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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 260x529, aeropress-hero-260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7087433 No.7087433 [Reply] [Original]

What's the Coffee Maker of choice, /ck/?

I've got a drip and a French press currently, and honestly I tend to go back to the drip often because it actually keeps the coffee warm in the meantime (I store the FP coffee in a thermos sometimes, but it's a bit of a pain) and it's easy. I've noticed also with the FP that if I grind the coffee too fine I get some major fucking sludge problems that turn the coffee to shit.

Is there a good middle of the road choice?

Pic probably not related.

>> No.7087817


Yes. Buy a Chemex, a swan neck kettle, and a burr grinder and learn to make a decent pour-over brew. Clean-up consists of throwing away the used filter and rinsing the Chemex. Also, you get more subtle Flavours out of the coffee because the oils aren't crowding them out. Downside is time spent pouring the water, but if that is too much work for you feel free to stay with drip.

>> No.7087861

Any recommendation on the grinder?

>> No.7087884


Barzata Encore is the best entry level conical burr grinder. I have a Barzata Virtuoso which is the next model up. It's good.

>> No.7087885

I own every gadget and gizmo that there is to make coffee with but I still just drink instant coffee most of the time because I'm lazy.

>> No.7087892

>$129 for a grinder

t-thanks for the recommendation I guess

>> No.7087909
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Clever Dripper

>> No.7087969


I just use this thing after using one at my job. Works great, but it can easily grind beans too finely if you use it for too long.

>> No.7088026

It's fixable and Baratza sells parts for it.

Some have even replaced its burrs with ones from the more expensive models (with mixed success).

>> No.7088083

Keep using a French press and get a Hario Skerton. Don't fall for the Aeropress meme. FP is all about the right grind size. Consistency will stop the amount of mud that you get.

>> No.7088088

Aeropress is no more of a meme than french press.

>> No.7088098

>anything but siphon

absolutely shit-tier

>> No.7088128
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>> No.7088154

>Brewing method invented in the 1920s and popular for decades is a meme press
>Plastic shit that is sold to people expecting "espresso" or "coffee concentrate" isn't

>> No.7088168

>for a container with a cone on top

>> No.7088201


>old meme > new meme

God what a fucking faggot you are.

>> No.7088203

I've actually found, brewing with both that the Aeropress gives more variability (and therefore) more control over the flavors and aromas of the brew...

>> No.7089604

never ever recommend a blade grinder for coffee...

>> No.7089645
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Yes, because have no direct way to control brew temperature is so much better than a pour-over, where you very precise control over water temperature.

>> No.7089695

I like my aeropress. It's quick and easy to use every morning, even though I'll happily admit it's a meme device.

>> No.7089725
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The DCM18 of course.
Only the finest for me.

>> No.7089736

French press. I fell out of love with the moka pot.

>> No.7089753
File: 57 KB, 800x800, yama-tca-3d-coffee-siphon-with-burner-yamtca3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee siphon or gtfo!

>> No.7089784


Shut up, siphons do not allow precise temperature control over the water, unlike pour-over, French press or Aeropress. They are objectively inferior.

>> No.7089799

I used to feel pretentious and guilty for having a press.

holy fuck what is that convoluted piece of shit

>> No.7089832

Do we have to make siphons a meme now?

>> No.7089841


>> No.7089868
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Debate me.
>you will lose

>> No.7089908

Enjoy your not espresso I guess.

>> No.7089918

If you have the money, a good espresso machine and grinder
Otherwise a moka pot and good grinder

>> No.7089922

If you wanna be a real cheapo. Get a Capresso 560

>> No.7089925

>recommending an herb grinder
You should be banned for that

>> No.7089934
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>blade grinder
>"works great"

>> No.7089995

Moka pots are awesome. I use one with a Hario burr hand grinder
>tfw your $50 setup makes coffee that's nearly as good as some yuppie douchbag's $1000 setup

>> No.7090111
File: 17 KB, 394x500, chemex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemex master race

>> No.7090121

>What's the Coffee Maker of choice, /ck/?
Your boyfriend

>> No.7090123

What? A coffee siphon offers some of the best control over extraction temperature and time. Just boil water in the bottom chamber until it rises to the top chamber. Measure the temperature in the top chamber and once it's ideal, add the grounds and start the timer. The temperature drops slightly as the room temperature grounds absorb the heat, so keep the heat on until it reaches the ideal temperature again, then lower the heat to maintain the temperature. Then take it off the heat some 30 seconds before the ideal brewing time.

With a siphon I can easily do a 3 minute extraction at precisely 96 C, or a 5 minute extraction at precisely 90 C and compare the difference.

>> No.7090158

I agree. I've used my aeropress every day for around 7 years now.

I disagree that it's a meme device though, since the definition of meme has become so diluted that it doesn't even mean anything anymore, other than a weak crutch idiots use to fail at trolling.

>> No.7090171

I tried using it, got a real French press, and it was a million times easier and looked nicer.

>> No.7090182

Put coffee in, pour water in, push the plunger down.

How is a french press a million times easier? They both work almost identically. That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.7090191

you do understand how this works right?

>> No.7090192

Paper filter, and brewing inverted so there wasn't underextracted drip. I just like my press better.

>> No.7090244
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Do you even know how to use a siphon you fucking pleb?

>> No.7090337

If you want something more entry level get a hario skerton and buy the upgrade from Orphan Espresso.

