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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 576 KB, 1608x658, school_lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7082878 No.7082878 [Reply] [Original]

Was it good or bad?

Do you have ideas for improving it?

>> No.7082885


>shirt literally says "Bong"
>claims the pic shows America


>> No.7082893
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 7e7fab70-4600-47b8-8ee9-cb36ef59fb6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7082897


>never had a billabong shirt

Shit I'm too much of an oldfag. I really should go.

>> No.7082899

They don't have Domino's in Bongland, retard.

>> No.7082901

>implying we had domino's
Bro I wish.... the "pizza" we got was really fucking bad

>> No.7082902
File: 351 KB, 442x386, FUCKING JEWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garbage. Absolute garbage. Fully assembled mini cheeseburgers frozen, then microwaved still in the packaging until soggy and stuck to each other or better yet, a plastic clamshell full of soggy curly fries with a plastic bullet of melted velveeta and a plastic bullet of hormel chili. 1 packet of baby carrots (god help you if you wanted more). 1 piece of packing material (aka a red "delicious" apple). Some packet of horrid tasting cookie type things that were only sold to schools because stores wouldn't take them. $5.50.

How to fix it: actually put some money into the school system instead of taking all your congressman buddies out for dry aged beef and champagne after your daily golf game.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.7082904


Nobody knows how to play with them anyways so who cares.

>> No.7082910

Daniel Boulud cooks school lunches in France?
I've seen that picture somewhere before.

>> No.7082911
File: 13 KB, 150x148, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking loved it as a kid. A dollar for a cheeseburger and fries? And 25c for Chocolate milk? I would just buy 8 of those sometimes. Thanks for the delicious diabeetus.

>> No.7082912

It says "Billabong". They're a brand.

>> No.7082918

But Dominoes IS really fucking bad

>> No.7082919

it was excelent actually for a full meal under 2yurus, the lunch ladies made stuff pretty close to homemade, then in 2009/10 the health inspection department updated their rules so the quality dropped a lot, because the lunch ladies couldnt just go to the fish market that day see what was good(coastal town) and had to use mostly frozen stuff

>> No.7082921

>muh authenticity
Fuck off italy, no one wants your brittle cardboard with two shreds of cheese on top

>> No.7082923
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>> No.7082928


You've never had a rectangle school "pizza" before then.


>> No.7082936

I'm from brooklyn senpai, I eat murrican pizza like everyone else, Dominoes just tastes like ass

>> No.7082945
File: 111 KB, 640x458, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to school in rural Arkansas in the 90s. I worked in the kitchen on a few occasions to get out of class, and everything was boxed, canned or frozen. Occasionally they'd give us some fresh lettuce or an orange wedge.

I can still taste that pizza. Mmmm.

>> No.7082956


>Chocolate milk pleb.

I loved it when the school would run out of chocolate milk and everyone at my table would be "meh I'm a pleb I don't want regular milk".

Pass it this way nigger, I'll drink all the milks, call me the milk master.

>> No.7082970

>call me the milk master
[/d/ intensifies]

>> No.7082974


>> No.7082991

mine was shit till i got to high school. than got tired off eating it so id save my lunch money and get fast food after school. was going through puberty so i could eat fast food everyday and still be skinny as shit. good times.

>> No.7082992

Is that in the bottom right where you threw up after seeing the rest of it? That's some fore-thought of them to provide somewhere for your vomit.

>> No.7082998

California puts a lot into their schools and turns out shitty. Or better yet stop outsourcing the food to a company

>> No.7083006

where i live in america the company that supplies the school lunches is independent of the school. i forget the name of the company but all i know is that prisons don't even use them.

>> No.7083013

>stop outsourcing...to a company

That sounds like commie bullshit to me, son. Are you even American? Corporations are people too!

>> No.7083019

Is the lower left moldy corn or a poor excuse for succotash?

>> No.7083025

Not sure where your getting at but public school lunches are outsourced to a company. I miss my small town lunch because the lunch lady could actually cook and it would be food.

>> No.7083028

You went to a public school?

>> No.7083062


>> No.7083067

No, that's a bag of crackers.

>> No.7083073

>Was it good or bad?
Only had it a handful of times. Couple times when I was a kid, because I forgot/loss my lunch and pizza days in HS. It fairly shitty. Folks packed my lunch till I was in HS, then I packed it, but it was generally a meat/cheese/tomato/green sandwich (once I hit puberty a pb&j was added in), chips, sliced fruit, some veggies and moms cookies. My parents did their best to feed us well, despite us being poor.

