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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 600x390, this is too easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7082171 No.7082171 [Reply] [Original]

so this girl is coming over in 2 days and she likes spicy pasta.
can you recommend me a nice recipe for a midrange cook with the ultimate pleb kitchen?

bonus points if no mushrooms or fish. don't really like the first and the second makes my breath repelling.

>> No.7082178

That picture luks gud

>> No.7082187

Look for recipe for pasta arrabiata
Is a spicy tomato sauce, my fav when eating italian

>> No.7082192

I'd go with this as well.

>> No.7082196
File: 152 KB, 272x335, Knorr-Cheddar_Broccoli_Pasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself a jalapeno, she clearly likes you but you don't want to blow her away on heat level. A jalapeno or two will do. Now to make it easy on yourself get pic related, mix in some sausages cut up nicely of course, some garlic, some onions, and add some peas to that too at the end so they retain their texure.

Tell her that you worked hours on it and slaved over it. You'll get layed m8!

>> No.7082200

What ever you do, remember to wash your fuckin' hands after chopping japapeno's or any chilies!!!! Wash them three times, you don't want the chick hollaring at you after you've neglected to wash your hands when she's letting you fingering her.

>> No.7082204

Wash under your nails too, it may seem simple but if some chick hollars at you then don't blame me. Been there done that m8.

>> No.7082205
File: 617 KB, 1791x2230, 040215MPW_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Produce selection is key, this guy knows what he's doing

>> No.7082206

Top fucking lel

>> No.7082217

One can be with a chick over years and forget to wash under a fingernail or something once after chopping something like habaneros and she'll hollar at you and you'll never hear the end of it. Been there done that, it wasn't on purpose, I was drunk and wasn't as spot on as I usually am, it's her fault too, she shouldn't have seduced me!

Just remember though, it's always the guy's fault.

>> No.7082222

The interesting thing is, if you love her and she loves you, it's just banter and there no fault. That's the fun thing about love.

>> No.7082230

OK first off: don't make her spicy pasta. She'll get too comfortable, start getting wrong ideas, nameen.

Make steaks. If she says a word, look her straight in the eyes until she gives and looks away, then pretend nothing happened

Godspeed, report back

>> No.7082237

i agree with this. also make some sides that look fancy to normies but are easy, my fave is this

>red potatoes cut into slices
>olive oil, s n p, minced garlic, thyme, rosemary, cumin (poultry seasoning subst for pleb spice selection)
>cook in oven at 300 or so till tender but not dry, then broil for a sec to crisp outsides

literally godtier

>> No.7082242
File: 59 KB, 438x529, hahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7082260

make a ragu with sausages, broccoli, fennel and chilli yo

>> No.7082289
File: 198 KB, 700x1050, Pasta-con-crema-di-broccoli-romani-Ricetta-pasta-con-crema-di-broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this last week, was pretty good


>> No.7082311

That's your answer. Arrabiata is simple, spicy and delicious.
>taking advice from losers who act alpha on the internet

>> No.7082359

I'm playing but I'm also serious. If I'm already being kind enough to invite a chick over for a home cooked meal, asking her what she wants seems to go too far. Maybe ask if she hates anything, and avoid that stuff. Most of the time I have people over that's how I handle it, and that's mostly what I see when I go over to dine with friends or lovers. Voice of experience

>> No.7082374
File: 50 KB, 425x450, 868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this guy OP, give her the spicy finger and she'll never forget you

>> No.7082402

Or you could use gloves

>> No.7082409

How the mighty have fallen

>> No.7082415


> If I'm already being kind enough to invite a chick over for a home cooked meal, asking her what she wants seems to go too far.

why, what the fuck

are you one of those faggots who thinks you should be obstructive with women because it keeps them keen or some shit

>> No.7082419

Based quads knows how to deal with the spice finger

>> No.7082421

Because I want to eat what I want to eat.

>> No.7082431


so you're autistic then

if you ask her what she wants, she might say something that you want to eat. it's not like you decide what you want to eat with certainty for every meal. you're just arbitrarily restricting what you share with this other person because you've spent too much time listening to big guys in the locker room you pathetic faggot.

