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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 144 KB, 635x642, xD553Wg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7046672 No.7046672 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/ i'm back.

In approximately 4 more days I will be cooking 3 boxes of KD and replicating pic related.


How do you like your Macaroni and cheese? I've made a video which I will link to you right now where I go into how people make their different styles and tastes.


There's something so comforting about our Mac and Cheese. It calms you down when you're stressed, and Mac and Cheese will always be your first love since it was your first introduction to melted cheese.

Let's talk /ck/

>> No.7046925
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Get me some of that!

>> No.7046938
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>> No.7046963
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>> No.7046978

>replicating pic related.

It just looks fuckin stupid. Is the cube shape trying to be ironic or edgy or something? I mean leftover mac and cheese will be in the shape of what you stored it in when chilled; so what?

>There's something so comforting about our Mac and Cheese.
Hence the term "comfort" food.

>> No.7046987

Chill man, leave her alone.

>> No.7046998

You know, I assumed this place was mostly white, 20 something guys. Thought I was the only black lady here. Nice to meet you!

>> No.7047016

What the fuck do you have against steaming fresh outta the pot Mac and Cheese?

>> No.7047019

Never reproduce, please.

>> No.7047024

Just because you can't :)

>> No.7047029

So I usually do my Mac and Cheese with bacon like a lot of people but what I've been doing recently is when I'm frying up the bacon just before it's done I'll coat it in some BBQ sauce (usually Stubbs) and finish it off at a high heat so the sauce glazes the bacon.

Mix it in with the Mac and Cheese and it fucking great.

>> No.7047031

I'm a white male, of course I can't be a welfare queen spawning savages that beat up authority.

>> No.7047058

Will try that out next time, sounds good.

Thanks anon

>> No.7047098

Nice to meet you too Darling!

>> No.7047216

So what do you think about adding mustard to Mac and Cheese? I think it adds a "kick", some say it makes it more cheesier. Thoughts?

>> No.7047286

I've tried it a couple of times before.

I've noticed it gives the cheese a more sharper taste. I was pretty neutral to it but if you enjoy it more power to you!

>> No.7047441
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I love you

You are strong

>> No.7047457


Fuck off back to /tv/ nerd, I'm trying to discuss mac n cheese with a black lady

>> No.7047588
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>> No.7047684
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What in the actual fuck OP?

Honestly do you have severe autism?

>> No.7047702 [DELETED] 

There is nothing more degenerate to taste, liberty, and justice than the black female. Take you fucking Mac and "Cheese" and fuck off from /ck/.

>> No.7047777
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>> No.7048560

There was some interest in the topic in another thread, seeing as M&C is very much enjoyed by anyone. I don't know anyone who doesnt like it actually.

>> No.7048568
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>unironically liking orange glowing powdered "cheese"

Just the thought is so plebeian that it hurts. Get your shit together, America.

>> No.7048581


Not Kraft shit, anon.

Real Mac and Cheese is awesome.

>> No.7048609

This is blowing my mind, it's weird as fuck to me that mothers in their 30's post in /ck/ and even make generals. Weird.

>> No.7049266

m8, the OP called it KD. this is a canadian bread

>> No.7049310

>blue box, spongebob shapes of course
>pour Frank's all over it
>enjoy 5.5 oz of heaven

>> No.7049363

>not america

>> No.7049704

>spongebob shapes of course
I prefer Star Wars shaped. It's scientifically proven they taste far better than any other shape

>> No.7050381

Starwars is incredibly pleb. Then again so is this whole thread. The fuck is wrong with yall?

>> No.7050404

I just made two boxes of Mac and cheese then threw a can of hormel chili in it. White trash as hell but it's alright.

>> No.7050414

I boil my mac, then mix the cheese powder with bacon fat (about a tablespoon, melted) and add little bits of milk til its the way i like it.
Probably really bad, but I only have it once or twice a year.

>> No.7050426
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My man

>> No.7050429
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>> No.7050442
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>> No.7050447

Anybody have the Franky one?

>> No.7050481
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>black people on /ck/

>> No.7051105

Man, I'm going to have some kraft dinner for lunch today, thanks for the inspiration OP. And your video was lovely.

>> No.7051135
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>white people eating black people food

Imagine a nation of keks.

>> No.7051146
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>black ladies on /ck/

I love this board more every day

>> No.7051714
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>black women on 4chan

Lmao, kek my shit up desu baka senpai

>> No.7051725

Gots to know how to cook up that walla melon

>> No.7051742

No way OP is the woman in the video.

>> No.7052079

But she is

>> No.7052084
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Are you posting from the public library?

mind your 60 minute sessions please

>> No.7052108
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>> No.7052130

if it was only white people here there would only be casserole recipes.

>> No.7052147
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>> No.7052167

Bla/ck/ Mama where you at

>> No.7052198
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>> No.7052246

Dude, most mothers I know can cook some good shit. Personally I would rather hear from them more than some 20 something talking out of their ass.

>> No.7052256
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>mfw no mac and cheese

>> No.7052295
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>> No.7052379

There is nothing to suggest that besides OP saying so.

>> No.7052393
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>> No.7052667

She's been on /ck before

>> No.7052922

>calls starwars pleb
>is pleb

>> No.7053039
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>> No.7054980

Why does this image hypnotize me?

>> No.7056322
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>> No.7056350


>why does this image hypnotize me

Because you're OP and just wanted to bump your thread?

Seriously, just look at your dumb mac and cheese brick picture on your own computer instead of posting it here every day if you're so in love with it.

>> No.7056355
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>> No.7056359

Is this what Muslims worship?

>> No.7056365


They tend to worship putrid shit like OP's block of processed cheese

>> No.7056372
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Rowing through Flavortown River

>> No.7056488
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>> No.7056506
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>> No.7056519 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7056681

Fuck your KD OP

>> No.7056900

Why have I never seen maceroni in a store bf4?

>> No.7057053

Boy you really drove your point home.

>> No.7059038

I don't believe a word of any of this.

>> No.7059042

>Kraft Dinner

Canadian scum.

>> No.7059071

nobody can open their mouth like that except the predator

>> No.7059364
File: 522 KB, 429x566, 1993 was the last year a canadian team won the cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Joc

>> No.7059368

I cant tell if the fried chicken and taco bells are from niggers or neckbeards