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7099229 No.7099229 [Reply] [Original]

This might be a stupid question but I don't frequent this board so idk

Is anyone here vegan? Or even vegetarian? I've recently made the plunge after watching some documentaries and I'm finding it quite difficult to avoid all dairy and eggs. If anyone has quick tips or suggestions for meals (especially breakfast...) that's be awesome.

Feel free to mock me.

>> No.7099231

First off are you a man or a woman?

>> No.7099232

vegan threads are troll threads

>> No.7099240

Woman...does it matter?

>> No.7099246

Some things to think about next time you eat eggs.


>> No.7099247

yes...if you were a man you would've been a giant faggot pussy and deserved to die.

But since you're a woman it's alright.

a-are you in Michigan by any chance?

>> No.7099257

That's kind of rude anon. And no, I'm from Canada so I guess kinda close to Michigan.

>> No.7099270

>I'm finding it quite difficult to avoid all dairy and eggs
I'm not even vegan, and I haven't had eggs or milk in over a month. What makes it difficult?

>> No.7099271

There are vegans on /ck/, but they are vastly outnumbered by people who shit on vegans.

The most important thing to remember when taking on a vegan diet is that it's not a strict code or religion. Some people may push themselves to cut out every animal product in their lives, and if they're assholes they look down on those who don't, but you don't have to be one of them. I have been vegan for 2 1/2 years, and I learn every other week that there's something else that's not vegan (the most recent discovery was added D3). Does the fact that I ate those things make me less of a vegan? It doesn't matter. What's important is that you do whatever you can to reduce animal suffering. So if there's something you find it unmanageable to avoid, or can't give up, do everything you can except that thing. As soon as you believe that you've been defeated you fall down the slippery slope of eating more animal products, so don't take it as a failure.

For breakfast ideas, oatmeal is a good friend. It has plenty of protein, is rich in a variety of amino acids, and can easily be infused with fruit, nuts and spices. If you get a bowl in the morning, it'll be easier to have a balanced day of eating with primarily vegetables, fruits and grains.

You'll find more as you go along, especially if you're in a city with a strong vegan community. As you come across new restaurants or blogs you'll find new things to inspire you.

>> No.7099278

When I was a teenager, I was a vegetarian for 6 months. I was going through the typical, "No one understands me phase."

>> No.7099287

>easiest meal to eat vegan

oatmeal, fresh fruit, granola, fried potatoes, bagels with nut butter, toast with jam, pancakes, waffles....

>> No.7099330
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ayy lmao I'm in toronto. Want to meet up bb ;^)

>> No.7099338

If your diet is hard to follow, it's shit or you're a fat fuck with no self control. If you can't think of things to eat that don't contain dairy or eggs you're pretty stupid.

Also eggs are GOAT so go fuck yourself.

>> No.7099345

Not vegan, but most of my cooking is. I eat a plant based diet at home, then when I'm out or visiting family/friends I eat whatever. Keeps me skinny without making me a giant pain in the ass to others.

>> No.7099353

it's ironic that what you learned from a documentary turned you off meat and shit while farm kids learn that shit in real life and still manage to enjoy meat and shit

>> No.7099430

Thanks. And yeah I don't want to be one of those who is overly strict, for the time being I'm avoiding everything that's quite obviously not vegan and I'll learn as I go along. And I didn't want it to be an issue around distant family so I might just eat what relatives make for me without making a fuss if that makes sense.

Yeah the problem is I hate all of that especially oatmeal so I just end up not eating breakfast at all. And I lead a busy life so I don't have time to stock up on fruits and whatnot

>> No.7099441

I had to become vegetarian because of a health issue. After about two years I was able to switch back and the issue never returned.

Thre can be good reasons to become vegetarian, but in general, I think that a great many vegetarians and vegans become so for stupid reasons. Sometimes it's like they are deciding whether or not to wear a blue tie or a red tie with their suit.

So why did you become a vegetarian? Was here any sound reason behind the decision?

>> No.7099473

a guy I kind of have a crush on is a vegan and he showed me some documentaries that showed me the light.
So that's the reason I decided to become a vegan

>> No.7099484

I mean it's mostly for the ethical treatment of animals and it was always a subject I avoided researching because I felt guilty about the whole thing. Second reason is my body's always hated dairy and I don't know why I consumed it for so long so health reasons (also I had really bad eating habits now I pay more attention to what goes into my body). And the recent information about the impact of animal farming on the environment (this is last because I hate most people and wouldn't mind if future generations were doomed).

>> No.7099559
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Raw vegan here. Enjoy life!

>> No.7099564

I could never be a vegan. I love scrapple too much.

>> No.7099576

I’m a vegan since October 28th, but haven’t told (almost) anyone. My decision didn’t come from a moral standpoint, or personal, as in I got disgusted by eating the “corpse” of an animal or consuming dairy as it is “weird for humans to do so”. I just decided to do it, and sure, I could scramble for some reasons, and if I had to, the most prominent would be “why not” and “is so fucking cheap”.

I love to eat meat, dairy and eggs, and sure, some thing I will miss more than others, but during 2015 I’ve tasted a lot of new vegan things and read a lot about different recipes I’m eager to try out. I have a bunch of dishes I can cook and vary my meals with, obviously it would have been an enormous problem hadn’t that been the case, but I learn about new vegan things all the time and simply don’t have time to try them all out. I love to do shit in the kitchen so I see no problem in this. I don’t have a problem with people eating what they like, I’ve made lasagna and other stuff containing “the forbidden” things.

Being a vegan most often also taking a stand for animals and the environment. I care about the environment and good treatment of animals, but those where not the reasons. Having the cooked “corpse” of a fellow earth-walker on my plate is not something that disgusts me, even though I’ve seen the miserable conditions in the industry. I am aware of it, but the reaction, the disgust to stop eating meat because of that, simply never occurred.

>> No.7099580

That is something that upset a lot of (vegan)people on an anonymous chat room (not 4Chan). I told them what I’ve just told you, but they got upset, some not understanding why, some calling me a psychopath, some not accepting that I was a vegan because I had no problem with stake but simply chose not to have it any more. They attacked “a fellow vegan”, causing just as much harm to the animals, as themselves, because I didn’t have the right motives. Some didn’t seem to think that the end justifies the means.

I’ve only told one friend, and her girlfriend, both of whom are vegans. I think my dad figured out because he asked me, but I brushed him of, saying it’s not something I want to talk about as it doesn’t matter. That is the stance I have. My friend does not understand why I’m secretive about it, as it’s not something to be ashamed about, on the contrary in her opinion. But that is the thing, a lot of vegans get a lot of flak because of their choice(some more justified than others) and that is something I don’t want. I simply don’t want the attention. If someone asks me, I’ll tell them, but I won’t preach about it, just answer their questions and give them my point of view, but I won’t bring it up. Actually, with the meme; “How do you spot a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll let you know.” existing, they should like my approach to it, as it kind of debunks that stereotype.

But I guess, for many, being a vegan is more than just not eating stuff from animals, but being involved and fighting actively for the cause. I’m not saying they are wrong in their thought process or their actions, on the contrary, but I happen to do something that coincides with a part of their agenda. For the ease, I call myself a vegan, even if others definition may vary.

>> No.7099587

Serious question... Why don't vegans eat oysters, clams, cockles, mussels, pippin, sea urchins, sea cucumbers etc?

Literally full of iron, complete proteins, essential amino acids and B vitamins that vegans can't get elsewhere. You don't even have to eat shitloads of them and they're certainly not sentient. And infact oyster farming actually benefits waterways. They're good for your and the planet's health.

I mean I had to go to PETA of all things to look for the arguments against it and all I could find was "Some bivalves evade predators sometimes lol" but even fucking plants do that. You know the smell of cutting grass and how potent it is? The reason we smell that is because plants release that smell deliberately when being attacked by herbivores so that a predators with smell 1000x our smelling capabilities know there's a rabbit eating a plant two fields away. That's the level of sentience you're dealing with, with these "animals".

>> No.7099591

What do you eat on the day to day that makes it cheap? I would assume a vegan diet would need a lot more fresh vegetables to make up for the lack of things like iron and protien, but often I find fresh vegetables hard to find for cheap, and need to buy bulk frozen, dried or things like rice or potatoes. I mostly cook vegetarian due to not being able to afford meat, but I don't think I could survive on nothing animal.

If animals didn't want to be eaten, they should of evolved into speaking beings, that could organize and challenge us. They had the same opportunities we did.

>> No.7099603

I'm >>7099576 / >>7099580 and love sea food. I guess it's because they are living things just like other living things, just like cows, fish and bugs. It will be a couple of years before I get my own home on my own land, but I'd like to have bee hives, 1 because it would be fun and 2 because it helps nature. I guess that is like the clam-thing you said, a moral-vegan would probably like to farm oysters but simply not harvest them.

