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File: 202 KB, 1024x1024, GROUND BEEEEEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7143085 No.7143085 [Reply] [Original]

Is there ANY recipe where cartilage is actually useful? Every time i bite cartilage i have an urge to vomit, specially when it is on unexpected places such as burgers and chicken.

>> No.7143090

In fancy layered french terrines they use it as a gelatin layer or glaze.

I had to make them in culinary school.

But the most common use for cartilage is in stocks. You take bones and you make stock with them and the stock becomes gelatinous.

A good stock should look like Jello when its cold.

This is a sign of a Healthy and flavorful stock.

Its good for our Joints.

>> No.7143093
File: 176 KB, 854x859, 1403138929007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I bite into a piece of chicken with cartilage in it

>> No.7143094

It sucks when you find cartilage in a burger or in your chicken because its not supposed to be there.

It just means that small piece was overlooked and not removed like it was supposed to be.

>> No.7143132
File: 129 KB, 600x450, ISKAndals-Sisig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's physically impossible to make proper sisig without some ear cartilage

Picky eaters need not apply

>> No.7143136


Shark fin soup, it's 100% cartilage.

>> No.7143424

Why call it soup if it's just a fucking slab of cartilage?

>> No.7143440

Watch and learn, moron

>> No.7143458

That's not 100% cartilage.

>> No.7143470

ramsay says traditional shark fin soup is fucking flavorless garbage and there's no reason to ever cook it. and by looking at it, I agree.

>> No.7143486

Authentic Chinese dry pot. If you get chicken its crunchy as hell because every piece has cartilage all over it. Delicious...

>> No.7143499

It's not the correct recipe either, it shouldn't have all those vegetables and mushrooms.

The point is it's not a "slab of cartilage", the cartilage is in fine threads that resemble clear noodles. If someone gave you a bowl of shark fin soup and gave you no clues, you'd assume it was noodle soup.

>> No.7143548

It's not supposed to be found in ground meat. Get better quality meat.

I guess you can make glue, gelatine, but nothing you'd eat like that (or weird Asian cuisine)

>> No.7143588

The fuck kind of shit beef do you buy? I've literally never encountered cartilage in ground beef.

>> No.7143610

Not OP but if you ever try fuckin' wal-mart beef or some shit like that, I wouldn't be surprised. I've had to cook with that before and it's just god awful.

>> No.7143619
File: 87 KB, 1136x790, 438589345874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flip anything

>> No.7143621

the only reason third world slant eyed retards eat it is because they're so fucking stupid that they think it will make their dick bigger. it's also extremely wasteful, as they cut off the shark fin and then leave the shark to die in the water.

More nukes when?

>> No.7143631


It's traditional and also exorbitant. Bunting doesn't taste good either hut it's the fact you're eating an endangered species/it's taboo that makes it exciting.

The broth in fin soup is very good. Shark fins aren't that different than skate, which is very delicious.

>> No.7143635

I find it amusing to listen to people freak out about shark fins and then go on to eat bluefin tuna and caspian sea beluga without batting an eye

Shark fins are the Kony 2012 of wildlife

>> No.7143642


Kony is still abducting children from their homes and forcing them to fight in his army too. No one seems to care anymore.

Sharks serve a purpose cleaning up corpses and thinning out numbers of sea creatures. That's about it. They probably create more waste than most other sea creatures.