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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 720x480, tumblr_myoptwk0o31r8k4ywo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7046289 No.7046289 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a problem with people taking pictures of their food?

>> No.7046290

I'll only take a picture if it's something weird.

Like when I got a chicken and waffle sandwich once.

>> No.7046293



It's a compliment to my kitchen.

>> No.7046295

Not at all. Only people with the most severe autism do.

>> No.7046299

it's a vain thing to do but there is no point in being bothered by it

>> No.7046301
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>> No.7046305

Is that why every Asian does it?

>> No.7046313

pork belly
poached egg


>> No.7046322


Peach, and lavender/honey goatcheese.

>> No.7046329

Eat it, don't tweet it.

>> No.7046337

cool. they just put pork belly on our menu, with apple puree and a little salad featuring sticks of apple

i don't like pork belly desu

>> No.7046338

I think it's pretty fucking dumb, but I wouldn't give someone shit for it unless I was close with them.

>> No.7046339

Where do you draw the line though? I've been hesitant to take photos when I go out to eat.

I would imagine some autist with a fuckhuge dslr/lens standing up and getting angles on the plates would be crossing the line.

What about at a sushi bar where the chefs are very close to you?

I've heard of chefs getting pissy about taking photos so I just don't do it

>> No.7046345

I have a problem with people glued to their smartphones in social situations, posting shit to social media in real time. But I understand that's just what some folks do. So I don't let it bother me. But I think it looks stupid, and is borderline rude.

>> No.7046349


Do you really worry that much about what other people think/say/do?

Do you require other people's approval and validation to do or not do things in life?

If people want to take pictures of food, who fucking cares. Not like a camera flash is really going to completely fuck the ambiance a restaurant creates...

I don't draw a line, if people think my food is beautiful enough to take pictures of...I'm flattered. Not offended.

>> No.7046355
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>> No.7046366

>Not like a camera flash is really going to completely fuck the ambiance a restaurant creates...
I certainly wouldn't eat somewhere with flashes going off all the time

>> No.7046369


They look very mad rather than happy.

>> No.7046374

Like people who record concerts on their shitty 1.2MP cell phones instead of actually watching the show, it's best to just enjoy it while it's fresh.

You'll look at that picture like once, and that's it. Most people on your facebook will scroll right past it.

>> No.7046379


Don't ever go out to a sport venue then.

>> No.7046387

>why didn't they cut it like literally every other fucking pizza place does?

>> No.7046392


More like:

>I am fucking old and eating "hard" foods constipate me more than I already am naturally being fucking old, why did you buy me this shit faggot.

>> No.7046413

I don't think it's a big deal to snap some photos, but I wouldn't want someone snapping away with a massive camera if I was a chef.

You're full of shit if you think you do not care what anyone else thinks and do not adhere to any societal norms and boundaries. I'm not worried about anything because I don't care enough about having photos of my food.

You obviously do draw a line at some point unless you're working at mcdonald's and could care less if someone sets up a photo studio on the floor.

>> No.7046423

If I'm at a nice restaurant that I will probably only go to once for whatever reason, then yeah sometimes I will if it looks really nice. But if it's a local place, even "fine dining" or something, then no I don't.

Sometimes I take pictures of things that I really really liked and try to reverse engineer it at home to see how the chef did it and if I can get a result that is somewhat close.

>> No.7046451


>massive camera

Those would be photographers one hires to develop a webpage, and nothing to do with patrons snapping pics with their phones.

I'm flattered period. Anyone that argues against others not only marketing their restaurant for free, but backing up their claims with photos to impress or convince others is a line guy or dishpig whose job doesn't depend on foot traffic.

I own a bakery. I love when people take pictures of the food and pastries I make them.

>> No.7046461

Looks like John Cho just wants to eat his food

>> No.7046467

this looks like a smug motherfucker with a big nose wearing sunglasses

>> No.7046472
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I'm not smug, I take pride on being able to produce quality food for others to eat.

>> No.7046481

Yes. It's disrespectful and crass.

It's about the most uncultured middle- to low-class swine thing you can do in a restaurant other than let everyone hear your bodily functions. Also NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT WHAT YOU ATE WHERE. NO ONE.

>> No.7046489

you misunderstood my post

>> No.7046494

Guests dicking around on their phones has been shown to negatively affect the profits of a lot of establishments because they take so much longer to actually eat and leave that you turn fewer tables. This obviously only happens if you have so many occupied tables that you can't seat new parties, though.

