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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 280x180, mold.jpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7149054 No.7149054 [Reply] [Original]

do you eat moldy bread /ck/?

my uncle does he said its like eating moldy cheese and that it taste good
I have seen him put the heel of his mold bread in a bag of new bread to spread the mold even

>> No.7149059

Your uncle sounds like a fuckwit

>> No.7149062

But moldy cheese doesn't taste like shit like moldy bread does
depends on mold strains and shit, but for the most part moldy bread tastes asstastic take my word for it.

>> No.7149123

There must be someone, somewhere that doesn't have a batshit insane uncle. But it seems to be the case that they're all nuts. Both my parents were single children, so I don't have one myself.

>> No.7149235


If you don't have an uncle then how do you know that they're all crazy?

>> No.7149241

My uncle is the crazier of his siblings. Which isn't too much, he's just a health and Jesus freak. He's got a pretty good taste in music though.

>> No.7149342

The most sane of my uncles is nearly 50 and lives with his parents and recently tried to kill himself. The least has been to prison dozens of times and always gets bailed out by his abused wife.

>> No.7149344

Your uncle probably thinks he's being cool and patrician because someone told him it was a foreign delicacy but really he's just being a pretentious cunt and eventually his ego will kill him, probably really soon.

I'd be careful; he probably posts in this board.

>> No.7149359
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>> No.7149363
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Meh I don't like the wetness moldy bread has also it tastes like the rind of cheeses


>> No.7149364

maybe the crazy uncle is a white thing because my uncles are the coolest motherfuckers i know

>> No.7149413

My uncles are all very ordinary.

>> No.7149420

It's a lot different when your uncle isn't 5 years older than you are

>> No.7149421

>he isn't white
get the fuck out of here nerd

>> No.7150423

>tired after work one night
>can't be aresed to cook anything for dinner
>decide to make a ham sandwich
>take huge bite
>furry part of mold hits my tongue first
>immediately spit into trashcan
>turn sandwich over
>fluffy mold all over underside of bread slice
>into the trash it goes
>go to bed hungry because fuck it

>> No.7150429


>> No.7150447

Well shit McDonald's fries do get moldy

>> No.7150449
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>> No.7150454

If my body can't withstand a few blobs of blue mold then it deserves its punishment imo.

>> No.7150457

Why in the fuck would you know that?

I'm sure this is bait, but: no, no one in their right mind would eat moldy bread. There's no complimenting taste, nor is there any sane reason to do that. Tell your uncle he's a freak, and will probably die a gross death.

>> No.7150484

I made a sandwich with bread that had started to go moldy unknowingly. There was just one tiny speck of visible mold that I didn't spot until after spitting it out but it was the most overpowering, revolting thing I've ever tasted in my life.

>> No.7150498

Moldy bread can make you very sick, don't eat it.

>> No.7150502
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>Last slices of rye bread in the pack
>Been sitting on the counter for a week, but didn't smell or seem moldy at all
>Decide to toast the slices
>Walk over to the fridge and grab some cold cuts and cheese
>Turn back just in time to see some hundred little maggots writhing on top of the bread, trying to escape the heat
That was fucking vile.

>> No.7150523

The crazy uncle is on my mother's side.
He's 52 years old and never moved out of my grandmother's home.
He never goes to funerals because he swears dead people talk to him.
He once went missing for 8 months, and nobody knew where he went. When asked, he said he "joined the circus."

>> No.7150542

My uncles are all extremely successful men, and are very down-to-earth, good-natured, normal

>> No.7150563

some guy breathed in mold from bread, and it started to EAT HIS FACE


>> No.7150575

I have an alcoholic drug addled uncle that needs crutches to walk

It's not nice to say bad things about cripples I know, but he really is an awful person

>> No.7150595


you threw away the toaster too right?

>> No.7150600

I've accidentally eaten mouldy bread before and it tasted like dirt.

>> No.7150603


>> No.7150628

There's a mold minority ghetto on the right

>> No.7150643

I saw this on Ripley's Believe It or Not as a kid. It terrified me.

>> No.7150645

it tastes like must

>> No.7150649

>its like eating moldy cheese
Why do people say this? I've heard people say the same thing, "Moldy bread is like moldy cheese, it's just more bread" but it's completely different!
You fucking bake bread. Moldy cheese is just more cheese sure but bread isn't fucking mold it's shit that's been baked.

>> No.7150691
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>> No.7150748 [DELETED] 
File: 2.92 MB, 1200x720, i dont even know anymore man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7150819
File: 93 KB, 1440x1080, uncle paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus who is your uncle?? Paul Hahrrgis.

Does he slurp down the moldy bread with sardine oil?

>> No.7150826

The character of a man should take priority over his condition.

>> No.7150832
File: 27 KB, 500x269, 1442422651467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mold eats your bread
>let it win by throwing it away
You're just showing to parasites that you're an easy target.

>> No.7150862

Oh Uncle Paul..

>> No.7150869



>> No.7150882

>eat the bread
>develop cancer and die anyway

epic meme

>> No.7150899

Looks like weakness decided to post on the internet.

>> No.7151229

My grandma always said that the best bread for making meatballs is the bread that is just starting to go moldy, not full on mold like OP's pic but just starting to go bad.

>> No.7151254

my uncles are both pretty much normies. One is really cool and also probably the best cook in the family, and one is kind of an asshole.

>> No.7151258

...and then you used some thermite on the toaster right?

>> No.7151324
File: 27 KB, 384x480, 45823547436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the heel

>> No.7151450

If I see something with mould on in real life I turn into a little pussy and just fucking run away from it. Sometimes I throw up too.

>> No.7151455

Don't have kids OP, your line should die out.

>> No.7151470

>Your uncle sounds like a fuckwit

I'm sure someone said the same thing about the first guy to eat 'moldy' cheese..

