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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 499x332, 51y-2yzOgqL._SY330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7029435 No.7029435 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to try authentic American breakfast some time. Pic related.

>> No.7029446


Replace the donut with croissant and you've got yourself a Parisienne breakfast OP.

>> No.7029481

Don't you watch films? That's the American COP breakfast...not all Americans are cops. The American civillian breakfast is fried sunny side up eggs, two pieces of bacon, and toast. Or alternatively a stack of pancakes but this is more a rare treat

>> No.7029490

maybe if you are in the backwaters of the deep south. Who the fuck smokes in 2015?

>> No.7029529


Most police don't smoke.

>> No.7029534

I suppose the cigarette's there to suppress your appetite since you're only eating one doughnut?

>> No.7029560

What trash and hipsters

>> No.7029587
File: 1.10 MB, 1077x1551, 18553338755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Smoking weed is different though right?

>> No.7029648

Yes. Every demographic smokes weed to some extent. I only meant cigarettes

>> No.7029682

>Who the fuck smokes in 2015?

Non hippies.


Then they aren't real cops, probably suburban patrollers. Real city cops smoke because they're hard boiled and the job is rough.

>> No.7029686

>Non hippies.
surely hippies smoke more than non-hippies. Hippies are dirty terrible people. When have you ever seen a normie non poor white person actually smoke in modern times?

>> No.7029690


Everyone smokes weed huh?

Nice to see your common core education at work, winner.


>> No.7029694


Nearly every celebrity I can think of smokes.

>> No.7029699

I really do think rich uneducated celebrities count as normies, and why do you even know which celebrities smoke? What a ridiculous piece of knowledge to maintain

>> No.7029703

Sub chocolate for coffee, churro for donut and a fat blunt for the cigarette. It's tex-mex.

>> No.7029707


Pictures of them smoking everywhere, smoking in movies...

>> No.7029712

Almost everyone I know under 40 smokes a few times a year. Unless you work in a job with drug testing it's no big deal and usually more socially acceptable than the binge drinking that takes place in drug-free environments.

>> No.7029723


>muh weed is healthier argument

Back2/b/ with your nig-tier rationalizing.

Breathing in any type of smoke is bad for you. Alcohol consumption staves off Alzheimers, limited benefits just like smoking weed.

>> No.7029739

>Pictures of them smoking everywhere,
Why are you seeking out candid pictures of celebrities living their life dude?

Also, movies are fake, celebrities smoking in the suggests nothing about whether they actually smoke, smoking in a movie set post 1985 is mostly just used to show the character is a scumbag

>> No.7029744
File: 108 KB, 800x941, drinkers-binge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and usually more socially acceptable than the binge drinking
lol, you obviously live in the south

>> No.7029746

If I eat a donut and drink coffee in the morning for breakfast I get a stomach ache followed by the shits.

>> No.7029791

>putting words in my mouth: the post
NYC. Binge drinking is an intentional loss of control which is undignified, and you feel terrible the next day. It's something most people give up by their mid 20s.

Smoking weed means, at worst, a scratchy throat the next day or feeling a little fuzzy.

I'm not a fan myself. THC doesn't sit well with me. I'm just describing social mores, don't get mad at facts.

>> No.7029800

>. It's something most people give up by their mid 20s.
So is 4chan

Also most people stop smoking weed before they stop binge drinking occasionally

>> No.7029802

Not really. I know people in their 60s who smoke from time to time. I don't know anyone over 40 who binge drinks.

>> No.7029821

>Not really. I know people in their 60s who smoke from time to time. I don't know anyone over 40 who binge drinks.
That anecdote is beside the point. More people stop smoking pot after college than quit drinking. Maybe amongst old people a slightly higher percentage smoke as you suggest, but that seems highly unlikely. More to the point, certainly a higher percentage of people no longer smoke 5-10 years after college than no longer binge drink (though obviously few binge drink as frequently).

I assume it being illegal, and buying drugs illegally is a pretty sketchy thing to do once you are in the real world with a job is a huge reason for this and it may change once it becomes legal, but thats just speculation

>> No.7029843

That's basically what I said before. If you live in a factory town or I guess the military (not sure if they test), you'll view it as a dangerously rebellious thing for college only. Likewise if you're black since black people are treated differently. Hence why binge drinking is seen as more acceptable. Strangely killing someone in a drunken crash is more socially responsible than getting caught with a joint.

