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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7098416 No.7098416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I acquired some really potent weed the other day. Just a little bit does the job really well. Today I caught the munchies hard after a bong session. Luckily I had recently bought groceries.

So five minutes later i'm at the frying pan cracking open some eggs and squirting some siracha into it, mixing it with some milk.

I added some more siracha to the eggs as it cooked. Being careful to not add too much. I then added some pre cooked bacon and threw it in the skillet, so the eggs could absorb some bacony goodness.

Then friends, came the real genius part. I had some bread from Panera Bread. The Tomato Basil Bread. Let me tell you, that shit is amazing with eggs. It's always worth it to buy a loaf, it's usually under 5 bucks. I had them slice it thick, like they normally have it on their Bravo sandwich.

This was so good, I wish I took a picture but I downed it fast. The eqqs were partially scrambled, I tried to make it more like an omlet but I fucked up.

Anyways, what awesome food have you made while high /ck/?

>> No.7098419

LITERALLY reddit: the thread

>> No.7098422

Fuck off. I frequent /pol/ and /r9k/

This is my first time posting here. All I wanted to do is discuss awesome food highdeas.

>> No.7098423

Fuck off druggie.

>> No.7098433

>I frequent /pol/ and /r9k/


>> No.7098434

>Trying to convince peolpe you aren't a foolish child
>I frequent /pol/ and /r9k

Do you see where you went wrong?

>> No.7098436

well mostly /pol/ I shouldn't have mentioned that I go on /r9k/

>> No.7098437

All I'm trying to do is discuss foods made while high and you faggots won't shut the fuck up about me smoking pot.

>> No.7098439

>foods made while high

>/pol/ and /r9k/

Don't you have to be 18 to post?

>> No.7098443
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>> No.7098461
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Fuck off junkie scum

>> No.7098474

dude weed lmao

>> No.7098480
File: 29 KB, 450x450, c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scamper off you junkie
>I like my peaceful brain
>I'm allergic to hate
>I never inject
>Ganja gremlin

>> No.7098483

Holy shit this image.
I'd contribute, but I don't smoke, sorry.

>> No.7098484

Im 24 and a college graduate. What are you a NEET or something who gets off attempting to insult people on an image board?

>> No.7098487

Contribute anyway! Please, I'd love anything besides the typical fuck off junkie scum responses I'm currently getting.

I swear you guys I'd downvote you into oblivion if you stepped into my territory.

>> No.7098521

>be me
>on xanax for the first time
>with friend who also cooks
>I slur at him "let's make biscuits and gravy!"
>he makes biscuits with bisquick mix
>I mince up some bacon and throw it in a pot
>cook it
>there was 4 tablespoons of bacon fat
>I add 4 tablespoons of flour
>when roux was done (not yet blonde) I added 2 cups of milk and a dash of hot sauce (very tomatoe-y vinegar-y tasting

I do not remember making them or eating them, but my friend said that was the best bechamel he's ever had

>> No.7098531

Im gonna have to Google what you're talking about that sounds so good! Both what you made and the xanex. Man I haven't done xanex in years. I remember thinking how great it was when I tried half a football once.

>> No.7098532

fuck off junkie scum

>> No.7098534


>> No.7098535

i hope you kill yourself OP

>> No.7098536

OP, you might want to check out the 420 chan munchies board.
OT: Once I got really baked and was making chili. I decided to cook some macaroni and throw in the instant mac n cheese packet. Shit was bomb.

>> No.7098699
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this nigger serious?

>> No.7098704


>> No.7098706

You made chili mac.

>> No.7098707

Holy shit OP I'm embarrassed for you, bud. Maybe go tell your faggy /pol/ and /r9k/ friends instead, because nobody on any other board wants anything to do with you invasive retards.

>> No.7098712

>Be gone.
>Absolutely not, I'm nice.
>Sorry, I love my family.
>No, weed makes you mean.

This is gold.

>> No.7098722


>> No.7098725



>> No.7098765

Put some salted cashews with raisins
Never done that before
Was great

>> No.7098767

In the future it would definitely help to lurk moar to see how this board's culture differs from /pol/ and /r9k/. That's just common 4chan etiquette. Not all boards are the same as other boards. Now you know.

To be relevant to the thread, I find that starting with peanut butter as my base ingredient usually makes for some interesting food creations.

Peanut butter between two strawberry poptarts (or any fruit poptarts)

Peanut butter between two toaster strudels

Peanut butter between two pieces of cinnamon toast eggo waffles with cinnamon toast crunch sprinkled on top

Also milkshake cereal. Get ice cream in a bowl, allow it to soften a little bit, add some milk in and combine until the consistency pleases you, then add cereal. Decadent, fat as fuck.

Related to that, if you have the luxury then I've found that you can mix cereals generally to success. Honey bunches of oats is a good base cereal to mix shit with imo. It's already diverse in its textures so it's the most conducive to foreign cereal pieces.

>> No.7098791


>> No.7098822

Putting that degree to good use arent you?

>> No.7098878

This image is so cringy it makes me want to take a bong rip

>> No.7098965


but i think you might be interested in PIHKAL and TIHKAL. a drug analyst/chemist shows you the recipes for all these different drugs for the sake of exploring your consciousness. irresponsible drug use is retarded, but proper use has potential, i'd like to think. there is also no good reason why the government insists on not even attempting to use psychedelics for medical/psychiatric research even though it has insights into a number of conditions. just a suggestion so you can be more than a junkie

and sorry i dont get high

>> No.7098972
File: 156 KB, 434x709, LMOA DUDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your lung cancer and asthma you disgusting stoner

>> No.7098976
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>> No.7098980

Oh my god, the fucking SMELL of stoners alone is enough to make me fucking vomit. They smell like a year of body odor and fucking wet dog

>> No.7098984

I know right?
I am

>> No.7098986

Smoking weed doesn't give you lung cancer or asthma you stupid fuck. You're thinking about smoking cigs.

