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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 783x357, Alcohol-Addiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7163019 No.7163019 [Reply] [Original]

>Saturday evening
>no/alc/ thread
come on

>> No.7163034

Dude Im just about to finish off my 375ml of vodka, eat some sausage and peppers and start again in a few hours. Got any tips for growing peppers in New Hampshire?

>> No.7163048


sippin' some bacardi gold with iced tea, thinkin' about how I'm going to make some nachos.

I bought some processed cheese sauce in a jar that I'm pretty disappointed with, but I guess I should've known what to expect. As trashy as it is I fuckin' love cheese sauce on nachos/ fries. Real cheese gets all hard and greasy and shitty. I wish I could buy the cheese sauce that restaurants use. I don't have ingredients on hand to experiment with. Guess I'll have to keep drinking until this shitty jarred cheese sauce tastes good.

>> No.7163049

>Friday evening: drink 300ml of hard liquor and pass out
>Saturday evening: drink 700ml and only slightly buzzed
what is this sorcery?

>> No.7163051



>> No.7163056

do you put the cheese on when the nachos first go into the oven? i put all my toppings on, then when it's all heated i add the cheese, put it back in the oven until it's just melted. it stays soft.


this is a pretty simple recipe that should taste better than jarred cheese too.

>> No.7163057

You're just getting better.

>> No.7163069
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After about 10 years being drunk all the time I've lost my job and I'm going to run out of money. Are there any good guides to being homeless?

>> No.7163085


Take hormones and live under a neets bed

>> No.7163094


Yup, cheese always goes on last.
This recipe sounds pretty good, I will try it when I can. I only have pepper jack on hand right now though, and I'm craving that garbage yellow sauce flavor that cheddar would add.

>> No.7163097

Working this weekend but have Monday off.

Tomorrow I'm gonna head to the store and buy a bottle of Southern Comfort, assorted cured meats, few different kinds of hard cheese, then go home and make some fresh bread for a meat and cheese board. Perfect drunk snack!

>> No.7163104


Add some sliced apples/grapes/pears/apricot preserves (one or any assortment) to go with that and I'm in heaven.

>> No.7163111


Might get cucumber for it. Southern Comfort is a really sweet whiskey do something fresh like cucumber might be perfect. I have some ghost pepper sea salt which has a nice smokey flavor to it, maybe sprinkle a little in the cucumber slices.

>> No.7163115

Im gonna kill this whole box of moscato and see what kind of trouble I can get into

>> No.7163127

Drinking shitty Costco Vodka mixed with grape soda because im a fucking nigger.

>> No.7163131

get some blue collar job

>> No.7163151
File: 207 KB, 480x607, princess-of-r-pastels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had two bottles of cava in the last three hours. Now onto a pint of gin and fanta zero with ice.

I wish I was both a little bit taller and a baller, but given that I'm not, je regret mes boissons seulement un peu

>> No.7163152

>tfw socially awkward and everyone takes advantage of me when I'm sober
should I become and alcoholic?

>> No.7163158

I had a Lagunitas Born Yesterday earlier at a pizza restaurant. It was the best hoppy beer I've ever had.

>> No.7163166


Or scam a psychiatrist for some benzodiazepines. I was always a better person on them.

>> No.7163170

Yes. No one ever takes advantage of drunk people.

>> No.7163199


True, SoCo is definitely enough to satisfy the sweet part there, I'm just a sucker for fruit/cheese pairings. Cucumber sounds perfect though.
I think i'm going to do this myself sometime this week, now. Top with some pickled red onion. oh lawd.

>> No.7163203

you probably accidentally paced yourself better today.

>> No.7163243


start doing research on local shelters and cafeterias for homeless/poor always keep a pair of clean clothes for job interviews don't spend any of your money on alcohol apply to any job you can

>> No.7163247


Oh baby pickled red onion, that's what I'm talking about. On the list it goes.

>> No.7163248

if you live in Canada or any country with free health care go see a doctor anon.

>> No.7163282
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Hello neighboor!

Here in Quebec you can grow hot peppers in summer. I have those little thai peppers plants, and they yield enough for a year. You just dry them once they're harvested and keep them in the fridge.
ALso you can buy/mail order an indoor pepper plant that you put in front of a window.

>> No.7163291
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I tough of marrying my roomate in a no homo way.
I'm a uber neet, with little income and he makes a lot of money. SO we could split the income I'd reimburse him but keep 50% of the tax gains he'd make and I would vacuum the appartment some more.
It would be a win-win-win. But he thinks that it would makes us look more homo than we already look like.

>> No.7163316

>tfw I drianld over over 750mll oh hard liquor at the 160lbs and the BAC callc show the risk the death.
shoudl I be worried? I drink only on the weekends

>> No.7163318


>> No.7163327

Maybe because it's not the evening yet in the civilized part of the world? The part of the world that actually matters.

>> No.7163354

I have a question for you alcys.

Why does hair of the dog work so well? I don't even think it's placebo it just works. It's my second favorite hangover cure after weed.

>> No.7163361

>still getting hangovers
You're not ready for this thread yet kid.

>> No.7163372

Thank fuck, right? I'd hate to be an alcoholic. It's a shitty drug and requires more work than not to be one than not imo.

>> No.7163377

Because you're putting more alcohol into your system man. BTW if you're getting hangovers so regularly that you have favorite hangover cures I suggest AA. Grown ass adults should only be hungover once in a blue moon.

>> No.7163386

I'm a full blown alcoholic and I get hangovers every morning

>> No.7163395

>can't leave the house without having a drink

Am I alc?

>> No.7163421


>> No.7163424

Sounds like you're agoraphobic.

>> No.7163426

yes, I'm afraid so. My post drinking anxiety is so bad that I have to a have a drink just to go to the fucking grocery store.

>> No.7163427

Is that rhetorical?

>> No.7163433

get some help idiots, how do you think this is normal?

>> No.7163435

get fucked asshole, no one cares what you think

>> No.7163465

I drank 23 Budweisers last nite and I felt great this morning.

get on my level

>> No.7163508

But a case of budweiser over the course of a night isn't very much. I regularly drink a handle of whiskey in a night and then move on to beer to taper off.

I never got hangovers until I was about 30. My body can't process it like it used to. Not getting hangovers is not synonymous with being a good alcoholic. It means you are still relatively healthy because you haven't been at it for long enough.

>> No.7163529


>> No.7163597

I'm just some "stealth alcoholic" because people tell I'm alcoholic but since I only hit the bottle hard at home people are not certain if I'm alcoholic or some weekend meth ghoul.

>> No.7163641
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Yeah... it was necessary to let the thanksgiving one rest in peace silently for a while.

Time will show its marks on your face too anon. If you don't focus on drinking only the finest liquors and very intrically managing your drinking habits, all will go out of hand you will be a regular drug junky. take care

>> No.7163682

I used to drink 18 packs of natural ice when I was 16-20 with nothing but a foggy head in the morning, cant do it anymore it shuts me down the next day.

>> No.7163807


I really into Jägermeister, maybe too much, I don't give a fuck anymore since I don't have wife, friends, children, pets and the only thing that makes me feel just a little bit better is alcohol.

>> No.7165367

>wake up after 10 hours
>still drunk as fuck

>> No.7165473

What are some good stouts.
I love me some yummy Guinness.
Sorry if that is pleb tier, I'm new to drinking.