I live in an urban, white collar educated world. Few people I know worry about marijuana testing. It's just not that edgy of a thing to do. Puking on a subway platform, on the other hand... We've all done it in our youth, no one wants to live like that again.

I'm not saying everyone I know is getting high every Friday night but it's just not scandalous.

>> No.7029850


100% of the corporate world I've worked in checked my blood and my credit score prior to offering me employment.

The only world that doesn't matter is entrepreneurship...and you're not a business owner, you speak/type like a child.

>> No.7029867

I have no problem with smoking pot, but to say it is more common amongst educated white people than drinking is just ridiculous. Most people with real jobs give up smoking pot so long as it is illegal. If you are 25 or older and still know drug dealers, thats not normal

>> No.7029870

You mean for your job at the ford plant?

No one tests for drugs in non-unionized industries.

You speak like a 20something who still thinks he's smarter than and has more life experience than everyone.

>> No.7029875

Binge drinking and drinking are not the same.

I know in college that's how people act, because it's furtive and you're afraid the grownups will take it away if you don't finish it all now, but when you get older you'll see it's actually a terrible way to have fun.

>> No.7029877
File: 106 KB, 800x945, drinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how drinking strongly correlates with more cultured and educated northern area

>> No.7029885

>drinking is the same thing as binge drinking
Get a hold of yourself drunkie

>> No.7029886

Binge drinking is defined as 5 drinks for a guy, and 4 for a women. Just because you are not drinking 12 drinks in a night like you did in college does not mean you don't binge drink anymore. Binge drinking is incredibly common amongst people in their 20s

>> No.7029890

5 drinks in one night is ridiculous

I can't think of a time I've had more than three in one sitting in the last year

Are you drinking mgd light or some watery shit like that? Or do you just have no self control?

>> No.7029892
File: 105 KB, 800x950, drinkers-heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already posted the binge drinking one that showed the exact same trend, just adding more information

>> No.7029895

>5 drinks in one night is ridiculous
Do you live in MIssissippi? Jesus won't actually get mad at you if you drink, he literally turned his blood into wine or something, so hes ok with it

and no, I mostly drink beer in the 6-8% ABV range

>> No.7029898

>Or do you just have no self control?
What does that have to do with anything?

Why if you are out having a good time on a friday or saturday would you possibly want to stop at 3 drinks unless you live in the middle of nowhere and have to drive home? I live in a heavily populated urban neighborhood so I can walk and this is not an issue. It has nothing to do with control

>> No.7029899

Reread the thread, maps guy. I already told you where I live. Go pat yourself on the back for not being the south, must feel great to have a thing that's worse than you for times you're feeling bad.

>> No.7029904

Because when you're older getting up early is a pleasure and getting up late feels like a wasted day

>> No.7029914

>Because when you're older getting up early
Dude, 5 beers should not prevent you from being able to get up early, how fucking old are you?

>> No.7029917

I know where you said you live, but it sure doesn't sound like you live anywhere but a rural southern area

>> No.7029926

39. I'm not sure what your point is, when you get older your body recovers more slowly.
Your maps folder isn't a replacement for visiting places.

>> No.7029938
File: 942 KB, 1025x721, churches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are a 39 year old pot head who hasn't been drunk in over a year and lives in NYC and spends a whole lot of time on 4chan?

If you are worried about drinking because sleeping in is a waste of your day, how do you justify being on 4chan.

You make alcohol sounds like some ridiculous evil disruptive substance, ts just something that makes your night a little more fun. You seem to think getting drunk once in a while makes you a full blow alcoholic or something, which sounds like something straight out of evangelical/mormon philosophy

>> No.7029949

Ehh, that's not quite it. Donuts aren't nearly as popular as you would think. Very few people still smoke.

Here was my go to breakfast that facilitated living in hate:
Beef Jerky
Redbull with vodka
American Spirit Red Cigarette

On days off when I am in a good mood a couple eggs over easy with bacon and toast is perfect.

This is 100% correct.

All the older cops I know seem to have smoked and drank copious amounts. Cops in their 30's or younger usually don't.

The older I get the worse my tolerance is and the more I have to drink.

