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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 728x400, coffee-snob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7124753 No.7124753 [Reply] [Original]

Let's share our coffee tips!

If you want the best iced coffee, use an ice cube tray to freeze your favourite creamer, put them in a cup, then run your keurig directly into the cup. No need to chill!

>> No.7124760



>> No.7124765


Soy based non-dairy food product Ameriblobs enjoy.

>> No.7124766

>creamer in coffee
>beans in chili
>pineapple on pizza

>> No.7124785
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>> No.7124797
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Total coffee snob here.

Very exciting, coffee review begins its yearly countdown tomorrow:


I just got a brand new 95, very exciting, pic related. Right now I am drinking:

Dragonfly Coffee Roasters
Nicaragua Cafe Vidita Los Congos Pacamara Natural
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Origin: Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
Roast: Light
Est. Price: $18.00/12 ounces

Review Date: November 2015
Agtron: 63/91
Aroma: 9
Acidity: 9
Body: 9
Flavor: 9
Aftertaste: 9
Blind Assessment:
Complex, pungently juicy. Rose-like flowers, roasted cacao nib, candied lemon, mulberry in aroma and cup. Sweet-toned, softly lively acidity; plush, satiny mouthfeel. Deep and flavor-saturated in the finish.

Ultimately, the deciding coffee factor for me is high quality well reviewed beans. But that doesnt mean you cant fuck it up. I prefer my coffee in a french press with filtered water, ground coarsely, little more than 2 tablespoons ground per cup. I steep for 6-8 minutes, with 8 being the absolute max for a full bodied flavor (otherwise it gets bitter tones) I always grind my beans 30 seconds before I pour the water to get the maximum freshness. I do like to try any new bean in my cheap black and decker percolater, because it really releases the aromas and flavors more than the french press, and its fun to taste the berry notes. But in the end coffee is about coffee and pourover or press is a superior tasting methods. My ideal experience is a tiny amount of steamed milk and x<1 tbs sugar. I understand black types, but for me it is the experience, not just the notes in the coffee.

>> No.7124810
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Buy a scale

>> No.7124816

True facts

>> No.7124819
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>> No.7124833
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>> No.7124838

Do you steam clean it? I like my mr coffee grinder, it has lots of grind levels and is dish washer safe.

>> No.7124855

You god damned coffee beaners and your drug peddling techniques

>> No.7124865

I cant drink pre-ground anymore, it tastes burnt, even sweetened flavored hazelnut/pumpkin shit I buy my wife in the fall. And if you grind too much high quality bean, you have a day long anxiety/heart attack. Too little and its shit

>> No.7124867
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My Skerton? Just mild soap and hot water

>> No.7124877

Ive been steam cleaning because I have an unnatural fear of mildew and mold in my coffee gear

>> No.7124882

Shitty. I'm in Colorado where it's dry as fuck, so you really don't need to worry about that kind of thing. Everything air dries like an absolute madman

>> No.7124886

skerton or mini for frenchpress?

>> No.7124898

Mini is supposedly more consistent and coarser grinds, but the it only holds 30 grams, so you'd have to empty and refill it to do 60g for a full 1L press pot. My modded Skerton does just fine for the press, t b h

>> No.7124903

Porlex is also an option

>> No.7124905


Hario is a fantastic product, well made and very easy to clean, also heat treated glass.

The rosewood is fucking amazing

>> No.7124948

What are your favorite coffees?

>> No.7125036

black, no sugar no cream

>> No.7125041

Milk, sugar, ice cream, malt powder, and a dash of black coffee.

>> No.7125075

I live in Washington right on the sound/coast, and other than the filter (rinsed every day after I press), I leave the grounds to sit in my press over night and wash out the carafe in the morning. I wash it with soap maybe once every couple weeks.

>> No.7125081

Fuck me, looks like a beer or bourbon review. I can dig it though. Coffee for me is usually a quick pick me up at work or a good way to start off a hungover morning or if I'm outdoors. I figured there were coffee snobs out there, I've just never read a review. Maybe I'll experiment a little bit more with coffees. Been thinkin' about buying a french press anyways so this might be a good excuse to start.

Any suggestions on a reasonably priced french press for a newbie?

>> No.7125084

Sumatra mandheeling.

>> No.7125154


>> No.7125355
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My tips.

Coffee itself is properly measured by weight, not volume.

Flavored coffee is pointless. Sure, it SMELLS like hazelnut or whatever, but you're not going to actually taste that. Your office or kitchen will smells great though.

If your coffee comes in a can or in a rigid plastic container, then it's shit.

If you're too impatient or just unwilling to experiment with brewing parameters, then just stick to your dripped coffee.

>> No.7125463

Does anyone use an aeropress?

>> No.7125505

kek, chambord master race. I just ordered a scale after seeing your's. I'm tired of guesswork every time I make coffee.

>> No.7125580

I couldn't really justify spending double for the exact same thing, just shinier

>> No.7125663

Thanks, will be ordering one of these next time I place an amazon order. Can get the blue one for $15 with free 2 day shipping. God bless Amazon Prime.

>> No.7125748
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Grinding beans immediately before brewing will give you the largest leap in quality

>> No.7125934

Doing this kills store bought coffee for you forever, unless you are getting it at a specialized cafe that is doing the same

>> No.7125983
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After just a few days with a decent setup at home drinking just one good cup in the morning, I completely stopped hammering down the garbage at the office and I do not regret it one bit. Most cafes, even chains, are still alright to me, though

>> No.7125992

Starbucks tastes burnt. Tim Hortons is still acceptable tho.

I really like hipster type places that do pourovers and espresso and grind in front of you.

>> No.7126218

I've wanted to try one, do you know what the lower limit for a decent aeropress is?

>> No.7126240

The Aeropress is the Aeropress. They're $30

>> No.7126266

oh shit I'm an idiot, I tasted a cup from a friend and got under the impression that there were many models. Next time I'll learn to google.

>> No.7126327
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>many models

Well, technically there are, but only appearance-wise as time goes on.