Just a quick picture is fairly harmless but, if somebody's going to care to take a picture of their meal, they're also going to sit there and text that picture to somebody or post it to instagram or something as well.

>> No.7046496


Oh, the person taking pictures of an appetizer being smug and proud? Yea...I get that a lot in my bakery.

>> No.7046503

my mom does that shit and it drives me up the wall sometimes
not in restaurants but at home
it's not the taking pictures that's the problem but that the food gets cold while she does it

>> No.7046505

Clearly I was not referring to "photographers one would hire to develop a webpage" (???). I've seen plenty of customers in restaurants with dslrs.

That's a great opinion and all but you run a bakery, not exactly the same thing as a sit down dinner restaurant.

>> No.7046530

You're still misunderstanding his post.

>> No.7046547


My bakery seats 60. I serve more than just pastries. It's primarily a bakery, supplying other restaurants in the area with baguette, dinner rolls and pizza dough daily.

Didn't start out that way, others just started asking for our bread and pastries to be sold on their premises.


>> No.7046572


idk I take pictures just for myself and enjoy remembering the meal

pictures at a concert are fine, but shitty cell phone audio is not helping you remember the concert desu

>> No.7046580

Everytime I eat at my universitys canteen I take a pic.
for documentation purposes

>> No.7046632

That's great, you don't speak for all restaurant owners.

>> No.7046637

enjoy your ban, my man

>> No.7046653

Live! God dammit

>> No.7046661


I should, 5 locations and a baking factory now...while 90% of my collegues end up $1,000,000+ in debt 12mos after opening their first.


I'm not viral marketing, no bad required. The only people from my area that would be posting on 4chan are college kids from the CIA, Marist or Vassar. None of which are patrons of my establishments...as they can't afford it.

>> No.7046664

I don't give a flying fuck if someone takes pictures of their food, why should I?

>> No.7046669

yes, because 1, it's blatant bragging "look what I have and you dont!"
also 2, presentation is the cancer killing food

>> No.7046674

The only thing that would be annoying would be in a restaurant and there's a flash from the camera. Otherwise I really don't care, they purchased it they can do what they want with it.

Point being as long as their picture taking doesn't annoy me or I'm in their pictures I just don't care.

>> No.7046676


People eat visually before taking one bite.

Presentation is very important.

>> No.7046679
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>> No.7046695

Now that's clearly annoying. Hopefully all the people in that picture didn't have to pay for their meals. I'm enough of an asshole to take a restaurant to small claims court over an invasion of privacy like that.

That said, that blonde chick is one cute semen demon.

>> No.7046699

Owning a small bakery chain does not make you an authority of anything but your few establishments, at this point you're just using this thread for attention.

>> No.7046700

Here in the USA one has to sign a release form to be used in some stupid picture like that and fuck all if I'll sign that, I not that desparate for money.

>> No.7046702

>not knowing who "that blonde chick" is

>> No.7046706


Do you have anything organic that isnt certified?

>> No.7046708

So who is she mr yoda knowitall?

>> No.7046712

It's certified "fag" just for you.

>> No.7046716

did he fucking roll up spaghetti with chopsticks the way you would do it with a fork

>> No.7046723


I'm responding to your whining, nothing more.


>> No.7046728

If I go to a restaurant of particular note, I will (or more likely my gf will) snap a quick picture using a phone as a little reminder. I have a few on Facebook but 90% of them are shared amongst a few friends of mine who are interested in that sort of thing.

It takes less than 30 seconds to get a picture, it isnt intrusive, has minimal effect on the quality of the food. I dont see a problem.

>> No.7046741
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I got a sausage right here in my trousers you can take a picture of. if you know what I mean.

>> No.7046742
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>Finally convince my family to let me cook for them
>Want to show off
>cook them crabcakes
>get overexcited and fuck it up
>they look burnt and disgusting
>nervously put the food on the table in front of everyone
>dad smiles
>''Hey, anons sister, could you fetch that selfie stick of yours? I have to do something''
>start to feel really good
>feel like they want to take a picture and the food isn't actually bad
>sister brings the stick down to my dad
>he says thank you
>pushes the food onto the floor using the selfie stick
>''Now I don't have to touch this crap to give it to the dog!''
>family chuckles
>we get takeout

>> No.7046768

While enabling your own superiority complex. just asked a simple question and you had to be a cunt about it.

>> No.7046772
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as long as they don't hold their eating utensils like this, then heck no, click away

>> No.7046786


>still crying about it

Wahhhhh QQ more faggot.

