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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7084340 No.7084340 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here actually work with food? Restaurants, markets, etc.

Fishmonger here. Any other smelly fish-peddlers on this board? Butchers, maybe?

>> No.7084347
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Professional Computer Science Professor and Yelper.

>> No.7084349
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Oh, also

>tfw the wholesaler has really good bluefin tuna and you're there early.

>> No.7084386

Dishwasher, mostly. I also handle deliveries and catering, place and receive most of the trucks each week, do some ordertaking and expediting, and I pick up shifts in the kitchen when people can't be fucked to come to work.

>> No.7084389
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Wrong thread, code monkey

>> No.7084419

Cable installer for Waterman Cable company.

>> No.7084463

stay at home dad, so cooking is part of muh profession right now t.bh f.am

Prior to kids I was an auto mechanic and emissions tester

>> No.7084485
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What do you like to cook best? What are your go-to recipes? Have you been trying anything new or different lately?

Inquiring (bored) minds want to know.

>> No.7084551

Busser, food runner, expo, host, and barback in a sports bar. good times

>> No.7084560

What do y'all serve? Standard fish & chips and stuff? What do you like there?

>> No.7084629 [DELETED] 

I write code and fuck with people that can't.
Unlike >>7084347 I really do it.

The more you know the less you show or something like that.

>> No.7084637 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7084644

I'm a working class NEET. Ameatur gamer, shitposter, and chicken tendies chef by day, professional fetish porn critic by night.

>> No.7084655 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you need some siracha and ketchup

>> No.7084658

PhD in Mathematical Physics. Basically just a drifter, these days more interested in cooking and playing piano than my PhD, but I'd hate to get a real job, my lifestyle is comfy.

>> No.7084664

Maybe once a year I cook burgers for our seasonal promotion and like to sneak a few beers. Does that count?

I guess I feel for fast food workers who actually give a shit, because you want to make the best food possible with the shittiest ingredients.

>> No.7084665 [DELETED] 

Why aren't you a quant or can't you pass a drug test?

>> No.7084669

Only halfway through my PhD, I could go into Quant, the recruiters come to my uni every year trying to fish us out. But I'm lazy, academia is more my thing. A bit of teaching, bit of research, a bit of travelling paid for by my research grant. Cosy life.

>> No.7084683

Truck driver here.

>> No.7084684 [DELETED] 

Weird times, please enjoy you piano playing anon.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 21 - Andante

>> No.7084692

I'm actually a line cook. 2 years at a bar and grill. For the last 9 months ive been cooking breakfest and lunch shifts at a 4 star resturant. Good times.

>> No.7084701

I used to work for a restaurant but there was an accident in the kitchen and I suffered third degree burns on the right side of my body. I won a million dollar settlement and have been sitting on my ass since.

video VERY related


>> No.7084706
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>Being a hypocrit

>> No.7084710 [DELETED] 

Truck drivers need Mozart too.
You get the best stuff.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem KV626 - Herbert von Karajan 1986 [Flac Cue] [Tntvillage.Scambioetico]
www demonoid ph /files/details/2805825/17392245/

>> No.7084717 [DELETED] 

How is that exactly?

>> No.7084728
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>that person told people they write code
>don't do that

>tells people they write code

>> No.7084731 [DELETED] 

If you want to insult me at least be exact in doing it. I'm a professional, people pay me to write, I don't do it for politics or any bullshit like that, it's just money so I can pay rent and crap.

Please you fucking cunt, tell me how I'm the hypocrite, but you're the one yammering like a fucking sack of shit.

I love to hear this from idiots.

>> No.7084747 [DELETED] 
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>this anon must be right.
>ignore everything that I've written and listen to this fuckin bitch, sounds like a daesh supporter.

>> No.7084749
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Being a hypocrit yet again.

>don't yammer like a fucking sack of shit

>yammers like a sack of shit

>> No.7084753 [DELETED] 

How? First please spell hypocrite properly and tell me how I'm being one?

It's not like I give a shit about your opinion but I'd like to know why you're calling me one. Then I'll nail you.

>> No.7084760
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This was supposed to be a comfy thread you buttlords

>> No.7084764 [DELETED] 

yeah but dipshit here >>7084347
was full of it, they always fuck up.

