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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 839x693, henk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7137214 No.7137214 [Reply] [Original]

So, this is an email I sent into Henckels. I want you guys to see how they responded and tell me what you think.

>> No.7137220

Are you really this autistic about your stupid knife?

>> No.7137221

Post their response up then.

>> No.7137225

Yea, that's a little fucky. Why couldn't you just return the fucker and buy something else? Why go full autismo about it?

>> No.7137229

They send the following email:

>The reasoning behind that is so your fingers don’t come in contact with the back of the blade while cutting. It does not effect the performance of the knife at all. We wouldn’t recommend attempting to sand down the bolster. It could ruin your knife and it will void the warranty.

Does this make any sense? First of all, it doesn't protect your fingers to have the bolster protrude past the edge of the blade. The only protective element is the bolster itself, which ought to be recessed. Secondly, it absolutely does affect the performance of the knife.

>> No.7137230

How would you know that the bolster doesn't let the knife make full contact with the cutting board if you haven't used it?

Sorry, request denied

>> No.7137232

Are you retarded? They don't function properly when the heel protrudes past the blade.

I'm surprised it came like that. But it's normal to have to grind them down after a while. It's why I avoid buying knives like that.

>> No.7137234

Yes, that is retarded reasoning.

>> No.7137235

>he fell for the bolster meme

Wew lad.

>> No.7137237
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, zh31021203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Online pics show it being flush.

I'd tell them to send you a brand new one.

>> No.7137243

Like I said in the other thread, buy Forschner because they dont have that extra flange of metal.

The only thing to do is grind it off.

>> No.7137251


Ive worked in kitchens and seen these knives alot.

They all do this after time and they wont cut right.

You cannot get all they way through the veggies your trying to cut.

You cant do your job right with them.

>> No.7137253

I bought it a while ago. Can't return it.
1. I can simply hold the blade against a flat surface (my cutting board) and give the situation an ocular pat down. Hence the picture I drew, that's essentially what I see when I put the blade against a flat surface.
Yeah, I might just grind down the bolster or get someone to do it for me if they won't do it

>> No.7137255


They all start off flush, but then as you sharpen them or use a steel it wears down but the thick part does not.

There is alot of metal there that people dont remove when they sharpen. So its HIGHER then the edge.

>> No.7137263


OP said it hadn't been used/sharpened.

>> No.7137270
File: 5 KB, 500x75, henk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to buy all new knives I'd go with Victorinox, but I bought this on a whim because it was on sale.
hmm. look at the pic from amazon though. they might think this is a "design feature" rather than a defect.

>> No.7137292
File: 487 KB, 4006x2067, ChineseCleaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can solve the problem for about $15 with pic related.

>> No.7137297

then how would he solve the problem of having a cheap chinese cleaver?

>> No.7137299
File: 1.20 MB, 3597x1723, tmp_15842-pa280028556535793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you expect when you don't buy american?

>> No.7137301

It's beautiful

>> No.7137302


Why wouldn't he just buy a $5 bench scraper and spend another $5 to get it professionally sharpened, instead of spending $15 on that piece of garbage?

>> No.7137303

>tfw you'll never know the feeling of plunging that into his fat belly
life is pain

>> No.7137307

>hurr bench scraper
Well memed

>> No.7137308

It takes about 20 years of abuse for that to become a problem.

>> No.7137309


>knuckle sandwich
>replace the protruding bolster with your fucking knuckles scraping across the cutting board

>> No.7137321

>those fucking etched-on flames

>> No.7137325

It's German steel and the actual knife is made in China you ignorant retard.

>> No.7137334
File: 50 KB, 438x438, tmp_15842-ccacbd576bdfd10fd7ef76b79a9030a3-938487633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helps with cutting speed, great for prep.
>not knowing how to hold a knife, properly
You're just jealous, you'll never achieve what the guy had achieved

>> No.7137340
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>> No.7137346
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>> No.7137353

you shouldnt be cutting that close to the heel of the blade.
that is why you use a 10" knife its much better

>> No.7137360

What are you, some kinda medieval sword fighter? We just got vegetables over here!

>> No.7137368
File: 66 KB, 659x609, so_good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that knife

>> No.7137369

Don't you dare let them get away with that as the end of the discussion.

>> No.7137370

10" as a sword.
Nigga you serious?
Why do you think stainless steel swords are fucking shit, that's not even the right measurements.
(And stainless steel is shit for long blade craft.)

This is very relevant.

>> No.7137377

I'm just fucking around. I find 10" knives unwieldy for 95% of tasks

>> No.7137378
File: 713 KB, 979x4037, ddsspecs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7137391

Are you talking to yourself?

>> No.7137395

All the time

>> No.7137404

Can you show us something you've cooked?