>> No.7099623

>people that don't live my lifestyle yet still enjoy cooking are trolls
>yes...if you were a man you would've been a giant faggot pussy and deserved to die.
I don't get this. You have to enjoy and support horrendous forms of cruelty to be a real man?

>> No.7099625

But how is being a living thing enough? You guys are happy to get your vitamin b12s from yeast and your rennets from moss and you eat plants and fungi.

The reason why the argument that carnists use against meat eaters, that "plants are living things too" is so easily refuted is that vegans will say "Well plants can't feel pain, don't have brains or central nervous systems"

Well um...neither do bivalves. They literally do not have nerves or pain receptors or brains

>Oyster hobby farm

>> No.7099636

I make things with beans, chickpeas, rice, simply cheap dry things. Sure, I eat others things as well, but the bulk of it comes from extremely cheap staples like beans and rice, mixed with others spices and ingredients. Thing is, spices are extremely expensive, but as you use so little, the cost of spices in one dish is really low. I'm not taught good enough to tell you in more detail what you need to eat to survive, but if you read more about the subject you will learn more about it. You'll find some facts even in the most preaching moral-vegans videos/blogs out there. I live in (expensive) Sweden, stats: 6'4/230 lbs but I'd survive on ~27 USD (depending on exchangerates) in one month. Sure, it'd be boring as hell without all the spices, but as most posters on this board, I'm not that deep in poverty.

Read this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/10/gwyneth-paltrow-food-stamp_n_7043010.html
Basically, she had to live for one week on 29 dollars. At first I read "29 dollars in one MONTH" and thought, hey, that'd be a challenge, but then I saw that is was per week, and I mean that would be a walk in the park.

>> No.7099641

If it's not too personal, could you tell us a vague age range? Because I went vegetarian at 14 and I ended up 5'6" now (27). I was always short, but, caloric restriction does tend to result in lower height, which can have impacts on your ability to get hired or promotions. If you're older and disciplined and paid enough to make sure you're getting enough calories and your calories are mostly balanced with protein, complex carbs, and the healthier fats, that may be less of a problem.

Also, I did try the vegan thing for a bit in college, as treatment was way more of a concern than death. I never really had a problem with hunting or fishing (as they're free range and not enough non-human predators), just never had time to do it. I went back to dairy and eggs after a few months, because being strict to that degree just wasn't sustainable for me at the time. So, on that note, consider whether you'd be better off maintaining a certain diet in the long run with some well-treated farm meat or hunted meat vs. going all in and feeling like it's an all-or-nothing game. I mean, prairie animals die in the harvesting of grain all the time, I always took medicine that was prescribed, even if it came in a gelatin capsule etc. So, its a spectrum by default.

I know you asked for meals, but, you do have to come to terms with your motives and what you can realistically expect from yourself down the road. If you're certain now, but, your feelings do sincerely change, don't get down on yourself. Unwarranted, everlasting guilt is for hardliner Catholics. I eat meat regularly now and neither feel particularly bad about it, nor regret having been veg, aside from the possibility that I stunted my growth.

>> No.7099644

great video

>> No.7099650

I do use a ton of spices, and I'm quite a passable cook when it comes to spicing up bulk staples, I just thought that maybe you guys had to eat a lot more fresh food. I basically eat these things anyway, with some meat and dairy thrown in. More than half my weeks food is vegetarian.

But come on now, that gwyneth paltrow, gives up after 4 days article? Don't look to that for any proper advice, she doesn't even know how to budget properly for food.

>> No.7099653
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I mean, most vegans have so many different attack angels in their arsenal. If you say something like that; "They literally do not have nerves or pain receptors or brains", they would counter with the moral thing, "Disgusting with a corpse on your plate", "why is it you decision to decide who gets to live?". You really can't win, and you don't have to really. Some opinions you can argue against and make people change their minds, I don't think that applies to most vegans eating meat and such.

Also forgot:
>"should of"
>pic related

>> No.7099657

Fuck off retard.

>> No.7099666

> as treatment was way more of a concern than death

Here, I'm talking about treatment and slaughter of animals. Not MY death. Never been that fundamentalist about anything, let alone a meatloaf.

>> No.7099681

>Is anyone here vegan?
im not
>Or even vegetarian?

but i eat at least one vegan meal a day , oats w/ almond butter , flax seed , fruit , cocoa powder , raw pea protein powder and youguhrt

>> No.7099683

Erm, have you had any baked goods at all?

>> No.7099685

Grandma 5'11
Grandpa 6'1
Father 6'8
I'm 6'4

Genes play a huge part, but sure, food does too, but I read that you really have to be malnourished, like in North Korea, where everyone is much shorter than in Worst Corea.

I'm 24 and started ~1 month ago, so sure Meat and all that shit brought me up, but I stopped growing at the age of 15 anyways.

I didn't mean the article as some form of guidance, but just to show how "much" poor people spend on food every week. I'm pretty well off, but still pinch pennies as that is in my blood. Also, it's also a pretty embarrassing read.

I eat some fresh things, and frozen veggies, but not mountains like 17 bananas every day. I like frozen peas, and a sizable amount takes a large part of your dinner plate, but still lands at pretty few cents. Thing is, if you are really that poverty struck, it's good to know how you can survive momentarily on next to nothing, but had you a little more, as most of us do, you'd (be able to)spice things up with what you could afford.

>> No.7099696

>i eat at least one vegan meal a day
It's better though than people that eat meat w/ every lunch and dinner, that honestly disgusts me

>> No.7099701

When I went "vegetarian," I used the label for saving time. I ate clams, oysters, and mussels. When people found out I was (pseudo)-vegetarian, they'd get really defensive, eventually find out I loved me some clam chowder, and start yelling at me because, "IT'S STILL MEAT." Some people would even claim that because plants are living that it was murder to eat beans or lentil soup.

I agree with you on it being a useless argument for who you're arguing against. But, arguments are best for changing people listening in as far as trying to understand different views. I wish we could all learn that having more comprehensive, sincere views on other people has way more utility than whether your food could "feel" or not.

>> No.7099707

People would claim that a vegetarian shouldn't eat vegetables? Especially one of the most important parts of vegan proteins? Did you slap the idiot out of them? They can't have it both fucking ways... Thats like someone saying that they are so Christian that they no longer believe in God or the bible. It's fucking idiotic.

>> No.7099708

I know some who are vegetarians + fish, I don't mind, and I don't understand why vegans/vegetarians mind. They have this person who comply with their agenda, but this one tiny thing and it's all for naught. It's like my reason to be vegan, I just chose to be one and not do it because of morals, and I was compared to a nazi psychopath.

>> No.7099713

I'm in my early 20s and 5'6, but I am female so height doesn't really matter for me. It's not impossible to get the same caloric intake without meat but you do have to pay attention to diet for sure.

>> No.7099716

Being vegan/vegetarian is honestly easy. The only discipline you really need is to just not buy the fuckin animal products when you're at the store.

And I guess having to tolerate a bland meal every now and then, but that's not that bad.

>> No.7099739

It's not that I care that they eat fish. The problem is that they are taking the label of vegetarian when it doesn't apply. The word is pescetarian. Fish aren't plants. It causes confusion. Meat eaters start to think actual vegetarians eat fish.

>> No.7099750

How does one stop eating fish? I am just weak willed for not wanting beans/lentils all the time for protein?

>> No.7099766

Not a vegan, but I wanted to say I really love your advice. If I meet anyone who's interested in being vegan I'm going to use this.

>> No.7099773

I guess you are. It's ok though. I did the same thing when I was just starting to be vegetarian. I ate salmon a lot until I got to college and went full on vegan. It's a process.

I don't eat beans and lentils all the time. They make me fart too much. There's lots of other ways to get protein. I Googled this for you:


>> No.7099815

I'm looking for advice, is there any way you could list what you eat from morning til night? I'm fairly large (not fat) and wondering what to eat when I'm on the go, I find I probably eat too many fruits and it's supposed to be cheaper to be vegan but any wrap I find has cheese or something on it or it's just unhealthy, like white bread or something

>> No.7099824
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>/vegan/ general

>> No.7099833

I will say that though I've been vegan for a while, and though I don't eat bivalves, I'm not necessarily against it in principle. Vegan philosophers (notably Peter Singer) seem to go back and forth on this issue. Mostly I don't eat them because I don't find the texture palatable anyway, I might as well give them the benefit of the doubt, and the commercial cultivation of bivalves is harmful to especially delicate ocean ecosystems in some cases (I acknowledge that it can be done almost completely 'sustainably'). I suppose I might try some at some point, but I don't see myself ever eating any regularly.

>> No.7099983

Being vegan is not hard (for me at least).

