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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7162281 No.7162281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder:

If you're over the age of 23 and haven't "picked up the tab" for a family dining experience, you're a failure.

Bonus loser points:

*still ask you parents for money past the age of 18
*show up to family events empty-handed
*require "rides" from anyone...ever (unless vehicle is being repaired)
*eat microwavable cuisine of any sort
*expect gifts from family past the age of 18 during the holidays

>> No.7162284

26, don't have a car, my mum drives me to work and picks me up after work

>> No.7162289


>> No.7162294

Eh. I tried doing this a few times and it just becomes an increasingly ridiculous set of schemes to get to pay for the tab. Inevitably my superior physical strength, vision, and reflexes cannot be overcome, so the elders turn to to guilt tripping me and making a huge emotional drama scene until I acquiesce and let them pay for the tab.

I think maybe in white families where family values are more of a punch line to a joke about Repugnicans, and there is not such a hard-coded age hierarchy, you can maybe get away with this, but in asian families it's a violation of the social order if a younger person picks up a tab when any older people are around.

>> No.7162304

Joke's on you OP since I already know I'm a failure and your words don't hurt. I can't pretend being a failure doesn't bother me but your opinion certainly doesn't. Please continue to waste your energy, I'll make sure to read every post.

>> No.7162307


Too many excuses for being a manchild.

Political parties are a divide & conquer tactic though, adults known this and take things said by politicians with grains of salt.

>> No.7162312
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>Other people pay for my food and drive me around
>Somehow that makes me the failure

Wageslaves crack me up... heh

>> No.7162313


Nothing else to say, you openly accept your duty as a subservience and own your loserdom.

>> No.7162314

30 year old here.

My parents make well into six figures each year, and are more than willing to fly me out and treat my at every opportunity. I do treat the parents of friends and girlfriends if I'm visiting, obviously.

Money really isn't a big issue.

Again, family members care more about the fact that I came to visit, rather than what I brought, although if I stumble across something I think they might like I'll bring it.

>expecting presents when family visits after the age of 5

There's nothing wrong with getting a ride here and there if there in't a need for you to drive yourself; also no reason not to give rides...

Michelin starred restaurants use microwaves...

Nobody expects gifts anymore, which makes them special again when you or someone else gets surprised by them.


You have a pretty stupid sense of what it means to be a failure, OP. Some people might make a comfortable amount of money, but "picking up the tab" hardly means anything when the amount you spend on anything other than fine dinning is pretty much negligible.

This is also barely /ck/ related.

>> No.7162317

You seem to take that little "family values" comment a little too personally, it was just a cultural observation and here you are going off about "things said by politicians". So yes, things like family values. Let me guess you "forgot" who the family values party is.

You're a straight ticket repugnican voter aren't you. But that doesn't stop you from telling all your friends you're an "independent".

>> No.7162318
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>Implying I have any obligations to act a certain way when I did not choose to be born

I haven't lived with my parents since I was 18, but, this is the biggest meme.

>> No.7162323


>you hurt my feelings so I reported a thread completely relevant to this board.

The rationalizations on this board for failure are ridiculous.

>> No.7162324


Better than a dumbocrap

>> No.7162325


>remaining divided by political parties

Why can't you afford to pay for a family dinner?

>> No.7162327


You should provide for your parents. Yes.

>> No.7162328

>family dining experience
Other than Christmas dinner what would that even be?

>> No.7162331


>> No.7162335


You don't invite your parents and siblings for evenings out? I had dimsum with my parents, sister, her husband and her kids then went to the Dia (Art museum).

Your social life must be stagnant, I consider days like yesterday to be very "normal".

>> No.7162337

>Not owning a BMW by the age of 30

>> No.7162338


It's the natural way of things, even apes do it when elderly become feeble.

>> No.7162340

>paying 100% more for a car that is 10% better

>> No.7162343

Feels good to have the money to do it.

>> No.7162344


BMW's were a social status in the 1980's...they're not good vehicles any more. The only German made BMW's sold in the USA are SUV's. The entirety of their vehicle line is manufactured in Mexico.

I'll pass.

>> No.7162346


>being from a family that is as poor as OPs
good luck out there over the holidays bro, I hope you can find a nice carpet to swaddle yourself with.