The first gen ones (from '08, in the pic) were not BPA free. Although Aerobie proved that BPA doesn't get into coffee, all Aeropresses are now made from BPA-free plastic.

>> No.7126352

I like a dab of cream (usually half and half) in my french press coffee and espresso. It harmonizes with the oiliness of the coffee and cuts some of the bitterness. What does /ck/ think

>> No.7126361

I think the problem with sb is not that it's burnt, just that they never cycle their drip. Like ever. Their beans are fine when made fresh by other coffee shops, but something about starbucks specifically makes them taste like burnt ass.

>> No.7126395

No, cream.
And heavy cream at that.

Makes coffee SO much more satisfying

>> No.7126448

You're over-extracting, m8

>> No.7126482

I think they tend to over extract the coffee and use water that's too hot to try and speed up the brewing process so it's ready to sell more quickly. I've never been a fan of starbucks coffee if I actually get it at starbucks, but I've bought the beans and ground and brewed with them at home and they taste fine.

>> No.7126495

The beans aren't bad at all when made at home.
In fact the Christmas Blend is one of my favorite coffees.
Other wise I buy from a local roaster at the farmers market.

>> No.7126603


Not sure if you're talking espresso or drip, but their espresso tastes as roasted as most of the northern Italy/southern Germany espresso I've ever had.

The medium and medium-dark roasts common to most local coffee shops seem to be a U.S. thing. My German co-workers think US espresso tastes like battery acid.

>> No.7126647

What's the """Christmas Blend""" like? How is it different from regular Charbucks? I wish I had the money to blow on it myself but I'd rather save it for beans that I know will be good at the local roaster.

>> No.7126667

Former starbucks employee here, the water we brew with is 190F, pretty standard coffee brewing temp, Most places when using a pourover or the like use water around 200F or so (at least, here in SF)

>> No.7127087

How are you supposed to clean ceramic burrs in a Hario grinder? I know never to use water.

>> No.7127140

that looks just like my setup, except I haven't gone full autismo about weighing my grounds down to the gram

Does it even make that much of a difference?

>> No.7127142

Kind of. I think grind size and extraction method matters more honestly. Ratio will just make a stronger or weaker cup and can be to taste. Extraction has to be timed/performed correctly though.

>> No.7127214

What's the optimal extraction time?
I find that most people recommend 4 minutes at 190F and honestly, that is overkill.
I've found a sweet spot at 3 minutes with water that's just below burning hot but not quite boiling.

i should probably buy a thermometer

>> No.7127607

Since they are ceramic, you CAN use water

>> No.7127656

Water and mild dish soap is fine. Just use a soft cloth or sponge.
Of course let air dry completely before using again.

Focus on water temp, grind size, and extraction time.
People who weigh water and beans are definitely next level autism, which is fine but definitely face diminished returns.

Love it. I only have one cup of coffee in the morning so it's perfect for making a very good cup and being very very easy and very fast to clean.

>> No.7127672

Weighing water and beans is about consistency. If you're monitoring/playing with all of the other variables, why would you have one that you aren't controlling?

>> No.7127776

It's an inconsequential difference. I highly doubt 99.9% of people could tell the difference. It's placebo at best. But if that's your thing go for it. Plenty of people benefit from the placebo effect. Although you'd get the same effect if you just believed you weighed the beans and water, and you wouldn't need to buy a scale.

>> No.7127787

I think you're over-estimating a lot of people's ability to "eyeball" things

>> No.7127803

I get all of it except one thing. Where do y'all buy your beans from? Got an HEB here they sell beans who knows if theyre fresh and they don't seem to be these 18 dollar fancy beans someone posted earlier. I guess my question is where do you get good quality beans?

>> No.7127806


>> No.7127807

I go to coffee review and buy the best reviewed coffees of the month.

https://www.jbccoffeeroasters.com/90-plus-coffees is my favorite

Almost always they are geisha from central america, or high quality kenyan/ethiopia.

May try Yemen next.

>> No.7127813


Thanks. Looks like I'll have to travel 80 miles in any direction to get the good stuff. Damn central Texas

>> No.7127815
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Assuming you are anywhere on the US coasts or near a european city or the developed areas of latin america or indonesia you are almost certainly able to a well reviewed local roaster for beans from throughout the world.

>> No.7127817

Then online is your best bet. Just make sure they roast to order

>> No.7127818

mail order nigga...

>> No.7127855
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Shoud I get a french press or a moka pot? Both are the same price. Do I really need to buy a coffee grinder or can I use my blender? (wikipedia.org/wiki/Blender). The coffee grinder for some reason costs twice the price of the moka/press that already is very expensive in my country.

>> No.7127861
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Hand burr grinder and a french press

>> No.7127873

>hand burr grinder

Blame the hipsters but thats exactly the expensive grinder I was talking about. For example a moka/french press will cost me half month of rent. The grinder costs 1 to 1.5 months of rent.

>> No.7127905

What the fuck? Where do you live?

>> No.7127912

A reasonable french press at homegoods is 12 dollars. a mr coffee electric grinder is 11 at walmart. Perfectly fine, its the quality of bean, quality of water, time of steep and correct measuring that makes the coffee. Save your money for good beans.

>> No.7127913

>For example a moka/french press will cost me half month of rent.


>> No.7127915
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Reminder that coffee is extremely healthy.

pic related

>> No.7127924


Where in central Texas? How far from DFW, Houston, or Austin?

>> No.7127934

Why would you go to all that effort but then still use paper filters

Enjoy your paper tasting coffee

>> No.7127937

Go to a local coffee house, everyone I've been to will sell you beans, and they always have some decent stuff

>> No.7127940

You rinse the filter first, scrub

>> No.7127947

Enjoy passing pointy mineral stones through your dick when you get older

>> No.7127951

>what is staying hydrated

>> No.7127954

Coffee and Tea
It has been long thought that recurrent kidney stone formers should avoid the intake of coffee and tea, as they both contain varying amounts of oxalate. It was also thought that the use of caffeinated beverages would lead to a relative degree of dehydration and increased kidney stone production. It has now been shown that the amount of oxalate in coffee and tea is actually relatively low and that caffeine affects a particular hormone in the kidney (antidiuretic hormone) in such a way that it leads to production of a more dilute urine thereby decreasing the risk of kidney stone formation. The data currently suggest that drinking a single 8 oz. cup of coffee per day can decrease a patient's risk of kidney stones by approximately 10%, while with tea, the rate drops by 8%.