I have been for about 4 months now, vegetarian for 6 months, and like most other people in this thread are saying it's mostly about easing into it and expanding your diet slowly. I used to eat pretty much just animal-based things, but I took the time to slowly change over to a plant-based diet rather than just dive in and I haven't had any problems.

As for breakfast, I make a scramble type deal once or twice a week usually. Potatoes, peppers, onions, maybe some carrots, kale, spinach, etc. etc. you could add tofu to it as well (depending on how you feel about soy), and season it to your tastes.

Other than that cereal with almond milk, oatmeal, avocado toast and a grapefruit with a cup of coffee is good, or if you have the time and enough fruits you could whip up a smoothie withing ~20 minutes usually.

>> No.7100240

fuck you

>> No.7100268

I want to but I've never eaten them before and I don't know how to start. Oysters have a fuckton of zinc and I need that.

As for your question, I guess because they seem like animals. But you're right, they seem to be on the same level as plants in terms of sentience. Fair game.

>> No.7100746

I really, really don't see how someone's gender is relevant in any of this. It's not like that factors into the merits of veganism in any way.

>> No.7100768

this is a grey area in the vegan community. most people in general dont like these things, so trying to find someone who does, that is also vegan, is sort of a difficult thing to do, and so the topic is not touched much. some argue that they "may" feel pain so they prefer to avoid it just in case. i consider myself vegan and i eat oysters and such, so really its up to the individual.

>> No.7100787

Minus like 3 posts this has been the nicest vegan thread I've ever seen on /ck/. Good job!

>> No.7100825

Google red clam sauce. Easy to make. Cheap. Tastes like sea food a bit but doesn't have the textural problems many have with oysters. Pretty much any serving of clams will exceed your iron rdi. Beats the fuck out of the plain pasta + nepoletana sauce combo vegans tend to do every day.

You can also blend oysters with mayonnaise.

Oh and uni sushi. It's just sea urchin and lemon juice.

As the mentioned above, there are also a million other ways to eat bivalves with different textures. You don't have to just eat them raw or even in shell. I think what it comes down to is that bivalves are... Not difficult but you need to learn to cook them and vegans are too busy with their frozen vegetarian meals to bother.

>> No.7100917
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I could really go either way. I would be more of a vegan if it were convenient. I buy an awful lot of legumes, they are really cheap and I like them. But I worry about being deficient in this or that, so rather than put any sort of additional effort into my diet, I just eat meat a few times per week to be safe.

Veganism is just not a big thing here. If I could just buy fake vegan meat products easily, and they weren't all loaded with salt, and for around the same price as regular meat, I would be all over that. But I can't. I've got these vegetarian burgers that are alright, but they cost about 5-6 dollars a pound, and it's seriously just mashed beans & stuff and does not hold up in a bun at all, and it is so not worth it.

Milk is another problem, because I eat a lot of different cereal (and seriously have you ever tried cereal with water, it's so bad). I can't find any substitutes that aren't around double the price, so could just be I'm in a bad area, but I'm not going to move just so I can jerk off a few less cows.

We used to eat a lot of 'meat and potatoes' sort of dinners when I was growing up. I still like chewing on meat, it's satisfying and I don't know why. I try a lot of vegan recipes, and they're mostly great. But they're pretty involved, and most of my weeknight dinners are pretty lazy. I eat a lot of curries and stews, but I do get sick of that, which is when I make rice/potatoes/vegetables and any slab of dead animal.

I also refuse to start inspecting all of things I buy for gelatin and other byproducts. That's crazy.

>> No.7100948

thanks senpai, I'll try it

are frozen oysters/clams good, or should you only get canned?

>> No.7101056

Fresh oysters desu senpai

>> No.7101078

i dont eat them raw since i realized they are alive and react when you put lemon to them kind of grossed me out ive tried but i just get disgusted. usually i just cook them with oil and throw them to rice or pasta. i dont consume them much though i sort of have that "what if they feel the pain as they boil" thing in the back of my head even though its very very very very very unlikely.

>> No.7101380

Experiment with the vegan baking options if that's your main problem.

I'm vegetarian but still eat eggs and dairy. But I've been trying as much vegan stuff and incorporating it.

I made some lactation cookies for a friend (they're basically oatmeal chocolate cookies with brewers yeast and flax it's suppose to help milk production but she just likes them too and I like baking) and the last batch I used 2 bananas in lieu of the 2 eggs to see how it turned out.

I really really liked it, and she did too.

There's also egg replacer recipes and you can use flax meal as a replacer too.

Cashew milk is my favorite nut milk also.

>> No.7101388

Does there need to be good reason anon? Im a vegan and I dont need one other than most animal products taste bad.

>> No.7101394
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Jesus christ well we ruined thst defense mechanism for grass

>> No.7101400

>lack of protein and iron
Toppest kek

>> No.7101968

I'm vegan-ish. I don't eat milk because it upsets my stomach and bowels and I like coconut milk. I don't eat eggs because even pastured eggs are gross to me and I use flax seeds for baking to substitute. I don't eat meat because its either cheap and health-costly or way too expensive.

I still eat raw, organic honey though so not truly vegan.

>> No.7101973

Do you digest your food well?

>> No.7102052

this is the true way to do things. it confounds the ham people

>> No.7102145

I think there's a case to be made that the consumption of animal products is very closely related to gender. The most obvious line to draw is with the consumption of eggs and dairy- both products are exclusive to females, and have taken an extremely important position in the west's diet and nutrition (dairy is even considered one of the four pillars of food). Their importance reinforces this notion of women as "nurturers of life," which they are, but only for a short period of time, and sometimes never. A glass of milk and a plate of eggs in the morning makes the archetype omnipresent, and required at every stage of life, not just in the creation of a new being. Naturally, the females who are giving these products have no say in any of this. How far the consumption of eggs and dairy contributes to the subjugation of human women could be contested, but "not at all" seems unlikely.

Bringing this to going vegan, for a man to become vegan, that means to give up this power over women and to take a kinship with nature (which is generally viewed as a feminine thing). It's less problematic for a woman to become vegan. Another factor to consider is that the discourse around protein is "energy." Building muscles to do important things. Since women aren't given roles of power, both physical and social, them lacking protein and a few nutrients isn't that big a deal.

Not touching the idea of the man as a hunter, because I don't need to. Everyone already knows about that.

>> No.7102294

Whats that m8? Looks delicious.

>> No.7102374


>> No.7102990

I don't see a problem ethically or environmentally with honey, but if you want to move away from it at some point, agave nectar is pretty great.

>> No.7103022

bananas & spinach

>> No.7103187

Vegetarian reporting in

90% of vegans that I encounter are shitty tumblrinas, some of them overweight

PETA can fuck right off. I don't really give a damn about farm animals, I just don't want to eat them.

I wish vegans would shut the fuck up about muh anamuls because you aren't going to convince billions of people to join your cause by whining about it. Just keep your damn eating habits to yourself instead of trying to shame people who are eating different stuff.

also I hate people that say "I'm vegetarian but I eat fish" - you're not vegetarian, shut the fuck up. you're pescetarian. and a picky eater at that.

>> No.7103365
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I'd suggest (whole wheat) pasta, baked potato fries, oats, and fruit.

Breakfast, just get in the habit of either eating a large amount of fruit, be it on it's own or in a smoothie, or making some oats.
You can still make pancakes or waffles, even Belgian waffles if you want, but they take more effort than the other options, but are still virtually the same as making them normally, just no eggs and either vegan butter or an alternative.

Most farm kids I know or former farm kids were disgusted by the acts their parents committed and often dislike the specific type of meat acquired from their parents to this day 'lad.
Besides, family-stuff is far better quality of enslavement than factory-farm stuff.

>Yeah the problem is I hate all of that especially oatmeal
Are you sure?
Most people don't know how to make oatmeal and make it into gew-y cement. Try making it differently, adding some blueberry preserves in it, maybe some coconut sugar, blueberries, etc, and you'll be good to go.

>I lead a busy life so I don't have time to stock up on fruits.
If you have time to purchase food it's fruits. Zero or very little prep, all concentrated in a small space in your local supermarket, lasts many days at least, cheap, etc.
Just go once or twice a week at least just going to the fruit section, get some oranges in a 15lb bag, a few bundles of bananas (at least), etc.

I don't because I dislike them all or don't find them appealing and (some) never tried them and have no interest to.
Besides, it's not a needed thing. I get plenty of all you mentioned. Those things are found in literally everything I eat.

I eat mostly grains (corn included), all either dried or frozen, with rice, bread (duh), potatoes, and bunches of fruit.
I barely eat beans or vegetables to be quite honest, yet I get all my nutrients according to cronometer. I still really should eat some greens more. I try, I'm new.

