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File: 2.27 MB, 2039x1520, vietnamese-beef-pho-soup-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7158548 No.7158548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here make their own Pho? How does it turn out? Any tips or tricks?

>> No.7158568

Make sure to blanch, scrub, and then brown your beef bones as well as sticking your veggies under the broiler for a few and toasting your spices before making your broth with them. Skim off as much foam as you can when you first bring it to a boil. Use authentic ingredients from your local Asian market and don't skimp on the quality, it's not that expensive for any of the specialty stuff.

>> No.7158575

Also it makes it a /lot/ easier to slice your beef nice and thin if you semi freeze it first before you cut it. Let it sit until it's at room temperature before using it in your soup though, or it will be raw and not rare when you assemble it.

>> No.7158578 [DELETED] 

>meme food general

>> No.7158585 [DELETED] 
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well Pho is simply a peasant soup, easy to make from cheap ingredients.
I hate how it's been appropriated by hipsters and middle class foodie types.
I don't admit to liking it anymore and would never eat it in public.
$10 - $20 for a bowl of soup is too much.
Reddit killed Pho.

>> No.7158593

What commie shithole do you live in where pho is that expensive?

>> No.7158597

Idk where you're from anon, but the best pho in my town costs around $7.50 a bowl and you get a bit more than you can usually comfortably eat in one sitting.

Then again, I'm from a city that has the highest population of hmong outside of east Asia, so I might be a little bit spoiled.

>> No.7158605


Are you from St paul?

>> No.7158606

I find that the broth isn't that decisive of a good pho than the cuts of meat, garnishes and noodles you serve it with since the broth is so light. I mean it still matters because a bad broth will ruin it but a bad broth will usually be because it has too much 'flavor' if you know what I mean. The broth shouldn't be smelly or heavily spiced or salty. It should just be clear and light.

>> No.7158609

I've never paid more than $5 for a large bowl of pho. That other guy is a lying faggot. I bet next he'll try to claim he has to spend more than $3-$5 for a banh mi.

>> No.7158617


You can easily find pho that cheap around here, but the slightly more expensive stuff is usually better. Banh Mi is one thing my local joint doesn't really do as well as other spots, but $5 seems to be about the norm for it at non-hipster places.

>> No.7158620

I dunno, man.

My OG grandma makes it so I never have to make my own. My grandma makes it way better than my mom.

>tfw she gives me some oxtail in my soup

>> No.7159553

OP here thanks for the tips

>tfw she gives me some oxtail in my soup
Might try this, do they sell it at Asian market or butcher?

>> No.7161176

They do. Occasionally I'll see it at the supermarket.

It's so great for making the soup.

>> No.7161193
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>at friend's house
>friend is kind enough to make pho
>raved about it for weeks
>has shit ton of mint in it (fucking why)
>grin and bear it because I'm not an ungrateful bastard

Mint in pho...wtf is wrong with people

>> No.7161216


That's normal you fucking pleb. All the Viet people I know use it.

>> No.7161225

Typically viets use basil not mint for pho, mint is for bun bo hue a spicy beef noodle soup would recommend

>> No.7161237

u wot m8. have you been eating pho prepared by mexicans?

Exactly correct.

>> No.7161246

I put two onions, some star anise with cloves and some instant pho mix but if I want to spend alot I get alot of beef shanks

Better than store bought pho and WAY cheaper too for $15 I can make 8 to 10 servings

>> No.7161250

>grabbed pho for lunch
>hung out at buddy's house after
>forgot my leftovers in his fridge


>> No.7161268

clearly the only solution is to assassinate him and recover your pho

>> No.7161275
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Here is my spice combo. Toast them first, then crush. Put it in a spice bag.

Other than that, parboil your meats first (chicken or beef). Slice up some ginger/yellow onion, toast them and toss it in the big boil with the spice bag.

>> No.7161315
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>dat feel when you constantly think you see your oneitis at your favorite pho joint

am i paranoid? have i finally lost? what's the probability it's her and not just some random white chick?

>> No.7161332

>Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion. "Go fuck ten other women" is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are.

>In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because it's just an illusion. And when you get rejected, don't be depressed. Because there's really not much to worry about.

>> No.7161370

>having friends

>> No.7161381

i find this so weird. Born asian and raised in an asian household, it's weird to bring stuff like soup home when you've already eaten from it ( fresh soup bowl is fine, like if someone packed it for you)

Like in asian culture bringing home soup leftovers is just a no-no.

