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File: 23 KB, 300x400, GlassOfSoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7078009 No.7078009 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, are there any sodas that are made without stuff like high frucose corn syrup? You know, just made with stuff like water, natural sugars, carbonation, natural flavors etc?

Are they any good?

>> No.7078016
File: 66 KB, 650x650, sodastream-650x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a sodastream and make it yourself senpai desu uguu kawaii peepeepie

>> No.7078020

Yes to both questions.

>> No.7078025
File: 176 KB, 1500x607, 719CazfOfxL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepsi. Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.7078027

>thinking there's a meaningful difference between hfcs and "natural sugars"
lmaoing @ ur life kiddo

>> No.7078031

Soda stream is hot fucking garbage. My wife got one for free through some promotion and every single beverage tasted like ass. I was holding out hope that maybe Coke or Pepsi would start selling syrups but nope. Just generic dollar store grade shit.

>> No.7078045

I just saw a thing yesterday about pepsi selling syrups for it senpai

>> No.7078072


Hell, does soda even need sugar? Why not just have a carbonated beverage with spices or fruit flavors or shit? Why does the sugar have to be there?

>> No.7078079

You could make some lemonade yourself

>> No.7078081

Anon, people like sweet things.

I mean, sure, it's okay if you prefer a fruit sweetened drink, but sugar water is enjoyed for a reason.

>> No.7078083

there's a difference between the carbonator and the syrups it comes with you mouthbreather.

>> No.7078115
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Teachers at my elementary school loved this shit.

>> No.7078134

>implying I didn't buy other brand syrups

Get a real job astroturfer.

>> No.7078135


But hfcs is definitely processed, right? I mean its different than just normal sugar

>> No.7078140

Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.7078152

Mexican soft drinks are made with real sugar and they taste really good. They have one called peñafiel is more expensive than regular coke but according to them has natural flavors and natural mineral water.

>> No.7078161
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>> No.7078163

fruits contain sugars. A "sugarless fruit beverage" is going to taste like absolute garbage

>> No.7078167
File: 29 KB, 406x362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are bomb af
-30 calories per bottle and taste awesome

>> No.7078169

You realize that being natural is not a fundamentally good thing?
HFCS is just another kind of sugar

>> No.7078176
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>-30 calories

>> No.7078218
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Dat sodium tho

>> No.7078272


And yes, they are excellent

>> No.7078332
File: 31 KB, 350x275, faggot_pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a few of these I got from the hardware store a while back and they were pretty gud, I'm pretty sure they were just water, cane sugar and blueberries.

>> No.7078338


Yeah but they can leave those natural sugars in. Don't add in processed syrup.

>> No.7078358

HFCS is a cheap alternative to sugar. It's only used extensively in the US because the US has high sugar prices globally speaking. The rest of the world makes soda with real sugar and it is way better.

Sugar(sucrose) is made of two components- glucose and fructose.
Corn syrup is only glucose. Adding fructose gives you essentially the same taste (close, but no cigar for me) as sugar, and because of its liquid form it ends up being high on the ingredient list of most items.

The reason sugar is expensive in the US is because of agricultural subsidies that insulate US sugar producers.

tl,dr; US uses HFCS because sugar is expensive here, the rest of the world uses real sugar

>> No.7078361


When did the US go from real sugar to HFCS?

>> No.7078364


>> No.7078368



I used to drink it, the health food store usually sold it

>> No.7078380

It didn't. Companies probably started using HFCS when sugar prices rose and they needed/wanted to cut production costs.

>> No.7078477

My problem with HFCS is the mouthfeel issue. HFCS-sweetened sodas aren't clean on the palate. They taste thick. Compare sugar-sweetened Coke versus Mexican coke and pay attention to the mouthfeel and how the phosphoric acid hits. Huge difference, and it's even more noticable with clear sodas.

>> No.7078490

what's wrong? "chemicals" hurting your vagina?

>> No.7078501

Had pickled plum soda at a Pho place once. Salty rather than sweet. Very interesting flavor. I'm not sure what was in it, but it didn't taste very artificial.

>> No.7078528

>Be non-American
>Have coke from time to time
>Not a huge fan but don't hate it
>Go to America
>Coke tastes like ass

Bizarre, people in America told me to specifically ask for Mexican coke to get one without HFCS in it.

