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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.27 MB, 2640x1980, baked-pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7075868 No.7075868 [Reply] [Original]

Old ck thread.

All I'm seeing is shit posting recently. "Do Americans actually" " do Europeans actually" "why do girls pretend" "knorr stock pot" "desu desu senpai" "kill yourself" in every thread....

Wtf is this shit.

What happened to cooking videos, or recipes, or talking about good food, or shit roommate stories, or even that dollar bill sushi guy...

Fuck, I'll even take a Joey thread over this shit.

Let's get a recipe thread going.

What are you guys going to make for thanksgiving?

I'm not hosting, but planning on making mini fruit tarts, and pecan pie. Also need to make a cake.

>> No.7075880

I have no family in the US other than my brother and sister. Sis is going to her in-laws and bro's going to his. So I'm all alone on TG. :-(
However! My friends and I have a post-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving on the second Saturday of December.

I'm bringing a cheesecake. Also either two homemade loaves of bread, one crusty sourdough and the other English country, or a basket of biscuits/scones of mixed variety.
I've learnt that my Amerifriends and I have very different tastes in food and the only thing we agree on are carbs.
The friend hosting is roasting a pair of chickens, preparing some boxes of Stove Top stuffing and opening a jar of chicken gravy.

>> No.7075899


I start a legit thread and it instantly get full of /pol/shit

today I made indian korma with cheese and spinach, spagetti bolognaise, some oven samosas, home-made museli and green tea flavoured pocky

>> No.7075900

we are mostly still here. Japan man is gone for months at a time. What you have to understand is that most of the human population is insane and retarded. ck is not some magical place devoid of all human stupidity and hate. If people ignored the bullshit and only posted in relevant threads those would disappear. But so many idiots like that garbage that they take up most of this board.

Anyway check this out.

I will attempt this at some point in my life.
I have started working out a pretty strict diet to try to gain weight. But if i do cook anything remotely interesting i will be sure to post it here.

>> No.7075908

The cooking threads used to be super popular but now they die so fast. Can't do anything about who's on the board.

>> No.7075919

the janitors could do their job and crack down on all the shit threads

>> No.7075924
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I used to post regularly, but I have gotten busier so even just making and monitoring a thread often feels like too much hassle.

Unfortunate no one is really stepping up these days, but I can't really judge people when I'm not doing anything anymore either.

>> No.7075927

is that just plain flour before frying?

>> No.7075929

I started to notice it early last year
fast food threads
traditional vs. everything else
prestige ingredient memes

then people just forgot about japanese food altogether

then the unbearable waves of /pol/ threads and jokes

many users now can't cook, full stop
they are only interested in talking about their foul fast foods, and their paltry home recreations of them

no more are he regular home made breads, chacuterie, chineese threads
and the ethnic threads are just full of assholes from other countries telling white man to stop trying

>> No.7075936
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DESU I don't really remember, since it was taken in 2012, but it was probably just egg wash + seasoned flour.

>> No.7075938

Hey it's multiple mouse guy

>> No.7075942

I miss you multiple mouse guy

>> No.7075944

grandma usually hosts, but i think she might hate me so who knows if im being invited for thanksgiving dinner. either way i might make a ham, cooked with pineapple and brown sugar, or i might try baking a turkey if not

>> No.7075947


hngghh this looks so good what is it

>> No.7075949


>that monitor

fuck bro its 2015

>> No.7075969
File: 1.20 MB, 2765x1844, DSC_2346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade version of Iron Chef Chen's chili prawns.

It's amazing.

>> No.7075973

tried to make american pumpkin pie for Halloween and failed miserably

it didn't set, and it made the base soggy
do you REALLY have to add that much condensed milk to it as well?

>> No.7075977

Is that smoked or can you make stuff like that with just a kitchen?

>> No.7075984
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Kitchen only.

My typical method for ribs is to put on any dry rub/spices first, bake them at 250 for about 4 hours, then finish at 350 for about 10 min/side. If adding sauce I do it in the last 20 minutes.

>> No.7075993

Why do you have so many computer mouses?

>> No.7075994
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why would you make nachos like that haha

at least use plain nachos, and make a fresh salsa, not the tomato sugar sauce you get in a jar

and why cook the sauce man, why not add it at the end?

like I'm not going to tell you to make your own tortias from scratch and shit, but for real man you make me sad

>> No.7075997
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ive been making blueberry bread, but the bottom half is always too spongey, i might be over mixing it?