>> No.7103526

My trick that I learned over the years is to make my own food. That way I know exactly what is going in there. Over time with practice you get a feel for it. I also use a lot of online material and recipes. For breakfast tofu scramble is good. It has a similar texture to eggs but obviously not the same taste. Another point is just because it is breakfast doesn't mean it has to be breakfast food. I will eat anything for breakfast. I don't know where you live but Amazon ships a lot of dry goods and shelf goods. TVP (textured vegetable protein) and the like. Fantastic brand makes a lot of easy to make in my opinion entry level foods. Lastly remember it is a vegetarian diet. Veggies are always a good go to in any way shape or form. Good luck OP.

>> No.7103611
File: 128 KB, 780x517, Meanwhile+in+russia+siberian+kids+eating+raw+meat+from+a_803190_5392992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here take this bait.

Humans are carnivores, this pic proves it.

>> No.7103623

you need to calm down, buddy

>> No.7103655

food production is just environmentally unsustainable, the price of meat doesn't reflect the huge amount of land, feed and water it takes to rear animals for meat, not to mention the gas emissions*
if my kids won't be able to eat a steak or roast chicken in 50 years, why should i?

*yes some crops like almond are as water intensive as beef, don't make a smart alekcy comment like all vegetables are as water or land intensive as meat - most people would struggle to eat 300 grams of almonds in a month, most meat eaters will eat a 300g steak in one sitting, even multiple times in a week

>> No.7103662

for breakfast i'm a huge cereal fan. i love cereal and that's very easy to make vegan.

sometimes i'll make a fruit cereal as well--just chopped fruit in milk with walnuts and flax, maybe some sprouts as well

tofu scrambles are pretty easy to make as well

but you can eat anything for breakfast. sometimes i'll just have a large bowl of lundberg brown rice. Another big one for me is just eating beans. Just a big bowl of crockpot cooked butter beans or chickpeas.

For other meals I eat a lot of soup, burritos, dahl/curry, pasta, smoothies, sandwiches. It really helps to have a friend who's a vegetarian or vegan too. I didn't for a long time, but now that I do I'm learning a lot from him.

>> No.7103669

nah, that just proves that inuits are savages

>> No.7103696

They are humans and animals just like the animals that we Vegans love.
You can't hate them because of their diet. It is a reflection of the harsh environment that they live in.
You're a sick inhuman asshole.

>> No.7103871

Carnivores don't need knives 'lad.

A herbivore that is locked in a cage and left to starve will result to cannibalism, or to eating the other cage member(s).

>> No.7104269
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>be vegetarian
>take friend to taco place
>tell her the steak tacos are good I used to eat them
>get food, she asks "wait are you OK with people eating meat in front of you?"

>> No.7104354
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Asking this here because semi related. What are some cool things I can do with beet root and greens? I've already tried the obvious like borscht, saute's, salads, pickling, etc.

>> No.7104360

I bake them and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and balsamic vinegar. Then go at them with a knife and fork. Sometimes I roast them with carrots and other veggies and gobble them down.

>> No.7104375

>I've recently made the plunge after watching some documentaries

So you're a suggestible moron?

>> No.7104430

Maybe he just never really thought about it before. We lead busy lives.

It's not like much of it is up for debate. You're either comfortable eating animals or you aren't.

>> No.7104639

> don't get this. You have to enjoy and support horrendous forms of cruelty to be a real man?
Nah, a real man would just farm his own animals and treat them humanely and kill them by his own hand

>> No.7104649

I don't think everyone could afford to do that. I don't even think we'd have enough space on the planet to do that.

>> No.7104658

well there isn't that many real men either.

>> No.7104709

OP here, this thread is way more civilized than I imagined... thanks everyone for the tips

>If you have time to purchase food it's fruits.
Again, I lead a busy life and especially for breakfast I don't have time to sit down and eat fruit. And whatever fruits I attempt to buy, most of it ends up going bad before I eat it so it's kind of a waste for me.
Anyways, I bought a bunch of different oatmeals today so I guess I'll look up some ways to make them taste not disgusting. And I'm going to attempt this >>7103526 tofu scramble.

Cereal is my current go-to but milk alternative are fucking expensive here so that kind of sucks. I'm not someone who can eat a heavy meal for breakfast, though. Props to your stomach.
There are a lot of vegetarians and vegans around me so that does help a lot!

It's always been something I felt guilty about (eating animal products) but I avoided informing myself for a very long time.

>> No.7104791

>I lead a busy life and especially for breakfast I don't have time to sit down and eat fruit.

jesus christ you are idiotic

please tell me my assumption that you're a chubby dumb american girl is wrong

>> No.7104798

Not exactly 'cool', but you can make a pretty good mash out of them, and my friend makes a mean beetroot and carrot soup.

>> No.7104800

Wait... so you're so busy that you don't have time to eat fruit, but you have time to fuck around making oatmeal and tofu scrambles?

That makes no sense.

>> No.7104820
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>I've recently made the plunge after watching some documentaries

>> No.7104837

Was vegetarian for 7 years, planning to go back to a vegetarian diet next year

>> No.7104856

Sorry to disappoint, I'm almost underweight at this point.

And yeah washing, peeling, slicing multiple kinds of fruit takes a while and it's not very filling on its own so why would I waste extra time in the morning idgi. Like I said I usually just eat cereal at the moment (if that) and I'm going to try some other stuff see how it works for me. Yall need to relax lol


>> No.7104865

Add some peanut butter to those fruits

>> No.7104869

>washing, peeling, slicing multiple kinds of fruit
what the fuck makes you think you need to do that

I literally eat an apple and banana on the way to work

what exactly do you think being vegan entails? having to make overly difficult pretentious meals every single time you eat?

put down the fucking sugar bowl and just eat some simple foods, it's not difficult to avoid eggs flour and milk for breakfast

>> No.7104880

You need to work on your comprehension skills. I'm especially not looking for anything fancy. I want quick, filling, nutritious, and I'm sick of cereal. An apple or banana alone to me is not filling.

Can't stand peanut butter

>> No.7104888
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>Can't stand peanut butter

>> No.7104892

How about toast, with marmalade. Or maybe hummus if you prefer savoury.

are you seriously sick of cereal? there are so many kinds, how can you be sick of them all.

>> No.7104897

avocado on toast

quick filling nutritious and tasty

if that's yet another thing that's disgusting or unfilling

I suggest getting a bucket of lard, pouring it on the floor and rolling around in it while you slurp it off your fat rolls

>> No.7104917

I actually bought a shit ton of hummus and marmalade today. Hummus is definitely not cheap I will look into making it myself.
Also maybe it's because I'm a canuck but I don't have a lot of cereal options.. kinda been stuck on capn crunch and rice krispies.

I don't like avocado anon the texture makes me gag but thanks for the suggestion

Anyways I'm going to bed. Now I REALLY won't have time for breakfast -_-

>> No.7104922

Do you fucking like anything? jesus christ

you have the taste of a picky 5 year old

>> No.7104928

>capn crunch and rice krispies
literal child

>> No.7104933

Tahini is a great spread to have on toast for breakfast, especially nice on a rich dense bread

>inb4 I don't like it

>> No.7104942

The youth group organizer at my church is vegan. She threw this luncheon for all of the volunteers in the program and insisted it all be vegan food. A couple of the dishes weren't half bad and I asked if she would email me the recipes. She never did, so I enjoy attributing at least 20% of my meat consumption to her.

>> No.7104945

>a shit ton of hummus and marmalade
Post pics, that's a pretty wild coincidence.

do you live in some frozen wasteland in the territories with only mom & pop shops around? I mean, I'm in a pretty small town in BC, and most of our grocery stores have nearly an entire aisle dedicated to cereal.

>> No.7104970
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>I'm vegan and I'm going to be picky about the options that I have

>I'm vegan and I don't like peanut butter or avocado

>I'm vegan and I haven't thought out a single fucking thing like preparing breakfast

>I'm vegan and I haven't given a thought on how work around "texture" issues, especially of what's basically a fucking spread

>I'm vegan and don't like the texture of avocado but am completely okay with hummus and marmalade

>I'm vegan and I know absolutely fuckall about anything including if I'm actually on the planet Earth

Jesus fucking christ, anon

>> No.7104977

>oh btw im a grill hehe x x

>> No.7104989

>wanting to consume carbs

>> No.7104998

>not wanting every single thing you eat to be packed full of sugar
>wanting to eat bland disgusting textured food

*retches at the thought of a vegetable*


>> No.7105071

Agave necta is basically fructose. I would rather get off sugar. but its unethically because bees are not slaves. They do not labor to feed the non-hive. the labor for their babies and shit and maybe a bit of charity. It's uncharitable to steal the fruits of their labor but my body cannot abide in that truth yet.

>> No.7105081

>bees are not slaves

>> No.7105088

1. Bees are literally slaves
2. They do not have feelings

Bees willingly commit suicide as part of their life cycle. They don't lament it either. They literally don't care if they die.