I'm Laotian btw

>> No.7161412

>I'm Laotian

In France, they call it, "le ocean."

>> No.7161442

Fuck off cunt

>> No.7161948

I've been to Laos but I felt like I never had a good meal there. That could have been my fault but what is good to eat in Laotian food? I had one of the noodle soups in a market that wasn't bad, don't remember the name

>> No.7162130

>bun bo hue
>congealed cubes of blood
no thanx

>That's normal you fucking pleb
mint in Pho? sorry, not in my experiences.


>> No.7162150

>TFW no croissants from Trung Nam

>> No.7162154

>I find that the broth isn't that decisive of a good pho than the cuts of meat, garnishes and noodles you serve it with since the broth is so light. I mean it still matters because a bad broth will ruin it but a bad broth will usually be because it has too much 'flavor' if you know what I mean.
Yea, you don't know what's right. It's _all_ about the broth. There are ratings in the metro DC area on who has the best broth, and the losers are the ones where it's watery or too light. It should have a gelatin content that gives you weightyness and smoothing mouth feel, but light only on the nice aromatics. Since it's a northern dish, the broth should be the northern way, and if you think it needs to be light and delicate, you're dining somewhere ripping you off, and assuming youre the kind of person packing in the hoisin, sriracha and excessive condiments, so wouldn't know any better.


>> No.7162228
File: 312 KB, 1280x960, Pho Ga 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you find this acceptable sir.

>> No.7162309

>Phan, a small man with an infectious smile, says the secret is the meat: “We don’t mind paying for the best beef. And not every cut goes into the broth.
>The surest way to improve an okay bowl of pho
>Order the richest, fattiest cuts of meat—tendon, fatty brisket, and the like—and request that the kitchen layer them in the bowl raw, not cooked.

>You may not want to eat these cuts; they may be too fatty for you. But the resultant broth will be measurably more full-bodied as a result.


>> No.7162342


>request that the kitchen layer them in the bowl raw
Its called Pho Tai.

>> No.7162350 [DELETED] 

it's pronounced Phar.

>> No.7162443

Broth should be clear and light and not fatty. Do not brown your bones and in fact discard the water you use to first boil it in and washing away all the scum as this will make your broth cloudy. Skim the surface as it cooks and do not let it go by without skimming often because if you do, the proteins in the scum you could've skimmed off will go back into the broth and make it cloudy as well and also it makes it easier to skim the fat when you skim it with the frothy proteins. Adding oxtail to your broth will give a lot more body if you spend the hours simmering it needed to extract all the collagen/gelatin/elastin or you can use beef feet instead of bones. The skin, cartilage and fat gives it a lot of collagen/gelatin. (just make sure to take out the meat and pick it and return the bones before it disintegrates if you are simmering it longer than 2 hours. Usually 4 is the amount of time needed to extract all the bone broth, but longer the better, just put a lid on it so all the broth doesn't evaporate) Char your onion and ginger by broiling it (I usually do it in the toaster oven). It will give your broth that distinctive Pho flavor. Cinnamon, star anise, bay leaf, black peppercorns and fennel seeds should be used sparingly and you might even want to take out the satchel of spices halfway through cooking in order not to heavily spice the broth. You still want to toast the spices beforehand though.

>> No.7162457

You can of course make this broth in a pressure cooker and then strain the entire thing if you are short on time. (although if you use oxtail, cook it beforehand, pick it, and add only the bones) Depending on your strainer though, the broth won't be as clear as a broth you spent time to skim but you can usually get by with coffee filters, but it takes quite a bit of time letting the broth filter through (as you don't want to force the solids you spent time filtering to go back through into the broth) so you don't actually save that much time but you get a lot more hands off/free time. Just reheat the broth after it finishes straining and pick and slice the meat used to make it as garnishes.

My favorite toppings are filet mignon slices, the bone marrow you get from making the stock, sliced beef tendons (usually cooked for four hours), and the picked ox meat.

You make it the same way if you want chicken but make sure to pick the chicken out after like 30 minutes of simmering, pick it, and return the bones for more. You might also want to buy another chicken carcass for this as one will probably not be enough if you want a broth with more collagen/body.

>> No.7162477

Also some garnishes that are really good with pho are homemade fried shallots, ngo gai or saw tooth corriander, holy or thai basil, and bean sprouts.

>> No.7162522

Sounds about right. The best pho place I've been to is near campus and their largest bowl is the same price. Going there on cold winter days like these for a huge bowl of pho is GOAT.