>> No.7029954

>39. I'm not sure what your point is,
My point is you are really out of touch

>> No.7029994
File: 25 KB, 403x403, 1386733242374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american breakfast is bacon and eggs. Usually with some hashbrowns

donuts are what cops and poor people who live next to a gas station eat for breakfast
t. american pro

>> No.7030002

Donuts are very common as a snack you bring to work in the morning to share. Very uncommon as a breakfast

>> No.7030009

>maybe if you are in the backwaters of the deep south. Who the fuck smokes in 2015?

>insulting the American South
>referring to the current year

Reddit pls go

>> No.7030011

hence why I said only cops and poor people who live next to a gas station eat it for breakfast

>> No.7030014
File: 28 KB, 506x338, American Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, here we go!
*****Official American Saturday Breakfast***
>start with coffee and newspaper while breakfast is cooking
>may also drink water or fresh, pulpy orange juice from a carafe
>plate comes
>huge plate with eggs, two bacon strips, two sausage links, a piece of ham, and hash browns.
>plate of toast with butter on toast and not yet spread (or on the side)
>free refills on beverages!
>End with a short stack of pancakes (or waffles) topped with a bit of whipped butter. >Warm syrup gets brought along too

Wa la!

>> No.7030015


fuck off you reddit cock sucking faggot

>> No.7030019

yeah, I was just expanding on what you said

>> No.7030020

>coffee on a weekend

>> No.7030038

that dish is called the "tom waits"

>> No.7030054


>> No.7030160
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, 1444236105676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*****Official American Saturday Breakfast***

>> No.7030248

In typical US fashion, the Classic American breakfast is more about having options, compared the the Full English or Irish which from my understanding is more of a set list, even if there's variation. After all, our ancestors didn't come to this country to get told what to do! Choose 3-5 options from the following list, and serve with milk, coffee, or orange juice:

>Eggs either scrambled, over easy. You always see sunny side up in the old TV shows, but I literally do not know a single person who has them this way nowadays. Omelets are popular too.
>Toast with butter or jam
>Pancakes or waffles with maple syrup or butter
>Hashbrowns or home fries
>Biscuits and sausage gravy, if southern

The classic combination is 1 meat, 1 egg dish, and 1 bread or potato dish, but again this about customization. Pick whatever sounds good.

>> No.7030370

No, as I said I don't really enjoy being high. I try it every few years in small amounts, but I just get paranoid and I hate the burning throat sensation.

I was explaining why, among adults in this day and age, getting shitfaced is less socially acceptable than using marijuana, and you went off and made a lot of wild assumptions.

And I don't live in the south, since you're going to ask that again. New York isn't the south.

>> No.7030395

2 eggs over medium, hashbrowns and bacon.. then mix all that shit up and put some ketchup on it. mmmm mmmm

>> No.7030397

>I was explaining why, among adults in this day and age, getting shitfaced is less socially acceptable than using marijuana
I just don't see this being true at all. Remember adult means anyone over 18, you see to be only counting middle aged people as adults.

Getting drunk occasionally is really only frowned upon when you have children and the responsibilities that come with them, if you are in your 20s without children (as most people here are), it is far more socially acceptable to get occasionally drunk than it is to smoke and buy pot (though both are fairly acceptable)

Maybe in your social circle, pot is cooler than beer, but I really don't think your personal experience is representative of any significant subsection of our adult population

>> No.7030438

You seem, again, to have three misconceptions about this conversation and reality in general:
1. That drinking at all means being shitfaced and falling down and getting arrested and starting bar fights
2. That drinking in moderation must be due to religious fundamentalism
3. That pot is somehow in competition with alcohol

The only reason I posted in this thread was because someone made a claim about marijuana that resembled something from one of those 50s movies that stoners watch for humor.

I said on the contrary, pot is no longer highly stigmatized other than in certain circles that don't represent the majority of Americans.

I don't use it, I consume alcohol on a near daily basis in moderation, and I'm not in the south.

Anything else you don't get?

>> No.7030450

>shitfaced and falling down and getting arrested and starting bar fight
Drinking fucking 5 beers should not cause any of that

If you have those problems with 5 beers, I agree that is not acceptable, and I don't see how you could think I was advocating such a thing
>That pot is somehow in competition with alcohol
You are the one who compared pot to binge drinking, and made the claim it was more socially acceptable. Its just ridiculous to assert that smoking pot is more socially acceptable than getting drunk, sure its more acceptable than being an alcoholic or drunk driving, but its most certainly not more acceptable than getting drunk.