>Do you have ideas for improving it?
I honestly don't care. I'm long done with compulsory education and if their parents can't improve it, it's not my problem.

>> No.7083093 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 520x539, 97699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was it good or bad?
I stopped eating them after 10th grade.
It's pretty shit on most days and when it isn't, it's just passable.
>Do you have ideas for improving it?

>> No.7083119

Aramark is likely.

>> No.7083140

Oh my gosh, it looks disgusting

>> No.7083165
File: 350 KB, 481x358, 1447304769475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a newer school, It had only been around for 2 years when I was a freshman.
The idea behind the school was different, so they were testing it to see if their school program worked or not.
Because of this, it was not a permanent school, the campus was spread out over a park, forest, zoo and then a lot that had terrible portable buildings.
We had classes in the zoo, forest, park and portables, and while some of those locations were cool and interesting, they became terrible to use after the first year.

Because of all this, our school didn't have a lunchroom, instead everyday for lunch a lady would drive her van full of semi frozen sack lunches and serve lunch out of one of the portables.
The food was fucking disgusting.
Everyday it was sandwiches, and they varied little, the bread, meat, cheese and few vegetables used on them were the fakest fucking things I have ever seen.
All of the extra "sides" like apples or carrots were also of the lowest quality imaginable, which is amazing seeing as how I live in a state that produces fuck tons of apples and crops, and actual good quality fruit and vegetables cost little to nothing.
In the end, I think it might have been the jews but I also think it might have been the fact that nobody wants to fund kids anymore. I was mad, and still am, about the allocation of funds that our government is in charge of.

>> No.7083200

I did

>> No.7083228


Food at my school was generally shit, although there were several choices everyday which made it a bit better. By senior year though I would just leave campus with some people and go eat elsewhere.

The tea was fucking great though.

>> No.7083248
File: 55 KB, 550x433, Scan-130714-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had these things back in the 80s - they called them barchettas or something... they were sorta like a pizza boat if I recall correctly. Most of the kids didn't like them and called them barfchettas. I thought they were pretty good. Oh yeah I loved the french toast sticks. 'murica

>> No.7083333


Y-your school served cystic fibrosis?

>> No.7083336
File: 123 KB, 840x578, Image7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083356

>Controlled ZONE

Holy shit, I thought the sharia zones were a meme, fucking unbelievable

The britteeth really are spineless keks

>> No.7083371

Explain to dumb American?

>> No.7083375


he's shitposting

>> No.7083378

It's just stupid /int/ memes, don't worry about it.

>> No.7083380

Controlled zone means you can't park there at certain times

>> No.7083382
File: 71 KB, 490x325, shariah-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083384

What's the bottom right one? No prostitutes?

>> No.7083387

Not gonna lie
I'd like to have a piece of square pizza right now

>> No.7083389

Isn't improving kids' lunches literally the only thing Michelle Obama trying to accomplish the entire time?

>> No.7083390

yeah well american lunches may be shit, but at least you dont have to worry about getting shot, like in france.

>> No.7083393

should be "no gingers"

>> No.7083395

That's fake.
I live in France and school food was absolutely garbage.
I had to bring my own lunchbox because I never wanted to eat anything. I was the only kid allowed to bring a lunchbox at school.

>> No.7083400

Jail food was literally 10x times better than school food.

They also give you more in jail

>> No.7083412


O rly?

I'll know soon enough, gotta do 7 days in county for a DUI woop woop.

>> No.7083454


Have you had one before or something? I got a DUI a couple of years ago and the only time I spent in jail was in the drunk tank for however many hours their chart said I needed to go through before I was sober.

>> No.7083466


I took my own lunch every single day of my school life.

>> No.7083472 [DELETED] 

Depended on the school that I went to, from 4th grade to 7th, I got to go home for lunch, so did everyone else. 8th and 9th was school lunches and they were actually pretty damn good. Private school and shit, then 10th+ it was my choice and I usually went out to eat with friends but we'd usually buy a bag of chips and share them then use our left over money for video games.

My idea on improving it, the fucking federal government should get the fuck out and not interject where it's not needed or wanted or legally required. Don't use fed money as a noose on States. The federation is made up of states, don't forget that you fed faggits!