>> No.7090349

Electric kettle and cheap ass ikea french press.

>> No.7090357

I had one of those and it lasted less than a month before cracking.

>> No.7091746

I have a Skerton with the OE upgrade... I'd suggest looking for the shaft bracket on Shapeways.
The OE part is so much more of a pain to install...

>> No.7091751

You don't know what a meme is, do you? I'm sorry. Lurk moar faggot

>> No.7091799
File: 1.49 MB, 5312x2988, _IMG_000000_000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best budget set up coming through.
$350 grinder with $20 aeropress

>> No.7093769

What grinder is that?

>> No.7094179

Looks like a Rancilio Rocky grinder.

That's some high end shit.

>> No.7094251

Made that, but can't even get a good brewer.

>> No.7094258
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>Best budget set up coming through.

It's a ruse.

>> No.7094310

A Clever Dripper is cheaper and better. And a French press produces the same thing for cheaper.

>> No.7094316
File: 31 KB, 623x486, ikea_moka_pot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stovetop Masterrace

Yes, this Ikea one is amazeballs.

>> No.7094320

And can actually fill a mug

>inb4 the areopress produces a concentrate so you can just add water!

>> No.7094326
File: 51 KB, 960x840, little_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone used one of these Australian contraptions?

Yes, they are ridiculously expensive.


>> No.7094336

>699 Australian Dollar equals 505.89 US Dollar

If you want something that uses steam pressure to make faux-espresso, you can just buy some shitmachine at wally world for $50. It looks pretty and reliable, though

>> No.7094346

A machine to rival Metal Gear.

>> No.7094388

That's the second worst part of the Aeropress. First is that people think the "concentrate" is "espresso."

>> No.7094476
File: 332 KB, 1613x1080, moka-pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dat shipping charge.

Regarding moka pots, the top complaints about the brew is from people using too much heat, right?

>> No.7094508

Probably that, or they don't grind the beans correctly.

>> No.7094615

Do Moka pots work on electric ranges as well as gas?

>> No.7094735

I- lmpossible!

>> No.7094748

you are correct

not going to waste money on some stupid fucking machine that makes me a latte from a capsule

>> No.7094752

yes i've never used mine on anything else

only difference is you have to take it off the plate and not just turn it off

I let mine heat up before hand too, I switch it on while I'm preparing the pot

>> No.7094753

>Coffee from a moka pot
You are incorrect

>> No.7094754

Mr. coffee

>> No.7094758

what are you even talking about

didn't say I make latte with a moka pot if that's what you're >implying

>> No.7094776

yeah thought so, just some fuckwit assuming shit

>> No.7094797
File: 27 KB, 598x598, bodum-chambord-32-ounce-french-press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moka pot a shit

>> No.7094839

Bodum master race.

>> No.7094864
File: 60 KB, 1000x1000, img5379829fd319c_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard siphon type coffee makers are the best since they basically are like lab instruments. It supposedly creates the best brew when properly temperature and proportions are maintained within a chemists standard frame of mind.

>> No.7094870

You got memed incredibly hard.

>> No.7094884
File: 62 KB, 420x350, BESTelolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a keurig because I'm a lazy piece of shit and don't care enough to grind beans and press/pourover/siphon/whateverthefuck that shit just to get a hot cuppa joe.

I concede. If I didn't have a keurig, I'd probably get this. That or simple 4-cup coffee maker.

>> No.7095632

how are you supposed to grind of a moka pot? is it as fine as with an espresso machine?

>> No.7095647
File: 9 KB, 330x300, $T2eC16hHJIMFHJLLBMcdBScRu)lniw--_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works for me

>> No.7096170

What is this Sowden SoftBrew thing?

>> No.7096463


Seriously though get a drip machine and pre-ground coffee in a can or brick, it takes basically zero more effort to load a drip machine. You're not only getting kek'd by keurig but you're keking the earth with non-biodegradable little kek cups.

I've seen people say just as fine as espresso, others say just a little coarser than espresso. I go with the former. As long as it's in the ballpark of fine I doubt it makes a discernible difference.

>> No.7096494

I love how bustelo has been around forever but is now popular because of Brooklyn hipsters.
My grand parents drank it.
Not knocking it. It's a good every day coffee. I have a brick at work.

>> No.7096519
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>I've seen people say just as fine as espresso, others say just a little coarser than espresso. I go with the former.

I think it's just supposed to be fine, but not talc/turkish coffee fine. I read a forum post that recommends setting a Baratza Encore to 12. Slightly finer than what's recommended for Aeropress.

>As long as it's in the ballpark of fine I doubt it makes a discernible difference.

Apparently too fine results in clogging.

>> No.7096541

Pilon is way better than shitstelo

>> No.7096548

I like and drink both tbqh. Whichever is on sale at the store I grab.

>> No.7096563

What did your parents drink /ck/?

Chock full of nuts and eight o'clock was what my dad drank, mom drank tasters choice crystals.

>> No.7096564
File: 70 KB, 720x1080, jj-bc-Serie-elektronischen-analysieren-Labor-chemische-Biologie-waagschale-Tausendstel-jj1523bc-versandkostenfrei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh chemistry standards! I hope you know that's useless unless you're also weighing your beans with an equally precise instrument. Pic very much related.

>> No.7096599

Folger's or ground at store until they fell into the Keurig meme.