>That drinking in moderation must be due to religious fundamentalism
People who vocally oppose drinking, and who do not drink much are overwhelmingly religious fanatics as is demonstrated by the fact that they almost always live in the south or in Utah

It seems the real problem is that your definition of binge drinking is much more extreme than th actual definition making your statements quite confusing.

>> No.7030464

Ok I can see you have a bee in your bonnet about religion. I guess it must be a reaction against living in an area where religious figures are a big part of the local communities.

It's ok, you can let it all out. I'd probably find it frustrating too.

>> No.7030467

>t living in an area where religious figures are a big part of the local communities.
What does this even mean? Do you think I live in Rome?

>> No.7030468

You didn't say. But I'm assuming you're still maps guy. Maps guy is obsessed over defending the honor of middle America. So I gather it's somewhere there.

>> No.7030481

What role do you think "religious figures" play in "middle america"?
I was just disparaging the south and now you say I am a perpetual defender of middle america? or do you just mean the north when you say middle america?

>> No.7030496

I mean middle America. Red states. The heartland. Flyover country. Big hair lady land. Jesusland. The land of corn and pork. Your intentional failure to understand what I mean aside, this is not a hard concept.

>> No.7030503

Do you seriously think the south and the midwest are the same place? Do you not travel?

also answer the question about what you mean about religious figures prominence in the midwest

>> No.7030507


Pretty much guaranteed he is from casserole country, Minnesota or Wisconsin probably.

Honestly sad he has actually spent time collecting his "At least we aren't the south!!!" folder. What would compel someone to post all that is beyond me. I guess the mundane nature of life eating miracle whip and """"real""" wisconsin cheese at every meal.

>> No.7030519

Well yeah, defending alcohol consumption and disparaging region clearly suggest being from the far north, either New England, the Upper Midwest, or the Northwest

>> No.7030528

Me. I'm a degenerate.

>> No.7030553


That's not really true, there are people who enjoy drinking, whether a little or too much, in every part of the United States. The religion thing is absolutely false, there is some guy in Florida that likes to get in the news buy burning korans, and there are annoying "militant atheist' types of people on almost every college campus in the country etc.

I'm sure being prejudiced is fun, hope it works out for you, but things really aren't that simple.

>> No.7030561

Obviously no community is homogeneous, I am clearly talking about the typical residents of an area

>> No.7030575
File: 221 KB, 555x352, Dry Counties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and there are annoying "militant atheist'
Also, what a ridiculous way to describe me. Do you think mildly making fun of Westboro baptist type southerners makes me militant? I am mostly just apathetic to religion, only getting upset when we let religion dictate our laws. Luckily no dry areas exist anywhere near me, but it fucking blows my mind that people allow them to exist anywhere in america

>> No.7030576

>It's something most people give up by their mid 20s.
Most people stop binge drinking at 19.
19 at the latest.

>> No.7030581

Where do people go when they get too old for 4chan?

>> No.7030586

Did you not go to college?

Surely a vast majority of 19-22 year old college kids binge drink at least once a month.

Recall 'binge drink', doesn't just mean people who drink more than you, you only have to have 5 drinks in a day once in whatever time frame you are looking at (4 if you are a women) to be considered a binge drinker

>> No.7030592

Oh, I thought binge drinking meant getting drunk every week.

>> No.7030594

There's no such thing as too old for 4chan.

Most people tend to switch from /b/ to other boards that suit their interests as they get older and the appeal of trolling kids games and forums, gore threads and being "LOLANONYMOOSE WE R LEJUN!!!1!one!!" gets stale.

>> No.7030602
File: 59 KB, 331x319, 1386313235812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buttmad southie cletus marquez jaquon detected
>mfw half of the south is full of niggers and beaners

>> No.7030607

Go to England, I swear they get completely smashed every night of the week.
I spent a month there on a student exchange and it was pretty much 30 days of drunkeness and hangovers.
Good times.

>> No.7030627

>Westboro baptist type southerners

Pretty sure that church was basically created by a lawyer hoping to cash in on the backlash.

You are not going to find many southerners protesting soldiers funerals, "westboro baptist types" are basically non existent anywhere in the country.

I also never referred to you specifically as a militant atheist, just that the thought if someone was disparaging religion they must be from a certain region is ridiculous because there are "atheist clubs' often name things like "free thinking alliance" or whatever at universities in parts of the country you were suggesting they wouldn't exist.