>> No.7127957

You scrub the filter first, rinse.

>> No.7127960

You scrub the paper filter?

>> No.7127963


Dead center in central Texas, Killeen/Fort Hood. 60-80+ miles to everywhere Austin, Waco, SA, Houston, D/FW

>> No.7127985

kenya, ethiopia. something light, floral, acidic, with a tea-like body

>> No.7128003


Looks like Austin Roasting Company will be your best bet for a relatively close mail order.

You might have luck with the local Coffee Beanery in Killeen, if they show their roast dates on the bags. Otherwise, closest coffee bar I can find is south in Cedar Park, north of Austin.

>> No.7128007
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what do you think about these beans guys

>> No.7128029


A good Ethiopian is usually nice, but some of them can lack the roasted low notes.

Columbians are okay. Middle of the road, no pizzaz, but nearly always serviceable.

Nicaraguans can be earthy, if you like that. I do, but it puts off a lot of my friends.

I haven't had any luck with Indonesians yet. Some have had way too much acidity, and others have had a weird funky vegetable taste to them. I probably need to just try more.

>> No.7128435

Is it a good idea to mix moka pot coffee with some water? I don't really like putting milk or creamer but it's just too strong by itself

>> No.7128459

Sure as long as it's filtered and preferably hot so your coffee doesn't get cold (unless you want to cool it down I guess).
It's called an Americano. I do it with my aeropressed coffee sometimes.

>> No.7128476

Parisi, a big roaster out here in KC had a sulawesi back in 2013 I can recall being very nice.
Very vegetal and earthy, with a little sweet balance. Kind of like drinking a cup of pureed carrots without the mouthfeel.
I don't know if they still have it, and it likely wouldn't taste the same.
I agree that most indonesians are a little off putting though. Never had a sumatra I've liked for example.

>> No.7128533

I don't know how you guys feel about this, but a small pinch of salt in with the grounds is my 'secret' to a solid brew. The salt chemically blocks your tongue's sensitivity to bitterness so you can enjoy some of the complexities of your beans. Try it.

Works for grapefruit too

>> No.7128550

It's popular in Ethiopia.
I prefer butter or coconut oil.

>> No.7129356

grounds are supposed to sit for a few hours, actually.

>> No.7129376

drink whatever the fuck you want to

>> No.7129390

Did your grandma tell you that?

>> No.7129456
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>> No.7129469

>sobre doble antidesperdicia

>> No.7129479

Isn't the ground always sitting?

>> No.7129484

the future is here m8

>> No.7129490

no i mean what the hell does that mean?
no waste packet?

>> No.7129493


>> No.7129505

and how does that packet prevent waste?

>> No.7129631

I believe that packet contains coffee grounds enclosed in a light sheet of paper or polymer/cloth. You just put it in a drip machine (after your water) and just turn it on.

I believe hotels all over the world have these.

Still shit though.

>> No.7129660

For real though: if you want cold brew coffee, use a French press. Just make it as you would normally, but use cold water. Put in fridge, leave for twelve hours, press. Add whatever you like.

>> No.7129667

i made coldbrew once, the caffeine content was so fucking high I felt sick and off balance for the rest of the day.

>> No.7129679

That doesn't sound like cold brew. It's lower in caffeine than any other brewing method. It also is lower in acid than any other, so it's weird that you'd feel like that. I'd say it's a different kind of taste to get used to personally. It's not what you want when you want a complex cup though.

>> No.7129690

i forgot to mention that I forgot about it overnight and it steeped for 24 hours

It really shouldn't have done that tho

>> No.7129726

Well that might do it. I did 12 hours for mine.

>> No.7129831

So what kind of setup should I look for if I want a great cup of coffee? I drink two 8oz cups of a coffee a day, one in the morning and one when I come home. I've been using an autodrip and Folger's for the past 10 years and while I have no complaints I know there is better

>> No.7129866
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Hario Mini Mill
Clever Dripper
Freshly roasted beans

>> No.7129872


>> No.7130160
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I don't even get why people recommend pourover setups.
It's basically a manual drip machine.
I even saw a bodum branded "pourover coffee" machine that does everything a drip machine is supposed to do, but is marketed as an automatic "pour-over" machine.

What is the point, even.

>> No.7130161

If you want to get the most bang for you buck, a Moka pot and a burr hand grinder costs about $50

>> No.7130164

Have you ever had pourover? It's something you have to practice doing with proper equipment.

>> No.7130173

>It's basically a manual drip machine.

They say it's a more even extraction than drip and it gives it more flavor.

All I know is it's one method I'll have try before I consider buying shit to make it myself.

>> No.7130179


>> No.7130183


>> No.7130192

that machine is dumb as fuck but doing a pourover allows you to control the outcome much more than a drip machine and if you know what you're doing is amazing.

recently been making french press instead of aeropress, I got a scale so now I can actually do french press and I personally like french press much more, and it tends to be much more consistent

>> No.7130207

Are you that guy with the coffee setup that looks more like a drug operation?

Who the fuck measures their water and grounds down to the gram?

>> No.7130254
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Well caffeine is a drug..

>> No.7130264

> measured by weight, not volume

This is the most important tip ITT.

>> No.7130270
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>> No.7130275
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anyone try putting this in their coffee?
i always hear about people using sweetened vanilla syrups but i'm curious what this would bring just with black coffee or with an iced latte.
I imagine yu'd only need something like 1/2 teaspoon

>> No.7130276

>Caring about coffee
>Using a vacuum pot

Pick one. Pour over or French press are your only real options.

>> No.7130298

Those look like hash oil rigs

>> No.7130310

It won't magically make your coffee taste like vanilla.