>> No.7162347

Oops, you got divided and conquered!
Because real family values (not "shooting at abortion clinics with an assault rifle" but the real thing) means respecting your parents/aunts/uncles/whatever.

With every member of my family who is substantially older than me, it's absolutely impossible. Their ego gets bruised if I get to the tab first and it's weird drama and guilt and the meal is spoiled. The only person with whom I can get away with this is my grandmother, because she's so old she's she doesn't give a fuck about whether her "image" is going to be threatened if I pay for the tab.

Why don't your relatives have any self respect?

>> No.7162348


Nobody said anything about reporting the thread, however off-topic it's obviously going to end up.

I was just giving a not uncommon perspective on the issue you started a thread about, but were apparently not aware of.

Growing up the child of parents that weren't failures, and turning out not a failure, isn't a rationalization. You'd probably love to hear that I'm also Jewish, right?


Also this.

Anyone who hasn't lived away from their parent for years at this point should be considered a failure, if any such generalization should be given credence.

>> No.7162351


>ebin poor ppl maymay

Why do you continue to make excuses for why you don't pay for parties like an adult?

>> No.7162353

Not really.. I've see my parents and sister once a year for Christmas since I left for uni 6ish years ago.

They're about 5 hours train ride away though.

>> No.7162355

>Implying everyone here is American.

>> No.7162356


NEET's come in all colors and creeds.

>> No.7162357

>entire post literally has nothing to do with food other than "you're a failure if you don't pay, and eat microwavable food"

Also, I already know that I'm a complete failure anyways. I plan to kill myself as it is. You should join me since I doubt that you have much objective worth either.

>> No.7162358


>you've become too old and feeble to be the alpha
>this is now my house, i'll stick you in the corner and feed you creamed corn

In the 1st world old people are put into old people homes when they can't take care of themselves, and the good kids are the ones that visit often. Wasting your life caring for a senile senior is just as bad as having children knowing you aren't in a position to provide them with a decent upbringing.

>sage for off-topic

>> No.7162359


>continues to talk politics and perpetuate stereotypes

You're still making excuses for your failures by pushing the blame on to others.

>dey wun lemme pay teh bill!!!!

I'm sure they don't...

>> No.7162361


>not tending to the needs of your aging parents
>being THIS selfish

>> No.7162362

You keep using that word, did you grow up poor or something? Is it some huge fucking deal to you to be able to afford a restaurant meal? These are just gestures, it's like a hug and a kiss, not a sign you've "made it".

>> No.7162364


America= the entire American continents, in this conversation. BMW= shit vehicles.

>> No.7162370


It would make my parents feel like shit if they leeched money for food from their own son.

>> No.7162371

Driving fucking sucks and the less I have to drive, the better.

>> No.7162374
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To be able to tend to the needs of your elderly parents and pick up the leadership role in your group are indicative of adulthood.

You crying like a woman and name calling indicates your omega-tier status for life.

It's fine...

>> No.7162375


Who do you think is paying for the nursing home?

If I were at that stage in life and my kids said fuck it, I'll just give up on whatever I ws doing with my life and spend the next decade or two looking after someone on their deathbed I'd muster all my strength to call Kevorkian.

>> No.7162377


A nursing home is a prison for the elderly, nothing more.

>> No.7162379


This pretty much sums up everything that needs to be said in response to the OP.

>> No.7162385

You've never been to prison.

>> No.7162386

Turbo projection: the post. My parents don't need me to "tend to them" at this stage in life, my mom refuses to retire and my dad retired about 10 years ago but spends most of his free time going on rich old people package tours. The only "tending to them" is on an emotional level, not by paying for their gruel.

It's great that you overcame your hardscrabble upbringing, but try to accept that your idea of "proving you've made it" isn't really relevant for someone who didn't grow up like that.

>> No.7162391

Why must /ck/ always feed the trolls?

>> No.7162393

That's not how economics works OP.
How can a 22 year old pay on a Women's Studies degree? They don't make any money!

Thing can be said for 90% of other millennial babies.
Economy in the shitter and they can only find part time work.
They probably make about $300 a week which goes straight to bills.
It's not a living wage and they can't even afford to rent an apartment, they're still at home.

That's not failure--socially taboo, perhaps--but more in part to having a garbage economy with prices rising everywhere. We're in a depression if you haven't noticed. If you knew your history, during the last great depression families all lived together under the same roof, times were tough. Nobody went out to eat, they tried to make do with what they had. A good deal of American cultural food actually stems from the depression, only now in a more luxuriant way because that's what everyone grew up on back then.