>> No.7078530
File: 82 KB, 500x667, 492649930117246_i5xV5ITQ_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: people don't know that natural fruit sugar is mostly fructose and fructose will definitely make your dick fly off, not like that natural good healthy sucrose or glucose or maltose...
>ITT: people who can't clearly define what they think "processed" means, because it's something they were told to fear without any information as to why, except the alternative is surely healthier just more expensive
>when people care more about specific sugars despite them being processed by the body in the exact same way
>when people decry one regardless of the huge amount of calories an alternative will offer
>"It's made with ALL NATURAL RAW honey that makes it good for you!"
>this is why vegetarians are fatties
sorry about the rant, carry on about soda

>> No.7078538

Can humans just naturally taste artificial flavors?

>> No.7078550


agree with this so hard. drinking HFCS is nasty because it feels like you're drinking syrupy goop

>> No.7078555

yassssssss my nigga

>> No.7078593
File: 108 KB, 768x1024, izzePA130108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They label the products "sparkling juice" instead of soda. I've had the grapefruit, clementine, and pomegranate. They're okay.

Also maybe Joia? Not sure of their ingredients but they make fruit and spice sodas. I don't remember what it was paired with but I had one that was made with cloves.

>> No.7078597

>>Be non-American
yeah okay whatever faggot. sorry you can't handle the taste of freedom.

>> No.7078601

Hansen's Sodas are made as you describe, as are Mexican sodas. They are pretty decent.

>> No.7078604

Go into any hipster-laden organic grocery store in the country and get store brand cola.

>> No.7078621

Nah, it's just that if the company making the product is cheaping out on what they use to sweeten whatever the product is, they're probably cutting corners elsewhere also.

>> No.7078651

Their Dandelion and Burdock is too good. I reuse the glass bottles afterwards for water and because the little corgi is cute.

>> No.7078674

Just drink juice

>> No.7078689

fruit is ocay because there is fiber.

>> No.7078705

About the time corn syrup was cheaper than sugar and companies thought consumers would be okay with the change.

>> No.7078912

That's only good for mixing with liquor

>> No.7078941

did you know that corn syrup is made from nothing but corn? Yall are bat shit retarded.

>> No.7078946
File: 18 KB, 219x230, mexicancoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uses cane sugar.

>> No.7079084

Where i live they make all sodas with sugar. I guess that hfcs is just some north american bullshit desu

>> No.7079099

this is the only correct reason to dislike HFCS

>> No.7079447

>thinking there's a meaningful difference between hfcs and "natural sugars"
HFCS has a higher Fructose content and seemingly increases Apetite.

>> No.7079587

Just because it's processed doesn't make it magically bad. Hfcs will raise your blood sugar levels a little bit sharper and a little bit sooner than just the equivalent amount of fructose received from a fruit, but that's it. In other words, thinking you can just double up on fruit because it's 'natural and more healthy' is probably just as bad for you.

Soda is bad for you because of how much sugar is in it, not because the sugar is hfcs.

>> No.7079593

>hfcs has more fructose than the sugars found in fruit
>the sugar found in fruit is fructose

Explain how hfcs contains more fructose in it than fructose itself.

>> No.7079599

Fructose is bad in general. If you inject it with a drip you die.

>> No.7079602

If you inject most things you will die

>> No.7079605

So by that logic, soda is at least 50% healthier than fruits because hfcs is a monosaccharide of glucose and fructose.

All sugars are bad for us. Carbs are backup energies for our metabolism.

>> No.7079607

I drink coke zero because I'm not a fatass like you autistic neckbeards.

>> No.7079613

why wont you just drink seltzer and add shit to it.

>> No.7079620

>drinking carbonated anything
Children, please

>> No.7079621

>no sugar
So is it salt water?

>> No.7079623

>Coke Zero
<Higher risk of cancer
>uhuh imnuhtautistik uhuhuhhuhh

>> No.7079631
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>> No.7079641

>muh processed evil food

This meme is just as bad, if not worse, than organics, all-natural, GMO-free food.

>> No.7079650

Sparkling water has a tiny amount of sodium, always. It's not enough to do anything detrimental to your health.

>> No.7079680

Sodoum isn't bad for you unless you don't drink water or have hypertension.

>> No.7079835
File: 62 KB, 584x212, molecules-naturalistic fallacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7079851

I guarantee you can not taste the difference. Mexican coke is better because of placebo and it coming in a glass bottle. Studies have demonstrated that American coke is more popular (even more popular than Mexican coke) when they're decanted into the same container

>> No.7079883

Not him, but anything is bad in excess.

