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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7093106 No.7093106 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite brand of weeb chow, /ck/?

>> No.7093147
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God tier

>> No.7093163

This. The extra money is so worth it.

>> No.7093600

the spicy one is so much better.

>> No.7093634
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I always only have chicken flavour, because theres no other place around me, that I know of, that sells different kinds of ramen, so I'm stuck with the OG.
Does anyone else add anything else to their ramen? I can only eat it now if I soft boil an egg and mix it in, and mix in just a couple drops of soy sauce. Shits cash money. I'd like to find more shit to add to it.

>> No.7093653

have you tried eggdrop style? it works pretty well with beef

also sesame seed oil.

>> No.7093658

Theres a general for this on /jp/

Nissin is best tho

>> No.7093667

who /nobroth/ here?

>> No.7093674

add literally anything, canned or frozen or fresh vegetables, leftovers, sausage or hotdogs, canned chicken, canned tuna, garlic, vinegar, pumpkin puree, molasses. anything.

my last pot of ramen: bout half a cup of frozen turnip greens, bout half a cup of broccoli, leftover shredded chicken from buffalo wings. lots of garlic powder. added an egg right before i turned off the heat. had some vinegar ready in the bowl i ate from.

sometimes i chunk up some cheese and throw it into the bowl before i pour the soup over it if i'm feeling really gross.

>> No.7093696
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Had these once, they were very nice. Way too expensive, though, costs as much as three packages of regular nissin-noodles (which actually contains more noodles, I think).

I'd have to say the regular nissin noodles. I can only get a few flavours cheap here, so I usually get just beef and chicken (both have the oil/extra package, and broth).

The nissin noodles I buy (regular ones, I guess?) are meant to have some, but I usually only pour enough on to soak into the noodles. I'd prefer no broth, but most of the time I prefer if some runs off so that I can leave most of the salt in the broth (I add some extra broth of the corresponding kind, as well as cayenne pepper, before cooking - the rest afterwards).

>> No.7093704
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I haven't, actually. I might go try that shit right now since I'm craving some.

And holy fuck that sounds good. I don't have much, but I'll look around for some leftover shit or something. Is cheese... actually good in Ramen?

>> No.7093706

What kind of spices can I mix into some ramen? I'm gonna try some garlic powder.

>> No.7093717

these two are 10/10
nothing else will do. good taste OP
quick tip: make it looke like the Migorent picture for maximum flavor town

>> No.7093720

Cayenne pepper.

>> No.7093723

I had fun putting in curry powder and a little turmeric

>> No.7093797

i mean it's really fucking delicious but it's just terrible

when you fish one of those cubes up it's gooey and seasoned and delicious and has collected some other food bits. if you like cheese you'll love it.

i've been trying to gauge what to put in there by smelling things so i'll lump together the stuff that smells really fresh and herby (oregano/marjoram/basil). curry powder is also a good option, yeah. i have a couple of spice mixes so sometimes i use those. anon recommended goya's coriander and annatto mix which is super tasty, full of msg, and turns your soup orange.

i also got into a phase when i was mixing heavy cream and masa corn flour and adding it to my ramen. that + diced up raw bacon + an egg = breakfast.

and sometimes i do a little powdered gelatin to cheat and get a more silky fatty broth feel.

i am an awful human being