I know this is a bait thread, but if I can educate one of you dumb fucks on how things work in today's world I'll consider it time well spent. Get over your 'idea' of what's socially acceptable, because it doesn't work in today's world.

>> No.7162411


>america= the entire american continents
>in this conversation

Not the anon you're responding to, but nobody said that, and nobody uses "America" to mean two entire continents...

Either say North America, Central America, South America, a specific country, or, "the Americas", when you want to refer to the entirety of both continents.

America, the US, the States, are all abbreviated ways of referring to, "The United States of America".

>> No.7162415

>shitpots on a chinese cartoon internet forum for the sole purpose of getting attention

You seem very well adjusted :^)

>> No.7162430


BMW makes all the cars for all countries in either Continent in Mexico.

>> No.7162431


A prison is where people go where all their daily freedoms are dictated by other people, their medical care, their diet...even how free time is spent.

The same things happen to the elderly in homes.

>> No.7162434


Why can't you pick up the tab for a family meal?

>> No.7162442

My relatives can go screw themselves, I'll only pay for my mom's and my granny's meals

>> No.7162445

Why didn't your parents love you enough to raise you in a financially stable household, free of hardship and stress over being able to eat?

>> No.7162472


They did, now it's my turn to provide for them, as a good son should.

Why do you continue to make excuses for failure and also...why do you expect to continue to be provided for as an adult?

That's what a job is for...

>> No.7162485

First in your family to afford a restaurant meal, and first in your family to have a job. It must have been quite the struggle.

Are you from a first world country? I'm genuinely curious how a family sinks this deep into poverty.

>> No.7162497
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>the thread

>> No.7162502

I havent gone out to eat in about 8 years.

>> No.7162570


Why don't you tend to the needs of others? Does tipping and philanthropy trigger you too?

>> No.7162598


Give it up already, OP.

Go back to whatever fast board you crawled out of and start this thread there; people will probably reply regardless of how off-topic it might be...

>> No.7162609


Paying for the meals of your family is on topic of the board, your excuses for why you can't do this, or outright refuse to is just indicative of your personal issues.

>> No.7162646

>he's going all out

My god, I bet you were that kid in school who made the same joke over and over and over again even when everyone told you to shut the fuck up, and that it was played out long ago.

Is this seriously what trolling has devolved to?

>> No.7162661


>in school
>you're poor

You're doing the same thing, except my points are rational yours are just ad hom.

Why don't you tend to the needs of your aging parents?

>> No.7162706

And school is a prison for the young.
In fact you could say a full time job is like prison.
So basically we spend our entire lives in prison.
Does anybody know what it feels like to be truly free? Only the 1%.

>> No.7162771

Thank you as I feel pretty good right now, especially since I'm guessing more than half my generation wouldn't pass this criteria

>> No.7162792

>If you're over the age of 23 and haven't "picked up the tab" for a family dining experience, you're a failure.
They won't let me. Seriously. Because I'm physically disabled (I'm shaky), they somehow think I'm incapable of picking up the bill.
>*still ask you parents for money past the age of 18
Nope. But if offered, I'm not gonna look a gift house in the doorframe, either.
>*show up to family events empty-handed
I usually bake a loaf of bread for family dinners.
>*require "rides" from anyone...ever (unless vehicle is being repaired)
What about if disabled? Even so, I still cart myself about in my old-as-fuck car.
>*eat microwavable cuisine of any sort
Leftovers count? What about pot pies? Nobody doesn't like pot pies. Pot pies are delicious. Fuck you for making me question pot pies.
>*expect gifts from family past the age of 18 during the holidays
I didn't even get holiday gifts growing up, never mind as an adult!

>> No.7162798


School and education are thr keys to the doorway of success. What people CHOOSE to do with them is up to them entirely.

Elderly people have no choices in a nursing home. Significant difference.

>> No.7162799

>calling people failures
>on 4chan
kek, what a loser

>> No.7162814

Just report it if you actually care. Either way you're getting baited by him. Go on with life.

>> No.7162821

No excuses. None allowed.

>> No.7162833

>*still ask you parents for money past the age of 18
>*expect gifts from family past the age of 18 during the holidays
Apparently your family sucks.