>> No.7162529
File: 301 KB, 960x1280, Pho Ga 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its even cheaper in country.. If you don't count the $1,500 round-trip ticket.

>> No.7162549

>I hope you find this acceptable sir
No, that picture is chicken pho. I really find that an abomination. LMAO, seriously. I can't tell you the times I took someone blowing through town in DC to my favorite pho place and saw them order chicken pho *face palm*
It's alright, but it doesn't have the flavor profile of the aromatic spices and roasted bones of a beef pho. It's not interchangeable. It is probably delicious chicken soup and all, but I prefer egg noodles with chicken, not rice. It's there for the religious types who don't want beef.

When you're having taiwanese food, you want a pork broth, for instance. When in rome.. .you eat the right thing on the menu in the right place for it! :)

I highly approve f the beverage~! I always am torn between a coffee or the homemade lime soda. Hard to go one way or the other, really.

>> No.7162556 [DELETED] 

The most important thing for making pho is to get the seasoning right.

Fry an egg, quarter it, season each quarter differently, and repeat for several eggs. You WILL become a master of seasoning.


>> No.7162594
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>become a master of seasoning

Get high paying job
go to fancy restaurant
have $12/hour pleb, who ate lots of eggs to learn seasoning, fix my din-din
enjoy my dinner
pay check & go home and suck BF's dick

being this simple

>> No.7162621
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>> No.7163249
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>I'm Laotian btw
So are ya Chinese or Japanese?

>> No.7163267

>>stop eating food because other people like it now

i think you need to grow up a bit.

>> No.7165170


>> No.7165180

i pay like 10 bucks for my pho but it's fucking massive and completely worth it.
also confirmed for not just being made by white hipsters so it's actually good

>> No.7167216

>ITT: non-Vietnamese (specifically white) nerds go on about how to make a shitty version of food that's not from their culture

>> No.7167230

Annoying white bourgeoisie, stop eating this food because you've nearly ruined its commerce in the Western world is very different from how you interpreted it.

Try again next time.

>> No.7167235

Holding on to that white guilt eh, libtard?

>> No.7167244

>>ITT: non-Vietnamese (specifically white) nerds go on about how to make a shitty version of food that's not from their culture
You didn't make a point, really. Pho isn't from my culture, but I'm a female and not a nerd. This is a cooking forum, all types here, well traveled, hipsters, enthusiasts and chefs and just general forum people. Probably shouldn't project too much.

>> No.7167262
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You know Pho is French, right?

>> No.7167398


I don't know where to start.

The pretentiousness is real holy shit you're such a cunt

Talking about flavor profile and aromatic spices lmao pho isn't some elite dish like you hipsters make it out to be. The shit you get at restaurants are probably good and may be better at some, but their customer base is majorly non-Vietnamese because why would Vietnamese people go out to eat pho? I only eat pho when my grandma makes it.

Bun bo hue is the superior Vietnamese noodle soup dish. But honestly my number one is Bun Cha Gio which is a dry noodle dish with a sauce rather than soup.

But my point is, stop fucking acting like the authority on a fucking noodle soup dish. It's just food. You sound like a cunt. Your type is worse than the trash in third world shitholes who go on youtube and flame people making their food because it isn't authentic.

>> No.7167409

Are you a cute Vietnamese girl and if so want to be my gf?

>> No.7167412

McFucking kill yourself

>> No.7168347
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Pho isn't french, it was available before the French colonization of Vietnam started. It was made a lot more popular however due to cheap ingredients and can easily make a lot for large families when shit hit the fan for the pesaants. Secondly, you're probably thinking of Banh Mi, which is a type of Vietnamese sandwich which uses French baguettes and many Vietnamese people like to use Bretel butter (pic related) as a spread which is only made in France and has to be imported here. so that's arguably more french. It's Vietnamese-French, I guess.

By the way, if you use this butter for Banh Mi, it's better room tempature and it's really worth it even though it's pricey. Good luck finding it though, I'd check Asian groceries that caters to Vietnamese.

>> No.7168363

>>Talking about flavor profile and aromatic spices lmao pho isn't some elite dish like you hipsters make it out to be. The shit you get at restaurants are probably good and may be better at some, but their customer base is majorly non-Vietnamese because why would Vietnamese people go out to eat pho? I only eat pho when my grandma makes it.

I'm also Vietnamese and I go out to eat for Pho. Mainly because making the broth takes a considerable amount of time and my family knows the staff at a lot of Vietnamese restaurants so they like to go visit them and talk with them. It's also pretty cheap, it's only about 6-9 bucks a bowl depending on which one you go to.