>> No.7166339

i'm sober today. i can't fucking do it any more. yesterday i drank fucking three 70cl bottles of vodka, this morning i felt so bad i legit thought i was going to die.
either i stop it or i die. it's too retarded and too dangerous, it ends.
...christ i hope it ends. why the fuck have i spent so many years doing this.
also, fuck i hate DTs. even shitloads of diazepam is doing absolutely fuck all to help.

btw, everyone watch the fuck out of this. escape your cage and, apparently, the cravings will fuck off.


good luck bros.

>> No.7166352


Have you noticed any change to your liver? Enlarged?

>> No.7166354


Benzodiazepines are shit for sleep, they just make you chill. If you want to sleep get some mirtazipine or trazodone. Just don't drink when you take them, you'll go hypotensive

>> No.7166386

>Have you noticed any change to your liver? Enlarged?
sigh. yup. i've been drunk for 22 years. a doc confirmed my liver to be enlarged over a decade ago. god dammit, it's scary. it (like pretty much everything) makes me want to fkn drink.
>Benzodiazepines are shit for sleep, they just make you chill. If you want to sleep get some mirtazipine or trazodone. Just don't drink when you take them, you'll go hypotensive
they used to help me with DTs. amazed im still alive desu. apparently mixing booze and benzos is likely to kill you. guess i've just been lucky. (mixed the two for 14 fkn years)
also tried mirtazapine. it was pretty good at helping me sleep for a while, but then stopped working. quetiapine is helping though. do have a few of those lying around, so meh, might stand a chance in hell of sleeping tonight i suppose.
fuck i want a drink. fuck fuck fuck, if i wake up hung over tomorrow i think i may just fucking kill myself and get it over and done with. alcoholism is hell.

>> No.7166398


How old are you, anon? How much do you drink a day?

>> No.7166411

i very rarely drink less than 28 units (70cl of scotch or 2-3 of bottles of wine) yesterday i (apparently, can't fkn remember it but the empty bottles are there) i drank 84 units. 3 x 70cl bottles of smirnoff.
no idea how i'm alive. i eat extremely healthily, suppose that helps, but yeah, i'm probably not gonna last much longer. fuck alcohol.

>> No.7166442

Hot damn brother, how long have you been drinking like this?

>> No.7166459 [DELETED] 

KEK, kill urself fag

>> No.7166462

22 years.
well, actually i started out drinking ~14 units a day, but it just increased and increased over time, to the point where i think i broke my own record yesterday. i can really feel it now too, i can feel myself falling apart because of this poison. that's a recent thing and it's scaring the shit out of me.
either it ends, or i do. and that fact, like fucking everything, just makes me crave booze.
i woke up so hung over this morning that i thought 'no, this ends, i will not drink tonight'... but i bet i fucking do. in an instant, before i even know what's fkn happening, i'll be grabbing my coat n' keys, after an hour or two of chugging all memories will tomorrow have vanished, and i'll wake up feeling suicidal. i'm hopeless.

>> No.7166472

>either it ends, or i do.
The only way it will end is if you take steps to end it. You can't wait for something to happen that will make you stop drinking, because that's not how the world works. Seek help, there's lots of if out there. When a lifelong heroin junkie can go clean then a shitfaced juicehead can do it too. But you have to do the work.

>> No.7166473 [DELETED] 

You need to medical detox and do inpatient rehab my man. If your job is worth a shit at all they shouldn't fire you, its a medical emergency.

>> No.7166487

i'm in a treatment program. well, sort of... i went to the initial assessment appointment 3ish weeks ago, and they said i'd receive a letter telling me when the next appointment would be.
patiently waited and waited, then called them up on friday, to find out that the fucks had lost my file and i was waiting for something which was never coming. they're calling me back on monday. sigh.
assuming they don't fuck up again, i really am gonna put my heart and soul into whatever the hell it is they tell me i should do. scared to fkn death, really, really do need help. having actually given up and sought it though, i've spent the last 3 weeks drinking insane amounts. been downing vodka by the pint, and passing out 2-3 times a day, just to wake and immediately start again. im in so much pain holy shit.
anyway. thanks bros. and if you're at all able, escape this shit asap. don't turn into me.

>> No.7166498

>If your job is worth a shit at all they shouldn't fire you
oh and luckily, i work from home. while drunk. i have scotch in my morning coffee nearly every day, and slowly throughout the day, drink more and more, 'til all necessary work is done, and i start hammering spirits by the pint.
fuck alcohol. i hate it. i so, so want to escape and to for the first fucking time ever since childhood, experience life through sober eyes. can't even imagine what it'd be like, really hope i get to find out.
head is pounding, gtg. peace all. good luck escaping this horrible shit.

>> No.7166506 [DELETED] 

Do you have insurance? I'm uninsured and checked myself into the hospital. They kept me medicated, kept checking my vitals etc to make sure I wouldn't die from suddenly quitting. It was boring as fuck and I'd get pissed at the nurses waking me up all night to take blood pressure and temperature, it got me through the worst withdrawals though. When you are safe they'll release you into a rehab facility.

It isn't something you can sit around and wait on, they won't come looking for you lol. I was drunk and knew it was time. Called my parents and told them what's up, could they please drive me to detox I need to get clean. They couldn't send me straight to detox because I was still drunk but they hooked me up to an iv and waited until I sobered up. Anyway you just gotta suck it up and go in there.

>> No.7166510

alchie-related tunes, anyone?







>> No.7166580
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>Do you have insurance?
UK mate, thank christ for the NHS.
they're calling me tomorrow. whatever they tell me to do, i'm fucking doing it. no matter how much it hurts, it can't be worse than this.

are you now sober btw? did the treatment work long-term?

omfg my head, those DT shakes, that nausea... fuck me i feel so miserable right now. m-m-m-maybe.... j-j-just.... one... little,... glass...? just to take the edge off...?
>fuck, it's happening. fuck you, brain.

>> No.7166633 [DELETED] 

Best of luck m8. For me the worst part of detox wasn't not drinking, I think those mystery pills they gave me helped. It was sheer boredom. It's basically prison. You can do puzzles, play cards, draw. The best part was the food. Getting sober makes you hungry as FUCK and you will crave sugar the most. I thought I'd be craving vodka and cigarettes but all I wanted was fruit juice, sometimes I'd trade half my meal to someone else just for the juice.

Try to get along with the others there but you might not click and you might annoy them, remember their withdrawal might be worse than yours. The first few days I couldn't relate to anyone, they were much older than me and didn't want to talk or play games. Towards the end a younger girl came through who wanted to talk and play all the board games, it made it a hell of a lot more pleasant.

I would say it mostly worked. When I went in I had spent an entire year being some degree of intoxicated. I'd wake up and take 2 shots before brushing my teeth. After detox I went 3 months without a sip. I've gradually started drinking again, I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's a fraction of what I was drinking and I'm not physically addicted. I won't drink more than a pint of liqour in a day.

Anyway good luck man, its hard but it isn't impossible. Go as long as you can without a drink, join groups. Don't kill yourself over a relapse. Relapse isn't a complete loss, its just walking backwards. Recognise it and start moving forward again.

>> No.7166734

it's free for fucking bums and losers

>> No.7166749
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> It was sheer boredom
i can imagine, actually. i mean, drinking is pretty damn fun, and to lose such an integral part of your life, is bound to suck.
satan puts it pretty well:
>>fuck, it's happening. fuck you, brain.
aaand i did it. i fucked up. pic related.
what's worse, is that the instant this is gone i'll NEED more, but the only shop open at this time on a sunday, is a £40 cab ride away and like fuck am i getting a second DUI, so not drinking n' driving, i'd rather fucking walk than go through that shit again.
thought i'd be optimistic and just buy the one bottle, but nope, i know fully well that this is gonna cost me more money in approximately 1 fucking hour, and tomorrow i'll wake to another hangover.
fuck alcohol infinitely and eternally, and fuck myself for being this utterly hopeless.