>> No.7083490

>>7082945 this was the shit that we had in elementary school. That nasty ass pizza square has put me off of pizza since.
>>7082911 this is what we moved up to in high school. If you were lucky sometimes you could snag a chocolate shake if there were any left. Also we got actual pizza too, but for me the damage was done.

>> No.7083494 [DELETED] 

Earler than 4th grade... either my mom packed me lunches or I ate school stuff, but I can tell you one thing... no fucking federal government flunky moron was telling my mother what to feed me. But then I'm not a nigger and my mother wasn't a nigger either and none of us need the federal government telling us what to do.

The shit these people accept these days is pathetic and why if I had kids I'd beg borrow or steal to get them into private schools unless it's Stuyvesant in NYC, though that's a fuckload different now then when I was there.

>> No.7083510

>tfw in 9th and 10th grade they actually served extremely nice breaded chicken
>sometime during the last half of 10th they removed it even though it was their most popular item and switched to shitty school lunch chicken

That's the day I stopped eating school food.

>> No.7083516

Not that poster but second DUI gets you a week.

>> No.7083518

Fuck you

>> No.7083577

Some people are simply failures. If you can't fix someones lunch in short order. You cannot do anything.

>> No.7083580

Good you fucking retard.

>> No.7083589 [DELETED] 

What are you saying there? That you're competing to be the best at a school lunch matron type?

It was never about that ya know, not when I was in school.Once quota niggers were allowed in then maybe it was different.

>> No.7083618

The "pizza" we got was like a sponge covered in wax

>> No.7083642

Look on the surface anon there isn't a hidden message.
Anon is saying that she has failed at one of the few things she's done.

>> No.7083650

I would love to see those pop up in the US.

Can't imagine the level of chimpout if some Muslim told a black guy to not smoke in his hood.

>> No.7083674

>I've seen that picture somewhere before.
I think it's from some video where they serve a bunch of grade school kids a fancy meal.

>> No.7083711

I'd love that.
if anyone has that video, post it at the speed of light.

>> No.7083714

we had dominos on fridays at my school and cardboard shit every other day

>> No.7083736 [DELETED] 
File: 523 KB, 575x767, 1447589243123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace the right image with this one

>> No.7083880

Lawl, even better is everyone else taking the bait

>> No.7084478
File: 113 KB, 298x347, seriousfam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084505

My school's food was actually pretty good. They had a cheese tortellini and a tenderloin sandwich to die for.

Although I've heard it's gone downhill since I graduated ten years ago.

>> No.7084515

In middle school we had some really good french fries and whenever somebody sat down with them, everyone else would immediately start grabbing at them, leaving the kid with usually less than half of what he actually paid for kek

In high school I discovered godly snickers ice cream bars but for some reason they got rid of those. They also had some awesome cookies that were perfectly soft and gooey. Pretty good tendies in high school too and of course pizza day.

Thankfully I graduated before kekbama was elected and his wife supposedly ruined school lunches.

>> No.7084522

That shit reminds me of a story back in middle school. During lunch time we'd get these tiny cartons of milk. The 1% was always shit but the chocolate stuff was pretty good. Sometimes people would leave their sealed cartons over on a table by the trash cans, and they were basically free to whoever wanted one. My friends and I all sat pretty close by so we could snipe the opportunity to get more delicious chocolate milk. One day we had a particularly good haul, and managed to get like 4 milks each (totaling in at 16). Once we drank them all, we put them in front of my friends who would buy 2 milks every day. He's just sitting there with this pile of milk cartons in front of him, and our dangerously black (but super chill) janitor at the time walks up to the table and says "Dude, that's unheard of". After that, the vice principle came over and banned him from getting anything other than water to drink for the rest of the year, which at that point was like 2 more weeks.

>> No.7084534

When I was a kid in rural bongland, my mother worked as a dinner lady. She said the food they were forced to prepare was so cheap and shit she refused to let me eat it. Says enough desu.

>> No.7084545

>Downriver Detroit
>Leave school for lunch every day
>First grade through twelfth

>> No.7084557

>it's pretty shit
>it is
>present simple tense
>currently in high school

underaged pls go

>> No.7084574

this image is retarded, america has one of the most open imigration and refuge policies. the only reason europe is flooded with muslims is because they don't have the money to fly or sail here.

