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7142934 No.7142934 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they never have decent lagers or wheat beers on tap? It's always 10 styles of imperial IPAs or some shit. I just want a nice beer that wont rape my taste buds with bitterness.

every beer I had in germany was delicious, but every time I try something new in the states back home it's like drinking a bitter dogs ass.

>> No.7142979

You cannot and will not escape the hops. Its just the American trend right now.

That being said, its also difficult to find wheat beer on tap in UK. Most standard bars wont have it, and beer places might only have one. Shame really because its very good.

>> No.7143026

I agree, it's nice to have a balanced, sessionable beer that has some flavor every now and then. 9%+ IPA and stouts are nice but you can't make an evening with them.

>> No.7143082

Lipstick on a pig
Just say "binge drinking", you alkie. There's no way to make this sound classy.

>> No.7143139

I dunno but I always laugh when Americans say that they have the best beer now, just because there's this microbrew trend now with all those wacky flavor experiments.

It's fine if you like that stuff but I think it barely passes as beer. Same with the sour Belgian cat piss beers.

German beers are delicious and drinkable.

>> No.7143158

We're already seeing signs of the stupid shit dying out, it was just an overcorrection back when people needed an easy way to figure out what was "pisswater" and what wasn't. In those dark days, it had to be over 9000 IBU and at least 24% ABV

I was in a state of despair for a while because it legitimately looked like no one would ever get a clue, but amazingly it's happening. Kind of like how it's now mainstream here to be interested in cool climate wines, after the dark days of the 90s and early 2000s.

That said, it's a gradual process and it's probably going to take time before this is reflected in our exports. It wouldn't surprise me if the only non-macro American beers available overaseas are "you can't handle this voodoo bacon hop bomb" type of novelty crap, just like the only American wines you see are violent Napa wines.

>> No.7143164

>Belgian Cat piss
Surely you jest, one of my favorite beer makers is Martens. Hoegaarden is my favorite wheat beer.

As an American I've been very happy with the Belgian, French and German brews I've had the pleasure to try. Not to thrilled on British stuff honestly.

As for America well yeah there is a whole lot of ridiculous shit going on stateside but you can find good stuff. It's just hard because it seems the most popular beers are the worst. You just need to fucking read because every bar I've been to had at least one good brew.

>> No.7143168

>Hoegaarden is my favorite wheat beer.
King of the plebs right here

>> No.7143196

>Why do they never have decent lagers or wheat beers on tap?
Well, that's sort of the shortcoming of American craft beer culture. You have a huge variety of incredible and creative ales, but way less in regards to lagers. It's sort of understandable, considering that making a good lager is a bit more involved than a nice IPA, for instance. Another thing is that the term "lager" is often equated to "macrobrew swill" in English speaking countries.

>> No.7143219

Pale ales and IPAs are the most popular ales, so every smaller brewery makes at least one of those. Since the process for making ales and lagers is slightly different, there's an extra cost involved in making a lager compared to making more ale. It's easy to just change up the grain or hops and make a different ale on the same equipment. But if you change up the yeast, there's an added risk of cross-contamination. If you need to lager, then you need to be able to have cold fermentation and cold storage, and then that adds more variables when making a new recipe.

So I think that's why there's a lot more ales on the US market, and specifically IPAs just because they sell well. But there's a ton of other styles of beer being made and are available if you choose to look for them. Your local bar just probably sucks.

>> No.7143220

I can't go to the fancy liquor store 20 minutes away all the time. Hoegaarden is always available and always tasty.

>> No.7143318

I dunno, I mean like I want to drink a few tasty beers but I don't really want to get drunk fast. Can't do that with big imperial anything.

>> No.7143329

>your local bar probably sucks

it's a college bar (I'm a grad student), so probably does. I usually just go to play pool, since I drive home, but it's nice to have a beer or two. I often just end up drinking yuengling because it's cheap and not too horrible.

>> No.7143343
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>be from Germany
>live in the US for a year (college lol)
>thoroughly enjoy trying different craft beers for a while
>... at some point just think that I want that one go-to-beer that you can get everywhere
>there is none
>"Here's our beer menu, we have 60 different types"
>just settle for cheap Rolling Rock

Oh well. It was fine.

>> No.7143376

>american beer
>founded by Germans

Why lie to yourself? Your people made this beer and we enjoy it. The only american beer you'll find in america is those trybhard microbreweries

>> No.7143379
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>Why lie to yourself? Your people made this beer

Yeah, like 200 years ago. Then it became all


And then, later, the hipsters joined the stage with their undrinkable meme tier logo beers.

>> No.7143423


Yuengling on tap is okay

>> No.7143487

I think just about every local brewery in my parts makes a wheat beer or helles for summer. You're just going to shit bars.

>> No.7143494

It's easy to find wheat beer on tap in Boston

>source: am Masshole :(

>> No.7143699
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>butthurt yuros and plebs
The USA is responsible for the best, easiest to find beer in the world.
Great balance of hops and malts, and has the best quality control program of any brewery ever.
God bless Pale Ale

>> No.7143720

pale ales are just one step away from IPAs and other overhopped shit. Almost every Sierra Nevada i've had tastes like distilled pinecones.

>> No.7143836

>distilled pinecones
That's gin

>> No.7143988

>why isn't unpopular stuff widely available?

>> No.7144004

Wheat beer is super easy to find on tap in the summer, not so much in the winter

>> No.7144010

there is literally no argument to be made for any country other than America making the best beer right now

>> No.7144023

Where the fuck is it hard to find lagers and wheat beer? Is this a west coast problem? While not the most popular styles, they are still quite easy to find up here

>> No.7144191

Yuengling tricks me every time I see it. I think it's going to be nice, but it's always nearly undrinkable. I don't know if every bar has old kegs or if it's just shit beer, but I honestly prefer Bud.

>> No.7144205

Its a really bad beer, pretty much on par with bud

>> No.7144209
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Countries that make better beer than America, that you can buy in America, easily:
>Czech Republic

>> No.7144211

Not on tap. You're much more likely to find lite beer and ales.

>> No.7144218

This is just a fucking crazy thing to believe.

What is the best american beer you have even tried?

You could make a weak case that Belgium is better, at least on a per capita basis, nothing else is even remotely close

>> No.7144219

>Holland making beer

>> No.7144233

Sure a higher percentage of good beer is ales, because the startup costs for small brewers are much smaller as you don't need massive refrigerated space for the lagering, and because most of the most respected styles are ales. But well made lagers are still super easy to find, very often on tap even at mediocre and bad restaurants/bars

>> No.7144234

What is Carlsberg? What is Grolsch?

>> No.7144237


>> No.7144260
File: 211 KB, 651x720, 27652d13712d8778dca2e9fba1e63f5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a per capita basis
What does this even mean? You only need one better beer to be a better producer.

Pic related is the best American beer I've had.

