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7069515 No.7069515 [Reply] [Original]

Noob pizza question here..

How would I make "foldable" pizza? As in the bread isn't cooked so crispy that it'd crack if you tried to fold it? I use my own dough, do I need to do something different with that or perhaps bre-bake the crust?

>> No.7069529

>I use my own dough

Recipe? We can't give advice if you don't tell us what you're doing now

>> No.7069532

Add yeast to the flower

>> No.7069536

add flower to the yeast

>> No.7069540
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Look up a calzone recipe?

>> No.7069544

He means he wants to make new yoik style chewy bendy pizza, not cazlone

>> No.7069548

Sounds like you're baking it for too long.

If your dough is the problem look up a NY style dough on pizzamaking.com

>> No.7069563

The question isn't how but why. What are you doing, anon.

I don't know shit about baking but science says that dry things crack and break while moist things will bend and deform. So try adding more moisture or finding a way to retain the moisture within.

>> No.7069576

Ohhhhhh. I understand now. Thanks man. Where I'm from there is no clear definition on pizza. I do like to fold my pieces, especially with the type of toppings I get because they topple.

>> No.7069578

Exactly, but to be a little less sciencey about it: consider the yeast. You have to make sure that you add the yeast to the flower, and most importantly add the flower to the yeast.

>> No.7069595

OP here here's my dough recipe

3 cups 00 flour
2 tps yeast
2 tps salt
1 cup warm water
2 tbps vegetable oil

Placed in food processor until it's doughy enough, rises for 1 hour then hand kneaded for about a minute. after that it's left alone for 3 days in the fridge. baked at 500f for 10 mins

i know i need to do less in order for it to be chewy enough, but i don't know the amount or if it's the ingredients/preparing i'm using,

>> No.7069617
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>> No.7069671


Use this recipe for the dough. It's a recipe for a baguette, but it makes the perfect pizza dough. You'll also need a baker's stone and a good oven. The key is to bake it quickly, long enough to develop a slight char around the edge, but not long enough that it becomes a cracker.

With some practice you'll get a crust that has a nice bite, a bit of char but is still flexible. You need to be sparing with sauce and toppings. If you add too much, it'll be too floppy. In my corner of the world, mozzarella isn't always added to pizza. Some places won't add it until you request it. A thin layer of sauce, oil, some herbs and some garlic is all that's required. If the bread is good enough, that's all you need.

>> No.7069688

>You'll also need a baker's stone and a good oven.
Baking steel is all the rage among Pizza nerds nowadays, doesn't need to preheat as long as a stone and supposedly transfers heat better.

>> No.7069731

Neat, I've never heard of those. Good to know.

I also forgot to mention that you should be sprinkling some cornmeal on the peel so the pizza slides off easily into the oven.