For sodium specifically, anything above 2g/day is "bad"... and yet, the average US consumption is 3.4g/day so, in general, you'll want to avoid a bit the stuff.

(Of course, this does not mean eating saltless rice pilaf or saltless beef - this would be masochism, not care for one's own health.)

>> No.7080018
File: 167 KB, 1600x1000, JONES-REBRAND-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody posted Jones
You're slipping, /ck/.

>> No.7080034

>Hey, are there any sodas that are made without stuff like high frucose corn syrup?

It's called not being American.

>> No.7080038

whats with those flashback war pictures.

>> No.7080070

Any one get the delver cum at gp seatac last week?

>> No.7080088

It's just refined sugar from different plants, it's not anymore unprocessed than soda with HFCS.

Some people might consider honey "unprocessed" as it's done by bees instead of a sugar refinery. If you accept honey as unprocessed, mead fits OP's description. I'm sure some boutique soda company is making honey soda too and trying to pass it of as a healthier alternative.

I think the only thing that really fits OP's description would be a naturally sweet fruit juice (OJ or strawberries) mixed with carbonated water.

>> No.7080120
File: 82 KB, 1024x561, boylan-black-cherry-soda-1024x561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costco stopped stocking them which is a pity since they're so hard to find.

>> No.7080136

>I guess that hfcs is just some north american bullshit
Corn is heavily subsidized in the US, so it's dirt cheap to produce.

>> No.7080138

I don't know if specialty sodas taste better because of the cane sugar or the cold glass bottle but they give a nice non-overpowering sweetness.

HFCS has a noticeable overly sweetness when compared side by side.

Neither is particular worse than the other healthwise.

I dont like paying $1.75 for a soda though.

>> No.7080193

Using a sodastream device, bottled syrup, the plastics for the device and the bottles, the can of compressed CO2... Those were all plucked from 100% free range organically grown plastic/CO2 trees by virgin, native English speaking blonde maidens who are paid a fair wage.

There are other things that are even more wholesome because they are 100% natural: tsunamis, rattlesnake venom, botulism, camphlobacter, uranium, radon, arsenic, gravity, meteors, UV light, and about a million other things.

>> No.7080730

>If you inject it with a drip you die.
This is literally the most retarded thing I've read all year. You know what else will kill you if you inject it? Water

>> No.7082730

did you mean air senpai

>> No.7082734

Literally genocide: the kitchen toy

>> No.7083259

I think it does. San Pellegrino is much better than artificially-sweetened fizzy water.

>> No.7083278

ask this guy


>> No.7083310

Just buy a bottle of flavoring syrup (found at warehouse supermarkets) or make your own with your favorite fruit, boil, strain, add cane sugar.

Then buy carbonated water and mix.
Simple as fuck.

What I often do is add a drop of liquid concentrated essences (pic related) and use the "soda water" tab at a fountain machine. The stir in some sugar.

>> No.7083313
File: 23 KB, 522x522, aromhuset-32-ml-sugar-free-sparkling-water-flavor-lingonberry_4543100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083404


Is this really true though? At least fruit has the vitamins/antioxidants/fiber etc to back it up its healthy content. Soda is just... sugar water. Comparing fruit to a mound of sugar seems disingenuous.

>> No.7083406


>> No.7083413

Is this really true though? At least fruit has the vitamins/antioxidants/fiber etc to back it up its healthy content. Soda is just... sugar water. Comparing fruit to a mound of sugar seems disingenuous.

>> No.7083482


Whole foods is your other option but its Whole Foods

>> No.7083528
File: 293 KB, 625x609, batman-gmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Appeals to nature. Appeals to nature everywhere.

>> No.7083539

>Studies have demonstrated that American coke is more popular (even more popular than Mexican coke) when they're decanted into the same container

Yes but Americans think brown colored vomit wax tastes better than chocolate, so their opinion is clearly invalid.

>> No.7083542

>ITT: Corn Growers Internet Defence Force

calm down, Iowa

>> No.7083708

Probably, and maybe respectively.

>> No.7083921
File: 182 KB, 604x854, ingredients-of-a-banana-poster-4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lab made chemicals
>Almost costing a fraction of the resources of biological production
Nah nigga nah.