>> No.7144268


americans live in an echo chamber, it's not their fault

>> No.7144273

Really not as common as you'd think. Especially if you exclude imported beers. US doesn't make too many great lagers.

What would you consider the best American lager that is commonly on tap?

>> No.7144281

>What does this even mean?
That america obviously makes more good beer, but Belgium is practically a micronation, so for its size it does quite well
>You only need one better beer to be a better producer.
Well then how can you possibly not have America at the top?
I think thats a pretty silly definition of which country is the best, but the US comes out on top no matter how you look at it unless you only look at how good the single best selling brand in a country is (but that is shit literally everywhere, just not quite as shit as in america)

>> No.7144293

>What would you consider the best American lager that is commonly on tap?
Tap lists vary so wildly from place to place, and regionally on top of that. I wouldn't say there is one specific great lager that is common, but it is very common to have at least one good american made lager on tap. Especially in the fall when pretty much every bar has a couple octoberfest beers on tap

>> No.7144309

i have never had that beer, but please tell me which beers in fucking spain, france and Italy are better... and fucking mexico on that list? Did you just list out random countries?

>> No.7144320

Name some that are common in a region then? I've seen bar scenes on the west coast and the northeast and don't think that good lager was all that common.

>> No.7144338
File: 646 KB, 717x1029, 1448063404935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just want some fucking brown/darker ales
>every ale avaliable is some fucking IPA/APA/DIPA shit that all tastes pretty much the same

I mean, I don't dislike IPA:s, but even stouts and porters are better fucking represented, goddamit.

>> No.7144355

You are still not making sense, and not backing up your argument.
For the sake of the other guy, I'll actually list brands, all of which are better than anything domestic.
take your pick. I'll go with OP and say Weihenstephaner.
again options. I'm a big fan of Old Speckled Hen.
Guinness obv.
>Holland - Grolsch
>France - Kronenbourg
>CR - Pilsner Urquel
>Poland - pick em', but Zywiec is best.
>Italy - Moretti
>Spain - Estrella Damm
>Mexico - Victoria
>Belgium - Leffe is my favorite.
>Japan - Hitachino Nest
>Jamaica - Red Stripe
>Singapore - Tiger

>> No.7144379

Well besides the aforementioned octoberfest that always taps from August-October and almost everyone makes. I live in Milwaukee and this stuff is super common http://www.lakefrontbrewery.com/beer/year-round/riverwest-stein.. Also there is very often a New Glarus lager either Two Women or Oktoberfest depending on the season, a Sprecher lager (either their Amber, or schwartzbier) sometimes a bock or amber lager for Capital Brewing, MKE brewing makes a couple lagers. and collectively they are quite easy to find because most restaurants and bars have a bunch of taps so even if they have a fucking lot of ales, there is still room for a local lager or two. Pretty much every major distributing craft brewer makes some lager i could go on for a long time with this list but it doesn't seem worthwhile,

Amber/red lagers are a very common inclusion on tap lists as older people switching to good beer from macro stuff very often go to these first (that Riverwest Stein I posted previously is my dad's go to beer at restaurants)

>> No.7144388

Dude, what the fuck? You seriously think any of those beers are better than all of these? http://www.beeradvocate.com/lists/top/

Is this a ruse? Most of those beers you listed aren't even good, just slightly better than the worst beers like Bud Light, and almost certainly wouldn't even be in the discussion for best beers in their own countries let alone the world
Do you even drink beer?

>> No.7144395

Where do you live that this is a problem? I can go to the nearest super market and get a pretty good beer of almost any style imaginable

>> No.7144400

Fest beer is a horrible example seeing as it will only be on tap, at most, for a very short part of the year. I have no idea what the beer scene is like in Milwaukee, but you should know that what you've described isn't representative of what I've seen on the coasts.

If the beers you're talking about are as good as you think, I'm surprised why they haven't made there way to the coasts where good lagers are harder to come by.

>> No.7144408

Confirmed for never having a tour of Pilsner Urquell and getting unpasteurized beer from the birthplace of pilsner.

>> No.7144409
File: 51 KB, 450x633, harrison-ford-kirin-beer-poster-30-40-heritage-auctions[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirin ippun kudasai.

>> No.7144413
File: 96 KB, 700x469, Systembolaget-1493%20700x469%20bild[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The land of government regulated booze, friendo

Anyway, it's the same when you're out drinking, especially when all the local microbreweries do IPA:s.

>> No.7144415

>Imperial Stout
>Imperial IPA
Have you even been paying attention to this thread, or has your unwashed beard occluded your thick rimmed glasses too much for you to see?

>> No.7144423

He undoubtedly is shopping in the poorer part of town. I have two Smiths where I live, 4 miles apart. The good one has fantastic beers, an amazing selection of wine, and a kickass cheese import selection. The other one just has Bud, Miller, Coors and the 2 buck chuck garbage.

Supermarkets will only have what they can turn a profit on.

>> No.7144428

>Fest beer is a horrible example seeing as it will only be on tap, at most, for a very short part of the year.
Thats how the beer market works, breweries are constantly rotating what they are making. Most breweries have a small handful of year round beers and 2-4 times as many beers only available for specific parts of the year. This allows brewers to make more different beers with the limited brewing/fermenting space available to them (and just as importantly limited shelf space at retailers), and people are more likely to buy things if they know they will not always be able to get it

and I wasn't trying to say any of those beers are amazing, but lagers are usually entry level beers with a few exceptions, a great example of a basic lager is never going to get the attention of a great IPA, stout, or sour/wild. I don't often end up picking a lager because there is almost always something better available but a good lager is pretty much always an option

>> No.7144431

So you think mass produced shit lager like pretty much every beer you mention here >>7144355
is better than every single IPA and Stout in america?

>> No.7144432

Muh beeradvocate! Anyone that puts Pliny the Younger in a top beer list is just falling for the hype. Just because it's rare doesn't make it good, even if you feel special for winning the lottery to get a couple bottles.

>> No.7144434
File: 77 KB, 959x721, 1442067506966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Fite me.

>> No.7144437

Please post literally any source that doesn't show america dominating quality beer production

>> No.7144438

RIP in peace Cascade Premium Lager

best lager in Aus by a long way until they changed the recipe

>> No.7144443

How people drink that over marketed crap is beyond me. Worse than Coors.

>> No.7144446

Even if you have that crazy idea, you think shitty mass produced lagers are better than the lagers that some 75% of good american breweries make?
I would take a random lager from an American craft brewer knowing nothing else over literally any of the beers you posted as the best beers of other countries

>> No.7144448

Please don't tell me you buy the cans.
>He doesn't drink draught

>> No.7144449

and its not even one of the better beers that Guinness makes, its such a ridiculous choice for best Irish beer. At least pick their foreign extra. Ireland is starting to get a small number of legit good breweries now too

>> No.7144452
File: 104 KB, 1440x1080, MURRICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This amiright?

