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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 784x540, soda or pop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7135604 No.7135604 [Reply] [Original]

What do YOU call it /ck/?

>> No.7135609

It's Thursday, everyone. Time for this thread again.

>> No.7135615

carbonated beverage

>> No.7135623

I've never actually heard anyone use "coke" as a general term for soda. General term for colas, sure.

>> No.7135624

soda 70% of the time
soda pop 30% of the time.

from utah.

>> No.7135634

Delicious nectar of Monsanto

>> No.7135648

It is a south thing. Especially Georgia.

>> No.7135652

I call a soft drink "soda"
I call a cola "coke"

I am from Atlanta, Georgia.

>> No.7135653

Well because they invented it so, it's a given they would use the brand as a generic term.

>> No.7135654

>I am from Atlanta, Georgia.

>> No.7135655

I'm from the south though....the coke thing eludes me completely.

>> No.7135662

That's fucking retarded, even if coke was invented there.

>> No.7135666

Nah. Like >>7135623>>7135652
say, general cola flavors, sure, but most wouldn't even call Dr. Pepper a Coke, let alone some Fanta orange.

>> No.7135669

I've only ever heard one person call soda anything other than soda, and he called it pop, that map is a lie.

>> No.7135670
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dutch d00d here
1)soft drink
2)soda pop
3)anything else

goddd I want to go here,Anyone gone here and bought some exotic /special shit?

Thank god my sister married an cali guy I might go there yeey ^_^

>> No.7135671

I'm more sorry for you, anon. This is a great city.

>> No.7135676

WI here. Soda and pop are ok. Coke is just retarded.

>muh kleenex
Sorry, still retarded.

>> No.7135678
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Forgot teh link,im low on hfcs

>> No.7135682

this is the first time i've seen this poll

>> No.7135683

I call anything like Coca-cola, "coke" (pepsi, rc, etc.)

And every other beverage by it's brand name. If I had to say anything, I guess it would be soda. But I'd never say "Hey, can I have a soda?" because that lacks detail...

>> No.7135690

Maybe if you are black. I don't really feel like getting mugged every day.

>> No.7135691

If you can't tell the difference between coke and every other drink, what are you doing on this board? Can you not tell the difference between lemon and lime? Turkey and Chicken? Fish and Shrimp?

>> No.7135702


>> No.7135703

Anon please, I'm sorry your family vacation didn't go well, but don't blame the city.

>> No.7135706

I'm from Idaho and we say soda

>> No.7135763

This has always confused me, I usually call the drinks by their name themselves.

If I ever call them as a collective drink I just say carbonated beverage.

>> No.7135796

>This has always confused me, I usually call the drinks by their name themselves.
Literally everyone does.
This is why the whole "lol they call everything coke? how do they know what people want?" is silly.
These are just names people give when they're talking about soda in general, if you're going to order you naturally say what you want.

>> No.7135798

I'm from the UK, we call it semen over here

>> No.7135800

Ohiofag here, we call it pop here in flyoverland. I've always called it "soda pop" though.

>> No.7135811

I am from PA.

Everyone around here (center state) says soda. I know weirdo Pittsburgians say pop, but I refuse to believe more people say pop over soda.

>> No.7135820

>tfw upstate NY
>tfw you're lumped with the downstaters who call it "soda"


>> No.7135829
File: 215 KB, 754x452, what is up with alaska.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better map.

>> No.7135830

Should have made two polls, OP; one for Amerifats, and one for non-Amerifats. You're just going to end up with skewed results.

>> No.7135834


I moved from east of the Appalachians to Pgh and I went from saying soda to saying pop in less than 3 months. Idk what the fuck happened. I hate saying pop, but it stuck with me. It sucks.

>> No.7135835

you sound like a faggoty ass long island faggot. go back to jersey

>> No.7135837


Long Island is downstate.

>> No.7135860

In Australia Coke is a general catch-all for colas or other soft drinks. But you also hear fizzy, cordial, lemonade/sprite etc

>> No.7135868

most of the other is statistic vandalism FYI, I've seen the source

>> No.7135892
File: 44 KB, 327x499, 51P1mDCFu6L._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't start calling it Coke until I discovered it triggered non-Southeners. Always grew up calling it soda, now I call it Coke.

