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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 386x257, pasty_23__71559.1413932128.1280.1280__79279.1413932404.386.513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7063041 No.7063041 [Reply] [Original]

Why are pasties so damn good?

>> No.7063044

hearty, good ingredients which taste great, mixed together and baked.

But people put far too much white pepper in it, jesus fuck it's not necessary

>> No.7063049

I never use white pepper, I didn't even know that was a thing

>> No.7063061

When I bought a pasty from a pasty shop all I could taste was white pepper, over and over again.

Especially that god awful "The Tradition Cornish Pasty Shop" is the worst place in the world to eat it.

But I'm from SW England so it muh local dish

>> No.7063144

Mmmmh folded pie.

>> No.7063172

really good folded pie

>> No.7063218
File: 28 KB, 300x400, Donut Factory-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only one place hereabouts that has pasties, (which is odd considering this is Michigan) though they're pretty good.

>> No.7063223

Is that the place that used to sell them to miners? That's the base history of pasties in the USA, they're damn good. Miners could take them down in the mines, they'd stay warm or at least fresh for a time then eat them with just one hand leaving their other hand free.

Pasties are pretty awesome, I think at least here in the USA from Irish and Scot miners who migrated here.

>> No.7063226

you near Ishby or Negaunee? They have great pasties there, especially Lawry's or Grandma T's

>> No.7063230

Pasties are English bro

>> No.7063232

Fight meh brah
I'll pastie ya!

>> No.7063265
File: 15 KB, 502x280, Donut Factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that the place that used to sell them to miners?

No, that was in Cornwall in the UK, though there are salt mines under Detroit.

>you near Ishby or Negaunee?

Warren Michigan, Mound Rd. just south of 12 Mile.

>> No.7063280

was there bout a month ago, live in MN though. Was in Marquette for the weekend, picked up a few from Lawry's for the road.

>> No.7063297

pasties made thier way to america from Cornish settlers.
they were popular among miners, because they could eat them for lunch. the huge crusts were baked in by miner's wives so they could hold them by the crust, eat the pasty, and not get toxic chemicals that were on their hands (i.e. the metals they were mining, like lead) on their food, and then toss the crust.

>> No.7063304
File: 221 KB, 500x721, Star-Shape-Self-adhesive-Bossy-Pasties-LC0583_zps194aa4da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All us guys like pasties for one reason or another.

>> No.7063306

Cornish people are English

>> No.7063319

Sure they are, the degenerates they keep under wraps.

>> No.7063598


They aren't you limey fuck.

traditional english food is just one step above the shit you find in a wastebin.

>> No.7063645

Mostly because I use 2 knorr chicken stock cubes when making the pasties, they are so good you dont need to even use salt. In fact you don't even need other ingredients just 2 knorr chicken stock cubes

>> No.7063686

>hold them by the crust, eat the pasty
>not eat the crust
I always thought this was bollocks. Why would you cook food to not be eaten?

>> No.7063744

he literally fucking told you

>> No.7063802

eh it was pretty clever. cover your food in overly salty bread dough, bake in the oven for a long time at high temp, you got a perfectly sterile portion of food in a handy package.

>> No.7063828
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ketchup, gravy, A1, Harry Potter sauce, doesn't matter

damn they is good

>> No.7064050
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>> No.7064071
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>broasted chicken

>> No.7064562

I'm from SW England too but I do like a pasty with loads of pepper, be it black or white. But if I am being honest - White pepper does it for me!

>> No.7064583

What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't have sauce on pasties.

>> No.7064599

They are probably American . .. . . they have sauce on everything and then claim it as some sort of American dish, just laugh at them!

Americans can't cook to save their lives.

>> No.7064638

Shit bait, fuck off.

>> No.7064679
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>Yanks making pasties

>> No.7064686
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They are, but those are the inferior kind. Soft flaky pastry ones every day.

>> No.7064699

>Irish and Scot

Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

>> No.7064705

this desu

>> No.7064712
File: 7 KB, 701x351, Cornwall-Flag-700-350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you quoting our own history to us as if it was yours?

>> No.7064723

I think it's sad that the American inferiority complex compels you to shitpost for no reason. Your insecurities are always as clear as day.

>> No.7064729

I think americans are pretty smart

>> No.7064731

It doesn't change the fact that you're still a limey shitposting cunt.