>> No.7144454

>why aren't these beers available in an area that has a low demand for them?
Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.7144459

Its not my fault coastal beer markets are so much less mature, You guys aren't that far behind the midwest though, you be up to speed in 5 years most likely

>> No.7144479

Guinness always tastes the same to me whether it's from Bottle, Can, or Keg.

Nice Creamy head followed by a FLAT beer that reminds me of old coffee for some reason.

With that said I'm just not a Dark Beer drinker excluding Bock style beers which are largely delicious.

>> No.7144961

there are plenty of common, good beers in the US.

>> No.7144964

dude, its 37 ibu

>> No.7145027

>Not just drinking Boags Premium if you're wanting a lager
desu i wish craft breweries put out more lagers, so much room for improvement, especially in Aus

>> No.7145057

Fellow masshole here, we are blesssed with a wide variety of good beer.
(go to Conor Larkins. they usually have 20+ beers on tap, and their house ale is dank)

>> No.7145257

I've drank plenty of Boags in the past and have gone off it unfortunately. Mostly get Coopers Sparkling when I want an easy to drink beer now

>> No.7145264

ITT: Flyovers blame everyone but themselves for being flyovers

>> No.7145273
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>mfw us flyovers make some of the best beer in the world

>> No.7145274

Flyover obviously makes the best beer, and what does your post have to do with anything previously discussed here?

>> No.7145286

The midwest literally has the best selection of beer in the world readily available to them, both having the best local beer and the best distribution of beer from elsewhere

>> No.7145287


This is what americans actually believe.

Man, I hate living here. It's like the stupider you are the more attention you get.

>> No.7145289

I've been to belgium. America makes better beer.

>> No.7145290

what is the best beer in the world according to you and what is the best american beer?

>> No.7145293

How coincidental

Here's your reply

>> No.7145295

Flyover is an attitude, not a location

>> No.7145299

Flyover is every white american living outside Brooklyn and San Francisco

>> No.7145301

Flyover is literally a location. Multiple locations actually

>> No.7145310

>Flyover is an attitude
so liking to drink good things over tasteless lager is a flyover attitude now?

>> No.7145315

Have you literally not read any of this thread?

>> No.7145328

um, i did. Just be specific, what exactly about this thread do you think is flyovers being flyover. You are being super ambiguous

>> No.7145422


jesus christ just die

>> No.7145581

Holy shit, are you kidding me? Those beers aren't even the best of their respective countries. Never mind better than can be found in the United States.

>> No.7145592

>not drinking malt liquor
Why homie, why?

>> No.7145595

You clearly didn't read anything

You're just an idiot

>> No.7145599

Ayyyy that's gonna be me after work tonight, 4 longies of Sparkling always improves my shit posting

>> No.7146027
File: 88 KB, 279x200, 090293481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan, Holland, and Singapore make better beer than America

>> No.7146196

Moat breweries out here in Colorado have a few wheats on tap. There is one local brewery close to me (out of 4 within a 10 mile radius of me) that has some excellent Belgians on tap.

>> No.7146217

I don't think you know how alcohol works

>> No.7146334

>quantity is better than quality

>> No.7146361

That's because America makes really good IPA's and Pales. That is literally it, you have shit lagers, shit wiess, shit porters and palatable stouts.
When will this "over hopped American beers are the best in the world" meme die?

>> No.7147079

>What is Carlsberg?
Also terrible.

>> No.7147303

with the exception of a few german and belgian styles, is accurate to state that america produces better beer than any other country?

>> No.7147322

You literally picked foreign equivalents to budweiser

>> No.7147333

Ommengang alone is better than that list

>> No.7147386

Oh wow. You're one of the lager boys who puts lime in his tasteless mexican lagers and pretend that he knows beer, right?

>> No.7147417
File: 75 KB, 720x720, cDkL33O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are arguing over the wrong thing here. What we should be arguing about is why Germany can sell their beers so cheap. Compared to america.

>> No.7148706

>shit porters and stouts.

>> No.7148713

And you've tried literally every lager, weiss, porter and stout made in the US?

Somehow I doubt that.

>> No.7148715

you're mostly listing commercial beers, which are admittedly better than american commercial beers, most of which blow.

the american microbrewery scene pretty much blows all of it away though.

>> No.7148722

>can't defend his shit list
>shitposts instead.

sippin on my KBS, ain't even mad

>> No.7148750

Weihenstephaner is the only thing on this list that's decent.

I laugh whenever anyone says Guinness is a good stout. It's simply an average bar to meet.

Hitachino Nest is literally just fancy nippon banzai Blue Moon (which sucks) and is pretty meh.

Grolsch. Lol. Red Stripe. Lol. OSH. Lol. etc.. etc... Might as weel just have a Yuengling or something at that shit tier.

You're literally just listing shitty big brewery beers that don't have shit on any half decent American craft beer. Be serious and list shit like Westvleteren, or pls stahp.

>> No.7148759

Do you know any US beers in the same style that compare to Westvleteren 12?

>> No.7148779

Not him, but Spencer Abbey is the only Trappist Brewery in the US that makes a comparable Ale. Not as good, but still a nice beer. Belgium's Trappist beer is pretty much unmatchable In its style.

Brooklyn, Lagunitas, and Victory make pretty good pilsners and lagers, but I'm somewhat uninterested in that style of beer.

I'm going on a pretty hard IPA and Stout/Porter kick right now. Imperial is all the better. I think the US microbreweries win these styles hands down.

Loving Evil Twin and Founders stouts and porters, Old Rasputin too, and Left Hand is nice when looking for a lighter one. I used to like Rogue but got sick of them pretty fast. There's a bunch of other great ones too, just depends on what you can find.

Then Dogfish and Lagunitas do some mean IPA's. I'm not a huge fan of overly hoppy beers, but theirs seem just right. Ballast Points Grapefruit Sculpin is also great.

That said, big American commercial breweries suck ass in general. I never want to drink Blue Moon, or that pisswater Natty Light again. I'd take a Boddingtons or Rodenbach over them any day.

>> No.7148790

Wait for jan when Brooklyn releases Black Ops again.

Also Blue Mountain Brewery and Wild Wolf have good Stouts.
Try Bell's Kalamazoo Stout as well.

>> No.7148793

Also, to be clear Spencer's Ale is a much lighter beer. It's comparable in that it's Trappist, but not style and abv.

Chances are, there's beers of the style somewhere in the US, but a lot of craft beer is hard to find other than locally. I doubt anything is quite as good as the 12 though.

That said, I do think the American microbrewery scene is great, and more varied than most other regions. Some of its pretty bad, and others are just as high quality as top beers out of Belgium, albeit different styles.