>> No.7135897

Grew up in MO, can confirm they call it soda 99% of the time. Excluding a decent chunk of KCfags.

Every time I see these survey maps I can never figure out why they share the same word as the coasts and not their surroundings.

>> No.7135901

>i changed a significant portion of my dialect solely to become less likable

uh huh...

>> No.7135954
File: 4 KB, 650x220, It is a mystery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in Tennessee.
>Never heard anybody call it coke.
>Generic term is soda.
>Every map shows the state heavily for coke.

Maybe it's an older person thing. A lot of younger people, especially in the cities, have lost the Southern accent along with most of its mannerisms.

>> No.7135991
File: 221 KB, 328x458, Screenshot 2015-12-03 at 23.07.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those southern states that refer to all types of soda as "coke"

>> No.7136001

fizzy drinks
sugar water

>> No.7136004

it's the only good soda, anon

>> No.7136008

and yet they have sodas that aren't coke

>> No.7136019


I live in PA, near Philly, and everyone I know says soda.

I think it's a region thing. People from Pittsburgh probably say pop, while near Philly they say soda. Western and Eastern PA may as well be two different states.

>> No.7136021

I'm younger and in TN and I still call it coke.

>> No.7136024

>they have sodas that aren't coke

>> No.7136027

I'm from Washington and I've never known a single person who called it pop.

>> No.7136557

Iowa here, I call it pop. I don't know why the Hell you would refer to all pop as coke though, that is just confusing

>> No.7136579

Washington here as well. Me neither. What the fuck?

>> No.7136591

I live in KY, we call it pop around here

>> No.7136594

>I live in KY
I'm so sorry

>> No.7136596
File: 35 KB, 600x885, wake me up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you :(

>> No.7136598


>> No.7136608

Oh gosh, I am so sorry your family has to live with a retard, perhaps we can send them a gift basket of adult diapers so you will be less of a burden?

>> No.7136613

>I am from Atlanta, Georgia.

My condolences.

>visiting there about a decade and a half ago because of a working vacation for Dad
>brother and I troll everyone by constantly asking for Pepsi-brand products, knowing full well we were in the birthplace of Coke
>parents not amused in the least, tell us to stop acting like idiots
>threatened to sue one spot because the server went full retard and actually slapped my brother who was all of ten years old for asking for a Pepsi
>got entire meal for free
>another place threatened to kick us out

Had we had currently technology back then (this was well before most social media in general, for example), I'm pretty sure the slap would've gone viral. Also, pretty sure the server was immediately fired.

I have to say that giant room of "Coke products from around the world" thing was awesome. Why don't American companies bring international flavors over here?

>> No.7136774

True fact

It's okay to like sprite sometimes

>> No.7136802

I like how they colored in the subhuman states yellow so you know to avoid them

>> No.7136809

It's soda. "Coke" is a shortened term for the specific brand "Coca-Cola", and "pop" is a slang term for father.

>> No.7136836
File: 310 KB, 1600x1200, 1384810001822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 4chan. Here's your complimentary /ck/ meal.

>> No.7136839

what a bunch of retards

>> No.7136903

> whiskey in a martini glass

Only thing wrong with this photo

>> No.7136909

Soda. Alabama.

>> No.7136924

Fizzy drinks
Soft drinks

>> No.7136935

In the heart of "pop" country here. Everyone says "soda." Saying "pop" is a complete myth.

>> No.7136946

It's 50/50 in Wisconsin for pop and soda.
Calling every fizzy drink coke is just plain retarded.

>> No.7136949

I dont know what it is about NM but we call all sodas "coke", all tissue "kleenex", crayons "crayolas" etc. *shrugs*

vid related @ 0:37

>> No.7136952

Detroit Metro
All the natives say pop. It's even printed on local stores' advertising banners / signs.

>> No.7136957

North Denver Metro, Colorado

>> No.7137044


I say it in coke country just to be that guy.

>> No.7137051

BFE Oregon

Everyone I know calls it soda. Popfags are dumb and cokefags are probably dumb black folk

>> No.7137141
File: 779 KB, 3264x2448, flavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No thanks, I already have a burger and fries

>> No.7137333

I call it "soda pop" just to be antiquated about it.