>> No.7166798

Cure for a hangover is drink more

AA is bullshit btw and has about a 5 % success rate

>> No.7166833

I went into a coma on November 11th due to hepatic encephalopathy. I spent several days on a ventilator and nearly died. After a total of 25 days in the hospital I could pretty much walk again and almost entirely stopped shitting myself.

You will die a slow painful death if you do not seek immediate medical help. I know it's frightening but I promise you won't regret it.

>> No.7166835

Why are all those buttons to the left of the steering wheel? And what is that knob to the left of your knee, the one that resembles a shift knob?

>> No.7166855

i know mate. i accepted 3 weeks ago that i need help. the nhs fucked up somehow and lost my file, so i spent 3 weeks waiting for them to tell what was happening next, but it turns out i was waiting for something which wasn't fkn coming. i called them two days ago and they realised that they'd fucked up somehow, now they're calling me tomorrow.
fuckers. i've drunk harder in the last 3 weeks, looking forward so much to the professional help i'd at long last accepted, but some fucker rekt it, so now i've just gotta wait until tomorrow to find out wtf happened and what happens next.
>Why are all those buttons to the left of the steering wheel?
>being interested in a Kia
eh? the ones on the steering wheel itself, or those on the central panel? stuff on the wheel just controls the stereo.
>And what is that knob to the left of your knee, the one that resembles a shift knob?
it's a gear stick, brah...

back home now and yup, my bottle of merlot is gone, and i want more. feel mildly tipsy but that's it. it's not enough. god dammit.
maybe i should just fkn kill myself, god almighty i hate being me. what a cock.

>> No.7166864 [DELETED] 

How do you like the kia? I bought a brand new forte a few years ago and loved the hell out of that car. Somebody wrecked into me and totalled it, I wasn't hurt though. I'm pretty sure the car protected me really well, I miss it.

>> No.7166873

Go get enough booze to make it through the weekend, you will need it.

Detox will be hard enough under Medical supervision.

>> No.7166915 [DELETED] 

It actually wasn't the lack of booze that drove me nuts, it was being trapped in a room with old weirdos and nothing to do. My room was freezing, all the chairs were really uncomfortable, there was little to read and they got pissed when I tried to change the channel on the tv. The puzzles were missing pieces and the card decks were missing cards. All I wanted to do is walk around outside, I spent hours staring out a window.

Yes this. I actually went in drunk and they waited me out until I sobered up. I don't think I'd want to go in with withdrawals already setting in, it makes it too easy to puss out and go buy booze instead.

>> No.7166921
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>How do you like the kia?
really liking it. cheap, comfy as fuck - especially on long journeys, great aircon, good stereo, bluetooth phone connection, amazingly fast given that it's quite a big car but only has a tiny 1.6 litre engine, so much room in the boot (trunk) that with the back seats down it's practically a van... and it comes with a 7 year warranty. like it much more than my old c-max.
>Go get enough booze to make it through the weekend, you will need it.
sigh, i guess. thankyou anon. wish i could just drop it, but you're right, i'd probably fkn die.
>I spent hours staring out a window.
well, shit.
ah well. if it must be done, then i guess i'll do it. i cannot go on like this. it has to end and i'd rather it didn't do so by way of my being 6 feet under.

>> No.7166944 [DELETED] 

You gotta go man, it seemed like hell at the time but in retrospect it wasn't that bad. I checked in on a Friday and it was dead all weekend, usually they have more people and things to do during the week. Monday more people came and we did some goofy shit. They brought us some paint and paper and we all painted fireworks and hung them up, I must have painted 50 of them. Some friendly black dude brought a Wii and we played for an hour. Just when I was losing my shit this girl my age whacked bad on heroin showed up and we got along great, we still talk from time to time. Making a friend will make it much easier but it can be hard to connect there. They'll take your cell phone, that sucked. Bring a fiction book if you can, nothing too heady.

>> No.7166979

The Christmas one gave me feels

>> No.7166991
File: 153 KB, 640x960, sarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man, love that tune. really like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq8Kq7a2JBM as well. so many alchiefeels.
plus imo sarah blackwood is hot as almighty fuck.
...i know few people agree with me on this, but i would fucking swallow that girl whole. ooft.

postan a few more un-aclhie-related vids of her because... erhm... i want to and YOU CAN'T STOP ME!





nom. try to show me another girl aged 35 who's this hot, i dare you.

>> No.7167008
File: 99 KB, 620x621, sarah-blackwood-walk-off-the-earth-hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....oh and furthermore, she too like us, was an alcoholic, plus a heroin addict, cocaine addict and all-around fuckup, but she's still this hot, even when middle aged.
right sorry, i'll shut up about my crush. i'm drunk. you of all lot should i hope, understand and perhaps forgive my shitposting.

>> No.7167226


I'm thinking of you. Where you located?

>> No.7167248


Sorry, read rest of thread

>> No.7167264

Got about 10 leftover beers from last night. Might as well drink those..

>> No.7167267

What? Hell yeah she's hot.

>> No.7167280

Not shitpost man, is the band called walk off the earth? Or Gianni and Sarah?

>> No.7167291
File: 25 KB, 286x335, 15121365c1df2eb725b5d2433c099ba7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

England m80. this is me...

why do so few disagree? fuck man, glad i'm finally not alone. seems that a love of people think she's ugly, i just cannot fucking understand it.
walk off the earth is the band, bro. but their stuff is more 'pop' style stuff (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hn_R1i6i2c)), whereas sarah's solo stuff is imo a lot better. have already spammed with examples, won't shitpost with more.
still, fapfapfapfapfaps aplenty here, yo. fuckin' love that girl.

>> No.7167312

>seems that a love of people think she's ugly
*lot of people.
sorry, too drunk to type.
(i'm also this guy yasee, >>7166749 and yes, i did pay for that fucking cab and i've now had 5 bottles of merlot. sigh)

>> No.7167329
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>tfw you drink some water and immediately feel twice as rekt and throw up

>> No.7167330

Why do we need two al/ck/ threads on the front page?

>> No.7167354

Even if she wasn't hot just being there that talent makes her go way up

>> No.7167359


Hey faggot. Quit the pity party, grab your nuts and start acting like a man.

Stop relying on the government to get you sober

yours truly,

A fellow drunk.

>> No.7167393

ok. i mean, fellow drunk, it clearly worked for you. on it, brah.

>> No.7167410


Ive been sober almost 6 months

you, m8?

>> No.7167428
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but anon, i am not you. nor is anyone else. this is irrelevant information. i have tried my best.
you seem like an angry anon. why the hate? nobody wants to be like this, yet millions are. no tickbox is offered, peter fkn hitchens.

