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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7064581 No.7064581 [Reply] [Original]

Alright. I've just been challenged by my daughter to go on a vegan diet for 2 weeks.
I said 'ok'. We had a big chat about food and mass farming - she gave very good arguments about mass production and how farming has been indusrialised. I'm a single dad (wife died) and my daughter is 17 and a vegan.

Here's the catch: I love fishing and hunting. And I eat what I kill. So I'll have to stop. My argument was based upon the fact that hunters and fishermen look after the environment and that humans developed faster as we had a protein boost.

Can you coo/ck/s give me any vegan advice?
A recipe would be most appreciated.
Pic is the river that I'm temporarily stopping my fishing activities.
Please give a tasty vegan recipe.

>> No.7064595

Start by killing yourself.

>> No.7064612

don't do it.
my sister went vegan and it tore my family apart. We couldn't have a meal without needing to make special accomidations for her, if we ordered in we would often have to get her food somewhere else, or if my mom cooked she had to make vegan meals that all tasted like shit and basically just pissed everybody off.
fucking creamy polenta with vegetable stock and mushrooms. bitch that isn't a fucking meal! thats barely a side dish, it isnt even a good one!

>> No.7064616
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>> No.7064810

Keked by your own daughter. Damn.

>> No.7064826
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>> No.7065246

2 weeks won't kill you, but don't continue after that. You know that without cholesterol your body will die, right? When you force your body to synthesize all of its own cholesterol internally you stress your muscles and liver and your blood sugar shoots sky high, right? You know that's why all these idiots taking statin drugs have chronic muscle pain, muscle mass loss and liver and kidney damage, right?

So, no. Sneak some eggs in.

Otherwise, you can make alfredo with boiled and pureed cauliflower.

Eggplant parmesan with Cheezly is not as bad as prison food.

Potato skins with soysage, Cheezly, mushrooms, and fried in olive oil is slightly better than airline food.

That's all I got. My kid went through this phase and it lasted about a month. She felt terrible by the end and fell upon a steak like a puma taking down a rabbit.

>> No.7065252


>> No.7065255
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Try this.

>> No.7065261

This. I tried a few different variations for different but settled on ovo/lacto vegetarian. Body feels good all the time and proper nutrition. Beans definitely become a thing though even as ovo/lacto.

>> No.7065262

Is she planning on having children op?

>> No.7065264

Been vegan for 5 years and don't take any supplements. My body works fucking flawlessly.

Must be hard being so full of shit, right?

>> No.7065271

You tell me. Have you measured your blood sugar and do you have a baseline to compare to? Are you under 30? Because the organ damage and muscle loss don't show up until middle age. Basically your muscles are heroically sacrificing themselves a few cells at a time to save your heart.

So fuck off and die for your ideological devotion to your sad little hippie snowflake complex. The world won't miss you.

>> No.7065275

Do you have children?

>> No.7065289


Your brain is made out of cholesterol. Starving your body of cholesterol is why vegans are all so stupid. Read up.

>> No.7065294

>Have you measured your blood sugar and do you have a baseline to compare to?
Yes, it's perfectly fine.
>Because the organ damage and muscle loss don't show up until middle age. Basically your muscles are heroically sacrificing themselves a few cells at a time to save your heart.

gave me a good laugh at least. Go be a delusional tryhard somewhere else. Wouldn't surprise me if you cut your self to death with all that edge before my superior body falls apart. Then again a heart attack is probably not that far either.

I know a guy who's 65-70 and has been a vegan for almost 40 years now without any health issues. Trusting him more than some edgy nerd on 4chan.

On their way.

>> No.7065297

>Sent from my hospital bed at the ICU

>> No.7065324

>On their way.

You aren't a vegan

>> No.7065331

Ignore the meat-posters. You won't die if you go vegan. You can go through all the medical science of what should happen, but in practice vegans don't suffer huge health problems (unless they fuck it up big time). Vegans who have read up on it could also tell you how eating meat should kill you by 45, but it doesn't.

