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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 600x400, Homemade-Marinara-Sauce-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7141726 No.7141726 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to buy the premade stuff in a jar. What is your recipe for good sauce from scratch? Any secrets?

>> No.7141890

My method isn't too exact, but I'll oil a frying pan, add in garlic and chalets(regular onions work too), throw in chopped tomatos and cook until the tomatos soften. add salt, pepper and oregano. Afterwords I use a masher on the tomatos until they're fully broken apart. Once you have your tomatoe mush and it's seasoned to your liking, add a cup of liquid chicken stock and let it reduce until you're happy with the consistency. That about covers it

>> No.7141896

holy fuck you are retarded

>> No.7141900

I sweat onions for like 15 minutes, not browning it just letting it cook on low heat, then add in garlic and whatever seasonings and turn heat up to medium heat for like a minute or two, then dump in your can of tomatoes that I already crushed in a bowl. Add in any fresh herbs with the tomato.

>> No.7141912



>> No.7141919

You missed one...


>> No.7141927

It's not tomato season

Just buy a decent jarred brand, it will be better than ass burger king's >MUH FRESH SUPERMARKET TOMATOES SIMMERED ON A STOVE infantile bullshit

Michael's of brooklyn is pretty decent

Also never listen to anyone recommending simmering goddamm tomatoes for an hour, let alone more than a few minutes

These are people who have a lifetime of experience cooking shit tier out of season tomatoes

Those people don't give a shit about food and only want to seem more eye-talian for their nonexistent ancestors who are spinning in their graves

>> No.7141928
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>an actual, on-topic response
>ridicules minor spelling mistakes

>> No.7141938

>fresh herbs
What herbs are good to use in my sauce in addition to SP&O >>7141890

>> No.7141943

don't put in oregano
basil or italian parsley + red pepper flakes if i want some spice

>> No.7141948
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>> No.7141959


I've tried this method of quick cooking tomato sauce and just cant get it to work. I see lots of people suggesting it though.

Normally I do standard onions and garlic, sweat in olive oil, add canned tomatoes, salt, pepper, sugar, veg stock and cook for a long time (1 hour or more) and finish with fresh herbs.

When I try to cook it quickly I leave out the veg stock, but it always tastes like shit. Maybe because of shit tomatoes? Or something else?

>> No.7141976


Tomato sauce...

1. Brown the following on medium heat
-Soffritto (2 parts FINELY chopped onion to 1 part finely chopped celery and carrot)
-5 ish cloves of minced garlic or to taste
-pinch of salt and pepper

2. Once browned, douse the mix with some red or white wine of your choice, and reduce.

3. After reduction, add enough tomato paste to color the mix, and cook it till it darkens up a bit. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.

4. After the mix has darkened, add tomato puree, and mix in the soffritto until you get the desired consistency. Season with salt, pepper, oregano, basil, and whatever else you want. Simmer until the flavors have blended in to your personal preference, and adjust the consistency by adding water, or reducing, as needed.
>Just buy a decent jarred brand

No such thing, fat ass.

>> No.7141985

My secret is to fry your tomatoes in bacon grease and smash em with a potato masher and cook em down with Italian seasons, lots of onion and garlic, and add chili sauce at the end...for a different texture you can blend it, if you like you can freeze the tomatoes for a different color, remove the skin if you like, add canned diced tomato w/ chili to spice it up...man the possibilities are endless

Bacon grease though. That's the trick

>> No.7142038

i like to dice up 4 stalks of celery and one onion
and 3 cloves of garlic minced, throw it all on 4-6 oz of beef stew meat browned, let it all sweat out, throw some salt and pepper to taste, oregano, and when its done sweating and the onions are soft to the bite, add can of crushed tomatoes 32 oz and one diced tomato can (15-16oz, for chunkiness) and one small can of tomato paste, let simmer for a few hours for the flavors to mary, wa la, noodle sauce

>> No.7142045

Anchovies desu senpai.

>> No.7142065

I sweat down grated onion, carrot and diced celery for on low heat for 20 minutes, then add garlic and have it all just sit there in olive oil. Add salt, pepper and a PINCH of cinnamon.

After that's all soft then add tinned tomatoes and oregano/any spices and herbs you want. simmer for half an hour and add a dash of butter.

Reduce it to your liking and add in anything you want. Makes a good base for bolognese or lasagna.

>> No.7142072
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>> No.7142300

a few tips

1. use lots of oil to keep the flavour of the onion and garlic
2. onion first, then garlic, only plebs add them together
3. you need fresh tomatoes, canned ones have acid added to them
4. use a bouquet garni if you are storing the sauce
5. carrot and celery make a sauce sweeter, wine makes it richer, pepper makes it deeper
all combined makes it worse

>> No.7142312

if you cook, you should know its shallots at least. That one is egregious

>> No.7142325

Don't worry, I agree with you. Not saying fresh tomatoes from Publix won't work, guys, but unless you've got a source of ripe tomatoes from a garden, I don't think the sauce will come out substantially better than what you could make with a quality can of crushed tomatoes or the like.