>> No.7064732

Because they did actually eat the crust. The crimp used as a disposable handle thing is just an urban myth to romanticise pasties a bit.

In actuality they were eaten out of the cloth they were wrapped in and a hungry miner wouldn't throw away the tasty and calorie laden crust.

Also traditional Cornish pasties were segmented with one side filled with the filling we use today and the other was a sweet dessert.

>> No.7064741

>they have sauce on everything and then claim it as some sort of American dish

Sadly I can believe this.

>> No.7064745

Winter is the perfect season for a hot pasty in a paper bag

you can tuck it into your coat to warm you up or hold it in both hands to drive the chill away from your fingers

the pasty shop on campus skimps too much on the filling though, it's mostly sauce and it squidges around when trying to take a bite

>> No.7064749
File: 587 KB, 400x300, Pasty baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Brits look like pasty babies.

>> No.7064754


>> No.7064774

Here's your (you).

>> No.7064775

Hate to tell you this mate but pasties don't have a sauce, nor should it 'squidge' around when taking a bite.

The filling in a pasty is actually quite firm and not at all runny. !

>> No.7064797

yah hence the >skimp

its a shame cos their chicken tikka seasonings are pretty tasty otherwise

>> No.7064815

"you're" was appropriate as in YOU ARE A FUCKIN LIMEY CUNT. "you're" is a contraction of "you are" you stupid cunt.

Like getting English lessons from an American?

>> No.7064827


>> No.7064853

You sure are one stupid motherfucker.

>> No.7064861

Yes, go and shitpost after getting called out. Why do my powers of deduction tell me that you are American?

>> No.7064875 [DELETED] 

... 7064815 is right you know? (about the form of you he was using.)

>> No.7064878 [DELETED] 

I actually don't care about either side of this argument though. it is really boring.

>> No.7064893
File: 88 KB, 1024x770, Oh dear - Star Trek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know what (you) means

You truly are one stupid motherfucker.

>> No.7064894
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>> No.7064910

Doesn't KFC do this to their chicken these days?

>> No.7064921

Not the anon you replied to but .. .
Ok . .. I checked your jewpedia link and I was still none-the-wiser!

It was invented by an American . . . .Hooray, shoot your guns in the air and brag about your perceived freedom but I can't see anything advantageous here, it just seems like a daft novelty!

>> No.7064928
File: 61 KB, 500x351, Pasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hate to tell you this mate but pasties don't have a sauce

This place; >>7063218 >>7063265 offers gravy for their pasties, but it comes in a separate little cup.

I like to nuke the pastie (if I don't get it fresh and hot) for 2:00mins, then cut/chop it up and pour the gravy all over it, then nuke it for another min.

>> No.7064933

Too weird... the fuckin' savages.

India's Hindu cow mobs rule as religious debate rages...


>> No.7064939

broasted wings are goat... so joocy

>> No.7064967

They arent

>> No.7064969

I think you missed the point burgerbro.

The pasty itself, should not be runny or have a gravy .. . if you want to add that yourself afterwards, then that is up to you but a pasty is best eaten alone, from a decent bakers and from a paper bag!

Source: Years of experience in West Country England.

>> No.7065042

For some reason I read that as "burgerrito" and thought what now? Another taco bell abomination.

>> No.7065052
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>> No.7065118
File: 518 KB, 500x526, 1447277379552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to make pasties
>Absolute shit at making the dough

Kill me

>> No.7065451

You sicken me.

>> No.7065456
File: 36 KB, 384x288, What were you thinking sir - Simpsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That recipe
>Cornish pasty

>> No.7065468

At least we can agree on one point, YOU'RE A STUPID LIMEY CUNT!

>> No.7065473

your is posessive as in that's your dildo, but you're is you are. And you are a fucking limey cunt. Being a stupid limey cunt is no way to go through life.

>> No.7065479

'Cornish' isn't a nationality nor is it a culture.

>> No.7065500

>4 hours later and you're still shitposting about nonsense

Wew lad.

>> No.7065538

They taste like shit

>> No.7065591
File: 120 KB, 576x432, Ricker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This one yank samefagging through the entire thread with the same post

>> No.7065641

you can buy pie crusts at the grocery store, pillsbury makes em