>> No.7076004
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For mousing.

Some days I just have more time and energy for cooking than other days. I'm not going to argue your method won't be objectively better, but for an easy meal Doritos(TM) nacho casserole is awesome. My wife, of course, refuses to eat any if I make nachos this way.

>> No.7076011

is that a smoothie? recipe?

>> No.7076017

that's OK anon, we don't always have the time to do things right

I started buying my own special flour to make tortillas, white flour tortillas are just not the same

personally I struggle with cooking meat in a modern oven, I would rather casserole or grill

>> No.7076024
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Just a milkshake with fresh blueberries.

>> No.7076034

I love his setup though
Screens and mouses en masse

>> No.7076037

>old /ck/ thread

It honestly sounds like you haven't been here for more than a month or two at most, OP.

>> No.7076042 [DELETED] 
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Yea lot of kids on here problem is lot ones doing it r janitors on here or moderators.I'm surprised they let the kill yourself hate talk go on as it is illegal.

>> No.7076043
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i figured i might get more legitimate answers here than if i start my own thread. but im severely depressed and its hard for me to work up the motivation to cook, but i know that eating shittily only makes me feel worse. anyway i was wondering if any of you know of any good one pot meals or slow cooker recipes?

>> No.7076053

have you looked up carnitas?
you cook meat in lard all day, then drain the fat off it

I have been meaning to try that for a long time

>> No.7076057

post egg rolls or get out
how do you make sushi without breaking the rice grains?

>> No.7076058
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Giada is one hot babe.

>> No.7076062 [DELETED] 

Who cares if you're depressed I'm not your psychiatrist this is a cooking board not a mental health board

>> No.7076063
File: 2.69 MB, 2765x1843, DSC_4989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These days I tend to do big batch stuff on weekends to get me through the workweek. If you do something like this you can massively cut down on your total cooking time/week and still eat home food.

Main things I do:

Chicken, beef, shrimp, lamb, or just lentil curry
Various soups
Lamb, beef or rabbit stew
Meatballs + sauce (just make some pasta and then throw together)

Last time I did meatballs I just baked like 2.5kg worth in the oven at the same time, then you can just add them to sauce+pasta easy. If you want to go carb-light or wheat/gluten-free, spaghetti squash is a decent substitute for pasta.

Pic related is some big-batch lentil curry.

>> No.7076071

It's not illegal in the US and I don't believe it's illegal most places, actually.

>> No.7076073 [DELETED] 

Incorrect it's considers assisting suicide and it's illegal.

>> No.7076076

im not asking for help with my depression, idiot
thank you! these sound good for something to make and eat throughout the week. your curry looks good btw!

>> No.7076083
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my noodle soup is getting stronger

going to try make my own lap cheong sausage because store bought is too expensive and full of shit

>> No.7076086 [DELETED] 

Well then stop crying about it prob your own fault anyway crybaby

>> No.7076094

>lap cheong is too expensive
What's too expensive for you? I'm quite the frugal/miserly curmudgeon yet I think $4.49/lb in my area is a pretty good price. There's a cheaper one that's $3.99 or $3.49/lb (forgot which since I don't buy it), but it's not nearly as good, so I'm okay with getting the slightly costlier one.

>> No.7076097

>tfw comfy sunday afternoon thread

>> No.7076120

>spreading lies on the internet
kill yourself

>> No.7076127 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7076187

living in different countries the cost can be relative, and so is hard to fully explain

for one serve of sausage, I get twenty serves of vegetables, or nine serves of fresh rice noodle

it is much more expensive then chicken for instance, a few sausages cost the same as a large pre-prepared hen

the fat content is so high, most of the meat is b or c grade, and I find the ammount of sugar unpalatable, an the ammount of MSG difficult to regulate

by themselves it is OK, but in a soup the MSG leaks out, so it's hard to know how much I should add myself

>> No.7076287

Why she hate you?

>> No.7076778

Hosting this year. Will be making pumkpin and cranberry cupcakes. Probably spiced peanuts and salted caramel popcorn. SO is making the turkey and everything else will be brought by the guests poluck style.

Slightly freaked out for the 30+ people suddenly in my home idea...