>> No.7096639

>weighing your beans

What are you, some sort of pleb? A true patrician who actually *appreciates* coffee uses only pure caffeine which he has extracted himself with a $5000 machine. Anything else is just so mainstream.

>> No.7096694
File: 56 KB, 600x810, 1444513986046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not grinding your beans and brewing your coffee in a hermetically sealed cleanroom with an atmosphere of pure nitrogen to prevent any loss of flavor from oxidation
You may as well roasting over a campfire in a dirty pan and filtering the brew through a used sock to be honest family.

>> No.7096780

Mother: whatever I drank, but with a bit of milk.

Father: who gives a fuck. Probably whatever his fat bitch wife drinks + a shit load of creamer.

>> No.7096791

W-wanna talk about it anon?

>> No.7096811

Yo I was thinking about hand grinding my coffee earlier, like not with a grinder but with a rock and a bigger rock, would that be a good idea?

Like you know when you shake stuff, the bigger stuff goes on top? then you can just skim it off in fractions, regrind the coarse, dump the fine dust, and add in the just-right size. Like having good knife skills, but with a rock instead of a knife

>> No.7096825
File: 1.05 MB, 1404x1920, lares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom has been drinking Bustelo as far back as I can remember. I had no idea it was popular outside of the latino community. My dad prefers fucking Folgers.

Every time we visit my mom's hometown we make sure to bring back some LEGIT PUERTO RICAN COFFEE. This shit is the best.

>> No.7097011

Nespresso's cheapo inissia machine makes me espresso every morning. I wouldn't have believed a pod machine could make decent espresso, but it's pretty fucking good.

>> No.7097038

I assumed for some reason that they were basically the same thing. I've never had pilon though.

Nowadays bustelo. I will never let mom near my good stuff. Years ago they probably had instant. And before that they probably had some no-name honduran stuff brewed in a sock. I-I don't know what my dad drinks now.

>100% Puro
Puro robusta.

>> No.7097051
File: 82 KB, 800x591, Trigger_mechanism_bf_1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that your family do.

>leaving coffee on the drip machine's hotplate till it cooks into bitter diarrhea juice

>> No.7097104

Use a kek-cup machine

>> No.7097253


French press

>> No.7097263

Bustelo smells like someone set the beans on fire to make them ash as opposed to a fine grind.
Pilon smells godly.

>> No.7097548

How is Cafe Du Monde coffee?

>> No.7098641

its ok

>> No.7099717
File: 55 KB, 510x510, 19706274-origpic-874beb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf do you mean coffee "maker"?

>> No.7099726 [DELETED] 

Are you the guy that made the thread about how anything but cowboy coffee is pretentious?

>> No.7099736

Are you the guy that made the thread about how anything but cowboy coffee is pretentious?

>> No.7099759

Ultimate hipster

>> No.7099802

Right now I've only got a french press.

Might build myself a pourover stand for xmas.

>> No.7099811


I'm curious as to how this would actually come out.

>> No.7099839

This shit on a gas stove in the morning is the comfiest thing ever.

>> No.7099851

No, but I agree that it is delicious.

>> No.7099855

Why bother with cowboy coffee when there are better options.

>> No.7099864

Go ahead and try it, but really, take a second and think about how boiled-to-shit Folgers would taste.

>> No.7100338

>All that talking about it being a good way to get rid of the acidic taste of coffee

Just fucking cold brew it, the hell?

>> No.7100539

Makes me wonder how stale general store coffee grounds would've been.

>> No.7100600

>cold brewing coffee
But that's not what a cool cowboy would do anon.

>> No.7100643

Faema e61

>> No.7101137
File: 43 KB, 378x515, Sandor1385169777162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Pic probably not related.

I've got an Aeropress but I never used it, as;

1. you can barely get a single cup of coffee out of it
2. the coffee is strong as fuck
3. it's kinda a pain in the ass to use
4. I'm continually scared that I'll knock the whole thing over and spill scalding hot coffee everywhere and have to be rushed to the emergency room and end up with Sandor Clegane-type burn scars all over my face.

>> No.7101163

Its just an Atomic. You can get them a lot cheaper. Bellman Steamer is pretty much the same thing as well.

>> No.7101188

You're supposed to add hot water to it after it's done. Which to me, makes it objectively inferior to a dripper, French press, or a Moka pot. Really anything, honestly.

>> No.7101241
File: 260 KB, 1593x1080, Kalita_wave_filter_and_server_d26ab004-f147-4e97-a581-4c0a73b311b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chemex brewers are pretty much only good for a flower pot - the super thick filters are okay for darker roasted coffee but thats about it desu senpai


THIS its 130 dollar grinder with awesome customer support and replacement parts (burrs / motors)

Drippers are the best way to get a complex cup off coffee and they're easy enough to replicate a recipe. My personal favorites:

Hario v60 02 or the kalita wave 185 is the way to go for home brewing.

>> No.7101255

this. /ck/ meme'd me good into buying one of these
i didn't know that. I'm still not going to buy more filters for it

>> No.7102213
File: 299 KB, 1500x1500, 915AyTHHRFL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're supposed to add hot water to it after it's done.

Well, if you want.

I enjoy the taste of the concentrate.

>I'm still not going to buy more filters for it

You only need one filter, really.

>> No.7102282

I want a full goddamn cup. Also you got memed super hard if you think that's concentrate. You are making French press coffee and diluting it if you do it the right way.