>> No.7148799

>Do you know any US beers in the same style that compare to Westvleteren 12?
Trappist style beers are incredibly common in america

>> No.7148803

Ive tried a few of the Trappists - Westvleteren, Rochefort, Westmalle and not been disappointed at all. For me, these style drinks are what I look for normally. Also non-trappist Belgian beer such as Kwak is great.

I tend to avoid IPA because of a few bad experiences. The English beers that I've had that claim to be over hopped have just been very flowery and floral and green. I really did not like this. But I dont read too much about American IPAs being like this. I was also looking up Troubadour Magma which I had recently and really enjoyed and apparently thats an IPA.

>> No.7148808

i'd like to ask this here if this is okay. i get bad stomach pain when i drink. doesn't start to hurt until the next morning, and it hurts all day, sometimes into the day after. it makes me burp a lot and i sometimes get hiccups. this only started happening somewhat recently and i've never experienced, nor heard of this kind of problem. i already know i shouldn't drink and that drinking causes the problem. i'm just wondering if anyone else experiences the same issue and what it is called.

>> No.7148817

Rochefort 10 is amazing, but expensive as all get out.

>> No.7148820

Im going on a staff night out this week to Wetherspoons. To those who dont know it, its an English chain of pubs that serve mostly microwaved and deep fried food, is very cheap, and typically attracts a scummy type of person. Much to my protests thats where they have chosen to go. Their website says they serve the following:

>Sixpoint the Crisp
>Sixpoint Bengali
>Launitas IPA
>Brooklyn Lager

Any of those 4 stand out as being the best?

>> No.7148823

Yeah its really nice.

However, given the price (£4 if I searched hard or bought online, £5 on the highstreet) its expensive. Especially when I can get Westmalle Dubble for £1.80 which is a mighty fine drink.

>> No.7148832

I've only had teh Lagunitas and the Brooklyn, and I have to say that I enjoyed the brooklyn lager more, but probably because I'm just fucking sick and tired of IPAs being 85% or all craft beer in America.

>> No.7148833

Can you name any since im not from America and I dont know which to look for

>> No.7148836

Yea, shits like $8~9 here.

>> No.7148839

Yeah, they really are great. There's plenty of Belgian Ales in the US, but I thought of Spencer since it was an actual Monastary, and not a microbrewery. The only other Belgian beer I've had that I really liked is Rodenbach. I'll look out for Kwak.

IPA's are very hit or miss for me as well. I had a few nasty experiences when I first got into craft beer. I've found Dogfish Heads 60/90 Min, Lagunitas' Little Sumpin', and BP's Grapefruit Sculpin to all be very drinkable and enjoyable in comparison. I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy Victory's Dirtwolf now though.

You should probably ask a doctor.

>> No.7148853

i'm planning to find a doctor as soon as i get the time. it'll probably be a waste of money as i have no insurance and he'll just tell me it's something minor caused by alcohol, but with the way my life is right now i'm actually hoping it's something deadly like cancer. fingers crossed.

>> No.7149318
File: 256 KB, 519x525, 1428448699069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would take a random lager from an American craft brewer knowing nothing else over literally any of the beers you posted
You are LITERALLY saying that American beers are better because they're American. That picture is you. I called you out on your bullshit. More memes for you.

>> No.7149496

Fun fact: if you get into a beer argument chances are it's an ignorant flyover

They're the ones who always shit up any discussion of something they don't understand. Their lack of exposure to different things results in a lot of circular logic

>> No.7149504

No they're saying all the beer you listed is swill

>> No.7149529

>Not drinking Hoegarrden
>Not enjoying a German wheat beer

May the gods have mercy upon your pitiful souls

>> No.7149532

Tiger is the shittiest beer I've ever had. I wouldn't be surprised if their export brew was higher quality, but when I tried it in Singapore it tasted like sesame juice. One of the other guys I drank it with described Tiger beer as being "slimey".

>> No.7149539

Hoegaarden is actually from Belgium.

>> No.7149554

The only drinkable macro from Asia, that I've found, is Sapporo

>> No.7149706


Really? I'm in Scotland and most pubs here have at least one decent European beer on draught.

In fairness I don't pay much attention because I don't like it, prefer British ales personally.

>> No.7149717

I've only had it twice, never really found it enjoyable.

>> No.7149724


Bengali is the best on the list.

>> No.7149773

>Not liking Tsingdao
>Not liking Singha

but why

>> No.7149845

Tsingshit sucks. Haven't tried Singha though

>> No.7149859

I've only had Lagunitas IPA and Brooklyn Lager.
Now I can't tell you what the Lagunitas IPA is like when completely fresh but I had it from a bottle that my friend got me from Sweden and it was great actually. Very balanced and tasty hop profile with some subtle malts. I haven't had too many American IPAs but I loved this as much as Sierra Nevada Torpedo, also a top notch beer.
I've had Brooklyn quite many times and is a more middle of the road hoppy lager. Decent but not great. I prefer the Lagunitas.

>> No.7149864

Singha is just "beer"

>> No.7149873

Sapporo is pretty good. Have you tried Asahi? Tsingtao was OK when I had it in Hong Kong, only because it was sold for the same price as bottled water in 7/11. I would drink it again if I was in Asia simply for its cost/taste ratio, but I wouldn't buy it in any other part of the world.

>> No.7149897

Not him, but I find Sapporo to be slightly better than Asahi.

>> No.7150030

Triple ale master race checking in

>> No.7150533

Palm is the best beer you can get on tap imo.

>> No.7150579

>Americans invented pale ales

fucking lel

>> No.7150605

Germany is a much more mature beer country than the United States. Prohibition really set us back, too.

I love the variety that American craft beer offers, but there's nothing like the simple, sublime balance of a really good Central European beer. Oh, I like my imperial whatnots and all that, but they don't have the same staying power as a good Czech pilsner or a German weizen or an English-style IPA. There's a time for a flash in the pan, but it can't sustain you like a meditative mainstay.

>> No.7150984

I like Sapporo more than Asahi. I like Tsingdao more than both, though.

>> No.7151237

Would you say the quality of American craft beers can be put down to how bad the American macro beers are? Im in UK, so dont have access to that many American craft beers, but from what I read, and the variety that exists, it doesnt seem to outrageous to claim America has the best craft beers in the world.

A lot of English ale, and many of the European beers (non-craft) are significantly better than American macros, hence there really wasnt the demand for craft beer in those countries. The demand is starting to pick up, but the American market seems far more established. In the UK, at one point the hipster thing to do was drink ale, since it was typically associated with old men.

