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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 172x156, 1244423355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059362 No.7059362 [Reply] [Original]

good tv dinners

>> No.7059400

I forgot all about Night Hawk TV dinners. Those used to be my go to when I was in college and didn't ever cook. I never see them in the stores where I live now though.

>> No.7059411
File: 84 KB, 406x333, country fried chicken & gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't microwave the chicken. you want to crisp it up in the oven/toaster oven.

>> No.7059424
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>> No.7059517
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>> No.7059534


It always seemed crazy to me that they completely disowned Speedy Gonzales. I grew up with it, just like any other show, and it sure as fuck didn't affect my perspective on Mexicans.

Did they also get rid of Taz because he made people from Tasmania look like complete loonies?

>> No.7059586

I'm not sure but if you talk to any folk from the Australian mainland even they think the Tazmanians are total loonies.

>> No.7059599
File: 48 KB, 508x700, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aside from the cartoon I think the only idea most of the world has of Tasmania is from Young Einstein.

Video to keep it /ck/ related:


>> No.7059608
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>> No.7059735

I really liked that movie, I've only seen it once, it came out on HBO a long time ago.

Are Tasmanians more looney than New Zealanders?

>> No.7059744

Tasmanians win.

>> No.7059760

I think that part of it came from the PC days when Bill Cosby, Ted Turner and his wife Jane "aim weapons at USA troops" Fonda bought up rights to a lot of cartoons and litereally shelved the ones that didn't agree with their PC ideals. These are a lot of old Buggs Bunny and Popeye ones and tons some folk might never know about.

The cool thing is that they're still available on torrent sites, just looked up banned cartoons or shelved or stuff like that. Mostly they had to do with making fun of niggers, nips during WW II, and sneaky chinks.

>> No.7059766

Probably old Our Gang / Lil Rascals stuff too.

>> No.7059773

Dubs don't lie.

>> No.7059774


My childhood dog was named Einstein because of that movie, and my first idea of what a real, non-animated Tasmanian Devil looked like was also from there (this was before the internet, obviously).

While I'll say that 'straya definitely got the better version of Carrot Top, I have to admit that the movie is not 100% accurate.

>implying einstein didn't come up with general relativity in the process of putting bubbles into beer

>> No.7059776
File: 272 KB, 563x403, ZZ_Top-TV_Dinners_Critter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need some good TV dinners w/ZZ Top!


>> No.7059809

Taz or Tas might be a good name for a dogie.

>> No.7059825


I always liked how the dog's name in Reckless Kelly was simply "dog", and used to tell my parents our next dog should have that name..

>> No.7059994

that was my shit in grade school

>> No.7060023
File: 295 KB, 640x346, taz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>my first idea of what a real, non-animated Tasmanian Devil looked like

>> No.7060024
File: 299 KB, 640x346, fucking tasmanian devils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060028

Good times!

>> No.7060032

My first dogies name was Freddie, and somehow it got loose from our house and went out to relax under the wheels of our neighbors truck. He got runover pretty quick. I didn't hold it against them and I wasn't the one even though only like 5 yrs old to let him out of the house, but he did get run over. Poor Freddy!

>> No.7060042


>tfw the person who succeeds at putting bubbles in beer will change the world forever

>> No.7061940

Exactly but fuck microwaving them. Oven makes them nice and crispy.

>> No.7061973

Not familiar with this brand. You from the USA OP? If so what area?

For some reason Stouffer's is among the few companies able to make frozen food that's actually reasonably good. Their Mac and cheese I'd even call great.

>> No.7062125
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>> No.7062126

>Their Mac and cheese I'd even call great.
You're alright in my book Nigger Jim.

>> No.7062131
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>> No.7062133

>Patel Brothers

>> No.7062148

I like the lasagne. It's better than most hoity toit places. Fuck paying $50 for a little square of shit lasagne when Stouffer's is better. I like it and that's what matters.

It wont work if your taking some bitch out for dinner, then it's time to improvise.

>> No.7062153

piss off poo food in the ganges fuckup

>> No.7062157
File: 449 KB, 1001x834, Stouffers_Lasagna-stou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than hoity toit idiot places with stars and shit

>> No.7062159

Stouffer's Macaroni and Beef
Stouffer's Meatloaf

>> No.7062162

You know I've never actually had their lasagna. I think I'll try it soon, if it is that good.