>> No.7142334
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For sauce-making, (especially since it's winter) use canned tomatoes either whole or crushed as opposed to fresh. Good brand recommendations here:

>> No.7142723

Sautee a medium onion. Add two cans of whole tomatoes but crush them by hand. Cook for an hour with the lid off on medium low, stirring occassionally. Salt to taste.

>> No.7142727

The secret is time

>> No.7142736

Yes there is. You just have to stop being poor
>implying you're anywhere near as fit as me

>> No.7142748

>Just buy a decent jarred brand
>Those people don't give a shit about food


>> No.7142757

bacon grease. weird.

Not saying it sounds bad. It doesn't sound like it fits though. This is probably one of those really bizarre ingredients that ends up being perfect for it.

>> No.7142765

I use this recipe all the time, it´s pretty dope. I´ve been cooking batches of it and eating pasta 2 times a week now.


>> No.7142768

pretending to care about food by making an inferior version something "from scratch" from substandard ingredients, when the superior version requires opening jars, is not giving a shit about food. it's giving a shit about image. more specifically, your image as it relates to your old, ramen-eating self.

those of us who have been eating decent food all our lives understand these things, but you're too caught up in PTSD from packaged food overload that you can't understand why canning and jarring is actually a good thing sometimes.

>> No.7142875

>muh citric acid
>muh tinned tomatoes cancer

You can use tinned if you want but my opinion is that fresh tomatoes are always better, whatever the season.

>> No.7142876

So what's better about it

>> No.7142884

If you want to make sauce you need Homemade stewed tomato.

We have jars of them in the basement, mason jars we do ourselves.

But you can make stewed tomato however you want.

But you cannot use canned tomato from a can, those are rubbery garbage.

If you want really good sauce you have to use fresh tomato and stew them yourselves.

Once you have the stewed tomato all you have to do is add some Garlic that is cooked in olive oil and then simmer in a bunch of Basil.

>> No.7142888

not having to add sugar
not having to cook it for 3 hours so it doesn't taste like ass
yes, fedora, there is sugar in tomatoes. sugar. in tomatoes. but mostly just when it's in season. try to contain your epileptic fit.

>> No.7142897


>> No.7143366

if yu're feeling lazy as fuck just do Hazan's butter onion sauce:

> can of quality tomatoes
> full onion
> few tbsp butter

throw that shit in a pot, put it on medium high and leave it uncovered for 40mins. Salt to sate and take out the onion when done. It's kind of counterintuitive but tbqhf it's one of my favourite simple sauces.

>> No.7143369

*salt to taste

>> No.7143385

for marinara I like to get a few plum tomatoes (at least 5, but maybe more depending on how many I am cooking for), blanch them to remove the skins, then mash and set aside while I heat up some olive oil in a saucepan. You sweat some diced onion, preferably white or yellow, then add minced garlic to cook just slightly, but not brown. Then you add your tomatoes, which should have enough liquid to make the sauce... saucey, but if not you can add some stock or water to your own tastes. Add oregano, basil, a peppercorn or two, a little salt, and if you like just a pinch of brown sugar though I find that a little too much. Simmer and cover. Generally speaking the longer you let it simmer the better it will be, but after five to ten minutes it is ready. Add some slightly undercooked pasta to the pan to allow the pasta to finish in the juice and you have a tasty meal.

>> No.7143432

How do I jar tomato do I need to put anything as preservative in the jars?

>> No.7143436



>> No.7143437
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>> No.7143441

I tried adding a chalet to the pan, but the roof got caught on the sides.

>> No.7143442


>tfw no Ball-jar gf

>> No.7143524

2 lbs of fresh tomatoes or 1 big can
1 large onion
4 cloves of garlic
olive oil

Chop onion and garlic (I usually just throw it in the food processor) and cook in olive oil over medium heat until it's starting to brown

Add tomatoes (and basil if using dried) and simmer until thickened. If you're using fresh basil, add it afterwards.

You can also add a bit of fish sauce or balsamic vinegar for more flavor. And don't forget the romano/parmesan.

>> No.7143527

No there isn't, fat ass.

You're just a lazy fat fucker.

>> No.7143535
File: 48 KB, 600x399, Genetics+are+at+fault+here+_82961ea2c8cffb3161d068f9c4176fa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there is, and stop projecting your "genetics" all over this board

>> No.7143543

No, there isn't. You can make a decent sauce out of canned tomatoes, but there are no good jarred tomato sauces.

>> No.7143547
File: 56 KB, 681x667, My fedora is original bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, lard ass, just because you're used to buying everything pre-packaged doesn't mean it's "good", as most products are made with inferior ingredients, and loaded with bullshit preservatives, salt, and sugar....like the cheeto's you're eating at this very minute.