If you're hesitant to try veganism, remember that it's not a spirituality or code of honour. If there's something you can't give up, like cheese or meat that you've hunted, give up everything except that. If you feel uncomfortable being vegan around family or friends, eat meat occasionally. Veganism isn't about moral highground, it's about causing as little suffering as you can manage, even if it's not "all-the-way."

The hardest thing for you is going to be the social aspect. Community is where vegans make it or break it. Your 17 year old daughter is going to have an easy time finding people who are like her in the vegan community, but a middle-aged man is going to have a lot harder of a time (unless you're in a larger city).

As for recipe recommendations, one of my favourite things is homemade pizza. Not the kind with fake cheese and tofu and all that shit. I go with classic vegetable toppings, but in large quantities, and with no cheese. It's incredibly flavorful and doesn't make you feel super gross and full. I usually end up craving more after the pizza is done!

>> No.7065425

Wow. Illiterate, and an asshole. Fine combination. Also:

You are dying already. Just not fast enough.

>> No.7065436

>I don't know how to cook without using fake cheese or fake meat the post

>> No.7065439


How about not listening to the dumb ass, naive, emotional advice given to you by your 17 year old NO LIFE EXPERIENCE HAVING daughter, and continue eating what the fuck YOU want to eat instead?

>> No.7065441

>runs down 4chan
>can't leave 4chan

basement dwelling tendie eating troll confirmed.

Does mom know you are using her computer?

Does she?

>> No.7065444

samefag. Did /hm/ hurt your feelings?

>> No.7065453

your liver makes enough cholesterol already.

>> No.7065459

I know 150 centenarians who smoke two packs of Camels a day and eat cheeseburgers for breakfast. They are in perfect health and defeated the US dream team in basketball exhibition last summer.

>you have this much drool dripping from your chin.

>> No.7065460

It tore your family apart to accommodate someone's diet? What would you do if you had to deal with illness.

>> No.7065462

>you won't die if you go vegan

Yes you will. Vegan diets are not sustainable without supplements.

>> No.7065463

>daughter is vegan
you've failed as a parent

>> No.7065464


The fuck are you even talking about?

Regardless, I don't see the point in a father abiding by some nonsense hippie bullshit from his angst ridden teen aged daughter.

Man the fuck up, "Dad", and tell your daughter to quit listening to bullshit hippie advice from retards.

>> No.7065471

Ask your daughter if she has any recipes in mind? In my opinion, a kid just can't all the sudden just change their diet to vegan and expect for all their needs to be catered to, they're going to have to start to make meals on their own.

But it could be a good bonding opportunity with your daughter and I found it cute that you're willing to take up her challenge. I am a proud meat eater (and fisherman), but if I had to go vegan I would probably eat a lot of the more "meaty" vegetables and fruits like potatoes, squash, onions, peppers, corn, etc. Meat substitutes like tofu just have all the wrong texture.

Anyways, good luck.

>> No.7065472


>> No.7065483

One vegan recipe and 50 posts by people getting triggered by food. If OP had asked for instructions on how to make a bomb he'd have gotten more on topic replies. Shame on meat eaters for being so indoctrinated in their way of life that the thought of someone not following it gives them palpatations and shame on the vegans who would rather debate ethics than write a few recipes. And shame on me for adding more off topic posts to the thread.

>> No.7065489

No, don't say that. Using veganism to mask an eating disorder is a rite of passage for girls his daughter's age. He WILL fail as a parent if he humors her, but it's not to late for him to get her to wake the fuck up.

>> No.7065494

Focus on specific cuisines, OP.
Indian food has a lot of great vegan recipes.
Italian food can be adapted easily.
Asian cuisines have many vegan aspects.

>> No.7065545

Dont listen to daughter, eat meat ffs

>> No.7065565

>talking a teen out of having an eating disorder

Don't ruin it for the rest of us. Societal pressures to be thin exist for a reason

>> No.7065776

an illness isnt a choice. We are being inconvenienced because of a choice she made.

>> No.7065839
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>>7065483 [37<50, samefag moron]
ITT: pic related

>> No.7065863

A traditional vegan diet is very healthy, you just have to add small amounts of meat (4-6 oz)to any vegan dish you cook up, and then it's like the perfect diet.