>> No.7084766
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>> No.7084767

u r a fag

>> No.7084769 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7084772
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well it was. also, checked

>> No.7084812

Drunk people slop. Burgers, nachos, wings. I don't really eat there. I'll eat a burger once in a while though.

>> No.7084819

I'm a dishwarsher, and I occasionally do some prep too.

>> No.7085018
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Well, that's bar food. Hope that occasional burger is good
At what kind of place?

>> No.7085030

Italian restaurant.

>> No.7085038

Prep cook/expo at a Hawaiian place, looking to start my own business soon.

>> No.7085041

Butcher in training.

>> No.7085188

I work in a ceramics studio.

Kilns are basically ovens :)

>> No.7085210

I deliver groceries. $15/hr, set whatever hours I want, ez work, and half the time I'm watching YT videos on my phone.

>> No.7085225

I order take and run food too

>> No.7085232

Hawaiifag here. Mainland Hawaiian food any good?

>> No.7085237

I bet you think you deserve tips, too.

Here's a tip for you: get a real job.

>> No.7085238

been a line cook for 2.5 months but i think i'm gonna get fired within a couple of weeks t.b.h

if i do i intend to enjoy the neet lifestyle once again

>> No.7085241

Why will you get fired? Are you the slow guy?

>> No.7085246

yeah lol

head chef literally said if i don't impress him this week i'm out

>> No.7085308

[spoiler]Shift management at a McDonalds...

>> No.7085320

Geologist. If you need to get rid of some cheap malt liquor, I'm your man. Also I guess I could determine the provenance of some sandstones if I have to. Mostly drinking though.

>> No.7085897

Registered Dietitian here and long time lurker
Male 26 Orange County, CA
Just in here for the lulz
In a profession that is dominated by females...out of 70,000+ RD's about 2% are Males -_-

>> No.7085904
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>> No.7085909

Love that Picture bwahaha

Women imma right?!

>> No.7085911

It's a joke profession, that's why it's filled with women

>> No.7085914

not entirely...I work with Uni athletes and sometimes professionals...and what do you do Pleb?

>> No.7085916

Something upsetting you, chief?

>> No.7085924

And what, tell them to eat healthy? Thanks doc

>> No.7085938

Haters gonna hate I enjoy my profession and what I do

>> No.7085945

How do you deal with the smell of fish all the time? I bet that thing infuses with your skin and clothes no matter how much you wash/bathe. How can you live like that?

>> No.7085965

I work in catering/events

>> No.7086280
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I have separate clothes for work. I go through them relatively quickly.

A hot shower takes care of the smell on me.

>> No.7086296
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line cook here

every day i find myself wanting to quit more and more

>mfw the weekend is almost upon us again

>> No.7086308

Well, I'm the dopeman -- yeah, boy, wear corduroy
Money up to here but unemployed
You keep smoking that rock and my pocket's getting bigger.

>> No.7086331

Cheesemaker here

>> No.7086342

so... do you regularly cut cheese?

>> No.7086343

Where abouts?

>> No.7086344

FOH manager for a rather stupid cafe, that makes a lot of money and I make pretty decent money and have no college education. I hire, fire, kiss ass (our chef, the owner and customers) and figure out ways to be as bullshit and organic as possible and still satisfy customers when they get bored of what is in season.

I'm a good cook, but rarely am I asked into the kitchen, because I have other things to work on and the chef is a moody bitch. Favorite days are when I have to be the "barista", because the kid we just hired was a no call and run tables.

>> No.7086355

You so funny

>> No.7086356

brewer here. used to bartend/serve but haven't for over a year.

>> No.7086378

I have a few go to dishes, now that the weather's cooler I'm doing a lot of soups/stews/slow simmered dishes.

I make a good broccoli cheese soup, pretty good lentil soup/stew. Filipino adobo with pork and chicken.. I usually make big batches and eat through the week or freeze some.

I also like doing german dishes like braised cabbage, spaetzle, bratwurst cooked in onions and beer and finished on the grill.

Made some sauerbraten a few months back and it was delish, long marinating time though.