>> No.7076815

Cuz she found out he suck dick for a decent glazed ham

>> No.7076826
File: 115 KB, 1808x336, Amerian_tipping_culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to threads about tipping culture in the US?

>> No.7076861

>soggy base

Nigga did you prebake your crust?

>> No.7077129

shouldnt that be a good thing?

>> No.7077136

A fuckin excellent side dish is potatoes with chorizo.
Part boil some taters and pan sautee with chorizo and onion

>> No.7077142

That's old exchange rates, it starts at 20% now.

>> No.7077150
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>Not tipping 150%

>> No.7077341

Dear Janitors...

Is pretty obvious ck gets trolled by a small group of cunts. Start a legitimate thread, and is guaranteed by the second or third post the thread is derailed by bullshit /b/ or /pol/ replies. Even /b/ isn't this bad.

Every other channel I frequent is nothing like this. It's pathetic too. 4ch is a perfect venue for this topic and what is available elsewhere else is a joke.

Obviously the crash course top secret training you received when you became volunteer janitors had nothing to do with vision. Not legality. You just wanted to feel in control, unfortunately not in control of a communication channel's value. It is obvious when you look at the posts that are removed... Always butthurt niche slights to your imaginary power. The trolls will undoubtedly keep that in mind while pissing on floor and smearing poop on the walls of the virtual toilet /ck/ that you will probably not clean up anyway.

>> No.7077347

Jesus, 30 people? You should have 4 helpers available.

>> No.7077374

Just keep reporting and I'm sure things will stabilize.

It's interesting how such a small cadre of posters can do so much damage, but it's not just /ck/. It seems they go to every board, go to every thread on the front page, and shit it up. Started maybe a year or two ago.

>> No.7077397

Does that redneck shitposter still post here?

The one who used to post his house and brag about it, but it was just a bungalow/shack with a motorcycle infront?

>> No.7077420

He posts all the time

You can always spot him because he can't make an intelligible sentence to save his life, and there is always something terribly off about the food he posts (because flyover)

>> No.7077441

Fuck, I hate him.

What about sceak and angie? Are they dead yet?

>> No.7077448

He was the first person in the trailer park to move into a house.

>> No.7077449
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I love Borneo's threads but even they are few and far between.

I've been looking for the perfect sugar cookie recipe for when I visit a friend in February and haven't had much luck, does anyone have a go-to one?

desu desu senpai

>> No.7077454

Key Lime pie for Native Genocide awareness day. Also my sister and mom want me to make a bunch of recipes from Smitten Kitchen. They are not very good cooks.

>> No.7077489

Make sure you leave streaks of flour in the batter, blueberries pop really easily and add excess liquid. If not, maybe adjust the liquids in your mix. Also post recipe kthx.

>> No.7077497

Angie stopped 5-6 years ago.
Sceak stopped 2-3 years ago.
Fuck Flour stopped about a year or two ago.
Rosebot posts intermittently.
Heartsonfire never posts anymore.
The friendly Italian guy still posts.

>> No.7077508

FF made a thread in the last few months, but he's not as frequent as he used to be

Opiate still posts

>> No.7077525
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Today, I made beer braised bratwurst,and braised cabbage with apples, onions, and bacon. Also Caramelized onions.

>> No.7077529

>Angie stopped 5-6 years ago.
>Sceak stopped 2-3 years ago.

where has my life gone

>> No.7077540

>opiate still posts
I forgot about him. Yeah. He does. Never posts the bird anymore, though. :-(
Maybe the bird is kill.

>> No.7077560
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>tfw even moot moved on and we didn't
I don't really have an excuse for this

>> No.7077568

my favorite thanksgiving recipe is a twist on the normal sweet potato dishes everyone usually has.

bake, peel, and mash a shitton of sweet potatoes.
add butter, heavy cream, brown sugar, and cayenne pepper to taste.
add dried cranberries and chopped up roasted poblano peppers. you can just set them on a gas stove and char them all over, or bake on a foil-lined cookie sheet until tender and blackened in some places.

mix it all together, and top with a normal streusel-type topping (cut together butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and oats or pecans or whatever else you like until it forms course crumbs)

bake that shit till the topping is golden brown.
it's sweet and spicy and savory and it's my favorite way to eat sweet potatoes.