>> No.7082432

Also I'll already have ingredients for my choice. Like I'm really gonna make a special trip to the grocery just for ms snowflake

>> No.7082439

Italian here, make her a hot Puttanesca to teach her her place.

>> No.7082440

Why go from certainly getting what I want to eat to maybe a chance of having what I want. What am I getting in exchange, good boy points ? Keep em, thx. Invite me over if you want to decide

>> No.7082444


>Also I'll already have ingredients for my choice

you won't always will you? you're prohibiting the idea of asking a girl what she wants to eat based on the circumstance that you have decided and prepared for your meal in advance. fair enough. but OP hasn't, has he? do you decide what you're gonna eat a day in advance? a week?


>Why go from certainly getting what I want to eat to maybe a chance of having what I want.

you aren't. you can have whatever you want, but whatever you want, at least with a normal person, is selected from a range of possible options.

>What am I getting in exchange, good boy points?

it's not a transaction. just a social experience. 'what do you want' 'ooh i don't know i think i'm in the mood for some spicy pasta' 'you know what that sounds good i'll come up with something!' how fucking hard was that seriously, what have you lost, sperm count? street rep? what? don't be fucking pathetic.

>> No.7082448

I got hollared once by a girlfriend and that was one more time than I ever want to get hollared at again for not washing my hands enough times after chopping hot peppers. My hands are used to it so when being drunk I forgot the purpose which was my GF, perhaps a wife to be but that didn't work out. No matter, I'll never forget that again.

>> No.7082449

Pasta with chorizo and tomatoes.
Cut Chorizo in small slices and fry in a bit of olive oil, add garlic and chopped tomatoes, put some of the pasta water in the pan and add stock powder (or just stock).
Some basil and cheese over it and she will surely suck your dick. The chorizo is spicy but not so spicy that your dick will burn, or her vagina when you fuck her consequently.

>> No.7082451

Hell yeah! HAIL ROME!

>> No.7082456

Similar recipe but a bit more fancy here:

>> No.7082461

Fuck gloves, that doesn't guarantee shit.
I gotta get surgical gloves everytime I chop a pepper, fuck that crap you moron!

It's easier to just wash my hands and I have better results.

>> No.7082468


>> No.7082471

Queen - I Want to Break Free (Official Lyric Video)

>> No.7082473

>Day in advance
Almost always
>Week in advance
Probs half the time

I understand the mechanics of social niceties, nigger. I see no reason to engage in a conversational path that is going to be more trouble than another, simpler path.

>> No.7082496

You must be the life of a party. Do you wear a fedora and think that you're god's gift to earth while making minimum wage at starbucks?

>> No.7082514


>I see no reason to engage in a conversational path that is going to be more trouble than another, simpler path.

what the fuck does that even mean? do you even know what conversation is? i don't think you understand the concept of a shared experience even in the abstract. you probably fuck the dumbest chicks you can possibly find because you can juggle them like balloons, minimum investment and minimum fun.

>> No.7082515

Also, a large set of social experiences are transactional in nature. Actually, it's a relatively small subset which are not transactional (pure art, really). If I'm giving something up for someone (ie choice of dinner(food costs, prep time, preference sacrifice and more)) that is a transaction, even if I receive nothing in return (more likely when it comes to females)

Also in that other post you were like, "she might even pick what u want" and I rolled with it cos the things I'll cook are all 100% things I want to eat, whereas her suggestions could be all over the map- when I explained this to you as the root of my preference you denied what you said and insulted me, you fucking weasel.

>> No.7082518

I hope that you realise that what you wrote makes no sense either.

>> No.7082521


Are you people all on crack or what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.7082522

I tend to buy in bulk because I'm rather poor. That makes me a bad person in your eyes ? I bet you don't tip in restaurants

>> No.7082523
File: 48 KB, 600x450, l31297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eastern europe here, coming to /ck/ to ask about mac and cheese.

