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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 471 KB, 1297x1119, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7162523 No.7162523 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, we have some ground pork sizzling away in the pan.
Let's go!

>> No.7162531 [DELETED] 

Im waiting

>> No.7162535
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The meats cooked, lay on a slice of extra mature cheddar (none of that Kraft nonsense) and wrap in foil.

>> No.7162545

You see where we're going with this?

>> No.7162547

Straight into the trash?

>> No.7162552


>> No.7162553
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The king has his watchful eyes on you, don't dissapoint!

>> No.7162560
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1 beaten egg in the pan, cooked and folded
Little bit of black pepper in there.

>> No.7162577
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The world's finest cookware.

>> No.7162591
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>> No.7162596
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English muffin, toasted and spread with some hollandaise.

>> No.7162601

come on man, out with it

>> No.7162622
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I hope this is going to be worth it, OP.

>> No.7162625

add eggs.

>> No.7162628

read the thread M8.

>> No.7162629
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>> No.7162645

Yum. But I just ate half a pound of carrots, I'm full.

>> No.7162651
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>all that grease

>> No.7162655
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My work here is done.

>> No.7162678

Holy fuck !!!

>> No.7162680

>I don't like fatty foods
If you lack self control such that you can't eat this shit in moderation, and have to adjust your entire diet to avoid cravings and temptation, you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.7162684


Nobody takes you seriously when you post a dinky bazaar pocket knife like that around here and call it a kitchen tool.

>> No.7162685

would devour and have cardiac arrest/10

looks like a good hangover cure

>> No.7162687

If that's one egg, it's rather large, and there is definitely more cheese and hollandaise than you showed earlier.

>> No.7162689
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>> No.7162691

You're the only person taking the shitposting seriously my friend. I'm sure he's having a giggle at your expense.

>> No.7162697

>pocket knife
I wish you'd carry it around in your pocket. Prevent you from reproducing eventually.
Check the guys name out....

>> No.7162700

You sound like you're an authority on knives, please, tell me more.

>> No.7162709

I'm hungover as fuck and you just inspired my breakfast.


>> No.7162710

>pocket knife
>fixed blade scandi grind, bushcraft knife
choose one, retard.

>> No.7162711

more like it just wouldn't taste good, you gluttonous mongoloid. fried pork, cheese, mayo, and eggs with nothing to cut through all of the grease like pickled veg or anything.

good food has balance, it's not just GREASY SALT GREASE GREASE.

>> No.7162712

no no you misunderstood

take another look at that burger, it's basically completely wet bellow the patty

i really just dislike it when the bun gets soggy

>having a diet
baka senpai what are you doing?

>> No.7162717
File: 4 KB, 125x83, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pickled veg
on a breakfast muffin?

>> No.7162721


>> No.7162735

>the same thing
Ok you smart faggot. What about occasional indulgence makes you a glutton exactly? Yeah balance is great for nice food but removing pickled vegetables doesn't turn that burger from great to shit. If you wouldn't eat that while hung over then you're a colossal twat and you can continue to throw strawmen around like a real autist since that's the only way you can construct an argument.

>> No.7162739

To be fair I would have drained the meat on a paper towel but would not change anything else about the burger.

>> No.7162741

>if you wouldn't eat that when you feel sick from consuming drugs then u r a fgt
lol ok

>> No.7162754

Get a load of this stuck up straight edge wanker. Good for you if you like living a completely wholesome unindulgent lifestyle, but you should probably fuck off somewhere people would be more willing to talk to you about it. I'm sure someone like you has more wholesome, constructive things to be doing than trolling around on a board populated by scum, since such hedonistic enjoyment is so evil.

>> No.7162756

I hate faggots like you. Dabbing the fucking oil off your pizza. Just eat that shit

>> No.7162759

is this the same guy who did the crock pot meatball recipe the other day?

>> No.7162766
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>> No.7162767


>taking the shitposting seriously
>reverse-trolling /k/ crossboarders

You decide.


>check the guys name out....
>mora guy

More a guy than what? I don't understand what he's trying to prove.

>> No.7162782


>> No.7162840


It was a joke, anon.

Anyone who's been here for more than a year has seen /k/ circle jerk about their cheep Swedish pocket knives.

Strangely enough, anytime someone feels the need to post multiple pics of their little pocket knives, or better yet their guns, the actual food they post is always mediocre slop, and never really seems to be the primary point of the thread.

This coming from someone who almost always welcomes OC threads.

>> No.7162852


>> No.7162862

What's wrong with Mora knives?

>> No.7162868

Progun was a good guy

>> No.7162880

>multiple pics of their little pocket knives,
god forbid we have knives on a food and cooking board, eh?
See, your disparaging comments indicate to me that you're pretty ignorant.

>> No.7162886


/ck/ has knife threads almost nonstop, but you're not going to see anyone post these "more a man" knives in them...

>> No.7162897

This isn't a knife thread, anon.

>> No.7162904

>"more a man"
OP did not once imply this.

>> No.7162908


>more a guy

>> No.7162914
File: 5 KB, 251x201, belmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a make of bushcraft knife you fucking idiot. That's what the knives in the pictures were, Moras.
You absolute fuckwit! You have got to be a woman.

>> No.7162919


>you have got to be a woman

That must make you more a man, and I bet you love hearing it.

>> No.7162924


>> No.7162931
File: 16 KB, 450x349, Louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sides

>> No.7162966


>innawoods type comes back from the bush to restock on supplies after whatever it was that was supposed to happen hasn't yet happened
>wifey cooks him wifey material food
>more a man starts thread on 4chan in order to show off the best meal he's had in months, and give the slip to big brother by remaining anonymous

You really need to interact with actual humans more often, anon.

>> No.7162977

This thread is fucking brilliant!

>> No.7163013

Man hating, angry as fuck, agenda of rage, militant lesbian detected

>> No.7163042
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There's a reason most al/ck/s choose not to use names/trips.

(It's because sometimes you forget to take them off when you bump your own thread.)

>> No.7163087


>> No.7164108

it cuts fine if sharp no problems. not sure if i would try to dice up onions with it tho.

>> No.7164207

Biscuits and Gravy

>> No.7164273

I've never been much of a health guy but holy shit anon.

>> No.7164512
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Post Moar Mora

>> No.7164521
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>> No.7164538
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>> No.7164542
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>> No.7164549
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>> No.7164792

>egg and butter
>egg and oil
are you some kind of fucking retard?

>> No.7164842
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, more a woman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>post moar mora

I got you covered, anon.

>> No.7165936

You actually ate that thing?

>> No.7166729

You disgusting, American, Hamplanet.
Kill yourself.

>> No.7166763

yeah i miss progun. he just stopped?

>> No.7166771

He walks amongst us still.

>> No.7167074
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>> No.7168115

>buying knives off massdrop
Smh senpai

>> No.7168313
File: 296 KB, 360x360, Funding Muffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as an english, that is not an english muffin, its a fucking roll

this is a muffin

>> No.7168399

you disgusting degenerate, eating that sandwich would literally be like drinking grease desu

>> No.7168414

Those were called English muffins on great British bake off

>> No.7169023
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>as an English
Nice try, foreign fag.

>> No.7169137
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At least in 'Murica.

>> No.7169499

looks like a lot of pain compared to a chef knife