>> No.7105108

I have been following a vegan diet for 6 years. I personally do not find it difficult at all at this point.
Read labels, which you should be doing anyway, and avoid junk food traps.

For breakfast? Oats, nuts, fruit, toast, leftovers from last night's dinner, etc...
Get creative.

>> No.7105115

This thread makes me hate other vegans. It also makes me hate people who shit on vegans.

Fuck you guys.

>> No.7105116
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You're honestly on the wrong site for advice on veganism, but I'll try what I can.

Legumes and grains are your friends.

For breakfast I'd go for some rolled oats, almond butter, bananas and pumpkin or chia seeds. (maybe even throw in some almond milk)

maybe a salad with some hemp seeds, olives, tomatoes, onions, whatever you want really. Maybe toss some quinoa or couscous in there as well. Use lime juice as a dressing.

Try some lentils and rice with avocado, tomatoes and maybe a side of greens.

You gotta mix it up, to avoid going stale, as it is a very limited diet you're performing.

>> No.7105159

what did you expect on 4chan?

no matter what the topic people argue with eachother and get angry

just go look at a "steak appreciation thread" or any thread whatsoever at all

>> No.7105221


I bake breads, muffins, cookies, pancakes, snack bars etc., always vegan. You can substitute an egg with ground flax seed and water. Vegetable fats and milks work the same way as animal fats and milks. I don't see any problem with it, doesn't take away from the consistency or taste. Seriously just google this stuff, there are tons of vegan baking blogs.

>> No.7105226


Honey is as bad as sugar... Here is a study about it:


>> No.7105231


Jesus christ you are such a baby. I think you are just lazy if you can't take the time to feed yourself. By the way, you don't need to peel fruits except for bananas, pineapple etc. The peel is the best part.

>> No.7105232

Don't phrase it like sugar is bad.

>> No.7105290

Sugar literally causes heart disease, diabetes, obesity, fatty liver disease, and a host of other issues.
I changed to a fat based diet and have never felt better. People who eat sugar are literally the same as drug addicts,they are subhuman.

>> No.7105303

>i used to do it
>now I don't
>I now violently hate people that still do
so pathetic lol

>> No.7105329

This. Sugar is really...really bad. I mean the fake sugar substitutes aren't great either.. (unknown long term side effects) but taking in sugar in excess is pretty much signing your life over.

>> No.7105330
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>in excess


>> No.7105335

Anything over 4tsp a day is excessive, from all sources (that's including fruits you drug addict).

Yes, I wish I never started, sugar is one of the most dangerous chemicals there is. Now I know better.

>> No.7105393


>not figuratively

>> No.7105468

How much do you guys spend per week?
Calories, protein, fat and carbs too if you have the numbers.

My only arguments or questions against veganism (apart from the self-righteous veganfags) are:
>price and convenience
>nutrition (long-term studies, effects on testosterone, lifts, cognition, pregnancy and development)
>flavor (is it enjoyable or something you force down?)
>the fact that animals in the wild are eaten alive in comparison, but at least they can roam around
>that more humane livestock practices are possible albeit, not that economically viable (land, slow production)
>that it is largely a first-world responsibility (unless vegan/vegetarian production is economically viable as a replacement. wouldn't know. although the fact that 1/3 of the world's food is wasted is possibly a more important problem. but nobody in the third world would give a fuck about animal feelings)

I do recommend that you guys ferment your vegetables and fruits regardless of moral or health reasons. Fermentation reduces toxin contents such as arsenic and lead, phytic acid (not a toxin, but somewhat reduces mineral absorption), and improves your gut bacteria which helps with immunity, among other things I am less sure of. Pathogens that enter your body have to compete with native bacteria in your body, in comparison to having no competition and immediately proliferating (see antibiotics). That's one other good thing since I don't think farmers use antibiotics on plants versus meat and dairy.

The ideal world would probably have an omnivorous diet of organic fruit and vegetables with healthy and happy meats and fish not pumped with growth hormone and antibiotics but there's a reason why that isn't the case and that's because it's just a dream.

>> No.7105569

Agreed, fermented foods are incredibly underutilized in modern Western diets.
I just started making my own fermented vegetables, hope they turn out. I'll probably actually use a starter culture next time if they don't.
I find most people who say they are vegan are really fucking dumb. They'll boast about being vegan and drink $8 sugar drinks from Starbucks, tonnes of vegan baked sugar shit, fruit out the ass. I have never once in my life heard of a vegan eating homemade fermented vegetables (arguably the healthiest way possible to eat a vegetable). Disappointing faggots.

>> No.7105598
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>An apple or banana alone to me is not filling.
Then have another.
And another.
And another.

I'll have six bananas sometimes, or an entire melon.
All those require is a single cut with any knife, or a peel with your hands.

Children are more flexible than she is.
t. loli-cuddler

They seem to care, they just are selfless and don't want to harm others they live with.

Paleo-patient pls go.

Gonna go babysit, but a quick answer would be 80-120g/protein usually on a 3000-4000kcal diet, 15-25g/fat, & 500g+ of carbs.
That's my choice though.

I spend about $6 a day on average, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less.

Price and convenience are way cheaper and easier I would say, unless you're going out to eat in a small town with some unhealthy keks.
Pregnancy and development and all that health stuff has been shown to be as good, if not better.
Flavor just depends on if you take time or know what to do, as most meat flavors people like are really seasonings and cooking methods.
In regards to third world, if they want to eat, it's their responsibility, as animal-farming simply takes more nutrition from the regions land that could be used for people & crops.

>> No.7105624

Admittedly, it's not a common hobby. I first got wind of it from the canning threads here, and it's an unlikely social circle people would be a part of (housewives, old people). If you saw the audience in one of Sandor Katz' videos you'd know what I'm talking about (the Wild Fermentation one, there's a torrent. Real nice stuff). If it weren't for the internet and the strange fringe groups of 4chan, I'd never have picked it up in my lifetime.

Also, you might be interested in reading Missing Microbes by Martin Blaser MD. I picked it up from one of the audiobook threads on /t/. He talks about the use of antibiotics and the lack of emphasis of the human microbiome. I haven't finished it, but I don't think he goes around parading you swimming in feces and drinking kefir everyday to boost your immunity.

>> No.7105630

>fermenting vegetables

What's the basic steps and ingredients (if any other than the vegetable)

>> No.7105636

it depends. some vegans spend hundreds of dollars on fruit a week. plus they love all that organic and other expensive fad shit like 6$ blocks of fake cheese. i tend to just eat canned or bog standard farmers market veggies and it is in no way more expensive than eating meat.

>> No.7105641
File: 473 KB, 1047x757, Osteoporosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a friend of mine who used to be vegan for a few years got osteoporosis at 25 because she didnt eat properly. another friend of mine has been vegan for a while now and is doing well coz she fucking researched her shit and knows what to eat to get everything she needs

dont be a dumbass about going vegan

>> No.7105649

Very true.
But desu this is important in omni diets too.

>> No.7105654 [DELETED] 

sjw pls go

>> No.7105667

Salt and chopping and bruising the vegetable for example, sauerkraut. Although you can put them in whole, but I'm not experienced enough to give examples..

Then you put it in a jar, and submerge it in water. The jar should be airtight, otherwise the air will cause aerobic molds to grow on the surface. The vegetables should be under the water or else mold will grow on that. "Burp" but don't open, the jar every time you come across it (every 6 hours maybe to be safe) for the first three-four days. You slightly open it, enough for the air to hiss out and then close again, otherwise, it explodes from pressure. You do this to let out the pressurized gas without letting oxygen flow back in that would cause mold.

You put it in the fridge or some cold place like a cellar when it's at a point of fermentation that you enjoy. This could be after a week, a month, even more. You could try kimchi or be creative with krauts like adding berries or whatever. You could make kefir but first you'd need to find kefir grains. Sourdoughs, kombucha, cheese, yogurt, salamis, wine, beer, etc. But not to say that anybody can make good cheese. There is a degree of mastery if you want to devote yourself to something, but the idea is that anybody can make their own cultures and come up with their own flavors and techniques while being healthy on the side.

More info from Sandor Katz. He's on youtube too, I think. The people on the canning threads would probably know a lot more than me as well.

>> No.7105818

I haven't eaten meat in about 7 weeks now, living entirely on frozen morning star burgers, quinoa, stirfry veggies, salads, baked goods, occasional yogurt, fruits, occasional tofu.

A few questions for those of you who have gone through the transition before:
When will my digestion return to "normal"? (It will, right?)
How do I store fresh fruits and veggies without spoilage? I have a paper towel in the salad bag, but I keep losing apples and avocados after only a few days...