Don't really understand the dry areas either, haven't really been anywhere that you couldn't find booze so not sure how that even works.

>> No.7030632

I am from England.

I think the reason everyone stopped binging at 19 is because they had been doing it since they were 14.

>> No.7030641

The mainline baptist church is pretty fucking crazy by northern Lutheran/Catholic standards, sure not quite Westboro tier, but close enough

>> No.7030644

I'm a waffle guy, but the rest of your post makes me feel so /comfy/

>> No.7030661

>too old for 4chan

Remember: You're here forever.

>> No.7030665

The guy that introduced me to 4chan (over 6 years ago) is still a /b/tard.
I got tired with that shit in about 3 months.

I go there sometimes. Its still the same threads, same pictures, same topics and the same people saying it was better years ago.
It was exactly the fucking same.
In fact its better now because its not spammed up to fuck since captcha was introduced.

/ck/ is better than it was back then.
This board has more traffic, and the culture has developed a lot.
We even have our own memes now!

>> No.7030670

kids are fags these days.
I never see anyone in the pubs anymore.

No idea what they're doing, but its not getting shitfaced.

>> No.7030700

>Its still the same threads, same pictures, same topics and the same people saying it was better years ago.
>It was exactly the fucking same.

This is true for pretty much every board though.

I never understood why so many people on 4chan like to have the same discussion and post the same pictures every day for months at a time.

>> No.7030748

Playing video games all day.

>> No.7030761

> I am mostly just apathetic to religion
If apathetic is going ballistic and raving about "overwhelmingly religious fanatics" when someone says they don't like to get too drunk, what is a militant atheist to you? Do they have to literally bear arms against religious people in order to be considered ideologically pure enough?

>> No.7030872

>is going ballistic
Yeah, thats exactly what I did

The vast majority of alcohol abstainers in this country are religious fanatics
>hat is a militant atheist to you
It takes a little more than making a mildly disparaging comment anonymously on the internet

I would say even stronger words about the fact that these people are against teaching evolution in schools, I still don't think that makes me militant. But I will reiterate, if you believe that humans should not consume alcohol or that evolution is not a thing because of some crazy interpretation of scripture, you are a fanatic

>> No.7030969

But hardly anyone says stuff like that.

Blue laws that were written in 100+years ago only remain on the books because some business owners are afraid the business landscape will change to their detriment if the laws are repealed.

It hasn't had anything to do with Jesus in your lifetime or your parent's lifetime.

>> No.7030975

That seems like an outlandish claim

A significant portion of the south is still dry, and you are going to say its all just because they haven't quite gotten around to changing it yet, as if that wouldn't be a huge issue if people were more culturally advanced

But in my previous post I was only talking about people who choose to abstain as individuals, not necessarily those living in a dry county (though obviously there is some correlation here as these places would not remain dry if a majority of the voters thought drinking was socially acceptable

>> No.7030983

It seems outlandish to you because you are a militant atheist who sees everything through the lens of "the epic war between science and the invisible sky fairy"


If you are in the least bit politically conscious you will have heard at least something about the supposed economic side of this issue. Whether you agree with it is another matter, but if you think it's outlandish, you are living under a rock.

>> No.7030987

I was talking about dry counties (as I clearly stated in my post)

If I knew you were specifically referring to not selling alcohol on sunday in a few northern states I would have agreed with you, people in fucking Minnesota obviously are not that religious and don't support this stuff anymore

>> No.7030988
File: 118 KB, 640x480, Champane's Wine Cellar Warren Michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These infographic maps are such shit.

Why is Michigan colored yellow (semi-dry?) while Minnesota (blue, no or fewer restrictions?) has stricter alcohol laws then Michigan?


>> No.7030991

No, you were talking about people who don't like to get raging drunk and said they must be religious fundamentalists.

Now that the argument hasn't worked out in your favor, you're trying to narrow the scope after the fact.

>> No.7030993

>the supposed economic side of this issue.
That liquor store owners in the majority of the state are cool with the law because they don't need to be open so long as none of their competitors are open so these laws don't really harm them because without the laws they would need to add staff to compete with the grocery/gas stations that are open regardless? Meanwhile the minority near the Wisconsin border are all fucked as people who live near there can easily travel to open establishments?