>> No.7143549

There are three possible explanations for your erroneous belief:
1. You only buy cheap sauce with bad ingredients
2. You have a superstitious belief that a cooked tomato sauce loses quality when jarred
3. There are no sauces that are made according to a recipe you personally approve of

The only one that would be remotely reasonable is (3), although it's more likely (1) or (2)

>> No.7143552

> as most products are made with inferior ingredients, and loaded with bullshit preservatives, salt, and sugar.
Looks like I posted that >>7143549 too soon

So it's (1), sorry you're too stupid to read labels

>> No.7143553


have fun shitposting

>> No.7143557

>I can't justify my opinions so I'll just concede the argument and scream "bait"
Congrats on admitting you were wrong, it takes some maturity to take defeat graciously

>> No.7143558

>he thinks he's only talking to one person
kek, get a load of this retard

>> No.7143560

So you're both wrong then. Have fun pretending to enjoy your awful tasting winter tomato sauce. "B-but it tastes good to me" is a neckbeard favorite around here.

>> No.7143565


Fuck off you ignorant Amerifat with your disgusting jarred pre-made "tomato sauce", putting goddamn fucking CHICKEN STOCK in tomato sauce, or vegetable stock, or wine.

I hate this board and I need to stop coming here.

>> No.7143569

>using store bought tomatoes to make tomato sauce
When did I ever say that was a good idea?
You should use a high quality brand of canned tomatoes, fresh tomatoes you grew yourself/bought directly from a grower, or homemade jarred tomatoes that you either grew yourself or bought directly from a grower.
Using supermarket tomatoes for tomato sauce is just as bad as using supermarket jarred tomato sauce.

>> No.7143589
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I sometimes use jarred sauce bought directly from a tomato grower. It's about on the same quality level as the sauce I buy from the grocery store, just a different style.

Just because your grocery store only sells Prego doesn't mean everyone's does.

>> No.7143592

I shop at upscale grocery stores and farmer's markets. Jarred tomato sauce is shit.

>> No.7143601

So do I, that tomato sauce is available at the union square greenmarket in new york. It's hardly "shit" unless you are a superstitious housewife who somehow thinks the jar is bad for sauce even though it's perfectly fine for tomatoes.

>> No.7143606

There's nothing wrong with jarred sauce if you made it, or a local producer made it. Anything made in large batches is going to suffer in quality.

>> No.7143609

>Anything made in large batches is going to suffer in quality.
I really don't think they are cooking one jar at a time, anon.

>> No.7143649


It's the diabeetus...

>> No.7143672

>/ck/ can't even make tomato sauce
Wow this place is shit for cooking. They should rename the board to /Fastfood and Premade shit/

>> No.7143692

>doesn't point out what's wrong with any of the recipes provided in the thread
>doesn't give his own recipe

You're a non-contributing piece of garbage. There are numerous decent recipes in this thread.

>> No.7143693

Can't =\= Won't

Eye-talian style red sauce is something you keep in the back of the cupboard for emergencies. It's a once or twice a year thing. As has been already established, perfectly good jarred versions exist that can be bought. Making it to prove a point is just a waste of time, considering the point of pasta in red sauce is literally to prevent starvation when your plane is delayed and you get home at 1:30 AM and nothing is open and everything in the fridge went bad when you were gone.

Late August is the time to sperg on tomatoes. Here is a really good recipe. Don't try this with your wooden supermarket tomatoes


>> No.7143697

You seem like an insufferable twat.

>> No.7143704

Why? Because I helped you not waste time cooking something you can just buy in a jar?

>> No.7143711

Because you have an air of superiority about you that probably stems from a lifetime of being a rich East Coast douchebag with more money than sense.

>> No.7143718

Considering I have the good sense not to waste time making something I can just buy, maybe my air of superiority comes from being actually superior to you, in a strict sense.

>> No.7143724

Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is.

It's no wonder the Jews flew planes into those towers. You people are the worst.

>> No.7143731

I'm actually spinning a menorah, right now.

>> No.7143734

This is my personal favorite recipe:


Its time consuming, but the results are amazing.

>> No.7143735

'My way is the ONLY acceptable way'


>> No.7143752
File: 69 KB, 600x1066, Wow+it+s+like+they+re+from+different+time+periods+or+something+_1ff3c2aa24c873655c2d428110831529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decent recipes
>for Italian food
>on /CK/
>that aren't just Amerifats trolling Italians

>> No.7143761

Of fucking course you are. I thought you people were supposed to be cheap?

>> No.7143769

what's /CK/?

>> No.7143846

>As has been already established, perfectly good jarred versions exist that can be bought
No it hasn't, idiot

>> No.7143850

This guy is an idiot, everyone else in the thread was helpful thanks!

>> No.7144182

Underrated post