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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 490x490, lobstermac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7033745 No.7033745 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends!

Tonight I saw this picture of a sandwich and decided it looked good. I am currently in the process of making this and will post pictures of the procedure in this thread.

>> No.7033749

Why would you waste lobster meat like this?

Just eat a goddamn lobster roll, holy fuck

>> No.7033753
File: 3.34 MB, 3264x2448, 20151101_195136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ingredients, mostly. Lobster is expensive and I'm out of macaroni

>> No.7033757
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, 20151101_195223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boil dat pasta

>> No.7033760

Doesn't look all that unusual to me. I've been to plenty of places that offer lobster pasta, usually in a cream sauce. All this did was shove it between two pieces of toast. Which, again, some manner of breadstick is usually added to the pasta dish.

>> No.7033761

Make a fucking bechamel sauce (white sauce) and add your lobster to that instead with relevant herbs/spice

>> No.7033762
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We're off to a promising start. Please, go on.

>> No.7033765

Jesus. This is going to be bad

>> No.7033769
File: 2.49 MB, 3264x2448, 1446425931649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drain tuna, add to pan to heat up

>> No.7033779

tuna spagett

>> No.7033780
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Cut cheese. Add to tuna

>> No.7033789
File: 2.82 MB, 3264x2448, 1446426425044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add spaghetti. Attempt to toast bread

>> No.7033791

the fuck is a macaroni product? isn't it closer to being a pasta product? do americans really believe macaroni as a genus?

>> No.7033794

Why did you punch a hole in your bread OP?

>> No.7033803

As an american I wonder this too

>> No.7033804
File: 2.56 MB, 3264x2448, 1446426699905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plate. Remember to buy a toaster someday.

>> No.7033807

Should have kept it on the pan longer you faggot

>> No.7033808

You coudlnt even be assed to make a proper sauce?

>> No.7033813

>That hairy plate

This is fucking disgusting. You are a pig.

>> No.7033816
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x2448, 1446426902774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There exist worse things.

What did you have for dinner /ck/?

>> No.7033817

Someone post the fucking steak video of the guy trying to cook it with a Fucking cigarettes lighter

>> No.7033818

Is it really that bad if it's my own hair?

>> No.7033819

Looks just like the pic in the OP. Good job!

>> No.7033820
File: 50 KB, 620x463, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you get a separate pan for toasting? Your bread didn't even get any heat.

Use a separate pan to make a cheese sauce.

You could have made this at least somewhat decent.

>> No.7033825


holy fucking shit you must be smoking some heavy doobies dude

>> No.7033826

I don't even know how to make a cheese sauce senpai.

>> No.7033830

Nice hair garnish on the plate

>> No.7033832

for real, if he didn't just put spaghetti in between two fucking pieces of bread i wouldn't be so grossed out. why couldn't you just have the bread on the side?? rubbed a bit of garlic and olive oil on that bitch and had you a decent meal that a normal human being would eat, not some fucking prison food thing

>> No.7033839

How fucking high does one need to be to see that and think it looks appetizing?

>> No.7033840


is...is that a mouse poop?

>> No.7033844

no its a bag of onions

>> No.7033851

Are you going to transmute the tuna back into turkey?

>> No.7033852

1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp flour
1cup flour

melt butter, add flour, whisk, add flour, whisk until thick, add cheese


>> No.7033857

why do you have mouse poop on the plate op?

>> No.7033859

ITT: OP fails at life

>> No.7033867

maybe its a black grain of rice

>> No.7033875
File: 2.48 MB, 200x150, 1445649262664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn that's fucking disgusting.

>> No.7033884

flavor :^)

>> No.7033887

>pre sliced white bread
>peanut butter jar on stove for some reason???
>can't tell if seasoned with pepper or just teflon flakes from the pan
>plate covered in stains from previous "meals", pubes and mouse turds

10/10 OP

By the way, what mental illnesses do you have?

>> No.7033894

At least it wasn't sliced cheese..

>> No.7033904

Holy shit he cut the cheese with a pizza slicer! Honestly wtf op.

>> No.7033909


Probably a neet, socially retarded, maybe a bit of alcoholism and depression in there. It's just a guess.

>> No.7033914

Well tuna and lobster are both from the sea I guess..

But that aside they couldn't have more polar opposite flavor profiles.

Why am I even responding.

>> No.7033917

Hey masao

>> No.7033922

I'm 3 out of 4 of these things and I can fucking cook. What's OP's excuse?

>> No.7033925

If you have to ask that then now everything makes a lot more sense.

>> No.7033928

Every once in a while I dip into /ck/ to see what awesome things are being made and then I come in and see this.

>> No.7033953
File: 99 KB, 858x622, 1444509013665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job OP!

>> No.7033998

Lived in NY over the summer and this really pissed me off.

>> No.7034060
File: 8 KB, 83x97, worried cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God OP's only pretending to be a sick, disgusting slob who can't cook.


>> No.7034061

good thread OP I like your sandwich. Honestly would totally eat. Without the pubic hairs and mouse poop tho.

>> No.7034105

is that peanut butter? for some reason, the first thing i thought of was that cookie spread stuff. still not sure why it's on the stove, though...

>> No.7034276
File: 76 KB, 1636x1582, me löök.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that mouse turd

>> No.7034280

It is definitely peanut butter. Knowing OP, great value brand,even.

>> No.7034286

10/10 OP congratz

>> No.7034306

Is that a pencil at the very back of the counter?

>> No.7034477

i keep coming back to this

i love you op

keep keepin it real

>> No.7034682

It takes practice but it's so worth learning. You can implement the skill into other stuff really easy.

