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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 658x491, YSHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7143847 No.7143847 [Reply] [Original]

What are typical foods/snacks in Sport arenas around the world?

I've always wondered this.

I suppose it depends on the venue you're watching sports in where I live (New York) Yankee stadium has garbage food, but Washington Heights is right over the bridge so I can get some good chicken or soul food before/after the game.

At MSG for the Knicks or Rangers game I just get pizza on my way into the arena.

What do you eat while at sporting events? Is alcohol as staggeringly overpriced as it is here? $13-15 per beer is the average cost I pay during a sport event. Hence why I usually pre-game/tailgate.

>> No.7143890
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this thread gets posted on /sp/ pretty often and you will likely have more success there

>> No.7143909

In America, everyone eats lasagna at baseball games.

>> No.7143917

I figured it would be something with a lot of batter.

>> No.7143924

At football grounds in the UK you're likely to see pork pies being eaten in the stands

>> No.7143933
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he's lying to you dumbass



>> No.7143941
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>yankee stadium


If you ever go back, the hands down best quality/value is the NY Steaks. Note that there are two totally unrelated places both named NY Steaks with exactly the same logo, the one you want is behind home plate on the main level. Big ass strip steak for $16. The line can be long and is slow moving, so get there early and prepare to wait. It's worth it.

Be sure to get the cilantro lime dressing if it's available. Otherwise the horseradish sauce is also acceptable.

>> No.7143945

hot dogs, hamburgers, giant pretzels (with way too much salt on them), french fries, caramel popcorn, bad watery beer.

And you can bet your ass you'll pay $10-15 bucks per item.

>> No.7143956

It boggles my mind how anyone would willingly put themselves in an environment like that.

Shitty hot dog probably cost $10, too.

>> No.7143960

Could you imagine a dude walking up and down the stands selling lasagna? top kek

>> No.7143969
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You're not paying for the food, you're paying to eat the food in that environment. No one is saying the price is fair, but that's the nature of capitalism in a captive market.

Reminder: Many stadiums allow you to bring in sealed food and drink (ie, deli wrapped sandwiches and non-alcoholic beverages). But typically, if you can afford the tickets you can afford the food that goes along with it.

>> No.7143977

>pork pies
Not a chance you retard.
Hot pies are eaten at football matches, not cold ones.

>> No.7143981

A lot of batter

You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.7143984
File: 89 KB, 570x856, o-PULLED-PORK-PARFAIT-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these shitty responses are why you need to go to /sp/ for this because here everyone will just call you a fat american

LA did a thing this past season where they created a special hot dog based on the visiting team's city and every stadium has that one crazy food that you need to share with people like this 4 pound cheeseburger. these fags are just going to say overpriced hot dogs hurrrr

here's a pulled pork parfait for $7

>> No.7143991

Hot dogs at the Texas Ranger games are $1.00. All you can eat seat tickets are $36.00.

>> No.7144000
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>all you can eat option available everywhere, even at ballparks

>> No.7144015

I always get hotpockets and mountain dew at MLG tournaments.

>> No.7144087

Regional: I had an $18 crabcake sandwich at the Raven's stadium in Baltimore once. The bread had mold on it, and they tried to convince me it was just parsley. Kek.

>> No.7144183
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Just posted it in the other thread, but the pulled pork and brisket parfait at Miller Park is tippity fucking top. I really wish they would stop rotating foods though, now they only sell it on club level. Also used to have a fry bar with poutine and shit. Loved the garlic fries with garlic mayo with a strong island, dudes in the smoking section smelled it from 20 feet away.

That and the tailgating... Nothing like getting kicked in after the 3rd inning after consuming your grillables and copious amounts of beer.

>> No.7145031

I actually work park time at the verizon center in D.C. Ask me anything.

>> No.7145040


You're black, no thanks.

>> No.7145045

>All you can eat seat tickets are $36.00.
The idea of watching baseball in person used to seem boring, but THIS I can get behind. How does it work, you go to the food counter, flash your ticket and they give you something? No limits? How close are the seats, how long are the lines?

>> No.7145082

Do they not sell brats at games in all of the country? How do you people possibly sell more hot dogs than brats when brats are so inherently superior?