>> No.7151363

No, I am saying the probability of my random american beer being better than the terrible beer you listed is greater than 50%

>> No.7151371

>Germany is a much more mature beer country than the United States
More like stagnant because of ridiculous overregulation and marketing that has convinced its people to like cheaply produced light lagers, and never to try anything new. Its not mature, its like the kid who got stuck at 17 and never grew up and is still just slamming Keystone light

Remember reinheitsgebot was only ever designed to keep the price of bread down by preventing brewers from using rye, oats and wheat, don't believe the modern marketing spin that it had anything to do with beer quality

>> No.7151381

>Would you say the quality of American craft beers can be put down to how bad the American macro beers are? Im in UK, so dont have access to that many American craft beers
Not that guy, but very much so. America only developed its current world class beer status because in the 70s and 80s good beer was almost impossible to find driving people to learn how to make their own. If america's common cheap beer was slightly less shitty as it is in central europe, america probably would not have progressed nearly this far by now and would be stuck like Germany.

England and northern europe are definitely starting to see an increase in american style craft beer though. Hopefully Germany and Central Europe start to catch on soon

>> No.7151407

Rheinheitsgebot isn't even in effect, fedora

Try to accept that in places that take good beer for granted, it's not necessary to have as much hops and alcohol as humanly possible to prove to mommy and daddy that you're not a «frat boy » anymore

>> No.7151418

>Rheinheitsgebot isn't even in effect, fedora
Tell that to the majority of german brewers who still mostly adhere to at, or at least use it for advertising purposes. The german beer market is so stagnant that you would struggle to sell an oatmeal stout or rye pale ale there. Its almost entirely mediocre lighter lagers, sure they are great compared to Bud Light, but very mediocre by the standards of countries with more advanced beer markets

>> No.7151434

But you're talking about demand in that case, which is a totally different thing than overregulation

I wouldn't be jumping on you here if you actually had a coherent point, but you are just doing 'murrica stronk

Think this through, I'm sure there is some intelligent analysis in there, screaming to get out. Apply yourself

>> No.7151437

>But you're talking about demand in that case, which is a totally different thing than overregulation
The regulations of the past are very much connected to how beer there is traditionally and currently marketed which mostly defines the current market. These are not discrete issues

>> No.7151458

I only really began to take interest in it when my dad started to manage a craft beer pub. The craft scene is really picking up now. Even some of the mainstream pubs are starting to stock some craft beers. Its still not huge, and its still expensive though. Its cheaper to buy Belgian beers than it is to buy UK craft.

Hopefully the UK scene doesnt descend in to IPA obsession though. Purely for selfish reasons - i like malty beer.

>> No.7151481

People on /ck/ talk about IPA obsession all the time, and yeah IPAs are really popular in america, but they still make up less than a third of all craft beer here. Its extremely easy to find great malty and roasty beer

>> No.7151498

It was also because the rules allowing homebrewing were relaxed at that time allowing people to start microbrewing legally.

>> No.7151532

True, that was a good thing (though I do not think homebrew prohibition was often enforced)

>> No.7151548
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What should I get?

>> No.7151557

You should start a brewery op that sells IPA's and call it Bitter Dogs Ass

>> No.7151576

new belgium blackberry barleywine is good, sixpoint resin is a great ipa, jp bam noire is a pretty good dark saison

>> No.7151631

American who lived in Chelsea for awhile here.

I love the craft beer scene. It's honestly great. You can have a hard time finding shit even here though, so not surprising you can't get much overseas. The only thing I think challenges it are German and Belgian Trappist Beers, which will win out on certain styles while US microbrews win others. Also, don't ignore Canada's craft beer scene! They put out some great stuff too.

The macro beer is fucking terrible though. I'll pick up Guiness or Boddingtons over most American stuff any day. And I love me some beers like Rodenbach and Palm. I suppose Yuengling or Blue Moon aren't terrible.

Some craft beer is honestly terrible though. While it's "established", a lot of breweries are trying some crazy shit, which doesn't work. Someone wanted me to try a triple IPA, and it was undrinkable.

>> No.7151640

THIS. Every damn time I go to a place that carries craft beer, it's like 70% IPA's. Fuck you, I want some stouts and porters.

>> No.7151649

What kind of places are you going where this is a problem? I drink stouts all the time and have never once had trouble finding really good ones

>> No.7151658

Southern Tier's Creme Brulee Stout is a really nice sipping beer, but you have to go pretty stout. It really is just as sweet as creme brulee, and can be a bit much.

Ballast Point's Grapefruit Sculpin is a REALLY good IPA. Not that overly hopped shit, and really tasty.

Haven't gotten the chance to try the others, will look for a few.

The Miller Light is obviously the best though.

>> No.7151667

Yeah trappist beers are really good. I've never tried anything better than Westvleteren. There are some other really good Belgian beers that arent trappist, but in a similar style. I have a Westmalle Dubbel waiting for me to drink it right now.

>> No.7151670

Don't get me wrong, a lot of them have really great stouts and stuff. It's just variety. I'd like to try new things.

There's like 9000 types of IPA's over there and always new ones being rotated, and then the same old (great) stouts and porters, with the occasional new face popping up. I feel like here in the US, people are more interested in hoppy beer.

I suppose I could live off Founders Breakfast Stout and Old Rasputin forever though. Evil Twin's Imperial Doughnut Break and Even More Jesus are pretty incredible too.

>> No.7151680
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Its definitely true that a large percent of new good beer is IPA, but I think this is largely due to the the availability of so many better hop strains now allowing so many better IPAs to be made, while there is no analog to stouts with the best new stouts still being pretty similar to the best stouts of 5 years ago.

These citra/mosaic/galaxy hopped IPAs are just so much better than the previous generation of more west coast styled IPAs

>> No.7151866

Yuengling is pretty dank IMO TBQH

It's to my knowledge the only pre-prohibition style lager still brewed in burgerstan.

>> No.7151877

>pre-prohibition style lager
What? It is the exact same style adjunct lager as Budwieser/Coors/PBR/Miller

>> No.7151903

I dunno man I read it on wikipedia or some shit.

>> No.7151932

Yuengling isn't an adjunct lager

>> No.7151963

um, yeah it is

>> No.7152016
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Straight from their own website, notice all the mentions of corn, the classic adjunct

>> No.7152029

Get a pitcher of spotted cow

>> No.7152034

Not everything with corn is an adjunct lager

>> No.7152045

Spotted cow is on tap at pretty much every restaurant in the state, so I'll save it for a place without a good beer selection, like a mexican place

>> No.7152054

Then get the coffee bender from surly

>> No.7152059

no, there are a small number of beers such as >>7152029 which use a little corn for flavor, but Yuengling's own description says they use corn for "light body", which means as cheap filler

and its definitely a lager, but I am pretty sure you are not contesting that part

There is a reason it is dirt cheap and stocked next to the Keystone Light

>> No.7152068

I ended up trying the Sparkly Eyes from Black Husky (spruce DIPA) excellent brewery but did not like this as much as most of their other beers I have tried, and Noble Rot from Dogfish Head which sounded much stranger and more interesting than it tasted

Coffee Bender is really good though, I have some in my fridge right now

>> No.7152100

Is sprecher beer pretty popular in wisconsin? I only ever go to Hudson and see it once in a great while on menus, not too much from them in the liquor store there though. Their black Bavarian is actually pretty good

>> No.7152109

>Is sprecher beer pretty popular in wisconsin
Not particularly popular, though decently common. It doesn't seem like they have really been able to modernize as well as some of the other first wave craft breweries (such as Lakefront,, the other Milwaukee brewery to start in the 80s)
Their root beer though is super popular as far as root beer goes though and very common in restaurants, I'd bet they probably make more money from their soda than they do beer.

