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File: 20 KB, 480x360, poppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7131497 No.7131497 [Reply] [Original]

What should be stuffed inside jalapeno poppers?

I like cream cheese in mine

>> No.7131504

a little secret sauce from the cook ;)

>> No.7131508

I like cheddar filled and....wait for it........dip them in thousand island

seems weird but thats the way a mexican restaurant here serves them and I have been converted

>> No.7131509

Cream cheese or cheddar

semen if you're a yuropooor.

>> No.7131511

no lewd pls

>> No.7131520

I'm talking about worcestershire sauce? how is that lewd?

>> No.7131553

muh dik

>> No.7131556

If you're doing them on the grill (not breaded/fried), I really like to put a shrimp in mine.

>> No.7131569

Fuck off tumblr

>> No.7131573
File: 12 KB, 245x138, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That idea rules

>> No.7131788

>1K dipping sauce
I'm intrigued at this idea....I shall try with my next cheat meal...But if I'am disappointed...may god have mercy on your soul...

>> No.7131806

Goat cheese

>> No.7131811

Chicken meat

>> No.7131833
File: 28 KB, 236x414, pigs_feet_extra_value.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pigs feet, now with 30% extra value.

>> No.7131843

>hates tumblr when in fact is triggered by anything vaguely resembling it

you make no sense at all and the person you're replying to was joking.

>> No.7131856

>Pigs feet

They were good enough for Pierre Koffmann

>> No.7131890

If I get to London I'd check his place out, it seems like the kind of place with a ten month waiting list and that's a hassle.

>> No.7131901

What's the trick to getting the cheese to stay inside instead of running all over during the grilling/baking? I've tried bacon wrapped ones but they never turn out very well for some reason ...tasty but really damn messy

>> No.7131906

I have some friends in London and I think that if I made the effort to get there from NYC then they'd take me to some local joints without pretence. I'd do it for them in NYC too.

>> No.7131910


Don't overcook them. They should already be off the heat by the time the cheese is runny enough to make a mess.

There's also the obvious: when you bake/grill them, make sure that the slit into which you stuffed the cheese faces up.

>> No.7132625

I prefer chedder, but it's one of the great debates of the food world which cheese reigns supreme for poppers.

I've also had grilled poppers that were just jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon. Very tasty.

>> No.7132875


I blanch the peppers first, which takes away some of the heat. So to compensate I usually add pepper-jack cheese into the cream cheese base. Sometimes I'll add some bacon and/or green onions to the filling.

>> No.7132883


Another good one is chevre and prosciutto. Add some chopped up dates and you're in heaven.

>> No.7132915

Stuffed with garlic and herb goat cheese, wrapped in bacon and roasted.

>> No.7133300

I cut the tops off, use a thin knife to scrape the seeds out, and then fix the top back on using toothpicks.

As for filling, I use a half and half ratio of cream cheese and cheddar, sometimes with bacon bits.