>> No.7102306

If it's not strong enough for you after cutting it with some more hot water then you're doing it wrong.

I use my aeropress to make a 16oz cup of coffee every day and it's plenty strong. Don't blame the aeropress for your coffee sucking, blame your incompetence.

>> No.7102311

I've essentially done this on my stove top when I didn't have a coffee maker, and it honestly didn't turn out too bad. The downfall is having to clean a pot, the coffee cools off too fast when you take it off the heat and it takes a long time to make.

>> No.7102312

I didn't say it wasn't strong. I just said what you get is basically a fourth of what you get from a normal press. It comes down to personal taste. I don't want to have to add hot water to "concentrate."

>> No.7102322

>the concentrate

>> No.7102355
File: 93 KB, 1024x576, maxresdefault-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capsule Nobility

>> No.7102529

Best Moka brands? I drink coffee black so none of this Mukka shit.

>> No.7102544

Bialetti is literally the only company that makes them.

>> No.7102563


>> No.7102589

So if I generally drink about 3 (American) cups of coffee each morning, what size Moka should I get? The 12 (espresso) cup model looks huge but I'd apparently get about 2 american cups out of it? pls help

>> No.7102601

A "cup" in coffee talk is four ounces. Get a three cup if you want 12 oz. That goes for anything.

Never heard of it and would never get anything but Bialetti.

>> No.7102704

A moka "cup" is 2 oz

>> No.7102738

Vev Viganò
Bonjour Milano

>> No.7102742

Well fuck me, I was wrong. Never have seen anything but Bialetti for sale or used. But now that I look I see. Well.

>> No.7102765

>That goes for anything
Nah, mang. You need to do research on each brand/device you buy because they all have a different definition of a "cup"

>> No.7102779

This video is a lie. Real cowboy coffee uses a used sock to filter out the beans. Gives it a nice musky flavor.

>> No.7103674

So siphon coffe is superior to french press then?

>> No.7103684

Siphons probably aren't practical for your everyday use like a French press is.

>> No.7103718

Don't be such a mook. You can get an excellent cup of coffee from damned near every manual device. It's all about your water, beans, and technique.

>> No.7103736
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>> No.7104367
File: 17 KB, 500x288, turkish_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true story

Any of you infidels know how to use a Turkish Coffee thingamebob?

>> No.7104428


How bout now? It's variable wattage so you can still fine tune the temperature with a knob, getting rid of the meme burner.

>> No.7104435

Oh hey, thanks Anon. I collect coffee making methods and this looks nice.

>> No.7104440


you put the coffee in it

you put the water in it

you heat it up.

>> No.7104602

>>>/trash/ where it won't biodegrade

>> No.7104617

I'd rather just pour the water directly on to the grounds and scoop the grounds off the top like what cuppers do.

>> No.7104626

If you don't wanna spring for a bunn get a Hario hand grinder, does the same thing just more effort

>> No.7104630

I broke my second french press so I bought another one.
Why do replacement carafes cost more than the actual french press?

If this one breaks, I'm springing for a fucking metal one.

>> No.7104638

I work at a third wave shop and we do pourovers with V60, Chemex and both taste infinitely better than siphon

>> No.7104667

Taste is subjective. But you admit that siphon at least has a different taste?

>> No.7104673
File: 130 KB, 1046x1500, 81ptG3s0krL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between this and the bodum caffettiera?
The caffettiera looks like a kids toy but the chambord costs 3 times more just for the chrome plated top.

>> No.7104682

Yes it does, but it loses a lot of the flavour and tends to overextract, causing a more bitter and bland taste, whereas the Chemex/V60 retains the flavour of the bean.

>> No.7104688

Not much.

>> No.7104692

Fuck. Yes!

>> No.7104696
File: 50 KB, 780x780, nomadjesusjuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to build upon this post recently had this through a Chemex with a metal filter after a friend brought some back from Spain and it was a life changing experience, far and away the best coffee I have ever had.

>> No.7104697

Nothing, really.

One looks sexy as fuck.

The other doesn't.

They both use the same filter.

The chrome one you can replace the glass if you break it, but that's about the only minute difference.

>> No.7104700

Same with these fuckers >>7103736 compared to a proper espresso machine. relying on expansion of water to steam to get it done never works well, always overextracted.

>> No.7104705

Chambord is a variety of sizes, other one is only one liter.

>> No.7104708

You can replace the glass on the blue one too.
Although I don't know why anyone would do that.
>bodum 8 cup french press - $15
>bodum replacement carafe - $20

>> No.7104724
File: 33 KB, 638x426, gs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea one day I'll have one of these bad boys at home, but ti then I'll just go to cafe's/work to get coffee.

>> No.7104732

or you could just use a serial set of sieves and any grinder you like

>> No.7104736

Everyone seems to disagree on coffee measures. Say I want a regular espresso and I have a double shot basket. I usually put 15g coffee in and run it till the shot weighs 30g. Some people think this is a ristretto, some people think that it's way too little.

How much should the shot actually weigh when I'm done?

>> No.7104737

>takes longer to clean than to drink the coffee
>coffee comes out ultra weak and pale, like tea
what is the appeal of this thing?
It's like a french press for omega hipsters.

>> No.7104748

But the French press is like the second best way to brew.

>> No.7104749

paramaters are different for every coffee, but usually you want around 17-19 grams of grounds and around 36-40 grams of coffee.