Black Bavarian is definitely their standout, its an excellent beer of a not too common style, their other stuff is mostly fine, but no other standouts like Black Bavarian

>> No.7152116

That's kind of how I assumed they were. Pretty much the same in MN too. Their root beer is all over, but finding their actual beer can be a chore. I tried a russian imperial from them that was not good. Idk what I was expecting really. It wasn't bad though. Just not good.

>> No.7152137

I've never had trouble finding a good lager in the US.

>> No.7152198

>you'll never escape hops
How profound.. Hops is in 99% of beer Einstein

>> No.7152209

You must be high. There's a decent selection of lagers in each region. Just you know.. Open your eyes but sense your shit posting im suprised you can type.

>> No.7152216

You must have the tastebuds of a newborn because its 37 ibu and they make more than pale ale or hoppy bears.

>> No.7152224

They make the same beer and distribute it to 4 or 5 breweries. They have one style. Piss water
Meme. Its rice brewed
Their one beer

>> No.7152260

I imagine most Americans on here are under 21 and think IPA's are the only beers you can buy. There are a ton of breweries that produce world class lagers and ales and not all of them are ultra hopped. This perception is fucking retarded and screams of ignorance.

>> No.7152334

I work at a brewpub that makes it's own beer. Been drinking that and only that for the past year, just started drinking bottled stuff. I've tried New Belgium's Fat Tire and Great Lakes' Dortmund Gold (the brewery I work at makes a Dortmunder which I really like). The Great Lakes Dortmund isn't as good as I thought it'd be. A bit grassy maybe? Fat Tire was good though. I'm not a big fan of hops, what are some similar beers I could try out?

>> No.7152341

Someone hasn't had many American beers

>> No.7152384

I fucking hate IPAs but I would be lying if I said that more than half of the craft beer sold at the best liquor store in my city weren't IPAs.

That being said I can still find amazing American stouts and dark lagers that blow anything German out of the water.

>> No.7152392
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I drink Alaskan Amber.

>> No.7152417

I didn't like IPA's when I first started getting into craft beer. I try them here and there and I've found some decent ones that are balanced enough that the bitter hops doesn't bother me. Could be I'm getting older and I can't sense bitter taste as well as I used to.

>> No.7152429

>that blow anything German out of the water
You mean anything German that's mainstream enough to be imported to the US.

Long before you had your first microbreweries, Germany had countless small, local breweries all over the country that are not known nationally or internationally.

>> No.7152501

just finished a class at my university called beer and culture. we got to sample 6-7 beers each class, with different days devoted to different countries, themes, etc. it was such a good experience.

i'm thinking i'm going to pick up some st. bernardus abt 12 the next time i make a beer run. that one was something special when i sampled it.

>> No.7153153

Obviously a brit. Unfortunately for you the British are terminally hip and trendy and consume food and beverages on the basis of their popularity rather than their flavour/aroma. This is the reason why you will never have a proper autochthonous cuisine, because you care more about the people seeing you eat and drink than what is on your plates.

>> No.7153190

"yeast for sparkle and flavor"

>> No.7153199

And they all make the same styles with little to no variation. They're good, but the lack of ingenuity kills it for me. Some are better than others, but nothing really sets them apart from each other.

>> No.7153220

This.... The shit tastes the same as if you boiled some hot dogs and drank the water out of the pot.

>> No.7153290
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>> No.7153298

Just use the beställningssortimentet and stop complaining nigga.

I'm actually jealous of your prices and selection. Alko in Finland sucks ass.

>> No.7153858

M8 I love a red label, but easy drinking it's not. I'd venture that even the most tatted up seppo beer hipster would choke on it.

>> No.7153943

yep. i managed to find one brewery making an IPA when i was there. it was unlike any i'd had before, almost sweet. probably adjusted to the german palate.

the beer purity law was repealed in the 90s but you wouldn't know it based on what is available there.

>> No.7154111

Yea but not all beer tastes hoppy Newton.

>> No.7154237

yeah wtf Sierra Nevada has incredibly well-balanced beers

>> No.7154401

>And they all make the same styles with little to no variation

You don't know shit, beer styles vary a lot regionally.

>the beer purity law was repealed in the 90s but you wouldn't know it based on what is available there.

The fuck it was. The purity law is still in effect. It just has been slightly modified to include modern preparation methods but not additional ingredients.

Furthermore, you are allowed to sell your crazy shit beer in Germany, as long as you don't call it beer.

Repealed my ass, fucking burgerclapper.

>> No.7154451

>Ballast Point Sculpin

It's pretty good but very overrated and always pricey.

>> No.7154466

All I hear about now is how "over rated" it is. It's a well balanced, pleasant ipa.

Every time sometime brings up sculpin someone brings up how over rated it is. Just like with any ipa get it as fresh as possible other wise the flavor deteriorates. If you get an old batch, it's not going to be good. Get it fresh and it's a refreshing, well balanced ipa. Check the canning/bottling date and give it a try.

>> No.7154477

Sculpin is very good, especially for a west coast IPA, but the price is rather ridiculous

>> No.7154509
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Flowery floral and green can be really tasty. I'm a big fan of it. I used to eat tea leaves when I was younger so I developed that palate right quick.

What I can't wrap my head around is really yeasty beers. Just not a fan. I can drink dark stouts, crisp lagers, balanced ales, crazy ass kilt lifters, whatever, but a yeasty beer just doesn't hit the spot for me. Only one I order again and again is delirium tremens. That one is well balanced and hides its abv well.

Guess it all depends on where you grew up and what you were exposed to when you started drinking. I can't stand this trollish mess of a thread. If we could just sit down and share some brews instead of acting like elitist fuck wits it would be a lot better.

Can't we just talk about what we like and why instead of shitting down each others throats?

>> No.7154514

Anyone try the Pineapple Sculpin yet?

>> No.7154523

A lot of breeding science has gone into making all sorts of new hop strains recently with some amazing flavor profiles. If you are not into the floral hopes (well regardless of how you feel about them) look for some iPAs or pale ales with more citusy hops. Citra hops are one to keep an eye out for specifically

>> No.7154530

Yeah, but that's the cost of the ingredients for the most part. Ever since lagunitas opened their brewery I've been buying their 4 dollar bombers when I want to be cheap and sucking down dat brown sugar to get me through finals.

If I want something nice I'll buy pipeworks. Any of you guys tried pipeworks? One of my favorite breweries by far.