>> No.7065868
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> she gave very good arguments

delicious bait

>> No.7065887

Much like how you'll die of cancer if you eat meat.

So really everything will kill you, best to just go with whatever makes you feel best, without directly harming other people, right?

>> No.7066061
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>> No.7066329

I'm vegan. Notwithstanding this thread full of shitposting, there's tons of delicious food out there that doesn't contain animal products.

Avocados are everything
A simple meal can be some tortillas filled with brown rice and beans. Cook some onions and garlic in olive oil, add chili powder, cumin, and salt, throw in a can (rinsed) of black beans. A few hits with an immersion blender if you want.
If you're craving a meaty flavor cook up some mushrooms and onions or marinade some portabellas and grill them.
White pasta with greasy (olive oily) tomato sauce is my guilty pleasure
Butternut squash soup is bomb ass
Hummus and pita is as well

Feel free to ask questions.

>> No.7066367

There is nothing wrong with being aware of how full of waste the meat industry is and now inhumane the animals are treated etc. There is something wrong, however, with putting cow's needs above the whole 3rd world.

>> No.7066380

You know it's about 55x more efficient to feed people with plants than with beef right?

>> No.7066389

first world problems

>> No.7066394

First off two weeks is nothing. Sure, you're gonna have to cook most of what you eat, because there aren't too many convenience/fast food vegan options unless you live in a major city.

I'd recommend leaning toward the cuisines where they have a vegetarian cooking style already developed so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Good examples include Italian (cucina povera), general Mediterranean (especially Christian Lenten dishes) and Indian (where many of the vegetarian dishes are very good and the ones not vegan can usually be done well in a vegan version). Buddhist temple cooking also qualifies. There's where you go looking for recipes.

Two weeks is kinda bullshit, though. It takes about three weeks for your taste to adjust and vegan food to start tasting good. So you get two weeks of everything tasting like cardboard instead of going three, and hitting the point where vegan food actually starts tasting good.

Last suggestion: you don't have to look at this from a black and white perspective. As a hunter and a fisherman you catch your own meat. If you adjusted your diet so that was the only meat you ate, and were vegan the rest of the time you'd be in a pretty badass position in any argument regarding diet and ethics or health.

>> No.7066405

That's what I hear all the time. But I have a 60 year old buddy who has been vegan for 41 years. I asked him what he does about B-12. His answer: "I don't worry about it." Both of this guy's parents were doctors, and so is his brother. No one in his family gave him any shit about his decision to go vegan, and that was four decades ago, when it was considered extreme.

Dude is in perfect health. Doesn't have to take any pills whatsoever at 60.

>> No.7066410

I would just cheat if I were you. Cook vegan at home but sneak out for burgers

>> No.7066432

>There is nothing wrong with being aware of how full of waste the meat industry is and now inhumane the animals are treated etc. There is something wrong, however, with putting cow's needs above the whole 3rd world.

There is something wrong with being aware of how full of waste the meat industry is and now inhumane the animals are treated etc. and not opting for organic, grass fed, free range or game meat instead.

There is absolutely nothing wrong, however, with putting cow's needs above the whole 3rd world. Fucking subhuman trash should just perish if they can sustain themselves.

Stop feeling sorry for aggressive, dumb, rapey, shit colored "people". They are a genetic dead end and not a day goes by where I don't curse our ancestors for not eradicating every last one of them when the world still had the stomach for that kind of thing.

Imagine a world with only East Asians and Europeans. So safe, so peaceful, so prosperous. It would literally be heaven on earth.

>> No.7066436

I have a relative who smokes 2 packs and drink a handle of vodka a day.

Dude is in perfect health. Doesn't have to take any pills whatsoever at 60.