>> No.7104750

To an outsider, it looks pretentious as fuck.

>> No.7104752

Not sure. It looks identical to my chambord besides the slightly gay looking color instead of chrome. I personally got it because the other option on Amazon that looked as trustworthy and was reasonably priced was the brazil, which doesn't have the metal enclosure for the carafe, and it just looks better. Also only model I saw that came in a size small enough for me.

Honestly I'd just disregard looks and price if you can and get a metal press. I hate having to treat my french press like it's a newborn child every time I use and clean it because the carafe can break if you even look at it the wrong way.

>> No.7104756

the only reason I've ever used one is because a customer wants to know how it works/see it in action. Granted it is cool to watch but that's about it.

>> No.7104761

ikea sells a decent 8-cup press for 10 bucks
The glass is literally thicker than anything bodum puts out
The design is more practical too.
Black plastic everything means you can bang it around without transferring the shock directly to the already fragile glass.

>> No.7104762
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>not using the dragon
Might as well be drinking instant folgers.

>> No.7104770

This isn't true nearly anywhere outside of the US I guess. They're pretty much the cheapest coffee maker you can buy. Everyone's got at least one of them sitting at the back of some cupboard in Europe.
Alright and that's for a regular espresso? fwiw I'm using medium roast Honduras beans I roasted yesterday and 15g for 30ml turned out tasting pretty good.

Another thing is that the cups I'm using are 60ml and say SINGLE SHOT on the package - apparently I'm using a double shot and only half-filling it so I don't know what all the measurements and assumptions are.

>> No.7104775

the coffee is so pale, it looks like water mixed with 1 tbsp of instant coffee

>> No.7104779

36-40g is technically a double espresso as that's around 2 ounces, so a 60ml is a double shot of espresso.

>> No.7104782

that's because it's good coffee, the Ethiopian beans I have right now look red when held up to light.

>> No.7104787

60g is closer to 2 ounces than 40 though? Even then it says it's for a single shot. Maybe the larger baskets are considered standard these days? I never use the 7g basket for anything.
It's more about the roast level than quality. light-medium looks like that and dark is opaque.

>> No.7104789

How do I get into whole bean coffee?
I go through a whole tub of folgers every month, i think it's time I try something else.

>> No.7104804

Buy different coffee.

>> No.7104808

Cold brew or hot?

>> No.7104815
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I went to Italy for work a few months ago and the guys in the office had one of these for their café/expresso fix. It made a pretty good shot.
Anyone know anything about this machine? How it works, or if I can get one in the US?
It uses pods, but not like a kekcup, more like a teabag.


>> No.7104818

most home machines can take pods that fit in the portafilter basket. There's a little symbol that signifies this usually somewhere on the machine itself that denote some sort of standard sizing.

>> No.7104824

Look for local roasters near you and buy there. Bonus points if there is a "roasted-on" date on it. The "rule" is that coffee is good for 15 days after it's roasted, else it turns "stale." But within a month is probably just fine. If you live in a literally-where town then look for roasters not too far away from you that ship quickly and roast to order. You can just get whatever decent looking whole-bean coffee at your supermarket if you don't feel like doing the above. Even pre-ground stuff like bustelo, pilon, lavazza can be tasty. Basically stay the fuck away from folgers, maxwell and generally anything sold in huge fucking plastic jugs.

If you have the cash to drop then get an auto burr grinder like a baratza encore. Else get a hand grinder like a hario.

You should try brewing methods other than drip, like french press or moka pot--grinding to the right grind respectively. Pour-over seems to be really good but I've yet to get a v60 or chemex myself.

>> No.7104826

Only for easy drinking. Complex flavors are destroyed in the cold brew process.

>> No.7104827

Buy some whole coffee beans. Doesn't matter what kind. Depending on your brew method grind them either fine, medium, or coarse. Average 1 tbsp grounds per cup of water for many brew methods.

Drink. If you don't care for the flavor try a different brand and roast level.

>> No.7104834

Most Americans don't regularly use electric kettles, which is a necessity for French press. Having a kettle opens up other assumptions.

>> No.7104836

Get a french/aero press.

Or a pourover like a hario v60

Or get a mokapot

Or get an esspressomaker

***Always grind your beans each time you brew.*** This will up your coffee game from 1 to 1000 and it's really that simple. Preferably with a conical bur grinder, in order to get even grounds, which is good because there won't be an inconsistency in flavor at all. Hand grinders are like 20 bucks.

Throw out beans after a month of non-use.

There's like 40 different variations of doing french press, which is how I do mine.

They all look similar to this:

-16 oz of water to 1/4 cup of whole beans
-heat water up using whatever method. Steaming hot, right below a boil. 196 F I believe? I legit microwave my water in a pyrex liquid measuring cup lol
-Meanwhile, grind the beans to coarse breadcrumbs, slightly smaller than peppercorns. It's best to do this with a conical burr grinder
-grounds into press
-pour water slowly over grounds
-wait 30 seconds
-cover and wait 4-8 minutes, depending on a number of factors (brew strengths, how dark the roast is, how acidic/bitter you want the coffee, etc.)
-add 4 sugars and 3 creams
-eat with a deep fried cinamon roll.

Listen to >>7104824 as well desu senpai

Pic related is for espresso drinks, not drip-coffee. Next time you're at a *good* coffee shop, get a cappuccino. Otherwise, you definitely are better off getting the drinks packed with sugar and meme spice, because the coffee is ass without it.