>> No.7145088

I usually go to Costco grab a few 1.50's
Put in insulated bag.

>> No.7145093

Well, at least you're familiar with the stadium.

>> No.7145098


>New York

Hebrew National is the official Hotdog brand of Yankee Stadium... you really need to ask why German sausages aren't sold there more often...

>> No.7145103


yeah you certainly know a lot about sports!

>> No.7145121

I never claimed to champ :^)

>> No.7145129

why wont all you blacks go back to africa? we dont want you here and you clearly dont want to be here

>> No.7145142


Ok gramps.

>> No.7145145
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>> No.7145149


Yes, sports. Plural for sporting hobbies ie: hunting, skiing, baseball, basketball, football, gof etc etc etc.

Please pick a different major, this one isn't working for you.

Enjoy your ramen noodles.

>> No.7145156

Nobody cares about this fucking fag shit from like 70 years ago. Fuck baseball and that gay anthem that goes along with it. Bunch of fat retards and people obsessed with fuckers who died 30 years ago. Pay like $50,000 for some 50 year old mint condition piece of cardboard with Mickey Mantle's face on it.

>> No.7145164


What hobbies do you enjoy anon? Are you mad about the seats only accommodating normal sized people and you were stuck out in an isle in the sun...to drip like a ham...as people bumped into you the entire time you were there?

I'd see that as a very likely habbening.

>> No.7145166

Foods expensive. We go to an NFL game once a year and all split a mini papa Johns pizza for a snack, sometimes me and my husband might buy a beer. It makes no sense to me to eat a full meal or drink more than one drink at a game, you should be able to last 3-4 hours without food. After the game we have dinner at a restaurant.

I have noticed better food and beer options lately though and many stadiums have a sit down restaurant and bar in them. I don't go, I'm there for a game.

>> No.7145174 [DELETED] 

>all of this projecting

Watching nogs throw an orange ball around is boring. Watching people who've had multiple concussions throw a brown ball around is boring. Baseball isn't even a sport, but you get the point here too. Only thing I enjoy watching is YuGiOh tourneys and _MAYBE_ female tennis just cause. You?

>> No.7145178
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butter pie

>> No.7145184
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New York also has this

>> No.7145185


Stop pretending to be a neckbeard.

Quite literally the only reason people don't enjoy going to sporting events is because they're outcasts. Have no one to go with and are physically or emotionally unable to compete in a healthy manner.

Obese people are left to roast in the sun or their scooters are chained/harnessed to railings to prevent accidents from happening further enabling their law suit lifestyles.

All of that being said, I enjoy hunting, cook outs with friends/family, spending time with my kids & work is always fun.

>> No.7145189


Brooklyn Brewery is more fun but yes New York City caters to the needs of ten million fast paced individuals with a wide array of tastes.

>> No.7145194

What? The joke is that literally none of that is craft beer. Its possible for stadiums to have good beer, most other ones have at last a limited amount of good beer readily available

>> No.7145202


Depends on who's sponsoring the venue. Budweiser will always reign supreme in Yankee Stadium, I don't know about Shae Stadium.

>> No.7145207

>Quite literally the only reason people don't enjoy going to sporting events is because they're outcasts

I'm not even the guy you're replying to but you know this isn't true. Not everyone enjoys FOOOTBAAALL as much as you do. I find most sports too boring to watch for more than an hour or so. It just isn't my thing.

>> No.7145212

lmao tons of baseball players are fat as fuck dude.

>> No.7145213

You can get local craft beer at fucking Miller Park and Coors Field

>> No.7145215


I don't enjoy gridiron football I enjoy real football. You're obviously triggered so what do you find interesting instead?

>> No.7145217

philadelphia gets anchorage steamer. do you actually think new york is the only place in the country that thought selling better beer that bud light is smart?

>> No.7145219


Catchers and pitchers yes. Their skills don't require much running. They're millionaires though, what's your excuse?