>> No.7151502


I have 3 uncles.

One was my moms halfbrother, and an alcohol that stole my moms car and did a bunch of other fucked up shit.
The other two were really young (when I was 12 they were probably 17-18).
The first was like my best friend, he had all the sweet ass games, but then it turned out he was a kleptomaniac that kept stealing my and everyone else in my family's shit.
The other is probably another alcohol, but he's into really old cougars (his current gf is like 60 and he's like 29) and he's batshit insane.

My friends uncle stole his dads car and killed himself in it.

>> No.7151504

This. The good God put acid in our stomachs for a reason.

>> No.7151510

wow his wife is a trooper

>> No.7151910

Your uncle sounds cool as hell.

>> No.7151919

not to be racist but you are using the wrong N-word.

>> No.7151941
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>1 uncle is elite green beret in vietnam, retires, becomes moderately successful military author, still operator af
>1 uncle gets engineering degree, designs planes and such for 30 years, makes tons of money, gets cancer and dies
>1 uncle is high school dropout, lives in van, tries to borrow change from me as kid, plays bass in shitty band, tries to get me to smoke weed at 9, gets hit by train at 37

There's always one

>> No.7151949

I'm an engineer that plays bass and smokes weed and don't plan on dying stupidly.

>> No.7151950

my dad was an only child and my mother was one too
I have no family since all my grandparents are dead

people in my family don't live long anyway

>> No.7151967


Cool, glad I asked.

>> No.7152055

I thought bread mold would kill you

>> No.7152065

Nobody plans on dying smartly, mr engineer.

>> No.7152071

Are you dumb? Many people plan out their deaths.

>> No.7152080

>penicilium chrysogenum
>can make you very sick

>make you sick

Are you an anti-vacine?

>> No.7152086

by eating the moldy bread constantly he's just creating penicillin resistant bacteria in his body.

>> No.7152096

see >>7150869

>> No.7152098

>one day he will need penicillin to save his life
>he will be immune to it's effects

That'd be hilarious.

>> No.7152120
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>tfw you're turning into the crazy uncle
Should I be embracing this?

>> No.7152395

One time my mom gave me some really nice bagels. I ate a couple and forgot about them. When I remembered them, I found mold was starting to grow on them. I picked all of the moldy parts off then threw them in freezer to prevent further mold growth. That's the closest I've gotten to eating mold.

>> No.7152425

In France they eat almost exclusively moldy food. Should be ok but I wouldn't because that's gross.

>> No.7152437


>> No.7152451

>a week

Nigga what

My bread goes fine for 2-3 weeks before mold starts.

>> No.7152530
File: 13 KB, 300x100, fc-36-blue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else but me notice that it kind of looks like a blue swastika?

>> No.7152546

My uncle owns a bunch of illegal guns, brews ethanol (slowly going blind) and brought homemade poison darts to our house at christmas

Bread mould can be fatal!!! Dont eat!

>> No.7152591

Sounds like some Florida freak on bath salts.

>> No.7152597

That sounds like something that Winston Churchhill would have said.

>> No.7152600

It gives one a different perspective on things when one becomes an uncle, and from what I hear I'll be great uncle soon enough.

>> No.7152662

Many people are stupid. The best one can do is make a will.

>> No.7152736
File: 36 KB, 880x540, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh man those are some ugly frozen green beans
>or asparagus
>why is that donut covered in icecream and sugar

>> No.7152768

How isn't he dead yet?

I keep eating bread until it shows mold, even then I first look for slices that are still good.
>tfw you never have to toast your bread because it toastes itself

>> No.7152776

I'm glad I don't have to eat that crazy bitches meatballs

>> No.7152884

Most of the mold that would grow in bread produces toxins that microwaving/toasting/etc. won't kill. Your Uncle is risking his health.

For cheese, some types of mold are bad, but the types of mold that you typically see in store-bought cheese obviously aren't.

>> No.7152886

>My bread goes fine for 2-3 weeks before mold starts

From my expierence, it depends greatly on two things.

in summer & the heat, it molds a lot faster.. and I found that if I do not put my hand inside the bag, and just kind of push it out from the outside, that the bread lasts longer too..

>> No.7152919

>thinking penecillin is the only strain of mold to grow on bread
>acting like penecillin doesn't make you shit tons bc it creates an enzyme that kills other bacteria, ie how we made antibiotics

hint: the different colors you can get from mold on bread (white, green, black, etc) mean there's different molds, and not all are easy on the tummy

>> No.7152959

The mold's colonized his nervous system. Time to get a flamethrower.

>> No.7153142
File: 192 KB, 796x566, OT3Da4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's hundreds of types of Penicillium. There is literally a word, Penicilliosis, dedicated to infections caused by Penicillium.

You are an illiterate child.

Please fuck off and never return.

>> No.7153355

>that link

Go and stay go.

>> No.7153756

Mold isn't real. It is all part of the capitalist conspiracy. Just like tuna is actually turkey.

>> No.7153761

I fucking hate that weird, grassy, mossy taste that mold has.

>> No.7154583

fucking weirdos in this thread

>> No.7155217

mold is good for you

>> No.7156218

Your uncle is retarded.

>> No.7156233


>> No.7156501

mold is chocked full of yummy vitamins and nutrients

>> No.7156784

I am a profit of masao.

>> No.7156802

>Implying I don't incinerate all of my parasite ridden food.

>> No.7156818

Of course it does. Anything organic can grow mold if it is kept at the right temp and humidity.

Did you seriously believe that super size me hackjob?

>> No.7157372

is the bun trying to escape

>> No.7157778

Damn, Nancy is one loyal bitch.

>> No.7158218


>> No.7158959


>> No.7159206

That shit is not far from not being organic