>I don't like what you're saying
>ebin report post buddon

>> No.7046787

What in the ever loving fuck? I buy bread from there all the time. Your pastries are great. Some of your breads are really good, others not so much. There's this one whole grain loaf you have that destroys the inside of my mouth, it's like it's made of broken glass or something. But what I like about your sliced breads is they're made from wholesome ingredients but they still last a while.

I'm gonna ask you something I feel weird about asking through normal channels: at one of your market locations the staff follows what seem to be questionable hygiene procedures. I remember one time seeing a guy bang a loaf on a shelf to knock snow off of it. Sometimes people handle currency and bread without changing gloves. I habitually re-bake the loaves now, after getting the runs once (not 100% sure it was your bread but I'm suspicious).

Are the employees at the markets yours, or do they work for a third party?

>> No.7046789

>a restaurant owner

>> No.7046793


>thinking I am going to indulge the post with countertrolling

Many people buy our shit then sell it to others, what they decide to do with after I have made money is their decisions to make. If you're stupid enough to purchase things from dirty people that is on you, I don't even hire migrants so you're trying to ring the wrong bell.

>> No.7046796

It's pretty gay but I do it from time to time when I make something I'm really proud of.

>> No.7046800
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Celebrities post here too and keep up with the "bantz" you lot churn out.

Stay on topic, why do you take offense to people taking pictures of things they like?

It's as if you're so miserable that you refuse to accept that others can be happy over something as simple as eating.

Misery does love company though, why not find a divorced woman to spend time with? They love to complain about everything under the sun.

>> No.7046804

So I take it the list of people working at these locations are those "others"
Good to know, I got confused by the fact that they were using your name and insignia, implying some kind of official connection.

You should probably do something about that.

>> No.7046816

wew lad what a faggot this bakery guy is

are you really trying to flex your ego on 4chan? you're fucking sad m8

>> No.7046818

Where I clearly say I don't mind ppl taking photos

My original post was asking where should restaurant owners draw the line? ISome obnoxious restaurants put signs up saying no photos, other restaurants like breadfag's above do not draw a line and will allow you to set up a full photo studio inside.

>> No.7046825

baking threads are always a source of strange drama on /ck/

some examples

>that guy who always picks fights with FF for no apparent reason
>that old man who got in a fight with his grandson on /ck/ and ended up estranged from his family

bakers must have a lot of angst. who knew?

>> No.7046827

Nope. I don't know how anybody could have so few actual problems in their life they would have "a problem" with somebody taking pictures of their food.
Is this another weird subculture on 4chan? Hating on people who do things that don't affect you?

>> No.7046842
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>Is this another weird subculture on 4chan?
>the site where people get into blood-boiling rage over other people owning the wrong brand of mobile phone
>the site where it's common wisdom that the reason white men are an oppressed class of people is because of a picture blog founded in 2007
>the site where "normie" is an insult that means "normal person" which is a bad thing
>the site where coffee triggers people because the barista majored in the wrong subject
>the site where it's understood that people only pretend to like persian food because the Islamic Republic of Iran is part of the axis of evil
>the site where knowing the origins of tapas means you want to kill all white people
>the site where avocado is a provocatively fashionable new food that symbolizes the complete destruction of civilization as we know it
And you're surprised that some people here get triggered over other people taking pictures of food?

>> No.7046848


>> No.7046858

>>the site where coffee triggers people because the barista majored in the wrong subject
fucking tumblr non-STEM faggots don't DESERVE to touch even the cup my joe is in!

>> No.7046860

I do when I'm sharing food and my retarded friends won't let me start eating right away because I'm fucking hungry. Otherwise, I'm cool with it.

>> No.7048187

and asians

>> No.7048236

Heh heh yeah let's just mindlessly defend every new trend

>> No.7048248

I need to document everything that I eat and it's easier to take a photo than write everything down.

>> No.7048250

I don't give a shit.

I do give a shit if they told me to hold off on eating because they want to take a picture of my own dish. And I call them out on it.

>> No.7048260

As a non-business owner can I say that cunts making duckfaces at IHOP are retarded or am I just AN AUTIST? I miss the time where I could fuckoff to wherever I wanted and there wouldn't be social media pixies everywhere waiting for me to drunkenly waddle in view.

>> No.7048278


You seriously expect people working in a food shop to put on a new pair of gloves every time they handle some cash? Most don't wear gloves at all.

>> No.7048378

I know the guy in the hat and hoodie. That's fucking weird.