Summertime I grill and smoke a bunch, make cooler dishes when it gets really hot like greek orzo salad, or sometimes gazpacho

>> No.7086394

Project manager for an oil and gas co. Things have been rough these last six months. We're waiting until after christmas to let everyone go.

>> No.7086429

Sous chef at fine dining restaurant. Hours and pay are shitty but can't imagine doing anything else honestly, love cooking, love the camaraderie of a good kitchen, love that 'well oiled machine' feeling when you're busy as fuck and just banging out food. Finally at the stage of my career where I get to really start being creative and coming up with more dishes and stuff which I'm thrilled about. Any other happy cooks on here, or is everyone miserable about it?

>tfw waiter brings back a compliment from one table saying the food you helped put out is 'the best meal they've ever had'

>> No.7086583
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Yooo, got that five-O double up, nigga

>> No.7086604

''I'm a stay at home dad who cooks for his kids!''

I hope you realise your children fucking hate your shit cooking you absolute cunt. They despise you and the way you ruin every single meal by insisting that you cook a 'special and fun' recipe for them. 'daddys special'. Special fucking bullshit, mate. They HATE YOU AND YOUR SHIT COOKING. WHENEVER THEY COME HOME FROM SCHOOL AND SMELL THE DISGUSTING COMBINATION OF FAILURE TO PROVIDE AND OVERUSED SPICES THEY GET A SICKENING TWIST IN THEIR STOMACH

They try to turn and run but before they know it, out you come with your fucking unshaven, unworked face and a fucking apron


Just fuck off. Just cook your kids food they want. They won't want your fucking 'daddy's famous mash potato with garlic chili mexican pepper surprise' because they haven't ruined their lives yet like you and don't need to know how failure tastes. They will learn themselves after being raised by you you pathetic fuck.

>> No.7086625
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>> No.7086632

Yo, mister dopeman,
You think you're slick,
You sold crack to ma sister and now she's sick
But if she has to die because of your drug....

>> No.7086645
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We got the bottle
You got the cup
C'mon everybody let's get fff

>> No.7087090
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>Aspergers, the post

>> No.7087135

stay gold, anon. we need more like you.

>> No.7087141
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>tfw line cook
>tfw you would fucking LOVE your job if your original head chef didn't get transferred to another branch of your restaurant

I miss him so much

>> No.7087166

>We demand to be taken Siriusly

>> No.7087282

I work in agriculture (breeding). Have worked with tomato, romaine/iceburg lettuce, and field corn but I am currently working in ornamental greenhouse crops like annuals, perennials, woody plants, etc.

I just like to eat.

>> No.7087287

I'm a barista...

>> No.7087293

at a third wave cafe or a shitty chain outfit?

>> No.7087305

I used to work in restaurants. I got tired of everyone demanding that I work overtime, and never paying me for it (fuck the time and a half, just the hours worked would have been nice). At my last job, after about a month of 90+h workweeks being paid at 43.5h per at my hourly rate, the restaurant manager gave me a $100 bonus "for my hard work." I took the money, quit on the spot, and got $20 worth of shots from the bartender.

>> No.7087314

>the hours worked would have been nice

what kinda shithole was this?

>> No.7087320
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I'm a web developer.

I've tried working in kitchens, but, I function better in a low-stress environment. I definitely don't do well under pressure, I like to do everything way in advance and keep completely on top of my work load, which is pretty hard in food service.

>> No.7087351

several shitholes... apparently I'm not good enough for any restaurant that actually pays its employees. Let's see if I'm good enough to be an engineer when I get my degree.

>> No.7087383

http://www.thirdrailcoffee.com/ i work here

>> No.7087413
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I collect benefits and eat foods.

>> No.7087420

I am a professional speleunker specializing in the asshole of OP's mother.

>> No.7087426

>no Flatty

wtf are you guys doing??

>> No.7087440

If I had to guess, I'd say avoiding the hype on something that is too easily called out on being subpar.

>> No.7087462

meh i guess there's the cortado for those who want some milk

btw it's spelled macchiato, tell yr bosses

>> No.7087496

I work as a cheesemonger. Nice to meet you. I've met a lot of cheesemakers in the past five years, always very cool people. Can I ask what state?

>> No.7087535

I've worked as a line cool in the past. It's nice if you work in a fun place and can put out good food while you enjoy doing it. But the pay was low and the hours sucked.

