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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7101809 No.7101809 [Reply] [Original]

>Make food for family and friends
>Literally only fat family and friends will cut the fat off it or not eat the skin (even if you've gone out if the way to maillard it or render the fat cap or glaze the skin etc) or pat it dry with paper towel
>They're consistently literally the only people AUDACIOUS enough to complain to you that the food is to fatty as if I'm going to be fooled into thinking that they're health conscious in any way and have the absolute gall to tell you to cut the fat off next time

>> No.7101812

>Fat people trying to lose weight
>Non-fat people not trying to lose weight


>> No.7101818

>Patting the pizza dry with paper towel and getting buttflustered that someone used olive oil instead of ketchup to flavour something is an attempt at losing weight as opposed to holistic dietary planning and an active lifestyle
Healthy people work hard to achieve dietary and exercise goals. If fat people think that picking up some tissues will help them then they deserve derision
>And a diet coke.

>> No.7101824

Then don't judge them, help them

>> No.7101848


fat people are stupid as shit, they won't accept help.

>> No.7101887

>And a diet coke.

Worst meme ever. There's a shit ton of calories in coke. Especially with the sizes at fast food places

>> No.7102131

>Especially with the sizes at fast food places
You can order a small...

>> No.7102327

>Make baked skin on chicken
>Make Mac and Cheese as a side
>Absolutely fat loaded Mac, tons of butter, milk, and cheese.
>Also Brussels Sprouts
>Fat friend pulls all the skin off the chicken
>Refuses to eat dark meat because its "not healthy"
>Eats three times the Mac and Cheese of anyone else
>Doesn't like the Brussles because they are "too bitter"

>> No.7102335

yeah, fuck those fat people trying to solve their problems, fucking ingrates should be happy to eat whatever i give them no matter how inappropriate it is for their physical condition.

>> No.7102337

In english por favor.

>> No.7102515

Triggered much, chub?

>> No.7102541


>why are fat people so stoopid
>they keep eating food but they are fat
>mfw when fat people make any form of dietary choice as if it's gonna stop them being fat instead of actually stopping being fat
>why don't fat people just be thin
>i eat like shit and am not fat what are fat people doing wrong, stupid fat people
>i take the high ground on everything because i'm not fat as i fundamentally attribute their fatness to deficiency in their personality rather than acknowledging the broader range of circumstances that lead to a person's lifestyle

>> No.7102543
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Fuck off you fat piece of shit.

>> No.7102549


not everyone who doesn't act like a cunt to fat people is fat

>> No.7102570
File: 413 KB, 1544x942, beetus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a small beetus is still big pic related. desu drinking a full soda bottle is already too much damn sugar that no one would be able to eat if it was not hidden with salt, i agree with op the fatties should cut the fat off themselves and shutup

>> No.7102572
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Yeah, right.

>> No.7102580


>kids size is larger than a full can, small is almost 2 cans


>> No.7102615

I'm that guy who asks them for their chicken skin when I see it on the side of their plate.

Fat people are retarded.

>> No.7102640

>all that projection

Clearly you've had this argument many times before.

Fatasses insisting on cutting the skin off is the equivalent of a chronic alcoholic refusing a complimentary Irish coffee after getting wasted on straight vodka all night.

>> No.7102650
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Fat people are literally scum.

>> No.7102669


projecting what onto who? do you know what projection means?

i've heard this argument many times before. had weight problems when i was a kid but don't anymore. your rhetoric is that of ignorant people who have always been thin or people who hate themselves for being fat, either way it's wrong and mean-spirited.

>> No.7102684

>brussel sprouts being too bitter
I never had a bitter brussel sprouts ever and I love them

>> No.7102692
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>> No.7102696


they are vaguely bitter, as many vegetables are, but if they're cooked and seasoned properly that's only a good thing.

>> No.7102700
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>not eating chicken skin


>> No.7102709


it's amazing when it's crisp but horrible when it's soggy.

>> No.7102711

Top lols. You got six lines of argument and assumption from "triggered much". That's you projecting your imaginary assailants on to anyone who might fit a similar profile.

I've only said one thing about one particular habit, and you're seeing an entire belief system. It's hilarious.

>> No.7102736


i'm obviously responding to your post, those of others and every other time this thread has come up because i believe that this is your reasoning and that of others who like making these threads, conscious or otherwise. people subject fat people's eating habits to much more scrutiny than those of thin people. there are thin people in the world who cut the skin off their meat. a lot of them actually. why is it so infuriating when fat people do it?