>> No.7048394

Honestly, it's the people with more problems in life who are (rightly) bothered by this. You work your ass off and you go out for a nice night out and everyone around you is some douchebag millennial reddit prick living his entire life through his fucking phone.

You are probably too young to remember what restaurants used to be like, but it was a chance to live well, and to exercise real social graces. Now every restaurant, even the good ones, are all Cheesecake Factory, with Cheesecake Factory clients.

>> No.7048403

>Its a chance to live well
>I wish the other people would follow my definition of living well instead of their own
>Living well is not taking a photo of your food

Do you even listen to the shit youre saying? You must be trolling

>> No.7048405

>Now every restaurant, even the good ones, are all Cheesecake Factory, with Cheesecake Factory clients.
Sounds like you worked your ass off for a nice McMansion in Muncie, IN

Why do you even go out?

>> No.7048406

You cannot say that these needy people are living well.

They go out trying to document their lives in a pitiable, desperate attempt to prove that they really lived. Because they never really do. And one day they'll be dead, and those retarded photos will be all that's left. They couldn't be bothered to spend some time in the present having an enjoyable night out, but they'll be damned if they won't document that they HAD a night out.


>> No.7048412

That argument loses any merit it might have had being posted on 4chan of all places.

>> No.7048416

In the main I agree with you. Many people do want to document everything, everywhere they go. It seems that everything they do has to be put online or whatever otherwise it wasnt worthwhile.

Sometimes its nice to take pictures of things to share with other people or just because it can be nice to look back and remember. Personally I wouldnt let it become the main point of a trip to a nice restaurant - 15-30 seconds to take a quick picture isnt affecting the quality of the food or the involvment in the night out.

However, why would you give a fuck about how other people choose to live? It doesnt (or shouldnt) affect you in any way possible. Can you not go to a restaurant and just focus on your own company, the conversation youre having, the food youre eating, rather than being distracted by how other people are choosing to enjoy themself (in a non-intrusive manner)? Whats more pathetic, taking a photo of your food, or getting annoyed that a stranger is taking a photo of their food?

>> No.7048419
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>tfw could be at home playing starcraft

>> No.7048420


>having ice cream and fruit with you're pork belly

baka desu

>> No.7048423
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>> No.7048440

>However, why would you give a fuck about how other people choose to live? It doesnt (or shouldnt) affect you in any way possible.
It might effect the business proprietor.
On one hand it's free advertising on facebook:
>just about to tuck into this delicious plate at Richie's Restaurant (pic)
On the other hand the chefs will need to ensure that they master their fancy plating techniques because everything they do is under public scrutiny and a bad looking plate could have adverse effects on the business. Increasing pressure to perform.

I agree with your point and don't intend on debating. Just thinking out loud.

>>7048248 is me but I don't post my pics online.

>> No.7048449
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It would have been better if OP had asked:
>Would you have a problem if you were dating someone who kept regularly taking pictures of their food?

>> No.7048453

>tuck into

Oh, so you're one of those. Fucking fag hipster.

>> No.7048468

Obvious bait but I'll use it to project to anyone who gets upset seeing someone else take photos of their plate:

> haven't you got anything better to do than to watch me taking a photo of my plate? Like, say, I dunno, eating what's on your own goddamned plate?

Ok I'm done. Thanx.

>> No.7048498

>I've heard of chefs getting pissy about taking photos
That's when you say "So you don't free advertising? Because I was just about to invite my friends. But fine if you don't want us here, we won't come back."

>> No.7048516

Eh there is nothing wrong with taking photos of food.

Asians started this trend because their food would always come out too hot and burn their mouths so they decided that they would take photos in order to let it cool down whilst they uploaded the photos to where they want.

>> No.7048531


Did you just make that up?

>> No.7048535

All I know is that if Hannibal Lector ever takes a photo of you then you better fucking start running.

>> No.7048539

fucking kill yourself holy shit

>> No.7048540

Good one.

>> No.7048541

I'm okay with it. That's how food porn/abomination pics are made.

>> No.7048554

>chicken and waffle sandwich
I wish you normal people would just shoot your brains out with a knife.

>> No.7048556

I'm annoyed by constant pictures in general. Can't even go hiking with friends without at least one of them turning their back to the group to take a quirky selfie letting the world know what we were all doing. Or when we were getting stoned and the ugly friend of a friend snapped us high and outted us to all our fucking peers and instructors. I can't help but connect those cultural dots when I see teens instagramming their plate of pasta. Yes it bothers me because it doesn't tend it happen in a vacuum. These bitches are doing it EVERYWHERE

>> No.7048565

If I were to ask anyone why they did anything and they told me they did it because it's popular and to seek validation and attention from people they have tenuous connections to I'd naturally think less of them as a person.