>> No.7130324

well im sure you'd taste the extract in there

>> No.7130330

that's not what i asked i asked if anyone has tried it

>> No.7130331

It tastes okay. I mean I like to enjoy the flavor of coffee itself with a little sugar but do whatever.

>> No.7130338

Dark Roast is more likely than not absolute shit. Darker coffee != higher caffeine content. Roasting the coffee for longer is really unnecessary. If your want to taste the actual coffee and not the flavour of burned roasting stuff then always go for a medium or light roast. Dark is only popular because Starbucks pushes it so much, and they only do dark roasts to mask the shit flavour of their coffee beans.

>> No.7130342

i measure to .1 of a gram friend

>> No.7130380

what's the best alternative to steaming milk if I don't have an espresso machine? i'm using a moka pot for """""espresso""""" and would like to make some lattes cappuccinos etc. that are as close as possible to the real thing.
before you ask my job doesnt allow for espresso machines.

>> No.7130406


I drink my coffee intravenously.

>> No.7130407

A milk frother is something you can buy, you know.

>> No.7130415

>tfw I've been to that coffee shop

>> No.7130419

>not measuring to the hundredth

>> No.7130422
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all these plebian comments and not one mention of the """""WATER""""" that is used in the making of coffee

tsktsk sMh tbqh

>> No.7130425

it doesnt really matter

>> No.7130428
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is that the best method though? do you use a hand held frother and heat on the stove? will that really give you anything close to the foam achieved from steaming? if not are pic related the right way to go?

>> No.7130434

>it doesnt really matter


>> No.7130437
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This is the man to whom that setup belongs.

>> No.7130439

Yes because if you don't use artisinal spring water from the mountains of Tibet that a monk farted in your coffee is gonna suck right?

>> No.7130446

don't know what the fuck you are on about, but know this, the mineral content in the water used makes a lot of difference

>> No.7130451

If you have a french press you can give the milk a few pumps and it will froth it.


You can also shake the shit out of it in a jar or something.

>> No.7130882

The Clever is full immersion

>> No.7130910 [DELETED] 

Not this jerk off

>> No.7130912
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Not this jerk off

>> No.7130995
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Stir or not to stir?

I've seen guides recommending to do both.

>> No.7131021

Going to make a pot and stir it right now.

>> No.7131035

Stir after a minute. If all the grounds are sitting at the top in a "crust", they aren't being fully extracted. Plunge at 3-3:30. Get all of the coffee out by 4 minutes or you're going to get bitter shite.

>> No.7131196

That doesn't seem like long enough. Some directions I see say to let it steep for six minutes...

>> No.7131206

Those people either enjoy bitter coffee, don't know any better, or their grind is gigantic

>> No.7131214

So three minutes, huh.

>> No.7131263

How does the moka work exactly? Does the water have to reach boiling temperature? I'm asking because I'm near sea level which would mean water boiling temperature is 212F and that seems like it would produce bitter coffee.

>> No.7131274

experiment but the longest I would ever leave it it 5 minutes, I usually plunge at 4

>> No.7131276

When I plunge at four the coffee has little body.

>> No.7131288

What does your grind look like

>> No.7131300

Looks like a coarse grind. I've got to experiment with something less coarse I think.

>> No.7131364

How is milk brewed coffee?

>> No.7131505

You're probably grinding too coarse, how hard is it to plunge? It should take some effort (around 15 pounds of pressure)

>> No.7131562

I will grind finer, it's pretty easy to press. Not nearly that much.

>> No.7132031
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Sup, /hot beans/

A friend of mine got me one of these as a gift. I've only used french presses before.

Did she fall for the meme? How does one make a good cuppa from these nive flower vase?

>> No.7132034

why dont you try it and find out senpai

>> No.7132056

I've honestly always bought grounds and Mr Coffee. I'm thinking of leveling up and getting a grinder and moka pot.

How much better are we talking?

>> No.7132063

>How does one make a good cuppa from these nive flower vase?

Never had it, but everyone who likes pour-overs says you have to carefully pour the water so that it gets all of the grounds.

>> No.7132067

Moka isn't much of an upgrade. It over brews by design.

>> No.7132074

French Press is better, then?
Guess I can go for that.

>> No.7132086

Forgive my heresy, but can I get a decent french press at my local Walmart, or is it something I should just order online?

>> No.7132096

It doesn't matter. Just get it somewhere and grind your own beans.

>> No.7132099

Alright, then

>> No.7132116

>Moka isn't much of an upgrade. It over brews by design.
Bullshit. Just because you don't know how to use it correctly doesn't mean no one else does.

>> No.7132117

Moka coffee is delicious you faggot. French press is great too, but god damn do I love the moka pot.

>> No.7132137

I got a hand burr grinder for $12 on Amazon.

>> No.7132140
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Does that mean I'll have to get one of these meme kettles for the best pour?

Most guides I've read online

have it. Looks like it's all about the pour with this one.

Any Chemexpals have some protips?

>> No.7132145

Don't have any tips, but I am looking for advice.

I've never tried coffee before, but recently I somehow gained a lot of interest into coffee.
Which coffee would you recommend for a beginner?

>> No.7132162

>Which coffee would you recommend for a beginner?
Nothing people in this thread are going to recommend lol. They're going to try to convince you to drink "good coffee" which will just taste like dirt to you. Go to Starbucks or some other chain, mix in some milk/cream and a maybe little sugar, and see how you like it.

>> No.7132220

>Does that mean I'll have to get one of these meme kettles for the best pour?

If you can't pour like a man, then I suppose you will.

Meme or not, gooseneck looks pretty practical.

>> No.7132725

Try cold brew. It's mild.

>> No.7132860

theres plenty of guides online just youtube it and you'll find a bunch of very helpful videos that will tell you everything from ideal grind size to ideal water temperature. You're probably gonna want a scale friendo

>> No.7132866

honestly for a chemex it's almost a must, just because you need very slow precise pouring

>> No.7133301
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what are some good biscuits to pair with different types of coffee?

>> No.7133394

Shortbread cookies (biscuits)

Texasfag here. theres this place I went to get a cappuccino and included a little shortbread cookie. Right now I wish I had another cappuccino or a cafe latte to go with the bakers dozen I bought.