>> No.7167431
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I recently drank for the first time so I figure i'll share the story here, i'm honestly still scared

>Be slightly under drinking age
>Never drunk alcohol in my life
>Hear about how drinking lowers social anxiety
> /ck/ alcoholic thread convinces me despite all of your problems
>Secretly down some of my mom's old wine before family event, tastes like shit
>Keep drinking
>Feel warm, laugh, realize its actually working
>Suddenly hilarious, charismatic and charming, it's not even just in my head
>Do this again before classes two days later, same thing
>I'm actually participating, I made one of my teachers genuinely laugh
>Wake up that night with extreme chest pain
>Bile in the back of my throat, chest fucking burning to fucking hell
>Run to bathroom and puke, run and drink water, try to sleep but pain too much
>Want to go to Doctor but afraid because I live in burgerland
>Decide to wait it out
>It's only marginally better

And here I fucking am bros. Sad thing is I will probably drink more when this passes. I can't go back to being who I was.

>> No.7167447


i am an angry anon. Im secretly miserable because i thought getting sober would make me happy. It hasnt

>> No.7167450

Couple shots of bourbon, couple Melex, little line of H, and a Jollier Rancher. Getting quite comfy, just finished up baking a bean pie.

>> No.7167455

>Becoming an alcoholic because people on an iraqi toy manufacturer website do it

Just get out while you still can you faggot.

>> No.7167466
File: 275 KB, 1252x1252, wats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw mate, i'm sorry. desu this scares me. sobriety to me seems like a glistening ray of hope by which my problems might be resolved... but russell brand, being the fucking lunatic that he is, is a perfect example of this simply not being the case.
ever listened to alan watts? that man is a fucking hero. helped me no end.
takes a loooong fucking time to kinda 'get it', but this isn't a bad vid with which to start. i've listened to hundreds of hours of his stuff.
...until i found out that he was an alchie and died aged 58 because he too could simply not kick the booze.
eckhart tolle (while a bit naff desu, and NOTHING compared with watts) might be a nice, easy intro to 'mindfulness'. it's a commonly used method by addiction therapists and all you need to do to access it, is go to youtube.
also recommend teal swan. she's a pretty smart girl... but clearly a charlatan. has a few interesting things to say, but generally i only watch her because i want to insert my genitalia into hers.

like any of this stuff and wanna take it further? mate, read the corpus hermeticum. it blew my fucking mind. and before you dismiss this stuff as airy fairy nonsense, realise that richard dawkins has said "there may be something to this", and that isaac newton, a man whose genius made even einstein look like a fag, was also hugely interested in hermetecism.

good luck bro. hope you feel better mate.

>> No.7167475


My feels drinking song

James Leg - Drinking too Much

Its seriously the best drinking feels song.


Im dry now but this really encapsulated my alcoholism, used to listen to it so much

>> No.7167497

Nobody will take you seriously when you are posting pictures of some fucking anime cunt. Get a life you nigger.

>> No.7167499


Thanks m80. Gonna put it on the ipod and listen to it in the shop tomorrow

>> No.7167646 [DELETED] 

The fuck is wrong with you faggot, please never post in these threads. You aren't an alcoholic.

>I drank twice and can't go back to who I was

Your right, your now a much bigger faggot than you ever were.

>> No.7167672

Ive got a disease

>> No.7167702

Don't they let you browse the internet or something?

>> No.7167705
File: 151 KB, 606x606, hitchensEuphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peter fkn hitchens.
It'd do you good to listen, lad

>> No.7167713

>admiring a literal christfag who was clearly just trying desperately to challenge his massively superior brother
nah i'll pass.

>> No.7167716
File: 40 KB, 600x350, peterbanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you need a good dose of morality

>> No.7167718
File: 31 KB, 250x250, IMG_6653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 beers deep and 3 blunts, (not a roody-poo) but been like this since freshmen year second semester and well I'm a junior now. Drank everyday since

>> No.7167732

Had to spend my paycheck's drugs budget on the dog, but luckily i work at a liquor store and we have a dump bin where i save things for such an occasion. So i've been doing Oregon Springs vodka + apple juice. It gets the job done but i've got to be honest, i don't enjoy this nearly as much as whiskey. I would say i'm an alcoholic for sure, but fuck, if this is all i can drink this week i might take a few nights off...


>> No.7167733


Hey buddy relax, maybe have a few beers?

>> No.7167871

The first time I got really drunk I think I had alcohol poisoning, because I spent all night puking over and over again. Six years later I drink almost every day. I find wine makes me sicker than anything else. Sugary or malted drinks are guaranteed hangover. Drinking whisky and chasing with water before going to bed is the best though. Wake up sobre with no hangover.

>> No.7168397

I bleed for you man. I love you.

>> No.7168407

Dude. Please overcome this for me.

I'm drinking some beer and feeling alone and maybe on the edge and almost/pretty much crying reading your shit right now. I need you to be okay because I want myself to be okay.

Fuck, man. If only it were so simple...

>> No.7168441

>have transgressed to alcoholism in the last 7 months
>started smoking again last week and am doing a pack a day (4x more than I use to smoke in a day)

not looking good, buds

at least I'm content

>> No.7168748
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>It'd do you good to listen, lad
>mail on sunday journalist
>oh boy, this is gonna be abrasive

>dat 13:19-13:35 mins
i beg your FUCKING pardon, peter? WHAT the FUCK? fuck me. what a dick. especially as a man who has confessed, amusingly angrily under duress, to being a former drug user, and whose brother died as a result of alcoholism.

what a pompous cunt. into the (>>>/pol/) garbage he goes.

sibling rivalry. compared with chris, the guy is a butthurt, keked cock. fuck you peter. furthermore, the amount of hate he gets on all of his articles about cannabis, make me chuckle heartily.

the guy is a cunt.

>> No.7168751
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trying, anons my friends.
9am though, 3 bottles of merlot since 6am... fucking hell NHS, please call soon. i don't know how much longer i can cope. it is becoming unbearable in the most literal sense of the word.

>> No.7168767
File: 25 KB, 460x276, Peter-Hitchens.-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know better than the american medical association and 10,000,000 alcoholics, because i say so

>> No.7168769

...my rage is reaching untold proportions.
this guy's entire argument appears to be "if we were to impose staggeringly harsh legal penalties on all drug users, they would not use drugs in the first place"
well then peter, why the fuck is it that even in countries who impose the fkn death penalty for drug use (as i'm starting to believe, so too would you, you prick), still have huge drug problems?
k, gonna try to stop raging, but again, this is the truth, i fucking know it to be true:


>> No.7168770 [DELETED] 

Call them

>> No.7168773

they said they'd call me today.
fuck me, if they don't, i might feel inclined to sue. they fucked up and holy shit am in pain because of it.
if they don't call today, i'll call tomorrow, and they will feel my wrath.

>> No.7168777 [DELETED] 

Give em hell m8. I don't know how British healthcare works, why can't you just go to the hospital for detox?

>> No.7168779

>why can't you just go to the hospital for detox?
i did. i was in agony one morning so i made an appointment. they referred me to a clinic, i went for the assessment, they told me they'd be in contact, they then fucked up and forgot about me.
they're calling today, so they claim. if they don't, my wholly-justifiable rage will prevail.
sigh. fingers crossed.

>> No.7168808
File: 210 KB, 1000x656, TealOnTheRocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumpan' with this, because while she's a bit shit, she's also fkn fit.
makes a couple of good points, albeit via something of a shitty charlatan vid.
any and all research into how we anons might one day beat this shit is i think, worth a listen. she's not entirely without merit. and i'd rather rim her for a month than drink a single unit.

anyone have moar easily-accessible info (i.e audiobooks/youtube links) i/we can watch? can't handle books, hangovers + reading = headaches.

>> No.7169244
File: 27 KB, 640x480, gdfgdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else have a penchant for Chateauneuf Du Pape? On offer at nine quid in asda (fellow Brits) at the mo, six quid off it's normal price!
Fuck me dem red wine hangovers don't mess around, but nom, my fave wine by far.

