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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 360x240, cucumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7066219 No.7066219 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: That one ingredient everyone seems to love but you hate

>> No.7066228


Is it supposed to taste like soap?

>> No.7066237
File: 25 KB, 600x391, Pine-Nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I avoid these because
Sucks when it happens. Not worth the risk.

>> No.7066241

Power through it. Once you learn to expect the soapiness you can appreciate the other things it brings.

>> No.7066244

Bell peppers ESPECIALLY green peppers

theyre tasteless or bitter

>> No.7066247

water chesnuts
they do literally nothing and yet my meal is often ruined because some faggot thought it'd be fun to make his food awful

>> No.7066255


>> No.7066256


Some people honestly don't have the right receptors for it. It's weird, but it's genetics, man.

Crabmeat. I hate the stuff. Fake or real, it all tastes like wet, old fish.

>> No.7066257

Bacon its too salty and greasy and adding it to anything or cooking in the grease overpowers the flavor of what you are cooking.

>> No.7066260
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it's weird.

i hate the shit out dill, except when it comes to dill pickles.

somehow the pickling process changes that awful flavor.

>> No.7066263


>> No.7066272

Beans, especially in chili

>> No.7066277

Shit bacon is, I agree. Go get some good bacon (what clapfats call "canadian" bacon, and what the rest of the world calls bacon) from a butcher and it's not too salty at all

>> No.7066283
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I don't give a shit what 'trinity' its in, this shit is disgusting and ruins whatever you put in it.

Also, it doesn't even give you energy, its literally negative calories.

How fucking useless can one vegetable be?

>> No.7066290


not even a mudslime, its just too salty and generally boring

>> No.7066294

Pork is only salty if you salt it you dumb fucking idiot

>> No.7066301

the meat is inherently salty

>> No.7066316
File: 75 KB, 928x696, 560956_414914065231835_1362218237_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate goddamn celery in any dish.
But i do like this root that sort of smells and tastes like celery but has a pungency and bite like mint.

>> No.7066322

You are god damn right

>> No.7066328

lol what

>> No.7066330
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a lot of pork is sold pre-brined. you'll see something like "moist and tender" or "enchanced with x solution" on the label.

that shit really is salty.

>> No.7066334

Don't go to Turkey then, those motherfuckers put dill on literally everything. It's totally disgusting.

>> No.7066343
File: 411 KB, 1590x1166, cauliflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cauliflower, it can fuck off back to hell!
If I go to hell I suspect that I'll have to eat that shit raw 24/7.

>> No.7066345

Well I don't live in clapburger so I never see gross products like that

>> No.7066354

>Hating on cukes
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7066358

They taste like grassy water, they bring nothing beneficial to any dish ever

>> No.7066359


>> No.7066361

You've had it happen? Sounds horrible

>> No.7066376

I fucking HATE beans in chili, but everybody loves it

>> No.7066407


>> No.7066409


>> No.7066422

its like too much something, it feels almost like its "cleaning" the pallete its really uncomfy

>> No.7066433
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It is rare for me to like any melon. Most melons taste just like water to me. It's like eating water.

>> No.7066441

Fucking hate sweet potato.

>> No.7066791

I dislike them raw but cooked they are great.

>> No.7066806
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Fuck chicken. It's poor people protein and it's boring as fuck. Everywhere I go there's chicken on the menu. It's rarely any good.

Ever wonder why great restaurants don't serve a lot of chicken? It's full of fucking salmonella and it's literally pleb tier.

I hate chicken and everyone who likes it. Fuck y'all, peace out.

>> No.7066807

If your melons taste like water you're buying shit-tier melons. Bitch.

>> No.7066809

>le cilantro meme

>> No.7066811


cucumbers taste like GARBAGE. will never understand the appeal. ill eat pretty much anything except cucumbers, they are straight up repulsive.

oddly i do like pickles though

>> No.7066848


they taste like fucking shit. i dont get why they're so common in salads or random dishes. they are fucking awful.

>> No.7066890


congrats on your inferior genetics

>> No.7066919

*tips cockrel*

>> No.7066935

you're supposed to rinse it off before you cook it, it's a brine...

>> No.7066947
File: 146 KB, 400x324, The Daily Bugle will love these.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same! I always thought I was the only one that hated this shitty herb. It's nasty as fuck.

>> No.7066960

>it's okay anon, just take a bite out of this bar of soap. once you power through the soap you will appreciate the flavor of it!