Chicago has a great beer scene. I'll take some growlers with me on the weekend and visit Finch, Revolution, Half-acre, etc. They all put out amazing beers of all varieties. If you want to get something outside the usual stuff, I'm taking about the small batch and fun run beers, you need to accept the growler lifestyle and visit your local breweries.

Imma go visit two brothers on Saturday. They're brewery tour is fun and they don't care where your growler comes from. Going to take a nice trip down barrington road.

>> No.7154540

>Yeah, but that's the cost of the ingredients for the most part
Maybe, but no other IPAs of similar quality go for that much in a 6 pack. If you are in the midwest compare it to Two Hearted or Furious, which are as good or better and cheaper

Also yeah, Pipeworks is pretty good, the upper midwest really has the best beer

I just bought Two Brothers peppermint porter tonight, haven't tried it yet

>> No.7154542

Aww shit I'm jealous of that Sue. We should get it in Chicago dammit. We're the home of sue.

Galaxy hops are delicious. Mosaic hops are my current favorite. Tell me, have you tried Vallejo? It's fucking amazing. One if my favorite beers. It's a shame it's purely seasonal. Anyone here tried Vallejo?

>> No.7154549
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>Mosaic hops are my current favorite
Then you might be jealous of the bottle of this I bought tonight

I am really loving the increased Milwaukee rollout from Toppling Goliath.

>> No.7154554

True, but I'd say the flavor is different enough from two hearted to justify buying it now and again. 12.99 is a bit much though.

You get to try that blood of the unicorn from a can? That and unicorn versus ninja are the best hoppy beers I've had in a while. Unicorn versus ninja is the kind of ipa you could sip slowly on and get a load of flavor, or pound down quickly in your car before a show. I'm so damn happy they've been canning it.

Santa vs unicorn is out now. Real tasty barleywine. Pipeworks masks the abv so damn well in their brews.

>> No.7154557


>acting like elitist fuck wits

Unfortunately thats just the way craft beer is. Its all about having tasted the newest thing. If everyone was happy to drink the same old beer, then there wouldnt be as much progression.

Also the fact that craft beer is produced in such small amounts makes it very difficult to have a meaningful conversation about it. We can compare whiskey and gin and wine because everyone has (almost) the same access to them. A lot of craft beer is only sold locally since the volume isnt produced to distribute it far and wide. In the UK I can get almost none of the beers mentioned in this thread. I imagine findind a NY craft beer in California is pretty difficult. If only a few people have tried a beer, its really difficult to discuss them.

Sure we can all talk about Sierra Nevada or whatever else is easy to get hold of, but is this even craft beer any more? Wiki says they produced 760,000 barrels in 2010. Who knows what that number is now. Once a beer is available to lots of people, it loses its desirability to these elitists.

>> No.7154559

Why you gotta do this. Making me want to take advantage of Wisconsin's residency laws and become a badger for cheap.

>> No.7154565

I really think Wisconsin has a pretty good case for the best selection of out of state distribution

>> No.7154568

I haven't had too many Pipeworks beers yet, but anytime I go down to Chicago I try to pick up one or two

>> No.7154585

It's true. America is fuck huge and a lot of my favorite beers are local. I live in Chicago and love the beer scene, but you won't see any of our beers outside the country. You'd probably really like some of it. Even then more than half the brews are done in such small amounts that they aren't sold outside the brewery. Half-Acre,one of my favorite breweries, only releases a few beers for sale in stores, and their best ones are seasonal or only available in their tap room. You wouldn't even hear of them outside the immediate area.

Been to mendocino and had fresh California beer, and a surprising amount of them are available here. Mendocino brewing co puts out some old fashioned California beer and you can easily get it in Illinois, but they don't have any of our brews.

Some Wisconsin beers are impossible to find in Illinois, which is frankly ridiculous. There's just too many breweries across the US. People outside the US have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to American beer sometimes. There's just too much of it to make sweeping generalizations.

>> No.7154606

I'm not much of a drinker, though I tend to prefer hard liquors, but I haven't tried much beers. Only beer I've ever drank was Heineken, which tasted like ass.

Is there any recommendations for a beginner or should I just go out and buy different brews and learn myself over time?

>> No.7154616

where are you?

Also a good thing to do is try a mixed 6 pack. Most super markets will have a bunch of single bottles usually from local breweries and some of the national craft brewers. You can mix and match into your own 6 pack and try 6 different styles for only like $8

>> No.7154631

Depends on where you live. Make it easy on yourself and visit a local brewery. Buy a flight of beers (a bunch of sampler cups) after talking to the bartender about your tastes. Get something to munch on while you taste the beers. Develop your own tastes from there. Do this on the weekends and try every brewery in your area. You'll end up being able to decide what to try from there.

>> No.7154641


I live in Northern Virginia, I think my local store has something like that, I'll check it out. Thanks.


I'll do that when I get a chance, thanks.

>> No.7154692

ask yourself- what do you like best? Sour, Sweet, or Bitter?
most beer falls somewhere between sweet and bitter. IPAs are bitter as fuck, Fruit beers and octoberfests tend to be sweet, and sours tend to be rare and expensive. A good place to start would be Trappist ales. they tend to be very strong ABV-wise, and decently pricey, but they are considered the best beers in the world for a reason. Flavors tend to be in the middle of the bitter/sweet dichotomy, with hints of nutty and spicy flavors, and serve as a good baseline for what beer is.

Or, if you're a cheapass/brokeass/whatever, buy a different sixpack of macrobrews every time until you find one you don't hate, then buy beers like it and expand outward. Sam Adam's boston lager is a decent jumping off point, it is very much a beer, with a beery taste and a beery flavor profile.

>> No.7154697

Fuck lagers, why are there not more nut brown ales?!

>> No.7154708
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They are out there

>> No.7154737

I only mentioned it because it's on that menu of his. I generally don't go for IPA's, but it's one of the one's I like a lot.
This. I saw the Habenero Sculpin at the store earlier though, not sure if want.
East Coaster here. The price sucks. Another reason why I like it, but generally don't pick it up.
I found Blue Moon to a decent transition beer. After that, maybe try to stick with bigger microbreweries, like Rogue, Founders, and Ballast Point, to figure out what you like.

IPA's are generally hard for people to handle at first. I'm still not a huge fan. >>7154692
is right in that Belgian and Trappist Ales are a great starting point. I'm on a long running Imperial Stout/Porter kick at the moment.

This is a great idea. A lot of guys in the business know their stuff. Furthermore, a lot of dispensaries let you mix and match your own 4
and 6 packs. My advice is try a lot of different things and figure out what you like.

>> No.7154743


I suppose I'd like sweetness but i'm open trying different brews out. Trappists ales do seem expensive and if I get a chance, I'll give it a shot. But for now, I'll do that custom 6 pack and go from there.