>> No.7102739

Fat people have some really misguided views about what makes them fat so they try all these stupid things without actually just trying the simplest way that actually works: eating less.

>> No.7102743


i can assure you that they try that too.

>> No.7102752

If they try that and it doesn't work they didn't eat enough less.

Thin and healthy people don't have to do you stupid food rituals and restrictive diets because we eat normal amounts.

>> No.7102753

As a former fat person I love how most fat people don't realize how simple it is to not be fat. Put down the fucking fork fatty.

>> No.7102778


>If they try that and it doesn't work they didn't eat enough less.

it usually does work, unless they are miscounting for whatever reason.

>Thin and healthy people don't have to do you stupid food rituals and restrictive diets because we eat normal amounts.

again, no shit. you keep saying simple shit like fat people are all simpletons. they aren't. if you haven't lost a substantial amount of weight why are you commenting on how hard it is or isn't? it takes a long time and usually involves large changes in lifestyle, you don't have to be stupid to find that difficult to deal with.

>> No.7102781

Gee that's a tough one to figure out. You'll have to solve that particular mystery all on your own though, I'm sure you can manage.

Don't pop a blood vessel tilting at those windmills now.

>> No.7102899

Yes there is a shit load of calories in soda, all from disease causing sugar.
Artificial sweeteners, while not having the same calories as sugar, still cause an insulin response because your body still thinks it's getting sugar.
Insulin is the fat storage hormone, it's incredibly hard to lose weight while you have elevated insulin levels.
This is why significantly reducing sugar and starch intake and significantly increasing fat intake causes weight loss.
I've been eating a very high fat diet and I've lost 25lbs in two and a half months. I don't go out of my way to exercise, my job is enough exercise. Feel great too. The most sugar I get in a day comes from a couple mandarin oranges, or sometimes not even that.
People who eat sugar are equivalent to alcoholics in my opinion, and obese people are the worst alcoholics there are.

>> No.7102912

It's easy as shit to lose weight.
Obese people have an addiction problem, they are literally drug addicts, equivalent to alcoholics or meth heads.
I haven't counted a single fucking calorie and I've lost 25lbs in two and half months.

>> No.7102956

>it's sugars fault i'm fat!!

holy shit, the delusions.

>> No.7102970

>stop eating sugar
>eat lots of fat instead
>lose weight
Yep sounds about right.

>> No.7102987

>my personal experience dictates reality for all people!!!!!!!

>> No.7102991


>they are literally drug addicts, equivalent to alcoholics or meth heads

No they're not, stop being retarded.

>> No.7102996

I guess sugar just has something out for you and all other ketoters. That's why it's making you fat and not all the majority of the world that eats sugar and isn't fat.

Anyway, here's a post about insulin and it's "role" in fat storage by a PhD that you might like.


>> No.7102999

Yes they are. Tell an obese person not to eat sugar anymore and they will fucking lose it.
They can't do it. They'll make any excuse in the world to keep taking their drug. They'll also fall off the wagon easy as well because their drug is everywhere (and that's the reason why it's added to all processed foods, it's addictive qualities).
Obese people are drug addicts.

>> No.7103001

Or all the people in the world that do eat sugar and do get obese? Like how obesity is now far more prevalent than starvation even in developing countries?

>> No.7103008

Well it can't be both ways, either it makes you fat or it doesn't. And when you look at all the skinny people eating a high-carb diet and not getting fat then it points to something else, perhaps carbs could play a role but it certainly isn't a major one or the entire world apart from ketoters would be fat.

>> No.7103016

Sugar is extremely problematic.
Some people perhaps are able to metabolize this poison enough to mitigate it's effects better.
Obviously many people are susceptible to the poisonous effects of sugar (fructose, to be particular).

>> No.7103017

>i'm obviously fat and gay

>> No.7103024

>Some people

Most people.

>> No.7103029

>Well it can't be both ways, either it makes you fat or it doesn't

Sure it can be both ways, because you're ignoring an important factor: how much of it gets consumed.

Any food will make you gain weight if you eat too much of it. Likewise you can lose weight on any food so long as you keep your calorie count down. Google "twinkie professor" for a great example: guy ate nothing but sugary junk food, yet lost weight because he kept the calories down.