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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7025340 No.7025340 [Reply] [Original]

How are the nips so healthy when they are eating a 80% carb diet.

>> No.7025348


>> No.7025352

Turns out carbs aren't actually bad for you fam

you fell for the low carb meme

>> No.7025354

thats a fukkin lie its portion size

>> No.7025365

>spooky corn sugar meme
>literally just composed of 55% fructose

Just cut out needless sugar entirely

>> No.7025369

Genetics, smaller portions, and less bad fats.

>> No.7025370

look up calorie deficient diets

>> No.7025372

Isn't their carb-rich diet generally low GI?

>> No.7025378

>thinks everything affects metabolism equally


>> No.7025382

They don't eat a lot of food. This is why so many of them are fucking lankies.

>> No.7025398

No GMO, HFCS, less processed foods and spending $50 a night 5 times a week at some restaurant is not a thing over there.

>> No.7025457

Portion control.

Also, carbs aren't bad for you. You NEED carbs. You have evolved to desire them. Stop believing fat diet pseudo-religions.

>> No.7025464

Meant to say "fad," but hell, it works.

>> No.7025481

Ketogenic diets are retarded and bad for your health

unless you have epilepsy

>> No.7025500

are you fucking stupid?

>> No.7025523

Maybe it's just their genetics but most nips I see in youtube videos look skinny.

>> No.7025528

lanky means tall and skinny theyre all very short

>> No.7025530

This guy gets it. Too bad a majority of 4chan won't know what the fuck this man is talking about.

It's more complicated then just "all carbs are bad."

Educate yourselves

>> No.7025532

you should've just answered yes

>> No.7025533

They eat white rice everyday. That's not low GI.

>> No.7025536

This, HCLF all the way, preferly vegan, as the nips does aswell

>> No.7025539
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>> No.7025543

this is why trips are a bad idea, now everyone knows you are a retard

>> No.7025548

you should commit sudoku tbh fam

>> No.7025552

I already knew vomit chan was a dumbass. Really nothing unexpected from a tripfag.

>> No.7025554

I'm screencapping this, lol

>> No.7025558


>> No.7025576

smoking is still a thing there

>> No.7025605

Not only that, but their diets are high in sodium, they eat a lot of fried food, put added sugar in everything. It might be better than a typical American diet, but that doesn't make it healthy.

>> No.7025615

What makes them healthy is they have to walk everywhere.

>> No.7025731

they literally walk everywhere

>> No.7025928


Oh, and fucking stairs EVERYWHERE.

>> No.7026009


>> No.7026062


>> No.7026082

>dat gastric cancer rate

>> No.7026096


how can you even be on a Japanimation board not knowing this?

>> No.7026105

Not every body is the same.
Some people can eat tons of carbs and stay fit easily by being active.

For some people, eating too much carbs, especially the wrong kind, will cause insulin spikes and make them feel tired and less active.This turns into a cycle to where they live sedentary lifestyle. And it makes certain people want to eat more for some reason.

Not everybody responds the same way. Certain people are prone to getting fat from eating the same amount as carbs as you do. Like old Hispanic ladies.

Japanese has strict manners. Pigs will be called out. So they tend to all be reserved when it comes to pigging out. Of course there are exceptions and fat Japs.

>> No.7026292


no, not really.

>> No.7026298

they have to fucking walk everywhere

>> No.7026308
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It's because, like with all civilized countries, they consider physical activity to be a kind of fun, rather than a kind of temporary punishment to be endured when the doctor said they're going to die if they don't lose weight.

Americans are just conditioned to think destroying their own bodies is the only way to get pleasure.

>> No.7026313

Ever been to Japan? Most men are about the same as your average European, not including the mighty Dutch or Finns

>> No.7026328

Japanese people generally have shorter arms and legs than white people and less broad shoulders. Pretty much the complete opposite of lanky.

Source: I live here

>> No.7026329

Let alone one named vomit chan

>> No.7026334

Fuck off you weaboo fantasist.

>> No.7026338

Not true



>> No.7026361
File: 1.03 MB, 360x202, assgrab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that fucking geraint thomas? what anime is that?

i gave up the other cycling anime because it got too stupid

>> No.7026362



Fuck off nigger

>> No.7026367

Get the fuck out.

>> No.7026374

>i dont think anime belongs on a website called 4-ちゃん

>> No.7026377

>they're so healthy desu!!

Actually, their rates for gastrointestinal disease are pretty high considering how small their population is. Also their women have eating disorders and their portions are tiny as is.

>> No.7026380

Not on /ck/ you dirty pedophile.

>> No.7026453

Have you ever checked a potted plant in Japan? Filled to the brim with carbs! Nips are too polite to not eat their food so they just hide it and then venture to the red light district where they have some wholesome steak and hamburgers.

>> No.7026464

Smaller portions, shitting of mandated exercise.


>> No.7026488

Their ancestors have been eating grains for longer than our ancestors. That combined with their consumption of soy is why they're so small in stature and dick size. Their bodies are more adapted to it by now. They also eat a shitload of fish so they get their omega-3s and include more vegetables in their diet.

>> No.7026503

Why do white vegans get this idea that every meal in Asia is 90% soy byproducts and the rest sesame oil and sriracha?

>> No.7026506
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>white vegans


>> No.7026554

How you got that from my post I have no idea.