>> No.7098989


>/pol/ and /r9k/

Nice entry level boards, might as well browse /b/

>> No.7098993

Whoa dude you better relax before you have a pot-induced heart attack

>> No.7098994

I have before, but I I wanted to check this place out. Thanks for the suggestion though.

>> No.7098997
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Woah don't wanna have a seizure do we

>> No.7098999

that actually does sound pretty good. I mean makes sense though because trail mix.

holy shit, great concoctions mate

>> No.7099041

Haha I'm so high right now haha

>> No.7099061

are you for real?

>> No.7099073

Also actually to be honest their responses are not too different from other boards. Saying go back to leddit and degenerate and what not. It's actually very similar to /pol/ in that respect.

>> No.7099116






>> No.7099174


Smoking cigarettes or weed or bouquets of pretty wildflowers can all give you cancer over time. Some substances are worse than others but smoke inherently contains carcinogens, it's not good for your lungs no matter where it comes from.

>> No.7099219

so much shit posting here.

>> No.7099253

Oh, it's definitely not good for your lungs. The residue is going to get the cilia to lay flat or at least hinder their ability to move crap out of your lungs. But, a person who smokes cannabis, but doesn't smoke tobacco isn't at any higher risk of cancer than someone that abstains from both. The cannabinoids in marijuana encourage both apoptosis (*programmed* cell death, which is necessary to kill off old cells) and the genesis of new cells, including nervous tissue (neurogenesis).

That said, I honestly don't feel like bothering to look up the article and don't know if the study was replicated, as I'm not some 18 year old that thinks he's the first person to hand in a report of why prohibition sucks, mannnnn. But, if nothing else, do consider that there are other factors at play in likelihood of cancer vs. abstinence versus whether something is smoked.

Haven't bothered with the stuff in years. But, if I happened to move to a state where it was legal for recreational use, I'd probably first prep a bunch of small-medium sized plates of fruit and taco toppings, as stuff like that is easy, rhythmic, and something you can do wile chatting with friends or watching some TV. Then, season and fry up some beef or chicken for fajitas. Have everyone make theirs like they like and graze on fruit in between trips to the fajita buffet.

>> No.7099261


5 star post, friend

white tablecloth comment, would bring family and friends to read

>> No.7099265

mackerel in tomato sauce
silverskin onions
black pepper

actually quite nice

>> No.7099304

made a pizza chicken parm sammich using 2 ellios slices and a left over chicken parm

so dank

>> No.7099444

That's actually pretty impressive.

>> No.7099510

Getting off to insulting people is the purpose of this website.

>> No.7099516
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>/pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.7099553


I cook everything while high. Six hour fucking Pho broth? No problem. 150€ worth of dry aged filet steak? Done it. Thai Green Curry, Japanese Golden Curry, Indian Madrass Curry, whatever.

Mostly I do Burgers, Barbecues and Sandwiches.

Made a Kimchi Burger with sweet potato buns once, had a few friends tell me t'was the best burger they ever ate.

Banh Mi with truffle salami to spice things up.

You can cook anything while you're high. I just do shit I normally would.

Here's the question though: why the FUCK would anyone visit /pol/? If you're a literal stormnigger nazi faggot, how can you even enjoy other "cultures" and their food?

>> No.7099577

/pol/ has kind if bled everywhere. People who disagree are usually /pol/ shitposters.

>> No.7099619

one time i put a hot dog on a blueberry waffle with ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise. almost threw up

>> No.7099633

Scrapple sandwich on two buttery waffles

>> No.7100807

I quickly found making food while high a frustrating waste of time. Make food before you toke up

>> No.7101711

I think you would appreciate the cooking show cooking with jack

>> No.7101903

This, I normally either cook food then leave it under some foil whilst I smoke,

Or if it has a long cooking time I smoke near the end so I finish at the same time the food does

>> No.7101915

>>be me
>>bomb ass weed, munchies hit with the force of a thousand suns
>>decide to walk to shops
>>ask chef to prepare me an omlet with Mongolian beef and honey chicken mixed in
>>receive strangest look
>>walk out with head bowed in shame
>>ordered a pizza

:( I just wanted noms

>> No.7102140




I smoke but I cant stand faggots like you.

>> No.7102160
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>this subtle shitposting

>> No.7102166


>> No.7102178
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Bacon wrapped sea salt kale sriracha chips

>> No.7102773

I've tried cannabis about ten times, I finally reached a point where I could not have a paranoid freakout but I don't really enjoy it. Nothing against those who do, just not for me.

That said, when I was still experimenting I made a great peach blueberry pie. We went fruit picking while high, smoked more, and then I made the pies.

They were the best pies I've made in my life. I can be objective about it because I had some the next day and they were still outstanding.

It's a credit to the fruit, which was great that year owing to growing conditions, and to my prior experience making pies. Being high was just a coincidence.

"Food made while high" is generally an abomination because of the kind of people who do that sort of thing. It is fun to do but we need to acknowledge that it degrades your ability to follow a process.

>> No.7102787

>I smoke


>> No.7102833

>I made scrambled eggs with shitty premade frozen bread!
I smoke every day, but this thread is still cancer and you should kill yourself.

>> No.7104083

Typical druggy cant cope with the slightest adversities.