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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 403x370, LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7173759 No.7173759 [Reply] [Original]

>not eating food with a face


>> No.7173765

>having a time machine

>> No.7173779

What else can you eat food with?

>> No.7173781

That's just the packaging dumbass

>> No.7173805

>starting a thread about a pic that's been posted multiple times a day here as though nobody else has seen it before

>> No.7173975
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That maybe but I've seen this shit in stores.

>> No.7173980
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>eating luncheon at any year of our lord

>> No.7173982
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>> No.7174001

Is authentic yuro bologna better than American bologna, or is it all shit?

>> No.7174179

I bet it tastes funny

>> No.7174439

looks like shit bet it tastes like shit.

fucking color dye. not a tin foil hatter but why do we need modified food products? can food just be food?

>> No.7174453

Underrated post

>> No.7174458
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>> No.7174501 [DELETED] 
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I wonder if it tastes like Üterbraten?

>> No.7174503

You sure it's food dye?
Could just be different meats pressed together.

>> No.7174511

could be but we don't really get to know. the more economical option would be simply using food dye rather than using another, more expensive meat. that's what i would go for if i were producing gimmicky trash.

i'm just finding it peculiar that everything we can possibly, readily buy needs some kind of artificial treatment to it to ensure it lasts long enough for the sale or looks pretty enough to be sold; plausible health effects on packaging withheld. again, not a hippy, just tired of this kind of shit.

>> No.7174646
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>not eating human faces surrounded by healthy veggies

>> No.7174698
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There's shitty Bologna in Europe, too, but authentic Italian Bologna is God Tier.

>> No.7174699

It's usually colored with blood.

>> No.7174816

you can see the extra cancer

>> No.7175062



I just realised that those american fat-fuck use "Bologna" for "Mortadella" ! Those two thing don't even look the same ! It' seems even more disgusting !

You make me sick you fucking amerifat !

>> No.7175094

WhAaaaaaaaatttt this is so fucking awesome where can I buy this I'm in cali

>> No.7175106

Fuckin American moolies callin our Motadel Bologna, no respect

>> No.7175115
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>> No.7175117

spooky af

>> No.7175130

Lmao looks like them Greek sculptures.

>> No.7175251

>yfw it actually looks like cancer

thanks mum for always refusing to buy it

>> No.7175260


>> No.7175263
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>> No.7175266
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>> No.7175371
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Fuck y'all. I fucking love baloney. I don't give a fuck, I love fucking baloney.

>tfw you come the fuck home to a fucking baloney sandwich at the end of a long fucking work day

>> No.7175428

It's not. The face goes the entire way through.

>> No.7175626

Fuck that looks disgusting and I used to go to /b/.

>> No.7175634

Vegans actually say this too. what is a strawman argument?

it doesnt matter if its humane or not. We clawed and struggled for thousands of years to just survive, and now that were comfortable, were suppose to just give up eating animals? I dont get what makes these people become such unbearable faggots.

>> No.7175641

>there is no point in treating something nicely
there was a time when people would cut off chunks of meat from a live animal and start eating it

>> No.7175642

>Tfw you can cum home and fuck a balogna sandwhich after a log day of work. Tasty

>> No.7176060

you have to be over 18 to post here friendo

>> No.7176494

I don't know how I feel about this.
On the one hand: Global pussification. Kids, just eat some goddamned bologna. It doesn't have to be some specialty food made all cutsie just for kids.
On the other hand: Subliminal retraining. Revitalizing the association between tearing into tender morsels with your teeth and cutsie faces. 'Bout goddamned time.

>> No.7176536


That fucker always used to stick to the top of my lunchbox

>> No.7176555

underrated kek

>> No.7176902
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>> No.7176947

My fiancée's kids love this shit, it's fucking horrible.

>> No.7176965
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lmao stay with your kiddy shit

>> No.7176985

first time something on the internet has made me lol in literally years


>> No.7177028
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>> No.7177060
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>> No.7177079
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