>> No.7030995

>These infographic maps are such shit
it came straight from wikipedia's page on dry counties

Yellow is a really broad category, just focus on the red counties, where alcohol is not sold, which is actually still a thing in 2015

>> No.7030998

Note, raging drunk is way above and beyond what we were talking about

I said most people who abstain from alcohol are religious fanatics (a sizable minority have legitimate health concerns of course)

Minnesota's apathy to their sunday blue law is entirely unrelated to anything I was talking about it, but I discussed it as you seemed interested

There are very few people who are opposed to drinking for cultural reasons and not religious fanatics

>> No.7031002

You keep making it out to be a Dawkins war. Like unless you slug a fifth of Jack every night, sharia law wins.

Has it ever occurred to you that some people just don't like hangovers? As in physically find the sensation unpleasant, as opposed to reading about it in Sunday school and the reverend said it's the devil?

>> No.7031012

Sure there are a small percentage of people who abstain from alcohol because they don't like it, but please note how I specifically said people who abstain for cultural reasons. I said this specifically to exclude those abstaining for health related issues. I can't really relate as I don't really ever drink enough to get hungover, but apparently some people get hungover much more easily than myself

Also, the people who just don't like drinking are a very small portion of alcohol abstainers

You are really going out of your way to exaggerate everything I say

>> No.7031042

Honestly the only people who still smoke cigarettes in 2015 are flyovers and rednecks. Trashy as fuck. Leave your garbage dumpster of a town once in your life and you might understand this.

>> No.7031048

>Honestly the only people who still smoke cigarettes in 2015 are flyovers
The fuck? Midwesterns probably smoke the least

>> No.7031049

What about the rest of flyover?

>> No.7031057

well you had them covered with rednecks

>> No.7031086

>Hell we only smoke 2 packs a day I reckon!

>> No.7031096

Do you think Midwesterns talk like old timey prospectors?

>> No.7031114

I know they do you inbred fuck, I lived there for the first 19 years of my life until I got the fuck out of flyoverland and dumpster town.

>> No.7031119

wound have been better off going with a "doncha know" than "i reckon" if you wanted to sound midwestern

>> No.7031131

No better breakfast than biscuits and gravy with hash browns and a fried egg or two.

>> No.7031140

I've only heard donchaknow in Minnesota

>> No.7031148

and where have you heard any midwesterner say "i reckon"

>> No.7031160

I don't know. Maybe in Arkansas? I'm not the guy you're booty blasted over, ask him

>> No.7031166

Mine would be a cup if hot green tea w/honey, a fruit turnover or a couple slices of fruit or nut kringle, and a bowl of weedies.

>> No.7031172
File: 111 KB, 800x600, breakfast2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I love biscuits and gravy, I'm gonna have to go with this. Although I usually fry the egg overeasy, and brown the corned beef hash a little more.

>> No.7031175

RAW EGG!!!???

>> No.7031184

Who the fuck said anything about raw egg?

>> No.7031186

Dude, Arkansas is not in the midwest

>> No.7031243

It's flyover land anyway you cut it.

>> No.7031248

ill never get this, 5 drinks isnt even a lot.

>> No.7031250

If you are so uncultered and poorly travled that you cannot tell the difference between Arkansas and Minnesota, I don't even know what to say

>> No.7031315
File: 18 KB, 456x228, Champane's Wine Cellar Warren MI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it came straight from wikipedia's page on dry counties

Read the Wiki page (I posted the link) Minnesota's alcohol laws are equal to or stricter then Michigan's but somehow MI is more "dry"?

>> No.7031317

lmao right, you live i flyoverand but I'm the uncultured one.

>> No.7031326

Yeah, I don't understand what yellow means

I'm only concerned with the red counties

>> No.7031329


>> No.7031337

Except I don't give a fuck what the difference is between flyover A and flyover B. I'm too busy worrying about the difference between New York, Montreal, London and Milano.

>> No.7031343

its actually pretty easy to do both

>> No.7031350

No one care about flyover land but flyovers. Leave your little town and experience different viewpoints and you'll realize how ridiculous you sound.

>> No.7031357


Saying Minnesota is not like Arkansas makes me sound ridiculous?

There is a huge difference between the american north and south, much more than you find going east/west

>> No.7031371

You sure? I mean it's not like it matters anyway