>> No.7062168
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>> No.7062175
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>> No.7062177

You should, I joke around a lot on this board but that's a lot better than what the vast majority of places serve as lasagna.

>> No.7062185
File: 11 KB, 150x174, 1248743495425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking board
>/tv/ dinners

great thread OP

>> No.7062184


I don't know what that is, but it doesn't sound like food.

>> No.7062187

Will do, thanks for the suggestion

>> No.7062188

None of us want to change the world forever, it's taking care of itself. Without faggots and their carbon credits.

>> No.7062191

>food board
>tv dinners
No really, good job op

>> No.7062193


No food additives, no dyes, no...flavors? ahhhh I get it.

I was right, I don't want that in my food!

>> No.7062201

>shit palates: the thread

>> No.7062205
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>> No.7062214

fries look pretty good

>> No.7062217
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>> No.7062231
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>> No.7062232

Did you quote someone else by mistake? There are no fries in that picture.

>> No.7062240
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>> No.7062242

yup im from the US. they are pretty basic tv dinners I like em. night hawk used to be a chain of restaurants in the us and they started making tv dinners I belive.

>> No.7062245

I'd really be interested to try one of these. Given that I'm from the States, I already have the proper shitty ingredients required to make a perfect one, so...

>> No.7062246

oh and im from texas.

>> No.7062250
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>> No.7062254


The ironic thing is that it was only white liberals who hated Speedy Gonzales. Mexicans love the character and his cartoons are still played in Mexico.

>> No.7062276
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>> No.7062421

Texas - that would explain why I haven't seen them I think. East Coaster here.

>> No.7062461

why does every American microwaveable meal I see posted here look SO much worse than the UK's microwaveable meals?

>> No.7063130
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>> No.7063147
File: 23 KB, 340x231, tower-1305252122250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you people try these, they're breddy good!
Sometimes I'll go decadent and melt a slice of American cheese over them!


>> No.7063158
File: 21 KB, 300x238, Goya_Ham_Croquettes-FrozenFood126_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bad boys are pretty good too, best pan fried in a cast iron skillet.

>> No.7063160

Maybe too much sauce, but looks surprisingly like the image on the box.

>> No.7063163

Word, tescos chicken tikka masala is better than most restaurants

>> No.7063168

to be fair, it's hard to fuck up "chicken goop with rice." There's no way to get frozen boxed 'steak and potatoes' to resemble the real thing.

>> No.7063175

I swear to fucking god marie calender has a chicken parm but I cannot find it.

>> No.7063185
File: 42 KB, 450x450, marie-callenders-chicken-parmigiana-13-oz_2629198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be drunk and got the name wrong.

>> No.7063188


I was at kroger the other day and could not find it.. Either Kroger just doesn't sell it or I was pretty fucking out of it that day

>> No.7063190

It happens, I try to avoid shopping when I have a hangover or am drunk, it's worse with a hangover.

I see aisles of stuff and am like wtf am I here for?

>> No.7063191

... the stupid fuckin' flourencent lights don't help either.

I've learned over time, don't shop with a hangover.

>> No.7063203
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I wanna import US traditional one.

>> No.7063245
File: 244 KB, 648x513, 11143_Nimg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my all time favorite frozen dinner but I can't find it anywhere now.

If any of you anons see it, try it. You will not be disappointed.

>> No.7063248 [DELETED] 

Oh good the vegetarians are here.

>> No.7063249
File: 958 KB, 1632x1224, tjs7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% of the frozen aisle at trader Joe's is amazing.

>> No.7063253

Yeah liking a vegetable lasagna makes me a vegetarian

Kill yourself please :^)

>> No.7063254

I think I saw that in a Dollar General. That's NE USA. They have all kinds of stuff.

>> No.7063256

Tell me more about those trading cards

>> No.7063259

Anon just asked about some lasagna, it doesn't mean anything more than that you fucking twat.

>> No.7063269
File: 1.87 MB, 2336x2200, Wacky_Packs-1st_1973_topps_sheet_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best trading cards are wacky packs.

Here's an example and it's a big file if I can upload it.

>> No.7063283
File: 1.28 MB, 1008x1348, wacky_packs-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7063287

dude halloween was ages ago. get with the times, christmas is basically next week.

>> No.7063288
File: 146 KB, 762x1050, Wacky_Packs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off curmudgeon!