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7043423 No.7043423 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make the ultimate PBJ?

>> No.7043434

Croutons, crunchy Jiff brand peanut butter, crushed grapes with sugar

>> No.7043435

peanut butter

>> No.7043439

Peanut Butter

Slightly more peanut butter than jelly

A few banana slices too

>> No.7043448


Home made bread.
Sliced grapes.
Home made peanut butter.

Fuck all that sugar filled processed garbage.

>> No.7043449


Jelly goes on the top piece, dumb-dumb.

>> No.7043451
File: 45 KB, 240x320, costco bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tastes best on costco 100% whole wheat bread imo.

the bread is really soft and fluffy, but still has hardy substance.

>> No.7043458

Just flip it over when you're done making it. No need to make things overly complicated here.

>> No.7043461


Kirkland™, the brand America trusts.

>> No.7043466

I love to add a little Knorr® Homestyle Stock™ as well

Why add it you ask?

It's really good

>> No.7043468

fuck off marco

>> No.7043474


obv, senpai

>> No.7043485


>> No.7043497

Pear, brie and jambon (cuit/de Paris) on a baguette.

>> No.7043512

personally I just like some fresh wonder bread toasted and I do a double decker kind of thing with 3 slices
always been my go-to quick idnight snack

>> No.7043525

Holy hell they are fucking retarded. These are the same type of morons that put a bunch of shit on their grilled cheese.

Who the hell would eat a pb, orange marmalade, curry powder, sriracha, and basil sandwich?

>> No.7043529

>not putting peanut butter on both pieces of bread and spreading the jelly.

>> No.7043534


i've had peanut butter and marmalade sandwiches.

i used the marmalade 'cause i was out of jam.

the first few sandwiches tasted weird, like the flavors clashed. but i eventually started liking the combo, and now prefer it.

>> No.7043580

Friend, I don't think the problem with that was the marmalade...

>> No.7043594

Smooth peanut butter
Apple butter
Good sandwich bread, optionally lightly toasted

>> No.7043608
File: 13 KB, 285x214, JUST CUCK MY SHIT UP FAM SMH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043640

Cheapest white bread. Greasy peanut butter. 95% HFCS jelly.

Only half kidding.

>> No.7043654

Wonder-esque bread
Strawberry preserves
Creamy PB

>> No.7043938

Habanero peach jelly

>> No.7043989

Crunchy peanut butter for that satisfying crunch
Any jam or jelly besides Grape (I prefer Apple or Strawberry)
Any bread besides regular ass sandwich bread (Wonderbread, Old Fashioned, you know what I mean)

>> No.7044074

Peanut butter on the insides of both pieces of bread. Putting jelly directly onto bread is disgusting. Also, use creamy PB. If I wanted to eat peanuts I'd eat peanuts. Same thing with pulpy orange juice, I'm not drinking a fucking juice to eat you fucking dickheads,

>> No.7044105


No pulp OJ is an abomination.

>> No.7044132
File: 120 KB, 791x1024, fold-over-buns-pb-j-791x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Chinese fold-over buns.

>> No.7044144

You're an abomination. Go eat an orange faggot, I'll be over drinking juice, the thing that should be a liquid.

>> No.7045645

Fucking Ben's bread (before they changed their recipie), kraft peanut butter on both sides, and sweet sweet homade freezer jam.
Bonus points for bread fresh out the bag or staler stuff very lightly toasted.
I could eat about 6 of these bad boys with a nice cold glass of milk while stoned.

>> No.7045646

Muh dick.

>> No.7045688

Wheat bread, crunchy peanut butter, grape jelly. No more, no less.

>> No.7045700

potato chips
peanut butter

>> No.7047630
File: 87 KB, 600x554, pbj goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything else is shit tier

>> No.7047657

Muh nigga

>> No.7047664


>> No.7048081


>> No.7048572

By using honey instead of jelly.

>> No.7048643

it's called peanut butter and jelly
because those are the two things inside the bread

>> No.7048847

Recently I tried the thing where you put peanut butter on both slices of bread, then jam/jelly in the middle.

When I first heard of people doing that, I thought they were savages. I was pleasantly mistaken. Best PB&J I've had in a while.