>> No.7169294

>"if we were to impose staggeringly harsh legal penalties on all drug users, they would not use drugs in the first place"

has been proven to not work

>> No.7169310
File: 70 KB, 580x488, thaideathbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite right. thailand among others, has shown this to be true. even those horrific prisons, even the fucking death penalty... it means nothing. people get rekt because they have to. nobody 'chooses' this hell.
it's really hard to comprehend quite why this is and i don't pretend to have an explanation, but as you say, punishment simply does not work, infact it makes things worse.
again (again)
>Give em hell m8.
promised to call me, and didn't.
so, moments i called them "sorry call back tomorrow, we're too busy"
you fuckers. no. not having it, so i just now called my GP, told her all that'd happened, she called them while i was still listening on another line... and all hell broke loose. their retarded excuse was "w-w-we got a bit behind on our p-p-paperwork". she further flipped the fuck out.
bros... thanks to my GP, in one week (yeah the NHS is this under-funded, even after this hell i've still got a fucking week to wait), it's happening. at long fucking last, i am getting professional help.
gonna go have a drink or 20 to celebrate.

peace all, and good luck. assuming i survive this next week, this shit will maybe be over. christ i cannot wait. hope things are looking up for you lot too.

>> No.7169367

>Addiction is a disease

What? No, cancer is a disease no one makes you do drugs

>> No.7169372


>> No.7169377

>no one makes you do drugs
no but something does. i don't know what it is, but whether you or hitchens like it or not, it exists and it causes people in their millions, while trying in vain to escape, to die because it is impossible to escape. if it's life or death and people die despite their best attempts, then sir that is a fair definition of the word "impossible".
with professional help it can work it would seem, but without it? nope. it CANNOT be done.
have you read the whole of this thread?

>> No.7169406

>Suddenly hilarious, charismatic and charming, it's not even just in my head
consider yourself lucky. the only changes in my behavior after getting drunk are slurred speech and uncoordinated movements

>> No.7169408

AA pls

Matt Perry sounds drunk

>> No.7169413

yeah i don't know wtf he meant by that either, but regardless of his retarded choice of wording, he is basically right about this peculiar phenomenon which nobody can, yet, quite put their finger on. just because we great apes cannot understand it, does not mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.7169418

People wont get off drugs unless they want to.

>> No.7169420
File: 10 KB, 200x300, 1449170345931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make my life better or I'll do drugs!!!

This video is liberal propaganda at it's finest

You have to make your own life better, people and the government can't do it for you.

>> No.7169425

>they then fucked up and forgot about me

muh free health care

>> No.7169426

>no but something does
yeah, you

> it is impossible to escape

no it isn't

>> No.7169429

so what's your solution?
approximately how shit would you like to make us to feel in your heroic attempt to make us feel so much better that we no longer poison ourselves to death?
torture doesn't work, the death sentence doesn't work, the religious among us who believe in eternal hell and damnation doesn't work... how much more should we suffer, wise anon?
the agony of addiction is enough to cause me to continue to drink. locking me up and punishing me will make me feel worse, and in doing so, you will make me crave booze that much more.

so do it, do what nobody on earth has been able to do, solve the problem.

>eagerly awaiting the cure you're about to provide

>> No.7169430

AA says that shit

>I'm allergic to alcohol
>It's and allergy in our body
>I don't know why we have this allergy but we do

right out of a fucking meeting, I was court ordered to go to them before

It's called being a loser. Not being allergic

>> No.7169432

>so what's your solution?

take control of your fucking life and have some responsibility over it.

If you blame anyone or anything for the things that happen to you, they are just going to keep happening.

>> No.7169435

we've been over this.
and this.

fucking hell i feel sick, i'm out, but i will argue the fuck out of this shit when i'm back. addiction is not a choice. i can't tell you why, i can simply assure you that it's so. >>7169377

>> No.7169446

Addiction may not be a choice, but do the thing you're addicted to is, no one is making you do things.

Stop blaming drugs and alcohol on yourself,

It fucks it up for all of us.

>> No.7170424

Congrats Anon, you've got your appointment for a cure. That's the first hard step.
It works way faster when it's a doctor calling. Now you know. And do insist, or make someone insist for you, with lazy paper pushers, but don't go raging on them. Their work is kinda shit, and nobody like a shouting asshole.

Get an electronic cigarette if you're a smoker. And get used to it.
Ask if you can have your phone, computer with/without Internet for DVDs (my last cure, a guy received spam texts on his phone offering a free sample of heroin. And he knew he could get a free sample and relapse. So they keep your phone and no Internet during the first week.), books, different chargers (I've been in the same unit as suicide attempts, no cables to hang out electrocute yourself)
Get books and music. You'll have a fuck ton of free time, and no booze to make things fun.

Oh, it will help if you reduce your drinking before going. Or at least don't go too crazy. Yeah, this tip is important, but hard to apply.
Keep the bottle/glass away from your chair, so you have to get up to drink before returning to the computer/TV. It kinda worked for me.

Do count how many units per day you drink. That's pretty much how they know how much benzo to give you, and you don't want they to guess, trust me.
Because they have to start slow and give more when you feel like shit (and it gets 2 hours to find a doctor to sign to give you one pill above what's written first.)
Or they can give you the needed dose before you go all delirium tremens.

Good luck Anon. The first few days are unpleasant, the following ones can be boring, but you'll be liberated from hell. You can do it. My heart is with you.

>> No.7170447

E-cig for when they close the smoking area at night. You didn't expect to sleep well, did you?
(they can, depending on place, give you nicotine patch, sleeping pills, and/or wake you up at 4am to take your blood pressure. So get a liquid you like, and learn to vape without coughing your lungs.

>> No.7170448

those of you that have quit, what happened in your lives to make you decide dying wasn't the best option?

>> No.7170455


Just finished my last exam. Semester is over and I have a 3 week break until the next one. As soon as the exam was over I went to pick up a bottle of Jameson, and a bottle of Stoli. Took a full course load and these are my grades. A, B, B, B+, unknown. How am I doing it?

Planning to drink everyday until new semester starts. I hate life.

Hey, anyone here have any good film recommendations?

>> No.7170515

Just got myself back to a solid pint per night only, feeling pretty happy, waking up in the AM, shits gettin' done, started my vacation woohoo

>cat is old and sick
>take to vet
>vet say hospitalize kidney disease home caare

I had to put my 15 year old cat 2 sleep after weeks of her being in pain and getting worse and worse. went into the vet at 3:20, left without her at 4.

whelp. tonight's going to interesting.

>> No.7170521


Hey man sorry about the cat.

What are you drinking?

>> No.7170528

Bottlekill on Laphroaig 18 feelsbadman

>> No.7171127


vodka gimlets
>aka vodka+lime juice

thanks bud. I am telling myself that this is not an excuse to fuck up and get hammered, and it's not, my being a drunk has nothing to do with life events, but at the same time I'm sad and tired in my heart
>SPOILER: dead cat not my only current problem
and the bitch of it is that booze really does make everything better in that long night.

Anyway I'm exhaustted and I'm trying to eat my feeling instead of drink them that seems to be helping

>chicken sammie
>homefries for days
>mashed potatoes and carmelized onions

if nothing else I won't take a liquid shit tomorrow and i got to cook at home all day haha

>> No.7171182


I'm exhausted too, but happy to be done with my semester and have a 3 week break. Drinking straight Jameson and eating lamb souvlaki.