And when you take pictures of your food to tweet them or instagram, welp, that's exactly what you're doing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Plus it's shitty table manners to anyone who grew up and became an adult before the era of smart phones.

>> No.7048580

in what godforsaken country is chicken with waffles a normal combination
it's like you're mixing dessert with the main course

>> No.7048582

The United States, you rotten toothed, smelly foreigner.

>> No.7048619

>4chan is an image sharing website
>/ck/ is the Food & Cooking board
>if no one took photos of food then what would /ck/ post?
Haters BTFO.

>> No.7048620
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Translation: why won't people take pictures with me.


>> No.7048622

I didn't expect many 40 year olds to post here.

>> No.7048625

I'm 44. I've been hanging around this dump for a decade.

>> No.7048629
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>> No.7048634

I literally browse an imageboard about cooking and food.


>> No.7048635

Maybe if you were having a better time yourself by engaging with the people in your company then you wouldn't even notice people on other tables taking photos of their meals, much less actually care about what they're doing with their time.

I'm guessing you eat alone, though.

>> No.7048650

I don't care if people take pictures of their food, but don't tell me that I can't eat until you get a picture of it.
I'm not watching the food I paid for get cold so you can get notes.

>> No.7048654

Struck a nerve, did I?

>> No.7048657



44yo and cannot distinguish the difference between someone being emotional and someone mocking you.



>> No.7048676

Get screened.

>> No.7048678

>Still whining and crying

Don't go away mad. Just go away.

>> No.7048692


I'd rather not, instead, I'd like to continue our conversation about why you're bragging about wasting your life here.

This conversation has become important to me.

>> No.7048695

children please, calm down and maybe mommy will let you have a snack.

>> No.7048696
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>> No.7048701
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why would i voluntarily mock myself when there are cocklords like those two?

>> No.7048706

I'd hardly consider what he said as bragging.

I think you have some issues.

>> No.7048707
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>uses tumblr
>bows to Hiroyuki word filtering.
>not a complete and total cúck

>> No.7048711


Don't backpeddle now, why are you still here at 44?

>> No.7048713

I'm not him.

Hence why I said "he", you illiterate child.

>> No.7048715
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Whatever you need to say to rationalize your pathetic existence away.

>> No.7048720

You have some problems, kid. You should work on them rather than getting snippy with people on the internet.

>> No.7048727
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Why are you bragging about wasting a decade of your life on this site?

>> No.7048731

I was 11 10 years ago. I was not using 4chan when I was 11.

>> No.7048732


Why do you lie so much? Is that another coping mechanism you've developed in the wake of crippling failure?

>> No.7048734


>> No.7048740

>coping mechanism
I think you're the 44 year old pretending to be someone else in a desperate and ill-fated attempt to save face.

Get help.

>> No.7048745 [DELETED] 


Don't try the ol' flip flop on me.

What's it like being more than half way through your life, and wasting the latter half arguing with teenagers and other neckbeard shut-ins about Ramen and Takeaway pizza?

>> No.7048747

And now you're projecting. Get help.

And stop watching millenials your creepy pervert.

>> No.7048749
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>n-no y-y-you are the things I hate about m-m-m-myself.

Thanks for the laughs divorced NEET anon.

>> No.7048750

Are you trying to cope with your sense of wasted youth?

>> No.7048763

Help is available.


>> No.7048833

I have a problem with Chinese people in general.

>> No.7048844

hi mom

>> No.7048876
File: 66 KB, 720x480, 1367511416378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is looking
>he clearly made noise when he STOOD UP to use FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY on Chloe
>dat stream of juice running off his table
>he knocked over his own drink as he did this

what the fuck

>> No.7048891

You can take pictures of strangers in public if you want.

>> No.7049033

Only need a release if the photo is taken for profit purposes. Even then some for profit pictures are exempt, which is why paparazzi exist.

>> No.7049074


>> No.7049085

>the look of fear and awe on her face as the photographers pockets overflow with spaghetti

>> No.7049665

I think going out to eat and busting out a camera to take pictures of food is silly, but I'm not about to tell people what they should be enjoying and not enjoying.

>> No.7049693

> The United States < Culture < Yogurt