>> No.7133431

There is a big difference in the flavor of cold brew and iced coffee

>> No.7133435

Bellman steamer is pretty much the only way you are going to get real steamed milk or microfoam outside of an espresso machine

>> No.7133438

It all depends on the grind and the temp you are brewing at.

>> No.7133439

i make shitty folgers coffee and put a spoon full of sweetened condensed milk in it

i'm a genius

>> No.7133446

i just microwave the milk until it's steamy, then use egg beaters.

>> No.7133450

Biscotti of course although I also like canelles and kouign-amann. Churros are okay but best left for chocolate a la taza.

>> No.7133454

Thats great if it works for you but its not really steamed milk and certainly doesn't create microfoam which is what they were asking for. For that you need steam and a frothing pitcher.

>> No.7133478

It's not technically steamed milk, but it's pretty much the same thing. It does create foam with very small bubbles.

>> No.7133483

Even better, put the milk in a french press and go crazy. Tiny tiny holes make tiny tiny bubbles.

>> No.7133490

sure if you want to exert yourself at six in the morning, you jerk that coffee pot off senpai.

>> No.7133923

>he doesn't jerk off in the morning while having his morning coffee
Plebish morning you got there mate.

>> No.7134213

where can I order the best beans from? my family has a home roaster and I wanted to gift my dad some high quality coffee beans

>> No.7134486

Sweet Maria's has a ton of green coffee

>> No.7134994

Decent entry level espresso machine?

>> No.7135038

Planning on starting to brew cold brew in my french press today. Any tips I should know ahead of time?

>> No.7135066

Gaggia classic
Don't forget about it

>> No.7135124

Gaggia Baby or Classic

Make it like normal but with cold water and don't leave it for longer than 12 hours.

>> No.7135159

Hope you're planning on spending at least $300 for a grinder as well

>> No.7135195
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Just get this.

>> No.7135226

That's not nearly good enough for espresso

>> No.7135324

sweet thanks

>> No.7135700

Lido E is an excellent Espresso Grinder for about 2/3 of that. Pharos is nice as well.

>> No.7135715

I've just started drinking coffee and I want to make my own, problem is I don't know where to start. What coffee grinds and flavored are the best?

>> No.7135729

>What coffee grinds and flavored are the best?

They're all the same: smell nice, but you won't actually taste the flavor.

>> No.7135749 [DELETED] 
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Anything but instant coffee. Seriously that shhllack makes my balls fall off.

>> No.7135757


Depends on what you like. Light roasts have higher caffeine content but the flavors are more delicate and subtle. Dark roasts have bolder flavor but less caffeine.

Personally I prefer Ethiopian Sasaba. It's a medium roast with rose, blueberry, grape, and chocolate notes. Ambrosia in a cup, I tell you what.

>> No.7135766


Emphatically incorrect. Grounds are used immediately after grinding so you can capitalize on the natural oils coffee beans secrete. Otherwise you're just letting it go stale.

>> No.7135773


Go to an independent coffee shop and see who they get their coffee from. The shop I frequent buys their coffee in bulk from a local roaster and it's consistently among the best coffee I've ever had.

>> No.7136186

Anything sweet and crunchy pastry will do.

Better if crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside.

>> No.7136216

>muslim semen FTW

>> No.7136220
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I have one of these and barely any water is coming out through the main part, only occasional drips. The pump sounds much quieter than normal, too. Water flows fine through the milk wand part.

>> No.7136234

What is that? Some steam pressure espresso machine?

>> No.7136240

Yes, it's a Starbucks Barista espresso machine, from like 2006. I was having decreased output from the pump for about 2 years and I'm afraid it's just totally dead now. I tried priming it a bunch and nothing helped, not even forcing water in.

>> No.7136261

I'd suggest getting a new machine. It's pretty old and not really worth dealing with. Try a Gaggia.

>> No.7136266

Have you tried descaling or back flushing the machine yet?

Pressurized or nonpressurized?

steam or pump?

Looks like a rebranded Saeco maybe a Saeco Aroma

>> No.7136322

Tried descaling, it did actually sort of work before I descaled it, now it doesn't work at all.

Yeah, I think this is the case. I was considering a DeLonghi ESAM3300 Magnifica because it has more bells and whistles.

>> No.7136335

Did you back flush it and clean the group head? It shouldn't be hard to diagnose whats wrong. Espresso machines are pretty easy to tear down and work on.

check out coffeegear.com and search for your model

>DeLonghi ESAM3300 Magnifica

You can get a much much better machine for that price. Superautos suck.

The crossland CC1 is the exact same price and a much better machine.

>> No.7136338

Jesus Christ anon that's a really expensive superautomatic. I somehow got a 10 year old superautomatic for $50.

Not sure if it will entirely replace my Espressione Minuetto, which is a pretty good entry level machine that pulls good shots, but it makes a decent shot.

>> No.7136357

I am not very mechanically inclined. I tried to get the back panel off, but failed, as it's somewhat stuck at the top.

The crossland's an extra 150 over the one I wanted, and I kind of want a superauto machine regardless of how much it's perceived to suck. If you know of a better superauto, I'm all ears.

I really want a new machine, I'm tired of futzing with an old, broken down one. 550 doesn't seem too unreasonable.

>> No.7136359

Thats not really that much for a super auto, most of the "decent" superautos are 1k plus. Its just "espresso" for people who don't really like espresso though.

>> No.7136361

Well for that price you could get a really nice Gaggia. I only got a superauto because it was in my case cheap. But you have that much and can do better.

>> No.7136364

Wait, I googled the terms you used and realized that yes, I did indeed do both of these things. There was a ton of gunk in the group head, but cleaning it didn't help at all.

Sorry about that. I think I did everything possible for the thing.

>> No.7136368

It sold for over $1000 like a decade ago, Anon. I got mine for $50 because some rich people just wanted it out of their house, it still works perfectly.

>> No.7136374

To be honest, I don't know anything about modern espresso machines. Someone gave me the Starbucks machine as a gift many years ago, but before that I didn't even drink coffee.