>> No.7077573

This was the best decision they ever made.
FPFJ is the ultimate shit-posting.

>> No.7077577

let your blueberries soak in lemon juice for just about 10 minutes and then toss them in flour to coat. the lemon juice will preserve the color and the flour will prevent them from bleeding out into the bread.

I picked up this technique making strawberry banana bread. baked strawberries look shitty unless you prepare them right.

>> No.7077710

250g powdered sugar (1 heaping cup)
100g baking sugar (almost 1/2 cup)
250g butter (2&1/4 sticks)
1 egg
5mL vanilla extract (1 tsp)
5mL almond extract
600g all-purpose flour (roughly 2&1/3 cups)
5g baking soda (1 tsp)
5g cream of tartar
Raw or dyed sugar for topping

Blend the sugars, egg & extracts with the butter & set aside. Mix the baking soda, cream of tartar, flour & a pinch of salt with wet ingredients. Cover the dough & refridgerate or let it sit in a cool place for an hour. Split the mix in half & start rolling one side flat on a lightly floured tabletop or kneading board.

Once flattened to around 6-7mm(1/4"), cut into desired shapes & sprinkle with topping sugar. Repeat with the other half of the dough & you're set to bake. Temp is @375F for 7-10 mins. This recipe should yield around 40 medium-sized cookies.

>> No.7077812

I am good at delegating. Cleaning before and after will suck however.

I have an orange and vanilla one?

The recipes from Smitten kitchen tend to turn how well with minimal skill.

>> No.7077825

What's wrong with SK?

>> No.7077828
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>> No.7077864

>dat pic
I smirk'd. Taking a clever jab at quite possibly the most commonly misspelled menu item in the English-speaking world.

>> No.7077866

Reminds me of the knife sandwich that I haven't seen for years.

>> No.7077873
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Tonight's dinner.. braised duck leg with port and figs, parsnip and celery root purée and sautéed asparagus.

>> No.7077878
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I'll be here all night

>> No.7078512
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>> No.7078516

Oh, people are shitposting?
If only there were a thing users could do to alert moderation...

Report them.

>> No.7078525
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>> No.7078948

Do Americans actually drink a beverage with EVERY SINGLE MEAL?

>> No.7078951

When referring to a computer mouse, the plural is 'mouses.'
When referring to a biological mouse, the plural is 'mice.'
Similarly, when referring to a computer virus, the plural is viruses but when referring to a biological virus, the word 'virus' is a mass noun and therefore has no direct plural, although New Latin uses viri and vïra as plural forms.

It does no good.
I've reported shitposting for a year and a half to no avail. The posts never got deleted or removed and the thread/board was nonetheless overrun.

My family have always used moka pots for brewing coffee which are basically mini-pressure-cookers.
In my life, I've seen that explode twice: once, when I was eight and we had newly moved to SG, my sister was brewing a pot for the family and did /something/ wrong. The range hood was dented as the top-half of the pot shot skyward, spewing coffee-flavoured napalm in all directions. By some luck, none of us were hit.
The second time was a few years ago. My parents came to visit me and my sister in Manhattan and it happened again: kaboom! This time, besides just denting the range hood, the top-half ricocheted and made a whole in the wall, as well. Thankfully, no one got hurt this time, either.
My sister suffers from Hot Girl Syndrome wherein she needn't ever be intelligent nor good at anything because she's a Hot Girl™. She's about as clever as an arsehole full of Smarties.

>> No.7078954

>made a whole
Err... made a HOLE, rather.

>> No.7078958


wow. That looks outstanding.

>> No.7078964

>getting triggered by shitposting
Step it up senpai

Anyway I'll be doing all the pies as per usual
I have a solid dough recipe and making pie filling is the basic bitch part of it
My list is
Sweet potato
2x Pumpkin
2x Apple
And probably some form of berry pie for my dad

Oh and like little turnovers out of the leftover dough

>> No.7079408

My family is huge, we always do pot luck style. I'm making mac and cheese, maybe a salad as well (if I don't, no one will.)

>> No.7079642
File: 38 KB, 320x240, champiñones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! Tonight im gonna try to cook "Champiñones al ajillo"
I think the literal translation would be Mushrooms w/ garlic. Its a great dish that I used to eat in Spain

>> No.7079675

Add some lemon zest to that. Thank me formally with a handwritten letter.

