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7094995 No.7094995 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like the sausage roll /ck/?

>> No.7095081

Yes, it's great.

Protip: add caramelised red onion and blue cheese to the filling.

>> No.7095478

My local bakery does a cheese bacon garlic sausage roll.....o.m.g is the only words to describe it

>> No.7095480

Usually let down by low quality sausage meat

>> No.7095481
File: 29 KB, 450x331, greggs-sausage-roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7095508

>low quality sausage meat

>> No.7095511

As an American they're a novelty to me. First thing I do when I get to the UK is head straight for a Gregg's and have one.

>> No.7095526
File: 99 KB, 388x242, Screen Shot 2014-05-20 at 5.52.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dutch word for these is "saucijs(brood)" which sounds like sausage if you read it according to anglo phonetics

i wonder if thats where the word came from

>> No.7095533
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Those are shit-tier m8, try these from the Tesco deli

>> No.7095541

Had 'em in Australia. Pretty good, though I'd give the edge to a good meat pie. I think they'd be better with just a little extra stuff, like >>7095081 said.

>> No.7095731

These fluffy devils are fucking my poo chute up m8

>> No.7095751

They are bretty gud.
I have them very infrequently cos they are so bad for you.

Thats part of getting a sausage roll. Its pleb peasant food.
If you gentrify a sausage roll, you end up with something that isn't a sausage roll

>> No.7095767

I got a train from Bristol to London (First Great Western/GW) the other day. The mini-buffet had run out of pretty much everything, except a sausage roll lurking in the back of their fridge.

I swear to God, it was the best damn sausage roll I have ever had. It was more sausage than pastry, no huge air-gaps, loads of sausage meat. It was glorious.

>> No.7095785
File: 418 KB, 2000x1333, sausageroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the few good things about British food.

>> No.7095803

hurr all british food is bland because stereotypes

>> No.7095824

>low quality meat (not a single good sausage in all of the UK, not even in those shitty wannabe german christmas fests)
>cheap puff pastry, amazing filler with tons of empty calories/carbs

Thats literally the poster child of british food being pure garbage in taste and unhealthy to boot.

I've seen lard cubes that are less calorie dense.

>> No.7095826

>not a single good sausage in all of the UK

What an insightful and level headed response. I sure respect your opinion on this matter.

>> No.7095834

Fine. Then fuck your sausage rolls too, you self-hating white man.

>> No.7095842

>not a single good sausage in all of the UK
I'm sorry, you appear to talking out your arse.

>> No.7095848

We have these in Texas as kolaches they're god tier. Its really hard to find them anywhere besides east Texas bc of the big german/czech population we had back in the 1800s

>> No.7095853


I'm sorry you're an inbred limey fuck who's never left your hick island.

>> No.7095861

nah m8, you're just a bitter cunt

>> No.7095866
File: 41 KB, 480x468, morans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>limey fuck
>He's American
>He thinks America know shit about sausages

tip top kekity kek kek kek!

>> No.7095867

It's from french actually, but yes.
A saucijs is essentially a short fat bratwurst.

>> No.7095873


A kolaches is close, but not quite the same. A sausage roll is puff pastry, where a kolache is a soft bread. Kolaches tend to use whole sausages, casing and all, where a sausage roll is just pork sausage meat.

>> No.7095897

In the Netherlands we have "saucijsenbrood" (like in pictures >>7094995 >>7095785) and "worstenbrood", two distinct types of sausage roll.
Saucijsenbrood uses flaky dough and is spicy (not hot), whereas worstenbrood is more plain.
I personally prefer the latter.

Do they have distinctions like this in the UK or wherever?

>> No.7095899
File: 119 KB, 800x800, fancy sausage roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7095909

...that appears to be a variant of Wellington. That would be terrible as a sausage roll.

>> No.7095920



actually tho best sausage rolls outside of antipodes

>> No.7096100

I've never had one. Living in the states I'd probably have to make it at home if I wanted to try it. They do look tasty though.

Anyone make them at home here in the states?

>> No.7096112

I think our sausage rolls are the second type you mentioned.
They're the only kind I've seen.

>> No.7096118
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x2560, 2015-06-30 14.28.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apple, leek and pork sausage rolls are the best