Yeah, the machine I picked out used to retail for over 1k, looks like it's available cheaper now.

>> No.7136390

The reason gaggias get mentioned so much is because they make a pretty good machine on the very low end. All of the lower end (gaggia)models are pretty much exactly the same internally and have different housing. They are great if you only have a few hundred to spend on a machine but any more than that are there are much better options available and there really is no reason to get a Gaggia. They make great entry level machines but once you get into mid level and high end machines you can get a lot better machine for the same price.


Where are you looking at? They priced out at 699 for both machines for me.

Anyway, why exactly do you want a superauto? Its not that they are perceived to suck its that they do suck. The only decent superautos are at or above 1k, anything less than that and you might as well just buy a nespresso, even the best superautos can't compete with a semi-manual 1/2 to 1/3 of its price though. The closest thing to a super auto I would suggest is the Breville Oracle if you really can't be fucked to take a minute and pull a decent shot. There are lots of great semi-auto machines around the same price range as the Delonghi you mentioned and would yield you a much better cup with a lot more control.

>> No.7136401

Amazon, $553.51 + shipping. Didn't notice the shipping before but that puts it a bit over 600.

I really liked that it would grind the beans for me, mostly. I find doing so with a little electric grinder daily to be a huge pain and gets coffee all over my kitchen. If there's a semi-auto that also has a built in grinder I'd be interested.

>> No.7136402

Holy shit it sucks being poor (35k/y) in Canada. Anything decent is expensive as FUCK.
>tfw not being able to make espresso in the comfort of your own home
Life truly is suffering.
>being boned by the Espresso Jew

>> No.7136404

aeropress is a decent alternative if you're poor as fuck

>> No.7136409

I have an aeropress but I don't delude myself into thinking it's espresso mate.

>> No.7136412

I'd like to note that I don't know fucking anything about these machines, but was told to "get a nice one that has a lot of buttons and then figure out how it works" by my husband. I'm very open to suggestions here.

My budget is up to 1k, no more than that. Would prefer something around 500. Would also prefer it to not take up a huge amount of counter space, if possible. I mostly use them to make lattes and cappuccinos, though I sometimes also make frozen coffees using the blender. It's mostly for my daily coffee and entertaining guests.

>> No.7136890

Well, you don't want one with a lot of buttons or one with an attached grinder. The grinder will likely be subpar and if it or the machine fails you'll have to replace the whole deal. Look into a gaggia classic and a baratza preciso

>> No.7137027

Moka pot? Probably the closest you can get until you can drop $300+ on a real machine (Not sure what the CND equivalent is)

>> No.7137103

What machine do you suggest? Let's say just above a Gaggia.

>> No.7137113

>flavored coffee is pointless. Sure, it SMELLS like hazelnut or whatever, but you're not going to actually taste that

speak for yourself bruh, the rum coffee i buy tastes like plenty like rum.

>> No.7137128

What growing region makes the best beans for a cold brew from french press? I usually use Papua New Guinea beans because it's naturally sweet as fuck and cold brewing only helps to make it even sweeter.

Also, who else cold-brews their coffee? How do you guys do it? Do you prefer it over other ways of brewing coffee?

>> No.7137130

Anyone here ever buy mill mountain coffee?
Just had house blend from one of their shops. ok/10

>> No.7137439

Is the Baratza Encore good?

>> No.7137480

It's THE entry level electric burr grinder. It's not good enough for espresso, though.

>> No.7137491

Why? It looks pretty fine.

>> No.7137502

Our Capresso Infinity is great.

But we just make drip and aeropress.

>> No.7137578

I do sometimes. When I do I like a single origin bean from Mexico roasted medium.

>> No.7137600

For the price, yes.

Some people upgrade the burrs in it with ones from the more expensive models.

>> No.7137614

Anything with a built in grinder is going to be pretty bad and generally not recommended but some are better than others. You just don't have the fine adjustment espresso needs and the quality isn't there. If you really want a machine that has a built in grinder then I would look at the Breville BES870XL since the Oracle is well out of your price range.

If its the hassle for you then you could get a grinder with a doser instead of doserless. The rocky by rancilio is a fairly decent low budget espresso grinder with a doser but honestly with a low budget machine the grinder is much more important. They also last a lot longer so its better to get a good grinder and a budget machine and then just upgrade the machine later than it is the other way around or both at the same time. Mazzer Super Jolly is really good although I would buy the minihopper for it. The Lido E is also a really good option for an espresso grinder as it is small with quality burrs and suitable for even prosumer level machines.

Just start putting a little cash away, keep up with ebay and craigslist for deals on machines. You can get a refurb Gaggia pure for 129 and a lido E for 200 so with a couple accessories that you need you can have an excellent entry level setup for $400

>> No.7137635

Look at the Crossland CC1, its a great little machine with PID and a decent steam wand and will keep you from needing to upgrade for a while. The most important thing to remember is that your grinder matters just as much with espresso as the machine and even more so with budget machines. I recommend the Lido E because it is a great espresso grinder for about half the price of others but you may want to look at something like the Baratza Preciso(their entry level espresso grinder) or Forte or the Rancilio Rocky, look around online at places like craigslist sometimes you can score Mazzer grinders for fairly cheap. Caedo e37s is also a great grinder modestly priced. If you find you can't afford one of these grinders plus the cost of the machine then I would suggest cutting the cost on the machine and not the grinder. Maybe look at the Rancilio Silvia instead or possibly an Oscar

Depends on your budget, above a Gaggia is pretty much everything, The Oscar is decent, Rancilio Silvia is probably the next step above the gaggia, Astra Pro is great (e61 grouphead), Crossland CC1 is nicely priced for the features. Shoot me a budget and I'll give you a better rec. Also let me know what grinder you have and budget for a grinder if you don't have one that is suitable for espresso.

Cold brew is good for what it is but I personally prefer traditional(japanese) Iced coffee because you really get the full profile. As for beans they really vary too much to pick just once. It all depends on what flavors you like in a coffee.

Great for entry level methods outside of espresso, if you can swing an upgrade might as well go ahead and do it instead of having to do it later.