>> No.7084579

"Improve" is a stretch

>> No.7084592

The only way to do anything in my country is kill off everyone and genetically engineer their replacements to be 100% honest. Up to the school feeding program is corrupted. A couple years ago all the meat in the school lunches were a combination of dog, cats and rats that a contracted meat company was providing. The rice and vegetables were produce that was practically expired or half rotten.

>> No.7084597

He could be 18, technically.

Or more if he was left behind.

>> No.7084653

It looks a lot like prison food. Trust me on this one.

>> No.7084682

Chinese here,

Most schools in major cities have a functional cafeteria (think of it as a huge Chinese restaurant). Almost all meal are cooked on site with as fresh of ingredients as budget can afford. Lots of veggies, mostly mix stir fries of both meat and veggies, pure meat dishes are about 1/4, pure veggies about 1/4. Taste is not always the best, nor the culinary quality. But compare to home made meals, say by a busy mother of 2 or 3, it's on par.

I went to a provincial level elemental/high school (equivalent to a state run school in US). Only lunch's offered to all students, but there are breakfast for faculty and sometimes dinner for faculty as well.

Depending on school, students can either pay a sum for the entire semester of lunch, of by box lunches every day, or choose from a buffet of what that day's cookings and pay a retail price. But generally, for about 10 Chinese Yuan, you can get a very filling and nutritious meal.

School cafeterias in China usually dare not to lower it's quality to skim on ingredients too much, because the back lash can literally be riots from both students and faculty. Eating, is a huge deal in China. So huge of a deal, people often greet each other with "Have you had a meal yet?" the phrase is equivalent to "how are you?" in America.

>> No.7084719

Also the chinese word for cafeteria is "食堂", literally translation is "the hall of eatery", which I find quite amusing.

I suggest you copy paste 食堂 and check them out in google images. Chinese lunch halls are quite something.

>> No.7084734


One more thing.

One reason Chinese school cafeteria food quality is also pretty "okay" is due to faculty eats there as well, 99% of the time the same as what the students eat. So the kitchen staff's work are constantly being monitored, and if on a day the meal's quality's low, the Principle would discipline the kitchen staff, a sight usually pretty amusing for students to see.

I also remember during morning assemblies, the Principle sometimes would mention the lunch menu. Like, "oh Chinese new year's approaching. We'll have dumpling!" That sort of thing.

So like i mentioned before, eating and especially eating together is a big deal in Chinese culture. So public cafeteria is always maintained in a fairly passable quality.

>> No.7084735

Damn, that's cheap. 4chan isn't banned in China?

>> No.7084739

Not in China now, also as far as I'm aware, 4chan's not "banned'.

>> No.7084740

Fucking weaboos

>> No.7084751


If you want to know one of the largest, if not THE largest cafeteria on earth operates. Google

foxconn cafeteria

Yes, the same Foxconn that makes all the iPhones and other electronics. They employ 10s of thousands and all have lunch at the exact same time. It's a logistic feat on par with miracles.

>> No.7084849
File: 64 KB, 470x353, imgp1057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia here.
We didn't have a cafeteria, but we had a canteen. Basically you would go there in the morning and buy a token for lunch, usually about $3 for a burger or something similar. You could also get toast and fruit in the morning. Then at recess you could get some generic snacks and fruit and milk drinks, and at lunch you could get the same things but also whatever your token was for. The food was pretty average, but sometimes they would have beef and gravy rolls and some pretty decent burgers. Mostly run by student/parent volunteers and a few full time staff
>Primary School
You would give a brown paper bag with money and your order on it to whichever kid was on canteen duty, and then they would deliver all those bags to some volunteer mums. At lunch time they would get whatever was ordered at the local shop, and deliver it to the school in those paper bags. It was mostly pies or sausage rolls. Every second week we would have a sausage sizzle, which was dope

>> No.7084872

Did you have to dress up like some little sailor faggot like the picture too?

>> No.7084882

Another ausfag here.

My primary school was similar, except that the food was cooked on the premises and a canteen was still open to us. I didn't eat tuckshop food much though so all I really remember buying there was icy poles in summer and they sold jelly cups which were massively popular.

High school was similar to primary school where you could place an order in the morning for a lunch item but at lunch time there would also be excess of the burgers or whichever other items there were that people who hadn't put in an order in the morning could buy. They also sold packet chips and these low-sugar fruit sodas/softdrink things which were pretty good.