>> No.7066969

Fuck blank canvases they are boring as fuck

>> No.7066977

>its literally negative calories.
>people still believe this

>> No.7066986

Lol this guy, i bet you rinse your steaks too

>> No.7066988

You know its true though, the energy required to consume it is worth more than you get from eating it. Its net negative, not negative itself...

>> No.7066994

ITT: Plebs with inferior genetics and tastebuds

>> No.7067000

Again, not true.

>> No.7067005

Again, it is....

Burden of proof

>> No.7067102

Basil. It makes food literally inedible. You could put it in front of a sub-saharan child and he still would not eat it.

>> No.7067111

Omelettes at room temp

What the fuck

>> No.7067113

>ctrl-f onion

Green onions and shallots are ok tho.

>> No.7067119


>> No.7067183

Lots of fiber to get your bowels movin'

>> No.7067185

npr... tl;dr

>> No.7067209

You're making the claim that celery has 'negative calories' so the burden of proof is on you, moron.

But seeing as you're clearly the kind of person who spouts horseshit instead of doing research, check this out:


>> No.7067213

watermelon not only feels like wet, thinly sliced sheets of foam in my mouth, it also makes my lips swell like a motherfucker because of oral allergy syndrome

>> No.7067366

i notice that im particularly sensitive to fruits

combining fruits and sweets is almost never a good idea IMO, unless its strawberry cheesecake or apple pie. In pretty much all other instances, putting the fruit in a pastry (such as a donut, pie, cookie etc) makes the thing disgustingly sweet.

Also, maybe I'm eating the wrong apples but they often taste bland and boring as fuck.

>> No.7067610

a shittier rice

>> No.7067831

Fucking fish man

I can't stand any seafood

>> No.7067835

So basically a pleb, okay

>> No.7067838

People always ruin perfectly good salads with rocket. Get that shit out of my face.

>> No.7067844

And the worst lettuce in the world:Iceberg. literally the budweiser of lettuce

If you're gonna do a salad, get some romaine lettuce in

>> No.7067850

Bell peppers. Fuck those shit.

>> No.7067867

Sour cream.

Shit's gross.

>> No.7067879
File: 29 KB, 1000x764, wedge-of-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheese desu

It's just a lazy ingredient which plebs put shitloads of on their food so it tastes less shitty because it just tastes like cheese

>> No.7067883
File: 325 KB, 2000x1000, o-PINE-NUTS-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was horrible. :(

>> No.7067888

I fucking hate lettuce, it makes me mad

I know the difference between roquette, romaine, all that shit but it just feels like filler, a shitty vehicle for getting vinagrette & other good shit to your mouth

Just a little lettuce with balsamic vinaigrette, artichoke hearts, sundried tomatoes, kalamata olivs & feta is GOAT

>> No.7067894

peel them

>> No.7067896

FUCKING THAK YOOOU. Sour cream and cream cheese, fuck.

>> No.7067906

At the end, you still used the lettuce


>> No.7067923

I went over to an old friend's house recently and he made some burritos and shit right? He put so much damn sour cream in them and god was it disgusting.

>> No.7067939
File: 33 KB, 550x353, Its not that fucking great..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love pine nuts, and this would make me sad.

Sucks to hear.

Ive met a lot of people that seem to be all about this in salads and part of their "kale smoothy" fad diets.

I don't know if everyone necessarily loves red cabbage, but i just am not a fan.

>> No.7067944

Sparingly, a good salad shouldn't be 75% + lettuce, there's so much more potential.
Also, salads without lettuce are generally superior (looking at you, thai steak salad)

>> No.7067945

try it the German way, pickled in sweetened vinegar and warmed up

>> No.7067949

I'll give it a whack, thanks anon.

>> No.7067959

I just use spinach instead. Better for you, more flavor as well.

>> No.7067963

Raw cucumber is only good in 2 forms, Mexican style: Chile Tajin, Lemon. and homosexual style: Tuna, tabasco, some drops of soy sauce and parmesan cheese.

>> No.7068010

Spinach is excellent, the world of salads needs more people like you

>> No.7068025
File: 52 KB, 749x323, Osetra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7068046

The only food I can't bring myself to enjoy in any way is marshmallows. Not sure exactly why. Even a perfectly toasted marshmallow doesn't really appeal to me

>> No.7068067

Slice then thin, toss it in a mix of vinegar, salt, sugar and black pepper. Leave in the fridge in a covered bowl for half an hour.
Serve that shit next to freshly caught fatty fish and potatoes.