Should I be making single serve fruit smoothies, or is it safe to make a tall pitcher and pull from that for 2-3 days? (it's in the fridge)

>> No.7105829

Ha ha ha, no. Eat more fiber, I guess.
If your apples are spoiling after a few days in the crisp drawer your fridge is broken.
Fruit should last several days refregerated.

>> No.7105849


With the weather finally starting to turn here, I'll actually start incorporating beans/lentils (soups and chilies), would that be sufficient on the fiber or should I supplement?

Also, the only supplement I'm taking right now is B12 pills, one a day. I know I can theoretically cover all my needs with planing, but I'm also winging this. Are there any other overlooked vitamins/minerals I may be deficient in at the beginning?

>> No.7105857

>moral-vegan would probably like to farm oysters but simply not harvest them
Oysters lack a central nervous system and therefore cannot feel pain, they are also beneficial to the environment when farmed. Every moral vegan should be in support of the oyster farming industry.

>> No.7105989

>How much do you guys spend per week?
About 40 bucks. I could go cheaper if I needed to, but I'm not a super good cook and I rely somewhat on premade stuff.
>Calories, protein, fat and carbs too if you have the numbers.
I eat about 3000 cal a day. Rough breakdown is 70/20/10 carb/protein/fat
>price and convenience
Vegan food is cheap as fuck if you don't buy faux meat and the like. Dry beans, rice, potatoes are the bulk. Add some dark greens, whatever produce is cheapest, and some flax seed or something for nutritional variety.
It's just as inconvenient as eating healthy on an omni diet, you just need to learn a little up front.
You can look this one up yourself. Across the board vegans either match or (usually) exceed the average in virtually any measure of health. Decently planned vegan diets have been shown to be perfectly healthy in any stage of life, from infancy to death.
> flavor
Depends on skill as a cook. People that think you cannot achieve good flavor without animal products are shitty cooks or have just never tried.
>the fact that animals in the wild are eaten alive in comparison, but at least they can roam around
It's not just that the animals die, but that they have some semblance of quality of life. In addition, the ten billion animals slaughtered in the US each year far exceeds the populations that would otherwise exist, markedly increasing suffering.
>that more humane livestock practices are possible
Yeah, I think eggs could theoretically be ethically sourced, but I'm too lazy to raise hens. Besides, vegan is healthier.
>that it is largely a first-world responsibility
Vegan diets are way more ecobomically viable. You either grow food to give to people, or you grow enough food to feed an animal for its whole life, then feed that animal to people. Way more water, land, and time is wasted. The biggest food charities in the world use vegetarian and vegan diets not because they give a fuck, but because it is cheap and efficient.

>> No.7106148
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>> No.7106178

>(such as breading for fish)

>> No.7106666


Using these breading instructions for cauliflower 'chicken wings' tonight, hope I don't fuck up too bad, but all the pics I've seen of them seem legit

>> No.7106762

2 weeks without meat and you'll find it repulsive. Have a lot of new exciting easy recipes on hand you want to cook. Milk replacements are easy, I like rice milk and soy milk. Avoid unsweetened almond milk except for in small amounts like in coffee. Vegan cheese is a nightmare to find the right one so either accept you may need to try a dozen to find a couple you like or just be vegetarian.
I eat meat rarely as it's against my ethics and makes me feel sluggish and guilty.
Google acccidentally vegan/vegetarian. You'd be surprised how many of your favorite snacks incidentally require no animal products.
Look into indian food, there's a large vegetarian population thus a wide cuisine.

>> No.7106929

Wife has been vegan for years now. AMA

>> No.7106968

>2 weeks without meat and you'll find it repulsive.
I never thought that would happen but it's exactly what happened with me. I thought I would crave meat whenever I smelled it but I really do find it repulsive now.

>> No.7106989

>How far the consumption of eggs and dairy contributes to the subjugation of human women could be contested, but "not at all" seems unlikely.
>Bringing this to going vegan, for a man to become vegan, that means to give up this power over women and to take a kinship with nature (which is generally viewed as a feminine thing)
All I get out of this is, "I took a soft major at a college that wasn't academically rigorous!"

>> No.7107023

Not that being vegan is 'missing out' on a ton of delicious choices, but I could fucking KILL for some fried chicken right now.

>> No.7107036

Sun butter or almond butter

I hate peanut butter and I'm vegetarian. But I found sunbutter one day in a little gopicinic meal thing and I FUCKING LOVE IT

You should join a vegan group on book face or something though. You'll get better ideas there. I just made vegan mac and cheese using pumpkin and nutritional yeast and other shit. Vegan food is more than just "lol veggies"

>> No.7107042
File: 233 KB, 500x385, tumblr_m9cc5dttsK1qzegz5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man. I can say that since I became vegetarian I do miss Buffalo Wild Wings.

I miss gorging on Blazin wings and having lava butt at 2 am.

>pic related me at BWW

>> No.7107099


I went with a large group to Raising Canes the other week.
Just to set the scene, I've been known to binge Canes. Like, easily two, three times a week.

Got there, ordered fries, slaw, and a sweet tea...
I feel ya, bro.

>> No.7108035

Do you have the recipe for the mac and cheese?

>> No.7108127


Honestly tho pinterest was my saving grace when I first switched over

Bunch of bored housewives posting recipes all day for fucking everything

>> No.7108177

so do the tofu version of hotwings

>> No.7108187

I actually have. I found a bar that has seitan wings, and they had a pretty hot sauce too, was fun times.

I just need to perfect it and make it at home, buy some BWW sauce and spend a whole night burning my ass out

I can't wait, I just haven't felt like making seitan

>> No.7108718


Thanks for the answers. I'll look into it. If it's cheaper and better for the economy, I'm all for it. Meat is of low quality where I'm from to begin with and I already eat rice everyday. I do think the moral concerns are going to be your weakest argument when pitching it to meat-eaters and I'll probably follow an omni diet with less meat and animal products (stuff is always gonna be tasty). Your strongest arguments are going to be with reason (health, economy, price).

Is there a quick read for any balanced high protein vegan diet away from all the fad websites? Things that these diets commonly lack? I'm interested in combining that with fermentation.

I think people should minimize animal products rather than eliminate for the best of both worlds (e.g., fish oil is easier to find than algal oil), but maybe if it catches on and gets more support, more and more decent alternatives will pop up and become readily available. From that, it ironically isn't going to be the dispassionate centrists like me but the more fervent and usually obnoxious vegans who have any hope of garnering support and pushing this ideal of humane treatment of animals to become real.

>> No.7108984

I agree regarding the ethics vs health/economic argument, although morally most will be on the side of veganism it still isn't enough to make someone care to switch.
The main thing is eliminating all those excuses and showing them how much better they (likely) will feel and look, as well as how there are similar options.

>Is there a quick read for any balanced high protein vegan diet away from all the fad websites?
Not that I know of, personally I follow a HCLF (vegan) lifestyle, which usually nets me 80-100g of protein, sometimes a little lower or higher, which I consider more than enough.

>I think people should minimize animal products rather than eliminate for the best of both worlds
Honestly I can't think of a single better world example for animal products for myself other than being able to eat fast-food chicken, which honestly I don't really like or want.
Fish oil is fucking garbage and if you want omega-3's eat some Chia seeds once in awhile. They have waaaay more Omega's than a serving, two servings, or even three or four to even get to an average single serving of banana icecream with chia seeds for me. They also have less calories, good micronutrients (like Vit. K), have virtually no taste or texture unless desired, aren't nearly as fatty, have some quality protein, have no cholesterol, better absorption, etc etc. This applies to flax too, I just don't really react well to it.

In the west there are options virtually everywhere (outside tiny 500pop towns) for vegans with everything but eating out from my experience. Even eating out you have pasta or no-cheese pizza usually. In non-western countries it's a bit harder unless you eat basic, which really you should be doing anyways, but fruit is much easier to come by from what I've seen.

Just realize you don't like BWW's wings, you like their sauce, as the chicken in the wings don't really have much flavor in that situation, but rather texture.
That's easily replicated.

>> No.7108996


Both female and male vegans are shitty

>> No.7109005

>a guy
oh, we see

>> No.7109010

>implying grass and other plants aren't living

>> No.7109018

>can't think for them self
>thinks anyone finds this attractive

>> No.7109028

Low test

>> No.7109131

>Fish oil is fucking garbage

It is, really. But the importance of it wasn't as much the omega-3 but the DHA and EPA which you can't get anywhere else except for algae and krill, and your suggestion for chia seeds and flax don't have any. Cognitive benefits are documented, though not strong enough to prevent something like dementia, they are still good for child IQ and for adult memory.

Also, I do recommend you experiment by fermenting any foods you had trouble with before to see the difference. Fun hobby. It's as easy as soaking oats, rice, and beans for a day.

Sadly, these suggestions are expensive where I am (Philippines) but I'm sure I can find some local products that are good. Cacao for example is great in so many ways.