>> No.7145220

>l I enjoy real football
please use the dominant form of the english language, not your local dialect on this site to avoid ambiguity

Also, what do you enjoy about watching a bunch of skinny guys jogging around while dressed as billboards for 90 min? It has the slow pace of baseball with none of the intellect, pretty much only popular in sports deserts

>> No.7145223

>You're obviously triggered

I think you are, considering how defensive you are about sports. Everyone is either fat, a shut in, or an outcast of some sort to you. Are you a coach or something?

>> No.7145225


Nope. Never said that either. Budweiser sucks, as do all A. Busch products but they pay millions of dollars for the ad space, was the point.

>> No.7145226

Is /sp/ like this too? Christ go smash someone's head in because they wore the wrong jersey in your general area you shithead.

>> No.7145229


>skinny guys

Fatass confirmed. Stopped reading there too. I bet you played softball growing up and hated it, ladyanon.

>> No.7145234


Why don't you like social events or competition? Those are more important questions.

>> No.7145235

Soccer players are skinny as shit. Look at the athletes in pretty much every other sport besides Kenyan marathon runners

>> No.7145236


So you don't have hobbies other than 4chan? Okay. At least that's something.


>> No.7145238

>Why don't you like social events or competition

Social events are fine, just not ones made for retards. What don't you get?

>> No.7145241


Cyclists, wrestlers, swimmers etc etc etc...

You're pretty sheltered huh...

>> No.7145245
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So it's retarded because you can't do it, but I'm projecting?


>> No.7145250

Soccer players are way the fuck skinnier than swimmers.

But I am talking about real, professional competitive athletes, not people doing niche sports people only pay attention to for a couple days every 4th year

Just look at a picture of your favorite soccer player next to Lebron

>> No.7145254
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I just got done reading your shit, and I assumed we were only talking about the big 3. Baseball, football, and basketball. I enjoy watching chess matches and adore hunting. But shit like pic related? You defend this flyover-tier shit? Really?

>> No.7145255
File: 42 KB, 640x400, WattMessi9516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture between possibly the best football player (besides maybe Aaron Rodgers) next to the best soccer player. How would you possibly not characterize the soccer guy as skinny

>> No.7145259


in texas youre not allowed to be a pussy

>> No.7145270

I can't wait til Watt leaves Texas behind so he can play on a competitive team

>> No.7145317


Yes, drunken idiots brawling over a shitry souvenir is lulz worthy. You don't find it entertaining? Fuck...the ONLY reason I go to Rangers games are for the fights.

>> No.7145323

Lol I am a professional baseball player, most of us are not.

>> No.7145325


The world cup isn't the only football match watched by people. It's the most commonly viewed sport in the entire world.

NASCAR is the most watched sporting event in the USA. Says a lot that you lot consider turning left a sport.

>> No.7145331



So you're a fat black woman?

I don't enjoy watching basketball, it's a game that doesn't require much skill, some people play it simply because they're very tall, not athletic.

>> No.7145332

>NASCAR is the most watched sporting event in the U.S.

Not even close.

>> No.7145333

i already got ass reamed for a ticket and parking

why am i going to give them $20 for some goopy fried shit?

take an extra hour before or after the game and spend that $20 on an awesome meal at a restaurant

or put it towards the next game

>> No.7145334

>NASCAR is the most watched sporting event in the USA
This is false (even if you disregard the fact that auto racing is not a sport).

The most watched event (sports or otherwise) in america is the Super Bowl, by a huge margin

>> No.7145338


Yes actually...


>> No.7145340

My every 4 years comment was in reference to your discussion of niche "sports" such as cycling/swimming/wrestling, not to soccer, I understand that a massive number of poor people without access to better things watch it

>> No.7145343


One game doesn't account for an entire season of dedicated viewers.

Does it hurt to know what I said is actually true?

>> No.7145345

>it's a game that doesn't require much skill
I am pretty sure this is not true

>> No.7145347
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Those aren't niche sports they're Olympic events TOPMOTHERFUCKINGKEK!!!!!

>> No.7145352

read your own link dude. It says "in-season"
So basically it just gets more viewers than the NBA, but this is also misleading because there are much fewer racing events while NBA games are mostly aired in local markets as each team plays 81 games

>> No.7145353
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If being tall is a skill, then no...it's not a skill required sport.