>> No.7137396
File: 410 KB, 959x730, Picture-92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.7137398

I'm from Ohio, and everyone makes such a big deal about calling it pop. It's incredibly annoying considering the fact I call it soda or pop (because it's the same fucking thing) and everyone has to point out that Ohio calls it pop and act like it is their thing and they are right about it. So much that if someone calls it soda, they get triggered and correct them that it is called pop.

What I don't get is their argument for it. I understand that people who call it soda can argue that pop is an onomanpea and doesn't serve as a proper word for the drink, but when retarded Ohioans try to correct people, they have nothing to back up why it should be called pop other than "that's what we call it". Apparently in their terms "soda" isn't a word and serves no definition. It really fucking stupid. I hate how everyone in Ohio thinks everything about hem is special.

>> No.7137417

Also from Utah.
I have yet to hear anybody call it pop

>> No.7137430

>things that never happened
1/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.7137454
File: 11 KB, 225x225, sprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey, get me a coke out of the cooler"

>"No problem, what kind do you want?"

>Pic related

Such is life in the South.

>> No.7137460

>cheese slicer used on butter

>> No.7137479

Soda pop is the whole name. Call it what you want.

>> No.7137707
File: 512 KB, 450x288, fading away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not calling them sodie pops

>> No.7137722

>everyone has to point out that Ohio calls it pop and act like it is their thing and they are right about it
No surprise there, these are the fags that make sure everyone knows about the article in front of their shitty state uni.

>> No.7137747

Pretty much, yup.

>> No.7137796
File: 56 KB, 722x349, nidemare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NC here, the folk around here call Goka Gola fugging "Co-Coler" lol XD

>> No.7137802

I call it the title on the product.

>> No.7137829

>Hand me a title on the product, will you?

That's rather odd.

>> No.7138577

From Texas.

I grew up using coke as a catch all term for carbonated soft drinks, but around high school I consciously decided to stop doing that and call them soda because calling Dr. Pepper and Pepsi 'coke' just started to seem retarded to me.

In retrospect, it's not that weird. Coca-cola was invented in Georgia, and dominated the southern market so much that it was considered an iconic southern beverage for decades. It's not that strange that it became a proprietary eponym like kleenex, jacuzzi, rollerblade, etc.

>> No.7139117

Hey I hate black people and Atlanta, Georgia just as much as the next guy but that was just uncalled for.

>> No.7139121

Here in Waukesha County/Milwaukee area I've never ever heard someone say pop, is it different elsewhere?
I could picture anywhere that isn't SE WI saying it (honestly we're just an extension of fucking Illinois, I love everywhere else though) but here I'd just look at someone blankly if they said it.

>> No.7139381

I think what you mean is "Literally the most important states" AKA the only parts of the country that matter.

>> No.7139654

fizzy drinks

>> No.7139920
File: 214 KB, 835x593, popvsoda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It varies heavily by county, other parts of the state refer to it differently.

>> No.7139931

That would be California, Alaska and Wyoming then.

>> No.7139959

I call it Coke, thanks for leaving a third of the country out of your poll
>in b4 the South doesn't matter anyway

>> No.7140185

>dumbfuckistan calls a beverage by a specific brand name.

Do you call all beers budweisers?

>> No.7140193

get your shit together nevada

>> No.7140242
File: 30 KB, 500x472, Ramsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuropoors believe everything they read on the internet

Do you also believe everything you read in the moronic tabloid magazines?

>> No.7140287
File: 246 KB, 494x660, 20_percent_mandatory_tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit Kentucky
>go to a food place
>"I'll have a coke, please."
>"What kind would you like?"
>"Uhm.. regular is fine."
>"Excuse me?"

Fuck the south. Also fuck the midwest.

>> No.7140295

>he doesn't mispronounce words on purpose to piss people off
>he doesn't slowly forget the real pronunciations of those words
>he doesn't slowly forget that he was doing it on purpose
it's like you don't want to have fun

>> No.7140299

I live in Florida so we say soda like any civilized people would. I was once at a barbecue spot in inland FL where it actually feels pretty country. One of my friends asked for a Sprite and after a 2 minute exchange with the waitress, she finally figured out what he wanted was a "white coke"

>> No.7140354

>things that didn't happen