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7076364 No.7076364 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a myth that coffee on an empty stomach fucks you up and gives you a million ulcers?

>> No.7076365


>> No.7076370

ulcers are caused by a bacteria but they only cause issues when you totally fuck your digestive system so not really but yes

coffee is really bad for men

>> No.7076371

I don't have any problems and I never eat breakfast, just coffee. I usually don't put dairy in my coffee, but if I get a latte the milk sometimes makes me have to shit.

>> No.7076373

i have done it for like 10 years and have no stomach problems yet

>> No.7076385

Is your stomach made of tissue paper, you Twin Peaks loving faggot?

>> No.7076399

>coffee is really bad for men
[citation needed]

>> No.7076404

coffee on an empty stomach usually makes me feel like throwing up

>> No.7076408


>> No.7076414

Coffee makes the stomach more active and induces juice secretion, while itself being acidic. This can lead to increased acidity and possible ulceration. If you prevent increased acidity, you reduce chances of ulceration.

>> No.7076418

Having kids and reading shitty papers is bad for men, not alcohol or coffee.

>> No.7076429

probably this.

most likely it comes down to how acidic your diet is. coffee is really acidic so you need to counter that with other good stuff thruout the day, then you'll be fine. but if you just drink coffee, eat fast food and drink soda all day. yes ulcers are on your way. staying healthy is all about keeping your inner PH in balance.

>> No.7076464

So how many hours can you wait after drinking coffee, and what should you eat to counter it?

>> No.7076467

i got stomach ulcers from flaming hot cheetos so who knows

>> No.7076530

>coffee is really acidic so you need to counter that with other good stuff thruout the day

You can also just add milk to the coffee, that neutralizes the ph value.

>> No.7076531

I follow a nutrition plan called Intermittent Fasting. To blunt my appetite, I drink black coffe for the first few hours every morning. Never had an ulcer in my life and I've been drinking black coffee for 6 months.

>> No.7076545

First of all, adding milk to coffee or having something like toast with it helps a lot, because the acid and enzymes are used up in digestion/washed out and neutralized. Eating anything right after coffee is fine. If you can't (monday mornings can be hell, I know), have some water (neutral or alkaline mineral water is best), rice, oatmeal, yoghurt. Avoid high protein foods, those also increase acidity (because acid is needed to digest them). Most importantly, eat regularly and try to have a snack with your coffee.

>> No.7076556

This is a good thing, might decrease my annual budget for abortions.

>> No.7076564

I had increased acidity, which led to an ulcer. Having coffee on an empty stomach felt like stabbing myself in the gut... Almost quit morning coffee, but now I took care of the acidity and can enjoy it everyday again. Anecdotal evidence is never trustworthy, though.

>> No.7076875

>Avoid high protein foods, those also increase acidity (because acid is needed to digest them).

What, so eggs and coffee is worse for your gut than coffee alone?

>> No.7076878

'bodily pH balance' is some pseudosci nonsense.

>> No.7077042

Well considering it's night time here and today, like many other days, the only
thing I have consumed has been coffee.
I think it's safe to say it's a myth.

Or at least I hope it is, and that I'm not setting myself up for ulcers five years down the road from now.

>> No.7077091

Meme meme meme


>> No.7077132

If coffee is giving you digestive problems other than the shits, then you should get that checked ASAP. Especially anything related to the gallbladder (ultrasound will tell you if you've got stones).

>> No.7077167

Take pro-biotics because it's not the coffee. You guys are just a frail bunch who blame your physical issues on food and drink.

>> No.7077181

actually its not, but not int he way that guy is using it. ph matters intsensely for blood.

>> No.7077186
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>pH balance is a myth
America is fat and sickly for a reason, and it's because of dumbassery like this.

>> No.7077207

i dunno about long-term effects, but drinking black coffee or green tea first thing in the morning without any breakfast makes me nauseous as fuck
yet i still do it whenever i'm pulling an all nighter

>> No.7077237

Coffee encourages digestion. If your stomach digests without anything in it, it eats itself. It eats itself, you get ulcers.

>> No.7077994

10 years is pretty good, you always skip breakfast and take it black?

>> No.7078139

Yes. As someone with a million ulcers (literally. Ulcerative pancolitis) I can conclusively tell you that this is bullshit. I react within 12 hours or so if I eat any form of complex carb, I use a diet which excludes them all. If I deviate from it I get extremely ill. Coffee on the other hand I drink constantly.

>> No.7078832
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You dumb shit.

>> No.7078864

>start to have a cup of coffee daily with breakfast
>enjoy how it makes me feel


>gives me the shits just about every time I drink it
>develop an uncontrollable eye twitch in my left eyelid that lasts until I completely stop drinking coffee (for a little over a month)

Am I not meant to enjoy this delicious elixir?

>> No.7078886
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>when soccermoms speak
How exactly does a stomach eat itself?

>> No.7078893

Holy shit you must be retarded, there are several elements which prevent your stomach from being completely eaten by the HCl located within your stomach. The most important one being rapid cell division, the stomach is being constantly eaten so rapid cell divison helps to replace old cells that have been denaturized.

>> No.7079247

Morning shits are half the reason I drink coffee, I'm pretty sure if I stopped my body would forget how to do it

>> No.7079271

>wake up quick at about noon
>make a cup of coffee
>take one sip
>gotta shit
literally every time

>> No.7080721

Are you trolling or stupid?

>> No.7080751


haha holy shit

>> No.7080767


>> No.7080819

When I drink just coffee on an empty stomach, it makes my stomach a little off. Not really anything major, but noticeable. I don't know about ulcers and shit though.

>> No.7080855

I've never had an issue drinking black coffee on an empty stomach. Though in the morning right before my coffee I almost always have my usual breakfast bar.

Well yeah I can certainly feel it there but I'm never in any pain, if I hungry and am waiting for a bigger meal later that day then it tends to make it feel more off I notice.

>> No.7082362
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>Researchers have found even more evidence that coffee can be good for you.
>People who drink regular, moderate amounts of coffee are less likely to die from a range of diseases, from diabetes to heart disease.


>> No.7082684
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>> No.7083417

Came here to post this. Fuck you faggot go kill yourself you limp dicked cunt

>> No.7083447
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