>> No.7145356

Being primarily known as an "Olympic sport" is pretty much synonymous with being niche

>> No.7145358


NASCAR is the most commonly viewed sporting event in the entirety of the USA according to that article...for over a decade as well.

What do you eat while watching it? Cigarette butt casserole? 7 layer dip?

>> No.7145361

it takes much more skill than soccer, its not like every tall person makes the NBA

>> No.7145364


>something people across the planet train their entire lives to compete in by the millions and millions

Pick one.

>> No.7145367


That's not true, if you're 7 foot tall there's a 90% chance you'll play for thr NBA.


>> No.7145377

>NASCAR is the most commonly viewed sporting event in the entirety of the USA according to that article
No, that is not what it says. Read it again. It had the highest per event viewer average "during the season", which does not coincide with the NFL season. Also this is very misleading as it is only counting their top tier events too, as all actual sports are fragmented with multiple games airing simultaneously and playing many more games.
NFL gets by far the highest viewers per game (college football is a distant second), MLB has the most views over the course of a season. NASCAR does do oddly well, but not nearly as well as you are asserting.
and the super bowl is objectively the most viewed event on american TV

>> No.7145382

I don't see how the fact that being tall is required suggests you do not also require skill.

>> No.7145388
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There are upsides to living in Cleveland. We know how to eat, and we know how to drink.

>> No.7145389

The fact that no one gives enough fucks to pay attention makes it niche, it has nothing to do with the devotion of those participating

Comparing something like swimming to Football or Soccer, its many orders of magnitude less relevant and therefore niche

>> No.7145403

Super Bowls account for the 21 most-watched programs in American TV history in terms of total audience.[1]

Most-Watched TV Programs, Total Viewers

Super Bowl XLIX (Seattle Seahawks vs. New England Patriots), 2/1/15; 168 million viewers[2]
Super Bowl XLVIII (Seattle Seahawks vs. Denver Broncos), 2/2/14; 167 million viewers
Super Bowl XLVI (New York Giants vs. New England Patriots), 2/5/12; 166.8 million viewers
Super Bowl XLVII (Baltimore Ravens vs. San Francisco 49ers), 2/3/13; 164.1 million viewers;[3]
Super Bowl XLV (Green Bay Packers vs. Pittsburgh Steelers), 2/6/11; 162.9 million
Super Bowl XLIV (Indianapolis Colts vs. New Orleans Saints), 2/7/10; 153.4 million
Super Bowl XLIII (Arizona Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh Steelers), 2/1/09; 151.6 million
Super Bowl XLII (New York Giants vs. New England Patriots), 2/3/08; 148.3 million

>> No.7145427

>going to stadiums to watch sports
>leaving your house to watch sports
>watching sports at all

>> No.7145439

>doing things

>> No.7145462


1/3 of then entire population of the planet tunes in for the Olympics. Even people living in dung huts operating generators and using rabbit ears for reception.

>> No.7145465


Yes, the Superbowl is great... that being said the average NASCAR event of any type gets more viewers than the average NFL event, which was the point in making the post.

MOST COMMONLY watched sporting event, is NASCAR.

Stop trying, you're failing miserably.

>> No.7145481

>1/3 of then entire population of the planet tunes in for the Olympics
for the ceremonies, not to watch cycling/curling or whatever you are advocating. But yeah, I think the fact that people only pay attention once every 4th year after being paired with strong nationalism is pretty strong evidence for calling these sports niche

>> No.7145486

>that being said the average NASCAR event of any type gets more viewers than the average NFL event
This is not true though, and the previously posted article isn't even trying to suggest this

>> No.7145491

What are you on about? There's one race a week, no matter what driver or team you follow you watch the same race as everyone else. There are over a dozen football games a week and most of them are aired only locally because they all go on at the same time. So yes, I guess more people are watching the NASCAR race on Sunday instead of the Tennessee titans vs the jaguars game that nobody cares about and is only aired on local stations. That doesn't mean more people watch NASCAR than NFL.