>> No.7171205

I want to buy a gin drinker a nice gin for xmas. Don't know too much about it. Any anons have any suggestions for me?

>> No.7171274

I've always wanted a cheesy 70's bar like the vinyl geek and serve to friends.

>> No.7171277

Whoops forgot the link

>> No.7171325

Jesus /ck/
Never change

>> No.7171368

Bombay saphire

>> No.7171391
File: 182 KB, 309x390, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7171426


Hahahahahaha /ck/ trolling at its finest



>> No.7171444

You're an idiot.

>> No.7171457


>> No.7171558



>thinking bombay is good

>> No.7171563

That stuff is ridiculously fine.

>> No.7171573
File: 113 KB, 540x720, gin_mon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is christmas present tier

don't get them bombay.

>> No.7171589
File: 35 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1450160717350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight is a happy drinking night. My teacher told me I passed the class. Im finally going to graduate from college.

Drink with me friends, if only in spirit.

>> No.7171608

Your room smells like farts

>> No.7171620


No it doesn't. It smells like oranges

>> No.7171627

No female has ever been there besides mom

>> No.7171634


You're wrong. Not that it's relevant but I am 20 and not a virgin, lost it to my girlfriend when I was in high school. I think you should stop being butthurt I insulted your choice of gin.

>> No.7171640

stop being mean, I don't know you

>I'm 20 I know gin

>> No.7171645


I'm not American and I've been drinking gin for a few years. Bombay is low tier.

>> No.7171650

>I'm not American

Then why are you alive?

>> No.7171653


Because I'm not fat and dying of a heart attack.

>> No.7171669

Is it true that /ck/ has the highest concentration of alcoholics on 4chan? There's always a thread up. Before this weekend i was sober for three weeks. Went out of town to visit a buddy. I knew I was going to drink but told myself I'd keep it under control. Like that ever happens...I was wasted for the better part of three days and now I feel like shit. I'm only 21 but alcohol has serious negative impacts on almost every aspect of my life so i want to see how long I can abstain. Reading posts where you guys have to go the hospital is very eye-opening. The worst I get is crippling anxiety post-binge and I can't even leave my room without getting drunk again. Oh well, slowly tapering off now.

>> No.7171790

nope, don't watch any movies

>> No.7172085


>> No.7172109

Stop drinking you fucking loser

>> No.7172111

hahahahahha wow what a faggot

>> No.7172121

ditto. i remember drinking a fifth of gin when i was 19 and feeling relatively fine in the morning.

i'm 23 now and even two drinks can disrupt my sleep. nights when i'm having 7-8 drinks if i'm not spacing them out and staying hydrated along the way i'm guaranteed to be hungover the next day.

it actually has become a nice deterrent. i can't drink hard on weeknights anymore, and it's got me to want to drink less on weekends as well.

as someone who drank almost every night for two years, you'd be surprised how much weight you lose in a couple months by dialing it back to only drinking smaller quantities once or twice a week. i feel a lot healthier as well.

it's a tough addiction to kick but there's a lot of plus sides to doing it

>> No.7172134

Don't worry senpai I think we're gonna make it. I'm 20 and sometimes feel I drink to much. I only ever drink at night after work though and never let it interfere with my day to day life. The only thing that annoys me is once I start drinking I have to get black out drunk or I get super unhappy.

>> No.7172148

>replying to pasta

>> No.7172483

losing weight is the only thing keeping me from being a full blown lush

>> No.7172506

I think I need to stop drinking sometime soon. I'm getting more and more depressed and borderline suicidal when I drink now.
Last night I went out to the bar and drank alone at the bar for 4 fucking hours. There was literally nobody that came in. Went home after that and contemplated killing myself for a few hours then realized it wasn't worth it and passed out.

>> No.7172537

Because even with normal people hangovers, well, just think of hangovers as like mini withdrawals.
That's why it works.

>> No.7172546

I guarantee you all the alcs here don't think it's normal to be one, eat shit.

>> No.7172658

>I'm not fat

>> No.7172661

Because you stay drunk

whats your first fav?

>> No.7172670

Try to drink just enough to pass out and not get a hangover m8. If you get one anyway just accept it as your punishment, it's what I do. Besides, 11am is there quickly.

>> No.7172877

If you can remember to take asprin and drink a glass of water before bed it woks for me everytime

>> No.7173026


What makes you think I am?

>> No.7174409
File: 721 KB, 600x608, booyah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i cbf. i promised earlier to argue, but meh, im too hung over and i can't prove my argument, so i'm not gonna get all pedantic with a bunch of pedantic anons.
think i just broke my own record. again.
seven bottles of chateauneuf du pape, one bottle of smirnoff, then i went to a pub (just sheer loneliness and sulkiness) and drank 10 (i think?) shots of bells. (asked for a single malt... but such a peasant-pub was this that the idiot bartender didn't know what i meant, fucking lol)

how many units without puking, is your personal record, /ck/?
also how the fuck am i still alive?
and lastly in addition, how the fucking fuck is it that i just woke up on the STAIRCASE ffs? omg i do not feel terribly comfy right now. 3.58 am, getting drunk AGAIN, and... oh i'm really not looking forward to this hangover tomorrow. thank christ for coffee, codeine and the fact that i still have wine... but... urgh. simply, urgh. fuck alcohol.
also damn man, anyone into scratchcards? i just won £500. feelsgoodman.

>> No.7174442

turn that into a country song and count the money

>> No.7174598

i can't for the life of me, find my corkscrew.
i am rapidly sobering up.

>> No.7174653

Just had alcohol (apple cider specifically) for the first time today.

What the fuck do people see in this shit? It tastes like expired vinegar that was pissed out by someone with a urinary tract infection.

>> No.7174670

>how many units without puking, is your personal record, /ck/?

~24 (about 19 shots in a 750mL, and about 5 in a half-pint) of vodka. But, that was with at least one or two sandwiches and much water and Gatorade. Plus, I have about 9 shots on worknights and usually 19 shots each on Friday and Saturday. So, for someone only 5'6" and ~120 pounds, I do have a high-ish tolerance.

Recently been cutting back, though. Because as soon as the last evening's drink completely wears off I get this weird itching, despite showering daily. Only goes away after 2-3 days without drink. Figured it must be some odd withdrawal symptom and/or sign of nerve damage. Plus panic attacks.

>> No.7174673
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>why do people enjoy getting intoxicated if it requires a brief amount of displeasure beforehand

man what a dilemma

>> No.7174765

Same. No booze today :\. Love Southern Comfort

>> No.7174789

>having such a weak personality that you become an alcoholic

>> No.7174793


>> No.7174803
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Some guy I know works in a place where they make it, gave me some free bottles.

>> No.7174830

Never heard of it, I was going to say don't bother with big brands but I guess it's not. All the cider I drink tends to be smaller westcountry (uk) types. Where's your nearest cider related region?

>> No.7174842

Bought my first bottle of Jim beam, it's pretty good. I made a Jim and Pepsi which is basically the opposite of a jack and coke for irony

>> No.7174871

Not sure, as stated I've never drank before.

Pretty sure it's a small brand, apparently it's only sold in Quebec and the guy makes it in Hemmingford (small countryside town).

Other than that, can't tell you much about it.

>> No.7174881

Well you can get cider more like wine or more dry or more fruity or whatever but I guess you'd just have to try more to see what you like
Welcome to alcoholism

>> No.7174894
File: 73 KB, 600x407, 1393385249366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it settle than smack the top of the bottle off.