>> No.7026574

Don't get triggered by a meme, fam

>> No.7026580

>no GMO
>implying GMOs aren't fucking amazing

>> No.7026588

>he fell for the "carbs are bad" meme

>> No.7026608

Nips die of soy sauce. No literally, nips die of soy sauce. The lifetime build up from eating lots of lots of lots of soy sauce, with all that salt, has risks.
Aside from that, eating that much fish and veggies does give you nice life.

>> No.7026622

Do you eat bananas? 'Cause they are GMO

>> No.7026635

Salt is unfairly demonized in the west. Low Salt (2G/day) diets in anything but advanced Heart Failure (NYHA Class 3 and 4) actually show increased mortality compared to control.

The Japanese have superior longevity and cancer rates to westerners, except for stomach cancer, which they experience at higher rates, and would not probably be wrong to attribute to the amount of pickled and preserved foods in the diet.

>> No.7026658


>> No.7026692

Salt is pretty good. The only downside is that you can make salt with magnesium iodine and a few more stuff.
Western magnesium defect is sorta weird to watch. It produces super twitchy men.

>> No.7026708

In all honesty if bento boxes were quick and easy to make I would make one every morning before I go to work.

>> No.7026793

carbs are not bad the japs just fat shame the fuck out of people so no one overeats

>> No.7026839
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this tbh fam

>> No.7026849
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>How are the nips so healthy

and then she lifted her shirt and asked me, "How do you like the Nipponese?"

>> No.7026862
File: 40 KB, 625x461, jennifer-aniston-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Turkey's ready!

>> No.7026879

>pack leftovers into lunchbox with a little salad and fruit
>not quick + easy

>> No.7026883

Thanks for reminding me even Jennifer Aniston used to be moderately attractive.

>> No.7026910

Everyone walks a lot, smokes and eats small portions

Can't you make a few sets on Sunday and save them for the week?

>> No.7026938


rice takes minimum 20 minutes to simmer
sandwich takes about 30 seconds to make

sorry nips

>> No.7026949

Carbs aren't essential. You do not "need" them.

>> No.7027063

>non GMO
>with the amount of soy product that goes in their dishes

>> No.7027128

That's something called organic soy.

>> No.7027144

>all soy is GMO
Nice one fuck-knuckle

>> No.7027375

Unless you're chugging pure glucose, then yes, you do. Stop buying into your shitty religion, some fraud is making bank on your dumb ass.

>> No.7027388


Soy acts as estrogen in the male body. It's a perfect protein structure the human body cannot metabolize. Hence their tiny stature, feeble athletic prowess and pathetic "culture" .

1/200 males today are directly related to Khan through blood, that's East Asia's only contribution to humanity in the last 1000 years.

inb4: muh black powder and railroads in murrica

East Asians are nothing more than mimics. Their "technology" was developed by the West and given to them. They invented nothing.

They're also dirty and responsible for every flu strain known to man.... their aptitude for pollution is something unparalleled also.


slag off weebs, you worship skinny, feminine, weaklings that draw cartoons of boys getting fucked by frogs.

>> No.7027450

You do actually need some carbs to maintain gut flora and fecal motility

Try a diet consisting of nothing but fat and protein

>> No.7027510
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>> No.7027518

>Ketogenic diets are retarded and bad for your health
citation needed

>> No.7027519

wouldn't even repost it on /b/

>> No.7027542


>make rice on Sunday for the whole week
>go in on monday, rice is hard as fuck
>need to microwave it

How they FUCK do they make rice that doesn't turn hard when stored cooked and doesn't need to be microwaved?

Do they make something similar to sushi rice or something?

>> No.7027546

They have a rice cooker with a warm function.

>> No.7027585


the japanese katana sword forged o ut of sacred tamahagane steel blessed in mountain shrine waters, with the sword the japanese can cut in half the very concept of "unhealthy" removing the "un" part and leaving behind simply "healthy"

so it' snot so much about the diet than the transcendant nature of asia

>> No.7027605
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you lazy. It did make me think if there's a way to cook a bunch freeze and reheat it in a bag in the microwave like the store brands. it dont take too long in a pot.

>> No.7027613

Well, they do typically use short-grain rice which takes a lot longer to dry up, but even with longer grain rice, it shouldn't really dry up too bad.

>> No.7027616

try freezing it

>> No.7027618

Because carbs don't necessarily make you fat, eating too many calories does. Just apply whatever fadfags tells you makes you fat to someone starving to death and you'll understand. Would a homeless man become obese from eating 8 slices of bread everyday?

>> No.7027829
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They make it every day.
I know this from watching my animu.

>> No.7027836

Literally fucks your kidneys

>> No.7027842


>> No.7027843

>making rice for the whole week
do white people actually do this?

>> No.7028036
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>> No.7028040

I wake up at four in the morning and buy exclusive japanese rice just to make myself onigiri with katsuobushi in the inside.

I'm a fucking loser, but that shit is tasty.

>> No.7028044


>implying 100% of that post isn't true.

>> No.7029025 [DELETED] 

this is probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard

>> No.7029101

because they only eat that shit once a year (during some nip holiday during the summer season). rest of the time they eat fish and tofu

>> No.7029118
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>> No.7029905

social pressure doesn't allow fatness. it's not like they don't have junk food.

>> No.7029911

Carb meme is stale desu

>> No.7029927

carbs are good for you desu. its just a meme that their not.

>> No.7029930

check out the rate of stroke, heart atack, and stomach cancer in japan.

it's absurdly high for a country where only a single digit percent are overweight.

>> No.7030135

I would say Wiggo.