>> No.7145564
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I'm from wisconsin, the Brewers usually have some crazy stuff each year at Miller Park. This is a baked potato with brisket

>> No.7145586
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>> No.7145588
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a split brat, with a hotdog stuffed in it, wrapped in bacon with sauerkraut

>> No.7145627

Devastating for the lactose intolerant...need a glass of chocolate milk too.

>> No.7146405


>> No.7146503


>> No.7146511

If I can afford a ticket to a ball game, rest assured, I won't be there.

>> No.7146687
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>> No.7146709
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>> No.7146727

citi field is better, but you nailed the best option in YS3.

>> No.7146734

that made me want to throw up.

>> No.7146736

Everything about that screams England. Look at the fucking shellsuits

>> No.7146742

Must be a real achievement for you since you feel the need to tell people

>> No.7146752

>I am so bereft of personality and culture I only like things if everyone else does

Sit the fuck down and stop making an ass of yourself

>> No.7146754
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>> No.7146761

you're welcome to defend a factually inaccurate statement if you choose. those of us who like to live and work in reality would prefer that you just drink bleach instead.


>> No.7146767

the downside... cleveland

>> No.7146792

>Overall 2015 TV Ratings: The first season of NASCAR's new television deal was good for its television partners, if not quite for the sport. The 2015 NASCAR Sprint Cup season averaged 5.1 million viewers across FOX, Fox Sports 1, NBC and NBCSN, according to Sports Business Daily - down 4% from last year on FOX, TNT, ESPN and ABC (5.3M) and down 12% from 2013 across the same four networks (5.8M). The Chase For the Cup in particular averaged 4.1 million viewers on NBC and NBCSN, down 6% from last year on ESPN and ABC (4.4M).

>TOP 10 LIST FOR Week of Nov. 23, 2015
>1 - NBC SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL - 14.6 - 25,188,000

>Broadcast primetime live + same-day ratings for Saturday, Dec. 5, 2015.
>1 - College Football – Big Ten Championship (FOX) (8-11 p.m.) - 2.6/10 - 8,700,000
>2 - College Football – ACC Championship (ABC) (8-11 p.m.) - 2.4/9 - 7,080,000

>Top 25 broadcast shows (including ties) in adults 18-49 for Nov. 16-22, 2015
>1 - SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL - NBC - 6.3 - 8,050,000

>Top 25 broadcast shows (including ties) in adults 18-49 for Nov. 9-15, 2015
>1 - SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL - NBC - 7.0 - 8,888,000

>> No.7146807
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Camden yards in baltimore has waffle fries with a fuckton of crab dip. I couldn't even finish it

>> No.7146998

I'm gonna be going to a bunch of games this summer. Any worthwhile food places at citizens bank park, pnc park, wrigley, or the Oakland colosseum?

>> No.7147260


Gotta have something to look forward to since your teams never win.

>> No.7147270
File: 29 KB, 644x364, BallparkFood01-e-0331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bats and balls at the minor league Missoula Osprey stadium.

Battered and deep fried bull testicles with fries. Are you bad enough?

>> No.7149130

>1 buck an inch for something that isn't a cured meat.

No thanks. Looks mad tasty though.

>> No.7149205


>> No.7149434

Butter pie is for when you cannot eat meat and it is mostly a potato and onion pie and is in England, predominately a Lancashire themed food, not the US. Don't judge things by their names. If it was actually a pie with a stick of butter in it as filling then yes, I would assume US food.

>> No.7151226
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My Man!

>> No.7151228

Colorado Rockies @ Coors Field in Denver, Colorado, have various strange hotdogs. Like the Rocky Dog, the Bacon and Bleu dog, and others

The Bacon and Bleu has bacon, bleu cheese, and some other stuff. I haven' tried the 4 or 5 other ones they have at that stand. But I bet they're good.

>> No.7151240


>> No.7151264

that looks disgusting.
i think i'm enough of an amerifat to eat at least one.

>> No.7151269
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Go to an Indians game, buy an overpriced footlong hot dog and slather this shit all over it

>> No.7151271

The suite levels at Staples Center have good stuff. They even bring a dessert cart door to door.

Last time I was there, I had a hot dog with spicy thai red currywurst, peanut sauce, asian slaw, and crushed peanuts. Pretty good.