>> No.7162838
File: 9 KB, 236x188, 17a1d7a381c7bd5f2887daa1254769f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>report a food thread on a food board

>> No.7162841

Its not about whether or not they can. Its about maintaining your self sufficiency and independence as an adult. Nobody said to turn down gifts or money, but you shouldn't have to ask.

>> No.7162845


As an adult, why don't you have your own resources?

>> No.7162850

Maybe, but I couldn't be bothered arguing about something as shitty as who pays. They insist, they can fucking do it. Sometimes I'll passive aggressively leave some money in their car or home.

>> No.7162856


>posting a picture of people eating, and dropping the words, "dining" and, "cuisine" makes the thread /ck/ related

>> No.7162861

I'll remember that when the Parkinson's makes it too dangerous for me to drive myself anywhere, I'll have become a failure at life.

Until then, I and my '97 diesel Golf are your semi-successful-at-life road buddies. Hi!

>> No.7162866

>*still ask you parents for money past the age of 18
Agree. Very least at that age it's not a give, it's a loan.

>*show up to family events empty-handed
My family has never been into the whole "bring something" thing. If it's a relative I haven't seen in awhile I'll usually bring a token bottle of wine or something, but immediate family that I see regularly nah. Sometimes they come here, sometimes I go there, so it doesn't really make sense.

>*require "rides" from anyone...ever (unless vehicle is being repaired)
Or you've been drinking..
Or you're going somewhere with no parking..
Or to the airport..
Sure you can take a taxi, but getting a ride from a family member is a lot cheaper and more convenient, and as long as you do the same for them I think it's fair.

>*eat microwavable cuisine of any sort
Meh. Not often, but I've been known to say fuck it and just microwave a pizza pop from time to time.

>*expect gifts from family past the age of 18 during the holidays
We usually give each other silly joke type gifts, and my sisters and I usually pool our money and get something nice/practical for our mother. Don't see any problem with any of that. Gifts are fun no matter what age.

>> No.7162872

No excuses. Get a taxi. If you're in an area without taxis then it might be excusable. Were talking about for day to day things.

>> No.7162877


It is. Why don't you treat your family to evenings out? I've taken my family to countless entertainment activities. Are you afraid to leave the house?

>> No.7162883



Can't wait to see your "I lit my kitchen on fire" post in the near future.

>> No.7162903

Worst kitchen mishap so far is I cut a piece of my left thumb off. And I've got fire extinguishers, all of which have, thankfully, gone unused so far.

I'm surprised how rare they are in people's homes. Supermarkets ought to really carry them, I think, right by the smoke detectors, but they don't.

>> No.7162906

>Armchair psychologists on /ck/ of all places

>> No.7162944

School is mandatory here, it's illegal to not go to school.
Having a job is also mandatory, else you'll be beaten by police and dumped into an alley.
There is no "choice." Everything you will ever do has already been decided.
You are in prison your entire life. I seriously doubt you know what true freedom feels like.

>> No.7162955

Sounds like a dystopian society. Where at? Also I think he was referring to higher education.

>> No.7162961


You can choose to go to private or public schooling as well as matriculate at the University of your choice. No is FORCING you into higher education. Most Europoor countries I've been to primary learning stops at 16yo and people either go to University or take on an apprenticeship.

Why bother lying in the 21st century when the entirety of civilization is shrunk down to the computer screens in front of us?

>> No.7162972

Now THIS definitely isn't /ck/ material

>> No.7162982
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>> No.7162983

If I invite my parents out to dinner I will only pay for my mom who is piss poor

my dad makes between 400k-500k so i dont really care if he wants dinner hes buying, the dude owes me for being a shitty dad and constantly taking me to places as a third wheel for his new plenty of fish date

>> No.7162987


It's not the OP's fault that everyone got mad and started waxing idiotic.

It's a food/cooking topic, just completely derailed by bullshit.

>> No.7162989

Doesnt matter. Mods have a policy that they can remove topics if it encourages or has the chance to encourage off topic posting. Its like if you posted a really controversial silly image in the OP but then asked a question that was board related, its still reportable and typically gets removed.

>> No.7162990


>owes me

He doesn't "owe" you anything because he never wanted to raise you.

>> No.7163004
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>I can't keep up with the bantz.