>> No.7048932 [DELETED] 

You have to start by getting a cucumber and coating it with olive oil and then pressing it deep into your ass.

>> No.7049023

>barely any peanut butter and a soup of jelly
>every time

>> No.7050015
File: 3.05 MB, 633x348, pbj master class.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>these are the skills of someone who's devoted their life to taking shit out of jars and spreading it onto bread

>> No.7050019

As a rule of thumb, most sandwiches are better hot. Try grilling or toasting it.

>> No.7050058

>skippy and smuckers
>cup of milk to drink

>grilled sourdough
>homemade peanut butter and jelly
>sliced pickle
>slice of cheddar cheese
>hot sauce
>can of beer to drink

>> No.7050065
File: 58 KB, 640x512, Desire to know more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell are you on about with B senpai?

>> No.7050073


Sandwiches are almost the definition of the perfect cold food.

I think people who prefer hot sandwiches just don't really like sandwiches.

>> No.7050078

sure thing senpai

>> No.7050348

>How do you make the ultimate PBJ?

Step 1: don't use white bread

>> No.7050372

aaaaaand you've already failed. PBJ should not be on your crusty over 9000 grain hippy horseshit

>> No.7050423


1. strawberry
2. apple
3. blackberry
4 pineapple
5. apricot
6. grape
7. cherry
8. nothing, just peanut butter
9. blueberry

9001. anything with seeds

>> No.7050460


Seeded rye is best for pb&j.

>> No.7050850

Full circle apple slices as bread
Crunchy PB, natty if possible
dried bluberries and fruit

>> No.7051297

I prefer the snickers type.

Its actually a "PBBC" peanutbutter, banana, small amount of chocolate cream.

I always feel so guilty after eating one of these..

>> No.7051302

>How do you make the ultimate PBJ?
I guess it helps if you're 7 years old.

>> No.7051304

Wow, what an original joke!

>> No.7051409

>dat sexy voice

i want to fuck her

>> No.7051418

Prepare to jizz in your pants


>> No.7051419
File: 173 KB, 940x500, cleoquesadilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the PB&J quesadilla the total culmination of mankind's cooking abilities/

>> No.7052305


>> No.7053170

>Intrigued but not considering this skillful for a PB&J
>Grill it


>> No.7053184
File: 509 KB, 200x600, 1445304491598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the fucking sriracha

Is this what death feels like?

>> No.7053187

>Not Gross.

Yeah, no.

Why the fuck does she make those fucking hippy dippy "tortillas" anyway? Corn tortillas are already fucking vegan, they're just masa harina and water.

I don't understand why she would go out of her way to make those horrendous tortilla abominations instead of just using plain corn tortillas.

The vegan filling, yeah, I get that, but it just seems like she created a whole lot of extra work and wasted a lot of unnecessary time baking them.

>> No.7054126

Stop overthinking this. Just watch it because she's great

>> No.7054205

id do her all wrong if u kno what i mean ;)

>> No.7054215

>Remember -the whole point of peanut butter and jelly- being 'hey I made something tasty on a budget'? Yeah, we're just gonna fuck that shit up. :D

Now I'm just gonna imagine Jason popping out at the end and murdering her with a twelve dollar jar of hipster peanut butter.

>> No.7054217

it doesnt even look greasy at all

>> No.7054223

she's trying to get on food network you misogynistic freak.

>> No.7055669

>Ruining your peanut butter with fucking jelly

Children confirmed

>> No.7055679

This guy has been living his life the right way.

>> No.7055692

a ration of 2 to 1 works for me
2 being the jelly of what ever type and 1 the pb and im VERY picky of my pb
the chunkier the better

>> No.7055732

Their soap is fucking shit. That crap doesn't lather at all it just clumps up and feels all awkward.

>> No.7055733

it does kinda tastelike it tho, it just doesnt look like it becuase mass produced peanut butters use chemical emulsifiers to prevent this

>> No.7055739

I fail to see any part of my post that was misogynistic as you claim.

I was simply pointing out how retarded it is to waste all that time making those weirdo hippy tortillas when regular corn tortillas are already vegan.

The person in the video not having a penis has nothing to do with my argument. Stop fabricating a straw man argument for no reason other than giving yourself a smug sense of superiority..