>> No.7137638

For one thing you pretty much need a dedicated espresso grinder. You can go through 12oz of beans just getting it dialed in but once you get it there you just need to knock it a notch or two either way to dial it in after that. That is unless you move it to do pour over or something then you have to redo it all again. The Encore doesn't have the refinement needed for espresso nor does it have the consistency needed in the grind.

>> No.7137743

The ritual of making a pourover pleases me.

>> No.7138096
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What are you drinking, /ck/?

>> No.7138101
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>> No.7138120

Coffee starts too lose flavour as soon as it is ground. For the best tasting coffee only grind exactly what you need and buy beans instead of pre-ground coffee.

>> No.7138134

What does generic ground coffee taste like?
They always sell store brand generic ground coffee in a can with no indication of roast or expected flavor.
I just don't feel like wasting $6 on a can of shit-tier coffee to find out.

>> No.7138152

Creamer and sugar Simple

>> No.7138231

>What does generic ground coffee taste like?

Stale and chemical-ish.

Fresher coffee has unique taste and flavor to it. How unique depends on its origin.

>> No.7138624

Fuck off Gaybert

>> No.7138755

I always love dipping lorna doones into my coffee

>> No.7138860

What's a solid but cheap enough coffee that is sold whole-bean? I can't drink exclusively hipster locally roasted stuff or my wallet is going to be the one getting roasted.

>tfw bought a scale that measures only to the nearest gram when the nearest-tenth one was only $4 more

>> No.7138877

How am I supposed to drink instant?
Whenever I make it using the suggested strength, it looks like tea, and when I make it to the strength and opaqueness i'm used to it tastes like chemicals.

>> No.7138885

This is coffee thread m8.

>> No.7138887

Yeah well real coffee isn't always available.

>> No.7138898

Happy Mug is good for cheap but still good and freshly roasted whole beans.

Where are you that coffee isn't available? I talked to a guy from Kyrgyzstan the other day who was having some trouble and even he ended up being able to find some freshly roasted beans.

>> No.7138933

That seems like a lot work and I'm sure it would make a great cup of coffee but I settled for a 12oz bodom French press and hario grinder. I already have a scale.

What's a good online store to buy whole beans? No roasters here in flyover land

>> No.7138937

don't you have costco in flyover land?
They sell 3lb bags of whole beans for $12

>> No.7138953

60miles away. I think walmart has some Starbucks and dunkin donut whole bean but that seems pleb tier. I want the hipster experince

>> No.7138958
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>If your coffee comes in a can or in a rigid plastic container, then it's shit.

Look at this pretentious faggot with his snobby bullshit.

You're the kind of dumb motherfucker that gets fooled into thinking tap water from a garden hose is pure glacier spring bottled water.


Pic related is not only inexpensive, but delicious, and ranks right up there with every other coffee that I've had all over the world.

>> No.7138962

The only whole bean shit at walmart I've ever seen has been eight o clock
They really pushed whole beans off the shelves ever since k-cups were introduced.

>> No.7138965

>linking to penn and teller: bullshit
I hope this post was made in jest because I genuinely feel sorry for you.

>> No.7138970

>Sure, it SMELLS like hazelnut or whatever, but you're not going to actually taste that.

I hope to one day find a coffee that actually tastes as good as it smells. Even plain roasted beans smell amazing, but the coffee always tastes like "generic bitter brown liquid."

>> No.7138975

How much coffee does a single k-cup make?
It just seems so wasteful.

>> No.7138977

Monsanto is working on it

>> No.7138982

I beive it 8oz to 16oz depending on the cup size you select

>> No.7138996


Nigger, just buy the damn beans at the HEB and be done with it, already. Those beans are as good as you can find anywhere.

Don't listen to these faggy hipsters with their pretentious bullshit.

>> No.7139018

>Penn and Teller

Bullshit is bullshit. They present segments to you with magic tricks and Penn's LOUD FUCKING VOICE CUZ FUCK YOU to make everything seem factual.

It's good entertainment though.

>> No.7139056

You're exactly the type of faggot they were talking about in that vid...

>> No.7139061 [DELETED] 

A Cever even easier than a french press. Especially the cleanup

>> No.7139064

Nobody here is telling you you're a scrub for drinking ground coffee from a plastic tub, you dumb shit.

>> No.7139067

A Clever is even easier than a french press. Especially the cleanup

>> No.7139103


Here, anon, try this....
>hands anon a coffee bought at the local gas station

-What is it anon?

It's a special roast and blend harvested on the 3rd harvest day of the season, from all the best growing regions in South America, for maximum flavor, and roasted using a special low heat roasting process using the fallen limbs of 200 year old rain forest trees. This blend and roast was once only available to European royalty.

>takes a swig

-OMG, this is the best coffee I've ever had! Let me get a picture for reddit, tumblr, and my blog...

>> No.7139110

Believe it or not, you can differentiate between quality beans and the drip sludge they serve at your local diner.

>> No.7139115

How about machines? I used on at someones house a year ago, believe it was $1000. I really can justify the price. Any suggestions.?Used whole beans...

>> No.7139161

I know this sounds pretentious, but it takes a refined palate. It's like tasting wine. You think someone who drinks $10 bottles of wine can pick up notes within the wine, or even a bottle of $500 wine?

>> No.7139386

Clever is similar to a FB, both are full immersion, but is actually a bit easier.

Whats your budget?

He is looking for good whole beans freshly roasted(hence "no roasters here") not stale ass coffee that was roasted 6 months ago

If you are forced to buy coffee from a store like that look for Peets. They are the only one that lists an actual roast date. Look for the freshest you can find.

Unfortunately they are not. The best beans are ones between 3 days and 2 weeks of roasting 1 month is about the maximum. Its not being pretentious, its science. If you are happy with it though thats great.

To pick up on real subtle difference yes but not to tell good coffee from bad coffee. I've served coffee to family who have drank pretty low tier coffee their whole lives and could tell a difference. Spotting various notes can be a challenge but its easy to pick out the difference in a natural process, wet processed, and giling basah if you had all three of them next to you or an Ethiopian from a Sumatran from a Panamanian. You might not be able to tell which is which but you will be able to tell they are different.