>> No.7079706

will do! what a great suggestion
i finished cooking it and they are great! makes me want to learn more dishes

>> No.7080203

Canadafriend here.

Already had our Thanksgiving. I'm baking a pecan pie tonight, however.


>> No.7080548
File: 2.64 MB, 4128x2322, 20150218_175924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit posting because of all the /pol/ and desu senpai paid bullshit

>> No.7080655

My ex's mom cooks up a load of mushrooms like that and jars it in olive oil and parsley. So nice. She's a chef so she does tons of delicious stuff daily, but I am not in their life anymore


>> No.7080657

Should have shown us a pic! Do you have one?

>> No.7080658
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So Simply Sara's back.


Not gonna lie, some of the things she makes now actually does look tasty.

>> No.7081015

How are the cats?

>> No.7081163

It really was.

>> No.7081377

thanks for the advice, heres the recipe by the way

>> No.7081465

Alright, if you had parsley, garlic and lemon peel in there, what you did is basically gremolata. Next time cook the mushrooms without gremolata and stir it in after you take it off from heat, toss around a bit and serve. I never cooked my mushrooms a different way after I figured this out, it's amazing.

>> No.7081653
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In progress picture of Cinnamon rolls.

There's a first batch. I think I've put the sugar on pretty heavily.

>> No.7081658

There literally a shit roommate thread up right now.

>> No.7081667

I started coming here 2 years ago.

AFAIK it's always been this way.

>> No.7082022

I, for one, miss your threads.

>> No.7082055

Do faggot Americans actually eat that garbage?

>> No.7082305
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how do i properly defrost seafood? is sea food worth it if its frozen? i dont have access to fresh seafood but some recipes leave me longing

>> No.7083569

Overnight in the fridge or in a sealed bag under running cold water .

>> No.7083652
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>> No.7083717

Bird is not kill? Good that is to see that!

>> No.7083822

Thats a joke right? In my country it ranges from 0 to 15

>> No.7083844

I'm the Crystal's Hot Sauce guy if anyone remembers that lil nugget

You'd have to be damn near original /ck/squad for that tho

>> No.7083892

you mean the guy who exposed crystal's batch making process to be a C health rating, at best?

still prefer it over louisiana.

>> No.7083970

I have an erection

>> No.7083976

Whatever happened to that annoying european fat girl who always tried to tell us what plebs we were but was pants on head retarded?

I'd take 10,00 eurocunt refugees than all the pol rejects we have now.

>> No.7084053 [DELETED] 

Yes it's a joke, i usually just double the tax.

>> No.7085058
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I think you are talking about Angie. She quit posting around the time I started to post here. That means it was like 6 years ago, at least.

As for this thread's intention... well, I make a pizza pretty much every single weekend. There was a time period in my life where I made a pizza every day or every other day for months at a time. And that went on for a few years.

I still make pizza A LOT, but I don't see the point in posting it anymore, usually. Its probably boring to most people anyway. Although I did change up the toppings this time to a new mix I hadn't done yet before. Salami + mushroom. Tasted fucking killer, btw.

(sorry if the color is SHIT, I'm not on my normal pc)

>> No.7085638

last few weeks full of carbonara threads actually hurt

>> No.7085666

Bought some awesome beef (or rather veal? - 11 month old bull) two weeks ago. some shoulder (1,2kg) and some 'topside without cap' (best translation I found) (1,5kg). Portioned and froze most of it.

Made some Rindsrouladen with roasted buttercup squash as a side with the latter and a nice beef ragout with spaghetti squash with the former.

next date for some premium meat is some time in February - fuck my lack of freezer space. I'm very close to buying a small one for myself.

>> No.7085752


nigga it was an F-

i still don't eat the stuff we had competitions about who could knock the most roaches off the wall at the end of each shift with the power washer, and the place stank like an open grave of Rwandan genocide victims.

i would retch just walking on to the lot fortunately your sense of smell compensates in about 5 minutes

>> No.7086322

How I make my steaks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6ARQgs-7Eo

>> No.7088309

emergency bumpapu

>> No.7089041

whats your favorite kind of bread to bake, /ck/?

>> No.7089139
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>> No.7090647
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Kind of a newbie to baking, but so far my favorite has been soda bread. Easy to make and tastes good. Pic related was an early attempt, I don't have any of later ones.