Anyway, the moment any vegan gets preachy puts people on their guard. They're pretty much closed off at that point. It's cool-headed discussion like this that'll produce any converts among those who aren't just shitposting. I was really just scrolling around /ck/ procrastinating and now I'm taking this stuff into consideration. Maybe it would be more productive to prepare a mental list of common arguments against veganism (no protein, phytoestrogens, pesticides, GMOs, animal sentience, cost and convenience, etc.) and their counterarguments, but I think that's everyone's responsibility. It's only because I'm consistently looking for something better that I'm open to this.


>> No.7109424

>not understanding sarcasm
>being retarded

pick both.

>i was only pretending to be retarded

you just are

unless >>7099473 really is stereotypical vegan womyn who changes her lifestyle at the tip of a hat

>> No.7109434


Those are Mongols you fucking imbecile.

>> No.7109539

Do you not eat fruits? Doesn't that get boring? No desserts ever?

What's your average day's eating like? I'm very curious.

>> No.7109549

Kinda relevant to thread, you should check out Peaceful Cuisine on youtube. His vids are really nice


>> No.7109691

I'm not without sin.
I eat sugar once in a while, but I flag myself in repentance to God for consuming the Devils Macro.

>> No.7109727

Usually people from my experience don't take them for the DHA and EPA, but that's true.
Regardless, unless you live in Africa, the middle east, or certain SE asian countries you can typically order krill or algae pills online for relatively cheap, usually about the same price as fish oil in my experience.

Hey, while some things are more expensive there than other places, fruit should be cheap compared to in America.
SE Asia and most of Asia in general is heaven for fruit, I've seen people buy dragonfruit for around thirty cents each while in the US it costs at least $8 in my area.
Of course the wages are lower, but proportionally y'all win in that department.

>Maybe it would be more productive to prepare a mental list of common arguments against veganism
I've seen lists online like that actually.
Most of the arguments are very basic to show how silly they are, such as "plants are living too" or "where do you get your protein".

There's nothing wrong with eating sugar from a plant 'lad.

>> No.7110755

Which veggie has the most protein?

>> No.7111343


Yeah, I get this question sometimes. You can blame all the uptight vegetarians/vegans out there that have created have pigeonholed us into this shitty trope.

>> No.7111374

I don't know what this is but it's potential for copypasta is A++

>> No.7111383

It is potential.

>> No.7111406

i fucked you're mother last night :+)

>> No.7111447

I was raised as a veggie until recently.

I can't handle any meat that isn't seafood, though. Guess my taste's fucked or somethin'.

Couldn't live without my dairy, though. Cheese is my waifood.

>> No.7111455


>> No.7112434

I am not okay with it and I think it's stupid to be so. I think the vegetarians who are all like "yeah, man, It's like, my option and stuff, I respect yours" are the worst because they turn it into a dietary option, and not what it actually is. It's not a matter of prefering something or not. To me, it would be the same as if they were eating human meat or raping somebody in front of me. And you do not need to be "uptight" or "preachy" about it.

>> No.7112455

And also to add to this, I think the first guy is even worse because the girl was clearly going for a veggie alternative, and then you suggested the meat one. I guess you are just a picky eater and not someone who wants to reduce pain and enviromental damage (well, you are vegetarian -and not vegan- after all).
Yes, let's blame one person for an entire group (Germany is so evil, that Hitler guy...), and not your own hatred for them.
The handling of bees is literally just as bad as pigs or cows. Just because you haven't taken the time to read about it because they are so small you can't see the problems doesn't mean they are any less treated like shit.

>> No.7114519

Bees dont feel pain you fucking retard they are literal slaves

>> No.7114569


It fascinates me that people find ways to limit their diet so extensively. Being a 100% vegan is near impossible. A few of my friends have allergies that limit their diets to the point where going out to eat and even cooking at home is challenging at times. If they cut out animal products from their diet they would literally have no complete form of protein and pretty much have to survive on fruit, starch, and limited vegetables. Then vegans come around (often on a high horse) and whine about animal cruelty. Buy free range or local meat that isn't pent up in a cage its whole life, milking or killing an animal humanely isn't cruel, it is a fact of life for getting food and has been since we figured out it is way more efficient than foraging for nuts constantly.

That said, my favorite vegan recipe is spaghetti. Use a vegan pasta (obviously) and make the sauce from scratch. I typically use about 8 or so vegetables. Carrots, spinach, celery, squash (usually green and yellow), bell peppers, cucumber, get shredded or chopped and set aside. I sautee garlic and shallots in a pan with seasonings (salt, pepper, basil, rosemary and copious amounts of cumin). I then add all of the vegetables and large chunks of fresh shiitake mushrooms (portabelo would work as well) and some tomato paste. I let this all sit on medium heat for about 20 minutes until it all starts to break down, you could also use a crock pot. If you like a smooth sauce, puree it now or puree this then add the mushrooms and simmer. I like mine chunky so I just let it continue to break down and meld the flavors.

The sauce is extremely healthy and the combination of mushroom and cumin helps give a meaty taste that can make it feel like you are eating 'real' spaghetti and it is all home made unless you bought pasta. That's one of my more interesting vegan dishes but I don't cook vegan often and when I do it is usually to challenge myself or for my one vegan friend when she comes over. Have fun!

>> No.7114592

I hate when people use this argument...

Yes it was an important part of our evolution but we're completely overpopulated at this point. There's no way we can all eat free range its unsustainable and it would be even worse for the environment than the factory farming we have now.

>> No.7114605

I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that your friend doesn't have any allergies. Well, I'm sure they do, but it's caused by very poor gut health almost exclusively.
I'm curious, were they born via cesarean or vaginal canal?
Anyway, they should start making their own fermented vegetables. It's super easy and I swear to God it's literally a panacea for so many problems especially related to digestion. Fermented vegetables are like cocaine for all the good bacteria in your gut, which are by the way responsible for the majority of your immune system (hello allergy problem?).
It absolutely has to be homemade lactofermented though, if you use a starter culture it's almost impossible to fuck up.

>> No.7114619

Is this sort of what you're talking about?


I do like pickled foods, but the mold/scum skimming part makes me a little uneasy.

>> No.7114626

Mold on top isn't a problem, really. And it only happens when it's not in an ideal container. But I've used just a regular mason jar and plastic lid and didn't even get mold on top. Really it's hard to fuck up.
You can use cucumbers, sure, you can use pretty much any vegetables. Right now I'm just finishing up fermenting some cabbage, radish, and carrots.
This is literally the healthiest way to eat vegetables, it's a shame the modern diet has forgone this food (and it's probably why there are so many digestion and allergy related problems!).

>> No.7114627

Good job OP! I suggest trying sites like vegweb.com or youtube videos for starters. Lots of ways to make yummy food. There's this chick that veganizes tons of junk food and her vids are awk but she's cute: https://www.youtube.com/user/stillcurrentstudios . Good luck anon! Be prepared for hordes of idiots asking you questions and trying to bring you down. I believe in you.

>> No.7114630

Oh and remember pickling and fermenting are two entirely different things.

>> No.7114647


^^^tons of great recipes

>> No.7114663

try buffalo cauliflower "wings" not the same but damn good

>> No.7114680

those recipes always say "hot sauce" but what kind are you even supposed to buy?

>> No.7114740

I know that. It's refined by bees like sugar is refined by machinery. It has some topical benefits though since its antiseptic and stuff, unlike sugar.

>> No.7115298

>Enjoy life!

How can you when you have to eat that?

>> No.7115326

>be vegetarian
>eat family dinner with partners family
>mother know I'm vegetarian so she made sure there was enough shit for me to eat
>the subject is brought up
>father literally stand up and start going on about how sorry he is and how he'll immediately remove all meat from the table
Was among the weirdest situations I've ever been in.

>> No.7116207

>bees don't feel pain
The things people tell themselves just to keep the blindfold on...

Even if you aren't in for the moral part, the bee environment has gotten absolutely megafucked ever since the invention of new methods of harvesting honey.

>> No.7116237

>It fascinates me that people find ways to limit their diet so extensively.
Me too I once me this one guy who was all like "I have this rule of never raping nor killing", like what the fuck??? Why would you limit yourself like that? Some bitches oughta get raped.
>Being a 100% vegan is near impossible.
No one says it is, you just aim for the lesser evil instead of going full piece of shit just because there are starving kids in Africa and thinking "oh well, what can you do, there will always be something bad going on...".
>a few of my friends have allergies that limit their diets to the point where going out to eat and even cooking at home is challenging at times
Yeah, but I bet you don't, and neither do 99% of the population that shits on vegans. Just another excuse. Communities exist for gluten-intolerant vegans and such, so, again, "uhh, I have allergy to these things, so I might as well don't even try and instead of reducing my animal intake I'll just keep exploiting them" is another excuse.
>free range or local meat that isn't pent up in a cage its whole life, milking or killing an animal humanely isn't cruel
Yeah I bet you would say this if you were born with the purpose of being consumed. I also bet you are one of those morons who know nothing about free-range productions and 1. don't know nobody regulates it so the free-range conditions are almost literally just as bad as the worst farm factory 2. don't know you literally can't feed even half of the world population even with the hypothetical (which, again, pretty much don't exist) "free-range" farms were animals lead a "happy life".