>> No.7163011

MUH MEMES. MUH CULTURE. Go back to /b/ m8. Stop using other boards for your ruses.

>> No.7163015


You seem to have gotten lost, anon.

Here's a map,


Now you can find your way back to wherever it is that you came from.

>> No.7163037


>implying I'm OP and you're not just butt devestated by the bantz


>> No.7163043


We're talking about why the vast majority of you manchildren can't afford to spend a few hundred dollars to treat the people who raised you to a meal. Nothing more or less.

The "bonus" loser points attracted the most attention because they generally relate to everyone on this board.

>> No.7163054

Unless they're poor, or if it's for one of their birthdays or something like that, most parents have too much pride to let their children pay for a meal. Paying for your parents' meal is really quite disrespectful. It undermines their position in the family.

>> No.7163055


>thread about being a failure at life if you're not a well adjusted adult with a decent job who's on good terms with their family
>it's totally food and cooking related

I don't even know why it has to be spelled out at this point...

>> No.7163063

Its on topic because he offhandedly mentioned dining once. Dont you get it?

>> No.7163068


Or establishes the fact they've raised you well, can let go of the reigns of control and enjoy bring pampered in their retirement.

>> No.7163072


The topic is right in the first sentence of the post...

>> No.7163081

Only if they're poor.

>> No.7163083


>daily reminder

That's not even a sentence.

Refer to the first sentence of the post you replied to for the thread topic...

>> No.7163100


Not "picking up the tab" is what got me, because I always do. Because my parents deserve to be treated to dinners on me, holidays and their upkeep. Sometimes retirement savings isn't enough.

>> No.7163105


One or the other, yes.

>> No.7163129

When I was 23 I was still in graduate school and had no money. I wasn't going to pick up shit.

>> No.7163137

this is a very american approach to life

>> No.7163146

So you can't manage your funds properly or get a job so you leech off your parents as a GROWN MAN? Sounds like failure to me. Plenty of people in graduate school have full time jobs and attend.

>> No.7163154


Nah man, that's what loans are for. "I don't have to worry about it now" is thr general concensus among Millenials, hence why 80%+ move back in with their parents post graduation.

>> No.7163159

In my family, it tends to become a question of who can grab the ticket fastest and then put up with the squabling by those who wanted it but didn't get it.

I gave up. If someone else grabs the ticket before me, I let them have it.

>> No.7163160
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>> No.7163164

>*posts topics barely relating to the board they're on

>> No.7163168

Loans are justifiable depending on the major chosen and you can lock them at 10% of your income too. Don't do loans with a shitty art degree or ANY 'studies' degree.

>> No.7163178
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Bro, people who you consider family who don't get you gifts suck balls. You shouldn't get all butthurt over it, but to kek yourself by getting them gifts "because you're a man" is just plain retarded.

>> No.7163184

>If you're over the age of 23 and haven't "picked up the tab" for a family dining experience, you're a failure.
Coming from a poor enough family where your parents would EVER consider letting you do so.

>> No.7163188

>If you're over the age of 23 and haven't "picked up the tab" for a family dining experience, you're a failure.
Guilty; I'm 26 and haven't done this for family. I have done this for people from work, though.

>*still ask you parents for money past the age of 18
I actually begged my dad to stop giving me an allowance the very minute I turned 18. He used to give me $25 a month before that.

>*show up to family events empty-handed
Not a problem, since there are no family events.

>*require "rides" from anyone...ever (unless vehicle is being repaired)
Once again, not a problem. I have a car, truck, and a motorcycle.

>*eat microwavable cuisine of any sort
Guilty pleasure, I'm not even gonna make any excuses for this one.

>*expect gifts from family past the age of 18 during the holidays
I don't celebrate commercialized holidays specifically because of the gift giving.

>> No.7163194


The reason why so many College educated people are moving back in at home is because they pick "hugs-n-kisses" degrees that aren't pertinent or useful in a Global economy... then they cry about not being able to find a job.

Can't fix stupid... stupid people used to learn trades now that's all outsourced and gone.

Very far off the original OP topic though.

>> No.7163198


>making my family my cückolds is fine
>being a good son is bad... making me their cück

You're pathetic.

>> No.7163201

I was picking up books for my pre-law classes and this hipster girl comes up and hears me talking about it and she has the nerve to say that law and politics are all fluff and pointless, and that she would know since she was a MUSEUM STUDIES MAJOR (whatever the fuck that means in context). I was so blistered but I didn't say anything in front of staff.