I can recommend a great pasta recept, one I only know and its great
we call it "baked in vegetable"

1. cook small cauliflower in water
2. cook broccoli in water
3. you cook them until fork can go through stems easily
4. cook pasta - al dente (not too soft, bit hard)
5. on a pan put bacon cut in to small cubes, wait till see through
6. add the cooked broccoli & cauliflower
7. add can of sweet corn and can on pea
8. add spices to the pan with vegatable
9. kari, black peper, oregano, and like 3 soup spoons of ketchup
10. mix it well, let it steam there for a while
8. take cooked pasta, put it in to a casserole that will go in to oven later
9. mix the pasta with 10% sour cream, we use 400g of it for 400g of pasta
10. grind some cheese, half of it mix with pasta
14. mix pasta with vegetable well
15. put reminder of cheese on top of it
16. put in to oven for 30 min

we use for meal for like 6 full plates portions
400g pasta, 2x200g sour cream, ~250g cheese, some beacon
small cauliflower, average broccoli, 400g can of corn, 400g can of pea

>> No.7082526

also to add, give it really a lot of kari and lot of oregano and black pepper
it will feel nice spicey, add other spices as you see fit, we here have limited variety

>> No.7082528

You can say things in different ways and achieve the same ends, how can you not see that

>> No.7082529

What's the connection there, I don't understand it. And for tipping I do it sometimes when it's warranted because that's custom here, but I think it should be changed.
It serves no purpose if people were paid properly in the first place.

>> No.7082531

I as a customer should not have to deal with tipping. Why should a restaurant be so arrogant as to put paying their employees on tips from their customers. That's lame ass bullshit and you know it.

>> No.7082537

It's why I know my meals in advance.
>bougie fucknugget detected

>> No.7082538


>Also, a large set of social experiences are transactional in nature. Actually, it's a relatively small subset

this is psychoanalysis bullshit without actual evidence, it's just easy to think in terms of transactions, doesn't make it true. just because you're 'giving something up for someone' doesn't make it a transaction. if you try to model everything like a transaction you just get a horrendously bloated overcomplicated definition of transactions. you aren't buying a smile or a vagina or whatever the fuck it is you think, you're just creating a situation in which you can bond with another person. money and time spent doesn't have to be an object.

>Also in that other post you were like, "she might even pick what u want"

look if she picks something shitty, you don't have to make it, but if she picks something non-shitty why the fuck wouldn't you? there are a lot of non-shitty things to eat. the 'root of your preference' is what i've been talking about the whole time, resistance to the idea of an intersection of your shared preferences.

>> No.7082542

You're just a dumbass relegated to tradition that's a lame tradition. Fact is, I'm out with a girl or whatever, I don't want calculate tips and bullshit... and fuck this crap... I get an expensive bottle of wine, why the fuck does some ditz bitch deserve 20% of that for bringing it to my table?


Once you make some money for yourself you'll see how much bullshit that tipping is.

>> No.7082544

Next tell us how you feel about the carbon tax

>> No.7082548
File: 66 KB, 500x410, 83-2605-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck gloves, that doesn't guarantee shit.
I use pic related when working with habanero, and I they block the capsaicin from getting to your fingers. Guaranteed.

It isn't moronic for that anon to recommend it. It is however moronic to think that getting capsaicin on your skin and washing (maybe most of, you won't get all of it) off is a "better result" than not getting it on your skin at all.

>> No.7082551

It's bullshit and you know it. Carbon "credits" are a tax. What you should look into are the indandesent lights, without mercury in them btw.

>> No.7082552

Denying reality doesn't make it go away. "Creating a situation" has costs, and the "bond" is what you're buying. Do you think people do things for no reason ? People do things for reasons, you fool.

That intersection can happen both ways, and there's a saying "women don't know what they want" (kek) that has some truth to it. If someone actually had really strong preferences I would work around them, though. Why are you so upset that I would handle a basic social interaction in a slightly different way than you?

>> No.7082559

My fingers and hands are pretty much used to it so I don't need gloves, but I still need to clean them for such things as fingering a cutie, dealing with my contact lenses, or taking a piss, if I don't wash them properly.