>> No.7154744

Old Brown Dog is okay. Pretty comparable Brooklyn's Brown Ale.
If you can find it, try Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Nectar.

>> No.7154808

Because ales have overtaken lagers for their ease of manufacture, and IPAs are "trendy" now.

It's disappointing; it's really hard to find a good Scottish ale- Piper Down from Ballast Point is amazing though.

>> No.7154849

>it's really hard to find a good Scottish ale
Not that hard, I'd say about 50% of craft brewers make one, though often only available seasonally
> for their ease of manufacture
Thats a small part, but Ales are just more versatile, plus almost all lager sold in the world is pretty bad, so its a sound marketing decision to move in a different direction to not be associated with that

>> No.7154984

You were so mad that you completely missed the point of my post. Sad.

>> No.7155558

>Try American Lager
>Expecting a nice refreshing drink with subtle hints of sweet malts and a mild hop bitterness
Like what the fuck? I could hardly distinguish it from a pale

>> No.7155565

Murrica stronk believes that the only correct style of beer is IPA. And yet, if you challenge them on this they will cite the 3 American beers that are neither IPAs nor macro lagers and mumble something about the number of small breweries. If you say you've never seen those before they'll say you've never been here and you literally hate America and want to destroy it, and then something about reinheitsgebot and pisswater luddites.

It's just the nature of things. I don't mind IPAs but it doesn't bother me to admit that they're wildly popular at the expense of everything else.

>> No.7155842

If you want a "refreshing" beer from america, the macros are the go to.
They don't really taste like piss as they don't really taste like much to begin with.

>> No.7155905


But you paint a cute strawman. Anyone who can't find a style of beer they like hasn't taken the effort to visit their local breweries.

The world of growlers is a fantastic one.

>> No.7156109

Look for a german restaurant, my sweet. I work in one in NC and on tap we have Weihenstephaner, Warsteiner, Franziskaner, Bitburger, Paulaner, Hofbrau, and the list goes on.

>> No.7156137

You're so full of yourself that you think you can just talk out of your ass, be completely wrong and not get called out for it.

Stay ignorant.

>> No.7156240

My right to shit down you're throat's shall not be infringed

Why do you hate America?

>> No.7156816

The American craft beer scene is incredibly large and diverse, and you equating the entire craft to the weirdest experiments is a bit ridiculous.

IPAs are tasty, but there are plenty of high quality pilsners, pales, wheat beers, etc. You just have to know where to look. Also, unfortunately, many breweries are not on the scale that their product travels completely across the states, let alone to other countries (at least in any reasonable volume) so if you don't live in the states near a given brewery you probably won't get their beer.

For the East Coast, Victory is a pretty solid standard of what craft beer should be. Overall, one of the reasons American is largely regarded as "better" is the sheer volume of choice; you can hunt down the exact type of beer that appeals to you. The Germans make beer extremely well within the painfully limited scope to which they restrict themselves.

>> No.7156873

Britbong here. Tonight I tried Lagunita for the first time. How do Americans rate this beer? Is this considered good or shit?

I thought it was ok. I didnt think it tasted too dissimilar from a lot of British ales. Compared to them id probalby score it above average. But compared to other craft beers I have tried, it wasnt as good.

Once I realised they had Chimay, I switched to that. Went through a couple of the red which were nice, and a couple of the blue which were excellent.

>> No.7156916

>Tried Lagunitas

Which beer, man? This is a craft brewery, you can't just call it Bud and have us know exactly which beer you drank.

A Little Sumpin' Sumpin'? Censored? Something else?

>> No.7156930

Sorry, should have specified. It was IPA.

Certainly drinkable. But it didnt wow me.

>> No.7156942

Just the regular ol' IPA? It's got good fundamentals but is nothing special in the IPA department.

Sumpin' Sumpin' is largely regarded as better as a pale wheat ale.

Truthfully I don't get the fuss about lagunitas though. I think they're partially meme because of the whole thing about them and weed.

>> No.7157016

>them and weed

I dont know about that. But I guess its popular/produced quite extensivley since its now available in UK. Reasonable price as well - £2.50 for a bottle (in a pub) is very good value. Probably pay the same for a Budweiser.

>> No.7157060

a little sumpin sumpin is great but it's the only thing I've tried from Lagunitas

>> No.7157122

Censored was named Chronic or some spelling variation before they were told they couldn't name it that, and they had this whole thing where undercover cops failed to bust anyone for dealing marijuana at the brewery because everyone there would offer for free.

They're not bad, don't get me wrong, just far from the best IMO.

>> No.7157163

Sumpin extra is where it's at. Sumpin special ooooh lawdy. But the real deal is brown shugga. That's what sucks tries to be.

Their chicago brewery is a blast. I got multiple samples in pint glasses that you can't get outside the brewery. I don't know why they do that, but it makes for a fun tour.

Quick quiz errybody. What's your favorite local brewery and what's your favorite beer there that they only have available in their tap house or tours?

>> No.7157360

American who lived in the UK here. You're full of shit and just being a douche.

Yes, IPAs are popular. Not overwhelmingly so. I personally don't like them at all, and subsist off of Stouts and Belgians, all of which are US brewed, and try new ones weekly. The variety is staggering.

Europe as a whole has some really nice beers, I can admit that, unlike a cocksmooch like you, who's more of a beer patriotism twat than 99% of the Amerifags in here.

>Can't we just talk about what we like and why instead of shitting down each others throats?
Seriously this, people.

>> No.7157362

I enjoy IPA's as well as other heavily hopped beers.

>> No.7157381

it's literally impossible to have a craft beer discussion without buttblasted europeans getting mad we don't care about their beers.

>> No.7157453


if they had Czech lagers on tap in Canada, I'd drink out more often.

Quebec is alright if you dig Belgians though. Every town has at least one brewery brewing a decent wit. And stout is popular and well done here. the rest of the country can be hit or miss. BC has some good beers, but tends to follow that whole stupid overhopping craze that started eight years ago when the global hop shortage ended

But I'd rather drink a Czech pilsner desu tho senpai

>> No.7157473

Can you get much good american beer yet?

>> No.7157475

I've been to belgium and Germany brah. I'm sorry that you're so cock hungry for German beer, but it seriously only goes so far. America has more variety and ingenuity and it's a fucking powerhouse when it comes to beer. Deal with it.

>> No.7157490


yeah, depends on the province though. Quebec has such a strong industry and consumers tend to buy local because of muh nationalism though. When I lived in BC there was a good bit of American micro stuff coming from western states for sale.

>> No.7157597

Where did i say it did Kepler?

>> No.7157659

>German beers are delicious and drinkable.
All three of them, of a single style.
The number of classic German beer styles that went extinct due to the Reinheitsgebot far outpaces the number of beer styles that survived.
You can get more styles per week from a brewpub in a mid sized American city than you can in the whole of Germany.