>> No.7163206


Curators don't make much money, takes decades to even be considered a director of a Museum... which required a PhD as a bare minimum pre-requisite.


>> No.7163209
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>eating with the family
>oldest person insists on paying anyway
Just because you picked up the tab at Olive Garden does not make you a big boy.

>> No.7163213


Olive Garden doesn't exist where I live.

>> No.7163216

The point is that you offer and are capable, not that you force it to happen.

>> No.7163219

Yeah I know its a pointless degree with no future. I am just confused and astonished as to why this girl all of a sudden said that to me considering her position. Is she one of those SJWs I hear about?

>> No.7163237

But why won't you pay for a meal? Why do you hate your family?

>> No.7163240
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Arab detected. Anything else you dont have raghead? (besides freedom)

>> No.7163242

Just ignore it. She wants to make herself feel special by looking down on you. By engaging in her mode of thinking all you're doing is playing the same game: being a cunt. Walk away.

>> No.7163252

I but my parents gifts all the time. My dad has too much pride as head of the family to let me take the bill. I just buy him drinks.

>> No.7163254

suuuuure, as an elda, i let the lil children pay for dinna in kisses.

>> No.7163265



They only exist in America and Canada...

Being a stingy tightfisted person is more or an Arab trait than loving in a place free of formula food chain restaurants.

>> No.7163268

>stingy tightfisted person
No, those are kikes

Then again, kikes and ragheads are basically the same. Semitic genocide when?

>> No.7163271


>basically the same

Arabs are Semitic people...

>> No.7163290

You're all wrong.

Arabs love to spend money because they have more money than god.

Jews are generally stingy, but they will spend money if they feel it's worth it.

The real cheapskates are the Indians. People mistakenly believe Arabs are cheapskates because Indians and Arabs look very similar to the uninformed. Indians will go out of their way to save every last cent, and it doesn't matter what their socioeconomic status is; both rich and poor Indians alike do this. If you work in retail, contracting, or sales, do not deal with Indians unless they are young, dress sharply, and speak fluent English without an accent.

>> No.7163299

Yes, that's exactly what I said. Good job saying it again. Do you want a gold star for reading comprehension?

>> No.7163304
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Successful derailment. GTFO with this shit. I would tell you to Underage &/b/, but even /b/ has standards.

>> No.7163337


Does cooking for the whole family count?

>> No.7163341

oh no, we derailed a troll thread

eat a dick faggot

>> No.7163360

You sound like a fucking retard m8

>> No.7163375

The neets are out in full force today haha

>> No.7163399
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>mfw thus entire thread is full of mad broke NEETs

>> No.7163408


It's not a troll thread, if you're emotionally shook by the weight of your pathetic lifestyle and lack/inability to tend to the nutritional needs of your aging family then I feel sorry for you.

I take my dad out for beers all the time, it's not much but I love the conversation and the look of pride on his face.

I live my dad.

>> No.7163451
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>> No.7163459

But what does any of that have to do with the thread topic, which is the differences and similarities between kikes, ragheads, and cowfuckers?

>> No.7163496


How much attention do you really require?

You should post less and turn your computer off. Go take a shower, get dressed well, make reservations and treat your parents to a nice night out. They'd probably love to see you.

>> No.7163627

In Europe, besides in germany itself, only sandniggers drive BMW. Everyone else avoids them for the cliche. Rich middleclass car are Audi.

>> No.7163635

So, which are you? Camelfucker, cowfucker, or moneylover?

>> No.7163660

>caring THIS much about what other people are doing
Lol what a fucking loser

>> No.7163668

When will they learn?

Never because they are NEETs

>> No.7163671

Because my family is a bunch of drug addict losers and neither of my parents deserve any sort of praise or compensation. I paid for everything since I was an early teen by myself and have lived that way since then. Fuck off Op kek ass bitch

>> No.7163675

>being this desperate for attention
Don't they have a church in your area, op? Go there and argue about the god delusion with them instead.

>> No.7163676

>It's one of those listicle baitposts

>> No.7163821

At least you have a job I guess.

>> No.7163827

No you didnt. You didnt pay for housing, utilities, etc. for years.