Now I work for a small gourmet food distributor. We supply several Michelin starred restaurants, which is pretty cool. I'm a manager of a team of about 10 people. We also sell retail to customers. It's a decent job. I get paid better than when I was a cook and I have normal hours and get to sit at a desk. It's actually more stressful though because I'm accountable for an entire line of business and if things go wrong there's no one to blame but me.

I still kinda miss the rush of the line on a busy weekend night cranking out food like there's no tomorrow. That's when I really learned how to cook and properly time multiple components of a dish to all be ready at the same time.

>> No.7088797

Dishwasher in yuppie upper-middle class eating establishment.

>> No.7088803


as a sous chef, i fucking love all of you guys.. produce guys, fish guys, meat guys.

seeing one of you bros walk through the door never gets old even if it happens every day. it's like thanks, man! i can do my job now thanks to you.

>> No.7089534

Cheesemonger reporting in. Definitely love what I do.

>> No.7091021
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OP here. Just got into wholesale working with restaurants recently. Helping chefs do their work is a much better feeling than haggling over the price of red snapper in retail.

>> No.7091496

Agriculture/Business major here. Pretty much the financial/business side of production agriculture. Not ONLY production, but that's definitely been my focus.

"Agriculture" includes the food and fiber industry, so timber, paper, cotton, wool, etc is all "agriculture"

>> No.7091512

What the fuck? My dad is a way better cook than my mom. My brother does all the cooking at his house, and likewise in mine.

Did your daddy serve you shit food and then rape you for dessert or something?

>> No.7091536
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>tfw line cook for 10 years in 7 different places
>only wanted to quit once
>never fired

Maybe you should find a new job or stop working with food bud.

>> No.7091555

Primary prep person at a BBQ place. All of the meats, the sides, the condiments/sauces... I just prep in my little corner with my music.

Used to be only on the line, and I initially hated being switched to prep. But now I greatly prefer doing my own thing at my own pace, along with being able to leave when I'm finished (rather than at a certain time.)

>> No.7091684

Magician and Ayurved.

>> No.7091688

Is it a good idea to get a certificate in culinary arts just to avoid having to work your way up from busser? I want to take things at an easy pace and know what the fuck I am getting into, even if I still have to work up from a busser while having the cert. I am really feeling like I want to do the program even if it wouldn't help employment prospects, the course description sounds fun as fuck.

>> No.7091744
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marine scientist

i hop down to the sea for sampling like once every 2 weeks as part of 10 year long monitoring project. other than that im mostly in lab or in my home office cuz company were cool not to see me in office as long the reports and database are updated regularly.

im still considered myself shit but goddamn cooking is fun.

>> No.7092153
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Im a CNA and occasionally I will have to make a pb&j with a plastic spoon because our kitchen staff dont bring utensils.

>> No.7092195

Not anything close to a sous chef in a brigade , but acting sous chef in a kitchen of three (1 head , 1 commi) . Because my employers are cheap I also wash dishes and other menial shit but I really do enjoy cooking . I've been there two years working up from kitchen bitch and gone through several chefs . Right now have a down and out Michelin 2 star quality guy heading the ship . Get along , good laugh. Asshole , but is teaching me lots , enough that I've been offered a free course nvq in food ( I've not had time to really follow it )

Tldr : Doing more in a kitchen , finally experimenting small time on my own terms . Stressful . Loving it

>> No.7093401

Food prep / cook at an artisan pizza restaurant. Feels good man work 8-4

>> No.7093410


>>7093401 here, thats more or less my goal. Godbless.

>> No.7093418

I'm a food writer. Pretty cool tbphwy pham

I also work at this fancy food store/cafe during the day.

>> No.7093425
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Homemaker. I also sell home canned products on the side.

>> No.7093474

Slavewage pencil pusher by day, homegrowman chef by midday.

>> No.7093489

Materials Engineer/Scientist (R&D) at BAE Systems.

>> No.7093521

In can assembler for Honeywell. Before this 6 years cooking and expo, changes jobs because 6 bucks more.. Still love to cook.

>> No.7093525

I'm an* what the hell

>> No.7093638


[spoiler]I blame all my mistakes on the kitchen