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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 736x491, bulletproof coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7159614 No.7159614 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2015, why are you still drinking regular coffee? Why haven't you upgraded to superior bulletproof coffee?

>> No.7159617

Go on

>> No.7159619 [DELETED] 

It's superior bulletproof toxin free coffee beans which are free from toxins which reduce mental performance. You add in melted butter and blend it in a blender. It'll make you have high energy levels for hours and superior mental performance, also great for weight loss.

>> No.7159621

Butter and MCT oil are fine. If you're buying that dude's "upgraded beans" for $20/lb, you're an idiot.

>> No.7159625

>drinking butter is great for weight loss
Thanks, but I'll stick to my activated almonds.

>> No.7159628


>> No.7159631 [DELETED] 

>willingly drinking mycotoxins

>> No.7159633

Tell me about mycotoxins.

>> No.7159634

why does every shill start their sentence with "it's 2015.... "

not just on ck, i'm talkign about political shit

>> No.7159636

>being this dumb

>> No.7159637

>not knowing about the ">current year" meme

>> No.7159638

He's memeing you

>> No.7159641

John Oliver and other SJWs use it as a saying that means "it's 2015, why is -insert progressive idea- not happening yet?"

>> No.7159647

Because I tried it and it's disgusting.

>> No.7159651

Probably did it wrong

>> No.7159679

fucking shills

just let people do what they're gonna do, quit talking about it on my programs god dmanit

>> No.7159681

Definitely didn't. It's not hard to blend coffee and butter.

>> No.7159686

Take my coffee like I take my Jews and Blacks: burnt with whipping cream.

>> No.7159689

Butter in coffee, such a meme. "But it gives you so much energy!"

The only thing in that drink that will give you energy is the caffeine. You want a bit more? Add sugar. The only thing butter will do is fill you up a bit with a nice dose of saturated fat.

>> No.7159693

Did you use unsalted butter? I'm not for this butter-coffee meme at all, just wondering because that's what you're supposed to do.

>> No.7159709

Of course, I don't even buy salted butter. Perhaps I'll try it again one of these days to make sure I didn't fuck something up.

>> No.7159710

Being grass-fed is more important than the salt

>> No.7159813

>surely, my fellow Americans need something else to habitually consume that's loaded with fat...



>> No.7159814 [DELETED] 

>fat makes you fat

>> No.7159817

well memed

>> No.7159819

Fuck off with your aspirational coffee

>> No.7159830

>consuming more fat helps reduce body fat

>> No.7159854

>i'm not a brainwashed rube
>not at all

>> No.7159895
File: 42 KB, 500x485, Cowman Say 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7159917

>I have no clue how calorie intake vs. expenditure works

>> No.7159950

I'll just have an actual breakfast with my butter, like scrambled eggs.

>> No.7159964

>what are "calories," alex.
>I'll take shit everyone knows for $200

>> No.7159992

You know you're a disgusting fat body when you're making excuses to justify the use of butter in coffee. I bet those fuckers are still putting cream and sugar in that shit, too.

When coffee is brewed properly, it doesn't need anything to "enhance" the flavors, whether it's sugar, cream, milk, or disgusting fat-back butter.

I'll pass on any "butter" coffee...

>> No.7159995 [DELETED] 

It boosts your metabolism, and when you use upgraded coffee makes you mentally alert for hours

>> No.7160002
File: 10 KB, 329x281, oh man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Elaborate please

>> No.7160008

You realize that butter coffee is a Marine thing, not a fatti thing, right?

>> No.7160015

>It boosts your metabolism, and when you use upgraded coffee makes you mentally alert for hours

Marketing faggotry and bullshit.

>> No.7160022


Are you in the market for a bridge, I can sell you one cheap

>> No.7160025

Hey dickwads, especially >>7159614
OP, this is really centered around a Ketogenic diet. A diet that restricts ALL carbs to 20g/day. If you put sugar in that shit, its a calorie bomb in a cup. The only reason it works in a regular setting is if you understand how to moderate your carbs/insulin.

>> No.7160036

>The only reason it works in a regular setting is if you understand how to moderate your carbs/insulin.

Wait a minute...so if I have my double chocolate frappacino made with bullshit coff.....er, I mean, BULLETproof coffee, I won't magically start losing any of the 80 extra pounds of fat I'm carrying around because I'm a disgusting fat body?

