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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7122855 No.7122855 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up
>brew and pour a pot of French Press coffee
>stir in Swiss Miss

>> No.7122864


Mocha is good, yes.

>> No.7123112

>ruining a perfectly good pot of coffee

whatever makes you happy I guess

>> No.7123144


Coffee is trash anyway.

>> No.7123155
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>Wake up
>It's 10am
>Go back to sleep

>> No.7123165

I love a little 'wiss 'iss in my 'ffee

>> No.7123167
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>Wake up
>Make a cup of my favorite black tea
>Watch anime all day

>> No.7123168


>> No.7123377
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>>Watch anime all day

>> No.7123452

Wake up, make coffee, drink black, throw the sugar holder through my fuckin window. At 4:30am sharp. Go to my neighbors house, don't knock. Process to find his coffee creamer, find nearest cheap steak knife, judo slice that bitch clean in 2. Don't make eye contact with him. Even after repeated attempts by the neighbor. Never make eye contact, never, make, fuckin eye contact

>> No.7123462
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>Wake up
>Make a cup of my favorite black tea
>Watch anime all day
>mom peers into my 'cave' wondering why her NEET child turned into a failure

>> No.7123513

That's a lot of sugar there, big guy, in addition to the powdered milk and poor quality cocoa. Might have done better to just make a sugar syrup with some good quality cocoa and a little cream, then put that into your coffee.

Then again, if you keep Swiss Miss around the house you're probably not drinking the kind of coffee that would suffer from being mixed with it.

>> No.7123532
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>Watch anime all day

>> No.7123567
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>wake up
>drink a beer on the shutter
>go back to sleep
>sleep through Sunday lunch

>> No.7123581
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>wake up
>brew and pour a pot of French press coffee
>talk with horsefuckers about ponies all day and prepare for classes the following day

>> No.7123599


>> No.7123616

I was on /mlp/ all day. Sorry.

>> No.7123618

I think he means bronies

>> No.7123621

What board is that, im drunk right now.don't wanna look

>> No.7123624

Oh shit lol.......there are some crazy motherfuckers out there.

>> No.7123626
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>Mum wakes me up at 11am
>Brings me a nice hot mug of Horlicks and asks what I want for lunch
>Probably Chicken Kiev or pasta
>She makes it for me and we watch Daily Politics together

UK NEET feels

>> No.7123627

Sounds terrible,

>> No.7123628

Was your dad a faggot?

>> No.7123631

Funny thing is I finished my Masters degree already, been neet for 3 years now
Nope he worked in railway construction and now landscaping

>> No.7123633

That's funny - I read horsefucker and it didn't even strike me as odd. Or out of place. I've been part of this 4chan shit for WAY too long...

>> No.7123638

That's my favorite kind of weekend.

>> No.7123644

Meh, it's a fun name. I just like shitposting about a cartoon with a bunch of random anons online. It's a way to spend a Sunday.

>> No.7123661

You don't have to defend yourself. I was /b/tard back in 2005, and was on /mlp/ the day it was created. But this has pretty much been my home board since 2009.

If we had spoilers here I'd spoiler this, but I've called myself a horsefucker on more than one occasion.

>> No.7124445

I just bought an 8 cup French press. Do I always have to fill it to the maximum? Or could I fill it with say 4 cups worth?

Would it alter the taste/brew in anyway?

>> No.7124451

You can do just one mugs worth or whatever. Just keep your ratios in check

>> No.7124457

>wake up
>make mango graham smoothie

>> No.7124491
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>wake up
>eat oats and go to gym
>take hot shower
>eat greek yogurt and lay in bed wondering what I'm doing with my life

>> No.7124929
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>wake up
>didn't sleep well
>only about 6 hours
>gonna be late for class
>make a cup of Folgers
>look in fridge for creamer
>just my roommate's almond milk

>> No.7124965

Ah cheers man, so it won't alter the taste if I don't do the maximum amount as long as I keep the ratio of coffee/water the same?

>> No.7124968
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>> No.7124971

>wake up
>make dining utensil thread and ruse anons
>make coffee
>see this thread and consider stirting in swiss miss
>fire up ff7 in a seperate window
>shopping for materia and items at icicle inn

such is a 27 NEET

>> No.7124987
File: 46 KB, 442x740, NOW HES SAD YOU MONSTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>stay in bed for ten minutes staring at wall
>get out of bed
>open fridge
>it's empty
>accept fate, have glass of water for breakfast rather than go out shopping and interact with people
>not even a neet just autistic as fuck

>> No.7125063

>wake up
>go drink a few cups of black coffee to suppress my appetite
>fill up my big-ass water bottle
>go on /ck/ and look at pictures of nice food to try sating my immense hunger
low cal is suffering

>> No.7125094
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>wake up hungover
>do two hits of tobacco out of my bong
>shower/brush teeth
>make coffee and watch M*A*S*H for 20min
>drive to work

>> No.7125101

order a pizza and chill.

>> No.7125104

>your theme


>> No.7125793

pizza ordering is still enough for me to spill my spaghetti or else i would, lmao. i'm terrible.

>> No.7125821
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>Wake up
>Drink an entire French press of coffee
>Eat 1/2 cup steel cut oats cooked in a cup of whole milk (no water) with maple syrup and pumpkin butter
>Watch at least 3 episodes of anime because I wake up at 5AM and start work at 7:30

I shit & shower at night for maximum morning free time.

>> No.7125995

>Wake up
>Set percolater on stove
>Take care of morning routine
>Drink what is essentially 3 cups of burnt motor oil on the way to work

All day erry day

>> No.7126526

>Wake up
>Make a pot of Cawfee
>Shitpost on /ck/ because I'm a NEET and can't afford to make anything worth taking pictures of and sharing on the board