>> No.7104840

You don't need a kettle, electric or not, for a french press. If you can heat water in a pot you'll be fine. I did that when I moved and damaged my kettle because my friend is a moron.

>> No.7104842
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forgot pic lol

>> No.7104843

So I'm guessing that's a EU thing?
Here its all KCup. I rarely see any other kind of "pod". verismo and nespresso were brutally killed by the kekcup.
I'd buy one because it seems like good balance of value, convinence, and quality, think the guys said it only cost them €200. But if the pods aren't easily attainable in the US why bother.

>> No.7104844

Why use anything else? What else would you use? I don't see why it's necessary by the way - as long as you can get water to the correct temperature it shouldn't make a difference.

>> No.7104845

He's talking about ESE pods. They're impossible to find in the US except for online.

>> No.7104848

I usually microwave water when I'm too lazy to take out my electric kettle.

>> No.7104849
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My nigga

Sure it doesn't have the crema like a machine can make, but it tastes just as good.

>> No.7104850

As an American who bought a French press before a kettle and warmed up water in a Pyrex glass in the microwave, I see it as a necessity. But hey, you could make it work with that.

>> No.7104851

Yep, those. Just checked my machine. They're pro-consumer so of course keurig would kill it.

>> No.7104857

Thanks, but i already use a french press and I have a good feel for proportions.

Would any $15 handheld grinder work?

>> No.7104860

I just don't see why an electric kettle isn't a standard item in the US household. heating water quickly and cheaply with integrated pouring just seems crucial to a kitchen.

>> No.7104861

Oh hell yeah nigguh. Make sure it's adjustable.

If not, find another one. They all sell for that price, unless you want the electric one that's like $100+

>> No.7104862

Probably. I use a Hario hand grinder I bought on amazon for less than $20 and it works great.

>> No.7104864

Microwaves. That's what Americans use to heat water. Coffee has either been stovetop or an appliance drip machine for decades, and tea is not popular.

>> No.7104866

Counter space for many people. Another gadget specifically for boiling water when you can do that in a pot you use for other things seems pointless.

Also, many people don't boil water for drinks here as often as you might think.

>> No.7104867

Get good beans too! Good beans nigga!

Go to a local roaster like the other anon said or order online from a good roaster. Counter-culture seems to be the go-to for whatever reason. I like em.

>> No.7104870

They're not that common, but you can get a cheap plastic kettle for $10 at any walmart, they're not hard to find.

>> No.7104871

Most americans just drink soda, even for breakfast.

>> No.7104872

Amerifag here. I've never seen a kettle in any household here. If I wasn't poor I'd just get an electric kettle so I can be sure that my water is at the temp I want it to be without guessing; gooseneck too for neat pouring. Right now I just bring water to a boil in a suacepan on the stove and then wait 45 seconds.

>> No.7104874

I did for years in high school and college. I don't anymore though; maybe a soda every couple weeks anymore.

>> No.7104876

I didn't realize what I was missing until I did some travel in Asia and Europe. As soon as I got back to the states I bought a electric kettle.

>> No.7104878

the hario gooseneck kettle works on the stove though? also thermometers are handy - thermistor electric ones can be had from china for about 4USD

>> No.7104884

Why should I get a manual burr (or any burr grinder) over a $17 krups grinder?

>> No.7104886

Hario gooseneck is cheaper if you get nonelectric.

>> No.7104893

Even grounds.

Which is better for brewing in general, since uneven grounds create different tastes and doesn't extract the flavor as well.

If you already have a blade grinder and don't drink coffee often, don't worry. Otherwise, get one, they're like $20.

>> No.7104894

for most methods fine coffee powder from uneven grind results in sludge and bitter flavour. The lack of crushing reduces the amount of oils you can extract.

It's impossible to make a proper espresso because the water forms path-of-least-resistance channels through the coarser bits. this means the smaller stuff doesn't have water forced through it and you overextract some and underextract the rest

>> No.7104895

A conical burr gives a more consistent grind size than a flat grinder or a blade grinder. For many coffee brewing purposes, a consistent grind size provides a more reliable flavor profile, cup to cup, and less chance to over extract AND under extract from a grind that's too fine or too coarse.

>> No.7104898

We used to get two 2L soda bottles every week. That became one 2L, then one 1L, and most recently none at all. Most soda is unpalatable to me now; coke and pepsi gave headaches often. "Ginger-ale" or sprite is pretty gud if I need something crisp to wash my big burger or thanksgiving dinner down though.

Up until about two weeks ago I took my coffee with two tsp of sugar. Now I drink it black since I discovered third-wave coffee, light-roasts and generally coffee that doesn't suck. I'll probably take sugar for moka pot coffee still though.

>> No.7104900

>since I discovered third-wave coffee

>> No.7104906

>consistent grounds
Makes sense. Thanks for breaking it down to simple terms. Googling coffee questions gives me a headache.

>> No.7104909
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>Now I drink it black since I discovered third-wave coffee

u wot m8

>> No.7104913

Wrong, you have to put the water in first.

>> No.7104914

I don't like the idea of having yet another thing to plug in.
Should I just get the manual burr grinder?

>> No.7104925

Apparently its a Gay ass term for "I like coffee other then Folgers and kcups".
Fucking hipsters.

>> No.7104929
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>> No.7104938


Us hipsters huh guise?