That's a lot easier than dealing with gloves all the time. Ivory soap a few times under hot water does the trick, even for my contacts and my eyes are pretty sensitive.

>> No.7082560

how bout some buffalo chicken alfredo

>> No.7082564

Is this your dissertation for a niggerbonics phd?

>> No.7082570

I call that a slow Tuesday, bub

>> No.7082575

Seems more like a freaky Friday when dealing with niggers and their niggerbabble.

>> No.7082615

If you're too poor to tip it's irresponsible to eat out

>> No.7082663

Fuck off, seems more like you're too poor to pay your employees properly and have respect for your customers so they don't have to deal with it.

Are you nothing more than a bar wench, a faggot bar wench?

>> No.7082673

Besides you being a cheap whoar bar wench I actually like getting take out or delivery unless that a problem with you, you useless bar wench scum that's never gotten out from his daddies bum.

So be it.

>> No.7082675

Not the guy you're trying to pick a fight with, but you are bitter and angry about so many things.

Maybe if you spent less time arguing on 4chan and more time on PoF you'd find a nice girl and manage to ejaculate some of that tension you're unsuccessfully attempting to release here. She left you for a reason but after all these years don't you think it's time to lower your standards?

>> No.7082677


>he "bond" is what you're buying.

who are you buying it from? because it's entirely collaborative, or at least i think most of us would agree it ideally should be.

>Do you think people do things for no reason?

the fact that you have a reason for doing something doesn't mean it's a transaction. it takes resources to create things, that doesn't mean you're buying it from the universe. you don't buy a sandcastle from the beach.

>there's a saying "women don't know what they want" (kek) that has some truth to it.

no one knows what they want, that's the point, you most likely don't know any better what you want than she does. if you feel like you can give her something she doesn't know she wants then by all means, do it, but it seems to me your attitude is more about giving her what *you* want, her own preferences be damned. just a silly attitude.

>Why are you so upset that I would handle a basic social interaction in a slightly different way than you?

it's irritating brotalk is all. for me dating, and actually sex itself, is fun because of collaboration, you seem to think it's something else.

>> No.7082687

What's PoF? Maybe that's what you lower your standards to but given myself I don't know what you're on about. I don't need to know what you're on about. Don't try to bring me down to your sewer levels because it wont happen.

>> No.7082690

You come across as an Aussie trying to bring an American down and failing miserably.

>> No.7082695

Use google to find the answer to questions you don't know the answer to.

Expecting things to come to you, instead of going out and getting them, is what filled your soul with impotent rage.

Take some responsibility for yourself and for god's sake get off this site, it's obviously not doing you any favors.

>> No.7082703

No, it doesn't work that way. If you want to promote some shit then be honest about it. Otherwise you really come across as a real scumbucket. I'm not going to do a lookup for up, if you want to look into a website then you post it right here where we can all see it. Why are you scared?

>> No.7082706
File: 105 KB, 490x626, 1377171265997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you cut up a few bigger pieces of dried peppers into smaller ones and then without thinking brushed your itching eye and tiny fragments latched onto the skin around your eye

>> No.7082707

Make Marie's home-made Contadina tomato sauce

>> No.7082709

You're point being?
Seems to me that you no experience in anything and nobody's paid you and that you're a jealeous fuck.

>> No.7082714

Actually it does work that way. Most people have gotten used to it, you stamp your feet and insist that this newfangled web thing is going to go away any day now!

You probably have the same attitude about mobile devices and streaming services, hence why you stare blankly when someone mentions an artist whose popularity arose after ca.2005 or so, and why you get irrationally angry when you see a picture on your desktop computer that appears to have been taken by a smart phone. Especially the wrong brand of smart phone.

The world moved on and you didn't. This will be you:


>> No.7082716

>I don't want calculate tips
how retarded do you have to be to not be able to figure out what 10/15/20% of your bill is? You literally have to be an idiot or drunk as fuck to not be able to do this in under 5 seconds

>> No.7082717

Why would I do that if I when I have better things to do could by that in a store, but then I have better taste so wouldn't buy that. Get it myron?

>> No.7082718

replied to wrong post, family?