>> No.7175129

go for ye olde pen and shoesole m8, place pen on top op cork, give it a good whack with the sole of a shoe, wa la, your cork is in the bottle but at least you can get drunk

>> No.7175625
File: 15 KB, 212x254, AlanWattsWHATS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having such a weak personality that you feel the need to remind those with a weak personality that they have a weak personality

oh, and...

>Stephen King
>Anthony Hopkins
>Robert Downey Jr.
>Russell Brand
>Oliver Reed
>Christopher Hitchens
>Edgar Allen Poe
>Samuel Jackson
>Ben Affleck
>Johnny Depp
>Daniel Radcliffe
>Ewan McGregor
>Ernest Hemingway
>Alan Watts
>Ernest Hemingway
>Buzz Aldrin

i would go on, but i cbf due to the weakness of my personality.

>> No.7175741

So al/ck/, do you still drink if you get sick?

I spent my first night sober in 9 months last night because ive got a stomach bug. Probably won't be drinking tonight either as i still seem to have it.

>> No.7175808

>So al/ck/, do you still drink if you get sick?
yup. nothing stops me. i've had a nasty as fuck cold for 2 weeks, still smashed.

>> No.7175963

Got everything I need to make whiskey sours, never had one before

>> No.7175967

Does anyone know if there is a difference in normal sake and cooking sake?

Does anyone have any recommended brands?

>> No.7176120

>drank 10 (i think?) shots of bells
>how the fuck am i still alive?
dude, it's fucking nothing, don't worry about it. I drank 18-20 shots of whisky in a few hours last Saturday at 160lbs BW without much build up tolerance and I was ok. I woke up drunk and hangover as hell at the same time, went back to sleep and slept through most of the day though

>> No.7176125

>dude, it's fucking nothing,
>seven bottles of chateauneuf du pape, one bottle of smirnoff, then i went to a pub (just sheer loneliness and sulkiness) and drank 10 (i think?) shots

that's not a lot? fuck me.
today? i've had NINE bottles of cru des cotes du rhone. i did fall asleep for a few hours, but still, had 3 since and... im only fkn tipsy. liver of fkn steel i tell you.
...although yeah, this can't go on. rehab starts monday. cannot wait.

>> No.7176164


how are you not cirrhosed up to your fucking eyeballs doe

>> No.7176173

Hey guys.. I've been an alcoholic for 3 years. I'm down to just a pint of vodka a day now. I don't know why I don't just stop. It's not like I'll get bad withdrawals if I do since I'm down to a pint a day now. I don't think I can ever stop :(

>> No.7176182


> I don't think I can ever stop :(

how much do you want to live senpai

see a doctor

>> No.7176192

I have seen therapists and a doctor after an episode of bad withdrawls, but nothing helps. I have to choose to stop doing it, but I don't think I want to stop. I'm far too shy and sad and awkward if I don't have it. I guess it's worth taking 10 years off my life.

>> No.7176202

mystery, right? i simply do not know.
liver is enlarged however, so i appear to be in at least part human.

>> No.7176207


10 years off your life is a major understatement

what you've been up to is a cumulative effort at rotting away your internal organs, which furthermore will absolutely ruin your quality of life even long before you kick it

regardless - if your reason for drinking truly is your normal state, in which you say you are shy, sad and awkward, then perhaps you should work on it over the long term with a psychiatrist

also see a doctor if you haven't, the test scores might actually help put you off by breaking that mental wall we keep between our actions and our mortality

>> No.7176296

good luck anon

>> No.7176300
File: 529 KB, 650x500, four-loko-gold[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up a 4 pack of these mini cans for 3 bucks. They upped the ABV to 14% and it actually doesn't taste terrible

>> No.7176330

I drank before I had to give a final presentation in front of my class of 100 people yesterday. I have a public speaking phobia and it was the best presentation i've ever done. Why didn't I do this earlier? It calmed me down so much

>> No.7176345

>it was the best presentation i've ever done
Was it though? Are you sure you didn't just imagine it like the bar scene in Beerfest?

>> No.7176350

I wasn't hammered, I just had 1.5 16oz steel reserves. Normally my voice gets shaky and cracks from being nervous but I got up there and spoke like it was nothing

>> No.7176372

Bad advice. I've seen 3 different doctors asking for something to help with my anxiety other than booze. I've gotten 3 different SSRI's that don't help at all. They won't give you benzos if they know you have an alcohol problem.

>> No.7176421


You're saying you've drunk 12 bottles of wine without passing out? What?!

>> No.7176424

holy fuck



>> No.7176453

aka Dutch Courage. well known yrick, lots of talk show hosts and presenters have a drink first.

it just makes me hyper on stage butvit works

>> No.7176474

weed, dude. Nature's xanax

i detox by toking a bit when i wake up and a lot before the night

>> No.7176483


i did a liter in one go once. blacked out instantly but did not puke.

did a handle in 6-8 hours, nearly died detoxing from that i was effectively drunk for two straight days

>> No.7176756

I used to try to drink diluted booze when my pancreas made me puke anytime I drank more than 2 sips. Just to keep the shakes low enough that I can drink from a plastic bottle, and try to keep the nightmarish horrors away.
I'm mostly not drinking now. Smoking too much pot though...

>> No.7176761

oh man. I used to drink. I developed schizophrenia. Its really annoying always hearing voices and shit. I was trying to get to sleep a couple nights ago and I kept hearing happy Halloween. over and over and over.

>> No.7176765


Jesus, I don't think I could drink a handle. Waking up drunk and hungover is the worst thing in the world though.

I am currently sitting on a 350ml of gin a night and a few beers, seems a good amount and not much in the way of hangovers.

What is everyones hangover cure? I like coffee and food, or failing that more alcohol

>> No.7176769

anyway hope your doing better

>> No.7176774

a nice greasy burger

>> No.7176944

I know that feeling. After my last bad bender I couldn't sleep and when I layed down all I could hear was all these voices talking and random music and jingles, imagine a t.v. playing commercials in the background but it sounded like I was actually hearing it. It was annoying as fuck but I could somehow tune it out like you can tune out a t.v. but it got really fucked when I'd pay attention to the voices. It was complete fucking insanity, I wish I could remember bits of it. I was just appalled this madness somehow came from inside my head, it was literally like the ramblings of a madman.

>> No.7177134

Hey I can't imagine any amount of pot being worse than drinking so much that you shake when you dont.

>> No.7177157

What are auditory hallucinations like?
Are they just random unprovoked thoughts that pop into your head and you know are in your head?
Or does it feel like someone else is saying it to you?

>> No.7177175

a little of both mostly its just really annoying

>> No.7177177

do you live in a sitcom?

>> No.7177179

Fuck ton of water, some fried eggs with egg whites in a 1:3 ratio, coffee or diet citrus soda, multivitamin, and a nap afterwards. All in that order.

>> No.7177185

Sounds just like when I smoke weed alone. Hate that feeling. At least it's easier to fall asleep.

>> No.7177854

close to one quarter of a century of building tolerance, i guess.

>> No.7177872

Not him, but I'm also drinking wine and I'm the equivalent of my sixth bottle.

>> No.7177936
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thankyou anon.