Though I don't think I ate at the tuckshop even once in high school.

>> No.7084891

Most primary school uniforms were pretty much polo shirts/shorts and the girls had skirts and/or culottes to choose from. My primary school also had button up shirts.

High school was shorts/long pants and button up shirts (after a while they also enforced the rules that we had to wear our uniform ties and long socks), with polo shirts to be worn on days with PE classes.

>> No.7084903

dressing like a sailor is mandatory in australia, just in case we all have to quickly evacuate by boat when the emu/spider alliance decides to fuck us up again
we had gold polos and maroon shorts in primary school for sports, button up shirts and pants/shorts for the rest of the time
highschool was just exactly the same except your house colours determined your sport clothes colours
and there were green blazers we could wear, but nobody did because we werent no fuckn gay cunts

>> No.7084917


Primary school was green shorts and a gold shirt. The button up shirts were white with like a cross-hatch of pinstriping in two shades of green and one of gold.

My high school sold zip up windbreaker type jackets which everyone wore during winter, they did a pretty good job of it really. And they also sold blazers but never forced anyone to buy one and literally no one bought one ever. The only ones I ever saw were the few that the school owned and lent out to student leaders for official events.

>> No.7084923

I live in sweden and school lunches at my school i went to for 10 years were fucking amazing, i'm talking real mid-tier resturaunt quality, everything, including the cheap fish was amazing.

Later i found out that the school i went to was praised for having the third best school lunches in sweden, only passed by 2 private boarding schools, and this was a public school in a somewhat shady area

>> No.7084944

Especially Domino's prior to their recent revamp, that was atrocious

>> No.7084958

>in highschool

Nigga what?

>> No.7084959 [DELETED] 

Some redheads are mega hot.

>> No.7085086

In my high school, the Lunch cafeteria was student class run with a 3 teachers. Could get fresh salad, homeade chow mein, fresh baked pastry's, and pretty good burgers and fries. I guess lunch programs are the one thing Canada's actually good at.

>> No.7085102

Went to a high school in Canada, in a poor neighborhood. The cafeteria serves as senior home ed/culinary art class room. Every lunch is something different, very good quality. Portion's a bit small but since it's a school in poor area, monthly lunch card's subsidized you can choose to pay (depending on how much your family can afford) 20 to 50 dollars a month.

You can have second serving, but since the line's long as shit, usually not enough time for that.

>> No.7085110

My school was built in a rich neighborhood so that might explain something. But yea i loved having cafeteria class, always gave you free food. The portions were a little small, but it was really good food.

>> No.7085154

I then transferred to a high school in an extremely rich area... NO CAFETERIA!!!! School only has a shitty little student union ran grocery store. Sells 3 kinds of food during lunch, pizza pretzel, frozen burrito (they microwave it for you), and giant ass muffin from Kirkland.

3 years, no lunch was had...

>> No.7085163

That's hilarious, my school had that awesome cafeteria and also had one of those shops, but you could buy a lot more shit there. Man it sure felt nice to go to a school in a rich neighborhood. I did have to take a 1 hour bus ride everyday so i didn't have to go to a school in the ghetto though.

>> No.7085185
File: 67 KB, 709x765, 0053 - 1qfwZyT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never eat that rectangle cheese pizza, 2 chocolate milks, shitty lettuce with italian dressing and a roll for 6th period lunch then go to your 7th period Computer Networking class and play CS 1.6 / Quake 3 cause you had to create a network to play it.
Just kill me pham
I want to be a 17 year old with no responsibilities again.

>> No.7085217

years prep-6 are primary school, years 7-12 is high school.
In highschool theres period 1&2, recess, period 3&4, lunch, then period 5&6.

Our school had a canteen where you could buy overpriced food that tasted okay. Most popular was meat pies, sausage rolls, wedges, and hot dogs. We also had a "cafeteria" where the year 11&12 students could sit and eat their lunch, but food wasnt actually served there and there was no tables or chairs, everyone just sat on the floor. Year 12s were permitted to go to the nearby shops to get lunch, everyone pretty much just got chips and kebabs.

>> No.7085228

We had tasty, cheap, hot meals until Jamie Oliver fucked everything up and left us with shitty sandwiches for £2 each.

>> No.7085247

Yeah, most high schools tend to run their own schedules though.