>> No.7066437

lol no

>> No.7066558

I went vegan for a couple of months a few years ago (also no sugar/starch/oil) it was difficult but it challenged me to get more creative with my cooking. It was really hard for me to cut cheese out of my diet.... So I'm not a vegan anymore lol.
But in the e end doing that really opened my eyes and I eat much better now! My diet now is still mostly veggies, occasionaly something sweet, occasionaly some meat/dairy but I realized j don't need all that in my life. And especially not if its from the store (homemade/local is a different story) I only eat eggs when my friend gives me a dozen of his own chickens eggs and they really are Soooooo much better!

I live in Alaska so getting fresh locally caught fish/game I will absolutely eat, but I refuse to buy any from the store in town. I care about and pay attention to where my food comes from now. But seeing as you hunt and fish for your own proteins, she shouldn't really be bothered by that I think it's awesome! Good for you!

Some of my favorite vegan recipes are basically any veggie tossed in coconut oil, salt,pepper, and lots of sautéed onion and garlic. Roasted at 400 until done.
For a 'meaty' texture use mushrooms! Or drain and press some extra firm tofu, cube it up. Season or marinate for 10 min and the. Bake it at 350 for I think 15-20 min until it toughens up. Then throw it in soup/curry/stir fry/ tacos/ whatever it's actually really good.

And I've grown to really love Asian food. Stirfrys curries and miso soup are easy filling ways to get in lots of veggies. They're easy and filling.
Good luck!

>> No.7066672

This guy's post all the way. I'm not vegan since i eat eggs and if meat is provided at a communal dinner I'll eat it. It's not unnatural to eat meat as a human, just probably shouldn't eat it every day like an asshole.

I like making cauliflower crust pizza and basically vegan chili is amazing

>> No.7067031
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>> No.7067033
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>> No.7067039
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>> No.7067048
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>> No.7067054
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>> No.7067064
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Whole wheat vegan bread (exists, sometimes hot dog buns)
Coconut oil
Garlic Salt
Carrots (shredded)
Almond milk

Use coconut oil in pan, mix with garlic salt.
Soak bread in almond milk like french toast
Cook choice of veggies/fruit(s) in pan.
Add bread.
Cook uncovered, toast bread using pan.
Sandwich with bread and ingredients.

Taste fucking DELICIOUS, like a philly cheese steak sandwich or something. Use any veggies/fruits.
Breakfast: most cereals are vegan, peanut butter is DELICIOUS, etc.

>> No.7067068

I think it's awesome that you'd do that for your daughter.

>> No.7067089

>hey dad why don't you become vegan
>hey dad now that you're vegan why don't you become liberal
>hey dad now that you're a vegan liberal why not become gay
>hey dad now that you're a vegan liberal faggot why don't you let my boyfriends tyrone and ahmed fuck you in the ass

>> No.7067093

In what universe is mushroom polenta not good

>> No.7067103


Two vegan recipes I like enough to make regularly (not specifically vegan but containing no meat or dairy, try to avoid non-vegan recipes specifically modified for vegans developed in the last 20 years or so, even if they're OK they pretty much always compare negatively to the real thing making them inherently disappointing)


You'll probably end up eating twice as much bread as you normally would though. I could probably live without meat if I had to but I have no idea how people go without dairy.

>> No.7067131

Been keto for 4 years and 2 months. Perfectly fine and healthy and I eat meat/fish 2 times a day. Yet I never run around telling people carbs are literally Hitler and shoving my died down the people'a throat, unlike most vegans. What now?

>> No.7067138

Homemade burritos bro. If there is one, try a small local grocery or Food-4-Less, get the flour needed for tortilla (i may have seen mix before), rice, beans, and some spices.

Comes out REALLY nice! Hell, get some potatoes too and a french fry maker machine or whatever, can put potatoes in the burrito!

>> No.7067141

>wife died

classic way to get out of a shit relationship with a kek

>> No.7067201

High-level kek.

>> No.7067489
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This guy.

You all know this guy. On /lit/ he's an antinatalist. On /fit/ he's crossfit. On /pol/ he's Marxist. He's the neverending story girl on /b/. /out/ finally drove him out during a psychological comeapart. He's the bible thumper on /sci/, which is also dumb enough to argue with him.

There is just not enough chemo in the world.