>> No.7139415

i can get a french press for 30, a grinder too probably
are the ones you are looking at made of gold or some shit

>> No.7139422

They probably live in a country that has a majority brown skin population.
Any decent civilized country has pretty affordable French presses and hand wound grinders considering they're fairly simple devices.

>> No.7139439

Do you know of any grinders that are really easy to clean?

>> No.7139444

Any that you can take apart, really.
I have a Hario Skerton and it's easy to take apart and wash.

>> No.7140426

Wow, french press + grinder is so cheap, while my moccamaster costed a lot.

Should I?

>> No.7140431

French press is not as good as an Areopress.

The Areopress is a better press because it has tiny paper filters. The paper removes acid that makes the coffee too acidic.

This is why people like drip coffee.

Areopress is alot like drip and French is more Harsh.

>> No.7140434

Yes. After you burn through a bag and get your technique dialed, you will be very fucking happy.

>> No.7140436

>The paper removes acid that makes the coffee too acidic
You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.7140557

It removes the oils and fines resulting in a lighter bodied cup, that is all

French Press are nice but the Moccamaster is a bad ass drip pot. Both will be good. If you don't already have a grinder get one and some fresh beans. That will make the biggest difference in your cup.

>> No.7140583

Got a pour over recently. I've only used it a couple times but I had a couple of issues. The time it takes means the cup isn't very hot by the time I'm done. I don't have a fancy pour over kettle, so I pour the water to another container that lets me control the pour better, is this making the water too cool when I brew? One cup was much more acidic than the others, how can I avoid this? Just used ground coffee to try first but I'll get beans and a grinder if I carry on. Oh and is 15g for a 300-350ml cup is about right for ratio?

>> No.7140608

First off, you need to preheat your mug and whatever you are pouring from. Heat the water a little hotter to compensate for heat loss as well 195-205 is brew temp so 210f at first pour or so should be okay in this case.

Acidity is mainly from two things, underextraction and too coarse of a grind size(which leads to over extraction) you should be shooting for 3 minute total brew time. Adjust your grind size to hit that brew time. Make sure you are blooming for 30s as well. Its 1:15-1:18 so no you are using too little coffee you should be using at least 20g for 300ml. You really do need to get a grinder and better beans though because stale preground coffee will never be very good and the results will be discouraging because of how stale the coffee is and because of how important grind size is for pour over. What brewer are you using?

>> No.7140673

The Hario pour over with metal filter. I'll try and time my brew next time, and use a bit more coffee. Blooming is just waiting 30 seconds after initially covering the ground coffee to let it expand right? After that I don't really know what I'm doing and was just adding water as it drained until I had used all the water (measured the right amount before brewing). Is there something I'm missing as far as when to stop/start pouring?

>> No.7140701

Professional coffee roaster here

AMA about brewing, storage, coffee prep or whatever

Happy to answer to the best of my ability

>> No.7140703

If you can, start timing your pour, shoot for 3 minutes. Start off with a 1:15 ratio which for 300mls should be 20g. Blooming, typically entails adding 2x the coffee weight in water so in this case 40ml of water. Let it off gas until its visibly stopped or about 30s. The fresher the beans the more it will bloom so you may not get any bloom out of preground coffee like you are using. Then there are two methods. One is the pulse method where you pour x amount then wait until it goes down, then pour x amount, then wait or the constant pour method where you are constantly pouring the whole time. Both method should leave you out of water about 30s before the end of your brew time.

>> No.7140707

Get fucked tripfag

>> No.7140714

Austin RoCo is a great company
I know the owner Jess he seriously cares about his roasts and they cup constantly there.

That's absolutely not true
Coffee needs to rest after roasting for 3 days or so before it's really going to be any good but you want to brew immediately after grinding.

I'll explain why;
Coffee has a lot of CO2 trapped inside the bean from the roasting process which is why coffee bubbles a lot during most brewing methods; It's the CO2 escaping.

This is important because the CO2 helps keep a lot of volatile coffee compounds stable inside the bean and become dissolved into the beverage during brewing.

If you grind your coffee you're increasing the exposed surface area of the coffee, which the CO2 will escape from. When CO2 escapes, it's replaced with the normal air around it, which leads to a stale flavor.

You really do want to grind as close to brewing as possible and if you must absolutely grind before hand store the ground coffee in an airtight container with as much air pushed out as possible; A plastic bag inside a jar with a tight fitting lid is fine. Don't refrigerate or freeze the coffee either as the condensation during the rewarming will be "brewing" the coffee before you brew it.

>> No.7140732

That's entirely subjective
I like to mix a few light or medium roast central american washed coffees for my cold brew. I like clean chocolaty flavors for my cold brew and I just use the same toddy bucket I've had for years.

Japanese iced coffee is better though, it's just a pourover onto ice with a recipe adjusted to accommodate the water in the ice and less hot water to do the brewing with.

Don't get me started on Japanese slow drip cold brew I don't have fucking 24 hours to brew a single pot of coffee out of a $500 brewer.

>> No.7140735

Literal retardation. Let me guess. You work for a 2nd wave roaster and believe all the shit your super cool 3rd wave baristas tell you.

I bet you don't even have a Q qual? If you did you'd be expected to actually know a bit about coffee and not regurgitate the same old tired shit that sounds right but isn't

Poke around SCAA, CoffeeResearch.org, and the like if you want to learn something about coffee.

>> No.7140748

Lol I take classes with the SCAA what I'm saying is currently the accepted explanation but do continue to derisively shitpost about things you don't understand

>> No.7140790
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But I'll be fair

Let's start assuming I'm 100% wrong. Let's assume everything I've said is completely debunked by the currently accepted industry understanding of coffee science.

Educate me.
I've got nothing to do this afternoon, prove me wrong I could use something to read and if you prove me wrong I get to learn more :)

>> No.7142344


>> No.7142385

Back to reddit pls

>> No.7142403

Newfag detected

>> No.7143201
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 1448547219463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
