to mix it in hot water for a soup.

>> No.7191148

You are, genuinely, supposed to dilute it with hot water to make a drink.

A hot, beefy, drink.

You can also use it a liquid seasoning in soups, sauces or with meat.

>> No.7191639

More or less. It's like comparing corn flakes to Special K flakes.

>> No.7192715

They taste like the Marmite favour crisps.

>> No.7192719

Oh you wacky colonials. Your backwards ways are no end of amusement.

>> No.7192885

Tried it. Can confirm it is not godtier.