At mine we did 3 periods per day, 90 miuntes each, with a 15 minute break and a 30 minute break in between. We also started at like 7.30 in the morning and finished at 1 or something which was pretty fucking amazing.

>> No.7085255

thats wild man. I feel like it would be pretty draining to do one subject for 90 minutes, though. What state do you live in?

>> No.7085266
File: 3.78 MB, 200x150, 7450 - Larry_King_Live autoplay_gif gif hulk_hogan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>everything about this

>> No.7085665

I don't mean what she accomplished
I mean what she tried to accomplish as the first lady

>> No.7085668

Why is everything in Aussieland unnecessarily weird?

Those uniforms, what the fuck?

>> No.7085675

My grade school was like a typical American grade school
You'd get your tray, lunch lady would plop down food from the menu on to it
Recess was after you finished lunch, so most kids would eat as quickly as possible

I went to a small private middle school which had no lunch program, we'd all bring our own lunch. One of the teachers would go ahead of time and heat anything up in the microwave
I brought in those Hungry Man microwaveable dinners.

High school we moved and I went to public high school
We had a food court with a bunch of different stuff available every day.
It was a good 10 years ago so I don't remember everything that was there.
Hamburgers, pizza, chicken tendies, deli. There was other shit but I forgot at this point. I dunno what its situation is now.

>> No.7085819

>plastic trays

Shit, do American schools really do this? Even in junior school we had proper plates here.

>> No.7086251


Primary school-everything looked like wet feces with dry cake
Dinner ladies kept snacking on peanuts (allergic) so brought in own lunch
less than 7 mins to eat due to a stupid fucking lunch rotation
one apeshit lunchroom monitor that spazzed out over finger foods

High school-private catering firm working out of the school
sometimes waiting over an hour for service due to fuckhuge lines & staff gossiping instead of working, i missed lunch often because of this.
One staff member tried to put me under 'citizens arrest' because she assumed northerners were thieves-my textbooks were stolen while she pulled this shit.

as far as quality, health, service and price goes McDonalds would have been a step up in every way

>> No.7086310
File: 19 KB, 600x365, godyou'refuckingstupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a brand you fucking moron

>> No.7086334

>California puts a lot into their schools
Correction: California puts a lot of money into teacher unions

>> No.7086703
File: 31 KB, 400x313, Finnish_school_lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnish school food was pretty awful. The Finnish FDA is in the back pocket of food industry and school food is so tightly regulated, that school food is 90% tasteless and cheap carbohydrate mush. Pic related is pretty much the average school lunch. It is free though.

>> No.7086724

no porn no prostitutes

>> No.7086733

In the image:
>fat free milk
>low-fat margarine
>shredded cabbage from a plastic bag
>shredded carrot from a plastic bag
>blackcurrant jam
>low-fat chicken sauce thickened with corn starch
>"potatoes" in other words industrial potato product that is first cooked and peeled and then reheated on site to achieve a maximally rubbery result

>> No.7086749
File: 36 KB, 500x333, soda was for rich kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two lines, you pick up a tray and milk and then pick up your plates and bowls and put them on the tray

if you had extra money you could buy a nice drink or chips/cookies at the end of the line or at the kiosks for snacks on the other side of the cafeteria

tfw reduced lunch cost me .40 cents a day vs $2.10 for normal price

>> No.7086753


Eh, you won't become a nation of lardasses then.

>> No.7086757

That is the only goal of the free school lunch system. Cheap food that is somewhat filling and has low energy values.

>> No.7086969

Stamford Collegiate?

>> No.7086976

Nah, it was a school on vancouver island.

>> No.7086986
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Can't complain. I liked it.

>> No.7087186

Fucking SMUS or some shit?

>> No.7087227

>Buying from the canteen everyday

Someone's mother didn't love him

>All these Mmmmericans getting lunches at schools because their mothers were too hoped up on wine and valium to make them anything



>> No.7087353

No, Dover bay secondary, it was just a normal public school. It was also only built like 15 years ago so that's probably why.

>> No.7087377

God forbid the money goes to actual education

>> No.7087394

woodlands here. first time I've ever run into someone from my shitty little town. moved to the mainland a few years ago. where'd you end up?

>> No.7087589

First from Alberta, moved to Nanaimo. It really is a lot nicer on the island. Also i like living in a smaller city, feels cozy.