>> No.7034684

well, we know what we will be seeing in the next food gore/cringy/wifey threads.

>> No.7034790

OP, for the future, imitation lobster exists and it's very inexpensive. Buy yesterday's bread rolls and you're already ahead of what went down today.

Also, wash your plates.

>> No.7035005

uh......1 cup milk/cream maybe? Instead of 1 cup flour?

>> No.7035037
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>> No.7035100
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, 1446461108546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7035126

these threads make /ck/ one of the best boards
you are a hero op

>> No.7035143

Blue circle: Doritos crumb from previous meal?

>> No.7035425

Goddamn OP I want to come to your house and clean everything.
You appear to be a huge slob.

>> No.7035440

how is anyone not mentioning this right away? It isnt him cause the counter tops are different, but hes like a copy cat with the tuna.

>> No.7035457



>> No.7037443

teach me your ways OP

>> No.7037506

So how would somebody go about making OP's pic? It looks really tasty. What kind of sauce y'all think it is? Looks like mayo to me.

>> No.7037549

I'm fucking dying over here

>> No.7037567

Pretty sure it is all cheese

>> No.7037597

this is a completely bastardized version of what you just said
which typically ends in failure

>> No.7037600

Welcome, newfriend.


Also this thread is amazin' I love it

>> No.7037610

this guy's manner of speech matches his home's decor

>> No.7037681

I don't blame you.

>> No.7038061
File: 967 KB, 245x245, tumblr_mzaabzkFb21smcbm7o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dishes in the tub
>oven parts in the tub
>rinses them off with water
>that coagulated nasty butter or cheese or what the fuck
>babbling nonsense
Why does this exist
I just got the sudden urge to clean the fuck out of my entire house and shit

Oh god
These people are real

>> No.7038066

looks like it

>> No.7038183

OP, you emptied out the contents of your trashcan on to your countertop for these pictures, right?
It doesn't really look like that all the time, right?

>> No.7038216
File: 891 KB, 325x252, 1413918397067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grilled lobster mac and cheese
>Doesn't have lobster or macaroni

>> No.7038632 [DELETED] 

>mouse turd
fuck, you're right, this is so fucked up, how can some people be so disgusting, OP are you south korean? those subhumans eat from garbage and throw trash on things people eat from

>> No.7038743

Dude I fucking miss masao so much.

>> No.7038757
File: 9 KB, 224x225, 10954476_1533932696894864_1140814472953448686_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is fucking gold

>> No.7038774

This triggers me desu. Im not a food snob and I eat shit quite often, but why the fuck do people name something they cooked after something it just isn't? Like that one spic girl on YouTube who made "carbonara" by putting chicken soup and sausage in pasta, or Jack's Lazy Man's Lasagne which is literally a pasta bake with penne. Has he never heard of a pasta bake?

I'd eat the shit out of both of those terrible meals but I wouldn't make cheese on toast and unironically call it pizza.

>> No.7038830

>Implying that sandwich doesn't contain more irony than cheese

>> No.7038844

>fries in the toilet


>> No.7039088

Despite the everything in the video the one thing that fucking got me was the toilet fries. He's a fucking hoarder. Why in the fuck would he put fries in the pot, think "Oh boy howdy dilly dee I got too many fries" and then instead of putting some back into the bag he starts throwing them into the toilet to flush.

>> No.7040820


>not storing your excess fries in the toilet.

>> No.7040859

A cup and a tbsp of flour?

>> No.7041215

I expected kraft dinner and some frozen lobster on toast.
What OP made is truly original in its failure.


>> No.7041429

These threads are the reason why I come to /ck/

>> No.7041657

The doctor even said "highly functioning"

>> No.7041748

De-shell lobster after steamed, then add meat to frying pan with butter, and fry it in low temperature, whilst adding a tiny bit of vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar into the mix. Then add cream into the mix and let simmer.
If you do it right, the cream wont curdle but will thicken perfectly.

Simultaneously, make your mac&cheese

Then combine the two..

-Nova Scotian here; I live in a lobster fishing community

>> No.7041778

Nigger, macaroni is literally just any pasta without eggs.

>> No.7041790


It looks like a pube senpai

>> No.7043208

It looks like a bastardized po boy

>> No.7043221

>lives in NS
>steams his lobster

you boil that shit in salted water

-New Brunswicker here. P.S. your lobster a shit

>> No.7043418

Well a bit of water goes into it, not much; boiling it full of water makes it rubbery. And yes, I forgot salt; that's crucial.

Btw, most Canadian lobster comes out, not just from our province, but out of our wharves and lobster pounds. I worked in construction and out on the sea catching the little devils; I've built tanks to hold em, large tanks that holds up to 1 million pounds. Ive worked with experienced lobster fishermen catching them, hauling trawls, boarding them, filling bait, and running em aft. I know restaurant owners locally who take pride in their businesses, and I talk with people who share local recipes that we've grown into and enhanced ever since the mayflower brought us to the new world.

>> No.7044697

holy fucking shit this thread
>rat shit
>hairs and other shit on plate
>substituting literally everything but the bread

i was laughing non stop at the rat poo and literally lost my shit when I realized he cut the cheese with a pizza cutter. this is seriously the hardest I've laughed at something on /ck/ and possibly 4chan completely

OP you are one sick puppy

11/10 someone screen cap this shit my god this is fucking top tire shit

>> No.7046543

Cutting pizza cutter with one cheese block when not so much difficult is actually not that hard, bro.

>> No.7046551

Which three?