>> No.7163836

Why do you care lol don't reply to me queer kek

>> No.7163843

Why do you care if you posted? Clearly this thread has made you question your beliefs and lifestyle. Its not too late to change.

>> No.7163848


Leave your troll-hole and get some fresh air. I'm certain your mother would love to hug you.

>> No.7163870

I attended graduate school full time and worked part time. I took out loans to cover the cost of school and part of my living expenses. I didn't leach off my parents.

I've been gainfully employed since I graduated and have picked up meal tabs since then.

You sound like a sheltered, judgmental ass.

>> No.7163876

I'm not a millennial.

>> No.7163879

No excuse for back then. None allowed.

>> No.7164334
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Sorry your family is poor op

>> No.7164347

>still driving a BMW by the age of 30
it's time for an upgrade anon

>> No.7164353

So moneylover?

>> No.7164358


Go outside today. Warm front where you live, unseasonably pleasant.

>> No.7164367

>warm front where you live
Actually, it's 28 degrees and snowing. What does that have to do with your background?

>> No.7164372

I usually just pay the bill of others when that person is my gf, Though I still haven't done it with my parents.

Or were you talking about the whole familly with aunts and relatives and that shit?, in that case fuck off, they can pay their own food.

>> No.7164378


What does my background have to do with your inability to provide for loved ones?

>> No.7164388


>28 degrees

That pretty warm how is it snowing while it's this warm? Indoor skiing in Dubai? Are you projecting your brown skin onto others? It doesn't work that way.

>> No.7164393

>28 degrees
>warm for Denver in December
It was 60 degrees two days ago

>> No.7164397


>is flyover yank
>continues to have opinions

Get out of cold Mexico. You don't belong there.

>> No.7164400



haha you funny guy

>> No.7164405


28 degrees is considered warm to most of the world.

>> No.7164407

I guess it is compared to Mexico, but most winters are fairly mild. Do you think Denver is up in the mountains or something? I can be in New Mexico in 4 hours.

>> No.7164408

Please continue to fly over Colorado. Thanks

>> No.7164417

>the Celsius meme
I'm in America, I use the proper system for day-to-day weather temperature. There's no reason to use Celsius when Fahrenheit is better for regular use, and Kelvin is better for science.

>> No.7164421


That was the point...Colorado was once Mexico.


Can do, the only places worth visiting stateside are coastal states.

>> No.7164426


Celsius is also the standard measurements. Hence your chemistry classes were instructed with metric measurements. It's the standard that no one adheres to.

>> No.7164428

>they're not American
kek, say what you want, it doesn't matter

>> No.7164431
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>be 24
>get degree in Education
>don't want to babysit other kids brats
>decide to go back to school for engineering
>no job, broke, living with parents, but going to school

am I a failure ck?

>> No.7164437

No, we used Kelvin. Why the fuck would you want to deal with negatives?

>> No.7164445


Intelligent people don't have to worry much about thinking.

>> No.7164447

OP clearly never went to university. At the age of 18 I hadn't earned any of my own money, so everything was straight onto my parent's credit card. Rather that than accrue debt.

I still don't pay for meals with my Father, or my Grandfather - that would be insulting. Their wealth far exceeds mine, as does their social station.

And whilst I don't expect gifts, I have good enough family relations to enjoy exchanging them.

>> No.7164452


>refers to other adults as "kids"

Thank you for not becoming an educator.

>> No.7164454

>intentionally introducing an unnecessary element in calculations when a superior system exists

>> No.7164460


>I didn't have a job as a teenager


Sounds like you're stunted intellectually and socially speaking.

>> No.7164467


Right. That's what you do with yards, inches, miles etc etc etc.

See how silly it is now that you look at it logically?

>> No.7164470

At which point did I defend the usage of those units?

>> No.7164485

Why would I? I wasn't want for any money. As a teenager I spent any large blocks of free time traveling with friends.

Term-time you don't have much free time, whilst I wormed out of boarding at the school (which, whilst some try to romanticise, really limits your freedom), I still had additional tutorials on most evenings, and then you have sports, music etc.

>> No.7164898


>muh prep school


Very seldom do wealthy people take up the hobbies of the poor or their "help".

>> No.7164900

Please don't do this.

>> No.7165375

Because I'm female and my step father would not let me. But I help my mother out when I do have money. As soon as I graduate I'll have a job, pray I won't get fired, n help her out even more. She deserves every penny.