Scandinavian summer, all you need is copious amounts of rain to go with it.

>> No.7068083

shred, wring out water, drain in a colander for half a day, mix with thick yogurt, garlic paste, mint and/or dill

>> No.7068090


Soap is not edible, cilantro is. Retard.

>> No.7068104

>theyre tasteless or bitter
Thats sorta the point.
Also why you want to eat them raw, dipped in some form of sauce or marinade, alongside some good meat.

Then again, they do have some of the same issues cucumbers has. They are pretty horrible own their own.
Once you chop em up, and combine it with something, it tends to be great.

>> No.7068117


its how its done

>> No.7068131


Sounds like someone is really salty rofl. R u a pork lmao virgin

>> No.7068139


Maybe you should stop eating candy and drinking soda to actually get some you fat fucking fuck

Watermelon da best u hear me??

>> No.7068221
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jigs detected

>> No.7068399

Generally anything that's been pickled.

>> No.7068485


Grew up eating sliced and salted cucumbers

Great when fresh out the garden

>> No.7068576

watermelons can be really hit-or-miss

>> No.7068590

Gotta do it over a campfire on a stick that you just grabbed from a tree.

>> No.7068645

Mayonnaise. Nothing worse than ordering a burger and not noticing it has mayonnaise in it.

>> No.7068657

You can't make a good burger sauce without mayo.

>> No.7068668

i thought i was the only one... it's bitter and weird.
i don't like tarragon either.

>> No.7068675

worst is when you order it somewhere mediocre and the whole bottom bun is slick with it. gross as shit, adds nothing to the flavour.

>> No.7069322

This and green bellpeppers are the only 2 things I dislike. I dislike them so much that they ruin whatever dish they're in.

>> No.7069627

I got through this many and then I lost it. You're all insane.
And who the FUCK doesn't like beans, Mr.>>7066272...oh. Nevermind. Some other dickhead hates fucking celery.
That's it. I'm out.
/ck/ has turned into a joke. It's a /cooking/ board for Christ's sake, I'll bet 50% of the posters in this thread don't even enjoy cooking, bar the eating part! Fuck!

>> No.7069631

name one dish that is made better by water chestnuts

>> No.7069635

Did anyone say onion? Sickest thing ever.

>> No.7069644

>if you don't like the ingredients I like, then you're a poopy head

>> No.7069670

the food so nice, they named it twice

>> No.7069719

mushrooms obviously

useless cardboard filler. probably has no calories anyway. tastes like rubbery shit, like if I took a fat opiate compacted shit with my bare hands out of the toilet then smeared it all over a shallow pot then planted some mushroom spores in it then let the mushrooms become mature and then pick the shit grown mushrooms and just chuck them in the bin and eat the fucking shit instead because that's just how disgusting they are

just like a big mouthfull of raw chewy shit. not even your own shit, some dirty fucking street shitting curries smooth soft orange shit he just shat into a fucking open sewer out of his mudass made of his disgusting diet that's cooked using shit for wood and diahrea for sauce and that's just what you're eating, all that shit food this disgusting mudhuman ate becomes the ingredient for what's in your mouth just basically a giant mouthfull of fresh dog shit just like sucking dog shit straight from a feral mutts shit smeared anus just suck that asshole and that's, actually that's probably an improvement than eating fucking mushrooms it's like diving into a port-a-loo cistern that's next to a mexican street food vendor and just closing your eyes and putting your head totally submerged in the mexishit and piss concoction and just opening your mouth letting all that liquid burrito shit just fill your mouth and just start fucking gulping gigantic mouthfulls of liquid shit and while you're doing that some disgusting fat middle aged beaner bitch squats her poosmeared and wookie hairy haemaroid ridden herpes holes over the poo tube and her fucking hairy buttcheeks blocks the sun while you're gulping surely your last meal and this behemoth warthog just lets loose a firehose pressurespray of festering chimmychunga right into your open fucking eyeballs blasting your shit covered viewing balls right out of their sockets and the shitspray blows through your corn laden eyesockets until you choke to death on just pure chunky shit

>> No.7070167

Thank you. Bacon is fucking disgusting.

>> No.7070168

>Still believing in negative calories

>> No.7070170

mfw strawberries
They taste like copper