>> No.7082723

You're full of shit.

So the NYTimes, just remember that if you can't figure out the editorial bullshit slant within the first paragraph of anything from the ny times then you're a moron. That's a fact.

>> No.7082726

>They found him in the living room, crumpled up on the mottled carpet. The police did. Sniffing a fetid odor, a neighbor had called 911. The apartment was in north-central Queens, in an unassertive building on 79th Street in Jackson Heights.

Yep. Looks like the reptoids are trying to get me to pay a carbon tax. Muh H1Bs! Pearl Harbor sneak attack!

>> No.7082729

That's not the point. The point isn't that I can't do it, the point is that I shoudln't have to do it. You've lost the plot, now go suck up to some faggot like pelolsi or clinton.

>> No.7082742 [DELETED] 

That's pretty funny but the fact is that h1bs really suck and it takes Americans to prop them up to make our government look good. You can say all you want, but I've been there done that writing code and sorts of shit and indians h1bs fail all the fucking time, everytime. So whatever you say to me, is full of shit since you have experience in it. So keep on on "keepin it real" like the nigger that you are. Keep on letting islamics in too, because they're the religion of peace.

You fucking fool!


>> No.7082746

>op's little problem was pretty much solved with Arrabiata
>retards turn the thread into a shitpostfest for some reason
>it's still here


>> No.7082801

>The point isn't that I can't do it
you can't immediately see 10% of any number? wow you are a retard!

>> No.7083060
File: 44 KB, 307x400, Red does not approve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>taking advice from losers who act alpha on the internet

>taking advice from somebody so beta they can't even pretend they're alpha on the internet

Don't listen to this faggot.

What the anon said about NOT serving this bitch "spicy pasta" is absolutely spot the fuck on, as she's testing you to see if you're willing to jump through hoops to impress her. FUCK that, anon. That's what submissive bitches do, and chicks don't like submissive bitches, no matter how much they claim they do.

Cook whatever the fuck YOU want to eat, and if she doesn't like it, kick her to the curb. Make that bitch jump through YOUR hoops, anon, and don't allow yourself to be another controlled eunuch that's subservient to some dumb bitch because you think it's going to get you some pussy.

>> No.7083071

your virgin power is going to last more than 2 lifetimes, m8

>> No.7083123

>Tell her that you worked hours on it and slaved over it.
pls no

>> No.7083148

This. Set here pussy on fire with your pepper hands, give her a fingering she'll remember when she's 80. This leaves an impression, leaving an impression gets you a gf. She might get mad but you two can have a hearty laugh for a long time remembering your first date

>> No.7083175
File: 277 KB, 1622x1299, guardsman grylph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, gloves? Isn't she going to take that as a suggestion that her minge needs more accurate maintenance?

>> No.7083182

>can of tuna
>jar of ragout
>splashes of tabasco

99% of bitches don't know any better, and love it exactly like this.

>> No.7083195
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1426858342702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>in pasta

He's trying to impress a bitch, not pleb her to death.

>> No.7083197

I'm the guy your girlfriend is fucking behind your back, because they can't stand how much of a submissive bitch guys like you are, anon.

Go right ahead and continue being a eunuch, though.

>> No.7083205


Fish needs white sauce, not red.

>> No.7083212

>He's trying to impress a bitch
>99% of bitches don't know any better

learn to read.

>> No.7083213

Damn that NYT writer's style is a bit much, I think that using less adjectives for a life that was equally austere would be ideal, rather than more.

>> No.7083217

tuna in white sauce... nope.

>> No.7083338

OP here

that's the stuff I was looking for. thank you based italian anon ;)

for all the offtopic advices: you guys can chill! I asked her what she likes before I said that I cook. I got pasta and spicy out of her and I'm not cooking to get laid (already had her) I cook to improve myself. if she sucks my cock afterwards that's also fine.
maby I'll try the habanero-finger at some point...


I like your style. stay as you are

the fuck out of my thread

sounds really good, I'll try it another time tho =)
also it's curry not kari

go home, Alpha-bert. you're on steroids

I make some tuna in white sauce that will make you shiver from joy...