>> No.7165390
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>tfw no family
>tfw no sex drive
>tfw all my money is mine and mine alone

>> No.7165444
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basically everything you just wrote comes down to whether or not you're poor

>> No.7165447
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Daily reminder:

If you're over the age of 23 and during a family dining experience they insist on "picking up the tab", you're a son/daughter that is loved.

Bonus loving family points:

*parents still give you money past the age of 18
*show up to family events empty-handed and get stuff instead
*receive free "rides" from anyone, bros or family (even if your vehicle is being repaired)
*eat microwavable cuisine of any sort while your mom makes you a home cooked meal
*receive gifts from family past the age of 18 during the holidays and at random reunions

>> No.7165463

My parents have been calling me a failure for as long as I can remember. They took away my hopes, dreams and ambitions because nothing i ever wanted to do was good enough for them. Never once have they ever encouraged me. I disowned them and moved out on my own decades ago so I never have to "pick up the tab" at a family dining experience because I have no family anymore.

>> No.7165487

>refers to kids as "children"
I'm psychic my friend, and I can tell you right now that your girlfriend is getting pumped full of cum by a nigger. Godspeed, kek.

>> No.7165512

I'm an army veteran who lost an arm and both legs in Afghanistan. My mother died and my father suffers from a stage 2 growth in his stomach and liver, but I FORCE him to come to dinner with me. He will NOT be paying, so I get a cab to pick me up and drive me to him. I am a grown man and accept no help; I simply wrap cloth around my mutilated stump of a body and roll down the stairs, crawling my way to the cab. I scream at the driver if he offers to help, and omce we're at the hospital I FORCE my father to come with me by pulling any and all tubes connected to him straight out. I roll into the cab with him in tow and we head to "Bujakharta Palace", an Indian food place that is known in my neigborhood for its extreme pricing; I WILL provide for my father. I force him to down the "Baht Maji Kuda", the $70 pint of curry that is VERY luxurious (you faggots better BELIEVE I provide quality food, ZERO EXCUSES). He says it hurts but I know it's good.

You niggers should be more like OP and myself, you're all fucking failures unlike us.

>> No.7165520

Your post made me happy.
This indicates a real, happy family where OP's is sterile, money driven and sad.

>> No.7165528

This is the single most Jewish thing I've ever seen on /ck/.

>> No.7165540

Iunno it's the same way in our family (bout as white as it gets) every time there is a mini war over who will cover the check

>> No.7165682

For one, a preparatory school is not the same as a boarding school and for another, you're crying more than when I had to yell at the maid for using one of the good bathrooms instead of the one in the downstairs.
Don't be jealous that some of us come from money.
>to avoid the general autism of /ck/ lately, if it wasn't obvious, that was a joke

While it may be true that OP never attending uni, it's also quite blatant to anyone who comes from money that you, in fact, don't.
>gave me their credit card!!
>didn't give me my own
I've had my own card in my own name since I was 14 years old, partially because that builds credit. The law has changed in recent years, so unless you're just freshly 18 years old (which you're not, as evidenced by your description of both being that age and attending uni in the past tense), you didn't grow up with any sort of money at all.
Furthermore, boarding schools aren't prisons where students are forced to stay on campus all day and night, as you imply in >>7164485
They barely 'limit freedom' at all. Or, at least, no more than a college dorm or one's own parents would.
There aren't gates or guards that keep students on campus and others off. There's no warden who metes out punishments for breaking some imagined curfew. There's no comprehensive spy system wherein students turn in other students in exchange for campus privileges. None of that.

As for studying, you've got that quite wrong, too. We're not in classes from sun-up to sunset, left with precious little time to ourselves to study and nothing more. No.Not even during "term time."
Part of the boarding school experience is to socialise with other students. In fact, most boarding schools have day students as well as boarders. Yes: even military schools. Furthermore, boarding schools run community projects. All. The. Time, Graduation is impossible without working on a community project. That's right: working.
So yeah. That.

>> No.7165698

Wow, you're fucking hilarious. Go hug a suicide bomber, shit bird.

>> No.7165703

>eating out

>> No.7165705
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>*show up to family events empty-handed
>*expect gifts from family past the age of 18 during the holidays

>> No.7165718
File: 31 KB, 639x480, 1432845672152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has fuck all to do with food or cooking and you know it faggot.