>> No.7104943

>le hipster witch hunt

>> No.7104949

if you drink anything but instant mixed with coffeemate, you're a fucking hipster

>> No.7104950

third wave is like specifying a difference between different speyside single malts. Second wave is like "this is decent scottish whiskey". First wave is like "it gets me drunk".

Personally I can tell the difference between colombian coffee and brazilian but I would be pretending if I told you anything about "terroire". Similarly I can tell the difference between an Islay malt and johnny walker but not much further than that.

>> No.7104953

Stop it you fags.

>> No.7104967

I just don't understand why every thing has to be a fucking "movement".
The only movements I make are bowel movements, and that comes exactly 15 minutes after finishing my morning coffee.

>> No.7104968

We're all just projecting mildly.

We're joking about how you get weird looks if you care about your coffee at all, like we're doing it to fit into the underground coffee brewing scene or whatever. I just like to not taste shit, but in flyoverland it's like saying you want solid gold tableware.

>> No.7104973

>15 minutes
woah bro where can I get me some of thos beans

>> No.7104978

Then just ignore it. When people ask you if you're part of some movement because you like "thing" just say:
>Nah, I just like "thing".

>> No.7104985

This tbqhwyf (to be quite honest with you family)

>> No.7104997
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It's hard to claim that you just like "thing" when you have tons of equipment and niche products all related to that one "thing".

>> No.7105010

Yes, but it's another thing all together to enjoy 'thing' and keep to yourself about it, and maybe go on a Mongolian flipbook board to talk about it, than it is to label yourself a "third-wave thinger" and make a big deal out of it and fucking talk about that shit without being asked about it to friend/family/strangers.

>> No.7105015

How do those store grinder things work?
Do you just buy a bag, open it in the store, pour it in the machine and then put the empty bag under the chute?

What is even the point?

>> No.7105028

I don't make a show of how specific I brew my coffee compared to them.
Nor do I label myself a coffee aficianado or third waver or whatever.
Nor to I talk about video games or anime or traditional animation
nor will I ever ever ever call myself a gamer, otaku, or whatever in public.

>> No.7105032

I guess to grind your beans.
My local store got rid of theirs. It was always broken, your coffee tasted like the last person's hazelnut vanilla shit, and it took up valuable shelf space that can be used for precious KekCups.

>> No.7105035

to get a different blend of beans.
It takes a lot of careful experimentation to get a good blend of two or more beans.

Really they should just let you take the beans whole, since there isn't a weight change.

In fact, I bet they do, senpai...

>> No.7105036

>Nor to I talk about video games or anime or traditional animation
nor will I ever ever ever call myself a gamer, otaku, or whatever in public.

God forbid you act enthusiastic about ANYTHING in front of other people, what would people think? oh my god.

You sound like a bland and boring person to be around

>> No.7105043

Right, should have corrected myself.

I won't talk about those things at work because fucking normies and family because normies.

Friends are chill as fuck and in public I don't give a fuck because I won't see any of those people again. So really just friends and work.

>> No.7105061

You still sound overly self conscious.
Nobody cares about your obsessions, so long as you don't look like a fucking loser.

>> No.7105080

Im not tho senpai
Do you talk about anime with your family?
And I work for work, without any time for talking about what I do for fun, so, yeah, otherwise I;m fine with talking about that shit in public, otherwise crippling self consciousness wouldn't allow me to keep the gf I've got

>> No.7105089

>l-look how well adjusted i am!!
>i even have gf
you have issues

>> No.7105104

senpai what are you on about?
Do you want me to lift or something?
I'm pretty happy where I'm at. It's just autistic to talk about my interests at work and with my family that I rarely see.
Are you projecting a little maybe?

>> No.7105106

you derailed a coffee thread to prove how well adjusted you are

>> No.7105109

This thread is dead anyway m8ey.

>> No.7105475

Hey dude, I noticed you made a little mistake in your post and I just wanted to help out out!

You really should be using the acronym, tbqywymf, which stands for "to be quite honest with you my family." It's not a HUGE deal, but I just wanted to let you know our preferred way of posing here!! : )

>> No.7105733
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Chambord has no plastic parts.

Unfortunately, Bodum beakers like to break if you even look at them funny.

>> No.7105746

The thing that you turn to block off the spout is plastic. Bodum is generally good though.

>> No.7105801

how do they keep the water seperate from the espresso in the americano?

>> No.7105806

Reverse osmosis

>> No.7105854

yea but light to medium roast keeps the flavour of the bean, dark roast is a marketing ploy that sells you worse coffee that has had the flavour burnt out of it

>> No.7105863

cortado is the superior milk and espresso drink

>> No.7106104
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current setup, now that I have a scale I'm gonna get a French press though since my dad is also getting into good coffee and it would be nice not having to make 2 separate aeropress'

>> No.7106179

Do people really measure their grounds exactly with a fucking scale?

I just go by the scoop that came with my french press.

>> No.7106192

Metal or paper filters? Hario or Bodum? Any good cheap manual grinders? How much coffee in grams per cup (300ml)?

Looking to get a pour over setup.

>> No.7106199

metal because you don't have to keep buying ones
just get whatever's cheapest, they're all the same
just make sure it's a burr grinder.

>> No.7106206

That's great if you're just scooping out of the same tub of Folgers every day. Not so much if you're constantly using different beans and grind sizes

>> No.7106208

>he spends an hour preparing to make coffee
lmaoing at your life desu senpai

>> No.7106214

Takes about seven minutes to weigh, hand grind, and brew.