>> No.7160038


>> No.7160044


>> No.7160045


But what about the toxins?

I must know more about the toxins

>> No.7160047

because i dont need to drink butter every morning.

>> No.7160049

not that I do it, but why do you give a shit what people drink in their coffee?

It doesn't affect you in any way.

>> No.7160055


Making fun of a stupid person for doing stupid things is a god given right.

>> No.7160062
File: 12 KB, 585x585, 61qUZ56axqL._UY585_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God given right
>not a stupid person
*Tips Crucifix*

>> No.7160066



Elaborate please

>> No.7160072
File: 75 KB, 634x478, Disgusting fat bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't affect you in any way.

Correction, it SHOULDN'T affect me in any way, however, thanks to leftist nanny-state bitches, disgusting fat bodies (pic related) have a negative impact on EVERY tax paying citizen.

Rather than allowing disgusting fat bodies that can't afford to pay for treatment related to their apathy, gluttony, and sloth to simply DIE, as they should, our corrupt politicians have been bribed by medical companies to force citizens to pay for their treatment with tax dollars.

Diabetes treatments, and operations associated with that disease, heart and blood pressure problems, and all those fat bastard scooters you see these cows riding around on are all either paid for, or supplemented with, my tax dollars.

So yes, anon, fat bastards drinking coffee made with butter DOES affect me, even though it shouldn't.

>> No.7160076

You know how joining consensus opinion makes you feel smart without having to take the time understand anything, because the majority seems to agree with you?

Cling to what you've got if that's all you can manage, I guess.

>> No.7160077

Mayb move to a free country

>> No.7160087


>take the time understand

I am taking the time. I'm asking a knowledgeable person about the toxins present in a cup of regular coffee.

>> No.7160098
File: 22 KB, 300x286, ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how dare someone question the validity of these unsubstantiated claims

>> No.7160167

>buh muh tahxins

Define "toxin".

>> No.7160176 [DELETED] 



>> No.7160188

I tried this out of curiosity and got heartburn.

>> No.7160213

Define "toxin" and we'll stop.

>> No.7160229

Caffeine is a "toxin", at the right concentration.

That shit can kill you the same way cyanide can.

>> No.7160319

>he thinks dietary fat makes you fat and causes diabetes
Amerislob detected.

>> No.7160572

>retarded fat ass detected

See this: >>>7160319
Or this:>>>7159917

>> No.7160839
File: 42 KB, 344x226, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see anybody mention and it's worth noting that it was only recommended as a replacement for breakfast in the morning. Instead of eating a bunch of shit in the morning you just drink coffee with butter to get the starting energy of the day, and it's also supposed to only be grass-fed butter.

Nobody with two brain cells to rub together is suggesting you drink this alongside a full english breakfast or whatever you typically eat in the morning.


>> No.7160843

Butter is saturated fat. Saturated fat is unhealthy.

>> No.7160905

>It's superior bulletproof toxin free coffee beans

You don't know what you're talking about, Dave Aspergerey.

>> No.7160906

Of the two things you said, one is correct.

>> No.7160993

>Coffee needs to be bulletproof
Only in America

>> No.7160995

>herp derp there's a little unsaturated fat in butter

Don't go full autism. You know exactly what I meant.

>> No.7160998

>toxin free coffee beans which are free from toxins
It's like you are trying to hit the word limit on a paper due tomarrow

>> No.7161005


>> No.7161021
File: 34 KB, 319x320, 2431613014_9e852a4805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had a 50/50 chance and still got it wrong, well done.

>> No.7161027
File: 72 KB, 500x496, tumblr_nqjtonsnDZ1re0c97o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want butterfuck coffee

>> No.7161031
File: 203 KB, 1524x1178, Fats-infographic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it's not wrong. Educate yourself.


>> No.7161157

Perhaps you should take your own advice.



The american heart association has been using the same outdated data since the 1950's based on observational studies, meanwhile a mountain of more credible controlled clinical studies have come out since then finding no significant evidence that saturated fats have any link to heart disease, yet the American Heart Association sticks to the old data nonetheless.


>> No.7161168

Sponsored by the American Heart Association™

>> No.7161186

So, bad for you are: "Some baked goods".

Way to be specific.