>> No.7137412


>> No.7137415

you should go complete autist and nitpick their incorrect usage of effect/affect. then they'll know you're srs biz

>> No.7137434

This protrusion can be grinded away in like 1 minute

>> No.7137444

Dude, its called a bolster and is pretty common, especially in German made knives. If you don't like it(I don't either) take it outside onto some asphalt and grind it off. Once its gone get out your stones, start with a very coarse stone and work your way up until its good to go.

>> No.7137457

I don't think it's reasoning at all anon, it's some customer service rep who's seen the word "bolster", asked someone there what it's for, and given you the default.

Imagine what they sent in response to "hey what's this lump on my knife?"

>> No.7137503


Fuck off to OSRS faggots.

>muh shitty graphics and nostalgia

Again fuck off.

>> No.7138081

Should've gotten the Pro instead of the Pro S desu senpai

>> No.7138087
File: 113 KB, 594x716, 1440883654712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dds special attack

those glorious double 20s or 30s

>> No.7138108
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>> No.7138135


mah dude

those were the days

>> No.7138149

nice. kitchenware for homosexuals.

>> No.7138340

So everyone that's owns a knife without a protruding bolster is getting their fingers chopped off daily?

>> No.7138377
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>> No.7138563
File: 39 KB, 290x354, uspaa217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German knives are designed for, and marketed to retards. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who appreciates food and cooking.

>> No.7138570


>> No.7138579

Cooks are so autistic about their knives.

>> No.7138591

Flibbity floo here's your (you)

>> No.7138647
File: 523 KB, 2000x1005, oyama_chefs_knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a proper chefs knife

One like pic related, you know, one without a heel that makes other people think you are a chef just because you say you bought this brand new "chefs" knife

>> No.7138663

Flippity flay, you sound gay.

>> No.7138664


>> No.7138766

I can almost guarantee they think it's flush or that you sharpened it enough to wear the edge down so it is no longer flush. That is what I would think, anyway.
Can you provide a decent enough quality picture of the knife to show that it hasn't been ground past the factory edge?
Most manufacturers of that kind of blade will also mention that it reinforces the blade, which is true, but also unnecessary. In any case, I hate those types of blades. I've ground down several and have an old Wusthof classic that I have yet to do it on. It is a pain to do by hand, and will wear away at a stone quite a bit. If you do it that way, get a cheap, rough stone to do the majority of the grinding on.

>> No.7138853

You think any self respecting gay would buy those?

>> No.7138891

>Big Stick

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7138928

Why are you posting on a board about cooking when you don't cook?

>> No.7139107

i use my 10" for everything
i cant imagine using something smaller
(although i use a 5" for trimming chicken)

>> No.7139223
File: 16 KB, 200x200, Gertarh's_Dagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sometimes, a good dagger is your only friend."

>> No.7139353


is this a decent knife?

>> No.7139364

its the Theodore Roosevelt quote

>> No.7139379

I use my 5" to pork your moms trim

>> No.7139922

Is that a freehand curve? P good skills.

>> No.7139958

That looks like a bizarre semi-aborted hybrid between a santoku, a regular chef knife and a fucking kukri.

That fucking gnome needs to be stopped.

>> No.7139980

But japanese knives are meant for cutting raw fish, not real food like cow femurs and wolverine skeletons, and also there is no bolster preventing the knive from touching the cutting board, so if you get your fingers jammed under the blade you could severely injure yourself.

>> No.7139993

Wait, German knives can cut through adamantium?

>> No.7140001


Its coming from the Factory in that Condition ?

That is even worse then expected.

That means they are doing a really bad job when sharpening these knives at the factory and the design flaw is showing up right away.

>> No.7140255

Nothing can cut adamantium

>> No.7140267

I like this knife.

>> No.7140309
File: 90 KB, 500x503, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come here from /k/ occasionally. You guys are clueless about knives. In fact you're ignorant about most things in kidding food and cooking.
You guys are retards and this board is shit.
Fuck you all.

>> No.7140326

I know how to kid food just fine.

>> No.7140344

>kid kid kid kid
I remember when all the good posters were fleeing /k/ like rats from a sinking ship, and you were there, crapflooding every thread with "kid".

Haven't been there in years, I assume you people are just as stupid as always.

>> No.7140507

>implying /ck/ isn't full of retards.

>> No.7140755

I have a Henckel with the exact same problem. It's just a shit B grade one I bought ages ago (one if those all-metal ones), so I don't use it for anything serious, but you're not the only one with a knife like this.
As I say, it's a chappy B grade knife so I assumed that was the reason it was cheap. What model is yours?

>> No.7140764

Not the bolster, it's called the finger guard. Seriously. The bolster is the heavy part that connects to the handle and helps give even weight distribution. Even Shun knives have bolsters despite the blade terminating abruptly. There is no such thing as a half-bolster or full-bolster either, by the way.
Not meaning to be a dick or call you out (I used to call it a full bolster too) but just saying.

>> No.7140769

And yes, I know it doesn't actually guard your fingers,but that's what it's called.

>> No.7140772


>> No.7141160

but he said they can cut wolverine skeletons.