>> No.7116239

>Yeah I bet you would say this if you were born with the purpose of being consumed.
Cows aren't self-aware.
You can't compare humans with animals that can't even recognize themselves in mirrors.

>> No.7116249

Cows can't pass a mirror test, they don't experience pain as we can or do.
It's nociception.

Pigs are self-aware iirc.

It's not that they don't care, they lack the self-awareness to have the ability to care nor do they have reflexes/survival instincts on individual level.

>> No.7116316

Why would that matter? Animal farming isn't based on whether they can recognize themselves in mirrors or not. They suffer, isn't that enough? Don't you want to avoid inflicting pain on others?

You realize this mirror distinction you made is completely arbitrary, right? I could say the same for humans.
>okay, everyone who is black oughta get slaved alright?
>all midgets get fucked ok

>> No.7116408

In what world does a mirror test mean they don't feel pain? Children can't pass the mirror test til theyre older than 2 does that mean we can inflict pain upon them?

>> No.7116438

Well, eating children is not that bad an idea desu.

>> No.7116448

You're being preachy in this very post.

I'll bet you get upset when evangelical Christians try to talk to you about Jesus, too. That's exactly what you're doing, though -- selling a religion.

>> No.7116455

Vegans man....

>> No.7116456

This is the worst trash I've ever seen in my life. There are so many vitamins and minerals in eggs is amazing. A whole life grows from what's inside this one egg... it does not rely on a placenta or blood supply from its mother for nutrients to complete gestation.

Fucking as bad as 5 cigarette a day.... fucking lies.

>> No.7116462

They taste good and frankly i could care less about a chicken feeling discomfort. Without farming we wouldn't have civilizationx it's a necessary evil. Stop being a pussy.

>> No.7116472
File: 42 KB, 405x600, tmp_31595-UZbNs-1997887070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some nut butter for you bby

>> No.7116547

The bitch eats meat. She's a fat fuck and loves meat. She wasn't going to get the veggie tacos loser

>> No.7116551

literally what the fuck is wrong with you
it's 2015
Don't trap men into archaic roles of masculinity!

>> No.7116552

> farming is a necessary evil
Farming is in no way necessary. You're right that it's evil, though.

>> No.7116554

And I did turn vegetarian due to dietary reasons actually.

My acid reflux completely went away when I did it.

>> No.7116572

My only issue is finding a substitute for butter. There are non-animal fats, but the buttery taste is so essential to baking, it seems pretty hard to do without.
Also, the websites I look up vegan substitutes on always say flax seeds aren't good for lightly-flavored baked goods (e.g. vanilla) because they leave an earthy taste in the food. Whenever I look up vegan substitutes, it's like nothing will really work properly. There are so many conditions attached e.g. "flax seed if the cake has an intense flavour such as chocolate" or "sometimes oil will work as a substitute for butter but it depends" or "other times vinegar and baking soda will do the trick". And it seems a lot of situations are left out, like vanilla baked goods as I said before.

Although, some tips for OP, the leavening effect of eggs can be replaced by baking soda and some vinegar or commercial egg replacers. The thickening effect they have in puddings is often simulated by cornstarch, although imo that makes it clumpy. And egg whites can be replaced with bean juice, which, as gross as it sounds, doesn't actually leave the food tasting weird, at least I've heard.

I'm considering going vegan too, but the lack of a consistently good egg replacer and especially the lack of a butter replacer makes me feel like I'm gonna have to give up baking if I do.

My question: What is a good vegan substitute for egg when used in egg wash or frying batter?

>> No.7116579

>Some people would even claim that because plants are living that it was murder to eat beans or lentil soup.
Are these people real? Did they really think that?
Or is it one of those "hurr durr silly vegetarians, better stop eating plants, what about THEIR feelings" trolls?

What do those people eat? Minerals and soil? Do they not wash their hands in fear of killing a few germs?

>> No.7116589

>i could care less about a chicken feeling discomfort
No dude trust me, I'm sure you wanna be all tough about how you're too cool to care about inferior animal species, butwhen you see what they actually do to them even you would probably admit it's disturbing. the shit they do to animals in factory farming is UNnecessarily evil, obviously way beyond "making them feel some discomfort". Of course farming is a necessary part of having a functioning society, but factory farming goes completely to the fucking extreme. I never understood how not buying animal products will make things any better for animals, but once you see it, you get the same feeling you get if you were to buy a sweater you know was made with child labour.

Efficient production is an important part of any business, but that doesn't mean throwing all ethics out the window. Killing animals, having them in captivity, maximizing your product, all fine. Doing shit like chaining a cow to a wall so it can't even turn its head for the rest of its life and making it watch as you steal its baby and the milk meant for its baby, not actually that necessary to cost efficiency.

>> No.7116592

To support large communities, yeah, it's necessary.

>> No.7116593

There are so many factors that can contribute to that. There are vegetarians and vegans with fuck awful diets but they're still following the rules.

You need to experiment to know what exactly caused your acid reflux. For many, it's soda chips fast food and the like. Not saying it's impossible to read too much meat. It's reasonable meat consumption being demonized and shat on that makes people think militant vegetarians and vegans are dip shits.

>> No.7116597

It was caused by eating a lot of fried shit

I loved cheeseburgers and fried chicken wings

It's really the only meat I liked, and can't handle myself to only eat like one a week

I don't blame the meat. I just only used to like meat that was horrible for me.

>> No.7116602

It's incredibly easy to find a good source of eggs and chicken. I live near chicago and once a month I get a shipment of chicken, twice a month of eggs. They aren't that much more expensive than grocery stores. They come from a fantastic farm I've visited myself a couple times each summer by bike. Takes a weekend to make the trip but it's totally worth it when there's so many weekends in a summer.

This guy cares a lot about his chickens and hogs. I've seen their living conditions. The chickens have a nice grassy field to roam about in that's enclosed by wire fencing like a huge cage. His hogs are very friendly and like to be patted and hand fed.

If I can find this source near enough to Chicago to bike to, and ships directly to my door, all while living on a single salary of a geologist, anyone can. It's about putting in the effort and building connections.

>> No.7116609

Makes sense. If you can't control yourself like an alcoholic with drink, that makes complete sense. If it works for you it works.

I eat a fuck ton of veggies since I converted half my backyard into a vegetable patch. I'm still picking buckets of kale after a foot of snow fell. A balance of meat and veggies is necessary with the amount of veggies my yard produces.

>> No.7116629
File: 12 KB, 240x283, 1917899145_randy_trailer_park_boys_answer_6_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was like a cheeseburgerholic

>Meh I'll just have one
>I can't just eat one
>20 later
>oh my god

Same with fried chicken wings

>> No.7116631

This is what I'm hoping to do. Lately I've been worrying so much about how bad it is that I eat all this factory-farmed stuff, that I think it would just be perfect if I could find a proper farm that doesn't participate in abuse.
Thanks Anon, will keep looking for something like that. I wonder why there are so many people who just go totally vegan though if they could just find a good farm like that.
Anyway, I live in a big city, so someone somewhere has gotta know where to get some good animal products. Wish me luck lol

>> No.7116640

I've been thinking of doing the same too. Since I became vegetarian I don't really know if I could give up eggs, not jusr because I love egg sammies but they're a great source of protein and shit for me.

So I've settled that I know of a good chicken farm near me that sells eggs and other stuff at the farmers market every Saturday so maybe I'll just get my eggs from them.

>> No.7116652

Are you fucking retarded? Vegan food requires less land and water to produce. Animal products are not only unnecessary, but are outright detrimental to large societies because we could support a larger population if said population ate a plant based diet.

>> No.7116664

Good luck then. This guy is so legit. There's an exhibit in the museum of science and industry in Chicago that has little chicks hatching from eggs. Every day you can watch new chickens hatch. He supplied them regularly for a while. He shipped them the eggs overnight in a heated case like an incubator. I don't know what years he did that though.

Surprisingly Google can help you find local farms and co ops. Good luck anon.

>> No.7116669

That anon said agriculture. What the fuck are you talking about. You're living in militant extremist land instead of looking at the whole picture.

>> No.7116746

Have you ever managed to find a place like this that makes cheese from ethically-sourced milk?

If such a place exists, I think I would be set for life.

>> No.7118348

But it's not sustainable for the environment for everyone to eat that way

>> No.7118356

>sustainable for the environment