I actually like chicken pho when I have a hangover or something, very light and it's really good in the morning. Some Vietnamese will tease foreigners for getting chicken pho, I don't really see what's so bad about it. I do think beef is better but eh.

>> No.7168369

>getting filled up on pho
you probably have a wittle tiny babby stomach

>> No.7168370

>tfw getting hu tieu early in the mornings at a hu tieu shop in a rural town in Viet Nam

I probably should go back and visit family.

Fuck, man.

>> No.7168374

Why are Vietnamese so sneaky?

>> No.7168377


Growing up in a fucking jungle does that man.

>> No.7168380

We really like evading those taxes with our nail and hair shops.

>> No.7168392

Occasionally I'll come across articles written by food writers that are pretty shitty. Some of them insist there are rules you must follow with Asian cuisine. One of them was not mixing hoisin sauce and cock sauce into your soup. It was an end all be all rule.

>mfw my 75 year old Vietnamese grandmother does it

No one gives a fuck how you eat it, just fucking eat and enjoy your delicious bounty.

>> No.7168394
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>> No.7168395
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>cock sauce

>> No.7168408


There was this pho place a while back, really good and really cheap, 10 years ago the owner got arrested for tax evasion by under reporting how much he made in income.

Apparently what the IRS did was send investigators over and they basically just ate there during morning and the busy hours and they simply kept track of how many customers and how much they sold and shit for like a year or two. After adding it all up or something, they found he really was severely under-reporting the profits and arrested him.

So remember, join the IRS if you want food on the government payroll.

>> No.7170011

Ass blasted white ppl detected

>> No.7170241

gotta have something in the broth. light brown. There is beef bones or broth as the base.

>> No.7170305

I will never understand the fascination with pho. I have tried it at least half a dozen times and every bowl is just mediocre. There are at least ten soups I like more. I can't understand how people can be so into it and I think many of them are just into it because it is trendy.

>> No.7170317


because of rooster on bottle geddit lmao

>> No.7170364

really? where do u live? im in seattle its got a lot of good pho for very cheap compared to most eat out aroundhere

>> No.7170776

>ăn ở phở 24
>không ăn ở chổ khác rẻ tiền hơn mà còn ngon hơn
you felt to the meme bro

>> No.7170810

It really comes down to the broth. If the restaurant doesn't have really good broth, it'll taste mediocre.

I wouldn't say I'm fascinated by it, but I do enjoy pho and there are a few vietnamese restaurants around here that make excellent broth, which leads to excellent pho.

>> No.7170844


you won't admit to eating a particular type of food because another group of people like it.

the autism is strong in this one.

>> No.7170929

Bro, seattle has all the noodle places I could ever dream of. Of every variety. I can't even go to all of them.

>> No.7170984
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I heard this was one of the better pho places in my area.

>> No.7171014

>$10 - $20 for a bowl of soup is too much.

in what world is pho that much? san fransisco?

i live in seattle and never seen even an X-large bowl (like well over half a gallon) break 10$

its like literally the cheapest restaurant food you can buy

>> No.7171038

this shit makes me wanna die

i don't care how good it is, i'm not gonna pay 10 dollars to eat a food truck serving size of fucking SOUP on the fucking street

>> No.7171117
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Maybe it's because the broth is made with cats.

>> No.7171123
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>> No.7171193


>> No.7171199

Not Vitamineise, but I would love to make my own.
Hope this thread actually produces.

>> No.7171221

confirmed for not slurping the soup

>> No.7171222

>why would vietnamese people go out to eat pho?

why do i always see a bunch of vietnamese sitting down at the tables when i go to vietnamese restaurants then, you fucking supremo faggot?

>> No.7171237

>Dear, bring the car around.
>Someone let the minorities out.

>> No.7171502

>I-I-I liked it before it was cool!
Fuck off hipster faggot.

>> No.7173102

Best recipe was >>7162130

>> No.7173138

In San Jose the primary customers in a pho only restaurant here is vietnamese.

>> No.7173161

Should I go into any restaurant and call the Mexicans making Italian or Chinese or whatever food that they are a bunch of nerds who can't do it properly cause it's not from their culture?
Anyone can make any food there isn't some kind of rule that only Italians can make Italian food or that only Vietnamese people can make pho and the like

I bet your just mad cause your a shitty cook

>> No.7173195

>the resultant broth with be measurably more full-bodied as a result