>> No.7106218

it's like you hate your life or something

>> No.7106222

>turn scale on with small cup
>pour beans into small cup
>take away or add minor amounts of beans

literally an extra minute

>> No.7106227

its either a hand Grinder or an electric burr grinder, both do the same thing, one takes slightly more time and effort and saves you literally hundreds of dollars

>> No.7106228

I bet you shave with a safety razor.

>> No.7106235

nespresso desu am because I'm not >poor

>> No.7106259

If you weren't poor, you'd have an actual espresso machine

>> No.7106265

>saves you literally hundreds of dollars
yeah sure, if your time is literally worthless

>> No.7106267

What's a good manual grinder?
I don't feel like buying yet another thing to plug into the wall every morning.

>> No.7106270

Says the guy shitposting on 4chan in a thread about a topic he obviously doesn't enjoy

>> No.7106276

If money isn't an issue, then an OE Lido 2 or 3.

>> No.7106313

What do you guys think of airing milk with a french press? Any other ways to texture milk without a machine? Can i use a straw and blow into my milk to get it as well aired?

>> No.7106321

>airing milk
>texturing milk
what the fuck dude
All I know about milk is that it tastes more rank the longer it's been exposed to room temperature.

>> No.7106335

airing milk creates foam. foam is nice so the coffee or espresso keeps its temperature longer. I just want foam.

>> No.7106340

Milk frother <$20 on amazon

>> No.7106349

Dang i didnt even though those existed. thanks.

>> No.7106369
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I don't think anyone would label themselves as a "third-wave thinger." There's just a clear difference between beans from starbucks + peets and a roaster like stumptown (although peets just bought them) that doesn't need mountains of milk and sugar. I still brew decent coffee from my supermarket half the time because it's still comfy and not as expensive. I've never revealed my power-level to people randomly; only my family knows because my paraphernalia is everywhere, and my sister likes to pose with my coffee for instagram pictures unfortunately.

Why am I even talking about this like I'm at a sex-addict support group or AA?

I bet the way I'm looking at this picture is the same way that keurig and starbucks drinkers look at set ups like pic related

>> No.7106382

There's also really cheap ones pretty much everywhere too. Von Sheff aint turrible.

>> No.7106385

stop banging metal in a glass jar.

>> No.7106394

my first press broke when i was washing it
bodum a shit
second one broke because someone knocked it on the floor and it shattered

>> No.7106396

I suppose it works in a pinch. I've tried it and it comes out thickish and dry. I'm not a fan of textured milk so I just use warmed milk off the stove.

>> No.7106404

got it. blowing air into milk makes it thick and dry. thanks.

>> No.7106420


stop banging metal in a glass jar

>> No.7106438

>people own French presses that aren't double walled stainless steel
Holy shit this board is pleb.

>> No.7106455
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what does ck think?

>> No.7106464

this your home setup? very decen nice mane

>> No.7106494

N-no it was one of the first setups on the subleddit /r/coffeestations. Maybe someday I'll have a gaggia.

>> No.7106562

For what? Are you leaving the coffee in there to over-extract?

>> No.7106565

>I don't think anyone would label themselves as a "third-wave thinger."
You would probably be surprised to learn what some people choose to revolve their lives around. I mean, people obsessed with some specific things often contribute quite a bit to it if they are actually trying to innovate, but others just make that one thing they like so much the only major aspect of their lives.

I like coffee as much as the next anon in this thread, I buy locally roasted beans, grind them by hand every day I make coffee, and have a french press that I use to make a majority of my coffee. But to me all this coffee is for is a nice warm drink that tastes good in the morning and has some caffeine. I don't show off my coffee making equipment to others, I don't talk about it unless asked about it, and I don't make it a huge deal in my life.

>> No.7106587

The coffee is only in the press for 3-6 minutes depending on what you're doing with it. That amount of time isn't really significant for heat loss before you pour the coffee out and into whatever container you're going to be keeping it in/drinking from.

>> No.7106654

Pretty good.

>> No.7106695


Fuck these things, I can never get it screwed on correctly, it's either too tight and no coffee flows or I keep burning myself trying to tighten it.

>> No.7108099
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Am I doing it right anon?
But I usually do drip coffee with coffee my dad's company roasts. It's pretty good. And free.

Also, clover is making my picture rotate sideways for some reason.

>> No.7108651

Small apartment/kitchen and my gf doesn't drink coffee, so a drip brewer is unnecessary and takes up too much countertop space.

-Moka pot for stovetop espresso or really silty coffee
-Cheapo Il Mulino french press for everyday use.

I buy Chock Full o Nuts Original Roast. IMO just about the best grocery store pre-ground coffee you can buy, and it's pretty cheap too.

>> No.7108709

>Moka pot for stovetop espresso or really silty coffee
I don't get more than a pinch of silt in my moka pot brews. Are you filling the filter up to the top? And do you not get silt in your french press brews too?

>> No.7108726

French Press. Use a very loose grind and only make as much as you'll drink.

If you don't like the amount of work used for a French Press, get a Chemex.

The flavor between the two are different - but which ever one is better is a matter of taste. You'll have to try both and pick your preference.

>> No.7108729


I never get any silt in my French Press. You just need to stir the bloom, and then press the beans down about an inch or two. The silt will all fall to the bottom when you pres