>> No.7177952

is that the Top Gear car?
what's it called, C something

>> No.7177980

>finals week
>go to local brewery
>have a couple drinks and buy a six pack
>go home
>drink through the entire six pack
>final at 10 am
tell me it will be okay bros

>> No.7178026
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switch to gin and red bull
smoke cigarettes

it's time

>> No.7178106
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You're retarded

>> No.7178299

then kill yourself you pathetic loser

>> No.7178315

well obviously that guy cares

>> No.7178341

Lately, I've been wondering if I could produce alcohol from waste food, spoilage and industrial side products, en masse, without sorting, separating or other labour-intensive tasks. The aim being reaching a price category beneath grain vodka and other "mass consumption" alcohol labels.

>> No.7178347

If you can ferment it you make liquor out of it.

>> No.7178350

>still want to drink and smoke
anyone else been through this? my throat is killing me, but im thirsty as hell

>> No.7178618

Yeah, it's called you just start drinking. Chase shots.

>> No.7178652

Haha I've done that every time I got sick the last few years. Thank god I can smoke indoors.

>> No.7178821

nah it's just a kia venga. i too forget the name of the car you're talking about. but... nah. just a cheap kia.
>then kill yourself you pathetic loser
what the world needs, is more people like you. what blissful peace it would be. utopia awaits.

>> No.7179680

schizophrenia, or the hallucinations of the delirium tremens? It's usually nightmares, but I heard sounds too. Water flowing, like if someone was taking a shower. Maybe voices, but sounded like the neighbours.
The nonsensical craziness of the voices? Your description reminds me of when I read a book in a dream. (I like reading, dreamed of reading a few times, even before being a alcohol. Ooften when I fall asleep while reading, my mind just continue while the eyes are closed, and words random sense idiot tuberculosis makes door none. You have the idea, it can wake me up.)
It would be interesting to ask /lit/.
It ends after a few days sober, or with alcohol or benzos. I fucking hope alcohol doesn't get you suck in this state... (I thought pot could do that to predisposed people)

>> No.7179720

Is getting shitfaced on beer regularly better than getting shitfaced on strong liquor?>

>> No.7179721

Getting shitfaced regularly on anything is bad for you.

>> No.7179817

its impossible to get shitfaced on beer. you cant fit enough in your stomach.

if you want to manage your alcohol habit, try sticking with 4-5% beers. its what i do. barely any hangover symptoms and you dont do anything retarded.

>> No.7179837

I recently had an incident when I was on my nerves and too "sober from pot". I still have to sleep on it a bit and think about my life, but I think cannabis addiction has downsides too.
It leaves my digestive system in peace (apart from occasional KFC), but fucks with my mind in other ways.

>> No.7180353

I'm drinking cooking sherry. I ran out of everything else but I didn't want to stop drinking. It's real bad, friends.

>> No.7180421

I didn't drink for 3 days this week and I was so grumpy and snappy at people.

Fuck the world I'm a better person on alcohol, drinking some whiskey.

>> No.7180426
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Compliments of the season.

>> No.7180441

>20min in
>already feel 1000% better

thank allah for alcohol

>> No.7180465
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>get a graveyard shift job just so I can not feel like a piece of shit drinking during the day

>> No.7180594

Update: I started seeing this weird static and my heart was beating all weirdly so I gave up. Am gradually sobering up in bed but this is awful. Salty wine is probably the best way to induce a murderous hangover.

My cat was meowing and scratching at the door until I let her in to lick my face. She hides when I'm drunk but she always wants to be with me when I'm recovering. Cats are such bros.

>> No.7180775


>> No.7181750

I was drunk as fuck at the time, got curious much % of alcohol do I have in my blood and some online calculator showed 0.4% some with the description saying I should be dead or in coma so I panicked

>> No.7181758
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Dr. Oz said clear alcohol (vodka etc. ) doesn't cause a hangover. Is that complete bullshit?

>> No.7181777

It dehydrates you that's why you get a headache

>> No.7181781


Also you should automatically assume that if that quack said it, it's bullshit unless corroborated by actual science.

>> No.7181782

Go drink a liter and let us know how you feel the next day

>> No.7181787

better make that a gallon so we can get a more accurate reading

>> No.7181788

yes. I'm always hangover as fuck after drinking vodka, which I hate, and I don't have any hangover whatsoever after drinking rum of bourbon which are my favorite drinks. I think hangover is caused mostly by stomach irritation (at least in my case) and drinking the alcohol that doesn't make you wanna throw up after every sip can help a lot.

>> No.7181862

Tea, lemon juice and whisky. Proportions are dealer's choice, but, duh. 45-5-50, respectively, works for me. A bit warmer than warm.

>> No.7181871

Fuck. Man. If I drank a 2 liter of scotch I would be dead.

>> No.7182158
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>> No.7182164

Most people don't spend Christmas with friends. It's a family thing. Maybe your family is all dead, but you didn't say that.

Wait until New Year's Eve before you start whining about friends.

>> No.7183662
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why do I sneeze so much? am I dying

>> No.7183668

most likely

>> No.7183673
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>> No.7183683

If you really believe being shitfaced on beer isn't possible you've already sailed off the deep end

>> No.7184153
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>Getting on a flight tomorrow with unlimited booze

ayy lmao im gonna drink more than my ticket was worth

>> No.7184193

Just did this on my way to Heathrow from Chicago
>drank for 2 hours in lounge preflight, maybe 5 or 6 double scotches
>drank an ungodly amount on the 7ish hour flight, probably 8 or 9 scotches, a few beers, a glass of champagne, and 3 glasses of port
>black out at some point
>realize that i was escorted off the plane and somehow got through customs
>spent 130 pounds on a cab to my hotel because I couldn't find my phone to figure out where I needed to go

>> No.7184201

O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.

Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?

>> No.7184598

How did becoming an alcoholic start for all you guys?
I wonder because I am scared that I am going to become one
First off apparently it runs in my family and my grandpa had an alcohol issue
Secondly I get depressed quite often where I get into these moods where I feel like nothing has any significance and I start to remember all of my regrets in life and how no matter how hard I try I'll never get better at any of my hobbies
But anyways even a half a drink takes the edge off and makes me feel so much better

>> No.7184603


>> No.7184612
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>> No.7185441

how long do withdrawal symptoms usually last for you guys? Usually I only drink on the weekends but last week wednesday through last night I drank every night and quite a bit during the day. Today I'm feeling so anxious and dizzy

>> No.7185646


You literally just typed random letters

>> No.7185911

I smoke meth whenever I drink, I can be completely destroyed and still be walking around and talking, it's great

>> No.7185934
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six pack of these.....it's making me fat. any suggestion for mass quantity booze i can drink?

i like the slow build.

>> No.7185933

I've drink 750ml of vodka/rum/bourbon a day for 5 years now w/ only 3 days in the entire time drinking less than 300ml.....so i have no idea

>> No.7185942

yeah...but being raped or mugged isn't the same as being manipulated,

>> No.7185944

wait....what? i get hangovers 2-3x a week, that's because i don't drink enough water, not because i'm an alcoholic.

>> No.7185948

Alright, time to see how plebby the scotch drinkers are. Single malt or blended?

>> No.7185966


Always single

>> No.7186042

Because I can hear you breathing from here

>> No.7186089

most "rapes" that happen to drunk women are just whores whose standards vary per blood alcohol level but can't accept it

I have no idea why "rapes" involving alcohol are even taken seriously in practice. there's something really fucked up about it, but most people don't give it a second thought.

>> No.7186251
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It aint fine, but at least it's not MD 20/20.

>> No.7186270


>> No.7186539

Cats ARE bros.

Don't drink cooking wine tho.
Thats fucking stupid.

We're all pulling for you, brother.