>> No.7088796

Oklahomo fag here, our school lunch wasn't as awful as people tried to portray.

Usually got a main meal, a side, a fruit/vegetable, a side salad and some sort of milk or water.

Most of the time, the main meal was pretty decent, they had a chicken-pasta thing that was kickass but i cannot remember the name of it. The pizza we got sucked, but it was because they made it themselves. The other nasty thing was the hamburgers, because the meat wasnt quite right-tasting. It had this spongy nasty quality to it, but with enough toppings was edible (tomato, lettuce, pickles, ect).

Other than that, the food was pretty decent. The thing to remember is that 6 people are having to mass-produce food for like 250 people. It gets hard to keep things as fresh and perfect as we would hope it to be.

>> No.7088808

Back when I went to High School our school lunches weren't very good. But they allowed our DECA store to compete with our cafeteria for lunch and we served much better food than the cafeteria did. To the point where our DECA store ran a profit of around 90K a year.

Then the state changed the laws on what foods could be served outside the official state lunch, and the DECA store had to switch to all health food only, same with the soda machines disappearing for water vending machines and candy machines being filled with granola snacks, etc.

>> No.7088825

Actually if you want to fix it, take education OUT of congresses hands. Stop nationalized testing standards, stop all of the red tape.

Did you know that Belgium spends less per student than the U.S. and manages to pay their teachers more? Because they have FAR less red tape and far more freedom in how they teach and use their money. And shockingly, their students fare better on testing than ours do.

>> No.7088829

>implying this has ever happened

>> No.7088838

Louisiana here.

I liked school food.

>> No.7089095

Florida for preschool and kindergarten, New York for 1-7, North Carolina for 8-12. Was complete bullshit regardless of state.

>> No.7089107
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Cool post anon, thanks for sharing!

>> No.7089112
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Last time I was in Australia I saw them wear these funny little straw hats to school

>> No.7089155

i didn't buy from the canteen every day
but for the last two years of primary school i would just have a bread and butter roll for lunch, canteen food was a nice change

>> No.7089184

Grade school in the 1980s in Miami. Had a serious anti-segregtion effort going on with school boundaries redrawn every year to ensue racial/ethnic equality in every school.

Elementary: black southern (parents of students) were lunch ladies.... made everything from scratch, from biscuits to fried chicken. Think cracker barrel menu. Kids all ate their vegetables and first. Homemade hawaiian rolls, mac n cheese with 1/4 inch thick cheese layer browned on top, green beans with ham hocks, good everything. We did have that square Elios pizza thing every other week, but it wasn't the best thing they made and it was the only thing not made by hand on site. There were frozen FL OJ triangle popsicles which were popular.
Middle school had same exact thing, just a little more pasta and salad choices.
High School had parent-teacher involvement and operated "concessions" in addition to the homemade food. We had a falafel/schwarma kind of thing, where some parent ran a grill and there was a pita the size of a dinner plate and a "salad bar" with 20 toppings for $1. There were 2 lines in the cafeteria, both hot food, but one had the regular menu, and the other was a theme, like stir-fry stations with 2 staffers taking orders, or burgers/hot dogs (grill outside), or something like that.

These were decent public schools. Today, the elementary middle schools in Miami are serving all frozen, all processed crap. The high schools no longer have "open campus" policies where students can drive off and get food, so they are more creative, again with PTA involvement to offer choices kids want, whether it's bagels and donut fundraising in the morning from a local bakery to special things like local sushi giant Sushimaki deliveries (also sells to Publix).

>> No.7090399

My high school had 3 lines, 2 big lines serving whatever the designated lunch for that day and a smaller one that just sold tacos and burritos when I started you got to pick 2 between beef tacos chicken tacos and bean burritos with whatever the side was (fries, smiles, onion rings) and a veggie or fruit with chocolate or regular milk and a juice. My districts lunch budget got cut so by the time I actually graduated you could only get one taco with a vegetable and some plain milk and maybe a juice if they had them that day. I wonder what kids are getting now?

>> No.7090471 [DELETED] 

All we have is shitty Jamaican bread and nigger food here. The only actual effort they did back in high school was serving some thai noodles.

Even Canada copy Americans cafeteria in school now.

>> No.7090479

All we have is shitty Jamaican bread and nigger food here. The only actual effort they did back in high school was serving some thai noodles.

Even Canada copy Americans cafeteria now.