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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7162473 No.7162473 [Reply] [Original]

There was an anon a week ago (maybe two) who was proud of his homemade chili oil. He posted the recipe and I lost it. I was hoping to find it again.

>I feel like a pic related

>> No.7162525
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Wait, it's not just chili and oil? Serious question

>> No.7162582


Any recipe can be as complicated as you want it to be. Especially chili oil, can put any shit you want in there. He said he had perfected his over the course of making it several times, and the pictures looked delicious.

>> No.7162603

>There was an anon a week ago (maybe two) who was proud of his homemade chili oil. He posted the recipe and I lost it. I was hoping to find it again.
No idea anon.

But, my recipe is damn simple. I take a pot of olive oil, about 1/4inch, pan frying here... Cold oil + rings of ancho chilies, which are sweet but not crazy hot, however full of rich concentrated chili flavor. I slice up the anchoes with scissors actually. Add them to the cold oil, and warm it up, moving the chilies around til slightly puffy crisp, but not black or burned. Remove chilies, take off burner to cool.

I make small batches, because 1) I don't want to overheat the oil making volatile icky transfats or cook the chili flavor out. Just enough to enjoy for a couple weeks. Then, I enjoy those chili rings and drizzle of oil on top of air popped popcorn, in soup, on pizza, on top of fried eggs, molletes, inside quesadillas with onions and cheese, you name it!

Former boss was italian-libyan-jewish. He had some secret recipe harissa was that basically raw garlic, oil and some kind of fresh red chili he grew in his yard. It was smeared on french bread and enjoyed for breakfast with capuccino. I dream about that, no idea the chili either, never found a duplicate, but sometimes I do a blended red (ripened full grown) jalapeno with the seeds and all, garlic and oilve oil and almost come close.

>> No.7162662
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That might have been me. I didn't note the exact ingredient amounts, but I remember eating so much I thought my gut was going to implode the next day.

I think it was:
equal parts finely diced red onion and dried birds eye flakes
salt, soy sauce, sugar and and tamarind sauce
a couple cloves worth of garlic

All of that fried in enough oil to cover it, for long enough that the onions bits were crisp. The garlic must have gone in at the end now that I think about it, or it would have burnt.

>> No.7162701

>a week ago (maybe two)
you know /ck/ has an archive, right?

>> No.7162723

It was you! I recognize the picture. Thanks a lot anon, your chili oil looks delicious.

I will take yours into consideration as well. Thanks.

>> No.7162876

what'd you eat it with?

>> No.7162910

what oil?

>> No.7163082

would a mix of sesame and olive oil be good? I don't fucking know ive never made this shit before.

>> No.7163153

How long do you suppose that would be good in the fridge? Wouldn't mind making a large batch to keep on hand for munchies.

>> No.7163191

It's oil, isn't it?

>> No.7163275

yeah I mean, should be good for like...3 weeks or more.

>> No.7163454

Mainly chinese food, but anything savoury really. Goes well in a sausage sandwich.

Something relatively neutral, peanut or vegetable oil. I think olive oil would be strange, but only because it's ostensibly chinese chilli oil.

>> No.7163460

I've kept a clean, unopened jar of it for months, but that might be pushing it.

>> No.7163491

OP here. went to the store looking for some dehydrated chiles. they stopped selling them. you'd think I live in the middle of fucking nowhere. guess ill have to get it online.

>> No.7164527
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My attempt at some chili oil tonight.

extra virgin olive oil (measure at your discretion)
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 red onion, minced
2 jalapeno; seeds in oil, discard pulp, minced
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp red pepper flake
1 tsp lemon zest
2 cap distilled vinegar

Tastes boss as fuck.

>> No.7164548


>> No.7164579

botulism isn't even that bad you wuss

>> No.7165506

I'm no fooding scientist, but isn't boiling in oil for a few minutes plenty hot enough to destroy the spores?

>> No.7165541

There's spores and bacteria everywhere.
You can't escape them.
There's spores and bacteria on your eye ball right now.
The second you take it off the heat there's already spores and bacteria hitting the surface.
Embrace it. Love it. Make fermented foods.

>> No.7165681
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Look good anon. The more flakes you use the redder it gets.

>> No.7165927


I'll have to keep that in mind, was wondering why it didn't come out as red. Was thinking about adding sriracha but decided against.

>> No.7167290

What's the best way to grind the seeds up? They're annoying to eat, but without them there's hardly any heat.

>> No.7167293

mortar and pestel. But if they're dry enough, a quick run in a food processor will do.

>> No.7167307

I'm starting to think I just have a shit tier mortar.

>> No.7167436

Cod liver oil is considered the best for chili oil but it is a bit expensive, well worth it thought. The taste is amazingly good.